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Role of Christian Missionaries in the Colonization of

Africa- East Africa as a case study
- December 10, 2014

Role of Christian missionaries in the

colonization of East Africa

Christian missionaries in East Africa

(1). Missionaries signed treaties which were later used by colonialists to take over colonies
e.g. Tucker, a British Missionary interpreted the 1900 Buganda Agreement to the regents of
Kabaka Daudi Chwa II. This led to loss of political, economic and social powers to the
British protectorate government. Sir Harry John stone who signed on behalf of the British
go ernment confessed that;
government confessed that;
Africason | Black People | Education | Black Histor…
“I John stone shall be bound to acknowledge the assistance offered to me by the
missionaries especially the CMS. Without their assistance on my side, I do not think
Uganda’s chiefs would agree to the treaty which practically places their country and land in
the British hands”.

(From partition of Africa by Prof Sempebwa).

(2). Missionaries supplied information to the colonialists which they utilized to plan how to
effectively impose their colonial rule on how to crash the African resistance. In the religious
wars in Buganda, the British fought behind the Protestants. Colonel Saddler a British
commander once said;

“The CMS was the first in the field …. Its connection with the political history of early
days, the difficulties, it successfully surpassed and the assistance it rendered to the
colonial government at the time of the rebellions are too well known to need recapitulation.
There has been complete accord between the colonial government and Christian
missionaries and in no single instance has there been a friction of any kind. I would wish to
thank them for willing fully placing at my disposal a fund of information they have
regarding the country and its people”.

(3). In fact, there was a reciprocal relationship between missionaries and the colonialists
that is why missionaries laid the groundwork before the partitioners offered missionaries
protection for the success of their evangelization mission. It’s here that the words of
Reverend Willis are pertinent;

“We as missionaries are indebted to the presence of the colonial government in this
country and we would not forget when we reckon upon the triumph of the cross in Uganda.
In how large a measure, these victories have been paved for us by others in the colonial
government with its officers around us. We owe a peaceful country”.

(4). The Church missionary society managed to raise enough funds for Imperial British East
African Company for its staying in Uganda for at least 2 or more years. The church
missionary society and Captain Lugard viewed that the company’s withdraw would leave
the British and the protestant party in a dangerous position versus Moslems.

(5). Missionaries enhanced the growth of tropical raw materials like coffee, cotton to
satisfy the British industrialists urge but disguising everything in Christianity. Bishop K.
Boroup, for example, introduced cotton in Uganda.

(6). They appealed to their home governments for protection in case of attack. It is in this
light that Britain came to Uganda during the religious wars of 1884-1892 and later occupied
light that Britain came to Uganda during the religious wars of 1884 1892 and later occupied
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(7). They created a collaborating class (educated fools) by luring it religiously and
materially. This class helped colonialists to fight resistors despite the fact that they were all

(8). In their evangelization role, they brainwashed Africans with biblical teachings as “love
your neighbor as you love yourself”, “blessed are the humble for the kingdom of God is
theirs”, etc. With these preaching’s they made potential resistance unimportant.

(9). Religion was a mechanism of divide and rule. The converts and the non-converts hated
each other which caused division to the advantage of the Europeans.

(10). Collaboration with chattered companies, European Christian missionaries and their
converts worked hand in hand with the Imperial British East African Company to defeat
Kabalega’s resistance.

(11). Missionary stations served as military bases from where the European colonial forces
launched attacks on the resisting Africans. African Lugard used old kampala hill as a
military base against Kabalega.

(12). Mission stations served as colonial government headquarters. The established

mission infrastructure was used to help in the establishment and sustenance of European
colonial rule.

(13). Colonialists lacked skilled manpower, so the missionaries by design or accident were
very faithful servants of the colonial government i.e. they were Colonial government

(14). They created a peaceful atmosphere for the germination of colonialism in areas of
hostility. This is because they emphasized the centralized leadership where peace and
obedience were expected.

(15). Missionaries also trained manpower through the introduction of farming education
which was used by colonialists to exploit the land. This was done by teaching those
academic subjects and manual skills like the use of a plough and how to grow coffee.

(16). They acted as interpreters to colonial powers e.g. Tucker in the 1900 Buganda

(17). Through the conversion of the Buganda chiefs and bible pages before Buganda
commoners, it meant that each party i.e. the Church Missionary Society and France had
gained converts This was a political security of sympathy to the Christian missionaries as
gained converts. This was a political security of sympathy to the Christian missionaries as
against the Kabaka in Buganda’s leadership. This indirectly undermined the Kabaka’s
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authority and respect i.e. his traditional power base was being eroded.

Related articles:

European crimes in Africa during colonialism- European crimes caught on camera during
colonization of Africa

Colonization and Christianity in Zimbabwe

Missionaries and Colonization of Zimbabwe

From Colonization to Globalization: France, Côte d'Ivoire & Neo-Colonialism

Top 200 books black people must read or die

Top 10 Africans & African-American scholars of black history you should know

Africason is a die-hard believer in Africa.
Twitter: @African_School

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I am raising money to build a model school that would produce students who will
outperform those from our current system of education in Africa, in science and scientific
thought. I bet you that I'll change education in Africa if I have the resources. Donate

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