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The MEDICAL specialty dealing with

the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of the
eye. The first ophthalmologists were oculists. These
paramedical specialists practiced on an itinerant basis
during the Middle Ages. Georg Bartisch, a German
physician who wrote on eye diseases in the 16th century, is
sometimes credited with founding the medical practice of
ophthalmology. Many important eye operations were first
developed by oculists, as, for example, the surgical
correction of strabismus, first performed in 1738. The first
descriptions of visual defects included those of glaucoma
(1750), night blindness (1767), colour blindness (1794),
and astigmatism (1801).



Top Causes of Eye Problems

 Severe eye pain

 Change in vision or sudden loss of vision
 Floaters
 Blurred vision
 Watery and red eyes
 The foreign body inside the eye and trauma to the eye


Refractive Errors Refractive errors, including nearsightedness,
farsightedness and astigmatism, are the most
common causes of vision loss. Refractive errors occur

when light is improperly bent (or “refracted”) while
passing through the cornea. This produces a flawed
image. Thankfully, refractive errors are correctable
with eyeglasses, contact lenses or surgery. Scheduling
a comprehensive eye exam at an optical shop near
you is the first step.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration

The leading cause of vision loss in adults over the age

of 60, Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
results from thinning of the macula, a component of
the retina. With AMD, central vision is adversely
impacted, reducing one’s ability to make out fine
details. Over time, complete loss of central vision is
possible. Early diagnosis and treatment can slow the
progress of AMD, so regular eye exams are critical,
particularly as you get older.


Cataracts can develop in one eye or both. As they do,

vision gradually gets worse. Cataract symptoms
usually include cloudy or blurred vision, double
vision, lens discoloration, light sensitivity, glare and
halos. Without surgery, cataracts eventually lead to
total blindness. Thankfully, cataract surgery has an
extremely high success rate – 98% or higher for the
more than three million cataract surgeries performed
in the U.S. each year.

Diabetic Retinopathy

People with diabetes are susceptible to diabetic

retinopathy, a condition that occurs when high blood
sugar levels damage blood vessels in the retina. This
initially allows fluid to leak within the eye. Later,
swelling and scar tissue can cause the retina to
detach, resulting in irreversible vision loss. Regular
eye health monitoring can help spot warning signs so
you can make healthy choices.

Glaucoma usually results from elevated eye pressure,
which damages the optic nerve. That damage
prevents proper transfer of visual information from
the eye to the brain. Depending on the type of
glaucoma (open-angle, or normal-tension or low-
tension), symptoms can include gradual loss of
peripheral vision, tunnel vision, severe eye pain,
nausea and vomiting, blurred vision, halos and red
eyes. Like several of the conditions outlined above,
early diagnosis is the key to slowing the conditions
progress in order to maintain vision.

Symptoms Treatment

Cataract  Cloudy vision Surgery

 Sensitivity to light
 Poor vision at night
 Double vision

Glaucoma  Eye pain Medical and Surgery

 Red-eye
 Blurred vision
 Vision Loss

Eye Strain  Dry or watery eyes Artificial tears

 Tired, burning or itching

Refractive Errors  Blurred vision for distant  Eyeglasses

objects, near objects, or both  Contact lenses
 Headache  Refractive surgery
 Irritation, itching

Watery eye Excessive tearing Treat the cause

Night Blindness Treat the cause

Difficult to see in dark or low light

Dry eye Syndrome  Foreign body sensation eye Artificial tears

 Burning
 Itching

Diabetic Retinopathy  Double vision  Management of

 Blurred vision Diabetes
 Loss of vision  laser treatment
 Surgery

Conjunctivitis  Tearing Antibiotic/ antihistaminic eye

 Burning drops or ointments

 Discharge or stickiness
 Itching
 Eye pain
 Red-eye

MIOTICS. work by contraction of the ciliary muscle, tightening the trabecular
meshwork and allowing increased outflow of aqueous through traditional pathways.
Miosis results from action of these drugs on the pupillary sphincter.

MYDRIATICS are a type of medicine that make the pupil of the eye dilate (open up).
Mydriatics also tend to relax the focusing muscles of the eye, which means that blurred
vision is a common side effect.

CYCLOPLEGIC DRUGS are generally muscarinic receptor blockers. These

include atropine, cyclopentolate, homatropine, scopolamine and tropicamide. They
are indicated for use in cycloplegic refraction (to paralyze the ciliary muscle in order to
determine the true refractive error of the eye) and the treatment of uveitis

ANTI-INFLAMMATORY EYE DROPS are used for the prophylaxis and treatment of
pain and inflammation associated with ocular surgery and laser treatment of the
eye. Nepafenac eye drops are used to reduce the risk of post-operative macular oedema
associated with cataract surgery in diabetic patients.

OPHTHALMIC DIAGNOSTICS are fluorescent substances known as disclosing

agents, which help diagnose and treat certain eye conditions. A fluorescent orange dye is
applied on the surface of the eye to visualize damage to the cornea, or foreign
bodies in the eye. The fluorescent dye stains the problem area in the eye and appears a
bright green when seen using a blue light.
The fluorescent dye is usually used in combination with
ophthalmic anesthetic medications to numb the eye and prevent pain during diagnostic
and treatment procedures. ophthalmic local anesthetics block the nerves in the eye from
sending pain signals to the brain.

ASTRINGENTS. Zinc is a mineral that is used as an astringent to gently clear proteins

and mucus from the outer surface of the eye. Tetrahydrozoline and zinc ophthalmic (for
the eyes) is a combination medicine used to relieve eye redness and discomfort caused by
minor eye irritation.


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