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SPEAKING | Discuss the topic hy is it important to have friends? © You can choose your friends but not your family’. What does this mean to you? {Focus on pictures A and B ‘The two pictures show people in different situations. Find the similarities and differences using the ideas given below, your own ideas and the vocabulary on the next page. Make notes in the space provided. . 5 Differences Similarities ideas: How do the girls in the pictures feel? “ad atmosphe [Now speak 1. Compare these pictures and say h irks i made, y how the girls in each one feel. Use thi f the expressions suggested below and the vocabulary on the next pi pee The girls in .. are/seem to be... The atmosphere in .. whereas in is . The girls in .. have a ... relationship, since . | believe the gil(s) in ...because ... However; the other picture shows 2. Now say how typical these situations are of teenage life, using expressions like those given below. They are very typical as many teenagers They are not very typical because ... Teenagers tend to... It is quite common for teenagers t 14 [Focus on pictures C and D The two pictures show different families. Find the similarities and differences using the ideas given below, your own ideas and the vocabulary on this $ Make notes in the space provided. rd Differences eg 5g Similarities ideas! size of family responsibilities attention What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a member of either family? | _e/ationships expenses privacy [Now speak 1. Compare these pictures and say what the advantages and disadvantages of being a member of either family are. Use the notes you have made, some of the expressions suggested below and the vocabulary on this page. The advantages of .. compared to ..are. A. family would have to. «is more/less .. than «. w allows .. whereas... The people in the ..may feel more than... Being a member of a would mean . ‘One of the advantages of being a member of a smalVlarge family is that . Another reason why | would like to be a member of that 2. ‘Now say which type of family you would prefer to live in and why, using expressions like those given below. Idrather because... Id like to have .. therefore Id prefer m VOCABULARY Pictures A and B ictures C and D carefree humiliated affection chores satisfied insecure bond companionship compete sense of security lonely nuclear family 5 7 extended family togetherness talk behind sb’s back spoilt Suuits tense support Prarie upset nity [Discuss the topic ‘© What do you know about the Himalayas? ‘© Would you ever consider taking part in an expedition there? Why/Why not? sision Imagine that you are interested in taking part in an expedition to the Himalayas. Below are some things you ar, thinking of taking with you. First, talk to each other about how useful each item would be. Then, decide which, items would be the least useful. You can use some of the expressions suggested below. mS — eo. How useful would each item be? a first-aid kit ) ‘Which two items would be the least useful? Suggested expressions Further discussion Discuss the following questions. You can use some of the expressions and the vocabulary given below. Can you think of anything else you might need for an expedition like this? What other adventurous activities appeal to you? Which occupations involve a sense of adventure? WI Why do you think people seek adventure? Rene 3. I think that working as a ...involves I believe that .. would be necessary/useful because A 23406. for because 2 There are many that | like but | would really enjoy 4 In my opinion, There are some people who like eer UL Other words/phrases abseiling hiking boots a way to escape bungee jumping insulated gloves challenge cliff diving thermal underwear heights motocross racing waterproof tent/clothing monotonous life mountain bike riding rescue team mountaineering sense of fulfilment sky diving/jumping Extreme sports Equipment cuss the topic © What do you like most about learning English? ‘@ What are your favourite learning activities? |Focus on pictures A and B ‘The two pictures show people being taught English in different environments. Find the similarities and differences using the ideas given below, your own ideas and the vocabulary on the next page. Make notes in the space provided. Similarities - Differences ideas! participation feelings activities benefits cost ‘What are the advantages and disadvantages of being taught English in either environment? \ EZ a ANN (Now speak 1. Compare these pictures and say what the advantages and disadvantages of being taught English in either environment are. Use the notes you have made, some of the expressions suggested below and the vocabulary on the next page. Being taught on a one-to-one basis is more/less .. than I think it would be better ... because .. ‘Another (dis)advantage would be .. A classroom situation is not as was @ I believe a... is better than ... because In my opinion, a lesson .. However, being taught .. means .. Ina classroom situation students not only .. but they also .. 2. Now say which type of teaching environment you prefer and why, using expressions like those given below, Iprefer because... Ifind..more... like ..s0 | would prefer... I would rather be taught .. i icipating in di learning activities. Find the similarities and differences tures show students participating in different types of lear \ ; seegaeidougiva below, your own ideas and the vocabulary on this page. Make notes in the space provided, ® Differences Similarities ? ‘What are the advantages and disadvantages of each kind of learning activity? 1. Compare these pictures and say what the advantages and disadvantages of each kind of learning activity ae. Use the notes you have made, some of the expressions suggested below and the vocabulary on this page. 2. Now say which of the two activities you would find more appealing and why, using expressions like those give. below. would rather... fel that because... ke 501 would prefer VOCABULARY Pictures A and B Pictures € and D assistance interaction acquire skills focused ‘conventional distracted social interaction stimulation textbook consolidation participate audio-visual isolated individual progress computer lab motivation quick pace slow pace computer skills up-to-date tuition fees concentrate SPEAKING [Discuss the topic @ Do you live in an apartment or a house? |Buying a home situation Lam a friend of yours who is thinking of buying a home. places. Perhaps you can help me decide. Are you happy there or would you like to live somewhere else? Why? However, I'm having trouble deciding between two First Look at the pictures below and ask: © Where is each home located? © What are the advantages of living in each place? ‘© What are the disadvantages of living in each place? Then When you hat ve all the information you need, explain to the examiner which option you think would be best and why. You can choose one of the options given or present one of your own, Remember to use information you learn from asking questions to explain your final choice, Finally After you have shared your decision, the examiner will ask you more questions about the topic. Option 1 Option 2 © Do you live in the city or in a suburb? What do/don’t you VOCABULARY like about it? © Cities are growing larger by the day. Why do you think yard people keep moving to already crowded cities? peaceful location isolated © Do you think city life appeals more to young people rather isol than old? Why / Why not? downtown area centrally located have access to | _ SPEAKING Discuss the topic © Where do you like to eat when you go out with your friends/family? Why? © Do you eat healthily? Why/Why not? Focus on pictures A and B The two pictures show people eating and buying food at different places. Find the similarities and differences us the ideas given below, your own ideas and the vocabulary on the next page. Make notes in the space provided Similarities ? Differences ideas! occasion surroundings type of food popularity _ 1, Compare these pictures and say what you find attractive or unattractive about each place. Use the notes You have made, some of the expressions suggested below and the vocabulary on the next page. The place in picture »than the place in picture .. because... Eating food at a wis .. because « | find the place in picture .. because .. As regards to the service / the type of food offered A canteen ig not as as, I would rather eat at & . because «| _n both places people can 2. Now say where you would rather eat and why, using expressions like those given below. | prefer eating ... because... | don't like ... $0 .. | enjoy eating at ... because the 70 [Foeus on pictures C and D The two pictures show people eating different meals. Find the similarities and differences using the ideas given below, your own ideas and the vocabulary on this page. Make notes in the space provided. unit SPEAKING Similarities & Differences ‘1, Compare these pictures and say how nutritious each meal is. Use the notes you have made, some of the expressions suggested below and the vocabulary on this page. 2, Now say when you would prefer to eat each type of meal and why, using expressions like those given below. "For special occasions | would... When | am... would enjoy... Since | enjoy ..! would prefer Ret Pictures A and B Pictures C and D ‘convenient, nutritious balanced meal high in protein fast/slow service outdoors beneficial ingredients formalfinformal a quick bite/snack | calories nutrients good/bad quality _ reservation elaborate source of vitamins junk food take-away fibre time-consuming four-course meal wholesome nit ING SPEAKI © Have you been to any art or culture festivals? If yes, what did you like about them? If not, would you like to go to any? Why Why not? |Speculate and make a decision Imagine that your ‘council is organising an Art and Culture Week and you have been asked to help in the planning. Below are some suggestions of events that could be included. First, talk in pairs about how successful these suggestions might be. Then decide which two events would be the most popular. You can use some of the expressions suggested on this page. fashion show featuring young designers How successful might these suggestions be? classical music concert , theatre production performance of mime artists ‘Which two events would be the most popul: Suggested expressions The firstisecondletc. suggestion offers ..50.. is more . than Older/Younger people would like/prefer/be interested in .as | believe .. would be interesting for .. people because .. | (don't) think ... would be a good idea because... would be fun/boring for ... therefore ... i Further discussion Discuss the following questions. You can use some of the expressions and the vocabulary given below. What sort of cultural events take place in your town/city? Why are cultural events popular? What makes a work of art valuable? Do you think art should be a compulsory subject at school? Why/Why not? What type of art would you like to be taught at school? 2 3 4 5 1 The cultural events that take place... include. 4 Yes,| believe so, because. There are also. No, do not agree, as. 2. I think they are popular because. 5 I would like ... because. In my opinion Another type of art | find interes! 3... makes a work of art valuable, as ‘What adds to the value of... is VOCABULARY appreciation materials reveal hidden talents broaden one’s mind parade sense of achievement condition performing arts sense of pride creative preserve national identity theatre productions escape routine promotion traditional dancing express oneself rarity visual arts ‘The interlocutor encourages each of the candidates in turn to give personal information about themselves. A variety of questions and prompts is used to elicit both short and more complex responses related to personal information, such as: Can you tell me something about yourself? Do you enjoy school/your job? What do you do in your free time? Can you tell me about your town/city? What improvements could be made in your town/city? Candidates talk to the interlocutor and to each other as appropriate. - es Interlocutor: In this part of the test, I'm going to give each of you two photographs. I'd like you to talk about your photographs on your own for about a minute, and also to answer a short question about your partner's photographs. (Candidate A), it's your turn first. Here are your photographs -A and B (page 118). They show two different forms of pollution. I'd like you to compare the photographs, and say what problems arise from each type of pollution. All right? Candidate A: (one minute) Interlocutor: ‘Thank you. (Candidate B), what can we do to help the situation? Candidate B: (approximately thirty seconds) Interlocutor: Thank you. Now, (Candidate B), here are your photographs -C and D (page 118). They show different forms of environmental disasters. I'd like you to compare the photographs and say what the consequences of these types of disasters are on the environment. All right? Candidate B: (one minute) Interlocutor: Thank you. (Candidate A), have you ever seen similar situations? Candidate A: (approximately thirty seconds) Interlocutor: ‘Thank you. V7 SPEAKING| What problems arise from these types of pollution? What are the consequences of these types of disasters on the environment? [Par€32))/4 minutes Interlocutor: Now, I'd like you to talk about something together for about two minutes. Imagine that you are members of the ‘Friends of the Environment’ society at your school. You will be submitting an article to the monthly school newsletter about the causes of pollution. Here are some ideas of what you can include in the article. Now I'd like you to talk to each other about how harmful each one is. Allright? First you have some time to look at the task. Candidates A and B: (two minutes) Interlocutor: ‘Thank you, Now, you have about a minute to decide which two cause the most damage unit SPEAKING to the environment. Candidates A and B: (one minute) Interlocutor: Thank you factories logging How damaging are these forms of pollution? pesticides exhaust fumes landfill sites [PAA 4 minutes Interlocutor: Why is it important to care about the environment? ‘Are organisations that work forthe protection of the environment important? Why? Why do mo’ What can the government do to protect the environment? st people ignore the need to protect the environment? ‘Thank you. That is the end (of the test) 119

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