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Roll No. .... 11058 B.B.A. 5th Semester (N.S.) Examination-December, 2012 Computer Networking & Internet Paper-bba-5004 Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 50 Before answering the questions, candidates should ensure that they have been supplied the correct and complete question Paper. No complaint in this regard will be entertained after the examination. ‘Note : Attempt any five questions in all, selecting at least one question from each unit. Allg | questions carry equal marks. ay Unit-1 _ What is a computer network ? Discu: detail the benefits and li a a Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Roll No. .... 57044 B.B.A. 5th Sem. (N.S.) Examination-November, 2014 Computer Networking & Internet Paper-bba-504 Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 50 Before answering the questions, candidates should ensure that they have been supplied the correct and complete question paper. No complaint in this regard will be entertained after the examination. Note : Attempt all five parts of the question in section-A. Attempt four questi selecting one question from each uni section-B. All questions marks. Section-A 1. Explain the following: i Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner (b) What are newsgroups ? How are these subscribed to ? How do they help in sharing knowledge and information ? Unit-IV 8. Define intranet. Discuss the technical f infrastructure requirements and major costs organizations have to bear in establishing their intranets. Also envisage the future of intranet use in organizations. 9. Write in brief about the following : (a) Building corporate world wide web (b) Hypertext transfer protocol (c) Intranet security design Scanned with CamScanner Roll NO. seessserererererererees 11058 B.B.A. 5th Semester (Old) Examination-November, 2014 Computer Networking & Internet Paper-bba-5004 Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 50 Before answering the questions, candidates should ensure that they have been supplied the correct and complete question paper. No complaint in this regard will be entertained after the examination. Note :Attempt any five questions in all, — selecting at least one question from eacl unit. All questions carry equal marks. Unit-I 11058-600-(P-3)(Q-8)(14) Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner pe Time : 3 hours nos _ 57044 B.B.A. 5th Semester (N.S.) Examination-December, 2015 Computer Networking & Internet Paper-BBA-504 Max. Marks : 50 Before answering the questions, candidates should ensure that they have been supplied the correct and complete question paper. No complaint in this regard will be entertained after the examination. Note : Section-A is compulsory. Attempt four questions selecting at least one question from each unit in section-B. All questions carry equal marks. Section-A 1 (a) What are the goals of a network ? Scanned with CamScanner Write the names of the layers that Perform the following functions : () Data encryption (ii) Error detection (iii) File transfer (iv) Data encoding (d) What is the principal difference between synchronous and asynchronous communication ? (e) What is flow control ? Section-B Unit-1 2. What is meant by network topology ? Describe three commonly used network | nologies along with their relative advantages and disadvantages. ° Ze . Distinguish between LAN, WAN and MAN on the basis of architecture and geographical area coverage, Unit- Show various layers in the ISO-OSI model and explain the function of each layer. . What are the types of attacks on encrypted message ? Discuss in detail encryption and decryption process. Unit-01 . What is internet ? Explain evolution of it What various ications of internet. are application: internet ? What are the ways to find needed information on the internet ? How can you find information, when you know or do not know its location URL ? (3) [Tum Over Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Roll No. A PAEIR\... 57544 B.B.A. 5th Sem. (N.S.) 2014-17 Examination- November, 2016 Computer Networking & Internet Paper-BBAN-504 Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 50 Before answering the questions, candidates should ensure that they have been supplied the correct and complete question paper. No complaint in this regard will be entertained after the examination. Note : Section-A is compulsory. Attempt four questions selecting at least one question from each unit in section-B. All questions carry equal marks. Scanned with CamScanner 3. 0) Which network topology is the most reliable topology ? Why ? ) State the responsibilities of the data link layer. @ State the advantages of wireless networks ( What is meant by Flow Control ? Section-B Unit-1 What is meant by network topology ? Discuss network topologies in detail with their performance indicator. Distinguish between LAN, WAN and MAN on the basis of architecture and geographical area coverage. 157544-4950--4)(0-0)16) (2) Unit-II 4. Discuss about Network and OSI Architecture with neat diagrams 5. What is Cryptography? Explain Public and Private Keys to be used for Cryptography Mechanism. Unit-I 6. How does the search engine works ? 7. Explain how chatting works in Internet Relay in usenet newsgroup. Unit-Iv 8. Write short notes on : (a) HTTP (b) Intranet as a business tool [Tum Over §7544-4950-(P-4)(2-9)(18) (3) Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner he = Bae 57544 _ BBA Sth Semester (N. S.) 2014-17 Fase Examination — November, 2017 COMPUTER NETWORKING & INTERNET Paper : BBAN-504 ‘ime : Three Hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 50 “Before answering the questions, candidates should ensure that they have , supplied the correct und complete question paper. No complaint in i regard, will be entertained after examination. - Section A is compulsory. Attempt four questions, selecting one question from Unit I to Unit IV of ‘Section B. 4 SECTION -A the areas in which Internet can be used ? various types of Protocols ? Scanned with CamScanner re the fundamental of internet security design in detail intranet infrastructure available it 9. Write short notes on the following : Protocols of communication (b) Routing and flow control devices: S € = S S B € s ° s = 2 a = = Ss Ss ao Roll No. 57544 BBA 5th Semester (N. S.) 2014-17 Examination — November, 2019 COMPUTER NETWORKING AND INTERNET Paper: BBAN- 504 Time : Three hours ] [Maximum Marks : 50 Before answering the questions, candidates should ensure that they have been supplied the correct and complete question paper. No complaint in this regard, will be entertained after examination. Note: All questions of Section 'A' are compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section 'B' selecting at least one question from each Unit. SECTION -A 1. Write short notes on each of the follo (a) Transmission media (b) Protocols ; 57544-2,700-(P-3)(Q-9)(19) Scanned with CamScanner 7. Write note on audio on internet and news group. UNIT-1v 8 What do you mean by Internet Layer in TCP/IP Model ? Explain the different protocols used in the internet layer. 9. Explain various scenarios for the future of intranet. 87544-2,700(P-3@-9)(19) (3) Scanned with CamScanner 57544 BBA 5th Semester (NS) (Re-Appear) Examination — October, 2020 COMPUTER NETWORKING AND INTERNET Paper : BBAN-504 Time : 1.45 hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 50 Before answering the questions, candidates should ensure that they have been supplied the correct and complete question paper. No complaint in this res rd, will be entertained after examination. Note: Attempt any three questions. All questions carry equal marks. 4. Write short notes on the following : (a) Network categories (b) Firewall (c)_ Internet service providers (d) Intranet as a Business tool (e) Cryptography Scanned with CamScanner 3. gE 4 5. 6. 7. i i 8 by 9. |. Define and Distinguish between 57544- Explain various modes of data transmission along, with their respective advantages and disadvantages. OSI & TCP/IP reference model. . Write short notes on cryptography, routers, ISP. |. What is Search engine ? Explain working of search engine ? How we can search web using search engine ? What are the various search engines available ? . Define various types of news group. How it can be subscribed ? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of newsgroups. . Discuss the intranet concepts and architecture. What are the advantages of intranet ? . Explain Intranet security and its types. What are the protocols of: communications ? 4P-2)10-9)(20) (2) Scanned with CamScanner 57544 BBA 5th Semester (New Scheme) Examination, February-2022 COMPUTER NETWORKING AND INTERNET Paper-BBAN-504 Time allowed : 3 hours] [Maximum marks : 50 Note: Section-A is compulsory. Attempt four questions from Section-B (one question from each unit). Section-A 1. Write short notes on the following : @) URL's ii) _ News group Gi) Computer network (iv) Transmission _ () ISP a : Section-B Unit-I _ What are analog and digital signal ? of analog and digital transmissi different ? 3. Discuss LAN, Ww. N _, architecture and g Scanned with CamScanner 5, De (2) 57544 Unit-II Discuss the following : (i) Firewall (i) Cryptography Explain TCP/IP Model. Explain its similarity & dissimilarities with OSI reference model. Unit-IL_ Discuss working of search engines in detail. List three most popular search engines among internet users. How does audio works on internet 2 What kind of information is shared while subscribing ? And how ? Unit-IV How intranet supports for an organisation ? Explain how network infrastructure is critical for e-commerce. Write note on : (i) HTTP (ii) Intranet security design Scanned with CamScanner

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