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Neuroscience for Architecture: How Building Design Can Influence Behaviors

and Performance

Article in Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture · February 2018

DOI: 10.17265/1934-7359/2018.02.007


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1 author:

Andrea de Paiva
Fundação Getulio Vargas


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Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 12 (2018) 132-138
doi: 10.17265/1934-7359/2018.02.007

Neuroscience for Architecture: How Building Design

Can Influence Behaviors and Performance

Andréa de Paiva
Fundação Getulio Vargas, FGV, Institute for Educational Development, São Paulo 01310-100, Brazil

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to discuss recent findings in neuroscience that can be useful to architecture. Knowing the
working patterns of the brain and how space affects cerebral functions can help architects design buildings that improve the user’s
behavior, performance and well-being. The built environment has a direct impact on the human brain. Social relations, focus, cognition,
creativity, memory and well-being can be influenced by the surrounding physical space. Although it is not possible to create the perfect
room, the space can be used in a strategic way, depending on the task that individuals are supposed to do there and depending on the
people (age, gender, culture) who will make use of the space. Schools can be designed in a way to improve cognition, learning and
memorization; hospital buildings can help improving recovery; workspaces can improve performance, creativity and collaboration.
Above all, all spaces of long occupation should be designed in a way to improve well-being. How can architecture change automatic
behaviors and nudge people to behave in a healthier way? Can architects create buildings and cities that improve socialization and
happiness? Can criminality levels drop due to changes on the way the environments are designed? These are some of the questions that
will be discussed in this paper.

Key words: Architecture, brain, neuroarchitecture, neuroscience, behavior, performance, well-being, design.

1. Introduction In marketing this is also very explored nowadays.

Professionals in this field try to create campaigns and
“Architecture is the art which so disposes and
advertisement announcements that incite impulsive,
adorns the edifices raised by man (…) that the sight of
instinctive and affective reactions on their consumers.
them contributes to his mental health, power and
The way products are exposed and advertised is
pleasure” [1].
strategically thought aiming to foster impulsive
Neuroscience is a field strongly associated with
purchases, boosting sales and profits.
medicine. However, over the last few decades new
Consumer loyalty can also be stimulated by the
technologies have helped boost neuroscientific
application of neuroscience to create the best
research. Due to the several new findings in this area,
marketing approach. Depending on the emotion
neuroscience is now being applied in different fields,
generated by some kinds of stimuli, a strong bond can
such as economy, marketing and leadership.
arise between client and brand.
In economy, the idea of rationality in the process of
In leadership, a leader that understands his team can
decision making has always been defended. However,
adjust his way of leading in order to improve trust and
it has been proved recently that rationality does not
flocking behavior, enhancing engagement and
play such an important role as it was believed. Decision
making is much more influenced by impulsive, compromise among the team.
instinctive and affective thoughts than by logic and As a result, the number of professionals from
rationality. different fields that are teaming up with brain scientists
is increasing. This partnership allows new findings to
Corresponding author: Andréa de Paiva, master of arts, be made and increases the practical application of
research fields: neuroarchitecture: neuroscience applied to
architecture and urban design. neuroscience in several fields.
Neuroscience for Architecture: How Building Design Can Influence Behaviors and Performance 133

For architecture, neuroscience can also be very consequence, he developed the psychic structure,
helpful. Architects have always known the power of comprising the id, ego and super-ego. The id (instinct)
their buildings and how they can impact their users. and the super-ego (moral) are completely opposites.
The equation created by the psychologist Kurt Lewin Between them there is the ego, which tries to keep a
(1890-1947) illustrates the role of the environment on balance between these two contrary instances.
individuals behavior: B = ƒ(P, E), which means Freud’s findings, although having no direct somatic
behavior is a function between the Person (a unique relation with the brain, inspired neuroscientists to study
individual with his own memories and genetics) and and realize that different patterns of behavior are
the Environment [2]. By Environment he means not controlled by specific structures in the brain.
only the social environment, but the physical Therefore, neuroscience seeks to map the human
environment too. Thus, behavior is also influenced by brain, understanding the multiple responsibilities of
architecture. And this relation between environment each structure. The simplest way to analyze the brain
and individual happens not only in a cognitive way, but nowadays is to divide it in two systems: System I—fast
also in an emotional or even instinctive way. “It turns thinking and System II—slow thinking [5].
out people have multiple subconscious tendencies and System I is under the conscious level. It is fast,
behaviors that govern their responses to built automatic, heuristic, implicit, intuitive, holistic,
environments” [3]. impulsive and emotive. It is the system responsible for
According to neuroscience, the ability to process controlling and monitoring the functions that keep the
information consciously is less than 1% of the ability of body safe (internally and externally). System II is
unconscious processing. This means that most of the conscious, slow, cognitive, systematic, explicit,
stimuli will affect individuals in a subconscious level. analytic and reflexive. All human actions and reactions
Therefore, even though people might be affected by it, are guided by these two systems. However, they have
they will not be aware of that. different powers to influence behavior, decision
The purpose of this paper is to discuss a few of the making and performance.
several matters that can be studied by this new science System I is much faster than System II. In a tennis
that arises from the partnership between neuroscientists match, for example, when the adversary strikes the ball,
and architects: neuroarchitecture (neuroscience applied the player does not have enough time to think
to architecture). This paper also aims to point some of consciously, to analyze the situation and plan how to
the benefits that neuroarchitecture can bring to the reach the ball. All these happen in fractions of a second.
users of buildings and cities. The combination of The player’s body basically reacts. It is an automatic
neuroscience and architecture can be a great tool to behavior, controlled mainly by System I.
help decipher some aspects of the relation between Another advantage of System I is that it needs less
brain and space. energy to work than System II. The human brain is
hardwired to save energy. Conscious thoughts are
2. Unconscious Processing of Information
tiring and need a lot of glucose. This is the reason why
“In each of us there is another whom we don’t know” most brain processes are automatic. This
[4]. automatization allows the brain to work faster and to
The healthy brain is composed by systems in conflict. save energy. If humans had to consciously think about
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), the founder of most brain processes in order to realize them, the
psychoanalysis, came to that realization by talking with energetic cost—and the time cost—would be too high.
his patients and noticing their internal conflicts. As a Lastly, System I can process much more information
134 Neuroscience for Architecture: How Building Design Can Influence Behaviors and Performance

than System II. It controls at the same time the vital [6].
functions of the body (autonomic nervous system), Architects have already been thinking about the
automatic behaviors, and perceives the external messages their buildings send to their users. Medieval
environment. If individuals could consciously notice churches, with their long plans, high ceilings, and
all stimuli from the spaces surrounding them, the brain stained-glass windows at the top of the walls showed,
would be overloaded. System I notices much more and through architecture, how great divine power can be.
selects only the relevant information to be processed by The impact of such message to individuals invoked
System II. respect and emotion. The classic CEO’s room, located
On the other hand, System II has a very logical on the top floor of the company’s building and
intelligence that System I lacks. Most new situations decorated with marble and wood also shows power
are controlled by System II until it becomes automatic. and invokes different behaviors on both, the owner of
Logical conclusions that need multiple factors analysis the room and the people who will visit him there.
and long-term planning are also controlled by System Thus, this communication between building and
II. System I, which is unconscious, automatic and people is not new. The great difference is that it used
impulsive, has a disposition for biased behaviors. to be done in a more intuitive and empiric way.
The relevance of System I in day-to-day life justifies Neuroscience applied to architecture has proved
seeing the brain as an iceberg: the small area visible that spaces can impact directly the way System I
above the water is the area of rationality and works. Since System I is unconscious, automatic and
consciousness. But the big and long sharp bottom impulsive, a great part of such impact will not be
represents the proportion of automatic and unconscious recognized on a conscious level.
behaviors that people are not aware of. David Rock [3] This is why surveys and interviews based on
exemplifies this with the “elephant and the rider” individual’s opinion are not enough to find out users’
metaphor: the conscious will is the rider that tries to satisfaction. The impacts that happen in a
control the larger and uncontrollable unconscious mind, subconscious level may not be revealed in a survey
the elephant. “With the prefrontal cortex taking up just answer. But with brain scans like PET (positron
4% of total brain volume, modern brain science seems emission tomography) and fMRI (functional magnetic
to affirm the truth of this metaphor. The prefrontal resonance imaging), it is possible to see more clearly
cortex, central to conscious decision making, has a the brain’s reaction to each stimulus received by the
degree of influence, but the rest of the brain is bigger environment and to understand in details how
and stronger” [3]. behavior is affected.
In conclusion, one of the greatest contributions from Every space—natural or built—will be interpreted
neuroscience to other fields of knowledge—including by the brain differently. Some features of the
architecture—is the understanding that humans are environment might be interpreted as a symbol of
hardwired to present much more impulsive, instinctive power and show a hierarchical position, some will
and emotive behaviors and perceptions than rational cause surprise and awe, others will bring back
and conscious ones. With that in mind, an important memories, or stimulate learning and alertness. Both
question presents itself: Have architects been designing Systems—I and II—can process those messages.
their buildings for System I or System II? However, the impacts on System I, which controls
most of the mental processes, are much larger than
3. Space, Message and Expectation
System II, which only has a conscious perception of
“We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us” the environment. All this will reflect on the behavior
Neuroscience for Architecture: How Building Design Can Influence Behaviors and Performance 135

and well-being of people. The brain may be hardwired to present some innate
The recognition of known and unknown spaces, for behaviors, but it is also shaped by the culture and
instance, is a behavior that was developed during experiences individuals have during their lives. This
evolution. Animals that did not have alertness levels means that architects must always consider their target
raised when in an unfamiliar territory had a higher public when designing a building. If in a culture
chance of being attacked by a predator. That is the marble is a symbol of power, a building made of
reason why the territoriality is an instinctive behavior marble will impact people differently than in a culture
that the brain is hardwired to present. When an where marble is a symbol of poverty.
individual recognizes a space as his own territory, the In addition, architects must always consider the
attention levels tend to drop. As a result, it will be function their building will have. A great architecture
easier to relax and this might impact behavior. for a hospital will not be great for a school. Neither
Patients with Alzheimer who have privative rooms will a classroom be a good surgery room. Each space
with their own personal objects for decoration have a has a specific purpose and, consequently, must have a
much calmer behavior, less aggressive and anxious. different design.
When patients are allowed to have their own personal Therefore, neuroarchitecture application goes way
decoration, a link is made with their histories, and beyond understanding the brain to create more
things become familiar. As a consequence of feeling efficient spaces. It is fundamental that architects
“at home”, stress levels get lower [7]. understand the users of the building as well as the
Contrastingly, spaces that are interpreted as purpose of such building and each space inside of it.
threatening by System I, for instance, will activate Only when considering these three factors together
automatic responses of fight or flight behavior, raising (brain knowledge, building purpose and user)
stress levels. Environments that show hierarchy and architects will be able to design buildings for Systems
power tend to inhibit spontaneous behavior. On the I and II.
other hand, spaces that stimulate spontaneity will
4. Priming the Brain through Architecture
bring out more creativity and collaboration among
their users. “The design of a physical place influences the mental
Spaces also generate expectations, which are a state of the people in that space. That shapes their
powerful tool to change brain and behavior. Placebo attitudes and behavior” [8].
effect is an example of how expectations can The retina captures information from the
unconsciously alter the brain. Depression, pain and environment and sends them to the brain even when
sleep disorders can often have conditions changed by individuals are not directly looking anywhere. It works
the placebo effect. Patients suffering from such like this for all senses. Even when people are not
problems can feel improvement in their symptoms consciously paying attention to sounds, textures or
even when taking pills that, unbeknownst to them, smells, the senses are capturing information and
have no active substance. How can architecture sending them to the brain. In its turn, the brain will
generate expectations that improve well-being? process this information, but there will not necessarily
On the other hand, it must be considered that spaces be any conscious perception of it, unless it is something
will not necessarily affect everyone the same way. relevant, like the smell of food that activates appetite or
Neither can it be considered that with the sound of a bug flying that provokes the instinctive
neuroarchitecture architects will be able to create “the reaction of head deviating, for example.
perfect room” where brains will all work at their best. When a stimulus impacts System I and not System II,
136 Neu
uroscience fo
or Architecturre: How Build
ding Design Can
C Influence
e Behaviors a
and Performa

it is possiblle to influencce people wiithout them evene Recent

R studiees at universiities in Canaada and USA A
realizing it.. The technnique, knownn as “primiing”, [10] suggest thaat the height of the ceilin ng affects thee
involves intrroducing a sttimulus—a word,
w an imagge, a abillity of probleem solving. A room with high ceilingg
sound or a design—thatt has an effeect on a person’s givees the brain a sensation of freedom, stimulatingg
later behaviior, even iff they cannoot remember the creaativity and spontaneous beehavior. On th he other hand,,
stimulus in thet first placee. a ro
oom with low w ceiling makkes the brain more
m focusedd
For instannce, a study in a British university teested andd concentrated. For examp mple, in retaill spaces, loww
how images can prime peeople for certaain behaviorss [9]. ceilling helps connsumers to bee more attentive to productt
The experim ment consistedd in having ana “honesty box”
b defe
in an office kitchen wheere staff could pay for thee tea Inn 2009, Thhe Fun Theeory (Roligh hetsteorin), a
and coffee thhey consumedd. There was a suggested pricep cammpaign i
initiative from Volkswagenn
list on the wall.
w Above the price listt, the researcchers Sweeden—createed by DDB Stockholm showed ann
posted a new n image each week for 10 weeeks, inteeresting way of influencinng behavior: it i presented a
alternating between
b imagges of flowerrs and imagees of seriies of cleveer “design interventionss” aimed att
human eyes.. Over the tenn-week periodd, the researcchers inflluencing behavior throughh making th hings “fun too
found that when
w there weere the eyes’ images
i abovee the do””. One of the challenges w was to prime people
p to usee
price list, staaff were primed and paid almost
a three tiimes the stairs insteaad of the escalators. Siimply tellingg
as much as whenw there were
w only flow wers images. peoople that it is healthier to use the stairrs is not veryy
This is ann example off how by sim mply switchingg an effiicient. So, thee stairs were turned into a giant pianoo
image on thhe wall changged individuaals’ behavior. But keyyboard, with audio accom mpaniment. There
T was a
how can that be applied to t architecture? 66%% raise on thee number of ppeople using the t stairs.

Fig. 1 Pounds paid per litrre of tea/coffeee consumed as a function of week

w and imagge type [9].
uroscience fo
or Architecturre: How Build
ding Design Can
C Influence
e Behaviors a
and Performa
ance 1377

Fig. 2 Pruittt-Igoe Housingg Project, St. Louis—Missou

L uri [public dom
main image].

There arre failure cases of priming p throough according to the spaces indivviduals attend.
architecture as well. Pruiitt-Igoe Housing Project of o St. However,
H moost of those bbehavior chaanges happenn
Louis, Missouri was built b duringg the heightt of undder the coonscious leevel. System m II—slow w
Modernism in the 1950s.. This public housing com mplex thin
nking—is respponsible for cconscious tho oughts and forr
was meant to t have a ratiional architecctural design that the analysis of new
n situationss. But, to sav ve energy, thee
would housee around 2,870 families. However,
H less than braiin was harddwired to w work based mainly onn
two decadees after its construction,
c it was entiirely autoomatic behaaviors. Systeem I—fast thinking—iss
demolished. respponsible for instinctive,
i im
mpulsive innaate behaviors..
Pruitt-Igooe was initially consideredd by its residdents Alth hough humaans are ratiional beingss, the greatt
as a very safes place and
a “an oasis in the dessert” majjority of brainn processes arre unconsciou us and do nott
compared too the extremelly poor qualitty of housing they folllow reason.
had occupieed previouslyy. However, by b the end off the This
T is why peeople can be primed to change specificc
1960s, Pruiitt-Igoe was nearly abanndoned and had behhaviors. Indivviduals can be primed when somee
deteriorated into a decayiing, dangerouus, crime-infeested envvironment infformation—im mage, sound d, design—iss
neighborhoood. How coulld that happeen in such a short s notiiced unconscciously and im mpacts the brrain in a wayy
period of time?
t Have architecturall aspects off the to alter
a behaviorr without peopple noticing it.i
Pruitt-Igoe Housing
H Projeect contributeed to that? Inn applying neuroarchiteecture and designing
d too
Priming is an importaant technique that can be very v imppact System I, architectts can chan nge the wayy
helpful to arrchitects in booth ways: firsstly, to make sure builldings impact their users. Architecturee can be usedd
buildings will
w not prim me people too have negaative to reinforce
r coggnition, mem mory, diminissh stress andd
behaviors; and secondly, to consider how h buildingss can neggative emotionns. Furthermoore, buildingss can becomee
prime people to present positive,
p healtthier behavioors. eveen more efficiient, resultingg in schools that improvee
learrning and meemory, hospittals that improve recoveryy
5. Conclussion
andd so on. Neurooarchitecturee is not meantt to eliminatee
People noowadays usuaally spend 900% of their time
t the architect’s creativity
c andd intuition, but
b to be onee
inside builddings. The exxperience insside such spaces morre tool to be used
u when deesigning a new w project.
will have a direct impacct on the brain. Consequenntly, A great as neeuroarchitectuure findings can be, theree
behavior, peerformance and
a well-beinng might chaange is a crucial detaill that must noot be forgotten
n: there is nott
138 Neuroscience for Architecture: How Building Design Can Influence Behaviors and Performance

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