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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai

Program Name: Diploma in Computer Engineering

AcademicYear:2023-24 Course:CO-6-I Subject: ETI (22618)

Submitted in march/april 2024 by group of 2 member

Roll No Name Enrollment Exam Seat No.

18 Samarth Rameshwar Kadam 2215860001 267570
27 Pawanraj Rajendra Jadhav 2215860011 267579

Under the guidance of

Mr.Shaikh V.M
Three Years Diploma Program in Computer Engineering
Sahakar Maharshi Shankarrao Mohite -Patil Institute of Technology&
Research, Shankarnagar-Akluj (Code: 1586)

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education

This is to certify that Ms/Mr. Roll No of__Semester

of Diploma in of the Institute, Sahakar Maharshi Shankarrao
Mohite-Patil Institute of Technology & Research, Shankarnagar-Akluj (Code :1586) has
completed the Micro-Project satisfactorily in the Subject –ETI(22618) for the academic year
2023-2024 as prescribed in the curriculum by MSBTE. The project report has been approved as it
satisfies the academic requirements in respect of project work prescribed for the said Diploma.

Place: Enrollment No: _____________

Date: Exam Seat No: _

Project Guide Internal/ External Examiner


Subject Teacher Head Of Department Principal

(Mr.Shaikh.V.M) (Mr.Phade.G.M ) (Dr.Dhawale P.A)

Seal of

Title Page No.

1. Brief Description 1

2. History Of Cloud 2

3. Models 3

4. Characteristic’s Of Cloud 5

5. Application 6

6. Benefit’s Of Cloud Computing 8

7. Actual procedure followed 9

8. Evaluation Sheet 10

Brief Description:

While this decade comes to an end, it’s time to look ahead to what’s in store
forthe future. One area where business leaders are looking for continued
development is the cloud.

The cloud helps businesses with reducing costs, boosting efficiency, increasing
agility, and assisting in overall growth and innovation.

In the coming years, there are likely to be a variety of developmentsthat will

impact cloud technology. From new abilities to new members of the workforce,
here are some of the trends we can expect in the years to come.

With technology swiftly changing the workforce strategy and business models,
organizations are aggressively adopting cloud services, and are also looking
forward to the recent trends in cloud computing that can help them leverage
their investment in the long run.

Among the many current trends in Cloud Computing, the cloud-based

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (or IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)
industry has doubled in size, in just the last two years, and is projected to grow
exponentially over the next three years

History Of Cloud Computing:

Idea that revolutionized Cloud Computing is moving from Clustering Computing to Grid
Computing. Concept dating back to the 1960’s by John McCarthy, a computer scientist,
brought up the idea that

The concept of Cloud computing originated in early 90s and has progressed
significantly over timeas under :
 1960 – John McCarthy opined that “computation may someday be
organized as a publicutility”.
 1990 – Usage of “Cloud” terminology to indicate large networks
 1999 – On Demand service started by
 2001 – IBM creates a roadmap for SaaS concept
 2005 – Amazon offers excess capacity on utility computing and storage basis
 2007 – Google, IBM and several universities initiate research projects on cloud
 2008 – “Cloud computing will shape the relationship among consumers of IT
services, those who useIT services and those who sell them” – Gartner
The need for Cloud computing was triggered by various factors, the major ones
 Huge Investment in Data Centres – The traditional data centres are highly
capital intensive with rising demands for infrastructure. There are 11.8 Million
servers in data centres spread across the world. The number of servers has
doubled from 2006 to 2011. The space requirements and power consumption
for these data centres is growing exponentially. Average power consumption
per server has quadrupled in the last five years.


Cloud computing is a model for facilitating seamless, convenient and on-demand

access to a common pool of resources like servers, networks, processors, storage,
applications, and services, that can be easily configured and provisioned with minimal
effort. The model for cloud computing comprises of essential characteristics, service
models and deployment models

Deployment Models:
Private cloud – Cloud infrastructure is created for exclusive use by an organisation,
which may comprise of multiple business units. The Cloud Infrastructure may be
owned and supported by theorganisation, a third party, or a combination of these. The
Infrastructure could exist within the organisation’s premises or at a remote location.

Community cloud - The infrastructure is created for the exclusive use by a group of
consumers from organisations that have certain common features and requirements. It
may be owned and supported by one or more of the participating, a third party, or a
combination of these.
The Infrastructure could exist within the premises of any of the organisations or at any
remote location.

Public cloud - The infrastructure is created for use by anyone. It may be owned and
supported by a corporate, academic, or public organisation, or a combination of these.
The infrastructure is hosted at the premises of theprovider.

Hybrid cloud - The infrastructure is a combination of two or more cloud

infrastructures that continue to remain as separate clouds, but are integrated
seamlessly to enable portability of data and application across the clouds.

Comparison of Deployment Models :

Model Private Cloud Community Cloud Public Cloud Hybrid Cloud

Ownership Organisation or Organisations or Third Party Organisation

Third Party Third Party orThird Party
Usage Exclusive use Organisations General Combination
by withsimilarities Public ofother
Location Organisation Models
On/ Off Provider's
Management On/ Off Premises Premises ofother
Premises Organisations or Third Party Models
Organisation or Third Party Combination
Third Party ofother

Characteristic’s Of Cloud Computing:

Essential Characteristics:
1. Self-service On-demand – The consumer or user has the option of provisioning
computing resources like network, storage, processors, and servers as per their
requirements without too much of a human intervention.
2. Network access - The resources are available to the consumer over the network
and accessed through thin or thick clients like desktops, Laptops, Tablets,
Mobile phones.
3. Resource pooling - The service provider’s resources are pooled to service many
consumers simultaneously using a time-sharing model, with the physical and
virtual resources allocated dynamically according to the varying demand from
consumers. The whole mechanism is independent of location, since the
customer is neither concerned nor affected by the physical location of the
resources that he is utilizing.


GOOGLE Companies leading in Cloud Computing-

Google has invested more than $2 billion a year in data centers for cloud
computing. Google “101” is a Network made up of millions of cheap servers, that
would store staggering amounts of data, including numerous copies of the world
wide web.

Cloud computing helps to Make Google search faster, ferret out answers to billions
of queries in a fraction of a second.

AMAZON Companies leading in Cloud Computing-

Amazon introduced Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud “Amazon EC2” which is a web
service interface that provides resizable computing capacity in a cloud which
designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers and reduces the time
required to obtain and boot new server space from weeks to minutes.

MICROSOFT Companies leading in Cloud Computing-

Introduced ” Azure” which is a Internet-scale cloud computing and services platform

hosted in Microsoftdata center Designed to help developers quickly and easily create,
deploy, manage, and distribute web services and applications on the internet .

IBM Companies leading in Cloud Computing-

IBM’s system introduced in the mid 2000’s is called Blue Cloud.


Youtube would not function without cloud computing. The simultaneous Streaming&
Uploading of files by million users would not be possible without Cloud Computing.

Companies leading in Cloud Computing.


Facebook uses cloud computing to serve Million of users

at once.Services offered by Cloud Computing technology

Cloud Services differ in the amount of control that you have over your

Software As a service (Saas) – This model is based on licensing software use on demand,
which is already installed and running on cloud platform. A single instance of the service
runs on the cloud and multiple end

Benefit’s Of Cloud Computing:

1. More work can be done in minimum time.

2. Can be accessed anywhere, anytime on a condition that they should

have an internet connection.

3. Big money is not spent on licensing or any software.

4. Cost efficient.

5. Backing up data and restoring is much


Actual Procedure Followed:-

First of all we chose the micro project group. In the micro project group there are group
1. Anand Bhagyawant

After that we read the topics of micro project related to subject ETI
In the list there were so many topics but we selected the micro project.
Then we collected information related to the micro project. We have to divide
the micro project in the different section. In the first section, all group members
has visited all resources or all the websites and collected the information about
the micro project.We all group members checked our work & information again
under the guidance of Our Guide corrected all the mistakes of the micro project
or any enquiry related to the micro project with the help of our guide.

After the collection of all the information we started to collect the main
information from it. Then next step is to make the micro project report. Then
next week we have to create the micro project report with the help of MSBTE
sample report
Finally we successfully completed our micro project.

Teacher Evaluation Sheet
Name of Student: ……………………………………………………….

Enrollment No……………..…………………

Name of Program:

Course Title-

Code: ……………………………………….

Title of the Micro-Project:


Course outcomes Achieved:


Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro-Project:-

. Characteristics to Poor Average Good Excellent

No. beassessed
(Marks 1- (Marks 4- (Marks 6- (Marks 9-
3) 5) 8) 10)
1 Relevance to the course

2 Literature Survey/
Information Collection

3 Project Proposal

4 Completion of the Targetas

per project proposal

5 Analysis of data and


6 Quality of Prototype/

7 Report Preparation

8 Presentation

9 Defence
Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet

Process Assessment Product Assessment

Part A-Project Project Part B-Project Individual

Proposal Report/ Working Presentation/Viva Total Marks 10
Methodology Model(2Marks)
(2Marks) (4Marks)


Every course teacher is expected to assign marks for group evolution in first
3 columns & individual evaluation in 4th column for each group of students
as perrubrics.

Comment/Suggestions about team work/ leadership/inter-personal communication (ifany)




…….. Any Other Comment:


Name and Designation of the Faculty



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