I Pu Viva

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1. What are stomata?

Stomata are the minute openings on the epidermis of leaf.
2. What is the function of stomata?
Stomata help in gaseous exchange and transpiration.
3. What is the function of guard cells?
Guardcells help in open in and closing of stomata.
4. What is the shape of guard cell in monocot and dicot leaf?
In monocot leaf,guard cells are dumb- bell shape and in dicot leaf, bean- shape.
5. What is a stomatal apparatus?
Stomatal apparatus consists of stomatal aperture, guardcells and the surrounding subsidiary cells.
6. Name the stain used for stomatal slide preparation.
7. Name the mountant used for stomatal slide preparation.
8. What is the type of vascular bundle in monocot and dicot stem?
➢ Monocot stem-conjoint closed vascular bundle
➢ Dicot stem–conjoint open vascular bundle.
9. What is vascular bundle?
Vascular bundle consists of xylem and phloem.
10. What is xylem?
Xylem is water and minerals conducting vascular tissue.

11. What is phloem?

Phloem is a food conducting vascular tissue.
12. What are trichomes?
Epidermal hairs present on the stem are called trichomes.
13. Name any two plants belonging to the following families:
a) Solanaceae–Tomato, Chilli, Belladonna etc.,
14. Define the following:
1. Aestivation: Arrangement of sepals or petals in the floral bud with respect to the other
members of the same whorl.
2. Epipetalous: Stamens attached to the petals. Eg. Brinjal.
3. Epiphyllous: Stamens attached to the Perianth. Eg. Lily
4. Bract: Reduced leaf found at the base of the pedicel.
5. Bracteole: Appendage present on the pedicel between the bract and calyx.
6. Pulvinus: swollen leaf base as in some leguminous plants.
7. Actinomorphic:Flower which can be divided into two equal radial halves in any radial plane
passing through the centre. Eg. Mustard, Datura, Chilli.
8. Zygomorphic: flower which can be divided in to two similar halves only in one particular
vertical plane. Eg. Pea, Gulmohar, Bean, Cassia.
9. Perianth: the floral whorl, where the calyx and corolla are not distinct.
10. Hypogynous flower: Flower with superior ovary. Eg.
Mustard, China rose, Brinjal
11. Epigynous flower: Flower with inferior ovary .Eg.Guava, Cucumber
12. Androecium: Male reproductive structure of the flower.
13. Gynoecium: Female reproductive structure of the flower.
14. Placentation: Arrangement of ovules within the ovary.
15. Pedicel: Stalk of the flower.
16. Peduncle: Stalk of the inflorescence.
17. Petiole: Stalk of the leaf
15. What is transpiration?
The evaporative loss of water by plants.
16. What is paper chromatography used for?
Separation of plant pigments.
17.Name the photosynthetic pigment in flowering plants?
Chlorophyll a, b, Carotene and Xanthophylls.
18. Name the other test other than Benedicts test for detecting simple sugars in the
Fehling's test.
19. Name the other test other than Biuret test for detecting proteins in the
Xanthoproteic test.
20. Name the reagents used for,
a) Benedicts test: Benedict's reagent.
b) Fehling'stest:Fehling'sAandB solution.
c) Biuret test: 1% copper sulphate, 40% Sodium hydroxide.
d) Xantoproteic test: Conc. Nitric acid, 20% sodium hydroxide.
21. How is the distribution of stomata in monocot and dicot leaves?
Monocotleaf-Amphistomatic-Stomata present on both the surfaces
Dicot leaf – Hypostomatic- Stomata present more on lower surface
22. Learn the classification of plant and animal specimens included in the practical portion
23. What is Racemose inflorescence?
Racemose is a type of an inflorescence where the main axis continues to grow indefinitely and does not
terminate in flower. Flowers are present in an acropetal manner
24. What is cymose inflorescence?
The main axis does not grow continuously. A flower is present terminally on the main axis.
The flowers are borne in a basipetal order. The main axis has limited growth.
25. What is inflorescence?
The pattern of flower arrangement on the floral axis is known as inflorescence.

26. Learn the types of Racemose and Cymose inflorescence with examples.


1. Prepare a temporary slide of Transverse section of the given plant material"A1"and identify
the same by giving two reasons.

Prepare a temporary slide of the epidermal peel of the given leaf material"A2"to show the
Stomatal apparatus and draw a labelled diagram of the same.
5 marks

2. Identify the given plant"B1" a n d w r i t e i t s s c i e n t i f i c n a m e with a minimum of

eight characters.
Identify the given plant"B2"with i t s scientific name. Derive its floral formula and floral

Identify and comment on the type of racemose and cymose inflorescence “B3” and “B4”
5 smarks

3. Conduct a suitable Biochemical Test to detect the presence of...............in the given sample
"C" and report the result 3 marks

4. Identify the experimental setup "D" and discuss the Physiological principle involved in it.
3 marks
4. Identify the given slide/specimen "E" and comment. 2 marks

5. Identify the given slide/specimen "F" and comment. 2 marks

6. Viva voce 4 marks

7. Practical Record 6 marks


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