Football Tournament

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"Al Jamia Oula Schools' Football Tournament: A Triumph of Talent

and Tenacity!"

By : Mohammad Al Balwah

Excitement echoed through Al Jamia Oula Schools as students in grades 9

through 12 battled it out in a series of heart-pounding matches.
The school's sports arena was charged with energy during the nail-biting
semi-finals, where boys from different grades faced off in a display of skill
and teamwork. Guided by Coach Abdulla Alshami, the teams showcased
their talents, leaving the crowd in awe.
The winning team, after a hard-fought match, proudly received shiny
medals and a glittering cup from Principal Ms. Amal Ali.
This event wasn't just about winning; it united students in a spirit of
teamwork and school pride. Al Jamia Oula Schools' commitment to
excellence shone through, in this thrilling tournament that brought cheers
and smiles to everyone involved.

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