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EVOLVE LEVEL 2, Audioscript for Unit Quiz 1A

Simona: Hi Jane. Great to see you again! Coffee?

Jane: Yes, please. Let’s sit down over there at that table near the window.

Simona: Hey. This place is nice. So how are you doing, Jane? How’s school?

Jane: Yes, all fine thanks. My new apartment is cool and my roommate is

awesome. She is from a big family so her brothers and sisters visit very

often. Here is a photo.

Simona: Hey, that’s a beautiful bag. Is it yours?

Jane: Oh, thanks! No, it’s not mine. It’s my grandmother’s. It’s very special. It’s over

50 years old! Look it is very big. There is my hairbrush, a water bottle and my

keychain inside.

Simona: Seriously? It’s so beautiful. And hey, whose shoes are those? They aren’t


Jane: No, that’s right. They’re my sister’s. They belong to her, but I like them a lot.

Uh? Look! She’s right there! Let’s hide behind the menu!

Simona: Uh? Wow! Why? What’s up?

Jane: Shhh. These shoes belong to my sister. They aren’t mine!! Let’s get out of

here. Run!!

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