Grammar Worksheet Igp Solved

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i. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the magazine article.
The thief and the eye-witness _____.
(a) has escaped (b) has been escaping
(c) was escaping (d) have escaped

ii. Read the conversation between Rohit and Amal and complete the narration that follows :
after a long time
Rohit : I’m really looking forward to the class picnic tomorrow. they would be
Amal : Yes, after a long time we will be meeting all our friends and teachers. meeting all their
When Rohit said that he was looking forward to their class picnic, Amal affirmed that _____.friends and
iii. Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given line to complete an online update.
During the college days, I _____ beat them all in the race!
(a) could (b) should
(c) can (d) might

iv. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line,
from self-help book:
Goals provides direction to our behaviour and guide our actions and thoughts. provide

Option No. Error Correction

(a) provides provide
(b) behaviour behaviours
(c) to for
(d) guide guides

v. Complete the notice by filling in the blank with the correct option:
The swimming pool _____ at 6 a.m. daily.
(a) open (b) is opening
(c) opened (d) opens

vi. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket.
The forecast _____ (mention) a quiet start to the day with a spell of rain to come later on in the

vii. Report the dialogue between two friends, by completing the sentence:
Susan : Do you have any story books to read, Dorothy?
Dorothy : I prefer watching movies in my free time.
In response to the question about story books, Dorothy says that _____.

she prefers watching movies in her free time.

viii. Identify the error in the given sentence from an article and supply the correction.
Overeating is one of the more wonderful practices among those who think that they can afford it.
Use the given format for your response.
Error Correction most

ix. Rohit shared some information with Ankit, about a movie. Report Ankit’s question.
Is the movie enjoyable?
Ankit asked Rohit if the movie was enjoyable.

x Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the sentence.
It was a long day. You _____ be hungry.
(a) must (b) might
(c) need to (d) should

xi Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue between Abraham and his
brother John.
Abraham : (humming) By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept at the memory of Zion,.....
John : What are you singing , Abraham ?
Abraham : Dear me , don’t you know its Psalm number 137?
John : If one priest found it difficult, then I’ll keep asking, till you know about it!
While Abraham was singing, John asked him what he was singing. Abraham, surprised, asked
John if he did not know that it was Psalm number 137. John exclaimed good-humouredly that if
a priest found it difficult then _____.
(a) he would kept asking till he know about it.
(b) he would keep asking till he knew about it.
(c) he would be keeping to ask until he came to know about it.
(d) None of the above

xii. Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction.
There are so much ways of entertainment in life.
Use the given format for your response.
Error Correction many


1. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the online update.
By the next month, we shall _____ the project.
(a) has completed (b) completing
(c) completed (d) have completed
ii. Read the conversation between a traveller and a peasant. Then complete the following in the
reported speech.
Traveller : Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?
Peasant : You must go to the Aheli inn.
The traveller asked the peasant if he could tell him the way to the nearest inn to which the
peasant suggested him _____.
that he must go to the Aheli inn.

iii. Select the option to fill in the blank for the given line.
He is our colleague. We _____ invite him.
(a) can (b) must
(c) dare to (d) will

iv. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line,
from a news report:
The State police have launched a special drive against tractors and trolleys which created
chaos in residential areas these days.
Option No. Error Correction
(a) Against For
(b) Have Has
(c) Tractors Has
(d) These This

v. Complete the given narrative by filling in the blank with the correct option.
I _____ this book since morning.
(a) had been reading
(b) has been reading
(c) have had read
(d) shall be reading
vi. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given portion of a
Subject: Request for leave to attend cousin’s marriage
Respected Sir/Madam
I am a student in your prestigious institution. I respectfully beg that you _____ (grant) me a
leave of absence to attend my cousin’s wedding.
vii. Report the dialogue between a merchant and his servant by completing the sentence:
Merchant : Do you really want any work?
Servant : Yes, if you have any.
The merchant asked the servant if he really wanted any work to which the servant replied
affirmatively that if he had any.

viii. Identify the error in the given sentence from a school magazine report and supply the
It was the amazing sight to see, a sight which no one could help admiring in spite of the trouble
it has caused us all.
Error Correction an

ix. Lata shared some information with John about a visit to a hill station. Report John’s question.
How was your experience with the snow?
John asked Lata how her experience had been with the snow

x. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the conversation.
Whose bag is this?
I am not sure. It _____ be Ann’s.
(a) might (b) must
(c) should (d) would

xi. Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue between Neha and Priya.
Neha : Tomorrow is your birthday, what do you want as a gift?
Priya : That is a lovely thought but I don’t want anything.
Neha asked Priya what gift she wanted for her birthday the next day. Priya replied _____.
(a) I don’t want anything.
(b) it is a lovely thought but she didn’t want anything.
(c) that it was a lovely thought but she did not want anything for her birthday.
(d) that it was a lovely thought but she did not wanted anything for her birthday.

xii Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction.
I have met some people in my life but the person who has influenced me the most is Mother
Use the given format for your response. some to a lot of
Error Correction

i. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the sentence.
A school of fish _____ spotted in the lake.
(a) are (b) have
(c) has (d) was
ii. Meenu : Will you attend Pamela’s birthday party?
Mayank : My father will not give me permission.
Meenu : But why?
Mayank : He wants me to prepare for tomorrow’s test.
Meenu asked Mayank if he would attend Pamela’s birthday party, to which Mayank replied that
_____. his father would not give him permission

iii. Select the correct option to fill in the blank.

You _____ use mobile phones inside the aircraft.
(a) had to (b) can
(c) could (d) mustn’t

iv. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line.
An entire household was in the control of my mother-in-law.
Option No. Error Correction
(a) An The
(b) The An
(c) was is
(d) of with

v. Complete the notice by filling in the blank with the correct option:
I knew that Ramesh _____ Jaipur before, so I asked him to recommend a good hotel.
(a) had visited
(b) has been visiting
(c) visited
(d) been visiting

vi. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket.
The servants _____ (quarrel) for half an hour when we arrived home.

vii. Report the dialogue between a soldier and a boy, by completing the narration.
Boy : Sir, you are a war veteran , how does it feel to receive the adulation?
Soldier : Son, it is very difficult question. We kill our enemies to keep our nation safe. But it is
just humans killing humans. it is very difficult question and
In response to the question the boy has asked, the soldier says that _____. that they kill their enemies to
keep their nation but it was just
humans killing humans.
viii. Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction.
Discipline in life ensure peace and harmony which in turn, offers the impetus for a nation’s
Use the given format for your response.
Error Correction ensures
ix. Transform the following direct speech into reported speech :
I said to him, “Will you teach me?” I asked him if he would teach me.

x. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the sentence.
You _____ pay attention in the class.
(a) can (b) should
(c) may (d) might

xi. Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue between a father and a
Father : Why do you keep breaking a new toy, Son?
Son : If I keep it, will you buy me a new one?
Father asked Son the reason for breaking a new toy every time to which Son asked good
that if he kept it safe _____ .
(a) will you buy me a new one.
(b) if she would buy me a new one.
(c) then would she buy a new one for him or not
(d) if she would herself buy a new one

xii. Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction.
We have the little money right now; we should go out for dinner another day.
Use the given format for your response.
the to a
Error Correction
Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the sentence.
I _____ following you in the evening today.
(a) will
(b) will be
(b) will have been
(d) would have been

ii. Read the conversation between Radha and Anu. Complete the narration by reporting Radha’s
Anu : Today, it was boring at school, don’t you think so?
Radha : No, I think it was a fun day today.
While walking back from school, Anu and Radha were discussing their day, when Anu asked
about her day at school and Radha replied _____.

negatively that she thought it was fun that day

iii. Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given line, from a newspaper.
In India, the death toll due to road accidents has increased drastically. Wider road awareness
among road
users _____ be taught to all the people.
(a) ought to (b) could
(c) should (d) will

iv. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line,
from a news
Dolphins and killer whales has learned an elaborate routine to entertain aquarium audiences.
Option No. Error Correction
(a) an a
(b) to entertain entertaining
(c) audiences audience
(d) has have

v. Complete the given sentence by filling in the blank the correct option :
I tried the new dish to see how it _____.
(a) taste (b) tasting
(c) tasted (d) will taste

vi. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket for the given portion of a
High-fat diets and ‘life in the fast lane’ have long _____ (know) to contribute to the high
incidence of
heart failure.

vii. Report the dialogue between a teacher and a student, by completing the sentence:
Teacher : I instructed you to draw a diagram of bacteria. Why did you submit a blank sheet?
Student : Sir, I had drawn the diagram of bacteria, but you can’t see it because it is not visible to
naked eye.
In response to the question about submitting a blank sheet, student respectfully answered
that he had drawn the diagram of bacteria but he could not see it because it was not
visible to the naked eye
viii. Identify the error in the given sentence from an article and supply the correction.
What many people do not knew is that unlike most of their fellow astronauts, Neil Armstrong
was a
Use the given format for your response.
Error Correction
ix. Mohit shared some information with Jyoti about a visit to a circus. Report Jyoti’s question.
Did you see the clowns in the circus?

x. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the sentence.
_____ you show me the road to the market?
(a) Will
(b) Could
(c) May
(d) Can

xi. Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue between Sarita and
Sarita : I’m really looking forward to the class picnic tomorrow.
Gayatri : Yes, after a long time we will be meeting our friends and teachers.
Sarita told Gayatri that she was really looking forward to the class picnic the next day. Gayatri
that after a long time _____.
(a) they will be meeting their friends and teachers.
(b) they would be meeting their friends and teachers.
(c) they should be meeting their friends and teachers.
(d) they shall be meeting their friends and teachers.

xii. Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction :
I haven’t got many change; I’ve only got a hundred rupee note.
Use the given format for your response.
Error Correction

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