A Compo or SMT Idk Lol

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i decided to wait until the next exam, where i would frame her of trying to copy my answers

during the test itself. having perfecting the details in my mind, i was confident it would work out
well. on the awaited day, i was bubbling with the excitement of finally have the satisfaction of
beating xiaole. when we took our seats and started the exam, i snuck a glance at xiaole. her
face was frowned with concentration. i felt a small feeling of guilt passed by me but i waved it
away and went through with the plan in my head. halfway though the test, when i saw the
teacher look away, i raised my hand and said: "teacher, xiaole was just asking me for the
answers!" students from all sides stared in shock and interest, but the thing that caught my
attention the most was the hurt and betrayed look on xiaole's face. satisfied, my heart was
beaming. "thats what you deserve! taking the spotlight from me for so long!" i thought gleefully.

the teacher pulled us both out after the exam and asked us both what had happened. i had
spent much time preparing an answer for this very question and had produced a lie that was
quite believabe. xiaole, who was extremely puzzled seemed so shocked that she couldn't even
retort to what i said, making her seem to be guilty. after a few days, it was let known to me that
xiaole had been confessed to my accusation and had gotten zero on the test. this left me
shocked and confused. why did xiaole confess to such a thing? although this meant that i had
won, i didn't taste the sweet victory i wished for, but a strange bitterness. suddenly, a wave of
guilt came crashing down on me. what have i done? i spent the next few days thinking things
over, as the guilt kept me up at night. one night, i finally came to a decision.

the next day, i left a letter on xiaole's desk and went up to my form teacher to confess everything
to him. my parents were let known about what happened and my marks were turned to zero,
and i was issued a suspension of a week. through this incident, i have learnt that i should never
sabotage someone this way and that my jealousy had harmed and caused trouble for others. i
deeply regret having done this and i will never do it again.
坦白了一切。 我的父母知道了发生
一周。 通过这件事,我明白了,我不

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