Smart Rating Fuzzylogic

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Fuzzy Logic Method

Fuzzy logic is a mathematical algorithm that extends traditional binary logic by allowing
multiple truths from 0 to 1. This makes it a better choice to deal with fuzzy or uncertain data,
which often involves student responses in e -learning environments. In this part, we will delve
into the details of the fuzzy logic method.

Fuzzification: In the context of our research, fuzzification takes the various input parameters
from student feedback, such as ratings for course content, instructor effectiveness, and course
difficulty, and transforms them into fuzzy linguistic variables. For instance, instead of crisp
values like "good" or "excellent," we use linguistic terms like "highly rated" or "moderately
rated" to represent the degrees of satisfaction.
Defuzzification: After processing the feedback with fuzzy logic, we need to convert our
fuzzy outputs back into crisp value. This is achieved through a disambiguation process, where
the system determines a single meaningful assessment score based on a simple linguistic
Conditions Applied to Language: Fuzzy logic allows us to define rules based on linguistic
terms. For instance, if a student rates a course as "highly satisfactory" in all aspects, it might
lead to a higher overall rating. The conditions applied to these linguistic variables guide the
rating calculation.

Recent works in the field of fuzzy logic applied to e-learning have shown promising results.
For instance, researchers have explored the use of fuzzy logic to understand and analyse the
sentiments expressed in student feedback, which helps in generating more accurate ratings.
Additionally, there have been efforts to refine the linguistic variables used for fuzzification,
making the process more robust and adaptable to different educational contexts.
In our system, we implement fuzzy logic to process the student feedback data, generating a
numerical rating for each course. This rating serves as a crucial input for the subsequent
course recommendation step, where it is considered in a hybrid-based machine learning
method. By incorporating fuzzy logic, we aim to provide a more nuanced and precise
evaluation of course quality, ensuring that the recommendations align closely with students'
preferences and needs.

The methodology employed in this project is designed to address key research questions that
pertain to collecting and analyzing student feedback in the context of the platform.

1. Determining Appropriate Feedback Questions:

One of the first challenges in collecting student feedback is the formulation of effective and
relevant questions. We tried to focus on questions that could make it easy for learners to
answer, and that could make a difference in evaluating a course. We also tried to mix in scale
questions (1 to 5) and yes/no questions. These are some of the questions we agreed on:
• Scale Questions (1 to 5):
1. How satisfied were you with the course content? (1 - Very Dissatisfied, 5 - Very
2. On a scale of 1 to 5, how effective were the instructors in delivering the course? (1 -
Ineffective, 5 - Highly Effective)
3. Did the course assignments and assessments meet your expectations? (1 - Not at all, 5
- Exceeded Expectations)
4. How would you rate your overall experience with the course materials and resources?
(1 - Poor, 5 - Excellent)
• Yes/No Questions:
1. Did you find the course content engaging and interesting? (Yes/No)
2. Were the course instructions clear and easy to follow? (Yes/No)
3. Did you experience technical issues during the course? (Yes/No)
4. Would you recommend this course to others? (Yes/No)

2. Automated Report Generation:

In this research, we've created a system to automatically generate reports from student
feedback. This system simplifies the process of transforming feedback into understandable
Data Processing and Visualization:
As we use Django, a Python-based web framework, for our application. We first process the
feedback data. This allows us to organize and analyze the data effectively. For visualization,
we rely on Chart.js, a JavaScript library. It helps us create charts that show trends and patterns
in the feedback.
Report Generation:
The charts and analysis are presented in a user-friendly report format on the e-learning
platform. This report makes it easy for instructors and administrators to interpret feedback
data quickly. Also, the report is real-time, so once a user submits his new feedback. The
report when reloaded, is actualized with the new charts.
The report generation process keeps evolving as new data comes in. It's a simple way to
ensure that the feedback remains relevant and useful for making improvements.
In summary, our automated report system simplifies feedback analysis and reporting using
Django and Chart.js. It makes feedback data more accessible and useful for the parts to come,
especially the recommendation part.

Generating Fuzzy Classes for Course Rating

In our application, we utilize fuzzy classification to determine the rating of a course. The
process involves transforming binary "yes-no" responses into numerical values, calculating
average scores for each question, and then aggregating these averages to compute an overall
course score. This overall score serves as the basis for categorizing courses into fuzzy classes,
which are "highly rated," "moderately rated," or "low rated."
1. Data Transformation: Initially, we transform the binary "yes-no" responses into
numeric values to facilitate calculations. We assign a score of 5 to "yes" and 1 to "no."
This transformation provides a finer granularity for assessing feedback.
2. Average Question Scores: We calculate the average score for each question based on
all the student responses. This step helps us understand the overall sentiment regarding
specific aspects of the course.
3. Overall Course Score: The next step is to aggregate the average scores for all
questions to derive an overall course score. This comprehensive score represents the
course's performance as a whole.
4. Fuzzy Class Assignment: The course's overall score is then used to categorize it into
one of three fuzzy classes:
• If the overall score is greater than 4, the course is classified as "highly rated."
This indicates an exceptional course quality.
• If the overall score falls between 4 and 3, the course is categorized as
"moderately rated." This signifies a course of decent quality with some room
for improvement.
• If the overall score is below 3, the course is labelled as "low rated." This
suggests that the course may require significant enhancements.
It's important to note that these fuzzy classes are dynamic and responsive. They are not fixed
and can change over time as new feedback is collected. This allows our e-learning platform to
adapt to evolving student sentiments.

Applying Recommendations Based on Course Ratings and User Enrollments

Our recommendation system combines two essential factors: course ratings (fuzzy classes)
and the domains of courses that users are enrolled in. This hybrid recommendation approach
is designed to provide students with personalized and relevant course suggestions.
1. Recommending Similar Courses by Domain:
The primary focus of our recommendation system is to suggest courses that align with the
user's interests. To achieve this, we begin by recommending courses that share the same
domain as the user's enrolled courses.
For instance, if a user is enrolled in courses related to "Artificial Intelligence," we prioritize
suggesting other courses within the "Artificial Intelligence" domain. This step ensures that
users receive recommendations that match their existing learning path.
2. Prioritizing Highly Rated within other domains
In addition to courses within the same domain, we also recommend courses from other
domains that boast the highest ratings. These courses have received positive feedback from
learners and offer valuable insights. By including such diverse yet top-rated courses in our
recommendations, we ensure users have access to a wide spectrum of knowledge that aligns
with their interests and preferences.
3. Hybrid Approach:
Our recommendation system adopts a hybrid approach by combining these two factors. This
means that the system doesn't solely rely on domain matching or course ratings; instead, it
strikes a balance between them. The objective is to offer a diverse yet personalized set of
course recommendations. Users will first see courses from their enrolled domain with an
emphasis on the highly rated ones. This ensures that their ongoing learning journey remains
consistent and involving.
4. Continuously Evolving Recommendations:
This recommendation system is designed to evolve over time. As more user feedback is
collected and new courses become available, the recommendations are continuously updated
to reflect changing preferences and new high courses.

The Steps to Proceed for the Solution:

To address the research questions outlined, we present a systematic approach:

1. Developing Effective Feedback Questions:
The baseline involves developing standardized outcome questionnaires to gather student
feedback. These questions are important for gathering valuable insights to enhance the e-
learning experience.
2. Automated Report Generation:
We are developing a way to automatically generate reports from feedback forms. Using the
Django project, we use Chart.js to create a visual representation of the collected data,
providing a clear description of student feedback.
3. Fuzzy logic-based rating:
We use fuzzy logic methods to determine course ratings. This includes converting yes/no
responses to numerical values, calculating the average for each question, and combining these
averages to assess the course.
4. Hybrid Recommendation System:
Our recommendation system prioritizes courses within the same domain as user’s enrollment.
First, we focus on highly popular classes and recommend classes based on their fuzzy class
size. Then, we offer two high rated courses from other domains to ensure that users receive a
variety and quality of learning materials.

These steps lay the foundation for a comprehensive solution to enhance the e-learning
experience, integrating feedback, automated reporting, fuzzy logic-based rating, and a hybrid
recommendation system to provide students with tailored and high-quality course suggestions.
Data Description for Recommendation Processing:

In the context of our recommendation system for e-courses, data plays a big role in ensuring
personalized and relevant course suggestions. The following data components are crucial for
processing recommendations:
1. User Enrollments:
• Information about the courses in which a user has enrolled is vital. This data includes
course IDs, domain, and other relevant attributes.
2. Course Data:
• Details about each course are essential, such as course name, description, domain,
fuzzy class rating, and teacher name.
3. User Feedback:
• Feedback data collected from students, including their responses to both scale-based
(1 to 5) and yes/no questions. This data is processed to calculate course ratings.
4. Fuzzy Class Data:
• The fuzzy class data categorizes courses into "highly rated," "moderately rated," or
"low rated" based on the calculated ratings. It includes the class name and relevant
5. Domain Information:
• The domain information categorizes courses into specific domains like “artificial
intelligence”, “big data” and more, allowing the recommendation system to match
users with courses of similar subjects.
7. Data Integration:
• The system integrates user enrollments, course data, feedback, fuzzy class data,
domain information to provide tailored course recommendations.

The design of the system

The Functionalities of the System:

Our e-course recommendation system offers several key functionalities that enhance the
learning experience for students. These functionalities are designed to provide personalized
and relevant course suggestions for the learners.
1. User Enrollment Management:
The system allows students to enroll in courses of their choice based on their interests and
career goals. It maintains a record of enrolled courses for each user.
2. Course Database:
The platform hosts a comprehensive database of e-courses, including course details, domain
classification, teacher information, and fuzzy class ratings.
3. User Feedback Collection:
After completing a course, students are prompted to provide feedback through a series of
predefined questions. The system collects and stores these responses for analysis.
4. Automated Report Generation:
Upon receiving feedback, the system processes the data and generates detailed course reports
using algorithms and data visualization techniques. These reports are accessible to both
students and teachers.
5. Fuzzy Logic Rating:
The system calculates course ratings using fuzzy logic. Feedback data is transformed into
numeric values, averaged, and classified into fuzzy classes (highly rated, moderately rated,
low rated).
6. Recommendation Engine:
Our hybrid recommendation system leverages both fuzzy class ratings and the user's course
enrollments to suggest new courses. It prioritizes highly rated courses within the same domain
and also recommends the best-rated courses from other domains.
7. Dashboard for Learners:
Students have access to a user-friendly dashboard where they can view recommended courses,
course reports, and their enrollment history.
8. Data Visualization:
The system utilizes data visualization techniques to create charts and graphs that represent
feedback statistics, making it easier for students and teachers to interpret the data.

Design of the System and Its Parts:

Our e-course recommendation system is designed with a modular and user-centric approach,
ensuring efficiency and simplicity in both functionality and user experience. The system
consists of several interconnected components:

1. User Interface (UI):

The user interface serves as the front-end of the system, offering a visually appealing and
intuitive platform for students and educators to interact with the system. It includes web pages
for course enrollment, feedback submission, and viewing course recommendations and

2. Database Management:
The heart of the system is the database, where course information, user data, feedback
responses, and fuzzy class classifications are stored. The database is organized to facilitate
data retrieval, processing, and analysis.
Figure 1 Course List

3. Feedback Collection Module:

When students complete a course, the system prompts them to provide feedback. This module
consists of questionnaires and forms to gather user opinions. Feedback is collected and
processed for analysis.
4. Automated Reporting Module:
After collecting feedback, the system processes the data using algorithms to create detailed
reports. These reports include charts and graphs generated with Chart.js, offering insights into
course performance and student satisfaction.
5. Dashboard for Learners:
Students have access to a user-friendly dashboard where they can view recommended courses,
check their enrollment history, and access course reports.

Figure 2 Learner UI

6. Admin Panel:
For administrators, an admin panel provides features for course management, user
administration, and access to course reports. This section enables teachers to monitor and
improve course quality.
Figure 3 Admin Panel

Process of Course Recommendation:

Our course recommendation system employs a comprehensive approach to provide students

with tailored and relevant course suggestions. The process consists of the following steps:
1. User Enrollment Data:
The recommendation process begins with gathering information about the courses in which a
user is currently enrolled. These courses indicate the user's academic interests and domain
Figure 4 User Enrollements

2. Domain-Based Course Retrieval:

The system identifies the domain of the courses in which the user is enrolled. It filters and
retrieves courses from the same domain as the user's current enrollments.

3. Fuzzy Class Classification:

For each retrieved course, the system determines its fuzzy class rating. This rating is assigned
based on the analysis of feedback received from students who have completed the course.

4. Prioritizing Highly Rated Courses:

Within the same domain, the system places a special emphasis on highly rated courses. These
courses, classified as "highly rated" based on the feedback and fuzzy class classification, are
recognized for their exceptional quality. Users are more likely to receive recommendations for
courses with "highly rated" fuzzy classes, as these courses have consistently received positive
feedback from their peers.

5. Alternative Domain Recommendations:

After suggesting similar domain courses, the system expands its recommendations. It offers
two courses from other domains based on their ratings. These courses are ordered by their
fuzzy class labels, starting with highly rated courses and followed by moderately rated ones.
Figure 5 Recommended Courses

6. Personalization:
The recommendation process is personalized, considering the unique combination of the
user's domain-based enrollments and course ratings. This approach ensures that users receive
relevant course recommendations that align with their academic interests and preferences.

7. Presentation to Users:
The recommended courses are presented to the user through the user interface. Users can view
these suggestions in their dashboard, making it easy to explore and enroll in courses that
match their criteria.


Our system encompasses several key elements, including data collection, report generation,
rate score computation, and course recommendation. Here's how each component is
Captures of the Form:
The system features an easy-to-use form that prompts students to provide feedback about their
learning experience. This feedback typically includes responses to a set of questions designed
to evaluate the course they've completed.

Figure 6 Captures of the Form

Captures of the Report:

After students submit their feedback through the form, the system collects this data and stores
it for analysis. The captured reports include quantitative and qualitative information, allowing
for a comprehensive evaluation of the course.
Figure 7 Report

Capture of the Rate Score:

To determine the overall course rating, the system processes the feedback data, often by
converting qualitative responses into numeric values. For instance, positive responses may be
assigned a higher numeric value (e.g., 5 for "yes"), while negative responses receive a lower
value (e.g., 1 for "no").
Figure 8 Fuzzy class

Capture of an Example of the Recommendation:

The system generates course recommendations based on a student's domain of interest and the
course's fuzzy class rating. An example recommendation captures a specific course suggestion
provided to the student. It demonstrates how the system combines information from the
student's enrollments, course ratings, and domain preferences to offer tailored course options.
Figure 9 Course Recommendation

Discussion and Conclusion:

In this paper, we presented a comprehensive overview of our smart rating system using fuzzy
logic method and hybrid-based method for e-course recommendation, which is designed to
enhance the learning experience for students. Our system utilizes a multi-faceted approach,
combining data collection, report generation, rate score computation, and course
recommendation to provide students with valuable insights and personalized learning

The research questions addressed key aspects of our system, such as the design of the
feedback collection process, automated report generation, fuzzy logic application for rating
courses, and the hybrid-based course recommendation method. We explored each of these
areas in detail, focusing on the methodologies and algorithms that underpin their

The implementation section highlighted the practical steps involved in creating our system.
This included capturing data from feedback forms, storing and processing reports, calculating
rate scores, and offering course recommendations tailored to individual student profiles. The
example of a course recommendation provided a tangible demonstration of how our system
leverages user data to offer valuable suggestions.

The system's functionality is rooted in its ability to collect detailed feedback from students,
automatically generate informative reports, assess course quality through fuzzy logic, and
provide personalized recommendations. It empowers both students and educators by
delivering meaningful insights that can inform course improvements and enhance the learning

In conclusion, our e-course feedback and recommendation system plays a pivotal role in
modern online education. By leveraging the power of data analysis, fuzzy logic, and
personalized recommendations, we aim to create a more engaging and effective learning
environment. This system has the potential to benefit students by tailoring their course
selections to match their preferences and by helping educators make data-informed decisions
to improve their courses.

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