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Year 7 Civics & Citizenship CAT 1 2023

Social issue analysis written report template for students to complete:

Lesson 1 instructions for students:

Complete sections 1 to 4 from the rubric during lesson 1. If you do not finish it in class it
will become your homework and will be due next class.
Write in full sentences and check the writing section of the rubric once you finish each
Add more space to the textbox as you write.

1. What is the issue you want to create change around?

- Describe the issue
- Explain why it is important

Cyber bullying is when someone uses the internet to be mean to a child or young
person, so they feel bad or upset.
It is a huge problem in Australia. It is very important to stop because bullying
online can cause a massive impact on children and adults making them get
anxiety, depression, insecurities, self-harm and lead them into suicide.

2. How does this issue impact on people's rights?

- Describe the rights related to your issue

The rights related to this issue is that I have the right to stand up for myself when
someone is bullying me, I have the right to be treated equally, I have the right to
safety and I have the right to ask people to remove a picture online of me without
my permission.
Year 7 Civics & Citizenship CAT 1 2023
Year 7 Civics & Citizenship CAT 1 2023


3. How does this issue relate to people's responsibilities?

- Identify the responsibilities related to your issue
- Describe the responsibilities related to your issue

People have a responsibility to keep your peers or other people’s photos

private, not to spread rumors, keep safe online, respect other people and not
discriminate, follow the polices and guidelines of online websites and social
media and respect other people’s privacy online. If we follow these
responsibilities and guidelines, then no one will be able to get cyberbullied.

4. How are citizens affected by your issue?

- Describe how a key feature of the issue may impact on a person's everyday life.
- Describe how the issue has affected citizens.

Cyberbullying impacts children, families, communities, governments, and whole

nations by sending rude things like racism, discriminating looks, making fun of
others etc. which could result in people getting anxiety, depression, issues on
metal health and even suicide. It’s a problem for schools as well, If students
cyberbully one another schools will have to now implement strategies about how
to stop cyberbullying. The government is also affected If people protest about this
it puts a bad impression on Australia which is a problem for the government.
Year 7 Civics & Citizenship CAT 1 2023

Lesson 2 Instructions for students:

Complete sections 5 to 8 from the rubric during lesson 2. If you do not finish it in class it
will become your homework and will be due next class.
Write in full sentences and check the writing section of the rubric once you finish each

5. Which level of government should you approach about your issue?

- Identify the level of Government responsible for the issue
- Outline how this level of Government is responsible for the issue
- Describe how this level of Government is responsible for the issue

Cyberbullying should be approached by local government. Because local

government can talk to schools and introduce cyberbullying to schools and tell
people to stop it, and it will eventually get the message across. The state
government can also help by giving schools all around Australia a test on a certain
day about cyberbullying which will give students a better understanding on the

6. What evidence is there about the issue?

- Identify quantitative data (e.g statistics) about the issue
- Identify qualitative (e.g words/images/quotes) data about the issue

about cyberbullying.44% of Australian young people report having a negative

online experience in the last 6 months, this includes 15% who received threats or
abuse online.
Year 7 Civics & Citizenship CAT 1 2023
Year 7 Civics & Citizenship CAT 1 2023

7. Use of evidence to support my strategy?

- Use evidence from a stimulus or representation in an answer (quote, statistics etc.) (KS 8.7)
- Use appropriate evidence from a stimulus or representation to support my answer (KS 8.8)

As stated by 2019 Headspace survey, 53% of young Australians experience

cyberbullying and according to there is at least 3 suicides per week in
Australia for youth, and highest cause of death for Australian youth between 5-17
years old. Cyberbullying in Australia is a huge problem for children and teens, and
the guardians of the children must understand the issue and how it can be

8. How will you create change around your issue?

- Explain way I can help create change on this issue by being an active citizen (KS3.7)

You can help create change on cyberbullying by spreading the issue between
family and friends, join community’s, post videos online about the issue and
protest about the issue.

9. Writing
Year 7 Civics & Citizenship CAT 1 2023

- Document where my sourced information has come from (date, author, where I found it) (KS10.2)
- Reference broad ideas (paraphrase overall meaning) from sourced information in my writing

10. Writing
- Revise my sentences (e.g. ideas, purpose, audience, text type/tone, tense, vocab) (KS8.3)

11. Spelling
Spell academic words correctly (Tier 2)
Year 7 Civics & Citizenship CAT 1 2023

Lesson 3 instructions for students:

Complete section 9 from the rubric during lesson 3 once you have finished your written
section and this has been approved by your teacher.
The CAT is due at the end of this lesson.

Copy poster image using your snipping tool below and insert Canva link here. Ensure you
have shared the link with access to your teacher.
9. Create a poster that would encourage others to be active citizens and change this issue
- Poster campaign has simple text information.
- Campaign is supported with a variety of evidence to enhance the campaigns message
- Poster campaign has visuals
- Campaign is supported with a variety of images to enhance the campaigns message
Year 7 Civics & Citizenship CAT 1 2023

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