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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
Ulingao, San Rafael, Bulacan



Prepared by:


BSED English IV – B
Pre – Service Teacher
Topic: Get the different sides of social, moral and economic issues affecting the nation.
Date: April 25, 2024

I. Objectives:
At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:
A. Identify social, moral and economic issue in the given examples;
B. Provide valuable insights of the importance of being aware of each type of issues;
C. Present possible solution in the certain issue using chosen method of presentation.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Get the different sides of social, moral and economic issues affecting the
B. Reference: Learning Module for English Grade 9
C. Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint presentation, Cut outs pictures and Box
D. Strategies: Activity, Questions, and Oral Recitation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Daily Classroom Routine
a.1. Prayer

Let's open our hearts and minds with a

moment of shared prayer as we begin our day
together. Everyone, please stand up.

Who will lead the prayer? “Ma'am.”

Yes. Edison. (Students are praying)

a.2. Greeting

Good morning class! It is a nice day to see you

all. Kindly greet everyone good morning with
“Good morning, Ma’am! Good morning
Wow, that was so energetic. classmates! It is nice to see you.”
a.3. Classroom Conditioning

Alright. before you take your seats, kindly (Students pick up the pieces of paper)
pick up the pieces of paper underneath
your chairs and organize your chairs It was great, Ma’am!

So, how’s your day? Is it good so far? Yes, ma’am.

I’m glad to hear that. So, are you guys

ready to learn another lesson? (Students will thumbs-up)

If that is the case, can you give me a

thumbs up? Let me see.

Before we start our lesson, may we observe

the following classroom rules as we go
through our discussion.
R – Raise your hand if you have questions or
Everybody read. want to answer.
U – Use respectful language and actions at all
L – Listen attentively when someone else is
Please make sure to follow our rules. speaking.
E – Enter class on time and prepared.
S – Stay in your seat and focus on the lesson.

a.4. Checking Attendance

Alright, so let us first check your

attendance. Class secretary, do we have
absentees today? I’m glad to report that no one is absent today in
our class.
Oh wow! Everyone is here today. So, give
yourselves a round of applause.

a.5. Checking of Assignment

Okay class, did I give you an assignment

last time? Yes, Ma’am

Kindly pass it to the center isle and Era, Okay, Ma'am.

kindly collect it. Thank you.
B. Review of the past lesson

Before we go to our main topic for this

morning, let us have a sort of review
regarding our topic last meeting.

What was our lesson last meeting? It’s all purpose of the author, Ma’am.

Yes, our topic last time is all about purpose

of the author Again, what are the three
purposes of the author that we discussed
last time? The purpose is to persuade, to entertain and to

Very good class! It seems like most of you

have really understood our previous lesson.
That is why, I’m glad.

Now, do you still have questions, things

that you are confused with, or any concern
that you would like to raise? Feel free to
ask, class.

If none, let us have an exciting and fun None so far, ma’am.


Are you guys excited? Yes, Ma’am.

Can you give me three claps for that? (Students will clap)

C. Motivation

This is just a simple activity. Here are the


• You'll be divided into five groups.

• Each group will be given a picture puzzle
and arrange it within 2 minutes.
• Once you're done, race your arranged
• The fastest group to finish will be the
• When time's up, finished or not, one
person from each team must explain their
puzzle arrangement.

Are we clear? “Yes, Ma’am.”

Do you have any questions? “None, Ma’am.”

Are you ready? “Yes, we are ready!”

Now, go to your respective group. (Students form their group)

I need one representative for each group. (Representatives will pick their puzzle)
Pick your puzzle.

Let me remind you, please refrain from

making unnecessary noises and work
quietly. Ensure that you collaborate
effectively with your group mates.

Understood? “Yes, Ma’am.”

Now, once the timer starts, you can arrange

your jigsaw puzzle. “Okay. Ma’am.’’

(Teacher press the timer) (Students starts arranging their picture puzzle)

Group 1 and Group 3 have completed their (Group 1 finished first and they have already
task. Don't worry, other groups, you still raised their completed puzzle)
have ample time to finish your puzzles.
Keep going!

Time’s up!
Raise your puzzles.

I think other groups were not able to

complete their puzzle, but it’s okay. I’m (Students raising their puzzle.)
glad that you are all helping each other.

Now, let’s start.

Let's start explaining your puzzles. Each

group should have only one representative
to give at least one sentence about your

Let’s start with group 1 and so on… (Representatives will explain their puzzle)

Give yourselves a GOOD JOB CLAP! “G.O.O.D J.O. B good job! good job! (2x)”

Did you enjoy your game? Did you have “It’s somehow difficult, ma’am, but we enjoy
fun?or do you find it difficult? it.”

That’s good to hear, class. That is the real

essence of this activity; for you to have
fun. And with that, all of you are winners
for me. So, tell your seatmates, “You did

D. Lesson Proper

Okay, to formally start our lesson,

everyone please read the objectives of our
Thank you! Please be guided by our
objectives because this will help you know
what you should be able to do at the end of
our discussion.
Based on your activity, what have you
noticed about the puzzles you assembled a
while ago? Do they have similarities?
(Students raising their hand)
Yes, Joel.
“Ma’am, I think they are relevant in our country
Very good, Joel!
“Yes, ma’am.”
Do they exist in our current time?
(Student raising their hands)
Okay, how do you know?
“They are often shown on TV or on social
Yes, Era.
Very good, Era!

Well, that’s true those had a big impact on

our society and our country.

So, what do we generally call them or what

do you think is the term we used to refer to
it? (Student raising their hands)

Yes, Bill.
“Ma’am, I think they are what we called issues.
that we are encountering in our country.”

Bill is right, they are ISSUES in general.

So, what do you think is the meaning of


Yes, Carlene. “It is a problem or concern that need to be



That’s right, the issue needs to be

addressed as much as possible. As it can
severely affect every person.
Any other answer?
“Issue is something that people talk about.
Yes, Jean.


Alright. So, all of your answers were right.

For further discussion, let us first define the

term “issue”.
(Student raising their hands)
Kindly read it. Anyone?
- An issue is a topic or problem that requires
Yes, Cristina. discussion, attention, or action.
- It’s often a subject of disagreement or debate
among individuals or groups.
- They can affect individuals, communities, or

So, as you have said a while ago, an issue

is a n i m p o r t a n t problem or topic
people in the society argue about or discuss
since it negatively affects many people in
the society.

Do you know that there are three

classifications of an issue. Be ready
because we will dig deeper into the
important issues that we should know as (Students raising their hands)

First, we will talk about SOCIAL ISSUE.

When you hear the word Social what

comes to your mind, anyone? “When I hear the word “social,” I immediately
think of interactions with friends and social
Yes, Jerick. media like that.”

Precisely! It has something to do with that.

Let us hear from the other.

Yes, Lhenayah.
“It is related to society.”
Brilliant! It is actually closely connected
with the society.

Alright, all your answers were correct.

But when it comes to issue what is social? (Students raising their hands)
Let us see through this definition.

Kindly read the definition of SOCIAL


Yes, Cedrick.
“A social issue is a problem that influences a
considerable number of individuals within a
What do we mean by that? society.”

Now, look at your puzzle and try to “It simply means that a social issue may affect
analyze them, which do you think is an many people. It is not just about a personal
example of social issue. problem.
Yes, Prince. (Students raising their hands)
Why do you think it is a social issue? “I think poverty, ma’am.”

“I believe poverty is a social issue because it

Well, that’s right. How we can determine if affects a large number of people in society.
a certain issue is an example of a social

Please read. “An issue becomes a social issue under the

following circumstances:
Yes, Jerald.
 The issue involves people in society.
Now, let’s try to analyze your example  The public, as a whole, recognizes the
based on following circumstances of social situation as a problem.
issue.  A large segment of the population sees the
situation as a valid concern.
Let’s check poverty is a social issue.  The situation can be alleviated through the
joint actions of the citizens.
Does poverty/issue involve people in “Yes, ma’am.”

Why do you think so? (Students answer may vary)

Very good!

Next, does the public recognize it as a “Yes, ma’am.”

problem or valid concern?

Do you think it can be resolved through the ‘Yes, ma’am.

joint action of the citizens?

Now, I’ll show you a picture and tell me “Yes, ma’am.”

what the picture is being portrayed. Is that
Try to analyze this picture.

What can you see? (Students raising their hands)

Yes, James. “Is it gender inequality?”


What is gender inequality? “I think it is about discrimination between men

and women.”

Do you think it bis an example of social “Yes, ma’am.”


Why do you think so? (Students answer may vary)

Very good!

We have a lot of social issues aside from

poverty. Can you give another social issue
that is prevalent in our country?

Yes, Tricia. (Students answer may vary)

Why do you think it is a social issue? (Students answer may vary)

Very good class!

Is social issue clear to you? “Yes, ma’am.”

Questions so far? “None, ma’am.”

Again, who can summarize what is social

“Social issues are not just a personal problem.
An issue becomes a social issue when it affects
many people within a society and is recognized
by the public as a problem. It's not just a concern
for a small group, but a large segment of the
population acknowledges its validity and
importance. The situation can be improved or
resolved through collective action and
cooperation among citizens.
Good job! Let’s give her five claps. (Students will clap)

If you don’t have any questions. Shall we “Yes, Ma’am.

now move forward with the next one?

Let us have the MORAL ISSUE.

Have you encountered the word Moral? “Yes, Ma’am.

Alright, if that so what is Moral?

Anyone? (Students raising their hands)

Yes, Amy.
“Moral is somewhat related to good and bad.
Good job!

Yes, it is kind of related to good and bad.

I think, Ashley is raising her hand.

“We have encountered Moral in our E.S.P
subject and it is often about being right or wrong
of your actions towards something.
That’s right! Morals are concerned with the
principles of right and wrong behavior and
the goodness or badness of human
“Moral issues are situations or actions that do
For further discussion, let us define moral not conform to the shared norms and values,
issues. culture, and beliefs distinguished by a certain
Please read, Jessica. community or social setting.”

Let us first analyze this familiar and

common scenario.

Maria, an 8th grade student, finds a lost

wallet in her school's hallway. It's full of
money and doesn't have any identification
inside. She first checked to see if anyone
was around, then picked it up and kept it
without asking anyone about the wallet.

Do you think what Maria did was right? “No, ma’am.”

So, that’s the idea of moral or morality is

the way how to live in a morally accepted

So, each society has its own ethical content

and moral issues arise if instances when
people go against this accepted conduct.
Since ethics or morals show the right or
wrong manner of living individuals in
society need to follow these principles.

Now, let’s look at your arranged puzzle.

What do you think is an example of moral

Yes, Angela. “Is abortion considered a moral issue?”

Yes, it is. Abortion is a topic that people
have very strong beliefs about. Can you tell
us why it might be considered a moral “Well, some people believe that life begins at
issue? conception, so they see abortion as taking a life.
But others believe that a woman should have the
right to make decisions about her own body.”
Abortion involves the termination of
pregnancy. While other countries consider
abortion as legal, it is a moral issue in the
Philippines and is regarded a grievous sin.
This action is against the norms and values
of the people, the church, and society. It is
illegal under the law of the land and is
highly condemned.

Now, take a look at this picture.

“I think that is corruption.”

What can you see?
Absolutely. Can you explain why “Corruption involves people in power doing
corruption is a moral issue? things that are dishonest or illegal for their own
benefit. It’s unfair and can cause a lot of harm to

Well said. Now, let’s continue this

discussion by looking at some other

Remember, understanding and addressing

moral issues requires empathy, open-
mindedness, and respectful dialogue.

Any questions regarding moral issue? “None, ma’am.”

If you don’t have any questions or

clarifications let’s proceed to the last type
of issue which is ECONOMIC ISSUE.

Can anyone tell me what they understand

by “economics”? “Isn’t it about money and how it’s used?”

That’s part of it, yes. Anyone else wants to

add to that? “I think it’s about how people, businesses, and
governments decide to use resources.”

Excellent! Economics is indeed the study

of how individuals, businesses, and
societies make decisions to allocate
resources to satisfy their needs and wants.
Now, let’s move on to a related topic: “Are they problems related to the economy, like
economic issues. Can anyone tell me what not having enough resources to meet people’s
they understand by “economic issues”? needs?”

That’s a good start. Yes, economic issues

are situations that reflect the scarcity of
resources which are deemed insufficient to
satisfy human wants and needs. Can “Is inflation an economic issue?”
anyone give an example of an economic
issue based on your arranged puzzle?

Yes, absolutely. Inflation, or the increase in

the price of basic commodities and
services, is a major economic issue. It “Because when prices of goods and services
affects a large number of people, especially increase, it affects a lot of people, especially
those with fixed or low incomes. Can those with low income. They might not be able
anyone explain how inflation might affect to afford basic necessities.”
people’s daily lives?

“What about unemployment? If people don’t

have jobs, they can’t earn money to support
Well, explained. Now, can we think of themselves or their families.”
other examples?

That’s correct. Remember, understanding

and addressing economic issues requires us
to consider the bigger picture and how
different factors are interconnected.

Do you have any questions about economic “None, ma’am.”

“Yes, ma’am.”
Any clarification?

Is the economic issue clear to you?

E. Generalization

Are there any questions/clarifications about “None, ma’am.”

our topic for today?

Are you sure?

Alright, if you don’t have any questions, “Yes, ma’am.”

I'll be the one who will ask you then.
(Students answer the following questions)
I’ll give a phrase or word then answer me
if its, social, moral or economic.

Is that clear?

(Teacher provide words/phrases related to

social, moral, economic issues)

Wow! That’s nice, I hope you learned a lot


Now I have one question.

As a student, what is the relevance of
knowing these types of issue? (Students answer may vary)

Very good class!

At a young age, it is important that you are

aware of this kind of issue.

Understanding social, moral, and economic

issues is important for young people like
you as it prepares you to become informed
and engaged citizens who can contribute to
societal progress. It exposes you to diverse
perspectives, enhancing your critical
thinking and empathy skills. Additionally,
it fosters awareness about the world’s
complexities, preparing you for future roles
in a globally connected society.

E. Application


Let’s have an activity to assess if you

understood our lesson for today.

I told you yesterday to bring coloring

materials, right?

Listen carefully, here are the mechanics of

the activity.

1. Identify the issue that you would like to


2. Brainstorm potential solutions for the

identified issue.

3. Choose one among the following

methods to present your solutions: Poster
Making, Graphics Organizer, Slogan,
Songs, or Cartooning.

4. In a group, work together to create

your chosen presentation. Make sure that
output clearly presents your suggested
Select one member from your group who
will explain your output. This person
should be ready to highlight how your
proposed solutions address the issue.
Present and explain your output to the
You will be graded using scoring rubric.

(Students present their output)

That’s awesome, class!

Everyone gives yourselves a big

G. Evaluation

Classify the problems enumerated below according to its type of issue. Copy the table.

Bullying in schools Discrimination based on race or ethnicity

Lying to a friend Stealing from a store.

High unemployment rates Poverty due to lack of job opportunities

Gender inequality Lack of access to quality education

Cheating on a test. Disrespecting someone’s personal space


H. Assignment
Research about the three types of listening strategy.

Prepared by:
Pre-Service Teacher

Checked by:
Teacher III

Verified by:
Head Teacher, English Department

Noted by:
Principal I

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