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Listen and choose the answer.


Easter vocabulary game.

1) Easter is… 2)Easter is always celebrated on

A. Always in winter
A. Saturday
B. Always in summer
C. Always in spring
B. Monday
C. Sunday

3) Easter bunny brings 4)What do children do on Sunday morning?

A. Chocolate eggs A. Look for the eggs

B. Birds’ eggs B. Hide eggs
C. Baskets C. Cook eggs

5)Where do children put the eggs?

6)What do eggs mean?
A. Easter baskets
A. New life
B. Easter bonnets
B. Tasty dish
C. Easter pockets
C. Egg hunt

7)Some Britain schools organize 8)When does the Queen give

B. Egg tree parade money to the poor?

C. Egg painting parade A. On Good Friday
D. Easter Bonnet Parade B. On Maundy Thursday
A. On Easter Sunday

9)When do people eat Hot Cross Buns?

A. On Good Friday
B. On Easter Sunday
C. On Maundy Thursday
Listen again and fill in.

Easter Traditions and Symbols in Britain.

Easter is a very important festival in Great Britain. Easter day is always on …………………, and it is
in spring. the wish for this day is “………………. Easter”. There are many symbols and interesting
traditions on this day.
The Easter bunny
The symbol of Easter is an Easter bunny, a happy ……………….. with a basket of chocolate eggs.
He brings these eggs to children on Easter Sunday. On Easter Sunday morning children ………….
for the eggs. It's a very exciting Easter egg ………………. For this reason, chocolate bunnies and
Easter eggs are very popular in Great Britain. Children have a ………………….. to collect their eggs.
Painting eggs.
English children like coloring and decorating eggs for Easter. Eggs are very important because
they mean spring and new ……………...
Easter egg tree.
Children and parents make a very nice decoration. They put branches in a …………. and hang
eggs on them.
Easter bonnet.
At Easter people used to wear special …………….. They are called bonnets. The bonnets are
always new. In some British primary schools, they organize an “Easter bonnet parade” where
the best bonnet wins a prize.
Maundy Thursday.
In Britain, on the Thursday before Easter Sunday, the Queen goes to Westminster Abbey and
she gives money to some …………… people. Westminster Abbey is a very famous cathedral in
Good Friday and Hot Cross Buns.
Good Friday is the Friday before Easter Sunday. On this day people eat hot cross buns. These
are small loaves bread of sweet bread with ………….. and spices and they have a cross on top.
They are best when you eat them hot.
Easter egg rolling.
Another Easter tradition is egg rolling. People decorate eggs with different colors. They take the
eggs on the top of the ………….. and eggs roll down. The first egg to get to the bottom of the hill,
is the winner.

Ester Listening activities. Easter Jeopardy.
Keys 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A

Easter Traditions and Symbols in Britain.

Easter is a very important festival in Great Britain. Easter day is always on Sunday, and it is in
spring. the wish for this day is “Happy Easter”. There are many symbols and interesting
traditions on this day.
The Easter bunny
The symbol of Easter is an Easter bunny, a happy rabbit with a basket of chocolate eggs. He
brings these eggs to children on Easter Sunday. On Easter Sunday morning children look for the
eggs. It's a very exciting Easter egg hunt. For this reason, chocolate bunnies and Easter eggs are
very popular in Great Britain. Children have a basket to collect their eggs.
Painting eggs.
English children like coloring and decorating eggs for Easter. Eggs are very important because
they mean spring and new life.
Easter egg tree.
Children and parents make a very nice decoration. They put branches in a vase and hang eggs
on them.
Easter bonnet.
At Easter people used to wear special hats. They are called bonnets. The bonnets are always
new. In some British primary schools, they organize an “Easter bonnet parade” where the best
bonnet wins a prize.
Maundy Thursday.
In Britain, on the Thursday before Easter Sunday, the Queen goes to Westminster Abbey and
she gives money to some poor people. Westminster Abbey is a very famous cathedral in
Good Friday and Hot Cross Buns.
Good Friday is the Friday before Easter Sunday. On this day people eat hot cross buns. These
are small loaves bread of sweet bread with fruit and spices and they have a cross on top. They
are best when you eat them hot.
Easter egg rolling.
Another Easter tradition is egg rolling. People decorate eggs with different colors. They take the
eggs on the top of the hill and eggs roll down. The first egg to get to the bottom of the hill, is
the winner.

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