757 35 Oxygen

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FlightSafetyBoeing sublet OXYGEN = INTRODUCTION. ee (EU OXYGEN ~ INTRODUCTION : CYLINDER é EYLINDER TRAINING TnFoRMATION PINT < CS RENOTE FILL PANEL . REMOTE FILL PANEL — TRAINING ‘INFORRATION PENT OVERBOARD DISCHARGE INDICATOR... . HIGH PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION COMPONENTS PRESSURE REGULATOR. we ee GREW OXYGEN MASK 0 STOWAGE BOX SS PEMTION eee ee cee FonerionaL vesceiption: 22122207 PASSENGER OXYGEN ~ INTRODUCTION ‘ir 2000, Ltd oxygen 3500 PASSENGER OXYGEN BOK AND PASSENGER OXYGEN MASK - OR LATEH/ACTUATOR = INTRODUCTION «w=. DOOR LATEH/ACTUATOR ~ FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION F DOOR LATEH/ACTUATOR — TRAINING INFORMATION POINT >< CHEMICAL OXYGEN GENERATOR. CHEMICAL OXYGEN GENERATOR — TRAINING TNFORHATION POINT. Es PORTABLE OXYGEN ~ GENERAL DESCRIPTION. = 2 eee oe eee 757 TRAINING MANUAL hopter Section Sublet 35-00-00. s5-11-00. 35-21-00. . ss-s1-00. . lk 1 26 28 130 2 ea ti 3s 0 Page 1 Fight StetyBoeing 157 TeaTNING MMWUAL OXYGEN ~ INTRODUCTION ‘THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK efrecriviry F500 35-00-00 FlightSafetyBoeing OXYGEN ~ INTRODUCTION urnose ‘The oxygen systens supply oxygen to the flight crew, cobin attendants, and passengers. ‘Location There are separate systems in the fLight deck and the passenger compartment. There are also portable oxygen nits. ‘Abbreviations and Acronyms EICAS engine indication and crew alerting system Psu passenger service unit errecriviTY 3500 Sfo ‘757 TRAINING MANUAL 35-00-00 FlightSafetyBoeing 757 TRAINING MANUAL ‘OXYGEN ~ INTRODUCTION esrecrivity 5800. 35-00-00 -3- FightSatetyBoeing 757 TRAINING MANUAL CREW OXYGEN - INTRODUCTION Purmose You ean get oxygen cylinder pressure information from ‘the gage at the cylinder and from the STATUS page. on ‘The crew oxygen system gives oxygen to the flight crew ETCAS. {or emergencies and procedures that make its use necessary. Somongnt Locations ‘The crew oxygen masks and storage boxes are in the {ight compartment. ‘The oxygen cylinder and the bleed valve are in the forward cargo compartnent. ‘The overboard discharge indicator is external, on the airplane akin. Sengral bescrintion The cylinder in the forward cargo compartment holds pressurized oxygen. A Line connects the cylinder to the ‘Oxygen masks in the flight deck. A regulator at the Cylinder and dituter/demand valves at the masks decrease oxygen presture to the correct pressure for ‘The diluter/denand velve olso mixes an spplicable ‘ancunt of {Light deck ate with the oxygen. The valve Uses {Light deck air pressure to make the decision bout the quantity of oxygen to mix. The crew can set ‘the valve for 100 percent oxygen. fggerevir 35-11-00 ot fermen pratense espe far dts FlightSafetyBoeir ‘OxYGEN auanzTY SnbteaT ION CereAS) ‘757 TRAINING MANUAL OXYGEN. MASK AND STORAGE BOK amma ovensoaso Brscnanee TNDEeATOR FoRwaRo_canco. COMPARTMENT CREED xVGEN MASK AND STORAGE 80H ‘CREW OXYGEN ~ INTRODUCTION errecrivitr 8500 | 35-11-00 FlightSafetyBoeing CREW OXYGEN - CYLINDER Pucnose The crew oxygen eyLinder contains oxygen for the fLight wcation The cylinder is on the right side of the forvard cargo conartnent, aft of the foruard cargo bay access door. Seneca pescrintion ‘The cylinder holds 115 cubfe feet (S150 Liters) of ‘oxygen at 1850 pst. Tt has a {Sting at one end. These Stone are on the fitting: = Direct reading pressure gouge Shutoff valve ‘Threaded connection for B-nut on the thermal compensator and overboard discharge, Line Pressure transducer. A eyLinder support structure holds the eyLinder to the ‘irplane. There ere retainer rings at both ends of the Structure. The aft ring is set and cannot move. The forward ring is movable. A out on the forward ring Lets you connect it to the structure and turn it up over the nd of the cylinder. One end of the retainer strap connects to the set ring. The other end of the strap has 0 toe bolt. Tt goes through the top of the movable ring. A nut holds: the ing and boLt together. errecriviTy 3500 757 TRAINING MANUAL, ‘The B-nuts on the thermal. compensator and overboard ischerge Line connect them to the cylinder Fitting. 35-11-00 FlightSafetyBoeing THERMAL ‘CREW OXYGEN ~ CYLINDER errecrivity S500) 757 TRAINING MANUAL (HOvERBLED wT 35-11-00 ReTAINER Ring (sen) crLwoeR 7 eet STRUCTURE FlightSafetyBoeing 757 TRAINING MANUAL (CREW OXYGEN ~ CYLINDER ~ TRAINING INFORMATION POINT You replace the creu oxygen system to refill the ereu ‘oxygen cylinder assenbly Instructions to remove and replace the crew oxygen cylinder 1s in the maintenance manual. A decal on the {inside the of ‘the crew orygen cylinder access door ives the replacement procedure. WARNING: MAKE SURE YOU KNOW THE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR ‘TE. GENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE GREW OXYGEN SYSTEN (REF 35-11-00). PRESSURIZED OXYGEN CAN CAUSE TIJURY OR DAMAGE TF THE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ARE NOT OBEYED. i 35-11-00 FlightSafetyBoeing 757 TRAINING MANUAL ‘OXYGEN CYLINDER REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE ‘CREW OXYGEN - CYLINDER ~ TRAINING INFORMATION POINT is 35-11-00 FlightSafetyBoeing 757 TRAINING MANUAL CREW OXYGEN ~ REMOTE FILL PANEL Purnose ‘he renote iLL panel Lets you service the crew oxygen cylinder without removal of eyLinder from the plane. bocation The remote FILL panel is on the right side of the forward cargo conpartaent just below the crew oxygen eytinder. Physical Descrintion ‘The renote iLL panel has these components: FSU fitting Connection to the crew oxygen cylinder Cylinder starting pressure selector Cylinder temperature selector Pressure indfeator. | | 35-11-00 FlightSafetyBoeing ‘757 TRAINING MANUAL BEE ae cyLINoER statins Pree om CHARGING FITTING CAUTION ae FIFINe ome a CREW OXYGEN ~ REMOTE FILL PANEL eeecrvtty — Y 35-11-00 oxvcen closes) FlightSafetyBoeing 757 TRAINING MANUAL CREW OXYGEN - REMOTE FILL PANEL - TRAINING INFORMATION POINT ‘eeu Oxvaen CrLinder Servicing You can fiUL the crew oxygen cylinder on the plone with the remote fil panel. FLU instructions for the craw oxygen cylinder without rrenoval of the cylinder asserbly 1s in the maintenance manual. A decal on the inside of the remote fiLL panel futlines the TILU procedure. WARNING: MAKE SURE YOU KNOW THE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FoR ‘THE GENERAL MAINTENANCE” INSTRUCTIONS. FOR THE (REM: OXYGEN SYSTEM” CREF_35-19-00). PRESSURIZED OFYGEN CAN CAUSE TNIURY OR DAMAGE TF THE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. ARE NOT OBEYED. | 35-11-00 FlightSafetyBoeing », “Nowysen seavice PANEL COPEN? oxvsen senvice’ Pane "cSLOSEDD FORWARD CARGO cONPARTAENT 757 TRAINING MANUAL XUGEN CYLINDER FILLING BROCEDURE. WARNING: ATRPLANE FILL PORT AND CAP, Haws ‘ib "Toocs"WOST BE KEPT SeaGPULOUSLY ELEM, DRY" AND FREE OF O1L AND, GREASE, “AIRPLANE. AND FILL CART UST BE chounDeD SET FILL VALVE PRESSURE COMPENSATOR DIAL TO cREW SYSTEN PRESSURE. SET FILL VALVE TEMPERATURE DIAL TO CYLINE Den TenpeRATURE” SET FILL CART REGULATOR To. 100-150 PSIG, PURGE FILL HOSE. BY RORENTARILY OPENING, FILL cART sHUTOFP VALVE” ATTACH FIL: HOSE TO" AIRPLANE FILL. PORT. uw FILL caer ReguLaroR sex 70 100-150, STG, FULLY OPEN FILL CART SHUTOFF VALVE. SLOWLY INCREASE FILL CART REGULATOR PRESSURE AND MAINTATNCIT A 205-250_PSIG hoove Lovesr System PRessiRe UNTIL FILL ‘VALVE AUTORATIC. SHUT OFF OCCURS. CLOSE FILL CARY SHUT OFF VALVE; oIScoweEcT FILLS WOSE" AND RECRD AIRPLANE FALL PORT ‘CYLINDER FILL DECAL CREW OXYGEN ~ REMOTE FILL PANEL - TRAINING INFORMATION POINT effectivity 3800 a 13- 35-11-00 FightSatetyBoeing 757 TRAINING MANUAL (CREW OXYGEN ~ OVERBOARD DISCHARGE INDICATOR Burnase ‘The overboard discharge Indicator shows when overpressure causes an oxygen release from the flight erew oxygen cylinder socation The indicator 4s aft and below the forward cargo bay access door. Physical Descrintion The indicator is a green dise. An O-ring holds it in functional descriotion ‘an overpressure condition causes the frangible dise in the onygen cylinder to break. The oxygen flows through the overboard discharge Line to the overboard discharge port. The pressure pushes the indietor disc out of the Oring. The dise falls auay. ‘raining information Point 1f the disc is gone, do a check to see if the oxygen cylinder 4 enpty trrecrvar — 35-11-00 ao FlightSafetyBoeing 757 TRAINING MANUAL Fonwanp_canso oon Cher) LG -ovERBOARD SEECHAREE Che CREW OXYGEN - OVERBOARD DISCHARGE INDICATOR errecriviTy. 3500 7) 35-11-00 itrcraene epsinc) A right aon ue ie FightSatetyBoeing TST TRAINING MANUAL CREW OXYGEN ~ HIGH PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION COMPONENTS sencal 5 aes 2 Tenmat comenseor. case status page about the pressure in the oxygen cylinder then the eyUinder shutoff valve 1s open- The presture regulator decreases the cylinder pressure: 2070 pst in the supply Line to the masks. The thermal compensator absorbs the heat that the pressurized oxygen causes when it fiLLs the lnpressurized Lines. cation The components are adjacent to the oxygen cylinder seggerrr | 35-11-00 FlightSafetyBoeing 757 TRAINING MANUAL OXYGEN CHLINOER eam BB er ae A ¢ VL" mmasme———L| XN oe A Sy Wwe pF? y a8 (CREW OXYGEN - HIGH PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION COMPONENTS. legen 7 35-11-00 FightSafetyBoeing 757 TRAINING MANUAL ‘CREW OXYGEN ~ PRESSURE REGULATOR Puroose ‘The pressure regulator decreases the cylinder pressure: to-70 psi in the supply Line to the masks. ‘hocation ‘These pressure regulator is adjacent to the oxygen eylinder Somonents The pressure regulstor hes these components: = supply Line to the #Light deck = Connection to the oxygen cylinder = Fitter (not: shown) = Valve stem not” shoun? = Relief valve. functional descrintion ‘The pressure regulator gets high pressure oxygen at 1850 pst from the oxygen cylinder. A valve stem inside ‘the regulator reduces the pressure from 1850 pst to 70 pst. The 70 pst oxygen goes through the supply Line to {the Fight deck onpgen masks. The relief valve reduces excessive pressure at 120 pst and 4s fully open at 160 pst. krpecrvary —_F 35-11-00 a FlightSafetyBoeing ‘757 TRAINING MANUAL = (1) egesgro GROEN CYLINDER CREW OXYGEN ~ PRESSURE REGULATOR 35-11-00 5500 FlightSafetyBoeing CREW OXYGEN ~ CREW OXYGEN MASK AND STOVAGE BOK fucaaat ‘The crew oxygen mask Lets the flight crev breathe oxygen. ‘he stowage box components have these purposes ask stowage Comunteations connect ion ‘Oxygen connection oxygen flow control oxygen flow indication. socation A crew mask and stowage box 4s adjacent to each crew position. Physical Descrintion ‘These conponents are on the front of the storage bo autck retea - fastener (4) = boors (2) Flow indicator Reset tert Lever. ‘These components (not shown) are inside the box: = oxygen shutoff valve = Oxygen jack = Merephone jack. errecrivity ss00| aoe 757 TRAINING MANUAL, ‘There are connections (not shoxn) on the back of the box that connect the oxygen ond microphone Jacks to the conyaen supply Line and communications system. ‘The mask hes these conponen Poeumattc harness Diluter/denand regulator with controle Oxygen plug connection Iicrophone plug. connect fon. 35-11-00 FlightSafetyBoeing 757 TRAINING MANUAL Foy {NDtcATOR pm ~S tacgortone—*orvcen Pu ride. CREW OXYGEN ~ CREW OXYGEN MASK AND STONAGE BOX fegernarr FT 35-11-00 FlightSafetyBoeing CREW OXYGEN ~ OPERATION sescation PULL on the release Levers of the diluter/demand Fegulstor to remove the mask fron the bor. The shutoff valve opens when the Left door opens. Hold the left Felease Laver (inflation control) tn ss: you hold the smack by the diluter/demand regulator. This makes oxygen {inflate the pneumatic harness. Put the harness around your head with the mask and ‘goggles over your face. when you release the release tever, the oxygen that inflates the harness shut off and Bleeds from the harness. ELestic in the harness DULLE the mask tight ‘to the face. You breathe # mixture of oxygen ond compartment air then you set the oxygen dilution controt to N Cooraal). ‘The percent of oxygen has a relation to the pressure ‘altitude fn the flight deck. You breathe only oxygen hen you set the ailution contrat to 100 percent. Normally, oxygen flovs only when you breathe. The flow indicator shows flow each tine you breathe. if you set the test and emergency demand control to exergency, ‘oxygen flows continuously. The flow Indicator shox continuous flow 1f you close the left door on the box, the OXYGEN ON ‘indicator shows. You can turn oxygen off at the oxygen box with the shutoff valve. Close the Left door and push the | errecrivity 3500 757 TRAINING MANUAL, reset/test (ever to set the valve to the close position. Mask Storaae To retuen the mask to the box, set the test and ‘emergency demand control to the NORMAL potition. Put the wire, hose, and harness in the bor. Put the mask Se the box othe alignment pin on the box fits into the ‘alignment hole on the regulator. Close the doors. Push oun on the reset/test lever to close the shutort valve ‘and retract the oxygen on indicator. dest To do a test of the oxygen mask and box, push down and hold the reset/test lever, The flow indicator shove. a momentary flow. The flow indicator changes trae black to yellow and back to black. Push doun ond hold the reset/test Lever. Push fn on the test and emergency demand control. The flow indicator shows continuous flow. The flow indieator change £0 2 constant yellow. 35-11-00 ee FightSatetyBoeing 757 TRAINING MANUAL RELEASE FL TeveRs PNEUNATIC wees = ‘ac roamen let cxveen ‘ese DILUTION. eal eae Ty natn TEE Delta DLLUTERVoeR REGULATOR ution ana urore eseyesr/ ca onary gon mo was ta’ oxen ox 4 pore ALowenr a PIN xv on Ler ooo | eae ‘SRE OXYGEN BOX Not oor ‘CREW OXYGEN ~ OPERATION ise 35-11-00 re hrc aeuctc 1 igt aret ee tite pne fr dni FlightSafetyBoeing (CREW OXYGEN ~ FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Suma and Reaulation ‘The cylinder suppLies oxygen through the shutoff valve, pressure regulator, and supply Line to the masks in the ‘ight deck. The supply Line pressure regulator Gecreases. the bottle pressure to 70 psi. The ‘i uter/denand regulator/mack supplies the Flow and pressure to the crew. Andications ‘The gauge on the cylinder and the renote fiLL panel Dressure. A pressure transducer also Pressure. The informstion goes to the STATUS page on EICAS. ‘Qverboard ischaras The frangible dise breaks 4f cyLinder pressure 1s more than safe Linits. (2500 ~ 2750 psi). The oxygen flows ‘overboard through the overboard discharge fndicater. Sxvsen Shutoft Valve/Indicator ‘The oxygen shutoff valve/indicator supplies the functions? on/oft control Flow indteation. The valve automatically opens when the Left door Coot shown? on the stowage box 18 open. The valve stays open UnelL you elose the door and push the RESET/TEST LEVER. errecrivity Fss00 ‘757 TRAINING MANUAL The valve supplies flow indication when oxygen flows ‘through the valve. esate FLL Panel, You use the remote FLL panel to #5LL the oxygen cylinder tn the airplane: The check valve wit not tet ‘otygen go fron the eylinder to the panel 35-11-00 FlightSafetyBoeing 757 TRAINING MANUAL, FTO STORE BOR Te 7 SAME AS caPT CrLinder aay oe ato 1 mis _——sal | 7 28V DC GND suppur lees ane | essune UL___] bare we raessne \. f rae sae, ee — ar sovrin _ RECUCATERTATS| SHUTOF Stowe 60r [Sots ate eae waist \ S0de She oa ‘ST SOE a DE oversoaz> same 15 carr siete Bonde Ste Brean ~ Novraen ‘2ND OBS STOWAGE BOX CREW OXYGEN ~ FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION erfecrivity 3500) -3- 35-11-00 FightSaftyBoeing gence PASSENGER OXYGEN ~ INTRODUCTION Purnase ‘The passenger oxygen system supplies oxygen to the passengers and cebin attendants i¥ the airplane loses Eabin pressurization. General pescription The passenger oxygen system uses chemical generators to make the oxygen. The passenger oxygen masks can drop Sutomatically or manually. The masks drop autonat cally then the cabin altitude poet above 14,000 feet. The {Light erew pushes the passenger oxygen switch to drop, the masks manually. The chemical reaction that makes the oxygen starts when yu pull down on the mask. Aocation ‘The oxygen generators and masks are in these location: ssenger service units (PSU) Attendants service unite (ASU) Lavatory Psu) ‘Overdoor panels. The control switch to manually drop the masks 48 on the PS overhesd panel in the {Light compartment. ise 35-21-00 757 TRAINING MANUAL, ERERGENCY CIGITS 190, vernon. \ PASSENGER OXYGEN PANEL é ras Pane . Zz \ PASSENGER OXYGEN ~ INTRODUCTION i 35-21-00 i { ; FlightSatetyBoeing 757 TRAINING MANUAL PASSENGER OXYGEN ~ PASSENGER OXYGEN BOX AND PASSENGER OXYGEN MASK Passenaer Oxy Wask The masks are continuous-flow units, comects the oxygen bor manifold toa mask reservoir bag. A flexible facepiece attaches to the reservoir bag. An elastic strap holds the facepiece over the nose and nouth of the User. A Lanyard connects the mask to the release cable in the oxygen box errecrivity 3500 | 35-21-00 FlightSafetyBoeing caemrea—. / SeveeatoR \ ‘757 TRAINING MANUAL oR LATCH? (a el II fassmake compara 5 _—baran RESERVOIR Bas _—FACEIECE PASSENGER OXYGEN - PASSENGER OXYGEN BOX AND PASSENGER OXYGEN MASK effectivity 3800 35-21-00 -29- FlightSafetyBoeing 757 TRAINING HANUAL PASSENGER OXYGEN - DOOR LATCH/ACTUATOR ~ INTRODUCTION Purnose ‘The Latch port of the door Latch/actustor holds the ‘oxygen door closed. The actuator causes the Latch to Felesse the door. Physical pescription The door Latch/actuator has these parte: = Electrfeal connector (not shove) Solenoid) = Plunger = Reset pivot lever = Leech Spring Door test stop. ‘fungtianal descr iotion ‘The spring and latch hold the oxygen door closer errecrivity S800, | 35-21-00 ~~ erfecrivity 00 area |“ keraroR RESET PIVOT teveR oog Test. Stop TN psu wi tae 008 LATCH/ACTUATOR 757 TRAINING MANUAL, | ket ohon nen = PLUNGER ae eer ‘XYGEN TURNED OND ER VIED PASSENGER OXYGEN ~ DOOR LATCH/ACTUATOR ~ INTRODUCTION 35-21-00 Flight Bosing Eperoseer PASSENGER OXYGEN ~ DOOR LATCH/ACTUATOR ~ FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Seneca, Efther of these two conditions releases the oxygen masks in the passenger compartnent: = The passenger oxygen switch on the P5 panel is set to the ON position = The cabin attitude switch gives @ signal that the cabin pressure altitude fs above 14,000 feet (4267 eters). ‘functional Description nen you operate the passenger oxygen swich on the PS ‘overhead panel, 2 signal goes from the switch to energize the manual deploy oxygen control relay. The Felay lets 26v de sneegtze the oxygen nodule door Uateh/actustors for the Left and right sides. When the manual deploy oxygen control relay energizes, these occur! OW Light in PS passenger oxygen switch PASS OXY ON CEICAS Level € advisory message) assenger address system increases 3 decibals NO. SROKING signs. cone on FASTEN SEATBELT passenger signs turns on. FY raining information Point i To reset the EICAS Level advisory message, pull the esenger oxygen manuel deploy clreutt breaker and push itine errecrivity 3500 OO 35-21-00 FlightSafetyBoeing 757 TRAINING MANUAL as Tain oS tlre a | EE Saseroee | 1 ev vc || OR \ Pes) aaa 34 | PASSENGER OXYGEN * 3 res a Lesa rae SR ao tea Ut? Lt eT farcur sxe ro ia pe eet —} ALTATUDE PRESSURE ol Tou Passencee, SZ PASSENGER ont ae i [ERERGENCY LIS/PASS ORY (P5) Passensen, 1 Sten con Tae gs PASSENGER OXYGEN On ul Cevet"e advisor) —. ny eens caPTER ‘THOLeATION RELAY aor tere e800 P37 PRREL WISE ELEC EAUTP, PASSENGER OXYGEN ~ DOOR LATCH/ACTUATOR ~ FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION errecriviry 4 35-21-00 eterno A svt « se epee aes FlightSafetyBoeing 757 TRAINING MANUAL a ‘There 4s a door test stop you use when you test the door Latch/actustor. Taser a flat tool through a slot {nthe PSU oxygen door and pull down the door test ‘stop. Turn the door test stop 90 degrees to the test position. Ween you push the passenger oxygen sviteh on the 5 ‘overhead panel, you release the onygen doors on the PSUs 80 they ean open. The door test stop lets the door open sufficiently so you con see that the Uateh/actuator operates correctly. The doer cannot open sufficiently to Let the masks drop. Door Latch/Actuator Reset Reset the electric eirucit that causes the Usteh/actustor to open. After you do the test, you mist reset the lateh/actustors end clore the doors. Push the oxygen door up until the latch/actuator holds the door closed. Turn the door test stop back 90 degrees. A spring pulls the door test stop back into the PSU. i 35-21-00 -5- FlightSafetyBoeing py cnbieas boon test Sonne A381 b00R TEST sroP- ™ Bron Test Postrion. SLOT To INSERT ‘est sre CexrengeD) 757 TRAINING MANUAL sen uss ue (exrenmeD) PASSENGER OXYGEN - DOOR LATCH/ACTUATOR ~ TRAINING INFORMATION POINT ‘errecriviry 8500) -5- 35-21-00 FlightSafetyBoeing PASSENGER OXYGEN ~ CHEMICAL OXYGEN GENERATOR ucoase ‘The chemical oxygen generators supply oxygen for the passengers and {Light attendants. Physical pescriation ‘The size of the generator depends on the number of oxygen masks that comect to it. The easks connect to a manifold at one end of the generator. A firing pin 4s at the other end. A release pin holds the firing pin egainst the spring force. A releesse feeble connects to-a Lanyard that goes to the mask. A sefety pin holds the firing pin when the relesse pin ts not installed. ‘The generator contains iron and sodium chlorat. ‘An expended indicator is around the middle of th generator. It changes to a dark color to show that the (Generator has been used. ‘Eunetfonal Desce iotion When 2 passenger or attendant pulls on an oxygen mask, the lanyard and release cable pull the release pin out of the firing pin. The spring moves the firing pin into the priner. This causes the iron and sodium chlorate to react to release oxygen. errecrivity 3500 757 TRAINING MANUAL You cannot stop the reaction after it starts. There 4s full oxygen flow 10 seconds after the reaction starts. The oxygen flows at least 22 minutes. ‘cainina Information Point The expended indicator changes to 9 dark color because ff the heat of the reaction. This shows that you must replace the generator. ARMING: THE OXYGEN GENERATOR IS A PYROTECHNIC- ACTIVATED DEVICE. RAKE SURE THE RELEASE PIN oR SAFETY PIM MITH A MARNING FLAG 1S INSTALLED ON ‘TwE GENERATOR. IF THE RELEASE PIN OR SAFETY PIN 1S PULLED AND THE GENERATOR FIRES, THE GENERATOR SURFACE TENPERATURE. GETS WOT CaSOF (98 MORE). IF YOU TOUCH A HOT GENERATOR, YOU WILL'GET aN THuURY. YOU MUST BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN YOU INSTALL ARO REMOVE OXYGEN GENERATORS. DO_NOT APPLY FORCE TO AN OXYGEN GENERATOR OW LET IT FALL. THESE ACTIONS CAN PREVENT THE OPERATION OF THE OXYGEN GENERATOR. ; 0 NOT TRY TO REMOVE THE FIRING RECHANISH FROM THE OXYGEN GENERATOR. IT” CANNOT BE ASSERGLED AGAIN 35-21-00 FlightSafetyBoeing ‘GENERATOR aevease—"| hate 757 TRAINING MANUAL nano. nate ot9 Croun mask / CHMREE Ras comecttonsy / COWNECTIONS) evar getter Chuo mask Reuter Li connections) a vate TALE! 7 CHEMICAL |“ onveen GENERATOR expennen inotearon—_| cHeMTeAL ae EXPENDED GENERATOR gegen, an, ‘toreaTon OWEN GENERATOR RoW + SoDIUN chLORATE® Sootur rantFou PRIMER CHLORATE PASSENGER OXYGEN ~ CHEMICAL OXYGEN GENERATOR effectivity 3500, 37 35-21-00 Flight SafetyBosing 757 TRAINING MANUAL PASSENGER OXYGEN ~ CHEMICAL OXYGEN GENERATOR ~ TRAINING INFORMATION POINT ‘Shemical Orvaen Generator Renoval OIE: If the firing pin is in the fired position (you ‘cannot install the release pin), the generator ‘The tnstructions for removal of the chenfeal oxygen has fired generators are in the maintenance manual, chepter 35. WARNING: THE OXYGEN GENERATOR IS A PYROTECHNICK ACTAVATED DEVICE. RAKE SURE THE RELEASE PIN OR SAFETY PIN KITH A WARNING FLAG TS INSTALLED OW {THE GENERATOR. IF THE RELEASE PIN OR SAFETY PIM 1S PULLED AND THE GENERATOR FIRES, THE GENERATOR SURFACE TENPERATURE GETS HOT C4SOF (8 MORED. IF YOU TOUCH A HOT GENERATOR, You WILL Ger AN AUR. [AULLON: YOU MUST BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN YOU INSTALL AND REMOVE OXYGEN GENERATORS. DO.NOT APPLY FORCE TO AN OXYGEN GENERATOR OR LET TT FALL. THESE ACTIONS CAN PREVENT THE OPERATION OF THE OXYGEN GENERATOR. CAUTION: DO NOT TRY TO REMOVE THE FIRING MECHANISM FROM THE OXYGEN GENERATOR. IT CANNOT BE ASSENOLED. AGAIN. ‘There are pliers you use to pull out on the firing pin to"you eon put ino safety pin WARNING: MAKE SURE TO REROVE THE SAFETY PIM FROM THE GENERATOR. THE GENERATOR WILL. NOT FIRE” IN AN EMERGENCY IF THE SAFETY PIN IS IN THE GENERATOR. i 35-21-00 Flight SfatyBoeing 757 TRAINING MANUAL cuenta ‘RING PIN RETRACTION TD caurtow High TenperaTuge pevice - wousiNe AND RELEASE PIN ARE FRAGILE PASSENGER OXYGEN ~ CHEMICAL OXYGEN GENERATOR ~ TRAINING INFORMATION POINT frrgerinty — | 35-21-00 FightSatetyBoeing 757 TRAINING MANUAL PORTABLE OXYGEN ~ GENERAL DESCRIPTION Purnose Portable oxygen equipment lets the flight attendants nove in the airplane when oxygen is in-use, Tt is also 2 gaseous oxygen supply for medical emergencies. Physical Descriotion ‘The portable oxygen eavipnent has these components: Regulator (2) Shutott valve Sage. Cylinder ask ‘eecation Connect the mask hose to the regulator that gives the ‘oxygen flow that you want. One regulator supplies four Uiters per minute. The other supplies two Liters per minute. Orygen will flow through the regulator when you connect the mask and open the shutoff valve. f 3 feggennre —_ 35-31-00 FightSatetyBoeing 757 TRAINING MANUAL. PORTABLE OXYGEN ~ GENERAL DESCRIPTION wa 7 35-31-00

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