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dear students

i welcome you all to this course on

geometric design

we are going to sail through this

particular course and will be speaking

about and discussing

the various factors which are related

with the roads

and all those physical features which

you can see on the road are going to be

covered one by one in this particular


by the end of this course i hope

that you will be having a sufficient


on the various aspects of geometric

design related to roads and you will be

able to design any system or any road as

and when it comes to you for the design

as a traffic engineer or a

transportation planner or a traffic


now when we look at this particular

course then

we will require to see first of all that

what are the things which we are

probably going to cover

in this course
throughout this 30 hours lecture

in that direction

i can take you towards all of those


which we are going to cover in this and

the today's lecture also that are the

specific points which we will be

covering as we start with our module one

so here what you can see is that today

we are going to first of all have an

introduction of this course

the second thing which we are going to

look at is what is geometric design

what is the definition of that what is

the need of a geometric design and how

it helps us in the better planning as

well as a comfortable ride for the road


once the facility has been provided and

implemented at any location

apart from that then when we will be

starting with the module

we will be looking at the design factors

in their categorization

and within those design factors and


we will be talking about the use based


and that is going to be the first factor

which we are going to discuss in this



now if we come to the course content

as you can see here

the course content has been divided into

five modules

the very first module is

the design controls

and these design controls we are going

to look at the factors which affect the

design of various facilities

on the overall system not very specific

to one particular type of facility

and then

we will also be looking at the

classification of the roads

wherein we will talk about the urban

roads as well as the rural highways

and what are the various classifications

within those

and then a specific one which we are

going to talk is in terms of the

functional classification

the next in the module one

we are going to talk about the space


so how much space is required which is

to be

taken up at any particular location so

that a facility can be constructed in a

right manner

that is what we are going to talk here

and this again we are going to look at

for all type of roads or categorizations

that means the urban roads the rural

highways and even in the specific

conditions may be for hill areas too

one important aspect in the design is

that what is the visibility which is

available to a road user or a vehicle

driver ahead on the path or on a road

and that is where the site distance

requirements is one another important

aspect which we are going to talk here

and this aspect we are going to look at

in terms of the overtaking also

Dear students, I welcome you all to this course on geometric design. We are going
to sail through this particular course and will be speaking about and discussing
the various factors which are related with the roads. All those physical features
which you can see on the road are going to be covered one by one in this particular
course. By the end of this course, I hope that you will be having a sufficient
knowledge on the various aspects of geometric design related to roads, and you will
be able to design any system or any road as and when it comes to you for the
design, as a traffic engineer, or a transportation planner, or a traffic planner.
Now when we look at this particular course, then we will require to see first of
all that what are the things which we are probably going to cover in this course.
Throughout this 30-hour lecture, I can take you towards all of those things which
we are going to cover in this, and today's lecture also that are the specific
points which we will be covering as we start with our Module One.
So here what you can see is that today we are going to first of all have an
introduction of this course. The second thing which we are going to look at is what
is geometric design, what is the definition of that, what is the need of a
geometric design, and how it helps us in the better planning as well as a
comfortable ride for the road users. Once the facility has been provided and
implemented at any location.
Apart from that, then when we will be starting with the module, we will be looking
at the design factors in their categorization. And within those design factors and
categorization, we will be talking about the use-based aspects, and that is going
to be the first factor which we are going to discuss in this particular
Now if we come to the course content, as you can see here, the course content has
been divided into five modules. The very first module is the design controls, and
these design controls we are going to look at the factors which affect the design
of various facilities on the overall system not very specific to one particular
type of facility.
And then we will also be looking at the classification of the roads, wherein we
will talk about the urban roads as well as the rural highways, and what are the
various classifications within those, and then a specific one which we are going to
talk is in terms of the functional classification.
The next in the module one, we are going to talk about the space standards, so how
much space is required which is to be taken up at any particular location so that a
facility can be constructed in a right manner, that is what we are going to talk
here and this again we are going to look at for all type of roads or
categorizations that means the urban roads the rural highways and even in the
specific conditions may be for hill areas too.
One important aspect in the design is that what is the visibility which is
available to a road user or a vehicle driver ahead on the path or on a road and
that is where the site distance requirements is one another important aspect which
we are going to talk here, and this aspect we are going to look at in terms of the
overtaking also, we also will going to look at the night time driving in terms of
the distance which.

we also

will going to look at the night time

driving in terms of the distance which

is visible to a driver under the


will also look at the requirements on a

horizontal curve or a vertical curve

and will also talk about the side

distance requirements at an intersection

so this hole

which is being talked just now

is going to be considered in the first

module which is being talked just now

now another thing

which we are going to talk as a module 2

is related to the various cross

sectional elements
now if you have seen the arbonne road as

well as you have seen the national

highway you must have noticed

there is a big difference between the

urban roads and the national highways in

terms of the physical features

which are being provided on that

in this direction we will try to see

that how the things are going to be

different if we have different type of

roads in terms of the number of lanes

say a single lane system or a two lane

system or a multi lane highway system

or even in the case of expressways

and when we are very specifically

talking about the urban areas you must

have noticed

that there are lot many pedestrians as

well as the bicyclist in the urban areas

and specifically the small cities or the

medium sized cities and that is where we

also will be talking about the

pedestrian facilities and the bicycle

facilities in specific

with that we will be covering our module

two and we will move to the module three

which is purely related to the design of

the various aspects

of alignment
and this alignment we are going to talk

in terms of two directions one is the

horizontal alignment

and another one is the vertical


within the horizontal alignment

we will be talking about

the horizontal curves

the transition curves

the super elevation which is to be


the extra winding requirements

so all of these things will constitute

the horizontal alignment as such

when we talk about the vertical

alignment in the hilly areas the

mountainous or steep terrain which we

are going to talk subsequently when we

go ahead in this particular course

there we will be looking at the summit

curve and the

ah velico and these two are defined as

the vertical curves or that segment is

the vertical curves

when you are going to look at these

summit curves and valley curves then the

another thing which is important is to

look at the gradients and that is one

another aspect we will be discussing

in some of the conditions you may find

the horizontal and vertical alignment

they are overlapping with each other

and some information regarding that will

also going to be talked that how we are

going to design and how we are going to

place the various facilities so that the

driver who is moving on that particular

overlapping alignment does not face any


and is being able to negotiate that

section with safety when you will be

talking about all of these alignment


then we will also give some emphasis to

the multi lane highways and as well as

to the expressways that means you can

understand that we are going to talk

about the rural highways we are going to

talk something about the urban routes


and then

the information pertinent information

which is there which is related to these

two particular categories as multi lane

highways and expressways is also going

to be looked at

the next module module 4

is quite important in terms of urban


though it is not so insignificant in the

case of rural highways

so intersections is one thing which is

going to be there

whether you talk about the urban routes

or the

rural highways the only thing is the

intensity of intersections which is

going to be there

is quite high in the urban areas

and that is where we are going to talk

about this particular component is

specifically in module 4.

there we will look at the various

layouts or the geometric features which

are going to be there

when you have an intersection of ah

thing like one road meeting another road

or crossing another particular road

whatever is a type of condition we are

going to look at that

the need of channelization so as to

maintain the safety

We also will be going to look at the nighttime driving in terms of the distance
which is visible to a driver under the headlights. We will also look at the
requirements on a horizontal curve or a vertical curve, and will also talk about
the side distance requirements at an intersection.

So this whole which is being talked about just now is going to be considered in the
first module which is being talked about just now. Now another thing which we are
going to talk about as module 2 is related to the various cross-sectional elements.

Now if you have seen the urban road as well as you have seen the national highway,
you must have noticed there is a big difference between the urban roads and the
national highways in terms of the physical features which are being provided on
that. In this direction, we will try to see how the things are going to be
different if we have different types of roads in terms of the number of lanes; say
a single lane system or a two-lane system or a multi-lane highway system or even in
the case of expressways.

And when we are very specifically talking about the urban areas, you must have
noticed that there are lot many pedestrians as well as bicyclists in the urban
areas, and specifically the small cities or the medium-sized cities, and that is
where we also will be talking about the pedestrian facilities and the bicycle
facilities in specific. With that, we will be covering our module two and we will
move to module three which is purely related to the design of the various aspects
of alignment.

And this alignment we are going to talk in terms of two directions, one is the
horizontal alignment and another one is the vertical alignment. Within the
horizontal alignment, we will be talking about the horizontal curves, the
transition curves, the super elevation which is to be provided, the extra winding
requirements, so all of these things will constitute the horizontal alignment as

When we talk about the vertical alignment in the hilly areas, the mountainous or
steep terrain which we are going to talk subsequently when we go ahead in this
particular course, there we will be looking at the summit curve and the ah velico,
and these two are defined as the vertical curves or that segment is the vertical

When you are going to look at these summit curves and valley curves then the
another thing which is important is to look at the gradients and that is one
another aspect we will be discussing here.

In some of the conditions, you may find the horizontal and vertical alignment they
are overlapping with each other and some information regarding that will also going
to be talked that how we are going to design and how we are going to place the
various facilities so that the driver who is moving on that particular overlapping
alignment does not face any problem and is being able to negotiate that section
with safety when you will be talking about all of these alignment design.

Then we will also give some emphasis to the multi-lane highways and as well as to
the expressways, that means you can understand that we are going to talk about the
rural highways, we are going to talk something about the urban routes too, and then
the information pertinent information which is there which is related to these two
particular categories as multi-lane highways and expressways is also going to be
looked at.

The next module, module 4, is quite important in terms of urban areas, though it is
not so insignificant in the case of rural highways, so intersections is one thing
which is going to be there, whether you talk about the urban routes or the rural
highways, the only thing is the intensity of intersections which is going to be
there is quite high in the urban areas, and that is where we are going to talk
about this particular component specifically in module 4.

There we will look at the various layouts or the geometric features which are going
to be there when you have an intersection of ah thing like one road meeting another
road or crossing another particular road, whatever is a type of condition we are
going to look at that,
the need of channelization so as to maintain the safety

of the different road users

or the traffic which is moving in

different directions so that is one

another aspect we are going to look at

here then interchanges sometimes as we

are talking about the multiline highways

or express phase then you need to

maintain the speed and that is where the

interchange can be one another aspect we

are going to talk in this module

and finally we will also be looking at

the auxiliary lanes in terms of the

right turning specific lane or the speed

change lane or the acceleration or the

de-acceleration lanes and what type of

design what type of length etcetera

needs to be provided so those are the

things we are going to talk in this

module four

the last module

that is module five

is related to the design of facilities

its not that so far we have not talked

about the design of any of the facility

but we have talked about those

with the intent that they are already

there at a particular road and that

needs to be provided but here we are

going to talk about some specific


like very important one is a parking


because your vehicle is not going to

move throughout 24 hours in a day it is

going to stand for a substantial time

and thats where the parking areas needs

to be designed

then the bus bays and shelters is

another important aspect

when you talking about the urban area

you have the city bus systems in many of

the cities now the brt the bus rapid

transit is also there

and that is where we have to see that

how these buses can be stopped how the

people can get in and out of the bus the

lightning and the boarding is going to

be there so whether that can be done on

the main carriageway or you have to

provide it at some other distance away

from it is what we are looking here

the truck lay wise is another important

thing because if you talk about an

industrial area or if you talk about a

consumption or a production center or a

city is working like that

then the truck traffic is going to be

quite high and therefore this is one

another aspect we should talk about

and lastly we are going to talk about

the toll plazas

and this toll plazas is now the talk of

the day wherein on all of those national

highways expressways multi lane highways

which has been constructed with the help


various transitioners are the private

companies the charges are going to be

there and that is where the toll plazas

have been created so what is the type of

design which needs to be there what are

the various facilities we should be

there on a toll plaza

all of those aspects are going to be

covered when we will discuss about the

tool plazas towards the end of this

course as you can see that there are lot

many things which are being discussed

here and i hope and understand i am

confident that by the end of this

particular course you will be able to

reply to any of the question being posed

to you during the interviews at any

point of a time which are related to

this particular course and you will be

successfully covering and going through

that particular interview it is going to

be quite important because

all of those construction are all of

those consulting agencies which are

working in this area they are primary

working in the area of geometric designs

they are designing the roads they are

creating the plans and drawings and that

is where if you have an idea about this

then that is going to be a

very good input from your site to the

company as well as the company is going

to be get beneficial out of u

with this

we are going to now move into

the our course that is geometric design

now very first thing is that what is the

geometric design now when we talk about

this geometric design as i said there

are lot many physical features which are

going to be provided at the top

on the carriageway

so all designs related to those physical

features is what we are going to talk

here and these physical features should

be designed in such a manner that they

guide the road user or they guide the

person who is using that particular


in a proper manner
and what we say in a proper manner is

that our aim is to achieve

a safe

smooth comfortable

efficient and economical operation so

whatever the vehicles which are moving

on that road

they should remain safe with respect to

each other

the flow should remain smooth

the riding should be comfortable

and from the economic side each and

every aspect related to this flow should

be efficient and economical

and that is what we are trying to go


just after having the design of all

these physical entities

now why we are interested to do all of

these things is what is being explained


the first thing is that we have to see

that whatever the facility which has

been created that is being created for

the horizon year when we say horizon

year it means we are looking at the

design period

and this design period that can be

something like maybe only 5 years

or it may be as high as 20 years

now in the 5 years or 20 years span the

things may change a lot there may be new

technology vehicles there is going to be

the increase of the population there is

going to be an increase of the

vehicular ownership and the vehicles

which are moving on the roads and

therefore whatever facility we are

creating here that should be adequate

enough so that

it is going to provide a comfortable

movement of all road users on that

particular facility even up to the that

design period or horizon year so that is

what is the very first thing which we

need to talk about and look at the

another thing is that the design should

be self explaining in nature


as a traffic engineer or traffic planner

whatever you have provided to the road

users in terms of the width of a road in

terms of the type of facilities which

have been provided on the road how the

curve has been designed whatever these

aspects which are there they should not

come as a thought process where you say

that i am going to provide it and the

user should use it rather than it has to

be a user based approach

wherein whatever design is being

provided is

self explaining in a nature that the

driver or the vehicle or the

any of the road user are able

to understand what does that mean

and therefore they

comply with that and that will result in

the efficient and the safe operation on

the road so this is one another

important thing and you should try to

achieve these type of designs another

design is a design should be forgiving

in nature what does that mean is

that the there should be features within

your design that if any vehicle

goes into a airiness movement on a

driver commits an error there is an

scope to rectify it within the time

frame so that whatever is happening does

not culminate into an hazardous

situation or there is no major injury or

there is no fatality because of that

sort of an error

so that can happen in terms of a design

that can happen in terms of the

provision of the various safety devices

which can be provided so you have to

look at it what are the conditions which

are prevailing at that particular area

in where you are going to provide the

facility based on that we should try to

see that the errors get rectified and

the operations keeps going as such the

last thing which is to be looked at is

an economic aspect

and this economic aspect is not only

going with respect to the provision of

the facility that means you are going to

construct it and therefore you need a

capital money to do that but at the same

time the operational economy should also

be there that means all of the vehicles

if they are moving at a speed

which is a desirous speed at which the

fuel economy is going to be there

probably that is what we are trying to

look at and we will be discussing about

this towards the end and there we can

see that we are going to talk about the

level of service which is related with

these type of things but what i will try

to emphasize here is that your design

should be self explaining as well as

forgiving in nature now when we look at

the self explaining road design what

does it mean is what is being shown here

where you can see that there are

different lanes being defined and they

are very specifically been defined by

way of the markings there is a median on

which the crash barrier is also being

provided because it is a narrow median

it says that the directional traffic has

been segregated when you are moving in

the same direction then also there is a

segregation probably by way of

speed so you can say that the highest

speed is going to be here and the lowest

speed is going to be on the inner side

of this curve

or it can also be utilized by the

different categories of vehicles you

have probably the proper illumination on

the right hand side if you look the

fencing has to be been provided

therefore if any vehicle goes out of

control it provides some opportunity to

come back even if the speed is quite

high it is not going to culminate into a

hazardous situation in terms of a

fatality because the land which is being

provided on that side is a northern land

and this will help in improving the

safety for the uranus vehicles on the

other design which you can see the

railings have been provided in terms of

a steel ropes which are there so if any

vehicle which hits here is going to

divert back and that is what we are

intending here to provide a design but

at the same time this is being provided

at a certain distance away from the main

carriageway so there can be some space

which is being provided at two levels

that means there is a setback at which

this facility is being provided and even

if the vehicle is still

goes and hits there then it is coming

back so again you are providing an

opportunity to the driver to rectify the

arrow so how you are going to do all of

these things is that you need to put

each and every element in a systematic

manner if all of these elements which

are physical features if they are not

being provided in systematic orientation

then you are not going to get the

intended uses or you are not being able

to provide the facility for the intended

users in that direction this is one

aspect which becomes important and we

are going to talk about these in detail

further who are these intended users and



then another thing is for whom we are

going to design all of these things

so we are going to design these things

in general for all the users who are

there on a facility but at the same time

we may also be designing these

for specific users say as we talked in

terms of

pedestrians or by cyclist there may be a

possibility that we are going to provide

a specific facility for them and if we

take some designs with respect to say

brt then that can also be one such


and when we are designing all of these

things and we see again and again users

who are these users these users can be


that means we have the two conditions




non motorized

or we may have the human beings who may

be there in terms of


or they may be there in terms of

passengers so we are going to look at


aspects related to them and that is what

we are going to provide the facilities

so here you can see in this first

photograph which is there on the left

hand side there are different users who

are there on the same carriageway you

have the motorized vehicle you have the

bicyclist and you have the pedestrian

who is crossing that road and if this

interaction is looked at and the people

are not

vigilant with respect to each others

movement then it may culminate into an

unsafe situation but when we look at the

another photograph on the right hand

side what we can see is a dedicated

space is being provided which is being

provided with the texture

so that it becomes

clearly visible even to the motorist

that this is a section which is to be

used by somebody else and that somebody

is also being marked at the ground level

and is the bicyclist is the one who is

going to use this facility and that is

where we have separated out the two

users from each other so we can say that

there is a mixed condition and there is

an exclusive use condition being shown

here in terms of these users

so finally what we are going to achieve

on the here so we are going to achieve

the balance between accessibility and

mobility these are the two aspects we

are going to look at will also see that

the flows which are going to be there

across the spaces they happen at a

desired level of service and this level

of service can be with respect to flow

this can be with respect to speed these

are the two parameters which are visible

to the user the third parameter can be

there as a density but that that is not

visible access to a person so this is

what we are usually going to talk

then the safety of all type of users as

well as the property which is there on

the side of a road this is also we are

going to achieve if the design is good

we will have a comfortable and

convenient ride this is one another

aspect which will be there then the

operational efficiency is going to be

there and this operational efficiency

will be in terms of various aspects of

the flow like there is going to be

minimum of delays

the travel time is also going to be

minimum across the spaces

and if the cost is also going to be low

and that is going to be the complete

win-win situation for any of the road

user so if we can provide that sort of

an operational efficiency is what we are

trying to look when we provide any of

the facility but when we provide this

facility you must have observed one

thing as soon as a road comes up the

economic development starts taking place

all around that road

or a road reaches a particular area

which was not accessible before you will

find that this development starts taking

place at that location there will be lot


you can say the construction activities

going on or different type of land uses

are going on so when these land uses or

activities are going on then these are

bringing nothing but the upliftment in

that particular area in terms of the

economic equipment as well as in terms

of the livelihood which is going to

improve in that area so that economic

aspect is also associated with your

proper design

and finally the thing which we are going

to look as is a preservation of ecology

and environment which is quite important

in the case of multi lane highways

or in the case of


now these are the facilities which takes

a lot of space and if they are being

passing through a forest area or they

are passing through any

reserved area then there can be a issue

to the flora and fauna in that

particular area or the environmental

condition they can also become an

important aspect even in the case of

urban areas

you must have heard again and again on

tv or on in the newspapers regarding the

pollution which has happened in delhi

and the level of pollution which has

gone to a very severe condition so that

is also an aspect where one of the

contributor to that pollution is

the traffic

so these are the things we are going to

achieve when we are going to have a good

design and that depends on you how you

are going to do it and translating it in


now let us look at what are the various

design control factors

what i have done is that i have first of

all categorize these design control

factors and then we are going to talk

about these factors one by one in this

interaction as well as the interactions

to follow

the first categorization which is being

done is use and user related

factors where we will be talking about

what can be the various types of uses

who can be the users of those facilities

and when we combine them what can be the

type of facility which needs to be

provided in a particular area

is it going to be a mixed use it is

going to be an exclusive use it is going

to be a segregated one it is going to be

a separated one what exactly is that

that is what we are going to talk there

we are also going to talk about the

projections because when you talk about

the users then this projections are

going to be there with respect to the


with respect to the population and this

population is resulting in terms of

the users on the road we are also going

to talk about the projections for

land uses because these land uses are

going to attract or generate the traffic

and that is what we are going to deal

when we are talking about the geometric

designs of various facilities

the another

broader categorization which is going to

be there is related to the road systems

here we will be talking about the

classification of roads the traffic

related aspects the speed related

aspects the level of service of a

facility which is going to be provided

and the capacity which is there and

these things are going to define the

size of a facility which needs to be

provided with respect to the traffic

volume which we have talked in the

previous slide which is going to be also

an input here and lastly what i have

done is that i have

capped the rest of the factors as

external factors wherein we will be

talking about the terrain or the

topography we will be looking at the

funds which are available for

constructing and implementing that

facility we will be talking about the

type of safety which needs to be ensured

and then the political thought process

which sometimes

drive the type of schemes or facilities

which needs to be provided in an area or

in a reason or in a country wide


and then we are going to talk about the

ecological and environmental

considerations as such

now let us move inside these design

controls one by one and we will be

speaking first of all with respect to

the use and user related factors wherein

use users and projections are going to

be taught

so let us talk about the factors related

to uses

now two photographs have been shown here

one at the top another at the bottom

and what you can see is in the first

photograph at the top

the two lane carriageway is being

provided on one side and on the other

side in between there is a median there

is an open space being provided on the

either of side of this particular

alignment or the construction of a


that means you have a ample land here

available to you if tomorrow there is a

requirement of enhancing this facility

in size you can always do that

but if you talk about the lower one you

can find that there is a development in

this side there is another type of

development on the other side and if you

are interested to expand this facility

though it is already a good size of a

facility which is there you will not be

able to do that now when you look at the

first one it is trying to give you a

connectivity between the different

cities but when you look at the second

one it is basically a facility which is

being provided within the city

in that case we have divided these two

things into two forms one is being

defined as an intensity type of a use

another one is being defined as an intra

city type of a use

now when you are looking at this

intercity type of a use here we are

going to talk about various aspects now

first is mobility where if we say that

the speed is going to be there at what

speed we are going to move on this

facility which is intercity then we can

also assume that we can very easily move

at a speed of something like 100

kilometers per hour but if you are

talking about the another one you will

not be able to move at that speed and it

may be something like 60 kilometers per

hour only so when you talk about the

intensity the emphasis shifts to the

accessibility to the various spaces

which have been provided within a city

but when you talk about intercity we are

more im looking forward towards the

mobility aspect and thats where we say

in inter city we are looking at the high

speeds but the relatively low speeds are

being looked on the intra city case we

have more space available in the inter

city alignments as being shown here

but in the intra city conditions because

of the built up area there are

restrictions and therefore this open

space which is available in inter city

is going to give you a flexibility in

the use of various spaces and expansion

of a facility but the built up area is

going to create the space constraints

and therefore we have to see that how

much space needs to be provided to a

particular road user in terms of either

vehicle motorized non motorized or

pedestrians depending on what is the

amount of volume of those particular

users in that area

and fine unlast thing which is there is

that the low intersection density is

going to be there in the case of

intercity roads because access is

usually not being provided on these

multi lane highways or expressways but

if you are talking about central city

now and then you will find a side road

is coming or another road is crossing

and that is where there is going to be a

high intersection density and this high

intersection density is actually also

causing an impact to the relatively low

speeds in that area so we have to look

at that if these are the conditions then

what type of a facility needs to be

provided then let us look at another one

which is related to the strategic

facilities where there can be either the

geographical frictions or all other

connectivity needs to be provided say we

are talking about the roads which have

been constructed by the border roads

organizations in the border areas or


important areas so these type of

facilities are going to require some

different thing than what you are going

to provide in an urban area similarly if

you have roads in the educational areas

or hospital areas they are quite

sensitive areas and therefore the

facility type
or the way the facility is being


is also going to be different in this


when you look at the various other uses

which are there which are defined here

as residential commercial shopping

recreational and industrial then in that

case also you can say that in the case

of residential area the traffic is more

of a local nature

in the commercial area it is for a

small time period the activities are

going on so the facilities may be

required in that form shopping means you

may require

n number of n types of vehicles which

are going to be there

in this case and you have to see whether

you can provide the facilities for them

or not recreational is like you talk


more of a peace of mind say for these

facilities probably have to be at

farther area and industrial may talk

about the more of the heavy vehicles in

that and therefore the facilities needs

to be provided for those type of

vehicles so let us look at on all of

these things and with these we are going

to close our this interaction today so

we can see that in the first photograph

this is a area which is intensified by

the snow and therefore you have to see

that how that is snow can be removed at

that area so that this road can function

throughout the year without losing any

connectivity on the other side of it so

this is one road which is being

constructed and operated and maintained

by the border roads organization

if you look at the another photograph

which is at the center at the top is for

a residential area and in this

residential area the requirements are

going to be too local in nature that

there are going to be pedestrians they

are going to be bicyclists or motorized

two wheelers or at the most cars

and that type of facility need to be

provided but if you look at the shopping

area then lot of activities are going to

be there around the shops and therefore

if it is a mixed use then this is going

to been hazardous or even if it is being

allowed then the vehicles will be moving

at a very low speed and that is not a

desirous situation here the another one

at the bottom on the left hand side is a

uttar tunnel at rohtang so this is

another type of friction which is there

so you have to cross a hill and if you

keep going all along the hill then this

is going to create an issue it is a long

distance operational costs are going to

be more now this tunnel which is roughly

around 9 kilometers long has reduced the

distance by 40 kilometers and the time

by around four kill hours so as to reach

on the other side in the center here

this is an area which is intensified

with the industrial activities and that

is where the more of the trucks are

there and one feature which i can tell

you about this particular photograph is

that this is a road which is being

constructed with a steel slag waste and

is probably one of the first roads been

constructed in india with that and

finally when you look at the last one

you can find that the various dedicated

spaces have been provided for

pedestrians by cyclist or for the

movement of the people in terms of a

recreation so that is another type of a

design which can be there so we have got

an idea about that what type of various

uses can be there and that can create an

impact in terms of the type of

facilities which needs to be provided

with this we are going to close our

interaction today and we will continue

with the controlling factors in the next

interaction which is going to follow

thank you and will meet next time



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