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Students Council

By: Jana Al Louzi with Abdulla Rababah

School Magazine: Congratulations on your election as Student Council
President! How does it feel to be chosen by your peers for this role?

[Your Name]: Thank you! It's an incredible honor. Knowing that my

classmates have faith in me is both humbling and motivating. I'm ready to
get to work.

School Magazine: What inspired you to run for students council, and what
key goals do you hope to achieve during your term?

[Your Name]: I've always believed in the power of positive change. I ran
because I want to enhance the school experience for everyone. My goals
include fostering a sense of community, amplifying student voices, and
start initiatives that address our shared concerns.

School Magazine: What message do you have for students who may be
hesitant about reaching out with their ideas or concerns?

[Your Name]: I want every student to know that their opinions matter.
Don't hesitate to share your ideas or concerns—I'm here to listen.
Together, we can make our school a better place for everyone.

School Magazine: Lastly, what message do you have for your fellow
students who entrusted you with this responsibility?
[Your Name]: To my fellow students, I want to express my sincere
gratitude for believing in me and giving me the opportunity to serve as
your Student Council.
Together, let's make this school year memorable and create positive
changes that benefit us all. I'm here to listen, and I encourage everyone to
actively participate in shaping our school's future.
Let's make it a fantastic year!

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