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SRM University

Department of Mechatronics Engineering

Date: 10. 11. 2011 Duration: 180 Minutes MH0021 Automated Control Systems Semester: VII Model Examination

Sketch the root locus for the following open loop transfer function of a system mentioned below. for which the system is stable. 13. A unity feedback control system for a robot submarine has a plant with a third order transfer function . We want the overshoot to be approximately 7.5% for a step input and the settling time of the system is 0.4 seconds (for 2% error). Find a suitable phase-lead compensator by root locus methods. [OR] The steering system for an automated guided vehicle has the open loop function , where =40ms and =1ms . It is required that the velocity error constant be 100 so that steady state error for a ramp input is 1% of the slope of the ramp. Design a phase lead compensator so that % =25% and =0.13s. 14. Hydraulic power actuators were used to drive the dinosaurs in the movie Jurassic Park. One specific limb motion for a dinosaur has dynamics 2 0 1 represented by: and 0 . We need 0 1 1 0 0 to place the closed loop poles at 2 2. Determine the required state variable feedback using Ackermanns formula. [OR] Consider the second order system 1 3 0 2 10 0 and 1 0 0 . Find the limiting value of K

Part A: Answer all the Questions (10 2 =20 marks)

1. Define Characteristic Equation of the transfer function of a control system and its significance in system analysis. 2. What is meant by the state and state variables of a system? 3. Discuss in brief about the significance of the variables and in the performance of a system in terms of stability and speed of response. 4. Write the necessary equations for representing a transfer function in Jordan Canonical form. 5. Enumerate the necessary conditions for a system to be completely controllable and observable. 6. Define the term Velocity Error Constant. 7. What is the significance of Routh-Hurwitz criterion and hoe is it analogous to the Jurys stability criterion. 8. \Define the following terms in relation to sampled data systems a. Zero order hold b. Amplitude Quantization Error 9. Define Deadbeat response. What are the characteristic of deadbeat response? 10. What is a phase lag compensator? What are effects of a phase lag network over the frequency response of a system?

Determine the observer gain matrix required to place the observer poles at s=-1j 15. A second order system with D(z)=1 and following figure is represented in the

Part B: Answer all the Questions (5 16 =80 marks)

11. Enumerate the effects of : a. Adding a zero to the open loop transfer function of a system. b. Adding a pole to the closed loop transfer function of a system. [OR] Give a detailed account on Steady State Errors in Feedback Control Systems. 12. Sketch the root locus for the following open loop transfer function of a system mentioned below. and % . Find the value of K for which =0.707

=4.34. Mark the corresponding root location on the plot. [OR]

Sketch the root locus of the system and determine whether the system is stable or not. [OR] Give a detailed account of PI, PD and PID Controllers. What is the effect of the aforementioned controllers over the root locus of a control system?

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