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Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 2011; 19:149–154

Published online 23 July 2010 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/pip.999


Comparative study of ZnO thin films prepared by

plasma deposition and electron beam evaporation
for use in photovoltaic devices
V. D. Falcão1,2*, D. O. Miranda2,3, M. E. L. Sabino2,3, T. D. O. Moura2,3, A. S. A. C Diniz4,
L. R. Cruz5 and J. R. T. Branco2,3
Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais – IFMG Campus Congonhas, Congonhas/MG, Brazil
Rede Temática em Engenharia de Materiais – REDEMAT, Ouro Preto/MG, Brazil
Fundação Centro Tecnológico de Minas Gerais – CETEC, Belo Horizonte/MG, Brazil
Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais – CEMIG, Belo Horizonte/MG, Brazil
Instituto Militar de Engenharia - IME, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil

Undoped zinc oxide thin films were grown at room temperature using two techniques: plasma deposition (PD) and electron
beam evaporation in an argon atmosphere. PD offers some advantages, such as low ion damage and low deposition
temperature. The optical transmittance of the films deposited by both methods was higher than 80% in the near UV–VIS
range; the energy band gap and index of refraction agree with values reported in the literature. The resistivity of films grown
by PD was 3.1  102 V cm, lower than the value of 1.2  101 V cm found for plasma assisted e-beam evaporated films.
Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
zinc oxide; plasma deposition; transparent conductive oxide; photovoltaic devices
V. D. Falcão, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais – IFMG Campus Congonhas, Congonhas/MG,

Received 29 October 2009; Revised 5 March 2010

1. INTRODUCTION used, such as chemical spray pyrolysis [10], sputtering [11],

metal–organic chemical vapor deposition [12], electron
Nowadays zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films are investigated as beam evaporation [13], and the sol–gel process [14].
transparent conductive electrodes for use in optoelectronic In this work, we propose a new method for growing ZnO
devices including flat displays, thin films transistors, and thin films, which we called plasma deposition (PD). In this
solar cells because of their unique optical and electrical process, a film is deposited by means of plasma, which
properties [1]. This material, which is a wide direct band gap is used to sublimate the source material. This method offers
semiconductor with the hexagonal crystal structure of the advantages of low ion damage, low deposition
wurtzite [2–5], is one of the most promising materials for the temperature, and large area deposition, which allows high
production of new generation photovoltaic devices, and has throughput manufacturing. Besides, this method provides
gained great commercial and scientific interest compared economical and efficient usage of the raw material. We also
with other TCO films, such as indium tin oxide [5–7]. Some grew ZnO films by electron beam evaporation with plasma
of its numerous advantages include: electrical conductivity assistance (EBPA) and compared the optical and electrical
modified by appropriate doping or post-annealing, high properties of the films obtained by the two techniques.
absorption in the ultraviolet range, compatibility with large
scale processes, low cost, abundance, non-toxicity, and easy 2. EXPERIMENTAL
fabrication [8,9].
The technology for growing ZnO thin films on a variety of The ZnO thin films were deposited at room temperature
substrates has been improved, and a lot of method has been onto sodalime glass substrates by PD and EBPA in a

Copyright ß 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 149

Comparative study of ZnO thin films V. D. Falcão et al.

Balzers BAI 640 R system whose schematic is shown in Table I. Deposition parameters of ZnO films grown by EBPA
Figure 1. Before deposition, the 1.2 mm thick glass and PD.
substrates were cleaned using a standard procedure [15]. In
both processes, argon gas was used to form the plasma and Deposition parameters EBPA PD
a ZnO target was used as material source. This target was Background pressure 6
9  10 mbar 9  106 mbar
prepared in our laboratory from ZnO powder (99%) Beam current 0.07 A —
supplied by ‘‘Votorantim Metais,’’ a Brazilian company of Plasma current 30 A 75 A
the Votorantim group. The powder was pressed as small Deposition time 20 min 60 min
tablets and sintered at 1400 8C for 1 h. While the PD Gas Argon Argon
process consists of depositing the film from plasma, the Substrate to target distance 23 cm 23 cm
EBPA uses an e-beam source to sublimate the target in the
presence of plasma. The plasma is generated inside an
ionization chamber (plasma source in Figure 1) by means Optical spectra were obtained in the 190–1000 nm range
of a hot tungsten filament. It is then expelled out of the using an n&k Technology, Inc. Nkt 1280 spectropho-
chamber by the action of a magnetic field. In both process, tometer. Glass and silicon polished wafers were used as
the electrons of the plasma are attracted by the positively references for transmittance and reflectance measure-
biased crucible, establishing plasma current, which is used ments, respectively. The thickness, index of refraction, and
to sublimate the target material. On the other hand, the band gap energy data were determined from the optical
acceleration of the argon positive ions occurs in the electric spectra using a software based on n&k Method [16–18].
field developed between the anode and the negative Determination of the optical constants is not a trivial
floating potential on the substrate holder. These ions problem. The refraction index, n, and the extinction
activate the vaporized neutral atoms prior to the deposition, coefficient, k, depend on wavelength and cannot be
providing them enough energy on the surface of the measured directly; they must be computed from optical
substrate. The two processes are quite similar, the only parameters such as reflectance, R, and transmittance, T.
difference lying on the fact that, in addition to the plasma The n&k method incorporates the Forouhi–Bloomer
current, the EBPA uses an extra electron beam to sublimate formulation [16–18] for the optical constants, n and k,
the material. The deposition parameters of ZnO films along with a parameterized model for interface roughness
grown by both techniques are shown in Table I. [19], into the Fresnel coefficients, associated with multi-
Film thicknesses were measured in a Veeco Dektak8 layer films on a substrate to generate an algorithm, Rt, that
step-height profilometer. To produce a step in the films, describes the theoretical reflectance:
slurry of boron nitrate and distilled water was applied to a  
small area of the substrate before deposition. The slurry Rt ¼ Rt l; u; d; nf ðlÞ; kf ðlÞ; ns ðlÞ; ks ðlÞ; Eg ; s 1 ; s 2 (1)
was easily removed with isopropyl alcohol after the
deposition to reveal a step in the film down to the substrate. where Rt is the theoretical reflectance, l the wavelength, u
Resistivity and Hall measurements were performed at the angle of incidence, d the film thickness, nf(l) and ns(l)
room temperature in a four-probe van der Pauw the refraction indexes of the film and substrate, respect-
configuration, using an Accent HL5500PC system. ively, kf(l) and ks(l) the extinction coefficients of the film
X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses were made on a and substrate, respectively, Eg the band gap energy, and s1
Siemens D500 diffractometer with a Cu anode. Cu Ka and s2 are the interface roughness on top and bottom,
radiation was selected by a graphite monochromator. respectively. By comparing the theoretical reflectance with
Typical symmetric u2u scans were taken between 208 and the measured one, the required parameters of the film [d,
808 using 0.028 steps. nf(l), kf(l)] can be determined.

Figure 1. Schematic of the EBPA and PD techniques.

150 Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 2011; 19:149–154 ß 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/pip.999
V. D. Falcão et al. Comparative study of ZnO thin films

The band gap of ZnO films was also obtained from the calculated data. Both films exhibit high transmittances –
experimental transmittance data and from: above 80% – in visible region, which means that film
stoichiometry has been achieved even for depositions
a2 ¼ cðhn  Eg Þ (2)
carried out in the absence of a reactive oxygen atmosphere.
which relates the absorption coefficient (a) to the energy of Sharp fundamental absorption edges are also observed in
the incident photon for direct transitions. In this equation h both spectra, indicating that films with high quality crystal
is the Planck constant and n is the frequency of incident structure were obtained even for depositions onto unheated
radiation. The band gap energy can be determined from the substrates. The explanation is that the plasma indeed
intercept of the linear portion of the a2 versus hn graph with assists the deposition, playing the same role of the substrate
the energy axis. The band gap of both EBAP and PD films heating, that is, to increase the mobility of the depositing
was obtained in order to compare them with the values atoms and lead to films with better crystallinity. The
calculated by n&k method. absorption edge in the EBPA spectrum is not as sharp as in
PD spectrum, suggesting that defect electronic states such
as oxygen vacancies and/or Zn interstitials [7] within the
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION band gap of EBPA films may be more active.
Table II summarizes the thickness of ZnO thin films,
The optical transmittance and reflectance spectra of ZnO as measured in the profilometer, and the parameters
thin films deposited by EBPA and PD are shown in determined using the n&k method. The good-of-fitness
Figures 2 and 3, respectively. The solid lines represent (GOF) between the theoretical and measured reflectance
experimental data and the dotted lines represent the n&k data (0  GOF  1) is also shown and indicates the fitting
is quite good. The thickness values calculated by the n&k
method are close to the ones measured with the
profilometer. The small difference between calculated
and measured data may be due to the quality of the step
produced on the film surface for profilometer measure-
ments. The optical band gap energies given by n&k
software were 3.15 and 3.10 eV for the films deposited by
EBPA and PD, respectively, and are in good agreement
with the values reported for polycrystalline ZnO films [20].
The literature has ascribed this small difference to
variations in the composition of ZnOx films [21]. The
index of refraction calculated for both films by n&k
method is also in good agreement with the reported values
for ZnO thin films [22]. The value of 2.07 for PD films is
close to that of bulk wurtzite ZnO, which is 2.0 [23] and
indicates the good quality of the film. For films deposited
Figure 2. Optical transmittance and reflectance spectra of ZnO by EBPA, the value is smaller than that of pore-free
film grown by EBPA. wurtzite, meaning that they are less dense than PD films
[24]. The squared absorption coefficient (a2) versus the
photon energy, near the fundamental absorption region, for
films deposited by EBPA and PD, was plotted in Figure 4 in
order to determine the optical gap, Eg. ZnO, being a direct
band gap semiconductor, has an absorption coefficient
which obeys Equation (2) for high photon energies. The
band gap values are quite similar and close to the values
calculated by the n&k method.
Figure 5 shows the XRD profiles of ZnO films deposited
by EBPA and PD. The result confirms our previous
hypothesis about the excellent crystallinity of the films
grown by both techniques. Both films show the hexagonal
wurtzite structure with the presence of high intensity (002)
peaks indicating a strong orientation along c(002)-axis
normal to the surface of the substrate. This result can be
attributed to the low temperature of the substrate that
favored the spontaneous growth of crystal planes with low
surface energy, such as the (002) plane. By comparing the
Figure 3. Optical transmittance and reflectance spectra of ZnO two profiles, one can also observe that the uniformity of the
film grown by PD. lattice constant along the sample in PD films is higher than

Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 2011; 19:149–154 ß 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 151
DOI: 10.1002/pip.999
Comparative study of ZnO thin films V. D. Falcão et al.

Table II. Thickness and optical constants of ZnO thin films grown by EBPA and PD.

Profilometer Parameters determined using the n&k method

Deposition Thickness (nm) Thickness (nm) GOF Refraction Band gap

method index energy (eV)

EBPA 530.0 459.3 0.9851 1.87 3.15

PD 522.5 553.4 0.9934 2.07 3.10

in EBPA films, as shown by the smaller full width at half oxygen vacancies and/or interstitial Zn ions, this result
maximum (FWHM) of the (002) peak. This is attributed to indicates that the density of these defects is larger in PD
the lower deposition rate used for growing PD films. films. On the other hand, the XRD results suggest that the
The Hall measurement results of ZnO thin films lattice constant in PD samples is more uniform. This
deposited by EBPA and PD are shown in the Table III. apparently facilitates the activation of interstitials Zn ions
The films are n-type, as indicated by the sign of the Hall and oxygen vacancies, leading to a greater carrier
coefficient. The carrier concentration in PD samples is one concentration. The mobility in PD films is smaller than
order of magnitude larger than in EBPA samples. Since in EBPA films, despite the better crystallinity. The reason
carrier density in undoped ZnO films is controlled by for this is the higher carrier concentration, which is one

Figure 4. Typical plots of squared absorption coefficient versus photon energy for ZnO films grown by EBPA and PD.

Figure 5. XRD patterns of ZnO films prepared on glass substrates by EBPA and PD.

152 Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 2011; 19:149–154 ß 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/pip.999
V. D. Falcão et al. Comparative study of ZnO thin films

Table III. Hall measurements results of ZnO thin films deposited by EBPA and PD.

Sample Resistivity (V cm) Mobility Carrier concentration (cm3)

(cm2 V1 s1)

EBPA 1.22  101 6.29 8.14  1018

PD 3.16  102 2.81 7.02  1019

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