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Sustainable Cities and Society 75 (2021) 103307

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CFD simulations of wind flow and pollutant dispersion in a street canyon

with traffic flow: Comparison between RANS and LES
Xing Zheng a, b, Jiachuan Yang a, *
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China
Unit Building Physics & Services, Department of the Built Environment, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands


Keywords: The dispersion of traffic pollutants in street canyons takes place under the joint influence of the urban
Traffic emissions morphology and traffic-induced air motions. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are increasingly used to
Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) explore air quality problems in cities, however, numerical setup guidance for studies considering moving traffics
Moving traffic
remains missing. This study presents a systematic evaluation and comparison of steady Reynolds-averaged
Pollutant dispersion
Large-eddy simulation (LES)
Navier-Stokes (RANS) and large-eddy simulation (LES) in reproducing the wind flow and pollutant dispersion
Vehicle-induced turbulence in a street canyon under traffic flow using the quasi-steady method. The RANS simulations are performed with
Urban ventilation five turbulence models, and the standard k-ε (SKE) turbulence model is found to yield the best agreement with
air quality the wind-tunnel data. The LES simulation with the wall-adapting local eddy-viscosity subgrid-scale model out­
performs all RANS models in simulating the mean velocity and mean pollutant concentration, and can accurately
predict the turbulent velocity. The counter-gradient turbulent mass flux captured by LES reveals that the
gradient-diffusion hypothesis used in steady RANS fails in the regions near moving traffics, which strongly affects
the predicted mean concentration. The findings of this study can support future CFD studies on pollutant
dispersion in urban environments.

List of acronyms 1. Introduction

ABL Atmospheric boundary layer
CFD Computational fluid dynamics Street canyons, which play important roles in regulating the near-
CFL Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy field pollutant dispersion, have been subject to intense study in recent
DMU Dynamic mesh updating method
FB Fractional bias
years (Hang et al., 2019; Miao et al., 2020; You & Ding, 2021). As the
LES Large-eddy simulation presence of canyon buildings prevents the wind from penetrating inside,
LKE Non-linear low-Reynolds k-ε model high concentrations of traffic-exhaust gases are usually observed in
MAE Mean absolute error street canyons with low wind velocity, especially under the perpendic­
NMSE Normalized mean square error
ular approaching wind (Kastner-Klein et al., 2004; Oke, 1988). The
Q-S Quasi-steady method
RANS Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes street-level pollutant does not only influence the outdoor air quality but
RNG Renormalization group k-ε model also enters buildings nearby and considerably influences the indoor air
RKE Realizable k–ε model quality (Shi & Zhao, 2016; Shi et al., 2015).
RSM Reynolds stress model Moving traffics add another mechanical process that modifies the
SF6 Sulfur hexafluoride
SGS Subgrid-scale model
flow field in street canyons, and the modification is found more evident
SST Shear stress transport k-ω model in the bottom areas of street canyons (Qin & Kot, 1993) and under low
SKE Standard k-ε model approaching wind speed (Solazzo et al., 2011; Zhao et al., 2021). The
WT Wind tunnel dispersion of traffic pollutants in street canyons takes place under the
WALE Wall-adapting local eddy-viscosity
joint influence of the background wind and vehicle-induced air motions
(Ahmad et al., 2005; Mazzeo & Venegas, 2005). Among the extensive
studies on the air quality inside street canyons, a significant portion of

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Yang).
Received 24 May 2021; Received in revised form 24 August 2021; Accepted 25 August 2021
Available online 28 August 2021
2210-6707/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X. Zheng and J. Yang Sustainable Cities and Society 75 (2021) 103307

them did not consider the effect of moving vehicles (Chatzimichailidis

- Information not available, Sct = Turbulent Schmidt number, RKE = Realizable k–ε model, LKE = Non-linear low-Reynolds k-ε model, SKE = Standard k-ε model, RNG = Renormalization group k-ε model, V = Mean
Modeling method
et al., 2019; Han et al., 2018; Li et al., 2010; Scungio et al., 2018; Zhang
et al., 2011). A past study has shown the lack of accurate traffic-induced
turbulence parameterizations can lead to overestimated pollutant con­
centrations at the street level (Kastner-Klein et al., 2003). Therefore,









investigation on the traffic-induced airflow and turbulence is crucial for

understanding the pollutant dispersion characteristics in urban street

Previous studies have explored the wind flow in street canyons using
Investigated parameter

controlled wind-tunnel testing (Baker and Hargreaves, 2001; Gromke

and Ruck, 2007; Kastner-Klein et al., 2001), full-scale on-site measure­
ments (DePaul & Sheih, 1986;Solazzo et al., 2007), and computational
fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. Compared to wind-tunnel testing and
V, C, TP




on-site measurements, CFD simulations have the ability to provide

V, C

V, C
V, C
V, C

high-resolution data in the whole computational domain (Blocken et al.,

2011), therefore, have been widely used. Table 1 gives an overview of
CFD research on the wind flow for street canyons considering moving
Yes (Kastner-Klein et al., 2001; Niachou et al., 2008)

traffics. The table shows that the majority of the studies have focused on
generic canyon cases and analyzed the mean velocity, mean concen­
tration, and turbulent parameters. In modeling moving traffics, the dy­
namic mesh updating (DMU) method and quasi-steady (Q-S) method
have been used. The DMU method features dynamic changes of the
Yes (Kovar-Panskus et al., 2002) a

computational mesh with time, and consequently allows the simulation

Yes (Kastner-Klein et al., 2001)

Yes (Kastner-Klein et al., 2001)

of flow fields with temporally varying geometry (Wang et al., 2019). The
Yes (Gallagher et al., 2013) a
Yes (Gromke et al., 2008) a

Yes (Uehara et al., 2000) a

Q-S method (Jicha et al., 2002), also named the Eulerian-Lagrangian

velocity, C = Mean concentration, TP = Turbulence parameters, Q-S = Quasi-steady method, DMU = Dynamic mesh updating method.

method (Katolický & Jícha, 2005), models the effect of moving traffics
on airflow by calculating the drag force between moving traffics and
surrounding ambient air. Compared to the DMU method, the Q-S
method is less computationally demanding and more suitable for CFD

simulations with the focus on a relatively large scale, i.e. urban scale
(Zhao et al., 2021).





Table 1 clearly indicates the majority of the past studies have

employed the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) approach,
while the use of the large-eddy simulation (LES) approach has been
1.3, 0.7

scarce and limited to Ref. (Zhang et al., 2017). For these RANS studies,

standard k-ε (SKE), non-linear low-Reynolds k-ε (LKE), realizable k–ε




turbulence model (RKE), and renormalization group (RNG) k-ε turbu­

lence models have been applied. However, comparative analysis on the
Turbulence model

performance of different turbulence models with experimental data has

not yet been conducted. Only a few studies using RANS have validated
Summary of previous CFD studies of wind flow in street canyons with moving traffics.

their results in street canyons under moving traffics. Moreover, valida­

tion is missing in the LES study. The lack of validation casts uncertainties




over the accuracy and reliability of the reported findings.


Pollutants emitted in the urban area are transported by turbulent

the validation only considered street canyons with standing vehicles.

flows around the buildings (Kubilay et al., 2017; Liu & Wong, 2014). The
CFD Approach

distribution of pollutant concentration is regulated by the combination

of molecular, convective, and turbulent diffusion, where the molecular
diffusion is often negligibly small compared with the two others. Pre­


vious studies have shown that the prediction of the mean pollutant
concentration is considerably dependent on the turbulence modeling
approach (Tominaga & Stathopoulos, 2013, 2012, 2011). In simulations
with the RANS approach, the mean flow is resolved and the effect of
Generic or applied

turbulence (fluctuating components) is modeled using a turbulence

model. The turbulent mass transport is generally assumed with the
gradient-diffusion hypothesis to estimate the turbulent diffusion flux







<ui′ c′ >, i.e.:

′ ′
< ui c >= − Dt
Kondo & Tomizuka, 2009
Zhang, Gu and Yu, 2017

where ui′ and c′ are the velocity and concentration fluctuations, i in­
Pospisil & Jicha, 2017

Pospisil & Jicha, 2019

Pospisil et al., 2020

Solazzo et al., 2008

dicates the coordinate (ux, uy, uz = u, v, w), Dt is the turbulent mass

Wang et al., 2019
Jicha et al., 2000
Jicha et al., 2002

Zhao et al., 2021

Cai et al., 2020

Shi et al., 2020

Jin et al., 2017

diffusivity, <⋅> indicates an averaging operator in time, C = <c> is the

Li et al., 2017

mean (time-averaged) concentration. CFD simulations of mass transfer


using RANS are further complicated by the fact that the turbulent
Table 1

Schmidt number (Sct) is selected prior to the simulation (Blocken et al.,


X. Zheng and J. Yang Sustainable Cities and Society 75 (2021) 103307

2008). Sct is defined as the ratio of computed turbulent viscosity vt to Dt: 2. Methodology
Sct = (2) 2.1. Wind-tunnel experiment
As recorded in Table 1, different values of Sct have been used in past The CFD simulations in this study are validated using data from a
RANS studies (Kondo & Tomizuka, 2009; Li et al., 2017). Nonetheless, previous wind-tunnel experiment (Gromke & Ruck, 2009a, 2007). The
the impact of Sct on the reproduction of pollutant dispersion by RANS in experiment was conducted in an atmospheric boundary layer (ABL)
a street canyon under traffic flow has not been evaluated. Compared to wind tunnel with a cross-section of 1 m × 2 m (height × width) (Gromke
RANS, LES is able to provide more accurate descriptions of unsteady and Ruck, 2009a, 2007). The measured data from the street canyon in a
flow fields (Liu et al., 2019; Murakami et al., 1987; Rodi, 1997; Shirzadi, 1:1 aspect ratio (i.e., the building height equals the street width) with
Mirzaei, & Tominaga, 2020; Tominaga & Stathopoulos, 2013; Zheng two-way traffics were used.
et al., 2020) and turbulent mass transport process (Gousseau et al., 2011; As illustrated in Fig. 1a and 1b, the street canyon model was
Zhou et al., 2021) in the built environment, although it is achieved with composed of two buildings with width × depth × height = 1.2 × 0.12 ×
a much larger computational cost (Blocken, 2018). For the flow field in a 0.12 m3 each (at the scale of 1:150). The approaching wind was
street canyon with moving traffics, the performance of RANS and LES perpendicular to the canyon length axis. Fig. 2 shows the profiles of
has not been systematically compared before. Given the increasing mean wind speed and turbulent kinetic energy in the WT. Note that the
number of CFD studies on urban air pollution in recent years, a turbulent kinetic energy was estimated based on the measured mean
comparative study is imperative to provide a guidance for future nu­ wind speed and turbulent intensity. The mean wind speed profile rep­
merical setups. Therefore, the objective of this study is to evaluate the resents power-law correlations with an exponent of 0.30 (Gromke,
performance of steady RANS and LES in modeling the wind flow and 2008). Two circulating belts were employed to model the turbulent air
pollutant dispersion in street canyons with moving traffics. motions induced by traffic movement along the two lanes: windward
In this study, the quasi-steady (Q-S) method (Katolický & Jícha, lane and leeward lane (Fig. 1b). Small plates with a distance of 0.1 m
2005) is applied to model the effect of moving traffics. A systematic were mounted on two circulating belts, representing a vehicle density of
validation and evaluation for 3D steady RANS and LES simulations of 6.67 cars per 100 m in the full scale (Fig. 1c). The moving speed of
the wind flow and pollutant concentration are conducted. The 3D steady circulating belts is 11.1 m/s (Gromke & Ruck, 2009a).
RANS simulations are performed with various turbulence models and To model the release of traffic exhausts, the tracer gas, i.e., sulfur
turbulent Schmidt numbers. hexafluoride (SF6) was emitted from four wirelike sources mounted at
the ground (red points in Fig. 1a) (Gromke & Ruck, 2009b). 49 con­
centration measurement taps along 7 vertical lines were used on each
near-street building wall (i.e., 98 taps in total). These taps were placed 5
mm in front of the walls (Buccolieri et al., 2009). The relative locations
of the measurement taps to the walls are detailed in Sections 3 and 4.
The non-dimensional mean SF6 concentration was calculated following:
CUref H
C+ = (3)

where Uref (= 4.65 m/s) was the mean wind velocity of the approach-
flow at the building roof height H, C was the mean SF6 concentration,
and Q/l was the SF6 emission rate per unit length. The mean and tur­
bulent velocity components were measured in vertical planes across the
canyon using a Laser-doppler velocimetry.

2.2. CFD simulations

2.2.1. Computational domain and grid

All the CFD simulations are conducted at the WT scale. Fig. 3 displays
the computational domains and grids for RANS and LES, respectively.
Following the size of the WT test section, the domain height and width

Fig. 1. Model of the street canyon in the WT, (a) side view and locations of Fig. 2. Profiles of (a) mean wind speed (U) and (b) turbulent kinetic energy (k),
wirelike sources, (b) top view, and (c) small plates with circulating belt. modified from (Gromke, 2008).

X. Zheng and J. Yang Sustainable Cities and Society 75 (2021) 103307

Fig. 3. (a) Computational domain, (b) perspective view of the near-canyon grid, and (c) cross-section view of the near-canyon grid for RANS simulations. (d-f) Same
as (a-c) but for LES.

are 1 m and 2 m, respectively. The total streamwise domain length is 2.2.2. Boundary conditions
3.36 m (28H, H is the roof height), which consists of an approach flow The bottom, top, and lateral boundaries and the surfaces of the
distance of 1.2 m (10H), a model distance of 0.36 m (3H), and a canyon buildings use no-slip walls. This is to reproduce the ground,
downwind distance of 1.8 m (15H). ceiling, sidewalls of the WT test section, and the canyon model surfaces.
A grid for RANS simulations is generated according to the best The mean wind velocity and turbulent kinetic energy inlet boundary
practice guidelines (Franke et al., 2007), resulting in a total cell number conditions take the profiles in the WT (Fig 2a and b). The turbulence
of 6.03 million. In the near building region, cubic cells with Δx = Δy = dissipation rate ε (Richards and Hoxey, 1993) follows:
Δz = 0.003 m (H/40) are used, which extends to a distance of 1/4H
away from the canyon windward, leeward, and roof surfaces and 1H ε(z) = ABL
κ(z + z0 )
away from lateral surfaces (see Figs. 3d and 3e). In the outer region, i.e.,
outside the near-building region, hexahedral cells with stretching ratios
where u*ABL the ABL friction velocity and z0 the roughness length take
below 1.2 are used. An exception is the Δz of ground-adjacent cells, in
0.59 m⋅s− 1 and 0.004 m, respectively (obtained from logarithmic law
which 0.009 m (3H/40) is applied (Fig. 3c). The assignment of specific
curve fitting of the mean velocity profile in WT (Gromke, 2008)). The
height to wall-adjacent cells is to satisfy the requirements of using wall
von Karman constant κ is considered to be 0.42. Note that for the RANS
functions to model the WT ground roughness, which has been adopted in
with SST k-ω model, the specific dissipation rate (ω) takes:
previous studies (Blocken et al., 2007; van Druenen et al., 2019).
To reduce the total computational cost, a non-conformal grid is used ε(z)
ω(z) = (5)
for LES (Iousef et al., 2017). It includes three parts, an inner subdomain Cμ k(z)
Ω1, a middle subdomain Ω2, and an outer subdomain Ω3. Ω1 extends up
to 1/4H away from canyon windward, leeward, and roof surfaces (see where Cµ is an empirical constant equals 0.09, and k is the turbulent
Figs. 3c and 3d) and 5/4H away from the lateral side, which covers the kinetic energy. For the LES simulation, the vortex method (Sergent,
region with circulating belts. Cubic cells with Δx = Δy = Δz = H/40 are 2002) is used as the inflow fluctuating algorithm at the inlet plane of the
used in Ω1. Ω2 extends from Ω1 to 1H away from the canyon windward, domain, which introduces perturbations to the mean velocity profile by
leeward, and roof surfaces and 2H away from the lateral surfaces. It randomly generating a certain number of 2D vortices.
consists of cubic cells with Δx = Δy = Δz = H/20. Ω3 uses hexahedral For the RANS simulations with the k-ω model, an automated wall
cells and the stretching ratios are below 1.05. The refinement ratio of the treatment is applied at the no-slip wall surfaces. For other RANS models,
grids between adjacent subdomains is 1:2. The total number of cells of the standard wall functions (Cebeci & Bradshaw, 1977; Launder &
this LES grid is 3.94 million. Grid resolutions for both RANS and LES Spalding, 1974) are applied. The sand grain roughness height ks and the
simulations are adopted from a grid-sensitivity analysis, in which fine, roughness constant Cs are determined based on their consistent relation
basic, and coarse grids are generated based on the same grid topology for with the aerodynamic roughness length z0 (Eq. (6)) (Blocken, Statho­
RANS and LES. The details of the grids, computational settings, and poulos and Carmeliet, 2007):
results of the grid-sensitivity analysis can be found in the Supplementary 9.793z0
Materials. ks = (6)

X. Zheng and J. Yang Sustainable Cities and Society 75 (2021) 103307

In ANSYS Fluent, the near-wall grid size should satisfy zp > ks, where shear stress transport (SST) k-ω model (Menter, 1994), (3) standard k-ε
zp is the center point of the ground-adjacent cell (=Δz/2). In the outer model (SKE) (Launder & Spalding, 1974), (4) renormalization group
region where zp = 0.0045 m, z0 of the WT profile (= 0.004 m) is used (RNG) k-ε model (Yakhot et al., 1992), and (5) realizable k-ε model
together with ks = 0.004 m to maintain an constant Cs of 9.793 and to (RKE) (Shih et al., 1995). The turbulent Schmidt number (Sct) of 0.7 is
satisfy zp > ks. For the near building region where zp = 0.0015 m, z0 = used for all the models. Note that to investigate the influence of Sct,
0.0014 m and ks = 0.0014 m are applied. This is to represent the less additional SKE simulations are performed with different Sct, which will
rough ground near the buildings in the WT and to keep sufficient grid be detailed in subsection 3.2. In all the RANS simulations, the
resolution near the buildings. For LES simulations, the Werner-Wengle pressure-velocity coupling uses SIMPLE algorithm. Pressure interpola­
wall functions (Werner & Wengle, 1993) are employed. tion is second order. Both the convection terms and the viscous terms of
For both LES and RANS simulations, wirelike SF6 (dynamic viscosity the governing equations take second-order discretization schemes.
1.42 × 10-4 kg⋅m-1s-1; molecular weight 146.055 kg⋅kmol-1; Diffusivity Convergence is assumed to be achieved once all the scaled residuals
2.3 × 10-5 m-2s-1) sources with an area of 1.42 m × 0.003 m are mounted reach a minimum value. These minimum values vary for different tur­
on the ground, following their locations in the WT (Fig. 1a). Following bulence models, e.g., the minimum values for the simulation with SKE
previous CFD validation studies (Gromke et al., 2008; Zheng et al., are 10− 4 for continuity, 10− 7 for x, y, and z momentum, and 10− 6 for k,
2021), the emission rate (Q) of SF6 is 10 g/s. ε, and SF6. Note that simulations with RNG and RSM show minor
oscillatory convergence, which requires averaging from a sufficient
2.2.3. Modeling the effect of moving traffics number of iterations (Ramponi & Blocken, 2012).
The quasi-steady (Q-S) method (Katolický & Jícha, 2005) is used to The LES simulation launches from the results of a preceding steady
model the effect of moving traffics. This method is based on the RANS simulation with RKE and Sct of 0.7 (Tominaga & Stathopoulos,
assumption that the force of aerodynamic resistance acting against the 2007). The wall-adapting local eddy-viscosity (WALE) subgrid-scale
vehicle is transferred to the ambient air as a momentum source. The (SGS) model is applied (Ducros, Nicoud and Poinsot, 1998). This
aerodynamic resistance force acting upon a vehicle is given by (Kato­ model was successfully used in validation studies for urban environ­
lický & Jícha, 2005; Pospisil & Jicha, 2017; Zhang et al., 2017): ments in the past (Ai & Mak, 2015; Bazdidi-Tehrani et al., 2019). A
⃒ ⃒( ) second-order upwind scheme is used for the energy and SF6 concen­
Fd.i = ρCD Aveh ⃒Uveh,i − ui ⃒ Uveh,i − ui (7) tration equations. For the momentum equation, the bounded central
differencing scheme is adopted. For pressure interpolation and time
where Fd.i is the aerodynamic resistance force in i direction, Uveh.i is the discretization, second-order schemes are applied. The non-iterative
moving velocity of vehicles in i direction, ui is the wind velocity in i fractional step method, with the time step set to 1.9 × 10− 4 s, was
direction, ρ is the density of the gas mixture, Aveh is the cross-sectional used for time advancement. The maximum Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy
area in i direction and CD is the drag coefficient. (CFL) number is 0.97. Ahead of the data sampling, the LES simulation
In the present study, the vehicles move along the y-direction and of an initialization period for 7.3 s is conducted to remove the depen­
cause the aerodynamic resistance force in this direction, i.e., Fd.y. The dence of results on the initial state (Gousseau et al., 2012; Ong et al.,
moving velocity of vehicles (Uveh,y) in the windward lane and leeward 2020). After this period, the results are sampled and averaged for
lane takes 11.1 m/s and -11.1 m/s, respectively (Gromke and Ruck, another 22.8 s (the monitoring of statistical convergences of LES can be
2009a). CD takes 1.2 and the Aveh takes 50 mm2, following the WT setup found in the Supplementary Materials).
(Gromke & Ruck, 2007). Each vehicle, i.e., small plates in the WT, All simulations are conducted on the Chinese national supercom­
moving along the traffic path would dynamically occupy a number of puter Tianhe-2 ( A node equipped with 24 Intel Xeon
control volumes. The control volumes along the trajectory of moving CPU E5-2692 v2 2.2 GHz cores is used for each simulation.
vehicles are the directly affected region (illustrated in Fig. S1 in Sup­
plementary Materials), where the additional momentum source Su.y is 3. RANS results
3.1. Impact of turbulence model
nveh Fd.y
Su.y = (8)
Acel This section gives a detailed comparison of the results obtained by
different RANS turbulence models. To quantify the agreement of CFD
where nveh is the number of vehicles per unit length, Acel is the cross-
results to the experimental (WT) results, three validation metrics are
section of control volumes passed by vehicles. Here, the additional
used: mean absolute error (MAE), normalized mean square error
momentum source term Su.y is added to the y-momentum transport
(NMSE) and fractional bias (FB) (Schatzmann, Olesen and Franke,
equation for both RANS and LES. For RANS, the transport equation of
2010). The metrics are calculated using Eqs. (10), (11), and (12):
turbulent kinetic energy (k) is solved, therefore, additional turbulent
kinetic energy Sk is added to the k equation into the directly affected
region, following Refs. (Ahmad et al., 2005; Katolický & Jícha, 2005):

nveh ρCc (Uveh.i − ui )2 Qveh

Sk = (9) Table 2
Validation metrics for non-dimensional mean y-velocity component (V/Uref),
non-dimensional mean x-velocity component (U/Uref), and non-dimensional
where the volume of the vehicle Qveh (equals 150 mm3) is based on the
mean z-velocity component (W/Uref): MAE.
WT setup (Gromke & Ruck, 2009a). The constant Cc of 0.41 follows
Ref. (Katolický & Jícha, 2005). Approach Turbulence model Vertical corner plane Vertical center plane
(y/H = -5) (y/H = 0)
V/Uref U/Uref U/Uref W/Uref
2.2.4. Solver settings MAE MAE MAE MAE
The commercial CFD software ANSYS Fluent 19 is employed and
RANS RSM 0.14 0.13 0.41 0.02
additional user-defined functions are used to simulate the effect of SST 0.17 0.31 0.49 0.03
moving traffics. The 3D steady RANS equations are solved with different SKE 0.16 0.08 0.05 0.04
turbulence models to compare their performances. One second-order RKE 0.15 0.11 0.15 0.03
closure model and four two-equation eddy-viscosity models are RNG 0.17 0.23 0.29 0.03
LES WALE 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.02
applied: (1) Reynolds stress model (RSM) (Wilcox & others, 1998), (2)

X. Zheng and J. Yang Sustainable Cities and Society 75 (2021) 103307

[ ]
|PExp − PCFD | lane (Gromke & Ruck, 2009a), e.g., higher measured C+ along lines y/H
MAE = (10) = -4.92 and -3.75 than lines y/H = 4.92 and 3.75, respectively. Very
different results are given by the five RANS turbulence models. The
[( )2 ]
PExp − PCFD spanwise concentration decays and traffic-induced concentration
NMSE = [ ] (11) skewness are only reproduced by SKE and RKE. For all the three metrics
PExp [PCFD ]
for the leeward wall, SKE yields the best performance, and RNG yields
([ ] ) the worst performance (Table 3). The good performance of SKE is in line
2 PExp − [PCFD ]
FB = [ ] (12) with a previous study on the street canyon without moving vehicles
PExp + [PCFD ]
(Salim et al., 2011b). For the windward wall, RKE and SKE show rela­
where PExp is the experimental (measured in the WT) value, PCFD is the tively good agreements with the experiment, (see Table 3). The other
CFD value, n is the number of data points, and the square brackets turbulence models considerably overestimate the C+ along the seven
indicate averaging over the data points. Table 2 presents the results of lines, and the worst performance is found for SST in terms of all the three
velocity components between CFD with different turbulence models and metrics. Considering the results of the three metrics for both windward
the WT experiment. Note that FB and NMSE could not be used for var­ and leeward walls, SKE has the overall best performance.
iables that have both positive and negative values within the same set.
Therefore, they are not depicted for velocity components. Table 3 pre­ 3.2. Impact of turbulent Schmidt number
sents the results of the mean concentration between CFD with different
turbulence models and the WT experiment. To explore the impact of turbulent Schmidt number (Sct), simula­
Fig. 4a-d show a comparison of the non-dimensional mean y-velocity tions with Sct of 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9 are conducted using SKE, which
component (V/Uref) obtained from five RANS turbulence models against better predicts the C+ than the other investigated RANS models. Fig. 7
the measured data along horizontal lines in the vertical corner plane (y/ illustrates the effect of Sct on C+ along seven vertical lines for the
H = -5). For V/Uref below the roof height (z/H = 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75), all leeward and windward walls. Simulations with large Sct show an over­
the five RANS models show clear deviations from the experimental data, predicted traffic-induced skewness, e.g., C+ along lines y/H = -4.92 and
which significantly underestimate the positive V/Uref that entering the -3.75 are much higher than lines y/H = 4.92 and 3.75, respectively. A
canyon through the lateral boundary (see Fig. 4a-c). Comparison results decrease of Sct would increase the turbulent mass diffusivity Dt (= νt/
of the non-dimensional mean x-velocity component (U/Uref) are shown Sct), therefore resulting in a decrease of near field pollutant concentra­
in Fig. 4e-h. A large discrepancy between the simulated U/Uref from five tion and also the skewness. By changing Sct from 0.9 to 0.3, the MAE
RANS models is observed. Note that in RANS results, U/Uref is forced to reduces from 28.9 to 8.6 for the leeward wall and from 4.6 to 2.8 for the
be zero on the wall. This yields jump declines at the positions about H/ windward wall. This sensitivity analysis indicates that 0.3 is a reason­
40 (Δx) to the walls, especially along the line z/H = 1 (Fig. 4h). SST and able value for Sct in this case.
RNG yield large deviations from the experiment or even predict an
opposite direction to the experimental data (Fig. 4e and 4f). SKE pro­ 4. LES results
vides a relatively good agreement for U/Uref with the experiment
(Table 2). The general flow pattern in the canyon corner below the roof Fig. 8 shows the non-dimensional mean velocity components in the
height is better reproduced by SKE (better prediction of V and U). vertical corner plane from the LES simulation with the WALE SGS
Fig. 5a-c show a comparison of the non-dimensional mean x-velocity model. RANS results with SKE and RKE turbulence models are added as
component (U/Uref) obtained from the five RANS turbulence models the best-performing cases for a direct comparison with LES results. For
with the experimental data along three horizontal lines in the vertical V/Uref, LES results show a good agreement with the experiment.
center plane (y/H = 0). SKE has the smallest MAE of 0.05 from the Compared to the best-performing RANS results, LES yields a smaller
experiment, followed by RKE of 0.15 (see Table 2). Other RANS models deviation, especially in the lower region (z/H = 0.25 and 0.5) close to
substantially underpredict U/Uref or even predict an opposite direction the traffic trajectory. For U/Uref, LES accurately reproduces the value
to the experimental data (negative U/Uref by RSM and SST). Fig. 5d-f along the lines with a smaller deviation compared to the best-
show that all the five RANS turbulence models give fairly good agree­ performing RANS models (Table 2).
ments to the non-dimensional mean z-velocity component (W/Uref) with One important advantage of LES over RANS is its capability in
small MAE (see Table 2). simulating turbulent velocity, i.e., the rmse velocity component (ui.rmse,
Fig. 6 displays the profiles of the non-dimensional mean concentra­ defined in Eq. (13), where t is the time step after sampling, ui is the
tion (C+) from the five RANS turbulence models and the experiment velocity component and Ui is the mean velocity component). Fig. 9
along seven vertical lines for the leeward and windward walls. Due to shows the comparison of non-dimensional y- and x- rmse velocity
ventilation through the lateral boundary of the canyon, the measured C+ components (vrmse/Uref and urmse/Uref) in the vertical corner plane be­
decays along the spanwise direction (y-direction) towards the canyon tween LES results and experimental data. A good agreement of the vrmse/
corners. The measured C+ distribution also shows the traffic-induced Uref is observed along the four lines (Fig. 9a-d). For the urmse/Uref, LES
skewness, which shifted towards the traffic direction of the leeward reproduces the value inside the canyon with a fairly good agreement (z/
H = 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75) and slightly overpredicts the value at the roof
Table 3 height (z/H = 1).
Validation metrics for non-dimensional mean concentration (C+): MAE, RMSE, √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
and FB. 1∑ n
[ ]
ui.rmse = (ui − Ui )2 (13)
Approach Turbulence C+ for the leeward wall C+ for the windward
n t=1
model a wall
MAE RMSE FB MAE RMSE FB Fig. 10 compares the non-dimensional mean velocity components in
the vertical center plane from LES, RANS, and the WT experiment. LES
RANS RSM 28.1 1.55 -0.84 21.7 16.49 -1.51
SST 34.1 1.67 -0.94 39.0 17.16 -1.69
has comparable performance in simulating U/Uref with the best-
SKE 23.1 0.87 -0.75 3.9 0.68 -0.71 performing RANS model. For W/Uref, LES results agree with the exper­
RKE 26.5 1.18 -0.81 3.7 0.77 -0.69 imental data better than the two RANS models. At the roof height (z/H
RNG 34.8 1.94 -0.95 6.0 2.57 -0.92 = 1), LES captures the slope of W/Uref from the leeward side to the
LES WALE 3.0 0.03 -0.13 1.6 0.20 -0.37
windward side, while RANS models significantly underestimate the
The metrics of RANS models are obtained from simulations with Sct = 0.7. slope.

X. Zheng and J. Yang Sustainable Cities and Society 75 (2021) 103307

Fig. 4. Comparison of V/Uref obtained from five different RANS models against the experiment along four horizontal lines: (a) z/H = 0.25; (b) z/H = 0.5; (c) z/H =
0.75; (d) z/H = 1 in the vertical corner plane (y/H = -5). (e-h) Same as (a-d) but for U/Uref.

Fig. 5. Comparison of U/Uref obtained from five different RANS models with the experiment along three horizontal lines: (a) z/H = 1; (b) z/H = 1.08; (c) z/h = 1.17
in the vertical center plane (y/H = 0). (d-f) Same as (a-c) for W/Uref.

Fig. 11 shows the comparison of non-dimensional rmse x- and z- MAE of LES along the seven lines is 3, which is clearly smaller than that
velocity components (urmse/Uref and wrmse/Uref) in the vertical center of SKE with Sct = 0.3, i.e. 8.6. For the windward wall, a good agreement
plane between LES and the WT experiment. It indicates that LES accu­ between LES and the experiment is also observed. LES better captures
rately predicts urmse/Uref at the roof height (z/H = 1) and slightly the C+ than RANS in the near-ground region.
overpredicts urmse/Uref above the canyon (z/H = 1.08 and 1.17). For
wrmse/Uref, good agreements between LES results and experimental data 5. Comparison between RANS and LES results
are observed along the three lines (Fig. 11d-f).
Fig. 12 shows the non-dimensional mean concentration (C+) from Section 3 (RANS) and Section 4 (LES) indicate obvious discrepancies
the LES simulation, the best-performing RANS simulation (SKE with Sct in the simulated velocity components and pollutant concentration with
= 0.3), and the WT experiment. For the leeward wall, LES shows a good experimental measurements. This section provides a more detailed
agreement with the experimental data along the studied seven lines. LES analysis to better understand the performance of steady RANS and LES
clearly outperforms the best-performing RANS model in the middle re­ on the flow field and pollutant concentration.
gion, e.g., along y/H = -3.75, -1.25, 0, and 1.25 (see Fig. 12b-e). The Fig. 13 illustrates the spatial distributions of the non-dimensional

X. Zheng and J. Yang Sustainable Cities and Society 75 (2021) 103307

Fig. 6. Comparison of C+ obtained from RANS simulations with different turbulence models along seven vertical lines for the leeward wall: (a) y/H = -4.92; (b) y/H
= -3.75; (c) y/H = -1.25; (d) y/H = 0; (e) y/H = 1.25; (f) y/H = 3.75; (g) y/H = 4.92. (h-n) Same as (a-g) but for the windward wall.

Fig. 7. Same as Fig. 6 but for different turbulent Schmidt numbers (Sct).

mean wind velocity magnitude (U3D/Uref) and 2D velocity vectors in the and k). For the vertical center plane, the recirculation core is located at
horizontal plane (z/H = 0.25). It exhibits two corner eddies and LES the height of about 0.6H, which is consistent with a previous study using
results show a slight asymmetry between them, which is due to the effect LES for a street canyon without moving traffics (Merlier, Jacob and
of the moving traffics along the leeward lane. Although the locations of Sagaut, 2018). Compared to LES, SKE and RKE predict the core of the
the cores of the corner eddies by SKE and RKE generally match with canyon vortex closer to the windward wall. SKE and RKE slightly
those by LES, SKE and RKE predict weaker corner eddies with lower overpredict the absolute values of mean y-velocity (shown as V/Uref in
mean velocity magnitudes and excessive asymmetry of the flow field Fig. 14b, f, and j), while significantly underestimate the velocity
than LES. magnitude inside the canyon (shown as U3D/Uref in Fig. 14g and k). This
Fig. 14 illustrates the spatial distribution of the non-dimensional weaker predicted strength of circulation by SKE or RKE is in line with
mean y-velocity (V/Uref) and 2D velocity vectors in three vertical previous CFD studies for street canyons (Moonen et al., 2011; Salim
planes (y/H = -5, 0, and 5). The mean wind velocity magnitude (U3D/ et al., 2011a, 2011b). For the vertical plane y/H = -5, SKE and RKE
Uref) is also shown for the vertical center plane (y/H = 0, Figs. 14c, g, overestimate the negative mean y-velocity that spread from the leeward

X. Zheng and J. Yang Sustainable Cities and Society 75 (2021) 103307

Fig. 8. V/Uref obtained from LES, RANS (SKE and RKE), and the experiment along four horizontal lines: (a) z/H = 0.25; (b) z/H = 0.5; (c) z/H = 0.75; (d) z/H = 1 in
the vertical corner plane (y/H = -5). (e-h) Same as (a-d) but for U/Uref.

Fig. 9. vrmse/Uref obtained from LES and the experiment along four horizontal lines: (a) z/H = 0.25; (b) z/H = 0.5; (c) z/H = 0.75; (d) z/H = 1 in the vertical corner
plane (y/H = -5). (e-h) Same as (a-d) but for urmse/Uref.

lane to the leeward wall, compared with LES. While they underpredict lateral edges. For the leeward wall, LES can accurately reproduce the
the positive mean y-velocity in a large area (Fig. 14a, e, and i). For the traffic-induced concentration skewness, while SKE predicts an exces­
vertical plane y/H = 5, SKE and RKE underpredict the negative mean sively skewed C+ distribution towards the right-hand side. LES also
y-velocity in a large area (Fig. 14d, h, and l), due to the weaker corner reasonably reproduces the distribution of C+ for the windward wall
eddies reproduced by the two RANS models (see Fig 13). (Fig. 15e), while SKE overpredicts the C+ especially in the near-ground
Fig. 15 compares the C+ distribution among the LES, and the best- region (Fig. 15f). The possible reason for this overestimated concen­
performing steady RANS (SKE with Sct = 0.3) for the leeward and tration at the lower region of the canyon is the underestimated flow
windward walls. Fig. 15a and d show that the measured C+ reaches the velocity and eddy intensity by SKE (Figs. 13 and 14).
maximum in the middle of the canyon, and decays towards the canyon The essentials of concentration transport can be represented by the

X. Zheng and J. Yang Sustainable Cities and Society 75 (2021) 103307

Fig. 10. U/Uref obtained from LES, RANS (SKE and RKE), and the WT experiment along three horizontal lines: (a) z/H = 1; (b) z/H = 1.08; (c) z/H = 1.17 in the
vertical center plane (y/H = 0). (d-f) Same as (a-c) but for W/Uref.

Fig. 11. urmse/Uref obtained from LES and the WT experiment along three horizontal lines: (a) z/H = 1; (b) z/H = 1.08; (c) z/H = 1.17 in the vertical center plane (y/
H = 0). (d-f) Same as (a-c) but for wrmse/Uref.

distribution of concentration fluxes (Tominaga & Stathopoulos, 2011). region of the canyon is mostly more than one order of magnitude larger
As stated before, scalar transport of concentration consists of convective than the convective diffusion flux. For the majority area in the three
and turbulent diffusion effects, which are expressed by convective planes, the turbulent diffusion fluxes are larger than 1/10 of the
diffusion fluxes <ui><c> and turbulent diffusion fluxes <ui′ c′ >, convective diffusion fluxes (|<v′ c′ >/(<v><c>)|>0.1), which illus­
respectively. As shown before, moving traffics strongly affect the ve­ trates the important role of turbulent transport in determining the
locity components and pollutant removal in the spanwise direction pollution concentration in canyons.
(y-direction). Fig. 16 shows the ratio of spanwise turbulent diffusion Turbulent diffusion fluxes are calculated directly in LES, but they are
fluxes to convective diffusion fluxes in three vertical planes by LES. The modeled by the gradient diffusion hypothesis in RANS. Therefore, the
paths of dark color in Fig. 16a and 16c indicate the existence of a non-dimensional spanwise turbulent diffusion fluxes (<v′ c′ >/Q0) are
coherent structure. As a result, turbulent transport is effective in used to compare the LES and RANS results, where the reference mass
removing vehicle pollution out of the canyon at spanwise outlets. For the flux magnitude Q0 (g⋅m-2⋅s-1) follows:
y/H = 0 plane (Fig. 16b), the local turbulent diffusion flux in the center

X. Zheng and J. Yang Sustainable Cities and Society 75 (2021) 103307

Fig. 12. C+ obtained from LES, RANS (SKE with Sct = 0.3) and the WT experiment along seven vertical lines for the leeward wall: (a) y/H = -4.92; (b) y/H = -3.75;
(c) y/H = -1.25; (d) y/H = 0; (e) y/H = 1.25; (f) y/H = 3.75; (g) y/H = 4.92. (h-n) Same as (a-g) but for the windward wall.

Fig. 13. Distribution of U3D/Uref and 2D velocity vector field in the horizontal plane at z/H = 0.25 from top view by (a) LES, (b) RANS with SKE, and (c) RANS
with RKE.

X. Zheng and J. Yang Sustainable Cities and Society 75 (2021) 103307

Fig. 14. Distributions of (a) V/Uref and 2D velocity vector field in the vertical plane y/H = -5; (b) V/Uref and 2D velocity vector field in the vertical center plane (y/H
= 0); (c) U3D/Uref and 2D velocity vector field in the vertical center plane (y/H = 0); (d) V/Uref and 2D velocity vector field in vertical plane y/H = 5 by LES. (e-h)
Same as (a-d) but by SKE. (i-l) Same as (a-d) but by RKE.

Fig. 15. Distribution of C+ near the leeward wall (x/H = 0.042) from (a) the experiment (redrawn based on Ref. (Gromke & Ruck, 2009a)), (b) the LES simulation,
and (c) the steady RANS simulation (SKE with Sct = 0.3). (d-f) Same as (a-c) but for the windward wall (x/H = 0.958).

X. Zheng and J. Yang Sustainable Cities and Society 75 (2021) 103307

Fig. 16. Ratio of the spanwise turbulent diffusion fluxes to convective diffusion fluxes (|<v′ c′ >/(<v><c>)|) in three vertical planes (a) y/H = -5, (b) y/H = 0 and
(c) y/H = 5 by LES.

Fig. 17. Contours of the <v′ c′ >/Q0 in vertical planes (a) y/H = -5, (b) y/H = 0 and (c) y/H = 5 by LES. (d-f) Same as (a)-(c) but by RANS with SKE with Sct = 0.3.
The dashed lines represent the isolines ∂C/∂y = 0. The sign of ∂C/∂y on each side of the isoline is marked in circles (+: positive; − : negative). The counter-gradient
mechanism of turbulent diffusion flux is characterized by <v′ c′ >/Q0 and ∂C/∂y of the same sign.

Q0 = (Q / l)/H (13) the LES results indicate that the turbulence drives the pollutant out of
the canyon space through a large area of this boundary, i.e. negative
where the emission rate of tracer gas source Q = 10 g/s, and the length of <v′ c′ >/Q0. In the region close to the two lanes in this plane, LES predicts
pollutant source l = 1.42 m. <v′ c′ > by RANS can be calculated as the direction of <v′ c′ >/Q0 the same as the moving direction of traffics,
follows: while SKE predicts the opposite. For the vertical plane y/H = 5, LES
results show positive <v′ c′ >/Q0 except for the region in the windward
νt ∂C
(14) corner and around the leeward lane that <v′ c′ >/Q0 follows the moving
′ ′
< v c >= −
Sct ∂y
direction of traffics. Compared to LES, SKE substantially underpredicted
Fig. 17 compares <v′ c′ >/Q0 by the LES and the best-performing the absolute values of <v′ c′ >/Q0 in the three planes, which is in general
steady RANS (SKE with Sct = 0.3) in three vertical planes (y/H = -5, one order of magnitude smaller. This underprediction by steady RANS is
0, and 5). In addition to contours of <v′ c′ >/Q0, the isoline ∂C/∂y = 0 is in line with a previous study (van Hooff et al., 2014).
displayed, and the areas with positive or negative concentration de­ The results from LES show a negative spanwise concentration
rivatives are marked with a ‘+’ or ‘− ’ sign, respectively. For the plane y/ gradient (∂C/∂y < 0) around the leeward lane in the vertical plane y/H
H = 0, the LES results indicate that the direction of <v′ c′ >/Q0 close to = 0, however, there is also a negative turbulent flux (<v′ c′ >/Q0 < 0) in
the two lanes clearly follows the moving direction of traffics. While SKE this region. This observation indicates the so-called counter-gradient
predicts differently for the leeward lane. For the vertical plane y/H = -5, mechanism, i.e., spanwise turbulent diffusion flux is directed from a

X. Zheng and J. Yang Sustainable Cities and Society 75 (2021) 103307

low-concentration place to a high-concentration place; The same holds vertical center plane above the canyon, the five RANS models show
for regions at the windward side in the vertical plane y/H = 0 and near fairly good agreement with the experimental data for the mean
the ground in the vertical planes y/H = -5 and 5, as a positive ∂C/∂y vertical velocity. But only SKE and RKE models reasonably reproduce
exists in combination with a positive <v′ c′ >/Q0. These observations the mean streamwise velocity.
suggest that the gradient-diffusion hypothesis is not always valid inside • The LES simulation can accurately reproduce the mean and rmse
the street canyon, especially in the region near moving traffics. The large velocity components in the lateral boundary and vertical center
difference between the obtained turbulent fluxes indicates the impor­ plane of the canyon. Compared to LES, the best-performing RANS
tance of accurate turbulent diffusion modeling for the predicting of the models, i.e. SKE and RKE, predict the weaker strength of the corner
mean concentration in street canyon considering moving vehicles. It eddies and canyon vortex.
supports the superiority of LES in predicting the flow field, which is • Among the five investigated RANS models, SKE yields the best per­
mainly caused by the reproduction of the unsteady nature of the flow in formance for predicting mean concentration, which is supported by
street canyons and has a significant influence on the predicted mean the results of the three validation metrics. It confirms that the value
concentration field. It is worth mentioning that the computational de­ of Sct has a significant influence on the prediction of pollutant
mand for the LES simulation is approximately 50 times larger than that transfer by RANS. Large Sct shows an overpredicted traffic-induced
for steady RANS simulations, according to the HPC system employed. skewness of the mean concentration distribution. SKE with a
The computational time for most steady RANS simulations was below 7 smaller value of Sct such as 0.3 tends to give better-predicated results
h, while the LES simulation took around 2 weeks. of mean pollutant concentration.
• The LES simulation better reproduces the mean concentration dis­
6. Limitations and future work tribution than the best-performing RANS, i.e. SKE with Sct = 0.3,
especially the skewed distribution of the mean concentration
Despite the extensive evaluation analysis, this study has some limi­ induced by moving traffics. LES results indicate the turbulent
tations: 1) The focus is on a single street canyon with two-way traffics transport plays a significant role in spanwise pollutant removal, and
under the perpendicular wind, which is susceptible to high pollutant counter-gradient mechanisms are presented inside the canyon. The
concentrations and has been widely investigated in the past. The pres­ gradient-diffusion hypothesis that RANS adopted is not always valid
ence of crossroads or street canyons in sequence may lead to more in the street canyon, especially in regions close to the moving traffics,
complex airflow (Nikolova et al., 2011). Comparison between steady which strongly affects the predicted mean concentration.
RANS and LES approaches can be extended further by considering
complex urban configurations and under oblique wind directions. 2) The Declaration of Competing Interest
focus is on a sample generic street canyon with a simplified configura­
tion. In real cities, trees are usually present inside street canyons, and None.
buildings have various structural elements such as balconies. The pres­
ence of such roughness elements can induce a high level of complexity in Acknowledgments
the airflow in the street canyon (Montazeri & Blocken, 2013; Buccolieri
et al., 2018; Chatzidimitriou & Yannas, 2017; Ming et al., 2021; Qin The authors would like to express sincere thanks to Dr. Christof
et al., 2020; Zheng, Montazeri, & Blocken, 2021). Future work can Bernhard Gromke for his advice. This work was supported by the Hong
extend this study to street canyons with trees and surface roughness Kong Research Grants Council funded project 26202319. The numerical
details. 3) The numerical setups in previous RANS simulations with the simulation for this article was supported by the National Tianhe-2 center
Q-S method were not always consistent with the best configuration in Guangzhou, P.R. China.
recognized in this study (see Table 1). While the present study only
evaluates the performance of steady RANS with five turbulent models. Supplementary materials
Future work can explorer the potential of using unsteady RANS to model
the unsteady motion of the flow, as the computational demand of un­ Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in
steady RANS is less than that of LES. 4) The present study adopted the the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.scs.2021.103307.
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