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Were there similarities between the topics?

Yes, there's a big similarity in all students topics. everyone has affected by religion and culture
soon they have told their emotions and orientations according to that.

Were there similarities and differences in the ways students responded to each topic?

Yes, every student has responded according to his beliefs and the way that his society and culture
would accept or neglect homosexuality or transgender. Also, there was a lot of similarity in
lifespan development as people in a lot of cultures are going through literally the same life stages
like having a good education, looking for a job and live within a family. maybe the differences
might occur in some traditions like a student from Jamaica wrote about the death tradition in her
country and I was really amazed by the way they act. They have a certain funeral sequence that
lasts over 9 days containing grieving, singing and even playing dominos. In other culture like
mine, we just grief over dead people for three days people just visit and bring some food. The
beloved ones stay until the end of the funnel third day and then its literally over. I am really
interesting about all my peers' topics and glad to learn about the other world culture and tradition.

How did you feel about the discussions and comments about sexual orientation and late

First of all , after I read all my peers comments about sexual orientation I have realized that
almost everyone has answered the discussion according to a religious or

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