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Topic 1: With your partner, make a conversation about appropriate gestures or customs in Vietnam OR in a
foreign country that you know. You should include:
 types of gestures/customs
 situations for (not) using them
 specific examples
 advice for visitors
To be etched in my memory: được hằng sâu trong trí
When are they used? Burst into tears: òa khóc That scene made me burst
into tears.; Gave me goosebumps: Nổi da gà
St kept me at the edge of my seat: coi chăm chú
“Mai” is undoubtedly a box-office hit
The main characters: vai chính; Mai &Sau are the
main characters of ‘’Mai””

Topic 2: With your partner, make a conversation about movie genres that young people like in your country.
You should include:
 genre of movies
 reasons for their choice
 values of those genres on young people
 advice on suitable movie genres for young people

Topic 3: With your partner, make a conversation about a motel you stayed in. You should include:
 name of the motel
 its location and description
 its facilities/amenities
 reasons for your likes/dislikes
Topic 4: With your partner, make a conversation about your favorite car. You should include:
 type and brand of car
 its description/features
 its benefits and drawbacks
 reasons for your likes

Topic 5: With your partner, make a conversation about an activity you often do to improve your appearance.
Your conversation should include:
 type of activity
 frequency of your activity
 places for doing it
 its effects on your appearance

Topic 6: Make a conversation about your favorite unhealthy dish. Your conversation should include:
 type of unhealthy dish
 its description
 reasons for your choice
 its impacts on your healthy

Topic 7: With your partner, make a conversation about someone who is a good parent. Your conversation should
 information of the person
 description of his/her personality
 his/her parenting methods
 reasons for your likes/dislikes
Topic 8: With your partner, make a conversation about an artistic work you have ever seen (e.g., a painting/ a
photo/ a sculpture).
 type of artistic work
 description/information of the work
 special things about it
 reasons for your likes/dislikes

Topic 9: With a partner, make a conversation about your favourite social media. You should include:
 types of social media
 frequency of your visit
 benefits and drawbacks
 reasons for recommendation

Topic 10: With your partner, make a conversation to describe a time when you received help from someone. You
should include:
 type of problem
 description of the problem (time, place, etc.)
 his/her solutions for your problem
 ways to thank that person

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