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School of Computer Science Engineering and Technology

Course-B. Tech. Type- Elective

Course Code- CSET356 Course Name-Security and Privacy for Big Data
Year- 2024 Semester- ODD
Date- 19/04/2024 Batch- 2020-2024

Q1 √
Q2 √
Q3 √
Q4 √

1. Students will be able to elliptic curve cryptography.
1. Students are implemented ECDLP and ECCDH to protect big data.
2. Students able to understand the incident response plan.


Question 1:

To enhance the security of big data against quantum computers, implementing lattice-based
cryptography using the Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) in three-dimensional space is

Question 2:
Implement and discuss isogeny-based algorithm to enhance our system's resistance against
quantum attacks.

Question 3:

You are a software engineer tasked with implementing a secure file storage system that can withstand
potential quantum attacks. Your goal is to utilize isogeny-based cryptography to protect sensitive data. How
would you design and implement this system?
Describe the process of key generation using isogeny-based cryptography for securing files in a quantum-
resistant storage system.

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