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Test 1: Reading and Use of English (page 6) Part 1; Messages from the Stone Age ‘The ther words donot make sense inthis conte. On tha hay colar with nid ‘The ther expressions do not nreduce the idea of a ist of examples “he ther words ned to be folcwed by a preposton in this onto, iy the Key gies the ideo geting there forthe ist in’ The other words donot make Sense inthe context, OniyB an be flowed by 3. ‘The other words are not followed by ‘people to Part 2: Swimming with seals ° io " 2 3 “ 6 % ‘where: (eltve pronoun introduces a clause {o: prepostion used afer ‘lose ‘wie (prepostion) follows ‘equipped Out fllons ‘werk a5 pate of nasal verb ‘shat (conjuncion introduces subordinate couse (athoughiTeougiywhietWls): Crk) provides 3 convast et: completes the expresion with ‘sed to" Imakehhove: colocates ith contact 17 satstacton: erst noun 48 Suceestol noun to adjective 49 lscover verb to verb prefix 20. Shion: ver to neun 21 improvement ver To noun 22. coats noun to pliral noun 23 performance verb to noun 24 Gnceran: postive adjective to negative adjective Part 25. speak Englsh as wll as: comparative frm with adverb 26 are not supposed to cc: passive form wth nfntve verb 27 apologised for not etn: reporting verb wth paral expression 28. were not able to gavget new subject with parle pression 29. came a isappointment fed expression with adjective to noun 130 to pay so much comparave phrase with So Part 5: A varied career a c x Chloe s known fr her ighty quirky sense of fashion and, of ihe sme of fresh baking greets us... Chow's been busy {was tog mich to fake int nite Fe saved longer, Trght have sete in beter Singing with a habrsh in rot ofthe mir, dreaming of tenga str one day el 95 clinbie up the ladder and cracked thee bs. ‘we had so many compliments decided to go ahead with more In defence of women's boxing Wha th mean esting accepted on tothe rogram ‘hat target rts to te ty cateyoy ‘hr spae age tain refs othe anus ething ange ha’ hy Tf to "We approach it mote lad point thos even refers to ‘martial ars such as tackwendo joo “Tat metke’ fers ‘people cone arte bosing compectons with poesinal ight Solo travel in Australia ‘ea times are somethin ve never realy got to ips wth Fes great to have the feedom to go wath te low get an agency to take care of al the arangerents Feat to acept that some people have diferent atte to ‘To cheer mseif up, fst down and write fortnightly email home "Wha hae | et rsa infor? ovat you ike without having to conn anybody that's 3 good idea ‘you've probably got lots of ieasin common. the pressre that you're under to make your own mind up about ‘eerhing Stay nthe nies places your budget permits ANSWER KEY ‘Test 1: Writing (page 17) vores Question 1 (essay) Sie toma Cantne: General iterent things young people can do to protect thei local emironment wth esos for alyour opinions. 1 how eeyeing things ike paper, las and plate co help, 2 how cing and walling nstsad of using ears can help 3 something ese that can hp thas tobe cent om and 2) art2 Question 2 (ema) Sie formal Content: suggest places to explore and see 2 duce about transport 3 etal cf interesting museums or enibitions 4 Say fyou canjoin them Question 3 (review) “ona! ‘Content: 1 what makes the TV sties plot interesting, with examples 2 wat makes the choroters intresting, wth examples 3 “whether to recommend forall ges, with Yeasons to back ‘Up opinions Question 4 (article) Shes formal or neta Content: 1 description ofthe computer game. 2 ‘easons for recommending to othe readers EEE answer xey Test 1: Listening (page 20) Part 1 7 a IM: made fora grat fing inthe cow Fr Itvas a wonderul dy ot. ‘They weren't thinking about the game ‘ha worst thing fit eoss far more than reckon its worth something remortabie we were’ judging one-off, ‘hing me adhce about what take ‘500d pons every days ferent. plenty of options bd points: ‘not allare peasant to dea with. often have to ode ekends and nigh crash helmet." protective gear Impressed by ther tnowedge of the subject. 8 8 Part 2 Singing twins Tim and Sam Tanner 9 Funtime 10. 10ten rinses M1 October 12 veice 43 confident 44 footballpons 15 Sging 46 snoee 17 gases 18 Time Donce Part 20 G. hears big rock star gang on about 21 got to know the work ofsome of ths tap composers 22 torometast-food pace 23-1 theetfons of my teacher. she got there inthe end, rea 2A C: Only hada few weeks of taining... I wasn't inking fs ‘obrilnty 25. & There's nays some atractve countside to keep me interested 28. Gnd can teep gong mthout one 27 A; tend to keep a profesional distance 28. B: sings something that get into quite bit 29 C. ified abitof span tobe honest, 30. A: tohavean eyeon thenext fhe years oso Test 2: Reading and Use of English (page 29) Part 1: Where to go whale watching Cniy the key ccllocates with ambition ‘Oniy ths word mokes sane ints passe construction (Oniy the key canbe flowed byt nti cota Cniy ths words elwed by 0" infinite. (niy ths words conectin the conten ofthe ea ND ant be foowed by 3 noun, The other words are not flowed by for ‘ned repostonal phrase neaperes Part 2:The Mini: Monet ° 10 n 2 3 14 16 ‘ome: (seb to complete the fied expression is ert) completes the sense ‘more: (termine to make a comparative form go: (aver) to complete the ume expression ‘rom: prepsion incates origin ‘wouldeoul (modal verb) past tense initet speech So Great sen eters how: (der) inked towel Pare3: Don't catch cold 7 18 19 20 a 2 2 2 ‘rut: adjective to noun ‘elatorship: noun to abstract noun Unstable verb to negative adjactve absence: adjective to noun inaporpra potie ade to negate active Unfortunately: postive adjective to negative adverb casi adjective to adver arta 2s 26 2 2% Fs 30 has beens tre years since: change of subject and tense with since” buy everyting xcept: phrase with apposite meaning depending on remembered” had arred on tine: past perfect use in thir contional phase ot use to wearing: fed expresion with same mearing ‘ecuses Jennie of bretag reporting verb Toloved by-oF + ing’ (al looking forward to using: paral expression with verb pattern Parts 31 C: Stil he news that he wasin hospital shook 32. Ce darted int the doorway ofa closed shop to avid coming facet fae with him 33. B: speaking on the phone. the cal 34D: Teno dea what my ai iooked We ori go spot on ny chin 35 [wondered what he was doing. if he sil ead books by ‘George Orval, 36 A: nosign. but again Part 6: Treasure in the mud 37 Fe ‘this wide experienc’ refers to After hi years, here's barely a patch of wet mud on ay tial erin the UK that he does know 38 Thesantenc refers back tthe everyday posesions of inary fais. 39 0, “Wat or ot pea fers ck a iy a te attrac soltary character “Such objet refers to the sole fom a sixteenth century sho’ “this semi fc refers to ‘An items aten beter presen themod than f would bef exposed tothe a 42. “Tetum out tobe’ refers tan picks up what the untaned ye ‘would 20028 lump of sone 40 a Part 7: Whats the best advice your father ever gave you? 43 hic qanealunuaueing bai inne 44D: just Seka something, ne mater Row hacd things get 50. A Don't worry about theca, we can aways fit 51 C howto change the olin my car 52 B. he's guen me the opportunty to input ideas and have my soy & 445A: those were my dad's olay words of wisdom 446. D: styoudont put sucent efor in, you never get anything fut of whatever tis you're doing, “47 aw much ve taken on boar another matter. 43 A hemes sid was my fut 49 ele the dection tous c ANSWER KEY 7 Test 2: Writing (page 40) Powe Question 1 (essay) Seve. formal Crtent: Genera: advantages and disadvantages of doing these actites ‘ith other people or on you ov, with reasons fra your opinions. 1 coleg o seool work 2 sports actintes 5 Shots oth ilferent ea and 2) ort 2 ‘Question 2 (report) Sher neutral or semiformal Content: what casemate: like or ds abou the ates 2 hat classmates ke or dlsihe about the sports page 3 what clatmater ike or dike about the neve econ 4 suggesting ways to improve the magazine Question 3 (eter) Sie: formal Content: reasons for wanting to atend the course 2 Seperience of acting andor dancing 3 detaled aaiabilty for attending ‘Question 4 (article) Sys semformal or neta} (Content: 1 pes of exer for busy students 2 eas for hel, inexpensive reipes ot foods 3 another Wea for stayng ANSWER KEY Test 2: Listening (page 43) art 4A There aren't many pages to get through atleast 2G. (insisted on staying in. watching action movi. 3A Fr Thwas ean to get ino the cy centre so we managed to ee alte sighs. Me Ita a good staring point fr exploring. 1: ended up feng annoyed I wanted it more eal hope get put on there again tomorrow ke | was today auclve net perfomance 8 you can float t your natural body length 2 The whole thing would go bys rapily Part 2: New Zealand journey 9 tthe) green bus Yo wert 11 the) dolphins 12 Japan 13 btebigele 14 Reventre Tours 15 foot 16 (wooden) mask 7 Lkesde 18 walking Part 3 19. B: accessible to een the youngest members of the community 20H: Fdeatharie took more nobee of news and other subjects 21: they don't broadcast adveisements so you never get interruptions. 22 enjoy the humour in his approach 23. known for sponsoring chart organisations in thisregion Pare 24 A above al what learnt there was how 1 seight 25. B: was keen to experiment with breaking the rls. 36 © got over alghty percent of my eae mestngs sr bockngs {rom that source 27. C:_‘thevestis working onthe shos to prepare them for resentation 28 Ke itswhen eeybod’s comforable and achieve what ™m looking for 29. ©: being my ovm boss something | could ve without, 30. Themare you shat, the moreyou grow Test 3: Reading and Use of English (page 50) Part 1: The Gesture Interface _Theother words do nt fi the cont. JX: fous a multsword ver uth “up wit wich means ‘thought of : The other words do not ft the conte. 1A: The other word cnnet be follwed by on inthis conte. 1 intodces an aterratie or const Bs Only thi word canbe foiowed By A: phos verb without meaning ‘understand Part 2: Choosing the best shades 9 put (ert collocates with "thought into! 10. but (conjunction) nroduces a contrast 111 more: (aver) part of ied ras followed bya comma 12. {o-(preposito) follows ‘guide 13 ithoughiTeoughaWhietWhis) Jinks) peovidesa contrast. 14. which: late pronoun) introduces a cause 15 3 (prepesivon)folows krown” 16 take (er) part of a ied expression with ‘serious Part 3: Rafting on the Zambez iver v7 8 19 20 2 % a ince: postive adjective to negative adjective ‘desciption ve fo noun impression: vero 1 noun surounding vero adjective farther adver 0 comparative adver seu sajecte ve noun beginners: verb to plural noun dangerous: noun to adjective part 2s 26 2 8 30 | unity todo: paral npression using infiie construction ‘as fre ouble geting expression using ng" orm ‘uch good svammer vet to noun determined by such 3° should be met by change of subject, modal ver in ase form ‘ah had bean past perfect used ata Ws Part 5: Moving house a 2 2 a 36 eer ose “te shaken outa their she ssid as Ly ped up the nearest ce, checking that il wos empty i refers to Uns mother’ request - that she wll put her belongings in boxes "You cou told me, she sid have got pegle to ay goodbye to, you tron Ton’ wart that is Wizon “Tes boey oged Tor og tohelp But what really stuck yn most were the rectangles of lighteecotoured pant on the wall where pictures had once hung, hing our things ides exten hn The airport photographer ‘ost of them’ refers back to the celebs. ‘One ofthe refers tothe ‘the ground and security stat. ‘they’ efes to al the sas named eater nthe paragraph ‘when that happens refers to eats saying "no ptr ‘This sentence rth however tess hat we ae going to hear about someone with 3 different athude from those desebed before "heels ote Duchess and he babies. Hove my bike Isl get 00 hot. you can't realy do without on, can you? make sure the sales ight. you dont want to get sre Think he was making up. ome omy tends ink ha’ i une, Ou do ely | ‘tong with that es, ‘uy and dodge thes sarled up i the wali. a pain ina motor vide Tele down t college inno time at al, but the upil tek home takes me around tity five minutes the bike was a good relation ofthe el me Ire ge stolen on one occasion I worked briefly a5 2 cee courier ANSWER KEY ‘Test 3: Writing (page 60) Powe Question 1 (essay) Sie Port 2 ‘oma, General agreement o disagreement withthe statement you don't need much mney tobe happy, with reasons forall your opinions. 1 when is money necessary 2 how imporant is to have the atest things (Giferent fom t and) Question 2 (report) sive Content: neuter senor 1 actus that ames do together 2 grandparents vehement 3 Changes in famiyife ‘Question 3 ete Sipe Content ‘emf or neta 1 "expres an terest in he volunteer jobs 2 desebe any experience you have of one or morejobs 5 describe your tls (ait to do any ofthese obs) 41. Sstushether accomadation, food and transport are provided ‘Question 4 (review) Sie Content: “oral or neue your opnns of he logs section rd wy ° 3 one aspect ofthe west hat yu ay ike 4 Some ea for mprving the website ANSWER KEY Test 3: Listening (page 62) Part 1 1A: | don’ think people should ge fein one particular ole, have them rotating ther es 2 © sreal closet everthing, the ceive, the campus. 3) Iehaugh its tebe hs busines of smply tng people no 4 the camera work ets the rest oft down 5 A but jst asl asienng the ofce, & playmgit over and over again unis inside me, FB ewould do grat del for he quay of Whore ‘a: the enone beefs fo the ty would be dae 8 & buethelaughr sti wor he joes aes wel dered, Part 2: Museum director 9 1973rneaen siete $0. ishinghohts 11- fourtwo ineour hundred and wentyin!a29 12 ge 13 tet 48 bor coms 15 oes 18 ronser 47 denis 18 fn arta 19. & edo push me along abit by geting meto ty ate bina sre speca 21: Thetet techs ae thelones whe mae lok es, Because they make taco fon, 22 A Butyou con't pt al is tobe bets to study ard, you aio havo semonstate what you mean by i 23. Youneed ibe tod the face about how wel ore managing sw your tudes arta 24 fs we cules cant tly now how we sound to anyone who's ison tos. 25 youneetobesn with your spine, which wants tobe stetched Ind made ee 25-5: Yourknees want be ..not completa sight uta Ite angled, 27 fs theimpornt thing it. to dein anthing up ta eight gs of we ey dy 28 C going ve tem Sgin and agen and again ing the couse of nordinay ay, 29 ¢ Tlsmrey Sant youcen wo ang m psble 30. 6: rating werd noses visting ner ca ouside the So bung. Test 4: Reading and Use of English (page 68) Part 1 Slacking ‘The other words suggest something more permanent. The other words don't tthe faed expression. callocates with Your balance’ The other words don't fit the contest. ‘The oer words dont colocate wits risk. The ther words aren followed by te The other words don't the context. ocates wth ‘hand and fs followed by“ Port 2: Blanca Huertas: butterfly expert 8 one: (pronoun) refers to ‘nets 410 that (anjuncuon) goes with so’ and introduces a cause 111 When: (conjunction) introduces a cause 12 cout modal ver) completes verb form 13. for (pepeston folows ppl 14 hick elatve pronoun) introduces a cause 38 bean (alin vr) par of vr form 16 AS (erepostion) pat of red phrase Part 3 In praise of plastic seul ouverte adjective atvacte verb o adjective ‘eputaton: noun fe noun Sesigner nourverb to noun fetremely: adjective to aver ‘hoie er to noun ‘ature noun to adjective Fecjcle: nouwwerb 10 verb Part 25 put Hei up: phrasal ve wth change of subject 26. Goes not ike it wher: postive 1o negative ansformaton with ‘i and new clause 27. took my advice colecation including verb to noun 28 was complete) unaware of the: posite parallel expression 25. fom aman, sone ot preposional phrase with ne subject 430. incase waugot cold lnk phrase with change of tenge Part 5: Ahop, skip and a jump away 31 needed to qualify for the state championships. as al eos think about 32D: theperect jump, 33. A: stretched them out fetng the lump in met one the remnants of» puled muse ‘34D: agreed, smiling to show ay appreciation 35 Iwassuremy frst phase was too high, tht my second was ‘hopped and my naing was not que wnat shoul have ben, [36 5: ound Paula and ran to hug her. "Tat was al thanks to you Part 6: Would you turn off your engine, please? 37 B: these conversations’ eft to addressed the issues politely ‘ahora ten-minute chat 38D: “checked this out refers ta "there was actually a law aginst engine idling 40 ‘the fac refers to the enstence ofthe law about engine ing. 41-4 Tao tl then eles to the infrmation he passes On during his ‘dscns: 42. F “Tespond inthis ay’ refers tof get an aggresive reaction’ art 7: Advertising in public places: ike itor love i? 43. endless dl vert for banks 444 Os tasers tobe taking over our cy 5A they do make a bit ofa mes of the rural envionment. 46 Chas tobe powered by eacincty 447A distracted by the fac hat 2 posters thor 13 & agree wth banning pdsters rom parks and on historic buldings| 49. A canbe safety nasa 508 anamusing edvertcan brighten up my day 51D: anew angle on an sue that's real thought proveking 52. E: allowslotsof clever people to reach @ wide public wih thelr dese ANSWER KEY ‘Test 4; Writing (page 78) ants ‘Question 1 (essay) Syl formal Content: Genera: what we need 1 dof we want Yo make ne ends 8nd kep the ones we have, with casos for al yout ‘pions 1 bein contact egualy 2 tal fiends the wath 4 Somathing see wn nee tian fam an) Pan2 ‘Question 2 (article) Sie formal or neuval Content: 1 opinion about how young people feel about the fture 2. ab opportunties for young people '3 opportunites for studying after fshing school Question 3 (etter) Sie: toms! Content: 1 experince of organising activites fo ids 2 ably to communicate in English and in another language 3 Shen at eat ene outdoor sports acy Question 4 (review) Siler semiformal or neural Content: 1 deserve the pace where the fstial took pace 2 escbe the atmosphere (vey, nose). 2 escrie the crowd that attended the fesval 44 thease yu loved and the muse you hated EE answer key Test 4: Listening (page 80) theses exallen, ely lowing and there are some grat ‘word pictures’ that defintly captured my imagination ‘stort that its going te lok very out of pace =k Kind of we spaceship ce vatespeoks Spanish... 30 we speak her language in the house butt tums ot Fm not o ubbih afte al. being so smal can get tint petty much ary space Ind But he's got al the etfcates and he Geary Knows al about ‘management theory The competiors deftly had a good tine replacement parts... there's ony one place left now that Supp the, Part 2: Women’s basketball 2 high) schoo! Yo. matengi (dotcom) 11 team spore 12 May 13 1916 14 broken bones 15 hairpins 46 chewing gum 17 (the) ea Heads 18 perfectionist 19 B: the way eveyone went fbr beaks and lunch at eat the same time every da. 20H you never ely know whats gong to happen nx. 21 F having to smile and be ie nd shaw an interest eveyone and laugh at some prety tribe jokes 22D: most ofthe time jst sat sbout 23. C Mot shouted tor tested Baal Part 24 asin ny grandma's siting room and she had this whole pile ‘of books, wich helt me pay with because | ied the coves, 25. C: parte teacher we had, who a the end of everyday would Set outa book 26: eant tl you what a rl twas to se iton theshehesin 2 bookshoo, 27. There's nosound, no musi, no traffic and that's what need 28 B: Next isa book or teenagers. ve never ied writing tne before 29. 6. you do dat hae night be foto tl yu caine 530. Ai symbols. but resist the uge to spl everything out Test 5: Reading and Use of English (page 86) Part 1: Vera Neumann: fabric designer The other words don't fi the content. The other words can't be flowed by ‘what todo Ccllcstes with name” allocates with in short, fied expression par of phrasal ver with rss ollcates wth ‘sveces allocates wth ashion Dhrasal verb goes witha company peoeeene Part 2: Tee-climbing 9 into: (reposton follows ‘tumed 40 one (pronoun) precees ofthe’ with plural noun 11 Before (conjunction) invoduces dause 32 take (ve) colcates with ‘part 13. haveneed: ere) with to” indeats necessity 14 Case: noun) part of fed pirase introducing dause 4 after preponion) inscotes the nest step 16 hich: rsatve pronoun) irtoduces clause Part 3: Games in space 17. sientts: noun to pra noun 46 esereh ver to noun 49, elation: ver to noun 20 unable’ ajectve to negative adjective 21 mature: verb to noun 32 feedback: verb ta noun 23 tmotonal noun to acective 24 information: verb to noun Pare 225 see anyimochte point in: paral expression using given word ‘and prepston 126. have been eleved when: modal form nthe past + linker 27 ‘srumouted tobe new subject with reporting verb passve stucture 28 oni had nova sent: ast perfect indicates past regret. 25 Sithout st) extnrravng cet eaten: gen word + cing form 30. tegreup gang: phrasal verb followed by "ng" form Part 5: The reluctant hero 31: hisrofusal to accpt how famous he's about to become "ean ‘tak down the tet and nat be hase i Tae e secteur HE Sumeecenetisa sapcs 2 REMI greiner eats foe umes emery os a6 0, ltawroian gst tevin yn hg ofa pana sed rat mht ptr yore 22 theme nin te! 3 Rapetere eek 2S Re Cae nae ‘mambo are now speoking the language, to, Part 7: Futureriendly awards 43. 8: don't go expecting to sae weights or rowing machines ‘44: improvements, wich the ects who cntact us have been sing fo 45. thelped stag an exibition of sculptures 446 He's worked hard torte funds but with mite success 47 A To ge newcomer the confidence to star jing 48D tocollect and suppl th 49°C todeveop areal range of eyed products 505 aswel ar advertsing for new members 51D: that mary tes could be reused 52 A. avalablenallreions nationwide ANSWER KEY ‘Test 5: Writing (page 96) Patt Question 1 (essay) Siye: Content: Part 2 Touma ‘General: answer the question about whether we share too ‘much pasoral information, vith amples and ‘reasons fr al yout opinions, 1, when we uplood images of ourselves or ind 2 wine we post comments about people events (diferent rom and 2} Question 2 article) Sie Content “ermal or neutral 1 he kind of music you ke most nd why 2 te gles ou goo see mac 3 musi typical of your country and wy you recommend it ‘Question 3 (etter) She informal Content: 1 whether you tke or dite the new schoo and wy 2 how tne new schoo! ef rom the aa one 3 wether you have made new ends ‘Question 4 (report) Sle formal or semiormal (Cortent: 1 Why you and your fends found it eayificult to understand 2 why you think the characters areforent interesting for people 3 why you thnk the fl would would not appeal 0 tfeent raonaltes 4 hy you weuldiwould not ads ther classmates to see it ANSWER KEY Test 5: Listening (page 98) Part 1. A: what appeals moceis that its 50 diferent to everthing ase do, 2B Thsone, though, was genuine frahtenng 5B: Ld realse t would be so ery. Icould do with ance cald fink to rep with 4G Theteave agent told me what an exceptional hott it was. think hewent ove the top 2 bt 5c: Tish "shld on tot though, because | do miss it & B: Sometmor its down tos apsrtar happening to bein the ight place at the right ne ‘Ac 5 the nas re close and saw jut how goo the other performers were, then started to wary ‘a: Tinka confidence soil though Part 2: Street-dancer 9 io n 2 3 4 5 16 ” 18 ‘gymnastics euture {arth windmit eur Footsteps ‘rusting (the) goterment ool ‘scipinefabion [nether order) intemet Pare 20 a 2 23 in poor things, and they were suffering bit : ‘As Last time got round in mf quickest eer time and that's made me eel prety good about mye 8: mean, that's Spal of how badly the event's un {: I decided at the st minteto enter ater al was 2 big mistake ust could believe the size ofthe crowd art 2 2 26 a7 2 2 do CC then | went absolutely every yar after tat. | was asked to jin the tear of organises sight years ago 2s ile into ust one led Tats been the biggest change. B: that's shame, Ther ae more and more stall appearing sling ‘rote foods and you almost gat the feeing thats wat aot of the crowd have come fr 8: Ws the company that really makes it for me ~ eveyone just seq so calm ad ready jst to have 2 good tine ‘A: Tdowish though that we could persuade more people to leave thei cars at ome because cngstion’s 3 real headache. ‘A: an tink of foto then fel hat oy about the festa Sci personaly wouldn't bein favour of expanding ting further Test 6: Reading and Use of English (page 104) Part 1: What i coincidence? Parts 1A: Thecother words arent followed by 2s ao: 2. The other word don't make sane inthe content BC 3 C The other words aren't followed by 4 Ke mustmean conaring 23 a 5 C The oher words don ft the context BA & 5: mustmean i. not” 35 7B: colocates with nto contact Part 2: The Recyel Part 6: 9 sround: preposition indicates movement within the neighbourhood 37. 10 whee: (satve pronoun) refers to “neighbourhood” 38 11 retuneschange: (aun) part oe prvase 3a 8 12. go: adverb) pat of past time expression 40 0 13 ia (preposition) flows invested” 14 wharas: ink introduces cause ae 15, hich eat pronaun) in non-determinna douse at 16 same: (sect) par of fied pase Part 7: Part 3: Travel posters, ac 17. enjoy: noun to verb 18 Felson: verb te noun aw 19 expensive: verb to adjective as 0: 20. effective: noun to adjective 46 8 24. st noun to noun a 8 22. movement verb to plural noun 43 23 Inman ajece ta aero Se 24 Surprising: noun to adver 50 0: Part a sc 25 you mind if turned: second condhtional form 32 A 36 Eennot afford to ven words away used with ‘an’ or ‘cant ant) 27. aving studied it verb form follows “spit” + “pronoun for mab design" 28. could notion ep loving lau: fed paral xeon ing orm 29 pred tors rom) geting oo ve sate eed by Sven wor 30. byhimelt phrase meaning ‘lone The leter’s rom the Cy Counc asking if we obec. ry greatest fear was that there would be nowhere forthe Putters and bees o come any more. wondered why they weren't al out there. protesting. bute’ on his on al doy hh was wearing Nis chewet+up grey sweat, the one he pus on when he's expecting ajo to be challenging Feehnot going tobe stepped by anything we ny dle power Thay attracted here refers to local residents! "hs massive open space’ refers to “ala ale ‘he sentence desribes what the eee stoke i ‘Theresa link between "tipping ove” and ending up in thewater ean hardly hear mysothnk’ refers hock to ‘deafening’ going ove agai’ rele to her ele “ending UD the water, For the record Hous spent on es-ourty sing machine and coing tat bes Sin low hi compass nd hope sprout vor coe tant to stom gud forfour etches. ReSdioun tracing uperhun chalenges tts hve slid arr te tone pay ngs Tey caeppg aie tne the pt sted ard edthe ch ed 5 30d ay fr son svete tps hemes out of hie ‘Sif sone fo ft hr assim oar bat. ‘sy compieted he ous en ays avswenrey ETE ‘Test 6: Writing (page 114) Por Question 1 (essay) Styles formal COnteot: Genera: answer the queston about whether we neod tobe. informed sbout rational and inteatonal news, with ‘ramps and esson fe all your opinions 1 major events such a natural disasters 2 ews about famous people 5 Srother ype af news ferent from 1 and 2) Pant2 ‘Question 2 (review) Sve semformal or neural (Content: 1 how good the performances were 2 opinion abou the costumes and the agence 3 thether msi good enough fe take to other schools Question 3 (ema Shyer itormat of neural Content: 1 reasons for (no induding Scotch Highlands topic 2 reasons for (nt including education topic 5 teasons fr (no incudingvadtional music 4 reasons for (nod including language leaning Question 4 (report) She: formal Content: 1 descrption of atactons for children and teenagers 2 opinion about facie and prices 3 wanather tan be recomended to tort ED answen ey Test 6: Listening (page 116) art © That's quit alto diferent equipment, and i'l the latest Su, and he best stuff onthe markt tthe, ‘A: and we can see ein short beaks to captal cites 1 grownups They wory about foking sil oF stupid, and fa bad when they get things vrong, © Canyou get back to me when you can and dari why the Inerig ight be puto and ao eas be nwa on (Couple of dye? biden maybe I coud start to werk with hos, thse as, to translate them nt paintings. 8: you should take ths one Back and give me the more Update mode, ‘A: Fe ‘Cos dn think the support bands were up to uch actualy. IM: No~ same od stuf, © aves thought Iwas going to ind something abit more engaging tobe honest are2: Learning about make-up 9 beouy studies 10 pure 11 hairy 32 Gemsty 13. maretng 14 costume eign 45: lipstick 16 Ightng 37 tahos 18 sdverting agency 1 art3 19: hemademe seit was better to get out and se someting of the wold. 20 &: | wasnt going to agree, but my mum si shoud so | went 31. Fy rend uaa sa shoul accept that tj coed spd 22 C. sohe old me to make fst of eveyone | thought was nie or imereting or something ike hat andthe othe at my ‘oom ford por 23 A: shesaid wipe these cea, jst go and say you" sony Ports 24 C Then! spotted this one ona webste. sounded just the sort of fan thing | waseokng for 25 A: but was tnting ft mght become mere important in my ein ome nay 26 &: Soh st lek enthusiast and even suggested he might 27. C: Reoupl of them had obviously done that sort of thing before 28. B: Several people were taking photos the whole tine, and agreed to eal hws to venone. 22. C Maybe that cary over nt theres of fe too 430. A: buts Rave to 90.003 ter-iemete runing race ve put my ame down or Test Part 1: Karakamia wife sanctuary ‘The other words are’ fllowe by within this context ‘The other words can't be followed by inthis conte means peevent fom entering ‘Te other words do Ge the en of ooking for some tie The other words aren flloned by 40 Part2: Spot the gorila 0 another: (prenoun) flows ‘one take: (ver) ealcates with ‘part Se: linker) precedes that te invoduce a dause ‘them: (pronoun ees to ‘wets {at (prepostion part of phrase with ‘al ‘When: inks introduces atime cause Fave (aula ver) completes verb structure wil (moda vb) 1 indete a future time Part 3: Review of The Porsche Book ” % @ 20 2 3 2 exception: preposition to noun ‘roe ver To noun llecton: verb to noun Surely adjective to adver Fegenday noun to adectve enjoyable: verb toajective ‘jamorous: noun fo adjective Impossible postive adjective to negative adjective Part 26 2 2% 29 30 hasbeen qualifies as anva qualified: change of tense to go with “Tor tine pase not tun ou to be: phrasal vrb with infinitive construction $0 that people could: change of construction + modal verb ‘was stl eatra/havinainshina her dinner: tense used to Indicate Unfinished acton ‘head better go: parallel expression with lin infintive ot Such 2 good sk nagatve comparative stuctre : Reading and Use of English (page 122) Parts 1c 2 3 3a 36 Part 6 7 38 39 40 a 2 Part 4a 46 a a 51 32 Tip to Scotland | wast sure how a New Yorker would react a al this empty scene ‘What was rua, hough, was that tended with the mage word ‘exalt id watehing cunt. gave out aloud Tarbe far, though, he can get quite animated Two to drt thing were uring Out acy a we enpeced ths onl sounds tke an ey option to people who have never ‘worked for my patents, "run up mountains ‘those’ ees to the highest mountains on each continent “ti refers to an enorme tractor ye “the one retest Rusaan language "tha refers to Hey man, ake cre “Ras the sound of an svalanghe ees ack to an incredible rumble up above us The sentence provides a Ud example of what he di whist waling to be rescued, Starting your own business ‘Working fr yours is great as you can make your own mind up bout things 2 definite high... sxing my staff dang a good jo “Tee chalenge vas rerio workout hv to deve he mix of foods al st once also. suveyors solos, an advertising ageney and even an authon ‘the til you fee when a customer tells you they've had a ‘great time. ‘Nonrying about how you'e going to pay the ent. ‘Semon off ..2 god opportunity to ponder the question “What nex” imeffect,' been a vital Pal along, fn financial, sporti and patenting experience The chance fo mteract th people more ANSWER KEY Test 7: Writing (page 132) arts ‘Question 1 (essay) Sipe formal {Ctent: General: agreement or disagreement with the statement we jean almost everything fom the tenet, with reason forall yeu opriors. 1 what we learn from parents ad teachers 2 the good/bad quart of information onthe internet 23 something eee we canennnt lam from thentrnet (Giteren Hom 1 and 2) Part2 Question 2 (emai) Sipe semiformal or neta Cantent:1 express n interest inthe halday an ac fora price 2 you are ft enough fr these activites because 53 Jou havaave nat done these activites before 44 ew long a tay and prefered accommodation Question 3 (report) Sie: forma Content: escription of mos interesting museum sections, possibly wth Readings, 2 pinion about whether younger students should vit, vt reasons Question 4 (article) Sie: formal Content: description of the mast memarabe chidhood experience 2 reasons why the experience wil never be forgotten ANSWER KEY Test 7: Listening (page 134) rt 1 & butthe weather’ never that eat, which meant that got realy rather bore. 2G Tworkhard to make suet al fits togethe, aleulating in ‘advance what happen when x meets forthe fest te, how x Should react © what y does, oF whatever 3A: (don't thinkin your exe that your sights got any worse since | lasts you, ‘Those cot plete ual tated great, but one ie my dod rocked tooth on the crust You Ive and lar, Think the man wha checks them on the door thought as making up some stony. {they do Take out of me actualy. | ind them exhausting ‘Than we actualy saw asong being recorded, which made the biggest impresson on me Ie ust thy minutes to myself. make space fori an | think cverbody ones thamslves at ast hat long each day ne eo Part 2: Lance Arbury: working at a z00 9 ge manna 10 (200) boloay 11 sakes 12. Cietng) mecting 13 breskfat 14 fami 415 observant 36 aggresive 17 Goer Discovery Day 30 regoter online! Pana 1 419. A: you havea fiend that you get on with in a relaned way, ty ‘ying yu da some studying together 20.0: veleamt thnk, that food realy doesn't hep, so try now to study when fm feelng 2 bit hungry 21. yolks step-yepeppreth you can hep ging much longer 22. &: have a agod, soil chai and my desk at the sght height and Ihave a geod lamp. These things realy al. 23. c: intheright mood: Your favourte band plying inthe Doctground can help with thi Para 24 butwojokingly refered to it with the words well kept secret 25 A stbecame deat thatthe music was going ina new decion 50 itseamed the ight moment for anew name too 26. C: Wiejust made the ort af muse i fet ike making, It's much 27 B: Weallhave our parts wring and that works wel 2B A: Actually we general begin vith the te and hen start bung from that simple concept 29°C: lust ike ary musial project, some songs ake a while and some get done relly quickly vanes! 30: We praise alot before we play lve, We went to make sure people ae getting an expenence that not ust equa but Surpasses or alum Test 8: Reading and Use of English (page 140) Part 1: Old skills: new products can't be followed by as and AD do not make sense here ‘The other words donot mate sense inthe cntext, ‘The ether woe arent wed th plural nou, ‘The other words dot ft the context ‘he other words donot mate sense inthe content oleate with way ‘The other words not make sense here. The ether ors cant be folowed by to Part 2: Snow-hoting 9 yourself: (reflaive pronoun) necessary object or ‘provide’ 10.35 (prepostion follows same" 11 int: tprepeton fotos verb meaning become 412. ers: noun) part of prepastional phrase 13. fake (ver) colts wth intr 14 nova: adver) to introduce a negative idea 18 Resorang: (es) prt af proportanal pace 16 down: adver) part of phrasal verb construction Part 3: Understanding time 117 measurement: verb to noun 18 reindeer o adjective 19, bseration vet to noun 20 useful: nouner to adjective 21 Inversion verb to oun 22 length: ajeeve to noun 25 inapproprate: postive adjective to negate acectine 24 accuracy adjective to noun Parca 25, were you | would make: conditional structure with verb and noun 26. Chisina’s at vist new subject wth posesive 22 though he ed very har parallel expression vith subordinate eee 28. hardly worth tying to: given word in poste construction 29‘ not py Footbal unless negate transformation requ by ‘ven word 30, Pad never appealed to; pra expesion wih to” Part 5: The fake hairdresser remembers 31 A: | reckoned it would bea laegh, 32, C_ Luckily, managed to rectly the situation 33. 5: I fetsickwith eres. aint want to let Tevor down, 34 C: thine twas bt unfa that | wae penalized fr taking too ong 35. 8 pein oom tpt topping an ring at me of 36. 8: Tver got choices cd’ else ha, which i bilan, Part 6: Going up in a glider 37. ©: “th only response posible’ fers to “what tad inan 30 F “treet when people sea 35.0: trl to the rope 42K “Ths eles to he gy weathe, 2G“ eer to "ow trough with the contol ‘22 G Thesentence conte the comparton started belt the gap. Part 7:A good walk 43. ve forgone many days. n ode to avoid this feeling ‘44D: lots of people fea an ge to go tothe top of 45 pickyour way over the sper rocks and muddy pudeles 45 C.brooding ver a sandwich ‘47. sudeniy vanish ol to reappear abit futher on 45 Cs fecnatngoimaie te ou acs onc intial outings 49. walking cobs seem tobe attracting more members than eve 50 A: Site elon that has one nto the upkeep of mountan paths 51 Coc would it become an ego thing about how many hls youve ach climbed ® 152A: Who was the fist to walk that way-thesheop or the shepherd? ANSWER KEY Test 8: Writing (page 150) art Question 1 (essay) Syl formal COntent: General answer the question about whether celebs deserve {he admation they rece, with eanpls and reasons fora your opinions. 1 poste er negative nfuence on young people 2 they are pad enough, not enough, t00 much $5 ter posi te suppnt your nse ant ad 2) Part 2 Question 2 (review) Sie: formal or neural Content: information and opinion about the aca 2 Information and opinion about the campsite foie 3 whether would be suitable for the cas Question 3 (artic) Sher" Tormal or neural Content: 1 describe a gret destination fora young ad energetic tevelee 2 describe the scenery, wife and adventure opportunites 3 the bet sasson or month todo t Question 4 letter) Sie: formal ‘Content: 1” reasons why you ae goa forthe jb 2 experience of organising events 4 nbinbinycunng tne summer 7 ANSWER KEY Test 8: Listening (page 152) Part 1 2 Part 9 10 " 3 4 15 6 ” a Part 1 20 A: ys that stay wth you long ater the songs ar over. The more you listen, the more they get you thinking yousald | should apologise tothe oer team, but it that jus, {Going to be ke an admsson of quit? Can't we jst inte them to come a ploy the match here next week instead? ‘Ac Fach pictur is cee tamed, so the sequence of actions pulls you along, and your eyes move between the speech bubbles and ‘Ac Sand a chance af winning the tournament. Cos thats ‘ur aim teal. : ‘Ms Tm not denying that © One n particu told me hed think ever make much of nyse and thought oh OX, Pi show you that can. B: there's apace hee about Bryanboy Can have Wat page to photocopy? Mit think its 9 shame that peopl til get into trouble for doing ‘Ms Yan, but guess the authorities think rai jst wrong full sop. ut this ease tink theyre wrong, 3B: Sogattng apart ina soap opera or 3 ob atthe studio's 2 realy 0d wan 2: Vegetarian chet (am) apo pie chiseare {ender nanny golf course Indian | {fashion model Green Leaves ‘website a F some ofthe people they hod working ther seemed bit out of thavedepth tobe hones. should bea pat ofthe traning. He twas handy to benea the contre, i's rue, nt having to etch «bus orton, but ust wander down. but some other things were shut al week, ike the gym and the shaming poo. 1B: thee did see tobe any couples wth young Kids there. dd’ think that's wha it's designed for actualy &_Wespent hours wandering around inthe gardens, which ware sopevceul and shag. But the toughest part was ust getting used to the routine on st. Tas. le moe advanced than te other ys 0 cul pull ‘off some ofthe moves 2b coner than them, ‘they made athe ference, and you hac to do what they si But stent Laurel cos she knows what se’ doing More important, you've gt to use your eas Isten tthe words as yous) them sof pracy’ the pice you pa. n't have a problem Fm anyrineteen,so'm not desing any doors yet nw neo pF Pearson Education Lined -inbrsh One Essex CM20 208 England nd ASsociated Companies hows the worl ‘pearson convexams (© Pearson Bacation Limited 2014 “The sigh of Ni Kanny and Lacrsa Logue Monier ob idetiid {Sathorsof this Wek has boas bythe in accordance wih the Cope, Desens sad Patents Act 988. 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