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Sustainability analysis:

the benchmarking company paragon care is dedicated to integrate sustainability into its core
business practices by implementing measure to reduce its carbon footprint. paragon care is also
focusing on building Quality control laboratory, relevant warehouse facilities, cell culture suite and
formulation and dispensing capabilities. paragon care is improving its research and development
laboratories for providing better and efficient services. Paragon is not really doing much in increasing
their sustainability when compared to Ansell limited. Paragon care has been sleeping on improving
its advantage by focusing on sustainability. Whereas, Ansell limited holds sustainability success
equally as important as financial success, sustainability has become an increasingly important
differentiator for Ansell and core to their strategic ambition to lead the world to a safer future.
Ansell’s focusing on reducing total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR) by 10% by 2030.
considering the diversity, Ansell is taking initiative of increased employee safety observation
engagement and promoting diversity in inclusion with a target of achieving at least 40% women in
representation at all levels by 2030. Ansell also indulges itself in social work by supporting
communities through financial and product donations, disaster relief and employee volunteerism.
Ansell is also committed to achieving net zero emissions in their operations by 2040 to make that
possible they have joined initiatives like RE100 and EP100 to increase the usage of renewable
resources. they're working on to shift their dependence on fossil fuels to renewable electricity in
which they have progressed quite a lot, at current they have 51% renewable in their energy mix and
they're working to improve it further. Ansell has doing everything they can to conserve the earth.
Ansell has also set a target to reduce water withdrawls by 35% before 2025, Ansell is putting more
focus on using less fossil-fuel based materials and more recycled or bio-based content in their
products. They’re aiming to have 100% of their packaging materials to be recyclable by the end of
2026. Ansell limited has achieved their goal of zero waste to landfill for all operational plants in 2019,
Ansell has also engaged with IUCN on investigating biodiversity impacts. Moreover, Ansell has also
achieved several third-party recognitions of our sustainability program, including the Ecovadis 2023
silver medal, which ranks Ansell in the top 3% in the industry*, and Morningstar Sustainalytics, which
rated Ansell as an ESG top-rated company in 2023, in the 6th percentile in industry (Healthcare).

By considering Sustainability aspect of both the companies, it is fair to be said that Ansell limited is
doing way better than paragon care in this aspect. Ansell has taken many initiatives and has also seen
a progress in recent years. Ansell limited gains an advantage in sustainability which paragon should
start considering, nowadays investors tends to look at sustainability aspect along with financial
aspect before they invest.

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