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8 (copter EnpnerngSaCHoE ae Ct ey 2784 ames 2 University of Mumbai 93764 Examinations Summer 2022 Program: IT01028 Curriculum Scheme: Rev2016 Examination: BE Semester VIL Course Code: 52965 and Course Name: Environmental Management 2 hour 30 minutes ‘Max. Marks: 80 pgaiestions. i MA ston. AT the Questions are 1, | ioose the correct option for "| compulsory and carry equal marks T_] The Bhopal gas Tragedy in 1984 is related to- jpton A: | Nuclear disaster ‘Option By | Earthquake disaster ‘Option C-) Man-made disaster ‘Option D: | Floods 2. The government of India enacted EPA of 1986 under article__ of the constitution Opin A | 253 Option BY 351 Opin P29 ‘Opin D> | San The primary agenda of the Kyoto protocol B: ‘Option Ar] Regulition of hazardow wastes ‘Option Br | Regulate the production of nuclear energy ‘Option C=] Control anthropogenic sources of greenhouse pases Option Di | Control of the worldwide Energy consumption + Which of the following is a prime health risks associated with greater UV radiation through the atmosphere due to depletion of ozone layer? pion A> | Damage to digestive system ‘Option Br | Tncreased liver cancer Option C- | Tncreased skin cancer 1|Page PS98EPCIPISP4B2A267CB6CIIEADISA6 93764 ‘Option D: | Neurological disorder 5. P-D-C-A stands for: ‘Option Az] Plan-Do-Check-Act Option BE Pn Do-Caneer AGT ‘Option C_| Procecd-Do-Cheek-Aet Option Dz | Proceed: Do-Correct-Act G The combination of all factors that act to limit the growth of a population is: ‘Option A: | Carrying capacity ‘Option Br | Environmental resistance ‘Option C: "| Biotic potential ‘Option Dz | Logistic growth 7. Tn acid rain PH of water is: Option AZ| Less than5.6 ‘Option B7|Around 7 yption C: |More than 7 ‘Option D: | around 14 8 Environment Impact assessment (EIA) is done ‘Option AT Before the project ‘Option Br_| After the project ‘Option C- | During the project ‘Option Dz | Any time in life cycle of project 3. —| Energy conversation act was formed In year ‘Option A: 1997 ‘Opiion Br [2000 2|Page F398EFCIFISF4B2A267CBOCI IEA09S46 93764 ‘Option C: | 2001 ‘Option Dz 7999 10. The Minamata Disease was caused due to: Option AT) Methyl isocyanate ‘Option BT Mercury | “Option C= Benzene ‘Option Dr | Lead Q.2 (A) Solve any two of the following: (omy ? What are the aspects of Environment Nonagement& challenges acedin k? it) Write a note on loss of Bio-diversity. il) Discuss the EMS certification. (8) Solve any one of the following: Tomy i) ii) ‘Write a note on the role of government asa planning & regulating agency. Q3 (A) Solve any two of the following: om) : Define: Limiting factors & Carrying capacity. Discuss thelr relation with the environment. i What are the features of Environment Protection Act 1986. Discuss the role of Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in pollution 0 monitoring. ®) ‘Solve any one of the following: (om) 7 What is 1S0-14000? How does adoption of 150-4000 practices benefit the Industries as well asthe Environment? Ay What is Hazardous Waste? Note the different health risk coused by f. How doesit affecttheenvironment? Qa. (A) Solve any two of the following: (20m) fi Wiite @ noteon the Water(Prevention®& controlof Pollution Jack. ii Define Ecosystem. What are the components of Ecosystem? ii Differentiate between: Industrial Disasters & Man-made disesters B Solve any One (omy Whats sustainable development? 1s sustainable development necessary? Whatare the parameters affecting it? Write « note on; Total Quality Environmental Management®& Corporate Environment Responsibility. 3|Pa FR98EFCIFI3E4B2A267CB6CIIEA09S46

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