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Gov. Julio V.

Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School

Senior High School

Effects of Technology on Academic Performance and Behavior of Senior High School Students
of Governor Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School

A Research Paper Presented to

Ms. Marinel Calumbiran

Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School


In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research 2


Trixy C. Jumagbas

Mellanie G. Moscardo

Gabriel S. Salcedo

Russell Jessie C. Serdan

Neo Orvelle M. Yanguas

Cristyl S. Sernicula

Winielyn C. Magbanua

Mylyn E. Torquato

Nathan Niel S. Villanueva

Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School

Chapter 1

Introduction of the Study

Chapter 1 has seven parts: (1) Background of the Study, (2) Statement of the Problem, (3)
Theoretical Framework, (4) Conceptual Framework, (5) Significance of the Study, (6) Scope and
Limitations of the Study, and (7) Definition of Terms.

Background of the Study

Technology can be a powerful tool for transforming learning.It can help affirm and advance
relationships between educator and students,reinvent our approaches to learning and
collaboration,shrink long-standing equity and accessibility gaps,adapt learning experiences to
meet the needs of all learners.Our school should be incubators of explorations and
invention.Educators should be collaborators in learnings,seeking new knowledge and constantly
acquiring new skills along side their students.Education should set vision for creating learning
experiences that provide the right tools and supports for all learners to thrive.

Technology is a crucial part in human life. Technology contributes its advantages and
disadvantages in every aspects and human’s activity. Technology is derived from the Greek word
“techno” which means the willingness, skills, knowledge of the ways, rules, tools and “logos”
which means science, word, learning and mental state (Stosic, 2015). Many research findings
show the positive effects of using technology, one of them is in the field of education.
Technology has a big role in building the quality of education. Fatimah and Santiana (2017)
argued that as the latest instructional media in this globalization era, technology contributes good
benefits in the educational sector, especially in teaching and learning process such as, helps the
students to have new authentic and meaningful learning experiences, provides more fun and
effective learning atmosphere to engage their effort and behavior, allows the students to work
collaboratively and easily access the information that can increase their learning experiences.
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School

Particularly in language learning, Kranthi (2017) stated that technology has been used to assist
and enhance the learning process. Teachers can integrate various forms of technology to support
their 2 teaching, engage students’ motivation and participation in the learning process, provide
authentic examples of the target culture, and connect their classrooms. To enhance the language
learning experience, some technology tools enable teachers to differentiate instruction, adapt
classroom activities and homework assignments in facilitating and mediating the language

Technology is synonymous with the existence of “communication and information”.

Therefore, the term ICT (Information and Communication Technology) exists. Nowadays, ICT
has become an essential part of humans’ personal and social lives and also influenced humans’
professional career (Golshan&Tafazoli, 2014). Mafuraga and Moremi (2017) also stated that in
educational aspect, ICT can lead to increased student learning and improved teaching methods.
However, the challenges in using ICT emerged such as lack of experience of teachers with
technology compared to students, lack of local e-learning resources to administer real-time
classes and electronic assessments, lack of procedures for monitoring and evaluating ICT use,
insufficient equipment or provided facilities, inappropriate attitudes, insufficient training and
insufficient capacity building (Tonui, Kerich, &Koross, 2016)(Soussi, 2015).

We will conduct this study to know the importance of technology on the students and how
this affects to academic performance and behavior.Students from Senior High in Governor Julio
V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School suffers in presenting properly their
schoolworks and enhancing their ideas due to lack of computer access and knowledge on how to
use computer.

This study will help to determine the effect of technology and will effectively know the
importance of this study to students and to the community.
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School

Statement of the Problem

This study generally aims to determine the Effect of Technology on the Academic Performance
and Behavior of Senior High School Students of Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive
High School.

Specifically, this study will seek answers to the following questions:

1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of applying technology on student’s learning?

2.How does technology affects on student’s learning?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the effects of technology on the Academic

Performance and Behavior of the Senior High School students of Gov. Julio V. Macuja
Memorial Comprehensive High School?

4. Is there a significant difference between the effects of technology on the Academic

Performance and Behavior of the Senior High School students of Gov. Julio V. Macuja
Memorial Comprehensive High School?

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework shows the relationship between dependent variable and independent

Dependent Variable Independent Variable

Technology Academic Performance and Behavior

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School

Theoretical Framework

This study aims to determine the effects of technology on academic performance and
behavior of the senior high students of Governor Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive
High School,engaging learning and improving student’s collaboration,knowledge,acquiring new
skills,academic performance and behavior achievement though were viewed unrelated to the
study of the faculty. Since the 20th century, some major educational theories, such as
Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism and Multiple Intelligence, have been widely
implemented in education, greatly linked to the development and utilization of the educational
technology. Ivan Pavlov (1949-1936), Russian biologist and psychologist, innovated
behaviorism, Edward Thorndike (1874-1949), American educator and psychologist of Columbia
University and Burrhus Frederic Skinner (1904-1990), one of the founders of American new
behaviorism, further developed the behavior theory. Behaviorists believe external stimulation
influences one’s leaning behavior, rewards and punishment can change one’s learning
performance. Researchers and scholars confirmed that Behaviorism has greatly promoted and
effectively implemented in programmatic instruction, and has strongly promoted and widely
applied in computing-assisted-instruction and the development of educational technology.

The core of this theory is discovery learning. Students learn by doing. John Dewey (1859-
1952), a well-known educational psychologist, believed that practicing is a foundation of
learning, and without learning practice, students would get lost. He stressed that students
construct their knowledge in practice, and instructional design should respect students’
psychological development needs. Former Soviet psychologist Vygotsky proposed a social
constructivist theory that emphasizes one’s social and cultural backgrounds to determine one’s
behavior. He believed human’s growth is a product of culture. The influence of Constructivist
theory on the development and implementation of educational technology is mainly reflected in
the pioneering educational games, multimedia development and dynamic online interactions.
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School

Significance of the Study

This study will benefit the following:

“Students” will benefit on this study by improving knowledge of every student and mostly their
school appetite. It must also improve their academic performance and behavior in school.

“Teacher” can also benefit on this study to keep the students aware that technology is important
in school.

“School” will benefits to make students more engaged and helps them retain information and
accommodates multiple learning styles.

“Technology Developer” was also one of the benefactors because they will know the effect of
the technology on student’s academic performance and behavior.

“Future Researcher” should also benefits because they can use this research as their basis of their
future research study.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The center of this study is the effect of technology on the academic performance and behavior of
the senior high students in Governor Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School.

Attendance in class and behavior of the students are descriptive variables.The selection of
respondents are only limited,30 respondents and they were randomly selected.
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School

Definition of Terms

To fully understand the study, the following terms are defined conceptually and operationally:

Technology-is the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life or as it
is sometimes phrased to change and manipulation of the human environment. In this study,
technology refers to the programmable systems or devices that interact the physical environment.

Behavior-is the way in which one acts or conducts oneself,especially toward others.
It describes what the behavior/s of interest looks like in a way that is observable,measurable,and

Performance-is the action or process of carrying out or accomplishing an

action,task,orfunction.the synergy between various company units and the ability to produce
greater output together.

Knowledge- facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education;
the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. It acquired in the
process of performing operations,thought to be more basic and more predictive of later of
intellectual functioning than figurative knowledge.

Advantages- a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position.

An improvement which benefits the users of an instrument procedure such as the ability to use
lower minimums.

Disadvantages - an unfavorable circumstance or condition that reduces the chances of success or

effectiveness.It refers to the loss or damage especially toreputation,credits,or finances.
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Technology has been viewed as a lodestone for improving student’s academic performance and
for increasing the flexibility of public schools.This review provides a synthesis that addresses the
effect of technology on teaching and learning and analyzes those effects through the lens to
diffusion theory.This synthesis examines the historical of technology,explores policy changes
that have influenced tecnology’s role in K-12 curriculum,how this changes have resulted in a
definition of literacy that now includes technology literacy and in new social media and cultural
dynamics.Third,this review examines between the vision for technology and its practical realities
conducting with a call for future educational research in technology.

Impact of Technology on Student’s Academic Performance

Students are able to benefit from the use of technology in most subject areas within the
curriculum to enhance overall engagement and understanding of content.Instructors can integrate
technology into class lessons,after-school activities,assignments and assignment
methods.According to Bucking Ham(2003) technology can facilitate more flexible and
democratic styles of teaching and learning,provides students with more autonomy and control
over their learning. Incorporating the use of several technological applications allows for
students to participate in higher-order thinking, enhance communication, engage in collaborative
problem-solving activities and discussions, critically reflect on content and expand digital
competencies (Schindler et al., 2017 ). Studies have compared differences in academic
achievement between students who have been taught with technological enhancement (i.e.
lecture recordings and podcasts) and those who been taught without it. The results demonstrated
that students who learned academic content in the technology enhanced classroom outperformed
those who learned the content without technology (Carle, Jaffee& Miller, 2009 ). Performance
was greater in the intervention group in all objectively graded assessments which include papers,
midterm/final exam scores and individual assignments. Other research has demonstrated
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School
thatimplementing technology into the classroom enhances student motivation to understand and
complete tasks (Mistler-Jackson &Songer, 2000).

Impact of Technology on Student’s Behavior

Impact of technology on student’s behavior in the classroom can also be used to report on
student’s disciplinary issues such a tardiness and negative behavior.Strong evidence shows how
students gain a stronger sense of control by tracking their behavior and have an easier time
recognizing when student’s fail into negative patterns.Increased isolations reduced social
interaction and social skills,increased human to machine interactions are all a results of an
overuse technology.With students being engaged and more into technology, increase in
technology integration in classes across the nation and textbook developers focusing more on
providing computer based learning materials, it is vivid that in the past five years, tendency
toward equipping classes with latest technology has increased dramatically. According to
Schmid and Abrami (as cited by) with technology it is possible to change the learning
environment from passive to active where learners get to feel autonomy and more control of their

Summary of Literature Review

The review literature highlighten the effect of technology and how it influence to the study of
the students in their performance at school.It shows that technology makes student’s worked
easier and faster.The results indicated that the learners who used the computer for one hour a day
for both school work and other activities had significantly better reading test scores and more
positive teacher evaluations for their classroom behaviors than any other groups. Does it has a
positive and negative effects on student’s academic performance,onbehavior,attendance in
class,and on learnings.This review provide information that can be collected and use for the
discussion on how technology schools of today are using.This study were done in Governor Julio
V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School at senior high department through the
technology effective performance of every students.
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School

Chapter 3


This Chapter presents the research design, locale of the study, the respondents of the study, data
gathering instruments, data gathering procedure, and data analysis procedure.

Research Design

This study made use of the descriptive research design.The purpose of descriptive research
design is to describe the nature of the situation,as it exists at the time of the study.

This study aimed to determine the effect of technology to academic performance and behavior
of senior high school students of Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School.In
order to know the development of the students and their performance and behavior in performing
this kind of activity the researcher used the survey to collect data and follow up questions for the
students teachers and students of senior high school department in Macuja.This study was
centered on the effect of the technology on the academic performance and behavior of the said

Research Locale

This study was conducted in Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High
School.The respondents was interviewed in their classroom.The researchers choose the place of
implementation because it will give the information for the students of Macuja.The study was
was conducted on the first semester of the year 2022-2023.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study will be 30 randomly selected Grade 12 HUMSS students
of Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School who voluntarily participated in
the study through an informed letter to the Principal as shown in Annex A.
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School

Research Instruments

The researcher will be using a questionnaire checklist to be distributed to the respondents.In

order to know what the effect of technology on the academic performance and behavior of those
selected respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

The data was gathered through self-administered survey and done through asking selected
respondents to atleast spend their spare time in helping us in our study.The researchers were in
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School to personally distribute the
questionnaire to be answered by the randomly 30 selected respondents.The researchers also take
into consideration the time of individuals as their respondents,which they should option to
answer the questions to avoid hassle in administering survey.

Data Analysis Procedure

The data in this study were interpreted using the different statistical test as follows:

Frequency - to determine the number of respondents, frequency was used.

Percentage -to determine the proportion of respondents belonging to each category, percentage
was used.

Mean - to determine the effect of technology on academic performance and behavior of students.

T-test for Independent samples - to find out the significant differences on the effect of
technology on the academic performance and behavior of students.
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School

Annex A. Letter to the Principal

March 1,2023
Principal II
Gov.Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High SchoolCaridad,Hamtic,Antique


Greetings of peace and love!

The undersigned is undertaking a study on “Effect of Technology on Academic Performance and

Behavior of Senior High School Students in Governor Julio V. Macuja Memorial
Comprehensive High School” as one of her requirements in the partial fulfillment for the subject
Practical Research 2.

This study generally aims to determine the Effect of Technology on Academic Performance and
Behavior of Senior High School Students in Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive
High School for School Year 2022-2023.

In this regard, I would like to ask permission from your good office to conduct a dry run of the
research instrument in your school. The prospects are at least thirty (30) of Grade 12-
HUMSS.The results shall be the basis for realibility testing.Rest assured that the data gathered
will be kept confidential and for research purpose only.Fervent thanks for your support and God
bless you.

Respectfully yours,
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School
Trixy C. Jumagbas

Research Leader

Ms. Marinel S. Calumbiran

Research Adviser
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

To complete this study properly, it is necessary to analyze the data collected in order to test
the hypothesis and answer the research questions to determine the effect of Technology on
Academic Performance and Behavior of Senior High School Students of Governor Julio V.
Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School. As already indicated in the preceding chapter,
data is interpreted into two parts (1) descriptive data analysis and (2) inferential data analysis.

Profile of Respondents

To determine the profile of respondents, the researcher used frequency and percentage.

Table 1. Profile of Respondents

Variables Frequency Percentage

Male 9 30%
Female 21 70%
Total 30 100%

Age Frequency Percentage

17 1 3%
18 17 60%
19 8 26%
20 1 3%
21 1 3%
22 1 3%
23 1 3%
Total 30 100%

Grade Frequency Percentage

Grade 12 RA 10 33%
Grade 12 FL 20 66%
Total 30 100%
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School

It was reflected in Table 1 that out of 30, in terms of sex,9 were males and 21 were females.
Females comprise a higher percentage for a total of 70% compare to males for a total of 30%.
In terms of age,only 1 respondent in the age of 17, 17 were 18 years old,8 were 19 years old,
and only 1respondent were in 20 -23 years old. Respondents who were 18 years old are the
majority with a percentage 60%, it is followed by respondents who were 19 years old with a
percentage 26% and respondents who were 17 and 20-23 years old are the minority with a
percentage 3% only.Lastly,in terms of grade level and section,10 were grade 12 RA,and 20 were
grade 12 FL.This means that grade 12 FL has a higher percentage of respondents which is 66%
while grade 12 RA is 33% only.

Attitudes in Technology when classified in Sex

Table 2.1 Male

Statement Totally Disagree Not Strong Agree Strongly Agree

Disagree Opinion

(f) (%) (f) (%) (f) (%) (f) (%) (f) (%)

1 1 3% 0 0% 1 3% 1 3% 6 20%
2 1 3% 2 7% 3 10% 2 7% 1 3%
3 0 0% 3 10% 2 7% 2 7% 2 7%
4 1 3% 0 0% 2 7% 2 7% 4 13%
5 1 3% 0 0% 4 13% 3 10% 1 3%
6 0 0 3 10% 1 3% 3 10% 2 7%
7 1 3% 1 3% 2 7% 2 7% 3 10%

This table shows that 6 out of 9 male respondents are the majority with a percentage 20% had
answer stongly agree in statement 1, 1(3%) agree, 1 (3%) not strong opinion, 0 (0%) disagree
and the minority 1 (3%) totally disagree. In statement 2, 3 (10%) are the majority had answer not
strong opinion, 2 (7%) agree, 1 (3%) strongly agree, 2 (7%) disagree, and the minority 1 (3%)
totally disagree. In statement 3, 3 (10%) are the majority had answer disagree, followed by 2
(7%) not strong opinion, 2 (7%) agree, 2 (7%) strongly agree, and the minority 0 (0%) totally
disagree. In statement 4, 4 (13%) are the majority had answer strongly agree, followed by 2 (7%)
not strong opinion, 2 (7%) agree, 1(3%) totally disagree, and the minority 0 (0%) disagree. In
statement 5, 4 (13%) are the majority had answer not strong opinion, followed by 3 (10%) agree,
1 (3%) totally disagree, 1 (3%) strongly agree, and the minority 0 (0%) disagree. In statement 6,
3 (10%) are the majority had answer disagree and agree, followed by 2 (7%) strongly agree, 1
(3%) not strong opinion, and the minority 0 (0%) totally disagree. In statement 7, 3 (10%) are the
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School

majority had answer strongly agree, followed by 2 (7%) not strong opinion, 2 (7%) agree, and
the minority 1 (3%) had answer totally disagree and disagree.

Table 2.2 Female

Statement Totally Disagree Not Strong Agree Strongly Agree

Disagree Opinion
(f) (%) (f) (%) (f) (%) (f) (%) (f) (%)
1 2 7% 3 10% 1 3% 8 26% 7 23%
2 0 0% 6 20% 10 33% 5 17% 0 0%
3 1 3% 2 7% 9 30% 5 17% 4 13%
4 1 3% 1 3% 1 3% 10 33% 8 26%
5 1 3% 2 7% 8 26% 7 23% 3 10%
6 1 3% 2 7% 3 10% 11 37% 4 13%
7 2 7% 3 10% 5 17% 5 17% 6 20%
This table shows that 8 out of 21 females respondents are the majority had answer agree
with a percentage 26% in statement 1, followed by 7 (23%) strongly agree ,3 (10%) disagree, 2
(7%) totally disagree, and the minority 1 (3%) had answer not strong opinion. In statement 2, 10
(33%) are the majority had answer not strong opinion, followed by 6 (20%) disagree, 5 (17%)
agree, 4 (13%) strongly agree, and the minority 0 (0%) totally disagree. In statement 3, 9 (30%)
are the majority had answer not strong opinion, followed by 5 (17%) agree, 4 (13%) strongly
agree, 2 (7%) disagree, and the minority 1 (3%) totally disagree. In statement 4, 10 (33%) are the
majority had answer agree, followed by 8 (26%) strongly agree, with the minority 1 (3%) totally
disagree,disagree,and not strong opinion. In statement 5, 8 (26%) are the majority had answer not
strong opinion, followed by 7 (23%) agree, 3 (10%) strongly agree, 2 (7%) disagree, and the
minority 1 (3%) totally disagree. In statement 6, 11 (37%) are the majority had answer agree,
followed by 4 (13%) strongly agree, 3 (10%) not strong opinion, 2(7%) disagree, and the
minority 1 (3%) totally disagree. In statement 7, 6 (20%) are the majority had answer strongly
agree, followed by 5 (17%) not strong opinion and agree, 3 (10%) disagree and the minority 1
(3%) totally disagree.
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School

Technology to Student

Table 3.1 Male

Yes No
frequency percentage frequency percentage
1 9 30% 0 0%
2 9 30% 0 0%
3 2 7% 7 23%
4 7 23% 2 7%
5 7 23% 2 7%
6 6 20% 3 10%
7 9 30% 0 0%

It was reflected in table 3.1 Technology to student that statement 1 9 out 9 male respondents
with a percentage 30% answer yes according to statement,while 0 (0%) answered no. In
statement 2, 9 (30%) answered yes while 0 (0%) answered no. In statement 3, 2 (7%) answered
yes while 7 (23%) answered no. In statement 4, 7 (23%) answered yes while 2 (7%) answered
no. In statement 5, 7 (23%) answered yes while 2 (7%) answered no. In statement 6, 6 (20%)
answered yes while 3 (10%) answered no. Lastly in statement 7, 9 (30%) answered yes while 0
(0%) answered no.

Table 3.2 Female

Yes No
frequency percentage frequency percentage
1 14 47% 7 23%
2 20 67% 1 3%
3 1 3% 20 67%
4 18 60% 3 10%
5 17 57% 4 13%
6 15 50% 6 20%
7 16 53% 5 17%
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School
It was reflected in the table that in statement 1, 14 out of 21 female respondents are the majority
with a percentage 47% answered yes, followed by the minority 7 (23%) answered no. In
statement 2, 20 (67%) are the majority answered yes,followed by the minority 1 (3%) answered
no. In statement 3, 20 (67%) are the majority answered no followed by the minority 1 (3%)
answered no. In statement 4, 18 (60%) are the majority answered yes, followed by 3 (10%)
answered no. In statement 5, 17 (57%) are the majority answered yes, followed by 4 (13%)
answered no. In statement 6, 15 (50%) are the majority answered yes ,followed by 6 (20%)
answered no. Lastly in statement 7, 16 (53%) answered yes, followed by 5 (17%) answered no.

Experience in using Technology

Table 4.1 Male

Statement Regularly Infrequently Never

7.1 frequency percentage frequency percentage frequency percentage
At school 4 13% 5 17% 0 0%
At work 7 23% 2 7% 0 0%
At home 4 13% 3 10% 2 7%
Statement Regularly Infrequently
7.2 frequency percentage frequency percentage frequency percentage
To 6 20% 2 7% 1 3%
To find 6 20% 3 10% 0 0%
To read news 3 10% 6 20% 0 0%

It was reflected in table 4.1 that in statement 7.1, 5 out of 9 male respondents are the majority
with a percentage 17% answered infrequently in experience using technology at school,followed
by 4 (13%) answered regularly,and the minority 0 (0%) answered never. At work, 7 (23%) are
the majority answered regulary,followed by 2 (7%) answered infrequently,and the minority 0
(0%) answered never. At home, 4 (23%) are the majority answered regularly,followed by 3
(10%) answered infrequently and the minority 2(7%) answered never.

In statement 7.2, 6 out of 9 male respondents are the majority with a percentage 20% answered
regularly in using technology to communicate,followed by 2 (7%) answered infrequently and the
minority 0 (0%) answered never. Using technology to find information,6 (20%) are the majority
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School
answered regularly followed by 3(10%) answered infrequently and the minority 0 (0%) answered
never.Using technology to read the news 6 (20%) are the majority answered
infrequently,followed by 3 (10%) answered regularly and the minority 0 (0%) answered never.

Table 4.2 Female

Statement Regularly Infrequently Never

7.1 frequency percentage frequency percentage frequency percentage

At school 6 20% 15 50% 0 0%

At work 9 30% 12 40% 0 0%
At home 4 13% 14 43% 4 13%

Statement Regularly Infrequently Never

7.2 frequency percentage frequency percentage frequency percentage

To 18 60% 1 3% 2 7%
To find 17 57% 3 10% 0 0%
To read the 17 57% 5 17% 0 0%

It was reflected in the table that in statement 7.1, 15 (50%) are the majority answered
infrequently in using technology at school,followed by 6 (20%) answered regularly and the
minority 0 (0%) answered never. At work, 12(40%) are the majority answered infrequently
followed by 9 (30%) answered regularly and the minority 0 (0%) answered never. At home, 14
(43%) are the majority answered infrequently followed by the minority 4 (13%) answered
regularly and never.

In statement 7.2, 18 (60%) are the majority answered regularly in using technology to
communicate, followed by 2 (7%) answered never and the minority 1 (3%) answered
infrequently.Using technology to find information 17 (57%) are the majority answered regularly
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School

followed by 3 (10%) answered infrequently, and the minority 0 (0%) answered never. And lastly
to read the news, 17 (57%) are the majority answered regularly followed by 5 (17%) answered
infrequently and the minority 0 (0%) answered never.

Table 2.1 Attitudes To Technology When Classified In Age

17-18 Totally Disagree Disagree Not Strong Opinion Agree Strongly Agree

Statement (f) (%) (f) (%) (f) (%) (f) (%) (f) (%)
1 3 10% 3 10% 1 3% 6 20% 5 17%
2 1 3% 3 10% 10 33% 4 13% 0 0%
3 1 3% 4 13% 6 20% 4 13% 3 10%
4 2 7% 1 3% 2 7% 8 26% 5 17%
5 2 7% 2 7% 6 20% 7 23% 1 3%
6 2 7% 2 7% 4 13% 8 26% 3 10%
7 3 10% 2 7% 5 17% 4 13% 4 13%

It was reflected in the table 2.1 when classified in age that in statement 1, 6 (20%) 17-18 years
old respondents answered agree,followed by 5 (17%) answered strongly agree, 3 (10%)
answered totally disagree and disagree and the minority 1 (3%) answred not strong opinion. In
statement 2, 10 (33%) are the majority answered not strong opinion, followed by 4(13%) agree,
3(10%) disagree, 1(3%) totally disagree, and the minority 0 (0%) strongly agree. In statement 3,
6 (20%) are the majority answered not strong opinion, followed by 4 (13%) answered disagree
and agree, 3(10%) answered strongly agree, and the minority 1 (3%) answered totally disagree.
In statement 4, 8 (26%) are the majority answered agree, followed by 5 (17%) answered strongly
agree,2(7%) not strong opinion and totally disagree, and the minority 1 (3%) disagree. In
statement 5, 7 (23%) are the majority answered agree, 6 (20%) not strong opinion, 2 (7%) totally
disagree and disagree, and the minority 1 (3%) strongly agree. In statement 6, 8 (26%) agree are
the majority, 4 (13%) not strong opinion, 3 (10%) strongly agree, and the minority 2 (7%)
answered totally disagree and disagree. And lastly in statement 7,5 (17%) not strong opinion are
the majority, 4 (13%) agree and strongly agree, 3(10%) totally disagree, and the minority 2 (7%)
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School

Table 2.2 Technology to Student

Statement Yes No
frequency percentage frequency percentage
1 14 47% 4 13%
2 17 57% 2 7%
3 2 7% 17 57%
4 15 50% 4 13%
5 15 50% 3 10%
6 14 47% 5 17%
7 15 50% 3 10%

It was reflected in this table Technology to student that in statement 1, 14 (47%) answered
yes and 4 (13%) answered no. In statement 2, 17 (57%) answered yes and 2 (7%) no. In
statement 3, 2 (7%) answered yes, and 17 (57%) answered no. In statement 4, 15 (50%)
answered yes and 4 (13%) answered no. In statement 5, 15 (50%) answered yes and 3 (10%) no.
In statement 6, 14(47%) answered yes and 5 (17%) answered no. And lastly in statement 7, 15
(50%) answered yes and 3 (10%) no.

Table 3.1 Experience using internet/technology

Statement Regularly Infrequently Never

7.1 frequency percentage frequency percentage frequency percentage

At school 4 13% 14 47% 0 0%

At home 9 30% 9 30% 0 0%
At work 3 10% 11 37% 4 13%

Statement Regularly Infrequently Never

Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School

7.2 frequency percentage frequency percentage frequency percentage

To communicate 15 50% 0 0% 0 0%
To find 15 50% 3 10% 0 0%
To read news 11 37% 7 23% 4 13%

It was reflected in this table in experience using internet/technology that in statetement 7.1, 14
(47%) compramise a higher percentage in using internet/technology infrequently at school, 4
(13%) regularly and 0 (0%) never. At home, 9 (30%) regularly and infrequently and 0 (0%)
never. At work, 11(37%) answered infrequently, 4 (13%) never and 3 (10%) regularly.

In statement 7.2 , 15 (50%) answered regularly in using technology to communicate,0 (0%) for
infrequently and never. To find information, 15 (50%) answered regularly and 0 (0%)
infrequently and never. And lastly to read the news, 11 (37%) answered regularly, 7 (23%)
answered infrequently and 4 (13%) never.

Table 2.1 Attitudes To Technology

19-20 Totally Disagree Not Strong Agree Strongly

Disagree Opinion Agree

Statement (f) (%) (f) (%) (f) (%) (f) (%) (f) (%)
1 0 0% 0 0% 1 3% 2 7% 6 20%
2 0 0% 5 17% 1 3% 2 7% 1 3%
3 0 0% 1 3% 3 10% 3 10% 3 10%
4 0 0% 0 0% 1 3% 2 7% 5 17%
5 0 0% 0 0% 4 13% 3 10% 2 7%
6 0 0% 2 7% 0 0% 5 17% 2 7%
7 0 0% 1 3% 0 0% 4 13% 4 13%

It was reflected in this table on attitudes to technology that in statement 1, 6 (20%) answered
strongly agree, 2 (7%) agree, 1(3%) not strong opinion, 0 (0%) totally disagree and disagree. In
statement 2, 5 (17%) disagree,2 (7%) agree, 1 (3%) not strong opinion and strongly agree, and 0
(0%) totally disagree. In statement 3, 3 (10%) answered not strong opinion,agree and strongly
agree, 1 (3%) disagree and 0 (0%) totally disagree. In statement 4, 5 (17%) answered strongly
agree, 2(7%) agree, 1 (3%) not strong opinion, 0 (0%) totally disagree, and disagree. In statement
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School

5, 4 (13%) not strong opinion, 3 (10%) agree, 2 (7%) strongly agree, 0 (0%) totally disagree, and
disagree. In statement 6, 5 (17%) answered agree, 2 (7%) strongly agree and disagree, 0 (0%)
totally disagree and not strong opinion. In statement 7, 4 (13%) answered agree and strongly
agree, 1 (3%) disagree and 0 (0%) totally disagree and nit strong opinion.

Table 2.2 Technology To Students

Statement Yes No

frequency percentage frequency percentage

1 7 23% 2 7%
2 9 30% 0 0%
3 2 7% 8 27%
4 7 23% 2 7%
5 6 20% 3 10%
6 6 20% 3 10%
7 8 27% 1 3%

It was reflected in this table technology to students that in statement 1, 7 (23%) answered yes,
and 2 (7%) answered no. In statement 2, 9 (30%) answered yes and 0 (0%) no. In statement 3, 2
(7%) answered yes and 8 (27%) no. In statement 4, 7 (23%) and 2 (7%) answered no. In
statement 5 and 6, 6 (20%) answered yes, and 3 (10%) answered no. Lastly in statement 7, 8
(27%) answered yes and 1 (3%) answered no.
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School

Table 3.1 Experience Using The Internet/Technology

Statement Regularly Infrequently Never

7.1 frequenc percentage frequency percentage frequency percentage
At school 6 20% 4 13% 0 0%
At home 7 23% 3 10% 0 0%
At work 5 17% 4 13% 1 3%

Statement Regularly Infrequently Never

7.2 frequenc percentage frequency percentage frequency percentage
To 8 27% 2 7% 0 0%
To find 7 23% 2 7% 0 0%
To read the 7 23% 3 7% 0 0%

It was reflected in this table on experience in using internet/technology that in statement 7.1
at school 6 (20%) answered regularly, 4 (13%) answered infrequently and 0 (0%) never. At
home, 7 (23%) answered regularly, 3 (10%) infrequently, 0 (0%) never. At work, 5 (17%)
answered regularly, 4 (13%) answered infrequently, 1 (3%) never.

Table 2.1 Attitudes To Technology

21-22 Totally Disagree Not Strong Agree Strongly

Disagree Opinion Agree
(f) (%) (f) (%) (f) (%) (f) (%) (f) (%)

1 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 2 7%
2 0 0% 0 0% 1 3% 1 3% 0 0%
3 0 0% 0 0% 1 3% 0 0% 1 3%
4 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 3% 1 3%
5 0 0% 0 0% 1 3% 0 0% 1 3%
6 0 0% 1 3% 0 0% 0 0% 1 3%
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School
7 1 3% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 3%

It was reflected in this table on attitudes to technology in the age of 21-22 that in statement 1, 2
(7%) answered strongly agree, and 0 (0%) totally disagree,disagree,not strong opinion, and

Table 2.2

Statement Yes No
frequency percentage frequency percentage

1 1 3% 1 3%
2 2 7% 0 0%
3 0 0% 2 7%
4 2 7% 0 0%
5 2 7% 0 0%
6 2 7% 0 0%
7 1 3% 1 3%

Table 3.1 Experience Using Internet/Technology

Statement Regularly Infrequently Never

7.1 frequency percentage frequency percentage frequency percentage
At school 1 3% 1 3% 0 0%
At home 1 3% 1 3% 0 0%
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School
At work 1 3% 1 3% 0 0%

Statement Regularly Infrequently Never

7.2 frequency percentage frequency percentage frequency percentage
To communicate 2 7% 0 0% 0 0%
To find 1 3% 1 3% 0 0%
To read the news 1 3% 1 3% 0 0%

Table 2.1 Attitudes To Technology

Totally Disagree Not Strong Agree Strongly

23 Above Disagree Opinion Agree

Statement (f) (%) (f) (%) (f) (%) (f) (%) (f) (%)

1 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 3% 0 0%
2 0 0% 0 0% 1 3% 0 0% 0 0%
3 0 0% 0 0% 1 3% 0 0% 0 0%
4 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 3% 0 0%
5 0 0% 0 0% 1 3% 0 0% 0 0%
6 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 3% 0 0%
7 0 0% 0 0% 1 3% 0 0% 0 0%

Table 2.2 Technology To Students

Yes No

frequency percentage frequency percentage

1 1 3% 0 0%
2 1 3% 0 0%
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School
3 0 0% 1 3%
4 1 3% 0 0%
5 1 3% 0 0%
6 0 0% 1 3%
7 1 3% 0 0%

It was reflected in this table technology to students,

Table 3.1 Experience Using The Internet/Technology

Statement Regularly Infrequently Never

7.1 frequenc percentage frequency percentage frequency percentage
At school 0 0% 1 3% 0 0%
At home 0 0% 1 3% 0 0%
At work 0 0% 0 0% 1 3%

Statement Regularly Infrequently Never

7.2 frequenc percentage frequency percentage frequency percentage
Gov. Julio V. Macuja Memorial Comprehensive High School
Senior High School
To 1 3% 0 0% 0 0%
To find 0 0% 1 3% 0 0%
To read the 1 3% 0 0% 1 3%

It was reflected in table 3.1 statement 7.1 , 1 (3%) respondent using technology infrequently at
school,while 0 (0%) in regularly and never. At home 1 (3%) infrequently, 0(0%) regularly and
never. Lastly at work, 1(3%) never, 0 (0%) regularly and infrequently. In statement 7.2, only 1
(3%) answered regularly using technology to communicate, and 0 (0%) infrequently and never.
To find information, 1(3%) answered infrequently, and 0 (0%) regularly and never. To read the
news, 1 (3%) answered regularly and 0 (0%) infrequently and never.

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