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Course Outcomes:
 6.3.1 Demonstrate awareness of existing laws and regulations that apply to the teaching profession and
become familiar with the responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.

 Articulate the key components and objectives of the K to 10 Matatag Curriculum in comparison to the K to
12 Curriculum.

Activity Sheet. Accomplish what is being asked in each item on a one (1) whole sheet of paper.

1. What do you mean by Matatag Curriculum? What are its objectives in changing the K to 12 Curriculum? Write your
answer through an essay.

2. Differentiate the Matatag Curriculum with the K to 12 Curriculum by completing the table below. Identify all the
points discussed in the video provided. You may do further research to distinguish more the two curricula.

Matatag Curriculum Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum

K to 10 K to 12

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