Writing Scenes

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Scene 1: Video 1: A student sleeping on the desk, about the horrors of climate

change. Narration: In a world where the whispers of a changing climate haunt our
Video 2: The student wakes up and checks her phone to make sure it is a dream. She
gets angry and slams the desk. Student: (with determination) We must take action
NOW! Ties her hair and starts planning.
Scene 2: Screen record Facebook - Part of the news in Jordan about the hail. Roya
News - Screen record news about climate change from Instagram.
Scene 3: The dream 1: Record the playground full of trash after the break. Narration:
Imagine a world where our playgrounds are drowning in waste, a silent plea for help.
Scene 4: The dream 2: Close up on two people coughing from bus smoke in the
school. Narration: In this vision of tomorrow, the air we breathe becomes a toxic
reminder of our negligence.
Scene 5: The dream 3: Students on the ground, dying from thirst. The last drop of
water falls from the bottle. Narration: And as the last drop falls, we awaken to the
reality that our actions today shape the world our children will inherit.
Scene 6: All 5 members gather around a table in the library, discussing and planning.
Member A: (turns to the camera) That’s why we decided to create Earth Club, a
beacon of hope in the face of crisis.
Scene 7: Carrying posters to the morning assembly. Narration: Armed with
determination, we bring our message to the heart of our community.
Morning assembly - Stating the dangers of climate change and its effect.
Scene 8: Students picking up trash and putting it in recycle bins. One of the members
rewards them with a voucher from the cafeteria. Member B: (smiling) Every small
action counts!
Scene 9: (Outside of school) Various students sending videos of their balconies.
Narration: Our movement extends beyond these walls, touching every corner of our
Scene 10: Members giving brochures to parents who drive cars. Member C: (handing
out brochures) Join us in creating a sustainable future for our children.
Scene 11: Members giving out bins to bus drivers and attaching them to one of the
seats. Member D: (attaching bins) A small step for us, a giant leap for our planet.
Scene 12: All the members come together one by one in the playground, talking
about all the various solutions they implemented. Narration: In unity, we stand,
proof that from crisis emerges the power to change. Our Earth Club, a testament to
the fact that every action, no matter how small, is a step towards a better future.
Member A: "We raised awareness through social media, sharing news and
information about climate change to inspire others."
Member B: "Organized school-wide clean-ups, turning our dream of a waste-free
playground into a reality."
Member C: "Engaged with the community, distributing brochures and encouraging
sustainable practices among parents and students alike."
Member D: "Implemented practical solutions, like providing bins for bus drivers,
creating a ripple effect in reducing litter and promoting responsible disposal."
Member E: "Recognized and rewarded individual efforts, reinforcing the idea that
every small action contributes to the greater cause."
Together: "Earth Club is not just a club; it's a movement. We've shown that by taking
collective action, we can forge a path to a sustainable future for generations to

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