English 2016 Paper 1 Q1

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Paper 1


Using the article as a medium, the nature journal has explored the theme of time, emphasising
on the use of “the speaking clock”, as well as the new strontium optical clock. In order to
inform the readers, there has been use of scientific terminology along with dramatic language
to reach out to people within and outside of the scientific community. Through the usage of
personification, ethos and other such literary devices, the Nature journal has published an
article which maintains an insightful tone while commenting on the nuanced constructs of
time and the chronometric instruments that are used by individuals in their day to day lives.

Language is an effective tool in relaying relevant messages to people and society. The article
demonstrates usage of personification and play of words to pique the interest of readers
within and outside the scientific community. The very title of the article, “A question of
time”, makes the piece appear as though it takes the readers into a journey of discovering the
very essence of time. This phrase showcases a clever play of words by referring to clocks as
“time”. The writer has efficiently drawn in the audience by creating a “hook” using the play
of words. The article which aims to address the idea of a new clock, powered by strontium
atoms, also mentions another clock, which is “the UK speaking clock”. By applying
personification to name the clock, the writer could be pointing towards its popularity, as it is
later stated in the article that the clock is “affectionately known as the pips”. The word
“affectionately” usually refers to a person, which means that by personifying the clock, the
writer is making it seem like a separate entity or an important individual who is fondly
remembered by the people in the UK. Using play of words and personification, the journal
has maintained a lighter tone, making the article an easy read.

The use of metaphor and dramatic language has enabled the writer to reach out to readers
even outside the scientific community and keep them interested. The phrase “time lords” is a
metaphorical reference to scientists involved in chronology and advancement of time keeping
measures. This is done in order to provide emphasis on the power and control they hold over
time, all across the world. Dramatic language, that is unusual in an article containing and
expressing scientific data. Phrases like “bang on time”, not only displays a play of words with
the word “time”, that has been done before in the article but also dramatacises the whole
appeal of the clock being discussed in the article. These instances aid the understanding of the
readers by making the article an easier read and help in maintainig the impact that was
intended by the writer.

It is inherent to utilise persuasive techniques such as the use of ethos along with scientific
terminology to reach out to the target audience and perpetuate the informative tone. The
article specifically delves into the intricacies of the clock by explaining how accurate its
funcitoning is and why it is highly regarded. It also defines accuracy with regard to time, in
order to ensure the understanding of the audience. The entire article also includes several
examples to elaborate upon the working of the clock and its accuracy by mentioning a
“bleary-eyed hour-late commuter”, and how timekeeping and accuracy would assist him; the
examples make the article more credible and applicable. Since the article is of scientific
nature, it is imperative to include scientific terms that most people within the scientific
community would be familiar with. Terms used such as “event horizon” and “materialise” are
intrinsic to science, namely physics therefore these terms may pique the interest of readers.
However, this could also pose an obstacle in reading the article for those who may not be
familiar with the terms. Overall, the usage of scientific terminology along with ethos makes
the article more credible and resourceful within and outside the scientific community.

The writer has effectively displayed an informative and focused tone throughout the article,
while elaborating on the scientific workings of a strontium atom clock and the UK “speaking
clock”. Not only will this article provide insight into chronology for the scientific community
but uses several literary features like metaphor and dramatic language to engage readers who
are usually not interested in topics relating to science. In conclusion, the article sustains an
exciting mood while talking about two specific clocks and their accuracy in showcasing time,
using several stylistic features.

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