First Year - English - P5

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Learning English as Second Language in India

1.0 Introduction
What a tremendous journey English Language has made in our multilingual
India! Once it was a foreign language; it has now been crowned as the second
language (L2) of the country in spite of so many well-established Indian
languages. Though English has acquired a prestigious position in our society, its
learning and teaching has always been challenging. If the learners are enabled to
learn English almost in the same way which they used in acquiring the mother
tongue, they will naturally have a pretty good command of English as well.
1.1 After going through this unit we will be able to:
discuss why learning English is so important in India.
express the challenges of learning and teaching of English as L2 in India.

learning L2.
enable the learners to 'acquire' English as a second language.
1.2 Why English in India?
Is there any province in India where English is not introduced as the second
language in Hindi/regional language medium school right from class-1? India
has the third largest English - using population in the world, after the USA and
the UK.
English will continue to enjoy its prestigious position as the L2 because it is

a link/service for inter - province communication.
a library language.

acquired = received, got, gained. prestigious = respectable, reputable

D.El.Ed. (First Year)

a language of science and technology.

a language of more and better opportunities
a language of trade and commerce
a global language (international language)

English is an international language.

English is a link (service) language
English is a library language.

1.2.2 Assignment

Make a list of the 10 languages used by the highest number of people. Should
we have any of these languages in the school syllabus? Give your opinion.

1.2.3 Review Questions

Would it be a good idea to remove English Language from the school syllabus?

1.3 What does learning a language basically mean?

Learning a language basically means learning to communicate in the target

language. To communicate in a language one needs to be skillful in listening,
speaking, reading and writing (LSRW) in the language and be well-versed in
grammar and vocabulary of the language.
Objectives of learning English as L2 at the school level
To enable the learners to
listen to English and to understand it (Listening Skills).
speak English with working command (Speaking Skills).
read and understand English : reading aloud at the primary level and
then gradually move towards silent reading ( Reading Skills).

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