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The Linderhof Lahore School System

Class I
Unit # 11 My Body

Q1. Fill in the blanks.

1. All my _________ parts are useful.
2. We have __________ senses.
3. We see objects with our __________.
4. We enjoy food due to its ___________.
5. Sense of ___________ tells us that things are rough or smooth.
6. The high and loud sounds make us ________.

Q2. Mark the statements with true or false.

1. My arms help me to lift weight. ________
2. We see objects with our eyes. ________
3. We enjoy loud sounds. ________
4. Some objects can have two or more qualities such as tree. ________
5. We have three senses. ________
6. We feel things with our skin. ________

Q3. Match these senses with the body parts.

Senses Body parts
Taste is sensed by nose
Smell is sensed by tongue
Sound is sensed to eyes
Touch sense belongs by ears
Sight belongs to hands (skin)

Unit # 12 Keeping ourselves clean

Q1. Fill in the blanks.

1. When we eat with dirty hands _________ enter the body.
2. Keeping our area clean makes us ____________.
3. We should brush teeth ___________ a day.
4. Eating _______ vegetables without washing can make us sick.
5. We should put garbage in ____________.
Q2. Write True or False:
1. Not wearing mask in smoke can make us cough. ___________
2. Keeping our area clean makes us healthy. ___________
3. We should not wash hands after using toilet. ___________
4. Germs make us ill. ___________
5. We should take food from vendors. ___________

Unit # 13 Things around us

Q1. Fill in the blanks.

1. Non-living things do not __________ by themselves.
2. All ________ things move on their own.
3. All plants do not look like the __________.
4. We take delicious ___________ and vegetables from plants.
5. Plants are home of insects, ___________ and ___________.
6. We make things from ___________.

Q2. Mark the statements as true or false.

1. Shade keeps places cool. ___________
2. Lion and hippo are domestic animals. ___________
3. Home of birds is called nest. ___________
4. Plants are non-living things. ___________
5. All living things move, eat, breathe, grow and reproduce. ___________
6. Wild animals live in jungle. ___________

Unit # 14 Earth and sky

Q1. Fill in the blanks.

1. Earth is a planet that moves around the ___________.
2. Earth is round like a ____________.
3. __________ covers two third of Earth.
4. The ___________ moves around the Earth.
5. ___________ is a satellite.
6. ____________ is only one third of Earth.
Q2. Mark the statements as true or false.
1. The shape of the Earth is square. ___________
2. Earth is covered with land and water. ___________
3. Sun is a star. ___________
4. Water is only one third of Earth. ___________
5. Earth is a planet. ___________
Unit # 15 Objects in the Sky

Q1. Fill in the blanks.

1. The day starts when the Sun __________.
2. Sun keeps us _____________.
3. Stars look _______ because they are very far from us.
4. The day finishes when the Sun ____________.
5. The biggest source of light is ___________.

Q2. Mark the statements as true or false.

1. At night time, there are the moon and stars on sky. __________
2. Moonlight is dim. __________
3. Sun gives us heat and light. __________
4. We feel warmth due to Moon. __________
5. The day starts when the Sun sets. __________

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