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Name: Bautista, Angel-Lou Q.

Course: PROFED1

Section: CED-02-101P Date: September 26, 2023

As a Student with a Bundle of Possibilities. How Should You Look at Them in Terms of

As a student with a bundle of possibilities, I should look at them in terms of

development by thinking that these possibilities I have are my part of growing to be a
better individual.

I believe that growth is my evidence that I am continuously living and learning. I

keep on growing because learning is life-long and these possibilities will guide me to
stand on my own feet. Going to school serves to be part of my development wherein I
can learn so many things that can be used in my adulthood. While undergoing
socioemotional, cognitive, and biological processes there are still a lot of things that I
need to uncover within me to bring the best version of myself. Especially that most of
the time, schools are not teaching the students how they should develop these
processes in a correct way. They just taught us educational lectures but not being a
resourceful individual in real life. It means that we only rely on ourselves to improve. So,
as a student we should take those life experiences from school and bring them into
adulthood. In that way, we are able to stand on our own without any guides from elders.

In our life, there is no other person in this world that could help us to grow. All of
us have a bundle of possibilities of becoming, all of us are busy in shaping ourselves for
our own sake. We are able to choose for what person we want us to become, hence,
we should be inspiring to others so their process of development as an individual won’t
hinder them to become a better person.

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