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Level ENT203: Top Notch 2

Unit 1: Getting Acquainted
No. Words Part of Example Meaning
1 Greeting noun He nodded his head in greeting. Chào hỏi
Bow verb Some people bow. Cúi chào
2 Shake hand verb They shake hands when they meet. Bắt tay
3 Formal/informal adj They want to make a formal/informal handshake. Cái bắt tay trang trọng/thân mật
4 Hug verb They hug each other. ôm
5 Custom noun It's the custom to get married in white dress. Phong tục
6 A pocket noun I put one hand in a pocket. Túi quần
7 Get acquainted verb The meetings were a way to get acquainted with each other. Làm quen
8 Appropriate adj Is this film appropriate for small children? thích hợp
9 Exchange verb We exchange greetings before the meeting. Trao đổi
10 Topic noun People think these topics are appropriate. Chủ đề

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11 Familiar adj You look familiar. Quen thuộc
12 Keep in touch verb We should keep in touch. Giữ liên lạc
13 The conference noun I will go to the conference next week. Hội nghị
14 Airport noun We need to go to the airport now. Sân bay
15 Around adv I could show you around. Dẫn đi xem xung quanh
16 Visitor noun You have some visitors to see you. khách
17 Climb verb He climbs to the top of the mountain. Leo, trèo
18 Go sightseeing verb They go sightseeing and drink beer. Đi ngắm cảnh
19 Fantastic adj It was fantastic. Tuyệt vời
20 Take picture verb I want to take some pictures. Chụp hình
21 Gesture noun She makes a rude gesture at the other driver. Cử chỉ
22 Lead to verb Hand gestures lead to misunderstanding. Dẫn đến
23 Cause verb Gestures can cause confusion. Gây ra
24 Non-verbal noun You will focus on non-verbal communication. Giao tiếp phi ngôn ngữ
25 Prefer verb I prefer ice-cream to milk tea. Thích hơn

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26 Culture noun I love the culture of Vietnam. Văn hóa
27 Fascinating adj The safari was fascinating. Lôi cuốn, hấp dẫn
28 Thrilling adj The trip was thrilling. Hồi hộp, rùng mình
29 Frightening adj The trip was frightening. Đáng sợ, kinh khủng
30 Disgusting adj The food was disgusting. Kinh tởm

Unit 2: Going to the movies

No. Words Part of Example Meaning
1 Wish list Noun I have a wish list for Christmas Danh sách mong muốn
2 Blockbuster noun End Game was the greatest blockbuster of this year. Phim bom tấn
3 Fall in love Verb They fall in love in Paris. Yêu, phải lòng
Disaster noun I think this is a disaster movie. Thiên tai
4 Poor artist noun He worked for 20 years but he was always a poor artist. Nghệ sĩ nghèo
5 Sink-sank-sunk verb Wood does not sink in water. chìm
6 Magnificent adj Titanic was a magnificent ship. Tráng lệ, vĩ đại
7 Epic adj Titanic is an epic classic romance. Sử thi, hoành tráng

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8 Classic adj Titanic is an epic classic romance. Cổ điển, kinh điển
9 Romance noun Titanic is an epic classic romance. Lãng mạn
10 Drama noun She studied English and drama at college. Kịch, bi kịch
11 Thrilling action noun This thrilling action movie will keep you sitting on the edge of Phim hành động gây cấn
movie your seat.
12 On the edge of noun This thrilling action movie will keep you sitting on the edge of Đứng ngồi không yên, rất hào
your seat your seat. hứng
13 violent adj The more violent scenes in the film were cut when it Bạo lực
was shown on television.
14 Adaptation noun Last year, he starred in the film adaptation Chuyển thể
of Bill Cronshaw's best-selling novel.
15 Novel noun Last year, he starred in the film adaptation Truyện, tiểu thuyết
of Bill Cronshaw's best-selling novel.
16 Story noun It is a wonderful story. Câu chuyện
17 Main character noun Harry Potter is the main character of the novel. Nhân vật chính
18 Fictional adj Harry Potter is a fictional novel. Viễn tưởng, hư cấu
19 Tragedy adj His reckless driving was bound to end in tragedy. Bi kịch
20 In the mood for phrase I am in the mood for some movies. Có tâm trạng cho

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21 A bunch of phrase They will give us a bunch (= a lot) of problems. 1 chùm, nhiều
22 Frankly adv She spoke very frankly about her experiences. Thẳng thắn
23 Bloody adj It will be bloody. Đẫm máu, tàn bạo
24 Spectacular noun There was a spectacular sunset last night. Ngoạn mục, hùng vĩ
25 Can’t stand verb I can’t stand you anymore. Chịu đựng
26 Animated movie noun I can’t stand animated movies. Phim hoạt hình
27 It’s my treat phrase It’s my treat. Tôi khao
28 Career noun I have followed her career all these years. Sự nghiệp
29 Except prepositi The museum is open daily except Monday(s). Ngoại trừ
30 Theater noun I am going to the theater. Nhà hát
31 Overslept verb I overslept. Ngủ quên
32 Miss verb I missed the bus. Trễ, bỏ lỡ
33 Parking space noun I couldn’t find a parking space. Chỗ đậu xe
34 Get stuck verb I get stuck in traffic. Mắc kẹt
35 Traffic noun I got stuck in traffic. Giao thông
36 Horror noun Tom watched in horror. Kinh dị, kinh hãi

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37 Science-fiction noun Science fiction stories often mention robots that can talk. Khoa học viễn tưởng
38 Comedy noun I prefer to watch comedy movies. Hài
39 Documentary noun I watched a documentary on the Civil War. Phim tài liệu
40 Musical film noun The musical movie is a movie genre in which several songs Nhạc kịch
sung by the characters.
41 Hilarious=very adj I thought it was hilarious. Hài hước
42 Silly adj You are so silly. Ngốc, ngớ ngẩn
43 Boring adj Her job is so boring. Buồn chán
44 Weird adj He has a weird hobby. Kỳ lạ
45 Unforgettable adj Let’s make our memories unforgettable together. Không thể quên
46 Romantic adj Have you watched the romantic movie on TV yet? Lãng mạn
47 Though- adj This is an entertaining yet thought-provoking film. Gợi lên suy nghĩ
48 The plot noun The film had an exciting plot. Cốt truyện
49 Director noun She's considered one of the best young directors in Đạo diễn
50 Aggressive adj Children’s behaviors have become more aggressive in recent Hành vi hung hăng
behavior years.

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51 convicted of noun The judges convicted Sunry of a serious crime Kết tội
52 Child abuse noun Child abuse is the mistreatment of a child by a parent, older Lạm dụng, ngược đãi trẻ em
53 Attitude noun It's often very difficult to change people's attitudes. Thái độ
54 To commit phrase They may even begin to commit violent acts. Thực hiện hành vi bạo lực
violent acts
55 Face phrase They don’t face consequences or punishment. Đối diện, chịu những hệ quả hay
consequences or sự trừng phạt
56 Their exposure phrase We can prevent their exposure to violent. Sự tiếp xúc với bạo lực
to violent
57 Murder noun One kind of crime is murder. Giết người
58 Crime noun One kind of crime is murder. Tội phạm

Unit 3: Staying in Hotels

No. Word Part of Example Meaning
1 Reservation noun I'd like to make a table reservation for two people for nine Sự đặt chỗ

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2 Twin bed noun Twin rooms have two beds. 2 giường đơn
3 Queen-size noun Double rooms have either king/queen size bed. Giường đôi lớn
4 King-size noun Double rooms have either king/queen size bed. Lớn hơn queen
5 Rollaway or noun He has a rollaway bed in his downstairs office. Giường phụ
extra bed
6 Airport shuttle noun We offer to our guests an airport shuttle service. Dịch vụ đưa đón sân bay
7 Sauna noun A sauna is a room in which people aim to relax in dry heat. Tắm hơi
8 In-room minibar noun There is room service, but bedrooms have no minibar or air- Tủ lạnh mini
9 Laundry service noun I have enough clothes. I don’t need to use laundry service. Dịch vụ giặt ủi
10 Shoeshine noun Room service includes our daily maid service and Đánh giày
service our shoeshine service.
11 Bell/luggage noun A service to helps guests with their luggage. Xách hành lý
12 A suite noun She has a suite of rooms in the hotel. Phòng thượng hạng
13 Check out verb I want to check out of room 504. Trả phòng
14 Check in verb I am here to check in. Nhận phòng, đăng ký

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15 Satisfactory adj The teachers seem to think his work is satisfactory. Thỏa mãn
16 Put this on phrase Would you like to put this on your visa card? Trả bằng
17 In a hurry phrase I am in a hurry. Talk to you later. Đang gấp,vội
18 Give someone a phrase Can you give me a hand? Giúp đỡ
19 Guest noun 150 guests were invited to the wedding. Khách
20 Extra towels noun We need extra towels to room 30 please. Khăn thêm
21 Hangers noun We need extra hangers to room 30 please. Móc quần áo
22 Skirt noun I love that pink skirt so much. Váy ngắn
23 An iron noun Even Iron Man need to use an iron for his clothes. Bàn là, bàn ủi
24 A hair dryer noun You can use a hair dryer for your wet hair. Máy sấy tóc
25 Make up the phrase I need a maid to make up my room. Dọn phòng
26 Turn down the phrase I need the maid to come back and turn down the bed. Trải ga giường
27 Pick up the phrase Could you send someone up to pick up some laundry? Lấy đồ đã giặt ủi
28 Bring up a phrase Can you bring up the newspaper for me? Giao, đưa báo

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29 Take away the phrase I have finished my meal. You can take away the dishes. Thu dọn chén dĩa
30 Fabulous adj The weather has been fabulous. Tuyệt vời,phi thường
31 Fountain noun My house is near to the city’s fountain. Đài phun nước
32 Location noun This is a great location to build a hotel. Địa điểm
33 Convenient adj Let’s go to the convenient store near our place. Tiện lợi
34 High-tech adj Yotel is a high-tech hotel in the city. Công nghệ cao/ hiện đại
35 Amenity noun Our hotel has all the amenities that you need. Tiện nghi/ ích
36 Entertainment noun You will never get bored because we have a lot of Giải trí
entertainment service for you.
37 Atmosphere noun This hotel has lots of atmosphere. Không gian
38 Affordable adj This new phone is so affordable. I can buy it. Đủ sức trả/ mua
39 Complaint noun She made a small complaint about the noise level. Lời phàn nàn
40 Cash noun I don’t keep money in card. I prefer cash. Tiền mặt
41 Concierge noun There was just the concierge left in his apartment by the gate. Điều phối, hỗ trợ khách hàng
42 Subway noun I took the subway to midtown. Tàu điện ngầm
43 Decorate verb I get to decorate your apartment next time. Trang trí
44 Colorful adjective Women like colorful umbrellas. Sặc sỡ, nhiều màu

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45 Authentic adjective We went to an authentic Mexican restaurant for my birthday. Thật, xác thực
46 Style noun He's got a great sense of style. Phong cách
47 Surprisingly adverb Her first work was surprisingly successful. Một cách bất ngờ
48 Value noun The items are highly valued by collectors. Giá trị
49 Pet noun He's a regular pet now like cat and dog. Thú cưng
50 Attraction noun Tom spent most days at the tourist attractions of the city. Địa điểm thu hút

Unit 4: Cars and Driving

No. Word Part of Example Meaning
1 Habit noun Both schools and parents need to educate youngsters to Thói quen
develop safe driving habits.
2 Driver noun The driver took them to a Spanish. Tài xế, người lái xe
3 Speed noun The vehicle maintained a speed of 40 miles per hour. Tốc độ
4 Weave through verb It took ten minutes for him to weave his way through the Lạn lách qua khỏi cái gì đó
5 Traffic noun The accident stopped traffic for hours. Giao thông, xe cộ

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6 Tailgate verb He hit the car in front of him because he was tailgating. Lái xe khoảng cách quá gần
7 Signal verb Giving a signal to the driver, the police officer waved the Bật xi nhan, ra hiệu
8 Turn verb I am going to turn left here. Rẽ hướng
9 Pass in a no- verb He passed me in a no-passing zone. Vượt qua ở khu vực cấm vượt
passing zone
10 Text while verb We need to ban texting while driving. Nhắn tin khi chạy xe
11 Talk on the noun Anne talks on the phone with her friend when she is driving. Nói chuyện điện thoại
12 Anniversary noun Tomorrow is our fifth anniversary. Lễ kỷ niệm
13 Congratulation noun Congratulations, you have a healthy baby boy. Lời chúc mừng
14 Kidding verb You’ve got to be kidding. Đùa, giỡn
15 Hurt adjective Let me help you up. Are you hurt? Bị thương
16 Goodness noun Don't cook vegetables for too long - Đặc tính tốt, điều tốt
they'll lose all their goodness.
17 Accident noun She was injured in a car/road accident (= when Tai nạn
one car hit another).

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18 Attention noun Could I have your attention, please? Sự chú ý
19 Multitask verb Women tend to multitask better than men do. Làm nhiều việc cùng lúc
20 Terrible adjective It was a terrible choice for a trip. Tệ, đáng sợ
21 Unbelievable adjective His guitar solos are just unbelievable. Không thể tin được
22 Exterior noun The car’s exterior door badly needs to be painted. Bên ngoài, ngoại thất
23 Interior noun Toby called from the interior of the warm car. Bên trong
24 Headlight noun The headlight on the near side isn't working. Đèn pha
25 Engine noun He waited to hear an engine start. Động cơ
26 Hood noun She yanked his hood off. Nắp capo, cốp xe
27 Windshield noun I was the guy who used to like to wipe windshields. Kính chắn gió
28 Wiper noun You can use windshield wiper when it rains. Cần gạt nước
29 Sunroof noun A sunroof is an optional extra. Cửa sổ nóc ô tô
30 Trunk noun The black car sat outside the building with its trunk open. Cốp xe
31 Taillight noun Your taillight is out. Đèn chiếu hậu
32 Bumper noun Both vans have a bumper. Hãm xung
33 Tire noun The tire blew out on my way to office. Lốp xe
34 Brake noun I can’t stop. The brake didn’t work. Thắng xe

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35 Emergency noun I can’t stop. The emergency brake didn’t work. Khẩn cấp
36 Gearshift noun It's difficult to find new gearshift for my car. Cần sang số
37 Side-view noun You naturally look at your side view mirrors to see what's Kính chiếu hậu hai bên xe
going on.
38 Rearview noun In her rearview mirror she saw she had his attention. Kính chiếu hậu bên trong
39 Seat belt noun Ignoring the seatbelt, she moved closer to him. Dây an toàn
40 Steering wheel noun Turn the steering wheel hard to the right! Now! Bánh lái
41 Horn noun A car horn outside woke him in less than five minutes. Còi xe
42 Dashboard noun Keith took a map from the dashboard. Bảng đồng hồ
43 Gas pedal noun She relaxed her foot on the gas pedal, and the car began to Chân ga
44 Brake pedal noun She pressed her foot down sharply on the brake pedal. Chân thắng
45 Clutch noun Clutch is the pedal next to the brake. Chân côn
46 Passenger noun I left a note for you on the passenger seat. Hành khách
47 Rental noun I had to take the car back to the rental company. Cho mướn, thuê
48 Angry adjective I've never seen her look so angry. Tức giận
49 Thank goodness noun Thank goodness. It’s over. Tạ ơn trời

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50 Businesswoman noun She is the best businesswoman of the year. Nữ doanh nhân
51 Aggressive adjective True to his word, he was aggressive without hurting her. Công kích, hung hăng
52 Tourist noun This is the time for the tourist to visit India. Khách du lịch
53 Rough adjective For many days he wandered through rough and dangerous Gồ ghề, không bằng phẳng
54 Permit verb Smoking is not permitted in the building. Cho phép
55 Destination noun When they reached their destination, Alex stopped. Điểm đến
56 Companion noun Dogs are important companions for many people. Người đồng hành
57 Visible adjective The ship was not visible through the fog. Có thể thấy được
58 Pick up verb Do you need me to pick you up? Đón khách
59 Drop off verb I will drop you off here, ok? Trả khách
60 Surrounding noun We drove around the surrounding countryside. Môi trường xung quanh
61 Stare verb She tried hard not to stare at the men. Nhìn chằm chằm
62 Gesture verb Middle finger is a rude gesture. Ra hiệu, cử chỉ
63 Flash verb Stop flashing that light in my eyes! Chiếu, rọi
64 Observe verb Now, good people, observe me carefully. Quan sát

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65 Speed limit noun The speed limit here is 55 mph. Giới hạn tốc độ
66 Maintain verb In order to maintain my grades at school, I must study hard. Duy trì
67 Distance noun She kept her distance from him. Khoảng cách
68 car crash noun When he was 10, he got into a car crash. Tai nạn xe, đụng xe
69 Inattentive adjective You were only inattentive, but you had talent. Không chú ý, lơ là
70 Control verb I can't control it yet. Kiểm soát
71 Defensive adjective He gets defensive when I mention his driving habit. Phòng vệ
72 Danger noun She knew what danger she was in. Nguy hiểm
73 Collision noun Two drivers were killed in collision between a car and a taxi. Sự va chạm
74 Suddenly adverb He suddenly decided to leave. Đột ngột
75 A compact car They sold their van and bought a compact car. Xe hạng nhỏ
76 A minivan They sold their minivan and bought a SUV. Loại xe thiết kế không gian rộng
77 A luxury car He hopes to buy a luxury car one day. Xe hạng sang
78 A convertible We want to buy a four-seater convertible car. Xe mui trần
79 An SUV You can now rent an SUV. Xe thể thao đa dụng

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Unit 5: Personal Care and Appearance
No. Word Part of Example Meaning
1 Appearance noun You shouldn't judge a man by his appearance. Vẻ ngoài, diện mạo
2 haircut noun He got a haircut. Cắt tóc
3 Facials noun Beauty therapist offering services such as facials & Chăm sóc da mặt
4 Shaves noun I'd like a shave. Cạo câu
5 Manicures noun Beauty therapist offering services such as facials & Làm móng tay
6 Pedicure noun Beauty therapist offering services such as pedicure & Làm móng chân
7 Kickboxing noun I've just started kickboxing. Google it :)
8 Pilates noun She was in decent shape from Pilates and the gym. Google it :)
9 Terrific adj Wynn was going to make a terrific friend. Tuyệt vời
10 Make an phrase I can make it to my appointment without you. Đăng ký cuộc hẹn
11 Cancel an phrase I'd like to cancel my appointment for tomorrow. Hủy

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12 Customary adj It is customary to hold the door open for someone behind you Lẽ thường, phong tục
13 Client noun Meeting with a client, he'll be back soon. Khách hang
14 A comb noun I'll keep the comb and brush. Lược
15 A brush noun I'll keep the comb and brush. Bàn chải
16 A toothbrush noun I'll keep the comb and toothbrush. Bàn chải đánh răng
17 A razor noun He put the razor in his shirt pocket. Đồ cạo râu
18 A nail clipper noun She took out a pair of nail clippers and began cutting Đồ cắt móng tay/chân
her nails.
19 A nail file noun She picked up a nail-file. Đồ giũa móng tay
20 Soap noun He smelled of soap, and his hair was wet. Xà phòng
21 Deodorant noun She applies deodorant to her armpits after shower. Chất khử mùi
22 Aftershave noun Get a fresh modern aftershave lotion. Dung dịch sau khi cạo râu
23 Toothpaste noun You must put toothpaste on your toothbrush 1st. Kem đánh răng
24 Shampoo noun It had to be the shampoo or soap. Dầu gội
25 Hairspray noun He wears far too much hairspray for my liking. Gôm xịt tóc
26 Sunscreen noun A sunscreen lotion may help protect from sun damage. Kem chống lắm
27 Dental floss noun In the bathroom she slid dental floss in and out between her Chỉ nha khoa

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28 Lotion noun The scent of her lotion still hung in the room. Sữa dưỡng
29 Lipstick noun She applied light colored lipstick. Son môi
30 Mascara noun We all liked the brown mascara and brownie lip. Tô mi
31 Eye shadow noun She's wearing eye shadow. Phấn mắt
32 Face powder noun This face powder will enhance your natural colouring. Phấn đánh mặt
33 Nail polish noun I also want a bright red nail polish. Sơn móng
34 Salon noun My hairdresser has opened a new salon. Thẩm mỹ viện
35 Cosmetic noun Jones had cosmetic surgery to repair the damage to his face. Phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ
36 Wrinkle and sun noun I have wrinkle and sun damage. Da nhăn và cháy nắng
37 A face-lift noun Is face-lift an option for me? Căng da mặt
38 A chemical peel noun The client leaves with the chemical peel solution on their Lột da hóa học
39 Improve verb I want to improve my appearance. Cải thiện
40 A piece of phrase This job interview will be a piece of cake for you. Dễ

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41 Procedure noun Installing a car battery is a simple procedure. Hủy
42 A cosmetic noun One ageing woman describes her experience of going to a Bác sĩ phẫu thuật thẫm mỹ
surgeon plastic surgeon.
43 Perform verb Dr. Wang will perform this surgery. Thực hiện
44 Liposuction noun The liposuction was performed in two separate procedures. Hút mỡ
45 Overweight adj His overweight partner was a quiet person. Thừa cân
46 Hair restoration noun Hair restoration is a long procedure to help bald guys. Phục hồi tóc
47 Physical feature noun Native people of difference parts of the world have Đặc điểm thể chất
different physical features.
48 Outer/ Inner noun Anderson grew to understand the importance of outer/inner Vẻ đẹp bên ngoài/ nội tâm
beauty beauty.
49 Attractive/ adj She is the most attractive/unattractive girl in school. Hấp dẫn
50 Youth noun I was a fairly good football player in my youth. Thời trẻ, thanh xuân
51 Health noun My health is the most important thing. Sức khỏe
52 Patience noun There was a limit to his patience. Sự kiên nhẫn
53 Warmth noun The warmth of his smile makes me feel alive. Sự ấm áp, ân cần
54 Kindness noun I've shown you what kindness I possess. Lòng tốt, sự tử tế

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Unit 6: Eating well
No. Word Part of Example Meaning
1 fat adj He eats all the time but he never gets fat Béo, mập
fat noun This product contains no animal fat Chất béo
2 oil noun Do you paint in oils or water colors? Dầu ăn, dầu hỏa, dầu vẻ tranh
3 sweet noun She bought a packet of sweets to suck on the way. Kẹo,
sweet adj I prefer salty snacks to sweet ones Ngọt
4 diet noun Diet varies between different countries in the world Chế độ ăn kiêng
diet verb You should be able to reduce your weight by careful dieting Ăn kiêng
5 balance noun overseas investments can add balance to an investment Thăng bằng
balance verb The flamingos balanced gracefully on one leg Làm cho thằng bằng
6 health noun I had to give up drinking for health reasons Sức khỏe
7 healthy adj She's a normal, healthy child Khỏe mạnh
8 dairy noun I was advised not to eat too much dairy Sản phẩm bơ sữa
dairy adj The shop doesn’t stock much dairy produce-only fresh milk, Sản phẩm làm từ sửa
9 serve verb they serve wine instead of beer. Phục vụ
10 calcium noun Calcium is a chemical element that presents in teeth, bones Chất can-xi
11 fruit noun Oranges, apples, pears, and bananas are all types of fruit Trái cây
fruit verb Over the last few years, our apple trees have been fruiting Làm cho cây đậu nhiều trái

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much earlier than usual
12 vitamin noun Oranges are full of vitamin C Vi-ta-min, sinh tố
13 fiber noun Doctors recommend a diet of fruits, vegetables, Chất xơ
and grains that are high in fiber.
14 grain noun A few chickens were scratching around in the yard for grain. Hạt
15 pasta noun Spaghetti, lasagna, ravioli, and cannelloni are all types of Mỳ ống
16 carbohydrate noun Bread, fruits, and vegetables consist of too much Chất các-bon
17 bean noun The beans will only germinate if the temperature is warm Hạt đâu
18 protein noun Meat and fish are a vital source of protein. Chất đạm
19 leafy adj People love the leafy streets and period houses of the area Nhiều lá
20 poultry noun Some poultry farmers keep turkeys and ducks as well Gia ầm
as chickens.
21 legume noun he sows a mixture of grasses and legumes Cây họ đậu
22 avoid verb I try to avoid supermarkets on Saturdays - they're always Tránh né
so busy
23 resist verb The town had been besieged for two months but still resisted Kháng cự
the aggressors.
24 craving noun We had a craving for zucchini bread. Thèm thuồng
25 admit verb the office finally admitted that several prisoners had been Thừa nhận
26 calorie noun There are about 50 calories in an apple Nhiệt lượng, ca-lo
27 anyway adv How she lives with him is beyond me. Anyway, I really like Dù sao

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28 turn down verb the company has suffered a dramatic turn down after a storm Giảm xuống
of bad publicity
29 description noun people who had seen him were able to give a description Sự miêu tả
30 mushroom noun this recipe needs to choose mushrooms with large caps Cây mấm
mushroom verb The number of computers in schools has mushroomed Mọc nhanh như nấm
in recent years
31 vegan noun I'm a strict vegan Thuần chay
32 Atkins diet noun In Atkins diet, people eat protein and no or few carbohydrates Ăn kiêng Atkins
to lose body weight
33 passion noun Football arouses a good deal of passion among its fans Niềm đam mê
34 eater noun it was a good place to dine if you were a fish eater Người ăn
35 drinker noun He's a light drinker Người uống rượu
36 addict noun I'm a shopping addict Con nghiện
37 lover noun They were friends before they became lovers Người yêu
38 sushi noun I ate the sushi plain, without soy sauce or wasabi Su-shi
39 asparagus noun Host-finding is probably easier for asparagus flies than for Măng tây
most other nephritides.
40 definitely adv I will definitely be at the airport to meet you Chắc chắn
41 excuse noun No one will have the excuse that they didn’t know Lời bào chữa
excuse verb Nothing can excuse that sort of behavior. Bào chữa
42 decline verb Caroline declined the coffee Từ chối
43 religion noun What do you think is the role of religion in the modern world? Tôn giáo
44 allergic adj I'm allergic to cats. Dị ứng
45 broccoli noun Evaluation of various color hydro mulches and weed fabric Bông cải xanh
on broccoli insect populations

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46 steak noun Shall we have steak for dinner? Bó hầm
47 disgust noun She walked out in disgust Sự ghê tởm
disgust verb Doesn't all this violence on TV disgust you? Ghê tởm
48 spicy adj Do you like spicy food? Vị cay
49 octopus noun Octopus is a sea creature with a soft oval body and Bạch tuộc
eight tentacles
50 shellfish noun This species is harmful to marine shellfish Động vât có vỏ
51 tofu noun Inside the container was a stick with a piece of tofu and a Đậu hủ
52 beet noun Data are pooled over beets and lettuce because there was no Củ cải đường
crop by seed meal interaction for either year.
53 gain verb I have gained weight over the years Thu được
gain noun the mayor was accused of using municipal funds for personal Sự tăng thêm
54 struggle verb he struggled to break free Đấu tranh
struggle noun It was a terrible struggle for him to accept her death Cuộc đấu tranh
55 consume verb People consume a good deal of sugar in drinks Tiêu thụ
56 sauce noun The cubes can be added to soups and sauces Nước xốt
57 clue noun police officers are still searching for clues Manh mối
58 researcher noun A medical researcher who pioneered the development of Nhà nghiên cứu
59 conclude verb We concluded by singing carols Kết luận
60 tend verb Her hair tended to come loose Có xu hướng
61 reach verb She reached out to squeeze Hope's hand Chạm tới
62 extensive adj Her knowledge of music is extensive Sâu rộng
63 issue noun The issue of promissory notes by the bank Vấn đề

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64 fairly adj he could not fairly be accused of wasting police time Công bằng
65 contrast noun The day began cold and blustery, in contrast to almost two Sự tương phản
weeks of uninterrupted sunshine
contrast verb His friend's success contrasted with his own failure Tương phản
66 squeeze verb Kate squeezed his hand affectionately Vắt kiệt
squeezs noun She gave the present a quick squeeze and tried to guess what Sự ép, sức ép
was inside
67 ability noun The manager had lost his ability to motivate the players Có khả năng
68 sense verb With the first frost, they could sense a change in the days Cảm giác
sense noun the bear has a keen sense of smell that enables it to hunt at Giác quan
69 argue verb She was too tired to argue the point Tranh luận
70 quality noun The food was of such poor/low quality Chất lượng
71 cheese noun Would you like a slice/piece of cheese with your bread? Pho mai
72 can noun You'll need a can of tuna for this recipe. Cái hộp, cái lon
can verb He works in a factory where they can fruit Đóng hộp
73 frozen adj They skated over the frozen lake. Đông cứng
74 despite adj he remains a great leader despite age and infirmity Mặc dù
75 report verb We called the insurance company to report the theft Báo cáo
report noun She sent in weekly reports on the situation. Bài báo
76 rate noun the crime rate rose by 26 percent. Tỉ lệ
77 obesity noun A diet that is high in fat and sugar can lead to obesity. Béo phì
78 extreme adv People here are living in conditions of extreme poverty. Rất lớn
79 overweight adj He used to be very overweight Thừ cân
80 acceptance noun He had an acceptance from the magazine Sự chấp thuận
81 grow verb This plant grows best in the shade Lớn lên
82 frame verb I keep meaning to get that photo framed Đóng khung

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83 assessment noun Would you say that is a fair assessment of the situation Sự đánh giá
84 dessert noun If you make the main course, I'll make a dessert Món tráng miệng
85 illness noun He died after a long illness. Bệnh
86 local adj Most of the local population depend on fishing for their Thuộc địa phương
local noun the street was full of locals and tourists Địa phương
87 terrific adj Mr. Jones thought my history paper was terrific. Thơm ngon
88 terrible adj The stranger gave a terrible smile. Khủng khiếp
89 smell verb I think I can smell something burning Ngửi mùi
smell noun There's a delicious smell in here Mùi
90 taste verb she had never tasted ice cream before Nếm thử
taste noun the wine had a fruity taste Mùi vị
91 salty adj I love peanuts and other salty snacks. Vị mặn
92 sour adj she sampled the wine and found it was sour chua
93 soft adj the ground was soft beneath their feet Mềm mại
94 hard adj they work hard at school Cứng, chăm chỉ
95 chewy adj the rye bread has a nice, chewy texture dai
96 crunchy adj bake until the topping is crunchy giòn
97 grasshopper noun Some experiments were carried out on this subject with some Con châu chấu
of the common grasshoppers.
98 mochi noun Cooked mochi is more sticky than conventional Japanese rice. Bánh bao Nhật
99 kim chee noun Gimbap is often eaten during picnics or outdoor events, or as Cải muối Hàn Quốc
a light lunch, served with danmuji or kimchi
100 cabbage noun I'd have cabbage galore in the bank if I were more frugal Cải bắp
101 caviar noun Caviar is the pickled roe of sturgeon or other large fish, eaten Trứng cá muối
as a delicacy.

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102 Jell-O noun Jell-O is a fruit-flavored gelatin dessert made from a Rau câu Mỹ
commercially prepared powder.
103 recommend verb George had recommended some local architects Giới thiệu
104 flour noun To make the pastry, sieve the flour and salt into a mixing Bột mì
105 clam noun Clam is a marine bivalve mollusk with shells of equal size. Con ngao
106 salmon noun I chose the salmon for my main course. Cá hồi
107 scallop noun These demarcate the so-called "scallops", or commissural Con sò
108 shrimp noun Shrimp is a very small sea creature similar to Con tôm
a prawn but smaller, or its flesh eaten as food
109 grapefruit noun Before producing vegetables, this site was an Bưởi
abandoned grapefruit grove.
110 squid noun Studies of parasites as tags for marine invertebrates have Mực ống
concentrated on squid.
111 peanut noun Children can choke on peanuts Đậu phụng
112 lime noun Lime is a green, oval fruit whose juice has a sour taste Trái chanh
113 pepper noun The pasta was served in a scream sauce spiked with black Tiêu xanh
114 ingredient noun pork is an important ingredient in many stir-fried dishes Thành phần
115 soy noun Soy is a key ingredient in livestock feed. Đậu nành
116 sesame noun Sesame is a herb grown for its small oval seeds and its oil Vừng, mè
117 lettuce noun Lettuce is a plant with large, green leaves, eaten uncooked in Rau diếp
118 garlic noun This recipe takes four cloves of garlic Tỏi

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119 onion noun Lightly brown the onion before adding the tomatoes. Củ hành
120 avocado noun They grow avocados which taste sensational. Trái bơ
121 parsley noun Parsley is an herb with curly or flat green leaves, used Ngò tây
to add flavor to food or to decorate it.
122 mint noun I tried sucking a mint to stop myself coughing. Cây bạc hà
123 cracked wheat noun Cracked wheat is grains of wheat that have been crushed into Lúa mì nứt
small pieces.
124 pork noun I much prefer kitchen to beef or pork Thịt heo
125 raising noun Raisin is a dried black grape Nho khô

Unit 7: About Personality

No. Words Part of Example Meaning
1 personality Noun She had a sunny personality that was very engaging. Nhân cách
2 psychology noun She studied psychology at Harvard. Tâm lý học
3 affect Verb The divorce affected every aspect of her life. ảnh hưởng
effect noun I think I'm suffering from the effects of too little sleep. Sự ảnh hưởng
4 confirm verb He report confirms that a diet rich in vitamin C can help to Xác nhận
prevent cataracts.
5 appeal verb She appealed to Germany for political asylum. Kêu gọi
6 expert noun He is an expert in handling the media. Chuyên gia
7 attract verb These flowers are brightly colored in order to Thu hút
attract butterflies.
8 noticeable adj There has been a noticeable improvement in Tim's cooking. Đáng chú ý

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9 temper noun He rushed out in a very bad temper. Nóng nảy
10 oppose verb The military has opposed any cuts in defense spending. Chống đối
11 process verb They processed down the aisle. Xử lý
12 appetite noun He has a healthy appetite. Khao khát
13 preference noun He chose a clock in preference to a watch. Sở thích
14 emerald noun The leaves are emerald green. Ngọc lục bảo
15 lilac noun The lilacs are in bloom. Hoa cà
16 associate verb I associated wealth with freedom. Liên kết
17 wallpaper noun Wallpaper is a paper that is pasted in vertical strips over the Giấy dán tường
walls of a room.
18 feminine adj The current style in evening wear is soft, romantic, and Giống nữ, nữ tính
19 masculine adj He is outstandingly handsome and robust, very masculine. Phái nam
20 pull verb I pulled the door shut behind me. Kéo túm
21 silly adj “Don't be silly!” she said. Ngớ ngẩn
22 sudden adj He had a sudden heart attack while he was on holiday. Bất thình lình
23 truly adv He speaks truly. Thành thật
24 principle noun The first principle of all things was water. Nguyên tắc
25 advantage noun Companies with a computerized database are at an advantage. Lợi thế
26 opportunity noun we may see increased opportunities for export. Cơ hội
27 socialize verb He didn't mind socializing with his staff. Giao lưu, xã hội hóa
28 expect verb He expects the stock market to sink further. Chờ đợi
29 acquaintance noun The students had little acquaintance with the language. Người quen
30 mind verb I don't mind the rain. Chú ý
31 awesome adj You look totally awesome in that dress. Tuyệt vời
32 thrilling adj It was a thrilling game. Kịch tính
33 weird adj Her boyfriend's a bit weird but she's nice. Kì dị

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34 horrible adj It's a horrible sight. Khiếp sợ
35 frightening adj It is frightening to think what might happen if she left him. Khủng khiếp
36 depress verb That first day at school depressed me. Chán nản
depressed adj She became deeply depressed when her husband died. Buồn rầu
37 upset adj She looked pale and upset. Buồn bã
38 apologize verb We apologize to him for our error. Xin lỗi
39 extrovert noun his extrovert personality made him the ideal host. Hướng ngoại
40 introvert noun It was found to be too long, introverted, and serious for Hướng nội
popular taste.
41 vacation noun His marriage was the reason for the vacation of his fellowship. Kỳ nghỉ
42 origin noun The terminology has its origins in America. Nguồn gốc
43 development noun She traces the development of the novel. Phát triển
44 nurture noun Which do you believe has the strongest influence on Nuôi dưỡng
how children develop - nature or nurture?
45 define verb The contract will seek to define the client's obligations. Định nghĩa
46 manner noun Didn't your mother teach you any manners? Cách thức
47 pattern noun The pattern of family life has been changing over recent years. Mẫu
48 lifetime noun A watch of this quality should last a lifetime. Cả đời
49 predictable adj The market is volatile and never predictable. Có thể đoán trước
50 cope verb It all got too much for me and I couldn't cope. Đương đầu
51 trouble noun He was not troubled by doubts. Rắc rối
52 emotion noun Fear had become his dominant emotion. Cảm xúc
53 spectrum noun Self-help books are covering a broader and broader spectrum. Quang phổ
54 psychologist noun I'm attending a psychologist. Nhà tâm lý học
55 ordinary adj He sets out to depict ordinary people. Bình thường
56 debate verb The date when people first entered America is hotly debated. Tranh luận
57 combination noun A combination of tiredness and boredom caused me Sự phối hợp

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to fall asleep.
58 influence noun I was still under the influence of my parents. Sự ảnh hưởng
influence verb Government regulations can influence behavior, but often Ảnh hưởng
without changing underlying values and motivations.
59 determine verb It will be her mental attitude that determines her future. Quyết định
60 form noun Her obsession has taken the form of compulsive exercise. Hình thức
form verb The company was formed in 1982. Hình thành
61 continuum noun It's not "left-wing or right-wing" - political opinion is Liên tục
a long continuum.
62 characteristic noun Unfortunately a big nose is a family characteristic. Nét đặc trưng
63 inherit verb She inherited a fortune from her father. Thừa kế
64 biologically adv Men and women are different biologically. Về mặt sinh học
65 gene noun Proteins coded directly by genes. Gien
66 genetic adj Cystic fibrosis is caused by a genetic defect. Di truyền
67 controversy noun The announcement ended a protracted controversy. Cuôc tranh luận
68 discover verb She discovered her lover in the arms of another woman. Khám phá
69 conduct verb In the second trial he conducted his own defense. Tiến hành
70 settle verb Every effort was made to settle the dispute. Giải quyết
71 discard verb Hilary bundled up the clothes she had discarded. Loại bỏ
72 remain verb A cloister is all that remains of the monastery. Còn xót lại
73 anger noun Anger is a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or Sự phẩn nộ
74 trait noun He was a letter-of-the-law man, a common trait among Đặc điểm
75 seek verb They came here to seek shelter from biting winter winds. Tìm kiếm
76 peace noun You can while away an hour or two in peace and seclusion. Hòa bình

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77 mixture noun Mixture is a substance made by mixing other substances Hỗn hợp
78 sibling noun I have four siblings: three brothers and a sister. Anh chị em
79 critical adj He was critical of many U.S. welfare programs. Phê phán
80 dissatisfy verb What is it about these words that dissatisfies you? Không hài lòng
81 obey verb I always obey my father. Tuân theo
82 push verb She pushed her glass toward him. Đẩy
83 jealous adj He grew jealous of her success. Ghen tị
84 rebellious verb He smoothed back a rebellious lock of hair. Ương ngạnh
85 wash verb I stripped and washed myself all over. Rửa, giặt
86 position noun Mrs. Snell had taken up her position on the bottom step of the Vị trí
87 rebel verb The people rebelled against the harsh new government. Nổi loạn
88 lovable adj He has a lovable, sweet personality. Đáng yêu
89 object verb No one objected when the boss said it was time to go home. Phản bác
90 criticism noun He received a lot of criticism. Sự chỉ trích
Unit 8: The Arts
No. Word Part of Example Meaning
1 exhibit noun The museum is rich in exhibits. Triển lãm
2 jewelry noun She had silver hair and chunky gold jewelry. Đồ trang sức
3 pottery noun They sell pottery and other handmade goods Đồ gốm
4 drawing noun She gave me a beautiful drawing of a horse. Bản vẽ
5 sculpture noun Tom teaches sculpture at the local art school. Điêu khắc
6 painting noun The walls are covered in oil paintings. Bức vẽ

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7 photography noun She's taking an evening class in photography. Nhiếp ảnh
8 gallery noun He frequently exhibits at the art gallery. Bộ sưu tập
9 necklace noun Her diamond necklace glittered brilliantly under the spotlights. Vòng đeo cổ
10 provoke noun The decision provoked a storm of protest from civil rights Chọc giận
11 impressive adj That was an impressive performance from such Ấn tượng
a young tennis player.
12 artistic adj That's a very artistic flower arrangement you have there. Thuộc về nghệ thuật
13 judge verb It is hard to judge whether such opposition is justified. Phán đáon
14 abstract adj Truth and beauty are abstract concepts. Trừu tượng
15 realistic adj Jobs are scarce at the moment, so you've got to be realistic. Thực tế
16 traditional adj She's very traditional (in her ideas and opinions). Truyền thống
17 modern adj We're in the very modern-looking building opposite the station. Hiện đại
18 recommend verb George had recommended some local architects. Giới thiệu
19 pyramid noun The acrobats formed a pyramid by standing on each Kim tự tháp
other's shoulders.
20 add verb This development added to the problems facing the staff. Cộng thêm
21 create verb He created a thirty-acre lake. Tạo nên
22 design verb A number of architectural students were designing a factory. Thiết kế
23 melody noun He picked out an intricate melody on his guitar. Giai điệu
24 composer noun Mozart was her favorite composer. Nhà soạn nhạc
25 terracotta noun I've painted my bedroom terracotta. Đất nung
26 figure noun She had always been so proud of her figure. Nhân vật, tượng
27 filmmaker noun It is a term applied by academics, not by the filmmakers or Nhà làm phim
28 printmaker noun He is a painter and printmaker. Thợ in

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29 weaver noun An estimated 1 million sari weavers Thợ dệt
are facing almost certain ruin.
30 rug noun My dog loves lying on the rug in front of the fire. Tấm thảm
31 jade noun The jewelry is crafted from carved jade and bone. Ngọc bích
32 wood noun He gathered some wood to build a fire. Gỗ
33 handmade adj Handmade products are becoming increasingly popular. Làm bằng tay
34 handicraft noun The huge market is noted for superb local food specialities and Thủ công
35 pitcher noun Catchers flash signs in code to the pitcher as they crouch Cái bình
behind the plate.
36 ceramic noun Using glass and Gốm sứ
ceramic cups and mugs instead of Styrofoam or paper cups wou
ld cut waste.
37 silver noun The dark hair was now highlighted with silver. Bạc
38 bracelet noun I took the bracelet back to the jewelers’ because Vòng đeo tay
the catch was faulty.
39 bowl noun Would you like a bowl of soup? Tô, bát
40 quilt noun The roof space should be insulated with a glass-fiber quilt at Cái chăn
least 100 mm thick.
41 tribe noun The whole tribe seem to have disappeared off the face of Bộ lạc
the earth.
42 Sew-sewed- verb My grandmother taught me to sew. May, khâu
43 beeswax noun Historically, the basic medium for wax modelling was beeswax. Sáp ong

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44 unique adj I'd recognize your handwriting anywhere - it's unique. Độc nhất
45 decoration noun He's good at cake decoration. Trang trí
46 vase noun The vase landed on the floor with a crash. Cái bình hoa
47 doll noun She had a doll tucked under her arm. Búp bê
48 oblige verb Doctors are obliged by law to keep patients alive while there is Bắt buộc
a chance of recovery.
49 refuse verb I refused to answer. Từ chối
50 claim verb He claimed that he came from a wealthy, educated family. Yêu cầu
51 scribble verb Hastily he scribbled in the margin. Viết nguệch ngoạc
52 doodle verb She'd doodled all over her textbooks. Vẽ nguêch ngoạc
53 evidence noun The study finds little evidence of overt discrimination. Chứng cứ
54 passionate adj He's passionate about football. Đam mê
55 motivate verb He was primarily motivated by the desire for profit. Động viên
56 brain noun Success requires brain as well as brawn. Óc, não
57 potential adj A number of potential buyers have expressed interest in Tiềm năng
the company.
58 govern verb He was incapable of governing the country. Quản lý
59 response noun Without waiting for a response, she returned to her newspaper. Sự đáp lại
60 relationship noun The study will assess the relationship between unemployment Mối quan hệ
and political attitudes.
61 scale noun How would you rate his work on a scale of 1 to 5? Tỉ lệ
62 inspired adj They had to thank the goalie for some inspired saves. Truyền cảm hứng
63 capture verb The Russians captured 13,000 men. Bắt lấy
64 similarity noun The similarity of symptoms makes them hard to diagnose. Giống nhau
65 fascinate verb She was fascinated to learn about this strange land. Mê hoặc
66 theme noun The theme of the sermon was reverence. Chủ đề
67 touch verb I didn't play her records or touch any of her stuff. Chạm

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68 explore verb The project encourages children to explore the world of Khám phá
69 attract verb The circus is attracting huge crowds/audiences. Thu hút
70 architect noun Bevan was the architect of the British National Health Service. Kiến trúc sư
71 carve verb The wood was carved with runes. Khắc chạm
72 metal noun Being a metal, aluminum readily conducts heat. Kim loại
73 statue noun They planned to erect a statue to the president. Bức tượng
74 academia noun He spent his working life in academia. Học viện

Unit 9: Ling in Cyberspace

No. Word Part of Example Meaning
1 Cyberspace noun I stayed in cyberspace for just a few minutes. Không gian mạng
2 community noun Rhode Island's Japanese community. Cộng động
3 edit verb My volume was edited by J. Johnson. Biên tập
4 upload verb You can upload your prepared text. Tải lên
5 profile noun The man turned and she caught his profile. Hồ sơ
6 colosseum noun The Octagon would hold four Roman colosseums. Đấu trường
7 airline noun What airline did you fly with? Hãng hàng không
8 service noun Millions are involved in voluntary service. Dich vụ
9 fooling verb she had been fooling herself in thinking she could remain Lừa gạt
10 interrupt verb The buzzer interrupted his thoughts. Làm gián đoạn
11 attachment noun The food processor comes with a blender attachment. Tạp tin đính kèm

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12 froze verb He insisted on the consumption of fresh meat and to that Đóng băng
end froze the blood of the game.
13 sender noun Evidence submitted late will be returned to the sender. Người gửi
14 malware noun That is why, in the coming weeks, we are going to present a Phần mềm độc hại
communication on spam, spyware and malware.
15 trick noun Buyers can be tricked by savvy sellers. Cú lừa
16 troubleshoot verb They brought me in to troubleshoot - to go in, sort out Gỡ rối
the problem, and get out again.
17 toolbar noun A toolbar across the top of the page includes buttons with one- Thanh công cụ
click access to other sites.
18 screen noun Our television has a 19-inch screen. Màn hình
19 component noun The factory supplies electrical components for cars. Thành phần
20 command noun It's unlikely they'll obey your commands. Chỉ huy
21 monitor noun Rosie was chosen to be monitor in class that day. Giám sát
22 touchpad noun Touchpad is a special area on a laptop or other computer that Bàn di chuyển chuột
you touch in order to move the cursor or give an instruction
23 pull-down menu noun Pull-down menu is a list of instructions, especially on Menu kéo xuống
a computer screen, that is hidden until you open it
24 cursor noun You can move the cursor either by using the mouse or by using Con trỏ
the arrow keys on the keyboard.
25 scroll verb The wind scrolled back the uppermost layer of loose dust. Cuộn
26 icon noun Icon is a small picture or symbol on a computer screen that Biểu tượng
you point to and click on (= press) with a mouse to give
the computer an instruction.

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27 document noun The photographer spent years documenting the lives of miners. Tài liệu
28 scanner noun An MRI scanner makes images of the brain, spinal cord, and Máy quét
other organs.
29 wiper noun One of our wipers is stuck. Khăn lau
30 windshield noun The joint errors in the motor windshield glass curve-tracking. Kính chắn gió
31 salon noun Student hairdressing salons and catering restaurants are both Thẩm mỹ viện
cases in point.
32 manicure noun You could help me style my hair, manicure my nails. Cắt móng tay
33 crash verb The stolen car she was riding in crashed into a tree. Làm bể
34 feature noun Safety features like dual air bags. Đặc tính
35 joystick noun He moves a joystick to control the robotic arm. Cần điều khiển
36 tablet noun This tablet PC converts into a smoothly working notebook with Máy tính bảng
a keyboard addition.
37 controller noun The assisted braking controller is integrated into the dash. Người/máy điều khiển
38 cost verb Each issue of the magazine costs $2.25. Giá cả
39 specific adj Increasing the electricity supply only until it met specific Riêng biệt
development needs.
40 content noun She unscrewed the top of the flask and drank the contents. Nội dung
41 surf verb He spends a lot of time surfing the internet. Lướt
42 post verb The exam results were posted this morning. Đăng bài
43 networking noun The demand for wireless networking is increasing rapidly. Mạng lưới
44 application noun I've sent off applications for four different jobs. Ứng dụng
45 participate verb She never participates in any of our discussions, does she? Tham gia
46 impact noun The impact of the crash reduced the car to a third Sự đụng chạm
of its original length.
47 identify verb The contact would identify himself simply as Cobra. Nhận diện

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48 accuse verb He was accused of murdering his wife's lover. Buộc tội
49 steal verb She admitted stealing the money from her employers. Lấy trộm
50 store noun After the grocery store I took a left. Cửa hàng
51 pretend verb She turned the pages and pretended to read. Giả vờ
52 criminal noun These men are dangerous criminals. Tội phạm
53 prevent verb Action must be taken to prevent further accidents. Ngăn chặn
54 battle noun Her only brother was killed in battle. Trận chiến
55 hacker noun "Bots" can even allow hackers to take over systems. Tin tặc
56 epidemic noun Crime and poverty are epidemic in the city. Bệnh dịch
57 proportion noun Children make up a large proportion of the world's population. Tỉ lệ
58 damage noun She was awarded $284,000 in damages. Thiệt hại
59 communicate verb The prisoner was forbidden to communicate with his family. Giao tiếp
60 exchange verb We exchanged addresses. Đổi chác
61 change verb I almost didn't recognize her - she'd changed so much. Thay đổi
62 criticize verb States criticized the failure to provide an adequate and Chỉ trích
permanent compensation.
63 commit verb he committed an uncharacteristic error Cam kết
64 suicide noun Many suicides occur in prisons Tự sát
65 spread noun Warmer temperatures could help reduce the spread of the Sự lây lan
66 Anti-virus adj Anti-virus companies have been tracking the virus Chống vi-rút
67 instant adj He offense justified instant dismissal. Tức thì

Unit 10: Ethics and Values

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No. Word Part of Example Meaning
1 ethic noun The puritan ethic was being replaced by the hedonist ethic. Đạo đức
2 value noun Your support is of great value. Giá trị
3 moral noun The moral of this story was that one must see the beauty in Luân lý
what one has.
4 dilemma noun the people often face the dilemma of feeding themselves or Tình huống khó xử
their cattle.
5 gear noun She wears all the latest gear. Đồ dùng, hợp số
6 windbreaker noun Windbreaker is a jacket made from a material that protects you Áo gió
from the wind.
7 invoice noun Invoices must be submitted by the 24th of every month. Hóa đơn
8 sirloin noun Sirloin is the best meat from the lower back of a cow. Thịt thăn
9 sparkling adj Champagne is a sparkling wine. Lung linh
10 ridiculous adj When you realize how ridiculous these scenarios are, you will Nực cười
have to laugh.
11 split verb He ice cracked and heaved and split. Tách ra
12 suppose verb I suppose I got there about half past eleven. Giả sử
13 owner noun We still haven't found the dog's owner. Chủ nhân
14 bucket noun Armed with a bucket and a mop, I started washing the floor. Thùng/gàu múc nước
15 coworker noun Her strong work ethic and high standards have garnered respect Đồng nghiệp
and support from co-workers and employees alike.
16 clerk noun The clerk inserted the bank's master key in the lower lock. Nhân viên bán hàng
17 dessert noun what's for dessert? Món tráng miệng
18 absolutely adv You're absolutely right. Chắc chắn

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19 charge verb The bank charged commission to change my Tính phí
traveller's cheques.
20 undercharge verb The retailer has been undercharged and actually owes the Phụ phí
supplier more money.
21 possessive adj She was possessive of our eldest son. Sở hữu
22 suitcase noun Have you packed/unpacked your suitcase yet? Va li
23 coat noun We need a coat hook on the back of this door. Áo choàng ngoài
24 concert noun I'm playing in a concert at the church hall next weekend. Buổi hòa nhạc
25 tattoo noun A military tattoo takes place with clockwork precision. Hình xăm
26 pierce verb A splinter had pierced the skin. khoan
27 dye verb I dyed my hair blond. Nhuộm
28 convince verb You couldn't convince him that a floppy disk was as good as a Thuyết phục
29 prefer verb Val would presumably prefer that you didn't get arrested. Thích hơn
30 double standard noun The prolonged consideration of the issue represented a double Tiêu chuẩn kép
31 sexist noun I want to make it clear that I'm certainly not a sexist. Phân biệt giới tính
32 treat verb He had been brutally treated. Đối xử
33 modesty noun With typical modesty he insisted on sharing the credit with Khiêm tốn
34 measure verb The amount of water collected is measured in pints. Đo lường
35 attitude noun Being competitive is an attitude of mind. Thái độ
36 kindness noun There's no limit to her kindness. Lòng tốt
37 honesty noun It was not, in all honesty, an auspicious debut. Lòng trung thực
38 homeless adj Accommodation needs to be found for thousands of Người vô gia cư

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homeless families.
39 trash noun There's nothing but trash on TV tonight. Rác
40 bin noun Do you want this or shall I throw it in the bin? Thùng rác
41 recyclable adj The containers are recyclable. Có thể tái chế
42 doubt verb I doubt my ability to do the job. Nghi ngờ
43 pray verb She knelt and prayed silently. Cầu nguyện
44 wrap verb Leonora wrapped herself in a large white bath towel. Bọc lại
45 wad noun She used a wad (= a mass) of tissues to wipe away the blood. Một xấp
46 belong verb The vehicle did not belong to him. Thuộc về
47 reward noun He's reaping the rewards of his hard work and perseverance. Phần thưởng
48 risk verb He risked his life to save his dog. Liều mạng
49 urban adj The council is committed to a programme of Thuộc về thành thị
urban regeneration.
50 platform noun The next train for Aberdeen will depart from platform 9. Sân ga xe lửa
51 Track=rail noun Passengers are requested not to walk across the tracks. Đường ray xe lửa
52 jump verb The cat jumped off his lap. Nhảy
53 fellow noun He was an extremely obliging fellow. Đồng đội
54 suffer verb He'd suffered intense pain. Cam chịu
55 seizure noun The patient had a seizure. Co giật
56 roll verb She rolled the ball across the floor. Cuộn
57 gap noun He came through the gap in the hedge. Lỗ trống
58 cover verb She covered her face with a pillow. Bao phủ
59 survive verb She had to work day and night and survive on two hours' sleep. Sống sót
60 spectacular noun Her efforts were a spectacular failure. Đẹp mắt
61 screener noun A screener assessed the presence of characteristic psychotic Người sàn lọc
62 display noun There's an Egyptian art collection on display (= being shown) at Sự trưng bày

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the museum at the moment.
63 agent noun In the event of illness, a durable power of attorney enabled her Đặc vụ
nephew to act as her agent.
64 hand verb I handed the trowel back to him Trao tay
65 announcement noun He was shaken by her announcement. Thông báo
66 forward adv He started up the engine and the car moved forward. Ở phía trước
67 inspect verb They were inspecting my outside paintwork for cracks and Quan sát
68 baggage noun The party jettisoned its traditional ideological baggage. Hành lý
baggage tage Thẻ hành lý
69 en route adv I stopped en route to the party and got some wine. Trên đường tới
70 ahead adv He was striding ahead toward the stream. Đi trước
71 blind adj She suffered from glaucoma, which has left her completely Mù
72 cross verb We crossed over the bridge. Đi ngang qua
73 dress verb I'll go and get dressed. Mặc đồ
Department Phòng thử đồ ở cửa hàng
store dressing
74 merchant noun Experienced merchants said that Thương gia
the fee structure for accepting cards is confusing.
75 package noun The courier has just delivered a package for you. Kiện hàng

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