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A comprehensive guide to
Grade 11 Mathematics
Simple, logical and colour-coded notes
with step-by-step examples

Table of Contents


Table of Contents
A comprehensive guide to
Grade 11 Mathematics
Simple, logical and colour-coded notes
with step-by-step examples

BSe Eng {Electrieal)w'Ts
Now includes exercises with worked through solutions
© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlut Books CC 2012

Table of Contents
-:1 £41:110" i: I
Kevin Smith is a young Eledrical Engineer who is passionate about Education,
specifically Maths and Science. He has been giving extra lessons in Maths and Science for
the past 8 years and is the founder of The Lab Maths and Science Academy which is
attended by students across Johannesburg.

As an extra lesson teacher, Kevin has established the critical areas where students
struggle and has written the Maths Handbook and Study Guides with these areas in
The books are written in a clear, simple, visual and logical manner. The colour coding
facilitates explanations, definitions, formulas, recaps of previous work, hints and ideas.
They are easy to read, easy to understand and easy to apply what has been learnt. They
work in conjunction with all other Maths Books. They are welcome additions to the
Handbook and Study Guide series.

Kevin's objective is for the Maths Handbook and Study Guides to demystify Maths and
help students to reach their potential in this challenging subject. The subtitles of the
books are 'Maths made Easy' and this is what he aims to do. Kevin ensures that his
work is up to date at all times and that it is suitable for IEB and National Curriculum

Beryl Lutrin - aeriut Books

Author of the Afrikaans Handbook and Study Guide
Co-author of the English Handbook and Study GuIde
December 2011

Acknowledg ments
A very special thanks to my past Grade 11 and 12 teachers, Mrs Nadia Wilmans and Mrs
Christine Geere, for making Mathematics come alive in their outstanding Maths classes
and for Their contribution towards the information contained within this textbook.

I feel that Professor Rex van Olst also needs a special thank you for his advice, feedback
and encouragement whilst the idea of this textbook was still in the developmental stages.

I would also like to extend my thanks and appreciation to Beryl Lutrin for her invaluable
advice which has helped to make this book what it is today.

I would like to thank my fomily for their continual support and encouragement. My
mother Vera Smith deserves a special mention for her assistance in the graphic design of
this textbook. I could not have done it without her.

Thank you to my proof readers and advisors Mr Ari Levin and Dodor Belinda Huntley for
helping to ensure that the information contained in this book is accurate and CAPS

Lastly, I would like to dedicate this book to all of my past and present students,
wishing them the best of luck in Mathematics and in life.

Ii:> Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Book. cc Table of Contents

Tips on how to study with The Maths Handbook and Study Guide ........................ 1


A. The Number System................................................................................................3
• Natural Numbers ................................................................................................... 3
• Whole Numbers .................................................................................................... 3
• Integers ................................................................................................................. 3
• Rational Numbers .................................................................................................. 3
• Irrational Numbers .................................................................................................3
• Non Real I InIaginary Numbers .............................................................................. 3
B. Definitions and Laws of Exponents and Surds .....................................................4
• Definitions and Revision ...................................................................................... 4
• Grade 10 Revision ......................................................................................................... 5
• Addition and Subtraction of Fractions with Variable Exponents .................................. 6
• Simplification of Surds .................................................................................................. 7
• Simple Equations involving Surds ................................................................................. 10
• Steps to solving Surd Equations .................................................................................... 10
• Equations with Rational Exponents ............................................................................... 11


A. Grade 10 Revision ................................................................................................... 15
• Factorisation ......................................................................................................... 15
• Factorisation by Grouping ...................................................................................... 17
• Factorisation of the Sum and Difference of CUbes .................................................... 18
• Rules of Fractions .................................................................................................. 19
B. Quadratic Equations ...............................................................................................20
• Steps to Solving Quadratic Equations ............................................................................ 20
• Equations with Fractions ................................................................................................ 21
• Equations with substitution (K-method) ........................................................................ 23
• Surd Equations which lead to Quadratic Equations ....................................................... 25
• Steps to Solving Surd Equations which lead to Quadratic Equations ............................ 25
• Exponential Equations ................................................................................................... 28
C. Simultaneous Equations .........................................................................................30
D. Completing the Square ...........................................................................................32
• Completing the square on a quadratic expression .......................................................... 32
• Completing the square on a quadratic equation ............................................................. 34
• Applications of completing the square........................................................................... 36
E. The Quadratic Formula ..........................................................................................38
• Derivation of the Quadratic Formula ............................................................................. 38
• Nature of Roots .............................................................................................................. 39
• The Discriminant ........................................................................................................... 40
• Determining a Quadratic Equation from the Roots of an Equation ............................... 41
F. Inequalities ...............................................................................................................42
• Revision of Number Lines and Notation ....................................................................... 42
• Revision of Linear In.equalities ...................................................................................... 42
• Quadratic Inequalities .................................................................................................... 43
• In.equalities with Repeated Factors ................................................................................ 45
• Unusual In.equalities ....................................................................................................... 46
• In.equalities which do not Factorise ............................................................................... 47
• Mixed Exatllple .............................................................................................................. 48

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC i

G. Mathematical modelling ......................................................................................... 49
• Steps to Solving Word Problems ................................................................................... 49
• Number and Age Problems (Revision of Grade 10) ...................................................... 49
• Shopping problems ........................................................................................................ 50
• Speed, Distance an.d Time Problems .............................................................................. 51
• Area Problems ................................................................................................................ 52
• Rate of Flow Problems ................................................................................................... 53


A. Arithmetic (linear) Sequences ................................................................................ 55
B. Quadratic Sequences ............................................................................................... 58


A. Summary of Analytical Formulas ......................................................................... 64
B. Properties of Quadrilaterals ................................................................................... 65
• Quadrilaterals ................................................................................................................. 65
C. Grade 10 Revision of Midpoint, Distance and Gradient Formulas .................... 67
D. Finding The Equation of a Straight Line .............................................................. 69
E. Angle of Inclination of a Straight Line ..................................................................70
• Angle of Inclination when the gradient of a line is positive (m > 0) ............................. 70
• Angle of Inclination when the gradient of a line is negative (m < 0).............................70
• Using the Angle of Inclination to determine the angle between two lines .................... 71

A. Grade 10 Revision ...................................................................................................76
• Axes of Sym.metry .................................................................................................76
• Asymptotes ........................................................................................................... 76
• Domain and Range ................................................................................................ 76
• Function an.d Mapping Notation .............................................................................76
• Grade 10 Revision of The Parabola ... 77
o •• o •• o •• o •• o •• o •• o •• o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• Grade 10 Revision of the Hyperbola ....................................................................... 79

• Grade 10 Revision of the Exponential Function ....................................................... 80
B. The Parabola (Quadratic Function) ...................................................................... 81
• The Parabola in the form of y=a(x_p)2+ Q ..............................................................81
• The Parabola in the form. of y=ax + bx +c .................................................................. 84
• Determining the Equation of a Parabola .................................................................. 87
• Case 1: Given the turning point and one other point. ................................................ 87
• Case 2: Given the x-intercepts and one other point ....................................................... 88
• Case 3: Given the y-intercept and two other points ....................................................... 89
C. The Hyperbola ......................................................................................................... 90
• Axes of Symmetry an.d Points of Intersection ............................................................... 90
• Determining the Equation of a Hyperbola ..................................................................... 93
D. The Exponential Function ...................................................................................... 95
• Steps to Sketching the Exponential Function ................................................................ 96
• Determining the Equation of an Exponential Graph ...................................................... 99
E. Translations and Reflections of Graphs ................................................................ 100
F. Graph Interpretation .............................................................................................. 102
• Lengths of vertical and horizontal lines ................................................................... 102
• Interpretation and Deductions from Graphs ................................................................... 103
• Real World Applications ................................................................................................ 107
• Average Gradient (Average Rate of Change) ................................................................ 108

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC ii

G. Trigonometric Functions ........................................................................................ 109
• Grade 10 Revision of the Sin, Cos and Tan Graphs .................................................. 109
• The effects of a (Change in Amplitude) .................................................................. 110
• The effects of q (Vertical Shifts) ............................................................................. 110
• The effects of p (Horizontal Shifts) ......................................................................... 111
• The effects of k (Change in Period) ......................................................................... 114
H. Interpretation of Trigonometric Functions .......................................................... 116

A. Grade 10 Revision ................................................................................................... 119
• Trigonometric Ratios ............................................................................................. 119
• Special Angles ...................................................................................................... 119
• Trigonometric Ratios in the Cartesian Plane ............................................................ 120
B. Identities ................................................................................................................... 123
• Proofs ................................................................................................................... 123
• Application of Identities ......................................................................................... 124
C. Reduction Formulas ................................................................................................ 127
• Negative Angles .................................................................................................... 128
• Co-Functions ......................................................................................................... 129
• Using Reduction Formulas, Co-functions and Negative Angles with Numbers ........... 130
D. Trigonometric equations ........................................................................................ 133
• General Solutions .................................................................................................. 133
• Types of General Solutions .................................................................................... 135
• Equations in a Specified Domain ............................................................................ 139
E. Restrictions in Trigonometric Equations .................................................................... 140

A. Surface Area and Volume Formulas .................................................................... 142
• Right Prisms ......................................................................................................... 142
• Scaling Factors of Prisms ....................................................................................... 142
• Cylinders .............................................................................................................. 143
• Pyramids ............................................................................................................... 143
• Spheres ................................................................................................................. 144
• Hemispheres ......................................................................................................... 144
• Cones ................................................................................................................... 145
• Mixed Examples .................................................................................................... 146


A. Revision of Lines and Triangles ............................................................................. 150
• Straight Lines ........................................................................................................ 150
• Para1lellines ........................................................................................................ 150
• Triangles ............................................................................................................... 150
• Congruency ........................................................................................................... 151
B. Circle Terminology ................................................................................................. 152

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC iii

C. Circle Theorems ...................................................................................................... 153
• Theorem 1: line segment through centre and midpoint ............................................ 153
• Theorem 1: (Converse) .......................................................................................... 153
• Theorem 2: Perpendicular bisector of a chord ... 154
o •• o •• o •• o •• o •• o •• o •• o •• o •• o •• o •• o •• o •• o •• o •• o •• o •• o •••

• Theorem 3 Angle at centre is twice the angle at the circumference ............................ 156
• Theorem 4: Angles in same segment are equal ......................................................... 158
• Theorem 4: (Converse) .......................................................................................... 159
• Theorem 3 and 4: (Corollaries) ............................................................................... 159
• Theorem 5: Opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral ............................................... 161
• Theorem 5: (Converse) .......................................................................................... 161
• Theorem 5: (Corollary) .......................................................................................... 162
• Proving that a Quadrilateral is Cyclic ...................................................................... 162
• Theorem6: Tangents from the same point are equal ................................................164
• Theorem7: Tan-Chord Theorem ............................................................................ 166
• Theorem7: (Converse) .......................................................................................... 166
• Detennining which is the angle in the alternate segment ........................................... 167
D. Mixed Examples ...................................................................................................... 169
• Tips for Solving Riders .......................................................................................... 173
• Summary of Theorems, Converses and Corollaries .0 •• 0 •• 0 •• 0 •• 0 •• 0 •• 0 •• 0 •• 0 •• 0 •• 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173


A. Revision .................................................................................................................... 177
• Sides, angles and areas of triangles ......................................................................... 177
• Angles of elevation and depression ......................................................................... 177
B. The Area Rule .......................................................................................................... 178
• Proof .................................................................................................................... 178
C. The Sine Rule ........................................................................................................... 179
• The Sine Rwe Proof .............................................................................................. 180
• The Ambiguous Case ............................................................................................. 181
D. The Cosine Rule ...................................................................................................... 182
• The Cosine Rwe Proof ........................................................................................... 182
• Directions on a l>ea.ring .......................................................................................... 183
• Mixed Ex.arnples .................................................................................................... 184
E. Summary .................................................................................................................. 187
• The Area Rule ....................................................................................................... 187
• The Sine Rule ........................................................................................................ 187
• The Cosine Rwe .................................................................................................... 187


A. Simple and Compound Growth and Decay .......................................................... 189
• Simple Growth an.d Decay ...................................................................................... 189
• Compound Growth and Decay ................................................................................ 190
B. The Effects of Different Compounding Periods ................................................... 192
C. Time Lines ................................................................................................................ 195
• Interest Rate Changes ............................................................................................ 195
• Additional With.drawals or Deposits ....................................................................... 196
• Mixed Ex.arnples .................................................................................................... 197
• Nominal and Effective Interest Rates ...................................................................... 198

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC iv

A. Grade 10 Revision ................................................................................................... 201
• Probability of an Event Occurring and Sample Space ............................................... 201
• Theoretical and Experimental Probability ................................................................ 201
• Notation ................................................................................................................ 201
• Mutually Exclusive Events ..................................................................................... 201
• The Addition Rule ................................................................................................. 202
• Complementary Events .......................................................................................... 202
B. Dependent and Independent Events ...................................................................... 204
• The Product Rule ................................................................................................... 204
C. Venn Diagrams ........................................................................................................ 206
D. Tree Diagrams ......................................................................................................... 210
E. Contingency Tables ................................................................................................. 212

A. Revision of Terminology ......................................................................................... 215
• Measures of Central Tendency ............................................................................. 215
• Five Number Summary .......................................................................................... 215
• Measures of Dispersion .......................................................................................... 215
• Calculation of the Mean ......................................................................................... 215
• Calculation of quartiles and percentiles ................................................................. 215
B. Histograms and Frequency Polygons .................................................................... 216
• Frequency Polygons .............................................................................................. 217
C. Ogives ....................................................................................................................... 220
D. Variance and Standard Deviation ......................................................................... 224
• Standard Deviation with Grouped Data ................................................................... 226
E. Symmetrical and Skewed Data .............................................................................. 227
• Identification of Outliers ........................................................................................ 228


A. Number Patterns ..................................................................................................... 231
B. Sketching Graphs .................................................................................................... 232
C. Trigonometric Equations ....................................................................................... 233
D. Determining Roots of an Equation ........................................................................ 234


A. Maths in the Classroom .......................................................................................... 236
B. Exam Study Techniques ......................................................................................... 236
C. The Morning of the Exam ...................................................................................... 236
D. Exam Writing Techniques...................................................................................... 237

Glossary of Important Terms ...................................................................................... 238
Glossary of Important Symbols ................................................................................... 244
Exercises Table of Contents ......................................................................................... 246
Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement - CAPS..................................................... 394
Term Planner ................................................................................................................ 396
Term Planner Summary............................................................................................... 397

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC v


1. Read slowly. A mathematics book does not flow like a novel - even missing a
single word could cause a misunderstanding in a fundamental concept.

2. Take note of the colours used. If something is in colour, it is there for a reason.

3. The environment in which you study is extremely important. A quiet room

with no distractions is conducive to learning. You will get very little out of a
mathematics book if you cannot concentrate.

4. Ensure that each sentence or line of an equation is understood before


5. Do not leave out anything. Each example illustrates a specific concept and
these are rarely repeated. There is very little chance of understanding missed
information by reading further in the textbook.

6. All symbols in mathematics have a very specific meaning. If there is any

uncertainty about the meaning of a term or symbol, do not set it aside, look it up
or ask a teacher to explain it to you. The glossary at the back of this book will
explain most of the important terms you need to know.

7. Always study with a pencil and paper. Work out proofs and derivations
yourself, using the textbook as a guide. After reading an example, cover it up
and attempt tbe problem yourself, taking note of any errors you made.

8. Matbematics is a hands-on subject. A sportsman doesn't become a

professional by watching on the sidelines. He/she practises for hours every day.
In the same way, you cannot become a mathematician by watching others do
maths. Practice, practice and more practice is the only way to truly master the

9. Your brain also needs to rest. Do not study for hours at a time without a break.
Effective studying requires concentration. If you are tired take a nap.

10. When preparing for an exam or test, make sure that you do as many past
papers as you can. If you are unsure how to answer a question, try to find the
method in this book before looking at the answer. This will prove very satisfying

l and build your confidence. Before your exam, practise at least two papers under
exam conditions and within the allocated time.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents I


A. The Number System
Take note that there exist
3 • Natural Numbers numbers other than those on the
real number line, the so-called
3 • Whole Numbers non-real numbers. It is possible
3 • Integers to square certain non-real
3 • Rational Numbers numbers and obtain negative
real numbers as answers.
3 • Irrational Numbers
3 • Non RealI Imaginary • Apply the laws of exponents to
Numbers expressions involving rational
4 B. Definitions and Laws of
Exponents and Surds • Add, subtract, multiply and
4 • Definitions and Laws divide simple surds.
5 • Grade 10 Revision
6 • Addition and Subtraction
of Fractions witb
Variable Exponents
7 • Simplification of Surds
10 • Simple Equations
involving Surds
10 • Steps to solving Surd
11 • Equations witb Rational

© copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 2

The real number system consists of many different classifications.
This section recaps on the types of numbers that you have learnt so far and introduces
the concept of non-reall imaginary numbers.

{1;2;3;4; ... }
Natural numbers start at 1 and increase in ones up to infinity (00).
The symbol for a set of natural numbers is: N

{0;1;2;3;4; ... }
Whole numbers start at 0 and increase in ones up to infinity (00).
The symbol for a set of whole numbers is: No

{... ; -4; - 3; - 2; - 1; 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; ... }
Integers extend whole numbers to include negative numbers.
Integers start at - 00 and increase in ones up to +00.
The symbol for a set of integers is: Z

3 •
Examples of rational numbers are: - ; 0,3 ; 0,75
Rational numbers are numbers which can be written as a fraction (where the numerator
and denominator are integers) or as a recurring decimal or as a decimal that
terminates. In order for a fraction to be a rational number, the numerator and
denominator have to be integers and the denominator cannot be equal to zero.
The symbol for a set of rational numbers is: IQ

Examples of irrational numbers are: 1r ;..[i; W;
2,35408 ...
Irrational numbers cannot be written as a fraction or with terminating or recurring
decimals. In other words irrational numbers are non-recurring and non-terminating.
Examples of irrational numbers are pi and the square root of numbers that are not
perfect squares or cube roots of numbers that are not perfect cubes.
The symbol for a set of irrational numbers is: IQ'


Examples of non real numbers are: -/-2; v=9;
A non real number occurs when you take the even root of a negative number. Non-real
numbers are known as complex numbers.
The odd root of a negative number has a real solution. For example: ~ = -2 'il

I ~ Complete Exercise 1 on page 247.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 3

The table below summarises the laws and definitions of exponents and surds that you
have learnt so far.


Definition/Law I Example Explanation
Any base raised to the power
of zero is equal to 1.
( x*-o as 0° is undefined)
A base raised to a negative
exponent is equal to its
2. x- m =_1_ reciprocal raised to the same
? positive exponent.
(once again x*-O)
When multiplying like bases
keep the base and add the
When dividing like bases
?= x m-n
4. - 8x = 2x7- 3 = 2x4 keep the base and subtract
xn 4x 3 the exponents.
(numbers divide normally)
When raising exponents to a
5. (? r = XnIXn (2a3b)3 = 23 a 3x3 b1x3 = 8a9b3 power, keep the base and
multiply the exponents.
When a fraction is raised to
? 6
(;r =-
ym (X
:J i =
x an exponent, the numerator
and denominator must be
raised to that exponent.
IT the exponent is a fraction,
m 2 the base is raised to the
7. x-;; = ~xm 27 3 = ~272 = ~729=9 numerator and rooted to the
(x > 0 and n> 0)
When surds are multiplied
they can be split apart and
rooted individually.
When taking the root of a
root, it is the same as taking
the single root to the product
of both roots.

AU of the above laws and definitions also apply in reverse.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 4

-- 0
Example 1: Simplify 16 4 + (-10)
164 + (_10)° ~ split base into its prime factors and apply law 1
=(24)4 +1 ~applylaw 5
= Z-1+1 ~ apply law 2

102% 32%
Example 2: Simplify '2 1
25%.6 %
2x 2x
10 .3
-----;::2---,-1 ~ split bases mto
. th· . "lactors
elr pnme
25x.6 x-

(5.2 )2X .3 2x
(5 2 r .(3.2)2x-l
~ apply law 5

2x 2x 2x
5 2 3
= 5 2 x.3; x-1-.22x-1 -7 apply laws 3 and 4
=52x-2x.32x-( 2x-l) .22x-( 2x-l)
= 5° ,32x-2x+l.2 2x-2x+l ~ apply law 1
1 1

• • 92%+1.22%+2
Example 3: Sunplify 3 2 1
3 % .12%+
92x+1 22x+2
· 1 ~ split bases into their prime factors
3 3x-2. 12x+

(3 2 t X 1
+ 22x+2

33x- 2.( 3.22 r+ 1 ~ apply law 5

3 4x+2 22x+2
= 3 2 . 1 2 2 -7 apply laws
3 x- .3x+ .2 x+
3 and 4


© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 5


During addition and subtraction of fractions with variable exponents, law 3 on

pg. 4 is generally used in reverse to split apart exponents. In most cases
factorisation can then be used to simplify the expression.

Sl+2x -3 S2x
Example 1: Simplify •
SI+2x -3 S2x
- - - - .- -7 split bases apart using law 3 in reverse
= SI.S2x - 3.S -7 WI°th ° and subtraction
addition ° always 100k fior a HCF
(S 2 t .4


• • 32x+2 + 32x+l
Example 2: Simplify 2 2 2 1
3 x+ -3 x+
32x+2 + 32x+1
2 2 2 1 -7 do not cancel over a '±' sign, split bases apart using law 3 in reverse
3 x+ -3 x+
2x 2 2x 1
= 32 •32 + 32 ·31 -7 with addition and subtraction always look for a HCF
3 x.3 - 3 x.3
_ ~ (32+3)
- ~ (32-3)

I ~ Complete Exercise 2 on page 247.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 6

A surd is the root of a number that would result in an irrational number.
For example, is a surd as the answer is irrational. However, J4 would not be
referred to as a surd as it has an answer which is rational (2).
All the laws on page 4 for rational exponents also apply to surds. ~

Example 1: Simplify the following, writing aU answers in simplest surd form:

a) .,fii c) .Jii + J48 -.fi5

b) .J98 - Jj2 -.Ji8 d) 6+.Ji8

a) JTi -7 break apart into a perfect square and another number

=.J36 x2 -7 perfect square, apply law 8

b) .J98 - m - .J18 -7 break apart into a perfect square and another number
=.J49 x2-.J16x2 -.J9x2 -7 perfect square, apply law 8 - -

c) .J12 +../48 -m -7 break apart into a perfect square and another number
=.J4x3 +.J16x3 -.J25 x3 -7 perfect square, apply law 8
=2./3 +4./3 -5./3
6+ .J18 .
d) -7 break apart mto a perfect square and another number
_...:c..._ -7 perfect square, apply law 8
- - - -7 take out a HCF of 3
3, (

It is important to remember the following properties of surds:

1) Fx ~O; x ~O
2) FxxFx =x; x~O

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 7

Example 2: Simplify (J7 + 2) (J7 - 2) without the use of a calculator.
(J7 + 2)( J7 - 2) ~difference of squares (a+b)(a-b) = a 2 _b 2

= (J7)2 _(2)2

Example 3: Simplify (M +.J3) (M -.J3) without the use of a calculator.

(2v'2 +.J3)( 2v'2 - .J3) ~ difference of squares (a+b)(a-b) = a 2 _b2

= (2v'2)2 _ (.J3)2

Example 4: Simplify (3.J3 - .J8)2 without the use of a calculator.

(3.J3 -,J8t ~ perfect square, don't forget the middle tenn: (a - b)2 = a 2 - 2ab + b2
= 27 - 6.J24 +8 ~ 2x3.J3x,J8 = 6.J3x8 = 6.J24
= 35- 6.J4x6 ~6x.J4x6 =6x2-/6 =12-/6

Example 5: Simplify (2.J2 -6)(.J8 +6) without the use ofa calculator.
(2v'2 - 6) (,J8 + 6) ~ multiply out
= 2M +12v'2 -6,,[8 -36 ~-6,J8 = -6.J4x2 =-12v'2
= 8 + 12v'2 -12v'2 - 36

Example 6: Simplify ~64x6 -#Slx8 +~25x4 without the use ofa calculator.
~64x6 - # 81x8 + ~25x4 ~ rewrite using law 7
1 1 1
=( 64x 6 )3 -(81x 8 )"4 + (25x 4 )2 ~split numbers into their prime factors
1 1 1
4 8
= (4 x )3 -(3 x
)4 + (5 2x 4 )2 ~uselaw 5
=4x2 -3x2 +5x2

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 8

· lify 6.[2;8Cfi
E xampIe 7: SImp -2J8;8 WI'thout the use 0 f a calculator.
v8x 8
- 2.J8j -7 split. numbers mto
. a perfect square and another number
v Sx8

6W I -2~4X2x x8 -7 perfect squares use law S
v 4 x2x x 8
6x4 .J2-4x4 .J2
2x4 .J2



Recap: Rationalising the denominator

It is often useful to write fractions with rational numbers in the denominator.
When a surd is present in a denominator it is possible to write the denominator
as a rational number by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the

2,Ja 2b Ua(l+b} .
Example 8: Prove that - - + r = Without the use of a calculator.
a va a
2~ 2b ,
LHS=--+ , -7LCDof ava
a va
2a +2ab .
= , -7 take out a highest common factor of 2a
2,.a' (I+b}

= 2 (~b) -7 rationalise the denominator by multiplying by I in the form of ~

2(I+b} ~
--'--;=--"-x -
~ ~
= =RHS

Complete Exercise 3 on pages 247 and 248.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 9

In Grade 11 you are expected to be able to solve equations with surds.
Simple surd equations can be solved by inspection or by squaring both sides of the
equation as shown in the examples below.
Whenever dealing with surd equations you have to check your answers by substituting
your answer into the original equation. ~


1. Isolate the surd.
2. Square both sides.
3. Solve for x.
4. Check your answer.

Example 1: Determine the value of x if ../ x + 2 - 3 =O.

../x+2 -3 = 0 ~isolate the surd

: . ../ x + 2 = 3 ~ square both sides and note that ( ..

raf = a
(../x+2 )2 = (3)2
Check: ../7 + 2 - 3 = 0 ~ answer is valid

Example 2: Determine the value of x if ../ x - 5 + 4 =8 .

../x-5 +4 =8 ~isolate the surd

: . ../ x - 5 = 4 ~ square both sides

:. (../x_5 )2 = (4 )2
Check: ../21- 5 + 4 = 8 ~ answer is valid

Example 3: Determine the value ob if 3../40-x -5 =13.

3../40 - x - 5 = 13 ~ isolate the surd

.'. 3../40 - x = 18 ~ square both sides

:. (3../40_x )2 = (18 )2
:. 9(40-x) =324 ~don't forget that the 3 also had to be squared
:. 360-9x = 324
Check: 3../40 - 4 - 5 = 13 ~ answer is valid

I ~ Complete Exercise 4 on page 248.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 10

In Grade 11 you will deal with equations which have rational exponents
(exponents with fractions). Simple exponential equations are also shown in this
section. These will be explored in more detail further on in the year.
If an equation is in the form of: x q =a
• There will be a positive and negative solution if p is even and q is odd.
• There will be 1 solution if p is odd.

Dlustrative Example: Solve for x if x% - 22 =O.

There are two methods that can be used to solve the above equation:
Method 1:

x% - 22 = 0 ~ difference of squares

:. xX' = 2 or xX' = -2 ~ raise both sides to the power of 3

:.(xX'J =(2)3 or (xX' J = {_2)3
:.x=8 or x=-8

Method 2:

x%=22 ~ P is even and q is odd, :. there will be a positive and negative solution

( t/J%=±(2t )~t ~bothsideswereraisedtothepowerof %

:. xlt

:.x= ±23 =±8

Example 1: Solve for x if x% = 24.

x%= 24 ~ raise both sides to the power of %

:. x
t J% =±(24)Yz ~ 3 don't forget the '±' as p is even and q is odd

Example 2: Solve for x if x Yz = 125

x Yz =125 ~ convert 125 to a prime base
:. xYz =53 ~ raise both sides to the power of %

:.( x Yz )% = (53 )% ~ only 1 solution (no '±') as p is odd

:.x=52 =25

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 11

Example 3: Solve fou if (x - 3)% = 9.

( x - 3)% = 9 ---) convert 9 to a prime base

:. (x-3)% =3 2 ---)raise both sides to the power of %

:.[(X-3)% t 'i =±(3 t )Yt ---) don't forget the '±' as p is even and q is odd
:.x-3=27 or x-3=-27
:.x=30 or x=-24

Example 4: Solve for x if 3 Yz = 9.

3~ =9 ---) convert 9 to a prime base

:. 3~ = 32 ---) if the bases are the same the exponents have to be equal

Example 5: Solve for x if x Ys5 = II

=I f ---) raise both sides to the power of %

:. (xYs f~ = ± ( !: t - ) don'tforget the '± '

210 5
:. x = 310 ---) 8X"4 =10

Example 6: Solve for x if 4.3Yz = 9.2Yz

4.3~ = 9.2~ ---)isolate the bases with variables (divide both sides by 2~ and 4)
3 xl2 = -9 ---) convert 9 and4·mto th· . b ases
:. err pnme
272 4

3~ 32
:. 2~ = 22

:. (%)~ (% = r- ) as the bases are the same the exponents are equal

... ~ = 2 ---) multiply both sides by 2


~ Complete Exercise 5 and the mixed exercise on pages 248 and 249.

II) Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlut Books CC Table of Contents 12


1:1 15
A. Grade 10 Revision
Factorise expressions.
15 • Factorisation
• Solve quadratic equations
17 • Factorisation by Grouping
18 • Factorisation of the Sum • Solve quadratic inequalities in
and Difference of Cubes one variable and interpret the
solution graphically
19 • Rules of Fractions
20 B. Quadratic Equations • Solve equations in two
20 • Steps to Solving Quadratic unknowns, one of which is
linear the other quadratic,
Equations algebraically or graphically.
21 • Equations with Fractions
23 • Equations with substitution • Complete the square on
quadratic expressions and
25 •Surd Equations which lead
to Quadratic Equations • Solve equations using the
25 • Steps to Solving Surd quadratic formula
Equations which lead to • Determine the nature of roots
Quadratic Equations
28 • Exponential Equations
30 C. Simultaneous Equations
32 D. Completing the Square
32 • Completing the square on
a quadratic expression
34 • Completing the square on
a quadratic equation
36 • Applications of completing
the square
38 E. The Quadratic Formula
38 • Derivation of the
Quadratic Formula
39 • Nature of Roots
40 • The Discriminant
41 • Determining a Quadratic
Equation from the Roots of
an Equation

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 13


III 42 F. Inequalities

42 • Revision of Number lines I

and Notation
42 • Revision of linear
43 • Quadratic Inequalities
4S • Inequalities with Repeated
46 • Unusual Inequalities
47 • Inequalities which do not
48 • Mixed Example
49 G. Mathematical modelling
49 • Steps to Solving Word
49 • Number and Age Problems
(Revision of Grade 10)
50 • Shopping problems
51 • Speed, Distance and Time
52 • Area Problems
53 • Rate of Flow Problems

© copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 14

In this section you will revise the factorisation that you learnt in Grade 10.

Factorisation by taking out a Highest Common Factor

Example 1: Factorise x 2 -2x.

x2 - 2x ~ x is common to both terms
=x (x-2)

Example2: Factorise 2x(x-2)-3(x-2).

2x (x-2) -3 (x-2) ~ (x-2) is common to both terms

Factorisation of the DiHerence of Squares

When factorising the difference of two squares, rewrite the two squares as the
products of their roots.

x2 _a 2 =(N - ~)(N + ~)=(x-a)(x+a)

Only use the difference of two squares when the squares are separated by a minus sign. ~

Example 1: Factorise x 2 -4.

x 2 -4

Example 2: Factorise 27 x 2 -12.

= 3 (9x - 4 ) ~ always look for a HCF fIrst


Example 3: Factorise 8lx 4 -16.

81x4 -16
= (9x 2 + 4) (9x2 - 4 ) ~ this can be factorised further

= (9x 2 +4)(3x-2)(3x+2)

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 15

Factorisation of Trinomials

The general form a of a quadratic trinomial is ax 2 ± bx ± c.

There are three types of trinomials that you will be expected to factorise:
1. Trinomials of the form x 2 ±bx +c -7 (a =1).
2. Trinomials of the form x 2 ±bx - c -7 (a =1).
3. Trinomials of the form ax 2 ±bx ±c -7 ( a *- 1) •

1. Factorising Trinomials in the form of x 2 ±bx + c.

x 2 ± bx t c ... if the sign before the constant is a '+' then you
L...J know both signs in the brackets will be the same

L both signs in the brackets will be the same as the

sign of the coefficient of x

Dlustrative Example 1: Factorise x 2 + 8x + 15.

x2 +8x +15
Both signs will be the same because the coefficient of 15 (the constant) is a '+'.
Both signs will be '+' as the coefficient of x is a '+'.
In order to find the missing numbers you look for the factors of 15 (the constant) that
will add up to 8, the coefficient of x.

Factors of 15 are: 15 ~ -7 5 +3 = 8
1 3
... x 2 +8x +15 = (x +5)(x +3)

2. Factorising Trinomials in the form of x 2 ±bx - c.

x2 +bx +c .... if the sign before the constant is a '-' then you
L...J know there will be opposite signs in the brackets
the larger of the two factors will get the
sign of the coefficient of x

Dlustrative Example 2: Factorise x 2 + 2x -15.

x2 +2x - 15
The signs will be opposite because the coefficient of 15 (the constant) is a '- '.
The larger factor will get a '+' as the coefficient of x is a '+'.
In order to find the missing numbers you look for the factors of 15 (the constant) where
the difference between the factors will be equal to 2, the coefficient of x.

Factors of 15 are: 15 [51-75 - 3 = 2

l W
:. x 2 + 2x - 15 = (x - 3)(x+5) -75 gets a '+' sign as it is the larger factor

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 16

3. Factorising Trinomials in the form ofax 2 ± bx - c.
When the coefficient (a) of ~ is not equal to one, the cross method is used to
factorise the expression. Ibis is illustrated in the example below.

Dlustrative Example 1: Factorise 2x2 +7x +3.

In this method you draw a cross with the factors of 2 (a) on the left side and the factors
of 3 (the constant) on the right side. You then multiply diagonally across the cross. The

(2' 3) X
factors which add or subtract to equal 7 (the coefficient of x) will be the correct factors.

(2. 1)

(1. 1) (1. 3)
2xI = 2 and 3xl=3 2x3 = 6 and Ixl= I
Incorrect as you cannot correct: 6 + 1 = 7
make 7 with a 2 and a 3

:. 2x2 +7x+3 = (2x+I)(x+3)

Dlustrative Example 2: Factorise 6x 2 - x - 2.

2 (6. 2) 2 2
(l'X ) (2'X ) (3'X - )

(6. I) (I. X I) (3, I) (2, I)

Ixl = I and 6x2= 12 6xl= 6 and Ix2= 2 2xl = 2 and 3x2= 6 3xl= 3 and 2x2= 4
Incorrect as you ClIJl1lot Incorrect as you ClIJl1lot Incorrect as you cannot Correct: you can get -I
make -I with a I and 12 make -I with a 6 and 2 make -I with a 2 and 6 with a 3 and 4. However.
the 4 must be negative.
:. 6x 2 -x-2 = (3x-2)(2x+l)

~ Always look for a HCF before using the cross method. ~

The idea behind grouping is to group terms together and then, if possible, take
out an HCF in order to obtain a common bracket.

Example 1: Factorise 6x 2 - 2ax - 3xy +ay.

6x 2 - 2ax - 3xy + ay
= 3x (2x - y) - a (2x - y) -7 group tenns to obtain a common bracket
=(2x- y)(3x-a)

~ Grouping is generally used if there are more than 3 terms in an expression.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 17

The sum and difference of perfect cubes always factorise into the form shown

1" bracket: cube root each term and keep the same sign
2"" bracket: square the first term
change the sign and multiply both terms together
square the last term (the sign of the last term is always positive)

The sum and difference of cubes always Cactorises into a binomial and a trinomial 'if

Example 1: Factorise 27x 3 + y3

27x3 +l
= (3x+ y}(9x2 -3xy + y2)

Example 2: Factorise 54x 3 -16

54x 3 - 16 ~ always look for a RCF when factorising (2 is common to both tenns)
= 2 (27x 3 -8)
= 2 (3x-2}(9x2 +6x +4) ~ you cannot drop the 2

Example 3: Factorise (x - y f - 64x 3

(x - y)3 _ 64x3 ~ difference of two perfect cubes

= [(x- y)-4x J[(x- y)2 +4x(x- Y)+16x2]

= (x - y _4X )(X2 -2xy + y' +4x2 -4xy + 16x2) ~ gather like terms
= (-3x - y}( 21x2 -6xy + y2)

a;) In factorisation of the sum and difference of two cubes the trinomial (in the
l{ second bracket) will never factorise further in the real number system.

Complete Exercise 1 number 1 on page 258.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 18

Rule Explanation
a e ac When multiplying fractions, multiply the
-x-=- numerators and the denominators.
1 b d bd
Factorise numeraton and denominaton if
Restrictions: b *- 0 , d*-O possible and try to cancellirst. Ci(

a e a d ad When dividing fractions, Invert whatever

-+-=-x-=- Is after the divide sign and change the
2 b d b e be operation from division to multiplication.

Restrictions: b *- 0 , c*-O , d*-O (This is known as the tip and times rule.)

a+e Fractions can only be added (or

- - _ate
--- subtracted) if they have the same
3 b b b denominators. If the denominators are the
same, keep the denominator and add the
Restrictions: b *- 0 numerators together.

. lif x 2 +5x-6 x2+8x+12

Example 1: SImpY2 :2 •
x +2x-15 x +7x+l0
~+~-6 ~+b+12 . .
2 : 2 -7 factonse numerators and denommators
x +2x-IS x +7x+1O
_ (x+6}(x-l) . (x+6) ~
- (x+S}(x-3) . (x+S) ~
(~ ~ (x-l) (~ ~
= ~ uJ x ~ -'J -7 'tip and times'
~ (x-3) ~
· lify x+ 5 + -9- + -
Example 2: SImp 3x- .
x-3 3-x
9 3x
x+S+--+-- -7take out a '-'to make a LCD of x-3
x-3 3-x
9 3x
=x+S+-- - - - -7LCD=x-3
x-3 x-3
x 2 +2x-lS+9-3x
x -x-6
_ ~ (x+2)
- 0

I ~ Complete Exercise 1 number 2 on page 258.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 19

A quadratic equation is an equation of the form: ax' + bx + c =0
In most cases a quadratic equation will have two solutions. 'ir
1. Make the right hand side or left hand side equal to zero.
2. Factorise (always look for a common factor first).
3. Solve for x.

U) The x-values of the solutions to a quadratic equation are known as roots or

l' zeros. These represent the x-intercepts of a function.

Example 1: Solve for x if x 2 -16 = O.

x 2 -16=0
:. (x-4)(x+4) = 0
.'. x - 4 = 0 or x + 4 = 0 -7 it is not necessary to show this step
:.x=4 or x=-4

Example 2: Solve for x if x 2 -16x =O.

x 2 -16x = 0 -7 take out aHCF of x
:. x {x-16) = 0 -7 do not divide by x as x could be equal to 0
:. x = 0 or x-16 = 0 -7 it is not necessary to show this step
:.x=O or x=16

Example 3: Solve for the roots of x ( x - 9) = -18.

x{x-9) = -18 -7LHS orRHS must be equal to 0
:. x 2 -9x+18 =0 -7factorise
:. (x-6)(x-3) = 0
... x - 6 = 0 or x - 3 =0 -7 it is not necessary to show this step
:.x=6 or x=3

Example 4: Solve for x if -5x 2 - 5x + 30 = O.

-5x2 -5x+30=0 -7 take outaHCF of -5
:. -5 (x 2 +x-6) =0 -7 divide both sides by -5

:.x2 +x-6=0
:. (x+3)(x-2) =0
:.x=-3 or x=2

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 20

Example 5: Solve for x if X
- 2X2 + X = o.
X3_ 2x2+X=O
:. X(X 2 -2x+l) = 0 -Hlways look for aRCF first
:. x(x-l)(x-l) = 0 ~ do not divide by x asx could be equal to 0
:. x=O or x-l=O
:. x=O or x=l

I~ Complete Exercise 2 on page 258.


Example 1: Solve for x if _1_ =1-~.
x+l x-I
_1_=1_ 2x
x+l x-I
LCD: (x-l)(x+l) x *- 1 and x*- -1 ~ you have to put in restrictions

:.l(x-l) = l (x-l)(x+l) -2x(x+l) ~ multiply both sides by the LCD

:. x-I = x 2 -1-2x2 -2x
:. x-I = _x 2 -2x-l ~ quadratic equation, make one side equal 0
:. x 2 +3x = 0 ~ take out a RCF ofx
:.x=O or x=-3

x 2 -1
Example 2: Solve for x if 2.

LCD: (x+l) x *- -1 ~ you have to put in restrictions

:. x 2 -1 = 2 (x+ 1) ~ multiply both sides by the LCD

:. x 2 -1 = 2x + 2 ~ quadratic equation, make one side equal 0
:.x2 -2x-3=O
:.x=3 or x=-1
but from the restriction above x *- -1

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 21

• 2x x 3
Example 3: Solve for x if - - - - - = - - .
x+3 x-3 3-x
x 3
x+3 x-3 3-x
h x 3 .
:. - - - - - = - - - ~ take out a '-' to make a common denommator of x - 3
x+3 x-3 x-3
LCD: (x - 3)( x + 3) x""' ±3 ~ you have to put in restrictions

:. 2x{x-3)-x{x+3) =-3{x+3) ~ both sides were multiplied by the LCD

:. 2x2 -6x-x2 - 3x=-3x - 9 ~ don't forget to distribute the '-'
:.x2 -6x+9=0
:. (x-3)(x-3) =0 ~ this could also be written as {x_3)2
but x ""' 3 from the above restrictions
:. No solution

3x+6 4 . -4
Example 4: Solve for x if +-- = 2 2 •
x -x-2 2-x x +4x+3
4 = 2 -4
3x+6 +-- ".
~ lactonse non-
linear denormnators
x -x-2 2-x x +4x+3

:. ( 3x+6
)() 4 ( )-4
{ ) ~ take out a "- as you did'III exampIe 3 above
x-2 x+1 x-2 x+3 x+1
LCD: (x+3)(x+1)(x-2), x,,", -3 and x ""' -1 and x ""' 2 ~ put in restrictions

:. (3x+6 )(x+3) -4 {x+3)(x+ 1) = -4 {x-2) ~ both sides were multiplied by the LCD
:. 3x2 + 15x+ 18-4(x2 +4x+3) =-4x+8

:. 3x2 + 15x+ 18 - 4x2 - 16x - 12 =-4x+8 ~ don't forget to distribute the '-'
:.-x2 +3x-2=0
:.x2 -3x+2=0
:.x=1 or x=2
but x ""' 2 from the above restrictions

You can only multiply both sides by the LCD (commonly known as dropping
~ the LCD) if you are dealing with an equation. Always put your restrictions in
and check that none of your answers are equal to your restrictions.

I~ Complete Exercise 3 on page 258.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 22

When an equation has an expression which is repeated, it is often simpler to
replace the repeated expression with a single variable.
The variable that is normally used is Ie, hence the name k-method.

Example 1: Solve for x if (x 2 -3x t -S(x -3x )-20=


(x 2 _3x)2 -8(x 2 -3x) -20 =0 ~repeated expression, use the k-method

Letk =x 2 -3x
:. k 2 -8k -20=0
:.(k -lO){ k +2)=0
:. k =lO or k =-2
Now substitute k = x 2 - 3x back into your solutions for k
~ ~-h =IO oc ~-h =4
or x 2 -3x+2=0
:.(x-5){x+2)=0 or (x-2){x-I)=0
:.x=5 or x=-2 or x=2 or x=1

Example 2: Solve for x if ;0 + 5 =x 2 + 1.

x +1
; 0 + 5 = x 2 + I ~ repeated expression, use the k-method
x +1
Letk=x 2 +1

:, 50 +5= k
LCD =k, k "" 0,:. x 2 + I,," 0 ~ you have to put in restrictions
:.50+5k = k 2
:. k 2 -5k-50 =0
:. (k -lO){ k +5) =0
:. k =lO or k =-5
Now substitute k = x 2 + 1 back into your solutions for k
:. x2 +1 =1O or x2+1 =-5
.'. x 2 = 9 or x 2 = -6 ~ no real solutions as you cannot square root - 6
.'. x = ±3 ~ don't forget the '±' and remember that this is two answers, + 3 and - 3

£1) If you obtain an X 4 when simplifying an equation, the k-method is the most
1'" likely method to use provided that you cannot take out a ReF.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 23

Example 3: Solve for x if X 2 - 4x =17 2
x -4x'
x 2 -4x =17 2 -Hepeated expression, use the k-method
x -4x
Letk=x -4x
:. k =17- 60
LCD =k, k "- 0,:. x 2 -4x "- 0 :. x "-0 andx"- 4 -7 you have to put in restrictions
:. k 2 =17k -60
:. e -17k +60=0
:. (k -5)(k -12) = 0
:. k =5 or k =12
Now substitute k = x 2 - 4x back into your solutions for k
:.x2 -4x=5 or x2-4x=12
:.x2 -4x-5=0 or x 2 -4x-12=0
:.(x-5)(x+l)=0 or (x-6)(x+2)=0
:.x=5 or x=-1 or x=6 or x=-2

Example 4: Solve for x if 2x2 -4x =36 ;70

3x -6x
2x2 -4x = 36 ; 70 -7 take out a HCF to obtain the repeated expression
3x -6x
:.2(x 2 -2x)=36 ( ~70 ) -7 repeated expression, use the k-method
3 x -2x

:. 2k = 36- 270
LCD =3k, k "- 0,:. x 2 -2x "- 0 :. x"- 0 andx"- 2 -7 you have to put in restrictions
:.6k 2 =lOSk -270
:. 6k 2 - lOSk + 270 = 0 -7 take out a HCF of 6
:. 6(k 2 -ISk +45) =0 -7 divide both sides by 6 and factorise
:. (k -15)(k -3) = 0
:. k =15 or k =3
Now substitute k = x 2 - 2x back into your solutions for k
:. x 2 -2x=15 or x 2 -2x = 3
:. x 2 -2x-15 = 0 or x 2 -2x-3 =0
:.(x-5)(x+3)=0 or (x-3)(x+l)=0
:.x=5 or x=-3 or x=3 or x=-1

I ~ Complete Exercise 4 on page 259.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 24

In Chapter 1 you dealt with simple linear surd equations (pg. 10). You will now
deal with surd equations which lead to a quadratic equation. It is important to
note that in this case you may introduce an answer which is not a solution to the
original surd equation.
For example consider the case if you solve for x in the equation ,jx + 2 = x :
,jx + 2 = x ~ square both sides (line 1: original surd equation)
:.x+2=x2 (line 2: new quadratic equation)
:.x2 -x-2=0
:.x=2 or x=-I~N/A

Two solutions have been obtained for x. Both solutions are valid for line 2 of the
above equation. However, if the solutions are substituted back into the original
equation (line 1) it can be seen that x = -1 is not a solution as it will cause the square
root of a number to be negative which is not possible.
For this reason it is essential that you always check your answers by substituting
your solutions back into the original equation when dealing with surd equations.


1. Isolate the surd.
2. Square both sides.
3. Solve for x as you would in a normal equation.
4. Check your answers
Example 1: Solve for x if ,j2x + 8 - x =O.
,j2x + 8 - x = 0 ~ isolate the surd
.'. ,j2x + 8 = x ~ square both sides
:.x=4 or x=-2~N/Aseecheckbelow
:.x=4 only
x=4 x=-2
LHS=~2(4}+8-4 LHS=~2(-2)+8-(-2}
=0 =4
:. x = 4 is a solution :.xi'-2

~ It is not necessary to show your check, only which answer is not applicable.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 25

Example 2: Solve for x if 3../ x + 4 - x =o.
3../x + 4 - x = 0 ~ isolate the surd
:. 3../x + 4 = x ~ square both sides, don't forget to square the 3 as well
:. 9(x+4) = x 2
:. x 2 -9x-36 = 0
:. (x-12)(x+3) = 0
:.x=12 or x=-3~N/Aseecheckbelow
:.x=12 only
x=12 x=-3
UIS=3~(12)+4-12 LHS =3~( -3+4) -(-3)
=0 =6
:. x = 12 is a solution :.x*--3

Example 3: Solve for x if 2../ x-I + 6 =2x.

2../ x-I + 6 = 2x ~ isolate the surd
:. 2../x-l = 2x-6 ~ square both sides, don't forget to square the 2 as well
:. 4(x-l) = (2x-6)2
:. 4x-4 =4x2 -24x +36 ~don't forget the middle term
:. 4x 2 - 28x + 40 = 0 ~ take out a HCF of 4 and factorise
:. 4(x2 -7x+l0) =0 ~divide both sides by4 and factorise
:. (x-5)(x-2) = 0
:. x = 5 or x = 2 ~ N/A see check below
x=5 x=2
UIS =2~(5)-1+6 LHS =2~(2)-1+6
=10 =8
RHS=2(5) RHS=2(2)
=10 =4
:. x = 5 is a solution :.x*- 2

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 26

Example 4: Solve for x if 2..) x + 1 + 1 = ~.
2..) x +1 +1 = ~ ~ repeated expression, use k-method
2 x+l
:. k +l= 20
LCD = k, k '" 0 ~ you have to put in restrictions
:. k 2 +k =20
:. k 2 +k -20=0
:.(k -4)( k +5)=0
:. k =4 or k =-5
Now substitute k = 2..)x+ I back into your solutions fur k
:.2..) x+ 1= 4 or 2..) x+ 1= -5 ~ N/A a square root cannot be a negative number

LHS =2~(3)+1+1 RHS = 20

=5 =5
:. x = 3 is a solution

I ~ Complete Exercise 5 on page 259.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 27

An exponential equation is an equation in which the variable you are solving for
is an exponent. When solving exponential equations we use the property that:
if aX =a' , then x =y
It is also possible for exponential equations to lead to quadratic equations. Cf

Example 1: Solve for x if 27 x =!..

27 X =!.
:. (33 rr =
~ ensure that you have the same base on both sides of the equation
:.33x =r2

Example 2: Solve for x if 125 x .25x - 2 =1.

125 x .25 x - 2 =1

r r-
:. (53 (52
= 5° ~ write numbers as their prime bases, 5° =1 (law/definition 1)
:. 53x.52x-4 = 50 ~ don't forget to distribute the 2
.·.53x+2x-4 =50

Example 3: Solve for x if 3x +2 + 3x +3 - 3 x =315.

3x +2 + 3x+3 _ 3x = 315 ~ split bases apart using law 3 in reverse
:. 3x .32 +3x .33 _ 3x =315 ~ take out a HCF of 3x
x 2 3
:. 3 (3 + 3 -1) = 315

:. 3x (35) = 315 ~ divide both sides by 35

:.3x =9
:.3x =3 2

© copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 28

Example 4: Solve for x if 22.< - 2'< - 2 =O.

22.< _ 2x _ 2 = 0 -722x = (2X)2 , use the k-method

:. k 2 - k - 2 = 0 -7 factorise
:.(k -2}( k +l}=0
:. k =2 or k =-l
Now substitute k = 2 x back into your solutions for k
:.2X =21 or 2x = -1 -7 NtA an exponent cannot cause a number to be negative

Example 5: Solve for x if 3 2.< -10.3'< + 9 =O.

32x -1O.3 x +9 = 0 -7 32x = (3 x )2 , use the k-method

Letk=3 x
:. k 2 -10k + 9 = 0 -7 factorise
:.(k -9}( k -l}=0
:. k =9 or k =l
Now substitute k = 3x back into your solutions for k
:.3x = 9 or 3x = 1-7 get the same bases on both sides of each equation
:.3x = 32 or 3x = 3° -7 any number raised to the power of 0 is equal to I
:.x=2 or x=O

Example 6: Solve for x if 22.<+1_ 9.2'< + 4 =O.

22x+I_9.2x +4 = 0 -7 split base apart using law 3 in reverse

... 22x.21_9.2x +4=0 -7 22x = (2x)2 ,use the k-method

:. 2k 2 -9k +4 = 0 -7 factorise
.·.(2k -l}( k -4}=0

:. k =.!. or k =4
Now substitute k = 2 x back into your solutions for k

... 2
x =.!.2 or 2x = 4 -7 get the same bases on both sides of each equation

.·.2x =2-1 or 2x =22

.·.x=-l or x=2

Complete Exercise 6 on page 259.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 29

In previous grades you have dealt with linear simultaneous equations.
In Grade 11 you will deal with simultaneous equations where one is linear and
the other is quadratic. The method of substitution is used to solve these types of

Example 1: Solve for x andy if x + 2y = 1 and x 2 + 4y2 = 41.

x+2y=1 ~ill
x 2 +4i =41 ~[l]
from ill:
x=1-2Y ~1lI
Substitute III into [l]
:.(1-2y)2+ 4 i =41
:.1 -4y +4i +4i -41 = 0 ~ don't forget the middle term
:. si -4y-40 = 0 ~ take out a ReF of 4
:. 4 ( 2i - y-lO) = 0 ~ divide both sides by 4
:. 2i - y-lO = 0 ~factorise
:. (y+2)(2y-5) = 0

:.y=-2 or y=~ ~l±I

Substitute l±I into III
:.x=I-2(-2) or

:.x=5 or x=-4
:.x=5 and y=-2 or x=-4 and y=-

a;) The solution to simultaneous equations represents the points of intersection

1f oftwo graphs.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 30

Example 2: A rectangular garden has a length of x m and a breadth of y m. It has
an area of 20 m2 and a perimeter of 18 m. Determine the values of x

y y

Perimeter of a rectangle = 2xLength + 2xbreadth

Area of a rectangle = length x breadth
2x + 2Y = 18 -7 ill (perimeter)
xy = 20 -7 III (area)
from ill:
2x =18-2y -7 divide both sides by 2
:.x=9-Y -711l
Substitute I1l into III
:.y=5 or y=4 -7l±!
Substitute l±! into I1l
:.x=9-5 or x=9-4
:.x=4 or x=5
:. x=4m and y =5m or x =5m and y = 4m

I ~ Complete Exercise 7 on page 259.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 31


There are two cases in which you will be expected to complete the square:
1. You will have to complete the square on a quadratic expression.
2. You will have to complete the square on a quadratic equation.


Completing the square on a quadratic expression is a technique used in order to
express a quadratic expression in the form of a ( x ± p )2 + q •

Steps to completing the square on a quadratic expression:

1. Take out the coefficient of x 2 if it is not equal to 1.
2. Add and immediately subtract (half the coefficient of X)2.
3. Factorise the perfect square trinomial and distribute the coefficient of x 2•

Example 1: Complete the square on x 2 - 6x + 7.

x -6x+7 -Hdd and subtract G X-6r =( _3)2

= [ x 2 -6x+(-3 )2 ] _( _3)2 +7 -Hhis is a perfect square trinomial

= (x - 3)2 - 9 + 7 ~ this is always half the coefficient of x

=(x -3 )2 _ 2

Example 2: Complete the square on x 2 + 4x - 8.

x2+4x-8 ~addandsubtract (~X4r =( 2)2

= [ x 2 + 4x + (2)2 ] - (2)2 - 8 ~ this is a perfect square trinomial

= (x + 2)2 - 4 - 8 ~ this is always half the coefficient of x

=(x +2 )2 -12

Example 3: Complete the square on x 2 - 5x - 8.

x2-Sx-8 ~addandsubtract G x-sr =(-~r

= [ x -sx+(-%r ] -(- ~r -8 ~ this is a perfect square trinomial
=(x- ~)2 _ ~ _ 8 ~ this is always half the coefficient of x


© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 32

Example 4: Complete the square on 2x2 + 6x - 6.
2x2 + 6x - 6 ~ take out the coefficient of x 2

2[ 2
x +3x-3] ~add and subtract G X3r =(~r
=2[ [ x 2 + 3x + (~ r]-(%r-J~ 3 this is a perfect square trinomial

=2[ ( x + ~ r-:- ~ 3] this is always half the coefficient of x

= 2[ ( x + ~)2 _~1 ] ~ distribute 2 (the coefficient of x 2

) back in

= 2(x+ ~r _~1
Example 5: Complete the square on 3x 2 - 5x - 9.
3x 2 -5x-9 ~ take out the coefficient of x 2

[ 2-"35x - 3]
3 x (1
2"X-"35)2 =(-65)2

={[x2 -~x+(-%r]-(-%r -3J~ this is a perfect square trinomial

= 3[ ( x - %)2 _~~ _3] ~ this is always half the coefficient of x

= 3[ ( x - % r- ~1:: ] distribute 3 (the coefficient of x

) back in

= 3(X _~)2 _133

6 12

Complete Exercise 8 number 1 on page 260.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 33

Up until now you have only dealt with quadratic equations which have rational
roots (solutions). However, it is common for quadratic equations to also have
irrational roots. It is difficult to solve these types of equations by factorisation.
A method of solving an equation which does not factorise is to complete the
square on the equation.
Steps to completing the square on a quadratic expression:
1. Move the constant to the right hand side (RHS).
2. Divide both sides by the coefficient of ~ if it is not equal to 1.
3. Add (half the coefficient of X )2 to both sides of the equation.
4. Solve for x.

Example 1: Solve for x if x 2 + 12x - 9 = O. Write answers in simplest surd form.

x 2 + 12x - 9 = 0 -7 move the constant to the RHS

:. x 2 + 12x = 9 -7 add G x12 r = (6)2 to both sides

:. [x2 + 12x+(6)2 ] =9+(6)2 -7 this is a perfect square trinomial

:. (x + 6)2 = 45 -7 this is always half the coefficient of x, square root both sides
:. x+ 6 = ±.J45 -7 don'tforget the '±'
:.x=-6±3.J5 -7.J45 =.J9x5 =3.J5
:.x=-6+3.J5 or x=--6-3.J5

Example 2: Solve for x correct to one decimal place if 3x 2 -15x - 21 =O.

3x 2 -15x - 21 = 0 -7 move the constant to the RHS
:. 3x 2 -15x = 21 -7 divide both sides by 3 (the coefficient of x 2)

:.x -5x=7 -7 add GX-5 r =( -%r to both sides

:. [x2 -5X+( -%r ] =7 +( -%r -7 this is a perfect square trinomial

:. (x -%r = 5: -7 this is always half the coefficient of x, square root both sides

5 .J53
:.x- - = ±- - -7don'tforget the '±'
2 2
:. x = ---'----
:. x = 6,1 or x = -1,1-7 correct to one decimal place

G) Leave your answer in simplest surd form unless the question asks you to
li determine a solution to a certain number of decimal places.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 34

Example 3: Solve for x if 4x 2 + 12x - 8 O. =
4x 2 + 12x - 8 =0 -7 move the constant to the RHS
:. 4x 2 + 12x = 8 -7 divide both sides by 4 (the coefficient of x 2)

:. x +3x = 2 -7 add (~X3J = ( %J to both sides

:. [ x + 3x + ( %J ] = 2 + ( %J -7 this is a perfect square trinomial

:. ( x + J~ =1: -7 this is always half the coefficient of x, square root both sides
3 07
:. x +- = ±- - -7 don't forget the '±'
2 2
-3 ±07
:. x = ---=-'-
-3+07 -3-07
:. x = or x =-'----'-
2 2

Example 4: Solve for x if _2x2 + 8x + 12 = O.

_2x2 +8x+ 12 =O -7IDOVe the constant to the RHS
:. _2x2 + 8x = -12 -7 divide both sides by - 2 (the coefficient of x 2)

:. x -4x= 6 -7 add (~X-4J = (_2)2 to both sides
:. [x2 -4x+(-2)2 ] = 6+( _2)2 -7 this is a perfect square trinomial

:. (x _2 )2 =10 -7 this is always half the coefficient of x, square root both sides
:. x -2 = ±JlO -7 don't forget the '±'
:.x=2+JlO or x=2-JlO

Example 5: Solve for x if x 2 -8x+17 = O.

x 2 - 8x + 17 = 0 -7 move the constant to the RHS

:. x 2 -8x=-17 -7 add (~X-8 J = (-4)2 to both sides

:. [ x 2 - 8x + ( -4)2 ] =-17 + ( -4)2 -7 this is a perfect square trinomial

:. (x _4 )2 = -1 -7 this is always half the coefficient of x, square root both sides
:. x -4 = ±H -7 you cannot square' -' in the real number system
:. No real solution

I ~ Complete Exercise 8 number 2 on page 260.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 35


Example 1: Determine the minimum value of x 2 - 8x + 11.

x 2 - 8x + ll -Hdd and subtract Gx -8 r = (-4)2

= [ X 2 - 8x + ( -4)2 ] - (-4)2 + 11 ~ this is a perfect square trinomial

=(x-4)2 -5
(x - 4)2 is always greater than or equal to O.
:. The smallest value that (x_4)2 can ever be is 0
:. The minimum value of the expression is 0 - 5
.'. The minimum value of x 2 - 8x + 11 is - 5.

Example 2: Determine the maximum value of -3x 1 - 9x + 18.

-3x2 - 9x + 18 ~ take out the coefficient of x 2

=-3(x2+3x-6) ~addandsubtract G X3 r =(~r

= -3[[ x + 3x+ (~ r ] - (~r - 6J~ this is a perfect square trinomial
=-3( x+~)\ 9:
(x- ~r is always greater than or equal to O.

:. -3( x-~r is always less than or equal to 0

:. The greatest value that - 3 ( x - ~r can ever be is 0

:. The maximum value of the expression is 0 + 99

:.The maximum value of -3x2 -9x+18 is 99.

In general, if an expression is in the form a (x ± p )2 + q , the expression will:

• have a minimum value of q if a is greater than 0 (positive)
• have a maximum value of q if a is less than 0 (negative)
This will be explored in more detail when we cover the parabola later on in
the year.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 36

Example 3: A farmer wishes to make a rectangular garden against an existing
wall. H he has 12 metres of fencing with which to make a garden:

a) Determine an expression for the area of the garden in terms of x.

b) What is the maximum area that the garden can have?

a) 2x+ y = 12 -7 perimeter is 12m, an existing wall is used for one side

:.y=12-2x -7l!1
A=XY -7[lj
Substitute l!I into [lj
:. A = x(12-2x)

b) In order to determine tbe maximum area, complete tbe square on tbe expression for
A = 12x - 2x2 -7 take out tbe coefficient of x 2

= -2 (x 2 -6x) -7addandsubtract GX--6r =(_3)2

= -2 ([ x 2 -6x+( -3)2J -( _3)2) -7 tbis is a perfect square trinomial

= -2 [(X-3)2 -9 J
= -2 (x-3)2 + 18 -7 a < 0 and q > 0 (a =-2 and q = 18)
:. The maximum area tbe garden can have is 18 m 2.

I ~ Complete Exercise 9 on page 260.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 37

The general fonn of a quadratic equation is ax 2 + bx + c =O. By completing the
square on the general fonn of a quadratic equation an equation to solve for the
roots of any quadratic equation can be obtained. This is known as the quadratic
fonnula and is shown below.

The Quadratic Fonnula

-b ±~b2- 4ac


Complete the square on ax 2 + bx + c =O.
ax2 + bx + c = 0 ~ move the constant to the RHS
:0 ax2 + bx = -c ~ divide both sides by a (the coefficient of x 2)

:0 x 2 + b x = _ !:. ~ add (1.2 x ba )2 = ( ..!!...)2 to both sides

a a 2a

:0 [x2 + : X+( : a r ] =- : +( : a r ~ this is a perfect square trinomial

:0 (x+ ..!!...)2 =-!:.+JC2 ~LCDof 4a2
2a a 4a
b )2 b -4ac
:. ( x+- = ~

2 square root both SideS

2a 4a
b +~b2_4ac
:oX+-= - ~don'tforgetthe'±'
2a 2a
-b ± ~b2-4ac


Example: Solve for x if 2x2 - 5x - 8 = O. Leave answers in simplest surd fonn.

2x2 - 5x - 8 = 0 ~ use the quadratic formula as the expression does not factorise

-(-5)±~(-5)2_4(2}(-8) ~ x= -b ±~b2-4ac
2(2) 2a


5+..Js9 5-..Js9
or x=--'--
4 4

Complete Exercise 10 number 1 on page 260.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 38


In Grade 11 you will be expected to be able to interpret and determine tbe nature
of roots of a quadratic equation.

Example 1: Given tbat (x2 -S)(2x 2 +3x -2) = 0 solve for x if:

a) x E Z b) x E IR
c) X E Q d) x E Q'

Before starting to answer the questions, it is recommended that you solve for all of the
possible solutions to the equation:
(x2- 5) ( 2x2 + 3x - 2) = 0 ~ difference of squares, factorise normally
:. (x-v's)(x+v's) (2x-l)(x+2) = 0
:.x=v's or x=-v's or x=! or x=-2
These are all the solutions to x. You now have to select the solutions which fit the
criteria of each question.

a) x = -2 ~ -2 is the only integer

b) x=v's or x=-v's or x=! or x=-2 ~alloftheabovesolutionsarerea1

c) x = - or x = -2 ~ both solutions are rational
d) x=v's or x=-v's

Example 2: Show tbat the roots of x2 - 2x -7 =0 are irrational.

x2- 2x - 7 = 0 ~ cannot factorise, use the quadratic formula

- (-2) ±~( _2)2-4 (1)(-7)
2(1) ~x

:.x 2±m
:.x - - - ~ take out a HCF of 2
t (1±
:. x = I ± ~ the solution contains a surd
:. The roots are irrational

Complete Exercise 10 number 2 and 3 on page 260.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 39

In the previous section it was established that the roots of any quadratic equation
can be found using the quadratic formula below.
-b ±~b2- 4ac
By examining the quadratic formula it can be seen that the nature of roots relies
on the value of b2 - 4ac as this expression has to be square rooted.
It follows that if:
• b - 4ac > 0 the roots of the equation will be real.
• b - 4ac < 0 the roots of the equation will be non-real.
• b - 4ac = 0 there will be two roots which are equal (the same).
The expression b 2 - 4ac is known as the discriminant and is denoted by the
Greek letter A (delta). This allows us to determine the nature of roots of an
equation without actually solving for the roots of an equation.

and is a perfect
Two real, Two real, Two real,
Nature of Roots are
unequal, unequal, equal,
Roots non-real
rational roots irrational roots rational roots

Example: Determine the nature roots of the following equations without

solving the equations.
a) x +Sx-3=0 c) _2x2 -4x+6=0

b) 4x2+12x+9=0 d) 4x2+3x+2=0

a) 4= b2 -4ac c) 4= b2 -4ac
... 4=8 2 -4(1)(-3) :.4 = (-4)2 -4( -2)(6)
:.4=76 :.4 = 64 ~ 64 is a perfect square
:. Roots are real, unequal and irrational. :. Roots are real, unequal and rational.

b) 4= b2 -4ac d) 4= b2 -4ac
:. A= (12)2 -4( 4)(9) :.4 = (3)2 -4(4)(2)
:.4=0 :.4= -23 ~4<0
:. Roots are real, equal and rational. :. Roots are non-real.

Complete Exercise 10 number 4 on page 260.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 40

H a quadratic expression is in the fonn ofax 2 + bx + c the roots of the expression
are the values for x that would make the expression equal to O.
H an equation has roots of a and P the quadratic equation will always be
b q
(bx - a )( qx - p ) = 0 in its simplestform.

Example 1: Determine the values of b and c if the equation 2x2 +bx +c =0 has
roots of -2 and 3. Assume that b and c are integers.
(x+ 2){x- 3) =0
:.x2 -x-6=0
This would be the equation in its simplest form. As the coefficient of r is 2 in the
question, both sides of the equation have to be multiplied by 2.
:. 2x 2 - 2x- 12 =0
:.h=-2 and c=-12

Example 2: Determine the values of a and c if the equation ax 2 + 27 x + c = 0 has

roots of - %and Ys. Assume that a and c are integers.
(2x+ 3){5x- 3) = 0
:.lOx2 +9x-9 = 0
This would be the equation in its simplest form. As the coefficient of x is 27 in the
question, both sides of the equation have to be multiplied by 3.
:. 30x2 +27x-27 = 0
:.a=30 and c=-27

Example 3: Determine the value of p if 3 is a root of the equation x 2 + px - 3 =0 •

In addition, determine the other root.
If 3 is a root of the equation, substituting x = 3 into the equation will make the equation
equal to O.
(3)2 + p(3)-3 = 0
:. The equation is x 2 -2x-3 =0
:. (x-3){x+ 1) = 0
:. x = 3 or x = -1 -7 one of the roots must be 3 or you have made a mistake
:. The other root is -1.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 41

Example 1: Determine the solution to x shown on the number line below:
• o
E )
-2 1
Intervalnotation: XE [-2;1) -7X is always E R in interval notaion
Set -builder notation: {x: -2 :S; x < I}

Example 2: Determine the solution to x shown on the number line below:

E )
Interval notation: x E (3; 00 )
Set -builder notation: {x: x > 3}

Example 3: Determine the solution to x shown on the number line below:

E • 0 )

E I I )
--4 3
Interval notation: x E (-00;--4] or XE (3;00)
Set -builder notation: {x:x :S; --4} or {x:x > 3}

On a number line, an open circle means that the number is not included whilst a
filled circle means that it is.


Example 1: Solve for x if x - 5 > 0 and illustrate your solution on a number line.
x-5>O 0 )
E I )
:.x>5 5

Example 2: Solve for x if x - 2 :S; 0 and illustrate your solution on a number line.
x-2:S;O E •
E I )
:.x:S;2 2

Example 3: Solve for x if -x -12 ~ 0 and illustrate your solution on a number line.
-x-12~O E •
E )
:.-x~12 -12
:. x :S; -12 -7 change the direction of the inequality (see recap below)

When multiplying or dividing both sides by a negative number, the inequality
sign has to change direction.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 42

When dealing with quadratic inequalities you have to solve for the critical values
of the inequality. Critical values are values of the variable that would make the
inequality equal to 0 or the denominator of an inequality equal to O.
In most cases the solution to inequalities will lie between, or on either side of the
critical values. This is illustrated in the examples below.

Example 1: Solve fon if (x+2}(x-5) > 0

:. Critical values: x = -2 or x =5
E 0 o ,
( + I I + )
-2 5
:.x<-2 or x>5
This can also be written as XE (-00 ;-2) or (5;00)

Number line method and explanation:

• Place the critical values on a number line.
• Substitute a value less than -2 into the factorised expression, for example x =-3 :
(-3 +2}(-3 -5) = +8
This means that if x is less than - 2 the expression will be positive.
• Substitute a value between -2 and 5 into the factorised expression, for example x = 0 :
(0 +2}(0-5}= - 1O
This means that if x is between - 2 and 5 the expression will be negative.
• Substitute a value greater than 5 into the factorised expression, for example x = 6 :
(6 +2}(6-5}= +8
This means that if x is greater than 5 the expression will be positive.

• You can then label which areas on the number line are positive or negative. In
general, unless there are repeated factors, the number line will follow the trend of
'+' I_I '+' or I_I '+' I_I

It is important to understand inequality notation:

• x > 0 reads x is greater than 0 (x ~ 0 reads x is greater than or equal to O)
• x < 0 reads x is less than 0 (x :5 0 reads x is less than or equal to O)
If an expression has to be greater than 0 you are looking for the areas
qp which are positive on the number line.
If an expression has to be less than 0 you are looking for the areas which
are negative on the number line.
If an expression is greater (or less) than or equal to 0, then the critical
values are also solutions to the inequality and are represented by closed
dots on top of the critical values on the number line.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 43

Example 2: Solve for x if X - x :5: 12
x 2 -x:5: 12
.·.x2 -x-12:5:0
:. (x-4)(x+3) ~ 0
:. Critical values: x = 4 or x =-3

E +
•I •I + )
-3 4
This can also be written as x E [-3; 4]

x 2 _4
Example 3: Solve for x if ~ 0

x - 4 <:: 0 ~ do not multiply both sides by x + 5, difference of squares


:. >0
:. Critical values:x=±2 or x=-5

• .
I +
, )
-5 -2 2

:. -5 < x :5: -2 or x <:: 2 ~ x cannot be equal to 5 (see the Edison below)

This can also be written as XE (-5;-2] or [2;00)

A value for x that makes the denominator of a fraction equal to 0 is also a

critical value. However, the denominator can never be equal to zero.
~ Therefore, there will always be an open dot on top of critical values that
come from the denominator. Never multiply both sides by a denominator
with a variable in it, as the denominator could be negative.

• x 2 +16
Example 4: Solve for x if ~0

~ as x 2 + 16 cannot factorise there are no critical values for it

x + 16 > 0
:. Critical value: x = 3
E + )
This can also be written as XE (3;00)

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 44

-x 2 +5x-6
Example 5: Solve for x if >0
_x 2 +5x-6
----::--:::: 0 -Hake out a '-'
- (x 2 -5x+6)
.. ----'-----'- > 0 ~ multiply by -1 and change the direction of the inequality sign
:. <0
:. Critical values: x =-3 or x=2 or x=3
E 0
I + •I •I +
E ~
-3 2 3
:.x<-3 or 2:5x:53
This can also be written as x E (--00; - 3) or [2;3]

When multiplying or dividing both sides by a negative number, the inequality
sign has to change direction.


Example 1: Solve for x if (x+6)2 ~0

(X+6)2 ::::0
:. Critical values: x = -6 or x = 3

E -
• I
I + ~

--6 3
:.x>3 or x=-6
This can also be written as XE (3;00) or x =6

. x2-6x+9
Example 2: Solve for x if ~0
x -6x+9>0
:. >0
:. Critical values: x =-2 or x=3
•I ~
E - I + + ~
:.x>-2 -2 3
This can also be written as XE (-2;00)

Complete Exercise 11 number 1 on pages 260.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 45


Example 1: Solve for x if X

+1 ~ 0
x 2 +1;::: 0
:. XE lR
Any number squared is always greater than or equal to O. Therefore, adding one to a
squared number wiD always be greater than 0, no matter what the value of x is. 'i/l

Example 2: Solve for x if x 2 + 1 < 0

:. No Solution

Example 3: Solve for x if (x_2)2 SO

(x_2)2 SO
:. x=2
The square of a number can never be negative. Therefore the only solution to the above
inequality is where the inequality is equal to O. ~

Example 4: Solve for x if (x - 2)2 > 0

(X_2)2 > 0
:. x E lR but x *2 ~ as the inequality cannot equal 0

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 46

If an inequality does not factorise you can use the quadratic fonnula (pg. 38) to
obtain the critical values.
Example 1: Solve for x if x 2 + 4x -11 ~ 0
x 2 + 4 x -11 ~ 0 ---) does not factorise, use the quadratic formula

. .. . _ -(4)±~(4)2-4 (1)(-11) -b ±~b2_4ac

.. Cntical values. x - 2(1) ---) x 2a

:.x=-2-05 or x=-2+05

E + I
• •I
+ )
-2-05 -2+05
:.-2-05 ~x~-2+05
This can also be written as XE [-2-05 ;-2+05J

G) If it is not possible to obtain critical values for an inequality you have to

l' complete the square to obtain the maximum or minimum value (pg. 36).

Example 2: Solve for x if x 2 + 4x + 11 < 0


CV : x = -4±.J- 28 ---) no soIution

. to cntic
. . al values, th"
ere.ore compIete the square

:. (x2 +4X+(2)2) _ (2)2 +11<0 ---) G X4J = (2)2 was added and subtracted

:. (x + 2)2 + 7 < 0 ---) this will always be 1. the coefficient of x

as you have seen previously, this inequality has a minimum value of 7 ---) a > 0 and q > 0
:. the inequality is always greater than or equal to 7.
:. There is no solution

Example 3: Solve for x if x 2 -6x+14> 0


CV: x = 6 ± J=W ---) no solution to critical values, therefore complete the square

:. [x2 -6x +(-3)2] _ ( _3)2 +14> 0 ---) G X4J = (2)2 was added and subtracted

:. (x -3 )2 +5 > 0 ---) this will always be 1. the coefficient of x

AIl you have seen previously, this inequality has a minimum value of 5 ---) a > 0 and q > 0
:. the inequality is always greater than or equal to 5.
:.XE lR.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 47

Example: For what values of x are the roots of the expression :
a) Real.
b) Non-real.
c) Undef'med.

a) For real roots x 2 -x-6;::: 0 and x;,,-2

:. (x-3)(x+2);::: 0
:. Critical values: x = 3 or x=-2
E +
+ ..
-2 3
:. x < -2 or x;::: 3 ~ x;" 2 as it would cause a 0 in the denominator
This can also be written as XE (-oo;-2) or x=[3;oo)

b) For non-real roots x 2 - x - 6 < 0

c c
:. from the above number line: E + I I + ..
-2 3

This can also be written as XE (-2;3)

c) For roots to be undefined division by 0 has to occur.


It is important to understand the difference between roots which are non-

real and roots which are undefined.
A non-real root occurs when you take an even root of a negative number.
Gl In this case the solution is non-real. This means that a graph would not
1f have an X-intercept,

Roots are undefmed when division by 0 occurs (a zero in the denominator).

l In this case the roots are undefined and there is no solution to the
inequality or equation. In the case a graph would have a vertical asymptote.

Complete Exercise 11 numbers 2,3 and 4 on page 261.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 48


In problems involving mathematical modelling you will be given a problem in

words and be expected to solve it by deriving a mathematical equation. It will
often be useful to use tables in solving these types of problems.


1. Identify what you are asked to fmd and call itx.
2. Only work in one unit, ego kg and g or minutes and seconds.
3. When you have two expressions in an equation make sure you know which one
is larger.
4. Make sure you understand what operation the sum is asking you to perform,
ego The sum of is '+' and the product of is 'x'.
5. Draw a table or sketch if it is possible.
6. Make sure that you state the answer clearly.


Example 1: Sipho is 10 years older than his brother Thabo. In 5 years time Sipho
will be twice as old as Thabo. How old is Thabo?
Let Thabo's age =x
:. Sipho's age =x+ 10
In 5 years time Thabo's age is x+5 and Sipho's age is x+15 ~ (x+l0+5)
:. x+15 = 2(x+5 ) ~ Sipho is twice as old as Thabo in 5 years time
:. Thabo is 5 years old.

Example 2: The product of two consecutive even whole numbers is 168.

What are the numbers?

Let the first number =x

:. The second number =x + 2 ~ consecutive even numbers increase in twos
.'. x( x + 2) = 168 ~ the product of the two numbers
.'. x 2 + 2x -168 = 0 ~ if you cannot factorise this use the quadratic formula
:. (x-12)(x+ 14) = 0
:. x=12 or x= -14 ~ N/A as -14 is not a whole number
:. The numbers are 12 and 14.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 49

It is useful to draw a table with these type of problems using the triangle below.
It is important to note that when drawing the table you have a variable column
(usually what you are looking for), a constant column (given in the question) and a
formula column. The formula column is filled in using the relevant formula and
information from the other two columns not from information in the question. You
then use the formula column and any extra information given in the question in order
to make an equation.

Total Cost = Price per Item X Number of Items

Total Cost Total Cost
Price per Item Number of Items =- - - - -
Number of Items Price per Item

A grocery store orders a certain number of avocados at a cost of R600. When they
are unpacked it is found that 20 are bruised and cannot be sold. By selling the
remaining avocados for R4 more than they were purchased for, a total profit of
R200 is made. How many avocados were originally purchased and what was the
price of each avocado?
Situation Number of avocados Total Price Price per Avocado
Bought x 600 -
Sold x-20 800 --
Now use the extra information (R4 profit per avocado) to create an equation.
Remember that Profit = Selling Price - Cost Price. 'f(

'* '*
800 _ 600 = 4 ~ x 0 and x 20 as this would cause a 0 in the denominator
x-20 x
:. 8oox -600( x-20 ) =4x (x-20 ) ~ multiply each term by the LCD: x(x-20)
:. 800x-6oox+ 12000 =4x2 -80x
:. 4x2 -280x-12oo0=0
:. 4(x2 -70x-30oo) =0
:. (x-100)(x+30) = 0
:. x =100 or x =-30 ~ N/A, as there cannot be a negative number of avocados
:.100 avocados were bought at R6 each

I ~ Complete Exercise 12 on page 261.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 50

Most speed, distance and time problems are solved using a table in the same way
as you have done previously in shopping problems and using the triangle below.

Distance Time = Distance

Distance =SpeedxTime Speed Time

A salesman travels 360 km from Johannesburg to Nelspruit. He travels 30 kmIh
faster on his return journey due to less traffic. By travelling faster he saves 1 hour
on the return journey. Determine the speed he returned at.

Situation Speed (kmIh) Distance (km) Time (h)

Original Journey x 360 -
Return Journey x+30 360 --

Use the extra information (l hour saved on the return journey) to create an equation.
Remember that Time Saved = Longer Time - Shorter Time. if(

360 _ 360 = I ~ x 0# 0 and x 0# -30 as this would cause a 0 in the denominator

x x+30
.'. 360( x+30)-360( x ) =lx(x+30) ~ multiply each term by the LCD: x(x+30)
.'. 360x+ 10800-360x = x 2 +30x
:. x 2 +30x-I0800=0 ~ifyou cannot factorise this use the quadratic formula
.'. (x-90)(x+120) =0
:. x=90 or x=-120 ~ N/A, as you cannot have a negative speed
:. He returned at 120 kmIh ~ 90+30=120

I ~ Complete Exercise 13 on page 261.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 51

In most area problems you will have to read the problem and assign variables to
the different lengths given in the problem according to the type of shape. In the
majority of these problems simultaneous equations are required (pg. 30).

Mr Cassim wishes to enlarge his kitchen which is currently 6 m2• If he increases
the length of the kitchen by 4 m and the width by 2 m the area of the new kitchen
will be 5 times that of the original. What are the possible dimensions of the
original kitchen?

y Original Area

L__________________________ _

Formulas for rectangles:

Area of a rectangle = length x breadth
Perimetre of a rectangle = 2xlength + 2xbreadth

Area of original kitchen: xy = 6

:. y = 6
-7 ill
Area of the new kitchen: (x + 4)(y + 2)

:. (x+4)(y + 2) = 5( 6) -7 area of the new kitchen = five times the area of the old kitchen
:.xy+2x+4y+8=30 -7 ~
ill into ~ :

:. X(~)+2X+4(~)+8 = 30

:.6+2x+ 24 +8=30
:.6x+2x2 +24+8x=30x
:. 2x2 -16x+24=0 -7 divide by the coefficient ofx2 (2)
:.x2 -8x+12=0
:.(x-6)(x-2) =0
:.x=6 or x=2 -7 @]
Substitute @] into ill:
:.if x=6 then y =1 and if x = 2 theny = 3
:. The original dimensions were: 6m x 1m or 2m x 3m

I ~ Complete Exercise 14 on page 261.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 52

Rate of flow problems deal with objects or people completing a specific task in a
certain time. In general, the problems work with inverse proportion as the more
objects or people you add, the less time a task will take to complete.
Example 1:
Every time a store receives new stock, the items have to be marked and entered
into the store's computer. Sarah and Tumi are responsible for this job. On her
own Sarah can fmish the job in 12 days. Tumi is more experienced and can fmish
the job in half of Sarah's time. How long would it take for Sarah and Tumi to
complete the job working together?
Let x be the number of days they take working together.
:. Working together they can do! portion of the job in one day.
:. In one day Sarah does ~ of the job and Tumi does! of the job.
12 6
:. ~ +! =! --t LCD = 12x, x 0# 0 as this would cause a 0 in the denominator
12 6 x
:. x+2x=12 --t both sides were mulitplied by the LCD of 12x
:. x =4
:. It would take them 4 days if they worked together.

Example 2:
A pool has two pipes entering it. When operating together they fill the pool in
twenty-four minutes. Operating independently, one pipe fIlls the pool twenty
minutes faster than the other one can on its own. How long does each pipe take to
fill the pool individually?
Let x be the time it takes the slower pipe to fIll the pool
.'. x - 20 is the time it takes the faster pipe to fill the pool
1 1 1
:.-+--=- --tLCD=24x{x-20}, Xo#O and x0#20
x x-20 24
:. 24{x-20} +24x = x{x-20} --t both sides were multiplied the LCD of 24x{x-20}
:. 24x-4S0+24x=x2 -20x
:. x 2 -6Sx+4S0 = 0
:. (x-60)(x-S) = 0
:.x=60 or x=S
x - 20 is the time it takes the faster pipe to fill the pool.
If x = S the faster pipe will fill the pool in S - 20 = -16 minutes, which is not possible.
:. x 0# S
:. It takes the faster pipe 40 min to fill the pool, and the slower pipe 60 min.

Complete Exercise 15 on page 262 and the

Mixed Exercise on pages 262 and 263.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 53


55 A. Arithmetic (linear) Work with and detennine the
general term of arithmetic
Sequences number patterns.
58 B. Quadratic Sequences • Investigate number patterns
leading to those where there is
a constant second difference
between consecutive terms,
and the general term is
therefore quadratic.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 54

You have already dealt with linear sequences in Grade 10. In a linear sequence
there is a constant difference between successive terms. In Grade 11 a formal
equation to solving the nth term of a linear sequence will now be introduced.
It is important to understand the notation used in number patterns.
The first term of a sequence is denoted as T h the second as T 2, the third term as T3
and so on. The last term (or nth term) of a sequence is denoted as Tn.
If a sequence is arithmetic, the difference between any two consecutive terms in the
sequence will be the same. In other words: Tz -1J. = T3 - Tz = T4 -13 = .... = Tn - Tn- 1

Derivation of the Arithmetic Sequence Formula

Let the first term of an arithmetic sequence equal a and the difference between
successive terms equal d.
:.1J. = a
Tz =a +ld ~1=2-1
T3 =a +2d ~2=3-1

:.Tn = a +(n-l) d

Arithmetic Sequence Formula

Tn =a +(1I-1) d
Where: a ~ The first term of a sequence
d ~ The difference between two successive terms (Tz - Tl ,T3 - Tz, ••• )
11 ~ The position of the nth term in the sequence (ie : Term 1, Term 2, ... )

Example 1: Given the sequence 12;6;0;-6; •••

a) Determine a general term for the nth term of the sequence.
b) Determine the 50th term of the sequence.
c) Which term of the sequence is equal to -198?
a) Ensure that the sequence is arithmetic: Tz -1J. = T3 - Tz
Tz -1J. = 6-12 = -6 and 13 -Tz = 0-6 = -6 ~ sequence is linear
Tn =a +(n-l) d
:.Tn =12+(n-l)(-6)

b) 150 = 12 +(50 -1)(-6)


c) Tn =-198
:.-198 =12+(n -l)(-6 )
:.-210 = (n -l)(-6)
:.n=36 ~the36th term is equal to -198 (T36 =-198)

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 55

Example 2: In a linear sequence the 3rd term is -2 and the 10th term is 19.
Determine an expression for the nth term of the sequence.
T3 =-2 and 110 =19
:.-2= a +{3-1) d :.19= a +{1O -1) d
:.-2= a +2d -7 ill :.19= a +9d -7[lj
[lj -ill:
:. d =3 -71l1
III into ill
:.-2= a +2(3)
:. a =-8
:.Tn =-8 +{n-1)(3)

Example3: The sequence 2x+10;x+14;x+8; ... is linear:

a) Determine the value of x.
b) Determine an expression for the nth term of the sequence.
a) As the sequence is linear: T2 -11 =T3 - T2
:.x+14-{2x+1O) = x+8-{x+14)
:.x+ 14-2x-1O= x+8-x-14
:.x =10

b) As x = 10 the sequence is: 30;24;18; ...

Tn = a +{n-1) d
:. a=30 and d=-6
:.Tn =30 +{n-1)(-6)

Example 4: Determine the general term of the sequence 3; ~;~;~; ... in its
2 9 16 23
simplest form.
In this example the sequence is not linear. However it can be seen that the numerators
and denominators form a linear sequence individually.

Numerator sequence: 3; 5 ; 7; 9; ... Denominator: sequence: 2; 9; 16; 23; ...

Tn = a +{n-1) d Tn = a +{n-1) d
:. a=3 and d=2 :. a=2 and d =7
:.Tn =3+{n-1)(2) :.Tn = 2+{n-1)(7 )
:.Tn =2n+1 :.Tn =7n-5
You now can give an expression for the entire sequence
•• n 7n-5

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 56

Example 5: Romy is training for a cycling race. She begins by cycling 40km per
week. Every week she increases the distance she cycles by 12,Skm.
After 7 weeks she can no longer increase the distance she cycles. What
is the maximum distance Romy can cycle?
Sequence: 40;52,5;65; 77,5; ...
Tn = a +{n-1) d
:. a=40 and d=12,5
:.T7 = 40 +{7-1){12,5)
:.T7 =115km
:. Romy's maximum distance is 115km

Example 6: A farmer grows his crops in a circular area of his land. He harvests
his crops by driving his tractor in circles. The radius of his first circle
is 10m. The radius of each subsequent circle that he makes increases
by 5m and he completes 50 circles to harvest his entire crop.
a) What is the radius of his fmal circle?
b) What is the area of the farmer's land? Give your answer correct to
the nearest square metre.


a) Sequence: 10;15;20; ...

Tn = a +{n-1) d
:. a=1O and d=5
:. 150= 10 +{ 49){5) -7 the 50th circle is the farmer's final circle
:.150 =255m
b) Ao=7u
= 7I'{ 255 )2 -7 the radius of the final circle is the radius of the farmer's land
=204282m 2

I ~ Complete Exercise 1 and 2 on page 285.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 57


In a quadratic sequence the second difference is constant. For example, in the

following sequence, the fIrst difference is not constant (T2 -1i *- T3 - T2 ) .
However, if we calculate the difference of the fIrst difference in the same manner, it
will be constant.
~,/ 5'\,,/14'\,,/ 27
5'\,,/9'\,,/ 13 ~ fIrst difference
4 4 ~ second difference

The general term of a quadratic sequence has the same form as a quadratic expression.
The general term for the nth term of a quadratic sequence is: Tn =an 2 +bn+c

Quadratic Sequence Formula

Tn =an 2 +bn+c
Where: a ~ Half the second difference ( 2a =2nd difference)
b ~ A constant
c ~ A constant
n ~ The position of the nth term in thesequence(ie : Term 1, Term 2, ... )

By substituting 1, 2, 3 and 4 into n in the general formula for a quadratic sequence,

the fIrst 4 terms of a general quadratic sequence can be obtained as shown below:
n=l n=2 n=3 n=4
a+b+c ; 4a+2b+c ; 9a+3b+c ; 16a+4b+c
3a+b 5a+b 7a+b ~ fIrst difference

2a 2a ~ second difference

From the above general sequence it can clearly be seen that the second difference is
equal to twice the coeffIcient of x 2• In other words 2a = second difference.

Steps to writing an expression for the nth term of a quadratic sequence:

1. Calculate the first and second difference.
H the first difference is constant the sequence is linear. 'f(

2. Calculate a: 2a = second difference (second
a= difference)

3. Solve for b and c simultaneously by substituting two terms into the general

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 58

Example 1: For the sequence 8 ; 20 ; 38 ; 62 ; ... determine:
a) An algebraic expression that represents the nth term of the
b) The 20th term of the sequence.

a) Calculate the first and second difference:

8'\,,,, 2~", 38'\,,,,62
12'\,,,,18'\,,,, 24 ~ first difference
6 6 ~ constant second difference (sequence is quadratic)

.'. Tn = an 2 +bn+c
Determine the value of a:
2a= 6
:.Tn =3n2 +bn+c
Solve for b and c by substituting in two terms and using simultaneous equations:
Substitute 1i = 8 : Substitute T2 = 20 :
8 =3(1)2 +b(I)+c 20 = 3(2)2 +b(2)+c
:. 5=b+c ~l!I 8=2b+c ~~
-(5= b+c )
3= b+ 0
:.b=3 ~1lI
Subsitute III into l!I
:.b=3 and c=2
:. Tn = 3n2 +3n+2

b) T20 =3( 20)2 +3(20)+2


r Using elimination (subtracting one equation from the other) is the easiest
method of solving simultaneous equations involving quadratic number
'1r Your calculator can also solve for the general term of a quadratic or linear
sequence using the statistics mode (see calculator shortcuts on pg. 231)

I ~ Complete Exercise 3 on page 285.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 59

Example 2: Using tiles, a design student makes the pattern shown below.
Determine a formula that the student can use to determine the
number of tiles needed for the nth pattern.

pattern 1 pattem2 pattem3 pattem4

5\../9\../13 ~ first difference
4 4 ~ constant second difference (sequence is quadratic)

:.2a= 4
:.Tn =2n2+bn+c
Substitute 1i =1: Substitute T2 = 6 :
1=2(1)2 +b(l )+c 6 = 2( 2)2 +b(2)+c
:. -l=b+c ~ill -2=2b+c ~~
Subsitute into ill
:.Tn =2n 2 -n

Example 3: The second term of a quadratic sequence is equal to 1. The third term
is equal to...(j and the fIfth term is equal to -14.
a) Determine the second difference of the quadratic sequence.
b) Hence, determine the fIrst term of the quadratic sequence.
a) The sequence is: x;1;-6;y;-14
x ; 1 ; -6; y; -14
~,/~,/ ~,/ ~,/
I-x -7 y+6 -14-y ~ frrstdifference
~,/~,/ ~,/
- 8 + x y + 13 - 2Y - 20 ~ second difference

-2 Y - 20 =Y + 13 ~ the second difference of a quadratic sequence is constant

:. The second difference is equal to 2 ~[-1l+13= 2] or [-2(-11)-20 = 2]

b) As the second difference of a quadratic sequence is constant:

:. The first term of the sequence is 10.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 60

Example 4: In the first stage of a rugby tournament each team plays each other
once. For the tournament to take place there has to be at least 3
teams in the tournament. How many games will be played if there are:
a) 3 teams in the tournament? b) 4 teams in the tournament?
c) 6 teams in the tournament? d) n teams in the tournament?

a) If there are 3 teams in the tournament, say Team A, B and C:

Team A will play Teams B and C ~ 2 games played
This leaves Team B to still play Team C ~I game played
:. Total games played = 2+ 1= 3

b) If there are 4 teams in the tournament, say Team A, B, C and D:

Team A will play Teams B, C and D ~ 3 games played
This leaves Team B to still play Teams C and D ~ 2 games played
Finally Team C will play Team D ~I game played, all teams have played each other
:. Total games played =3+2+1 = 6

c) By now you should be able to see a pattern forming for the number of games played:
3 teams: 2+1=3
4 teams: 3 +2+ 1= 6
5 teams: 4 +3+2+1=10
6 teams: 5 +4+3+2+ 1= 15 games played
d) Sequence: 3;6;1O;15;21; ... ;n
3'\../6'\../1 O'\../ 15
3'\../4'\../5 ~ first difference
I I ~ constant second difference (sequence is quadratic)

:.Tn =an2 +bn+c

2a= 1

:.Tn =!n 2 +bn+c

Substitute 1i = 3 : Substitute T2 =6 :
3= X(I)2 +b(I)+c 6 = X( 2)2 +b(2)+c

: . .%=b+c ~ill 4=2b+c ~[lJ

:.b= %~@]
Subsitute @] into ill
:.Tn =Xn2+%n+1

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 61

Example 5: At a dinner party every guest shakes hands with each other. How
many handshakes will take place if there are:
a) 2 guests? b) 3 guests?
c) 4 guests? d) 5 guests?
e) 6 guests? f) n guests?
g) 100 guests?

a) If there are 2 guests there will be 1 handshake.

b) If there are 3 guests there will be 3 handshakes.
c) If there are 4 guests there will be 6 handshakes.
d) If there are 5 guests there will be 10 handshakes.
e) If there are 6 guests there will be 15 handshakes.
f) The sequence is: 1;3;6;10;15; ... ;n

2'"",3'"",4 ---) first difference
1 1 ---) constant second difference (sequence is quadratic)
:. Tn = an +bn+c
2a= 1
1 2
:.Tn =-n +bn+c
Substitute 11 =1 : Substitute T2 =3 :
1= ~(1)2+b(I)+c 3= ~( 2)2 +b(2)+c
:. ~ =b+c ---)[!] 1=2b+c ---)~
:. b = ~ ---) [ill
Subsitute [ill into [!]

:.Tn = ~n2+ ~n

g) 1100 = ~ (100)2 +~ (100)

= 5050 handshakes

Complete Mixed Exercise on pages 285 and 286.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 62


III 64
A. Summary of Analytical
Use a Cartesian co-ordinate system to I
Formulas derive and apply:
65 B. Properties of Quadrilaterals • The equation of a line through
65 • Quadrilaterals two given points
67 C. Grade 10 Revision of • The equation of a line through
Midpoint, Distance and one point and parallel or
Gradient Formulas perpendicular to a given line
69 D. Finding The Equation of a
• The inclination of a line
Straight Line
70 E. Angle of Inclination of a
Straight Line
70 • Angle of Inclination when
the gradient of a line is
positive (m > 0)
70 • Angle of Inclination when
the gradient of a line is
negative (m < 0)
71 • Using the Angle of
Inclination to determine
the angle between two

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 63


Average Gradient:
The average gradient of a line passing through points A and B is: mAB

Distance Formula:
The distance between any two points A and B is:
AB = ~(Yb - Ya)2 +(Xb -xa)2 -Hiso written as AB2 = (Yb - Ya)2 +(Xb -xa)2

Midpoint Formula:
The coordinates of the midpoint of any line segment AB are: ( xa ; xb ; Ya ; Yb )

Angle of Inclination:
The angle of inclination is often denoted as (J.
The gradient of a line (m) is equal to the tangent of the angle of inclination ((J ):
:. tan (J =m where (J e [0· ; 180· ] -7 m is the gradient of a line

m>O; (Je[0·;90·] m<O; (Je[90·;180·]


x x

(J is acute (less than 90·) (J is obtuse (greater than 90·)

Equation of a straight line:

y= mx +c or Y-Yl = m (x-xd

Equation of a horizontal line:

Y = k -7 where k is a constant

Equation of a vertical line:

x = k -7 where k is a constant

Properties of perpendicular (1.) lines:

The product of the gradients of perpendicular lines is -I :
mlxm2 =-1 or ml = - -
Properties of parallel (II) lines:
The gradients of parallel lines are equal: ml =m2
Collinear points:
IT points are collinear it means that they lie on the same straight line.
IT points A, B and C are collinear: m AB =mBC

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 64

A quadrilateral is defined as a closed four-sided figure whose interior angles add
up to 360°. The table below shows some common quadrilaterals and their properties.

Quadrilateral I Properties
Square • All sides are equal in length
• Opposite sides are parallel
• Comer angles equal 90°
• Diagonals are equal and bisect each
other at 90°
• Diagonals bisect the comer angles

• Opposite sides are parallel and equal

in length
• Comer angles equal 90°
• Diagonals are equal and bisect each

Parallelogram (Parm)
• Opposite sides are parallel and equal
in length
'x, ; ;;~ • Opposite angles are equal
" , ,;
;;X'x, • Diagonals bisect each other
; ;'<:'0 ,

• All sides are equal in length
• Opposite sides are parallel
• Opposite angles are equal
• Diagonals bisect each other at 90°
• Diagonals bisect the comer angles

Kite • Two pairs of adjacent sides are equal

• A single pair of opposite angles are
• Diagonals intersect each other at 90°
• One diagonal bisects the comer angles
• Shorter diagonal is bisected by the
longer diagonal

Trapezium • One pair of opposite sides are parallel

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 65

The table below shows the properties needed to prove that a quadrilateral is a
specific shape.

Quadrilateral I Properties to prove

Prove anyone of the following:
Parallelogram 1) Both pairs of opposite sides parallel.
2) Both pairs of opposite sides equal.
3) Both pairs of opposite angles equal.

t1 " .>1<
,," ~
4) One pair of opposite sides equal and parallel.
5) Diagonals bisect each other.
(They have the same midpoint.)

Rhombus Prove the quadrilateral is a parallelogram and one of the


{' 1
, ..,
1) One pair of adjacent sides equal.
2) Diagonals bisect at 90°.

Square Prove anyone of the following:

1) The quadrilateral is a parm with a corner angle equal
~, ~~
to 90° and a pair of adjacent sides equal.
'V " 2) The quadrilateral is a rhombus with a corner angle

,,'< ')f,
equal to 90°.
3) The quadrilateral is a rhombus with equal diagonals.

Rectangle Prove the quadrilateral is a parallelogram and one of the

F'.. . ..,.... ,,1(
1) The parm has a corner angle equal to 90°.
1(" ....,. 2) The parm has diagonals that are equal in length.
b,""" .........,;:

Kite Prove that:


/ P'~
1) Each pair of adjacent sides equal in length.

Prove that:

Q 1) One pair of opposite sides are parallel.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 66

Example 1: Given that P,Q,R and S are vertices of the parallelogram shown
below, determine the coordinates ofR.


As PQRS is a parallelogram the diagonals bisect each other. TIris means that diagonals
PR and QS have the same midpoint.

M _(Xq+Xs. Yq+Ys]
QS - 2 •--'---2---=-

=(1+0. 4-1)
2 • 2

Y + =~ ~ diags of a parm have the same midpoint
:. x - 2 =1. and
2 2 2 2
:.x-2=1 and y+2=3
:.x=3 and y=1
:. R is the point (3;1).

Example 2: The vertices of Triangle ABC have the following coordinates:

A(O;O) ;B(2;5) ;C(4;O):

a) Determine the lengths of the 3 sides of the triangle, leaving your

answer in simplest surd form where necessary.
b) What type of triangle is triangle ABC?
a) It is often useful to draw a rough sketch of the triangle: 9P

AB = ~(Xb -xa)2 +(Yb - Ya)2

=~(2_0)2 +(5_0)2

= 59 uuits
BC = ~(Xc -Xb)2 +(Yc - Yb)2
A(O;O) C(4;0)
=~( 4_2)2 +(0-5)2 x

= 59 uuits
AC = 4 ~ this can be seen from the diagram as AC is a horizontal line on the x-axis

b) Triangle ABC is an isosceles triangle as AB = BC.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 67
Example 3: Given the points P( -2;6) ;Q(3;6); R(3;1) and S(-2;1):
a) Plot the points on the Cartesian plane.
b) Calculate the length of PR and QS.
c) Determine the midpoint of PR and QS.
d) Determine the gradient of PR and QS.
e) What does your answer in d) tell you about lines PR and QS?
o Discuss what type of quadrilateral PQRS is, giving reasons.
g) If E is the point (5; -1) , are the points P,R, and E collinear?

a) p( -2;6) y. Q(3;6)

S(-2;1) ~-""R(3;1)

b) PR=~(Xr-XS +(Yr-YS QS=~(Xs-Xqt +(Ys-Yqt

= ~(3+2)2 +(1_6)2 =~(_2_3)2 +(1-6)2
= go =5-J2 units = go =5-J2 units

QS -
2 ' ---"-2---=-

2 ' 2


1-6 1-6
= =
3+2 -2-3
=-1 =1
e) mpR xmQs = -1
Therefore, line PR is perpendicular to line QS

o Diagonals bisect each other at 90°. ~ this means the quadrilateral is a rhombus
Diagonals are equal in length.
Therefore, the quadrilateral is a square.

g) mRE = Ye - Yr
:. mRE =mpR and points P, R and E are collinear.

I ~ Complete Exercise 1 on page 292.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 68

You have already dealt with determining the equation of a straight line in Grade
10. In Grade 11 there are 2 ways of representing the equation of a straight line.
A straight line can be represented as either y =mx + c or y - Yl =m (x - Xl )•

Equation of a straight line:

Y = mx+c or Y- YI = m (x- x l )
Where: m -+ Gradient of the the line
c -+ The Y - intercept
( xl ; Yl ) -+ A point on the line

Example 1: Determine the equation of a straight line which passes through the
points A(3;7) and B(10;21).
You can determine the equation of the line using either of the above equations. In
both methods you first have to determine the gradient of the line. If(

m = gradient Y2 - Yl 21 - 7 = 2
x2 - xl 10 - 3
Now substitute the gradient and a point on the graph into one of the above equations:
Method 1: using: Y = mx+c Method 2: using: Y- YI = m (x- x l )

y= 2x+c -+m=2 Y- Yl = 2(x- xd -+m=2

Sub A(3 ;7) -+ B could also be used Sub A(3 ;7) -+B could also be used
:. 7 =2(3)+c :.Y- 7 =2(x- 3)
:.c=1 :.y-7=2x-6
:.y= 2x+l :.y= 2x+l

Example 2: Determine the equation of a straight line which is:

a) Parallel to the line Y =-2x + 8 , passing through the point A (3; 7) .
b) Perpendicular to the line Y = ,% X - 2, with a y-intercept of 6.
c) Parallel to the x-axis and passes through the point (5;-7)
d) Parallel to they-axis and passes through the point (5;-7)

a) y= -2x+c -+lineisl/toy= -2x+8 b) y= -3x+c -+lineis .1 toy= ,X' x-2

sub A(3;7) sub c = 6 -+ y-intercept is given as 6
:.7=-2(3)+c :.y= -3x+6
:. y =-2x+13

c) y=-7 d) x=5
A line parallel to the x-axis is a A line parallel to the y-axis is a
horizonta1line. vertical line.

I ~ Complete Exercise 2 on page 292.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 69

The angle of inclination is the angle measured anti-clockwise from the x-axis
(or a horizontal line) to a straight line.
The angle of inclination is always between 0° and 180°.

Angle of Inclination
tan8 = m
Where: m -+ Gradient of the line
8 -+ The angle of inclination


Example: Determine the angle of inclination of the line y = x - 2 •

y=x-2 Recap:

if tan8 = m then 8 =arctan(m )

arctan is displayed on a calculator as tan-I
and is accessed by pressing Ishift II tan I.
The gradient of the line y = lx - 2 is equal to 1:
.o. tan (} = 1-+ in order to solve for (} use Ishift I Itan 1111 on your calculator
.o. (} = 45°
It is important to note that a calculator will only provide answers for an angle
between ±90° • A negative angle means that the angle is measured clockwise.
This means that if a line has a negative gradient you will have to add 180° to the
answer on your calculator in order to obtain the angle which is measured anti-
clockwise from the horizontal as demonstrated in the example below.
Example: Determine the angle of inclination of the line y = -x + 2.

y =-x+2
The gradient of the line y = - lx + 2 is equal to -1:
.o. tan (} = -1 -+ in order to solve for (} use Ishift I rltan--"llr_-:1
11 on your calculator
As the gradient is negative the calculator will give an answer of -45°. This is the angle
measured clockwise from the horizontal as shown in the above diagram. In order to
obtain (} you have to add 180° , as adjacent angles on a straight line add up to 180°.
.o. (} = -45° + 180°
.o. (} =135°

Complete Exercise 3 numbers 1 and 2 on page 293.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 70

An important application of the angle of inclination is to determine the angle
formed between two straight lines.
Example 1: Determine the value of p , the angle formed by lines AB and BC in
the diagram below if the gradient of line AB is !. and the gradient of
line BC is -!. .

Method 1: Remember that the exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the
opposite interior angles. 'iP
Bae = P+ (JAJj ~ exterior angle of a triangle
I 1
tan (JAJj =- tan Bae = --
2 3
••• (JAB = 26,57" :. Bae =-18,43° + 180° ~ gradient is negative
Bae = P+ (JAJj :. Bae = 161,57°
:. P = BaC- (JAJj
:. P = 161,57° - 26,57°

Method 2: Extend lines AD and BC and draw in a horizontal line through B.

By extending the lines it can easily be seen that P={/De - {/AD

1 1
tan (JAJj = - tan Bae = - -
2 3
:. (JAB = 26,57° :. Bae = -18,43° + 180° ~ gradient is negative

P= Bae - (JAJj :. Bae = 161,57°

:. P = 161,57° - 26,57°

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 71

Example2: Triangle PQR has coordinates P(-3;3);Q(4;-1);R(-2;-3) as
shown below. Determine:

Q(4;-1) x

a) The gradient of PQ, QR and PRo

b) IT triangle PQR is a right-angled triangle.
c) The size of P correct to one decimal place.

- Yq -Yp Yr-Y q Yr-Y p

a) mPQ- mQR = mpR=
Xq-Xp xr-xq xr-xp
-1-3 -3+1 -3-3
= =-- =
4+3 -2-4 -2+3
4 1
= -- =- =--6
7 3

b) As none of the products of the gradients are equal -1 Ll.PQR is not a right-angled

c) In order to determine P draw in a horizontal line at R as shown below:

From the diagram it can be seen that P = BpR - 8QR

LI _ 1 tan BpR = -6
tan uQR - -
3 :. BpR = -80,54° + 180° ~ gradient is negative
:. 8QR = 18, 43°
:. ~ =99,46°
P= BpR - 8QR
:. P= 99,46° - 18,43°
:. P =81, 0° ~ correct to 1 decimal place

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 72

Example 3: The graphs of f (x) =-3x + 6 and g (x) =2x - 4 are sketched below.
Determine the size of angle p.

From the diagram below it should be clear that p = 0g(x) + O/(x)


tan 0g(x) = 2

:. Og(x) =63,43°
tan O/(x) = -3

:. O/(x) = -71,57°
It is important to understand that O/(x) is not the angle of inclination of f(x) but the
size of the angle measured clockwise from the x-axis. In this case it is not necessary to
calculate the angle of inclination of f(x) by adding 180°, as p= 0g(x) + O/(x)
:. p =63,43° + 71,57°

Complete Exercise 3 number 3 on page 293 and the

Mixed Exercise on pages 293-295.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 73


76 A. Grade 10 Revision Extend Grade 10 work on the
76 • Axes of Symmetry relationships between variables
in terms of numerical, graphical,
76 • Asymptotes verbal and symbolic
76 • Domain and Range representations of functions and
76 • Function and Mapping convert flexibly between these
representations (tables, graphs,
words and formulae). Including
77 • Grade 10 Revision of The linear and quadratic polynomial
Parabola functions, exponential functions,
79 • Grade 10 Revision of the some rational functions and
trigonometric functions.
80 • Grade 10 Revision of the • Generate as many graphs as
necessary, initially by means of
Exponential Function
81 B. The Parabola (Quadratic point-by-point plotting,
supported by available
Function) tecbnology, to make and test
81 • The Parabola in the fonn conjectures and bence generalise
of y=a(x_p)2 + q the effects of the parameter
84 which results in a horizontal
• The Parabola in the fonn
shift and that which results in a
of y=~+bx+c horizontal stretch andlor
87 • Determining the Equation reflection about the y- axis.
of a Parabola
87 • Given the turning point • Problem solving and graph work
involving the prescribed
and one other point functions.
88 • Given the x-intercepts and
one other point • Determine the average gradient
between points and develop an
• Given the y-intercept and intnitive understanding of
two other points gradient at a point.
90 C. The Hyperbola
90 • Axes of Symmetry and
Points of Intersection
93 • Determining the Equation
of a Hyperbola
95 D. The Exponential Function
96 • Steps to Sketching the
Exponential Function
99 • Determining the Equation
of an Exponential Graph
100 E. Translations and Reflections
of Graphs

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 74


F. Graph Interpretation

102 • lengths of vertical and I

horizontal lines
103 • Interpretation and
Deductions from Graphs
107 • Real World Applications
108 • Average Gradient
(Average Rate of Change)
109 G. Trigonometric Functions
109 • Grade 10 Revision of the
Sin, Cos and Tan Graphs
110 • The effects of a (Change in
110 • The effects of q (Vertical
111 • The effects of p
(Horizontal Shifts)
114 • The effects of k (Change in
116 H. Interpretation of
Trigonometric Functions

© copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 75

If a function has a line of symmetry, it means that the function is a mirror image
of itself about the line of symmetry. In other words, if the function were folded
along the line of symmetry it would duplicate the graph on the other side of the line.

Asymptotes are imaginary lines that a graph approaches, but never touches or


Domain: The domain refers to the possible x-values for which a graph is defined.

Range: The range refers to the possible y-values for which a graph is defined.

Example: The graphs of f (x) and g (x) are sketched below. Using the graphs
clearly state the domain and range of each graph. It is given that A is
the turning point of the parabola f (x) .



f(x}: g(x} :
Domain: xe lR Domain: x e lR
This can also be written as x e ( --00 ; 00 ). This can also be written as x e ( --00 ; 00 ).
Range: ye [-3;00} Range: ye (1;00)
This can also be written as y ;::>: -3. This can also written as y > 1.
Notice that the turning point of a parabola and the asymptote of an exponential function
determine the range of the functions. if(


In Grade 10 you were introduced to different ways of representing functions.
The different notations are summarised below:
y = ... ~ equation notation
f (x) =... ~ function notation
f : x ~ ... ~ mapping notation
AU of the above representations mean the same thing. if(

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 76

In Grade 10 you were introduced to the parabola in the form of ax 2 + q .,=
It was shown that a determines the shape of a parabola whilst q resulted in a
vertical shift (up or down) and was the ,-intercept. The properties of a parabola
that you learnt in Grade 10 are summarised below:

Concave up (happy face) ..

~ Concave down (sad face) (OJ

As the value of a increases from 0 As the value of a decreases from 0

the graph is compressed and gets the graph is compressed and gets
narrower. This is demonstrated in narrower. This is demonstrated in
the graphs below where a is the graphs below where a is
increased from 0,1 to O,l and then decreased from -0,1 to -0,2 and
to 1. then to -1.

The value of q results in a vertical shift. If the value of q is greater than 0

the graph will be shifted up. If q is less than 0 the graph will be shifted
The domain of a parabola is:
XE lR ~ also written as XE (-00; co)
The range of a parabola is:
• y~ q if a >O ~alsowrittenasYE[q ;oo}
• y~ q if a <O ~alsowrittenasYE(-oo; q l

The domain and range of the parabola do not change from Grade 10 to
Grade 11. ~

Example 1: Use a table to sketch the graphs of f (x) =x 2 + 1 and g (x) = Xx +1. 2

I f(x}:

Choose values for x which will avoid fractions in order to make calculations easier. ~

g(x}: -
g(X) Y I(x)

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 77
Example 2: Using a table sketch the graphs of:
a) g(x}=x 2 ,J (x}=x 2 +3 and h(x}=x 2 -4.
b) g(x} =_x 2 , f (x) = _x 2 -3 and h(x} =_x 2 +4.

g(x} :
h (x) g (x) f(x)


g(x} :

h (x) g (x) f(x)

aI Notice that your graphs in b) are a reflection about the x-axis of the graphs
l{ in a). You can use your calculator in table mode to obtain the above tables.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 78


In Grade 10 you were introduced to the hyperbola in the fonn of y =-a + q •

It was shown that a determines the shape of a hyperbola as well as the quadrants
which the hyperbola lies in. The value of q resulted in a vertical shift (up or
down) and the line y =q is the horizontal asymptote. The properties of a
hyperbola that you learnt in Grade 10 are summarised below:

The graph lies in the 1st and 3rd The graph lies in the 2nd and 4th
quadrants formed by the quadrants formed by the
asymptotes and the y-axis. asymptotes and the y-axis.
y q1o,
Y xo,
" "'\ ~ q 'i-.
a>O '" /(+,fa";-rJ,;" +q) ~/
..............;; ,...............
q>o ",, , ,
.................. ,................
a<O //,
J-' x q<O / '

In Grade 10 it was shown that the hyperbola was symmetrical about

the lines y = x + q and y = -x + q . In Grade 11 the hyperbola will be
shifted left and right and the axes of symmetry will be shifted in the
same manner.

If a > the axis of symmetry If a < the axis of symmetry
y = x + q intersects the hyperbola y = -x+ q
intersects the
at the points : hyperbola at the points :

• [+ta;+Ia+qJ • [-ta;+Ia+qJ
• [-ta;-Ia+qJ • [+ta;-Ia+qJ
As the function is shifted left and right in Grade II, the points of
intersection will also be shifted left and right.
The sign of a is not taken into account when calculating the points of
intersection. 'i(

The domain of a hyperbola in Grade 10 was:

xe JR, x,,",O -7also written asxe (--00;00) x,,",O
This will change in Grade 11 as the graph is shifted left and right. 'i?
The range of a hyperbola is:
ye JR, x,,", q -7 also written as ye (--00;00), y ""' q

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 79

In Grade 10 you were introduced to the exponential function in the form of:
y = ab" +q where b > Oand b ",0
It was shown that a determines the shape of the graph as well as on which side of
the asymptote the exponential function lies. Together with a the value of b
determines whether the function is increasing or decreasing.
The value of q resulted in a vertical shift (up or down) and the line y =q is the
horizontal asymptote. The properties of the exponential function that you learnt
in Grade 10 are summarised below:

graph lies above the The graph lies below the

horizontal asymptote and is an horizontal asymptote and is a
increasing function. decreasing function.
y y

---------- --------

graph above the The graph lies below the

horizontal asymptote and is a horizontal asymptote and is an
decreasing function. increasing function.
y y

---~ y=q
-------- ------------_.

The domain of an exponential function is:

x e 1R ~ also written as x e (--00; 00 )
The range of an exponential function is:
y> q if a > 0 ~ also written as ye (q ;oo)
y <q if a < 0 ~ also written as ye (--oo; q )
The domain and range of the exponential function do not change from
Grade 10 to Grade 11. 'if'


A function is increasing if the y-values increase as the x-values increase.

A function is decreasing if the y-values decrease as the x-values increase.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 80

In Grade 11 you will now work with shifting the parabola horizontally (left and
right) as well as vertically. When sketching a parabola the equation of the
parabola will usually be represented in 2 ways:
1. y =a (x -- P )2 + q -Hurning pointform
2. y =ax + bx + c -7 standard form


When the parabola has the form: y =a (x _ P )2 + q
a -7 shape
p -7 X - value of the turning point (and horizontal shift)
q -7 Y - value of the turning point (and vertical shift)


if a > 0 -7 happy face parabola (concave up) ~
1. Test for shape:
if a < 0 -7sad face parabola (concave down) C:i)
2. Determine the x and y coordinates of the turning point (TP) from the equation.
3. Determine the y-intercept by letting x equal to O.
4. Determine thex-interceptls by lettingy equal to O.

a > 0: Happy face parabola a < 0: Sad face parabola

(Concave up) (Concave down)

If a > 0 the y value of the TP will be the minimum value of the graph.
If a < 0 the y value of the TP will be the maximum value of the graph.
It is important to note that:
• If the graph is 'happy' and the y-value of the turning point is positive,
the graph will not have any x-intercepts.
'1r • If the graph is 'sad' and the y-value of the turning point is negative, the
graph will not have any x-intercepts.
a>O x

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 81

Example 1: On the same set of axes, sketch the graphs of f (x) = (x + 2)2 - 1 and
g(x)=_(x- 3)2+ 4.
f(x): g(x):
1) Shape: a > 0 ~ happy face Shape: a < 0 ~ sad face

2) Turningpoint: (-2 ;-1) Turning point: (3; 4)

3) y-int: letx=O y-int: letx=O
y=(0+2)2-1=3 y=_(0-3)2+ 4 =-5
:. y-int: (0;3) :. y-int: (0;-5)

4) x-int: let y = 0 x-int: let y = 0

0=(x+2)2-1 0=_(x-3)2+ 4
:.0=x2 +4x+4-1 :.0=-( x 2 -6x+9)+4
:.0=x2+4x+3 :.0=-x2 +6x-9+4
:.0= - x 2 +6x - 5
:.x=-3 or x=-l
:.0=x2 - 6x +5
:.x-int's:(-3;0) and (-1;0)
:.x=1 or x=5
:. x-int's :(1;0) and (5;0)



A sketch graph does not have to be accurate, but it does have to have the
correct shape and you must show the intercepts with the axes as well as
~ the turning point. Note that the sign of the x-coordinate of the turning
point is usually opposite to the sign of p in the equation.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 82

Example 2: On the same set of axes, sketch the graphs of f (x) =(x - 3)2 - 4 and
h(x) =-2 (x+ 3)2 +2.
f(x): h(x):
1) Shape: a > 0 ---) happy face Shape: a < 0 ---) sad face

2) Turning point: (3; - 4) Turning point: (-3 ; 2 )

3) y-int: letx=O y-int: letx=O

y=(0-3)2_ 4 =5 y =-2(0+3)2 +2=-16
:. y-int:(0;5) :. y-int:(0;-16)

4) x-int: lety=O x-int: lety=O

0=(x-3)2_ 4 0=-2(x+3)2+ 2
:.0=x2-6x+9-4 :. 0=-2(x2 +6x+9)+2
:.0=x2-6x+5 :. 0=-2x2 -12x-18+2
:.0= -2 (x2 +6x+8) ---)divideby -2
:.x=1 or x=5
:.x-int's:(I;O) and (5;0) :.0=x2 +6x+8
:.x=-2 or x=-4
:.x-int's:(-2;0) and (-4;0)



I ~ Complete Exercise 1 number 1 on page 303.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 83

When the parabola is in the form y = ax 2 + bx + c the value of c is the y-intercept
and as before a tells you about the shape of the parabola.
In order to determine the turning point of the parabola you can complete the
square on the general equation as shown below.

y=ax 2 +bx+c
:.y=a(x +! x+ :) -7add and subtract Gx!J =(:J2
_ b22 +~] -7LCD=4a2
4a a

:. y = a [(x+ :a J 4a:~b2 ]
+ -7 multiply a back in

:. y =a(x+~)2 + 4ac-b -7 x-coordinate of the TP and y-coordinate of the TP
2a 4a
From this it can be seen that x =-~
is the x-coordinate of the turning point.
This line is also the axis of symmetry. The parabola is always symmetrical about
its turning point. This means that it is a mirror image of itself over a vertical line
passing through the turning point.


The only difference in sketching the parabola in the form y =ax 2 + bx + c is that
you have to determine the turning point by using the axis of symmetry (AS) or by
completing the square.

if a > 0 -7 happy face parabola (concave up) ..

1. Test for shape: '"
if a < 0 -7sad face parabola (concave down) (oJ
2. Determine the x and y coordinates of the turning point.
a) Determine the Axis of Symmetry (AS) using the equation x = -b •
b) Substitute the AS into the equation of the parabola to fmd the y-coordinate
of the turning point.
3. Determine the y-intercept by letting x equal to O.
4. Determine thex-intercept/s by lettingy equal to O.

The parabola only has 1 axis of symmetry (the line of x = -b ) and has no
~ 2a

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 84

Example 1: On the same set of axes, sketch the graphs of g ( x ) =_2x2 -12x - 10
and f(x) = x 2 -6x+ S .

g(x) : f(x):
1) Shape: a < 0 ~ sad face Shape: a > 0 ~ happy face

-b -(-12) b -(-6)
2) AS:x=-= -3 AS:x=-= 3
2a 2(-2) 2a 2(1)
g (-3) = -2( _3)2 -12( -3) -10 = 8 1(3) = (3)2 -6(3)+5 = -4
:. TP :( -3 ;8) :. TP:(3;-4)

3) y-int: (0;- 10) y-int: (0; 5)

4) x-int: lety=O x-int: lety=O

0=-2x2 -12x-1O 0=x2-6x+5
:.0= -2 (x2+6x+5) ~divideby -2 :.0=(x-l)(x-5)
:.x=1 or x=5
:.0=x2 +6x+5
:.x-int's:(I;O) and (5;0)
:.x=-5 or x=-1
:. x-int 's:( -5;0) and (-1;0)




© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 85

Example 2: On the same set of axes, sketch the graphs of f (x) = x 2 - 2x - 3 and
g(x) = _!.x 2 -3x- 8.
f(x): g(x):
1) Shape: a > 0 ---) happy face Shape: a < 0 ---) sad face

b -(-2) AS:x=-..!!..= -(-3) =-6

2) AS:x=- =1
2a 2(1) 2a 2(-~}
f (1) = (1)2 -2(1) -3 = -4 g (--6) = -!.( --6)2 -3(--6) -8 = 1
:. TP: (1;-4)
:. TP: (-6 ;1)

3) y-int: (0; -3 ) y-int: (0; -8 )

4) x-int: lety=O x-int: lety = 0

0=x2 -2x-3 0= -!.x2 -3x-8 ---)multiplyby -4
:.0= (x+ 1)(x-3) 4

x=-l or x=3 :.0 = x 2 + l2x+32

:.x-int's:(-l;O) and (3;0) :.0=(x+8)(x+4)
:.x=-8 or x=-4
:. x-int's:( -8;0) and (-4;0)



~ Complete Exercise 1 number 2 on page 303.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 86

There are usually three ways in which you will be expected to find the equation
of a parabola (quadratic function):
1. You will be given the turning point and one other point on the curve.
2. You will be given the x-intercepts and one other point on the curve.
3. You will be given the y-intercept and two other point on the curve.


In this case, use the equation of the parabola in turning point form: y = a (x _ P )2 + q

Example: Determine the equation of f (x) shown below, if the point

(-4;4) is its turning point and (-2;2) is a point on the graph. Write
your answer in the form f (x) = ax 2 + bx + c .

Turning Point (TP) : ( -4 ; 4)

:. y = a[x- (-4)J2 + 4

:. y = a (x+ 4)2 +4
Now substitute the other known point (-2; 2) into the above equation to solve for a.
:.2= a (-2+4)2+ 4
:.2= 4a +4
..' a =--
1 2
:.y= -- (x+ 4 ) +4
:. y = -~ ( x 2 +8x +16)+4 ~ don't forget the middle term

1 2
:. y = -- x -4x-8+4
:. f(x) = _.l x 2 -4x-4 ~a1ways write the equation in standard form

Complete Exercise 2 number 1 on page 303.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 87

Another form of the equation of the parabola is y =a (x - R 1 ) (X - R 2 ) •
In this form Rl and R2 are the roots (x-intercepts) of the equation.
When given the x-intercepts and another point, use the equation in this form in
order to determine the equation of the parabola.

Example: Determine the equation of the parabola shown below. Points

A( -2;0) and B(5;0) are the x-intercepts and C(2;-24) is a point on
the graph.

A(-2 ;O) B(5;O)


:. y = a [ x-( -2 )][x- 5]
:. y = a (x+ 2}(x- 5)
Now substitute the other known point (2; -24) into the above equation to solve for a
:. -24 = a (2 +2}(2 -5)
:. a=2
:. y = 2(x+ 2}(x- 5)
:. y = 2( x 2 -3x-1O)
:. y = 2x2 - 6x - 20 ~ always write the equation in standard form

I ~ Complete Exercise 2 number 2 on page 303.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 88


In this case use the equation of the parabola in the form of y =ax 2 + bx + c
and use simultaneous equations to solve for the values of a and b.

Example: A parabola's y-intercept is at pointA(0;-2). H points B(2;8) and

C( -6;-8) are points which lie on the graph, determine the equation
of the parabola.

:. y = ax2 +bx +c -7 c is the y-intercept (-2)

y=ax 2 +bx -2
Substitute the point B (2; 8) into the equation:

:.8 = a(2)2 +b(2)-2

:.8 = 4a+2b-2
:.10=4a+2b -7 ill
Substitute the point C ( -6; - 8) into the equation:
:. -8 = a( --6)2 +b( -6)-2
:.b=6a+I -7~
Substitute ~ into ill:
:.10=4a+2 (6a+l)

:.a=.!. -7@j
Substitute @j into ~:

:.b=6(Yz )+1

:. y =.!.x2 +4x-2

I ~ Complete Exercise 2 number 3 on page 304.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 89


In Grade 11 the hyperbola will be in the form of y = - - + q •
x- p
The hyperbola will either lie in the lot and 3 quadrants formed by the
asymptotes, or in the 2nd and 4th quadrants formed by the asymptotes. This is
summarised below:
a -7 a is a constant which detennines the quadrants that the hyperbola will lie in
If a > 0 the hyperbola will lie in the 1st and 3rd quadrants
If a < 0 the hyperbola will lie in the 2nd and 4th quadrants
p -7 P is the vertical asymptote (the line x = p)
q-7 qis the horizontal asymptote (the line y = q)
It is important to note that the value of p shifts the graph horizontally while q shifts
the graph vertically.


The hyperbola has 2 axes of symmetry:
y=x- p +q and y= - (x- p )+ q =- x + p +q
The axes of symmetry will cut the hyperbola at the following points:
If a > 0 the line y = x - p + q will cut the hyperbola at:

(+..Ja + p;+..Ja +q) and (-..Ja + p;-.Ja +q)

If a < 0 the line y = - x + p + q will cut the hyperbola at:

(-..Ja + p;+..Ja +q) and (+..Ja + p;-.Ja +q)

The sign of a is not taken into account when calculating the points of intersection. 'if
Hyperbolas with p and q equal to 0 are shown below:
y y


' , ' '-x

' , ''''x
, ~

, ,,
,, ,,
x x
(-.Ia+p;--./a+q), , ' ,, , ,(+-./a+p;--./a+q)
, ,
,, ,,
, ,, ,, ,,
,, ,

Figure 1: a> 0 Figure 2: a < 0

~ The sign of p is always opposite to the sign of p in the denominator.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 90

1. Determine the vertical and horizontal asymptotes and which quadrants the
hyperbola lies in.
2. Determine the x-intercept by letting y =0 and the y-intercept by letting x =O.
3. If asked, determine the equations of the axes of symmetry.
4. If asked, determine the points of intersection of the axes of symmetry with the
Example 1: Sketch the graph of y = _ 4_+ 4 showing both axes of symmetry
x- 2
and their point(s) of intersection with the graph.
1) Determine the asymptotes and quadrants:
a =+4 ~a>0 Asymptotes: x = 2 ~ vertical
:. The hyperbola lies in the 1st and 3rd quadrants y = 4 ~ horizontal

2) Determine the x and y-intercepts:

x-int: let y = 0 y-int: let x = 0
4 4
0=--+4 y=--+4
x-2 0-2
:. y = 2
:. -4 = _4_ ~ multiply both sides by x - 2
x-2 :. y-int: (0;2)
:.-4(x-2) =4
:. x-int: (1;0)

3) Determine the equations of the axes of symmetry:

y=x- p +q y= - (x- p )+ q
:. y =x- 2+4 :. y = - (x- 2)+ 4
4) Determine the points of intersection:
(+.Ja + p ;+.Ja +q ) and (-.Ja + p ;-fa +q ) ~a >0

=(.J4+2 ;.J4 +4) and (-.J4 +2 ;- .J4 +4)

= (4;6) and (0;2)
•• y
... :
I .'

•• I
•• I
I .'
I • (4;6)
.... I # 4' 4'
.... I, #
- - - - - - - - - - - - -,'f..- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# # I ....
# I ......
I '.
(1,0) '•
•• I
..• x
• • I • ••

Ix~2 ........ y=-x+6

© copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 91

Example 2: Sketch the graph of
x +2
,= ~ +
4 showing both axes of symmetry
and their point(s) of intersection with the graph.

1) Determine the asymptotes and quadrants:

a =-4 -7a<O Asymptotes: x = - 2 -7 vertical
:. The hyperbola lies in the 2nd and 4th quadrants y = 4 -7 horiwntal

2) Determine the x and ,-intercepts:

x-int: let y = 0 y-int: let x = 0
0= -4 +4 y=--+4
x+2 0+2
:. -4 =....:::±... -7 multiply both sides by x + 2
x+2 :. y-int: (0;2)
:.-4(x+2) =-4
:. x-int: (-1;0)

3) Determine the equations of the axes of symmetry:

y=x- p +q y= - (x- p )+ q
:.y=x-(-2 )+ 4 :.y= - [x-( -2 )J+ 4

4) Determine the points of intersection:

(-vIa + p ;+vIa +q) and (vIa + p ;-vIa +q) -7a<O

=(-v'4 - 2 ;v'4 + 4) and (v'4 - 2 ; - v'4 + 4)-7 the sign of a is not taken into account
=(-4;6) and (0;2)


.... .....
I "

.... I "
.... I "
...... I ",
(-4;6)". : ",
.... I , #
-- - ---- - ---- .;t;. -
# #
" I ....
I ..
," I
, ,, ;0) ...... x

, ,,
,, •• ..
, ,, ........ y=-x+2

I ~ Complete Exercise 3 on page 304.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 92

In most cases when rmding the equation of a hyperbola you will be given the
vertical and horizontal asymptotes or enough information to rmd them as well as
a point on the graph. Once you have these values they can be substituted into p
and q. The value of a can then be found by substituting the point on the graph
into the equation y = _ a - + q •
x- p

Example 1: Determine the equations of the hyperbolas shown below:

x~-21 Y y I
I (3; 3) :
I 1(5; 2)
I - t- - - - - - - - - - -

y~6 I


a a
y=--+ q y=--+ q
x- p x- p
a a
:.y=--+ 6 ~ p=-2 and q=6 :.y=--+ 2 ~ p=5 and q=2
x +2 x- 5
Sub the given point (1;9)into the equation Sub the given point (3; 3) into the equation

:.9= ~ +6 :.3=_a_+ 2
1+2 3-5
:.3 =~ ~ multiply both sides by 3 :.1 =~ ~ multiply both sides by-2
3 -2
:. a=9 :. a=-2
9 -2
:.y=--+ 6 :.y=--+ 2
x +2 x- 5

G) The x-value anywhere on the vertical asymptote is the value of p and the
1£ y-value anywhere on the horizontal asymptote is the value of q.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 93

Example 2: Determine the equation of the hyperbola shown below. AU points
shown are points that lie on the hyperbola and the line x =-4 is the
equation of the vertical asymptote.


-------- " 1 ---I



In a case where only one asymptote is provided simultaneous equations will be

required to determine the equation of the hyperbola.
y=_ a_+ q -7 it is given that p =-4
x +4
Sub point (-3;7)
:. 7-q=a -7ill
Sub point (-7;-5)
:.-5= +q
:.-5 =~+q -71ll
Sub ill into III :
:.-5= (7-q ) +q -7a=7-q
:. -5 - q = 7 - q -7 multiply boths sides by - 3
:. q=-2 -7@j
Sub @j into ill :
:.y=--- 2
x +4

I ~ Complete Exercise 4 on page 304.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 94

In Grade 11 the exponential function has the form:
y =ab - p +q where b > 0 and b *- 1

The values of a,p and q shift the graph as follows:

a ~ The sign of a determines which side of the asymptote the graph will lie (shape).
If a > 0 then the graph will lie above the asymptote.
If a < 0 then the graph will lie below the asymptote.

p ~ p shifts the graph left or right.

q ~ The line y = q is the horizontal asymptote (the vertical shift).

In order to demonstrate the shape and y- intercept of the exponential function we will let
a =1, P = 0 and q = O. This results in the standard graph of y = b X which is sketched
a =1 and b >1 a =1 and O< b <1
Increasing function Decreasing function

---~--->x ----~-->x
By letting x = 0 the y-intercept of the graph is:
y =bO~ any number raised to the power of 0 is equal to 1
:. y =1
:. The y-intercept is at the point (0;1).
So, for the standard exponential graph where a = 1 the x-axis is the horizontal
asymptote and the y-intercept will be at (0;1). If a = -1 the graph is reflected about the
x-axis and the y-intercept will be at (0; -1) and the graph will lie below the horizontal
asymptote, as sketched below.
a =-1 and b >1 a =-1 and O< b <1
Decreasing function Increasing function

---~---.. ----~-->,

The domain of an exponential function is:

x E lR ~ also written as x E (--00; 00 )
The range of an exponential function is:
• y> q if a > 0 ~ also written as yE (q;oo)
• y <q if a < 0 ~ also written as yE (--oo; q )

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 95

1. Check if the graph is above or below the asymptote:
if a > 0 ~ graph is above the asymptote
if a < 0 ~ graph is below the asymptote

2. Check if the function is increasing or decreasing:

if b > I and a > 0 ~ graph is increasing (as x increases so does the value of y)
if 0 < b < I and a > 0 ~ graph is decreasing (as x increases the value of y decreases)

if b > I and a < 0 ~ graph is decreasing (as x increases the value of y decreases)
if 0 < b < I and a < 0 ~ graph is increasing (as x increases so does the value of y)

Note: if b is raised to a negative lit is the same as writing i. ~ -n

b = ;n 'f
3. Find the y intercept by setting x equal to O.

4. Find the horizontal asymptote (y =q).

5. Find the x-intercept by settingy equal to O.

6. Substitute a value for x in order to obtain another point on the graph and
obtain the correct shape.

~ The exponential function will only have an x-intercept if:

a > 0 and q < 0 ~ the horizontal asymptote lies below the x-axis
y a >O
p <o

a < 0 and q > 0 ~ the horizontal asymptote lies above the x-axis
------------- ---------

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 96

Example 1: Sketch the graph of f (x) =4(2t- 2 +1.

1) a > 0 .... graph is above the horizontal asymptote

2) b > 1 and a > 0 :. graph is increasing

3) Find the y- intercept:

:.y=4(2t +1
:.y=4(2r + 1
:. y = 4(,7;;) + 1
:. y-int: (0;2)

4) y = 1 is the horizontal asymptote

5) x-intercept: none ~ a > 0 and q > 0

6) Substitute a value for x in order to obtain another point on the graph:

substitute x = 2 ~ x = p is a good choice
:. y =4(2)2-2 + 1
:.Additionalpoint: (2;5)


© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 97

Example 2: Sketch the graph of y =-2"1 ( 4 )-x+2 + 1.
Note the minus sign in front of the x. Always rewrite the equation so that x is positive by

using the rule that b -x = GJ. 'if'

1 ( 4 )- (x-2) + 1
:.y= --

1 ( I J"'-2
:·y= -2 4 +1

1) a < 0 -+ graph is below the horizontal 2) 0 < b < 1 and a < 0 :. graph is
asymptote increasing

3) Find the y-intercept: 4) y = 1 is the horizontal asymptote

:.y=-M:f +1=-7

:. y-int: (0;-7)

5) Find the x-intercept by setting y = 0: 6) Substitute a value for x in order to

obtain another point on the graph:
:.0 = -.!. ( 4 )-{x-2) + 1
2 substitute x = 2 -7 P is a good choice
:.-I=-~Gr-2 -7 multiply by -2 :. y=_.!.(4r + +1

:.2=(2-2 t 2
-7,X = 2-2
:. y=-.!.(I)+1

:. 21 = 2-2x+4 ...y=-2
:. Additional point: (2;~)
... x= 12

:. x-int: (Yz;O)
y y~l
------------ ------(z~~-----------------.

I ~ Complete Exercise 5 on page 304.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 98

In most cases, when fmding the equation of an exponential graph you will be
given the horizontal asymptote or enough information to fmd it. You will also be
given a point or points which lie on the graph. Once you have the horizontal
asymptote it can be substituted into q and the remaining unknowns can then be
found by substituting the given point or points into the equation.

Example: The exponential function below has the equation f (x) =2 x - P +q.
The line of y =2 is the horizontal asymptote and A (3;3) is a point
on the graph. Determine the equation of the graph.

_____ ~_
= _=

f{x) =2x- P +q
:. f (x) = 2x - P + 2 ~ Y = q is the horizontal asymptote
Sub A{3;3)
:.3=23- p +2
:. 1 = 23- p ~ you need to get the same bases on both sides
:. 2° =23- p ~ any number raised to the power 0[0 is equal to 1 (aO =1)
:. f{x) = 2x - 3 +2

I ~ Complete Exercise 6 on page 305.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 99

As you have seen in the graphs that you have dealt with, graphs can be
translated (shifted) horizontally and vertically.
It has been shown that the value of p is responsible for horizontal shifts and the
value of q is responsible for vertical shifts.
A reflection in the x-axis causes all the y-values to change sign and leaves the
x-values the same.
A reflection in the y-axis causes all the x-values to change sign and leaves the
y-values the same.

Illustrative Example 1: Sketch the graph of f (x) = x2 • Then, on the same set of
axes sketch the graphs of:
a) f(x-2) b) f(x+2)

a) f(x-2) = (x_2)2 b) f(x+2)=(x+2)2

Ibis is a parabola with a turning Ibis is a parabola with a turning
point at (2; 0) and y-intercept of point at (- 2; 0) and y-intercept of
(0;4). Ibis is the graph of f(x) (0;4) .Ibis is the graph of f(x)
shifted 2 units to the right. shifted 2 units to the left.

f(x+2) y f(x) f(x-2)

(-2;0) (0;0) (2;0) x

From the above graphs it should be clear that:

• The graph of f (x - p) shifts the graph of f (x) P units to the right.
• The graph of f (x + p ) shifts the graph of f (x) p units to the left.

Illustrative Example 2: Given the function f (x) =(x - 3)2 + 4 :

a) Determine the turning point of f. b) Determine the turning point of
g(x) if g(x)=f(x-l)

a) From the equation of f (x) it can be seen that the turning point is (3; 4)

b) f (x -I) shifts the graph of f (x) I unitto the right.

:.TPofg(x) is (4 ;4)

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 100

IDustrative Example 3: The graph of f (x) = x2 is sketched below.
Thegraphsof g(x)=f(x)+5 and h(x)=f(x)-5 are
also sketched on the same set of axes.



From the graphs it can be seen that g (x) shifts f (x) up 5 units.
The graph of h (x) shifts f (x) down 5 units.
In summary:
• The graph of f (x) + q shifts the graph of f (x) q units up.
• The graph of f (x) - q shifts the graph of f (x) q units down.

IDustrative Example 4: The graph of f (x) = (x+2)2 +3 is sketched below.

The graphs of g(x)=f(-x) and h(x)=-f(x) are
also sketched on the same set of axes.

(-2;3) (2;3)
(-2;-3) x


From the graphs it can be seen that g (x) is a reflection of f (x) about the y-axis and
the graph of h (x) is a reflection of f (x) about the x-axis.
In summary:
• The graph of f (-x) is a reflection of the graph of f (x) about the y-axis.
• The graph of - f (x) is a reflection of the graph of f (x) about the x-axis.

I ~ Complete Exercise 7 on page 305.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 101

The length of any vertical line AB is: AB = Ytop - Ybottom
The length of any horizontal line CD is: CD = xright - x/eft

Example 1: Determine the length of line AB and CD below:


C(-5;3) n(4;3)

AB = Ytop - Ybot CD = xright - Yleft

= Ya -Yb
=8-2 =4-(-5)
= 6 units = 9 units

Example 2: Line AB below can move anywhere between points C and D. It is

given that f(x) =2x2 -8x+6 and g(x) =-2x+6. Write down an
expression for the length of line AB in terms of x. Hence, determine
the length of line AB when x = 2.

AB =g (x) - f(x) -7 Ytop - Ybot

:.AB = -2x+6 - ( 2x2 -8x+6)

:.AB = -2x+6-2x2 +8x-6

:. AB = _2x2 + 6x -7 this is the length of line AB anywhere between points C and D
Now substitute x = 2 into the equation for AB above:
:.AB = _2(2)2 +6(2)
= 4 units atx= 2

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents lO2

Example 1: In the diagram below, f (x) = x 2 +3x -4 and g(x) =x+4.

L x



a) The length of CD if OL = 2 units • b) The length of OT if EF = 7 units •

c) The coordinates of A and B. d) The coordinates of P.

e) The values ofx for which f (x) ~ O.

f) The values ofx for which f (x) S g(x).

g) The values ofx for which f (x ).g(x) > O.

a) CD= g(x) - f(x)

= x+4 -( ~ +3x-4)
Sub x = - 2 ~ OL is 2 units but L is on the negative x-axis :. the x-value at L is - 2
:. CD =-( _2)2 -2( -2)+8
:. CD = 8 units

b) EF= f(x) - g(x)

:. 7 = x2+3x-4 -(x+4) ~ EF=7units
:.7=x2 +2x-8
:.x2 +2x-15=O
:. (x+5)(x-3) = 0
:. x = -5 or x = 3 ~ N/A as T is on the negative x-axis
:. OT = 5 units ~ positive as a length cannot be negative

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 103

L x

c) x-int: let y = 0 D

:. x 2 +3x-4 =0
:. (x+4}(x-l) = 0
:.x=-4 or x=l
:. A is the point (-4;0) and B is the point (1;0)

d) P is a point of intersection of the graphs

:. f(x} = g(x}
:. x 2 +3x-4 = x+4
:.x2 +2x-8=0
:. x = 2 or x = -4 ~ this is the x-value at point A (the other point of intersection)
:. The x-value at point P is 2
Sub x = 2 into g (x) ~ f (x) could also be used (use the easier equation)
:. P is the point (2;6)

e) f (x) ~ 0 ~ this occurs where the graph of f is above the x-axis

:.x~-4 or x~l ~alsowrittenasxE (-00;-4] or [1;00)

f) f (x) ~ g (x) ~ this occurs where the graph of f is below or intersects g

:. f(x} ~ g(x} from points A to P
:. -4~ x~ 2 ~ also written as XE [-4;2]

g) f(x}.g(x}>O
There are 2 possible ways this can occur:
l)f(x} andg(x} arebothpositive ~ '+' X '+'='+'
This occurs from point B onwards.
2)f(x} and g(x} are both negative ~ '-' x '-' = '+'
This does not occur on this graph .
... x > 1 ~ also written as x E (1; 00 ) ~ x '" 1 as the question said greater than 0

A graph is positive where it lies above tbe x-axis and negative where it
lies below tbe x-axis.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 104

Example 2: The graph below represents y =_x 2 +8x with turning point A(4;16).

y A(4;J6)

For what values of t will the equation _x 2 + 8x + t = 0 have two roots

which are positive and greater than O?

In this question it is important to understand that t will shift the graph vertically up or
In order to have two positive roots the graph will have to lie between the two dotted
graphs shown below. This means that the graph has to be shifted down, but by no more
than 16 units.

:.-16 < t < 0 ~ also written as tE (-16;0)

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 105

Example3: It is given that f(x}=-x 2 +6x and g(x}=x 2 -4x+3. The line PQ
can lie anywhere between points A and B.

a) Write down an expression for the length of line PQ.
b) Hence, determine the maximum length of PQ.

a) PQ = f(x) - g(x)
:. PQ = _x2 +6x -( x 2 -4x+3 )

:.PQ =_x2 +6x-x2 +4x-3

... PQ =- 2x2 + 1Ox - 3 ---) this expression represents the length of line PQ

The above equation is a parabola, where the ,-value represents the length of line
PQ for a particular x-value between A and B. It was shown in graph sketching that
the ,-coordinate of the turning point is the maximum or minimum value of the
graph. Therefore, the ,-coordinate of the turning point of PQ will be the maximum
length of PQ.

b) PQ=-2x2 +lOx-3

AS:x= -b
:. x = (10) = ~ ---) this is the x-value where the length of PQ will be a maximum
2 -2 2

Sub x = ~ into the equation of PQ to obtain the maximum value:


:.PQmax =_2(,%)2 +10(,%)-3

19 .
= - umts
:. The maximum length of PQ is 9,5 units.

Complete Exercise 8 on pages 305 and 306.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 106

Example: A Grade 11 mathematics student builds a water rocket and launches it
from the roof of his school. He determines that the height above the
ground from the moment it is launched can be modelled by the
function H (t) =-5t 2 + 20t + 20 , which is sketched below:

Time (s) t

a) Determine the height of the school roof.

(Hint: This is the height the rocket was launched from)
b) Determine the rocket's maximum height above the ground.
c) Determine the time the rocket was in the air for correct to the nearest second.

a) The y-intercept of the graph represents its initial starting height:

:. H(O) =_5(0)2 +20(0)+20
= 20 metres

b) The y-coordinate of the turning point represents the rocket's maximum height:
H(t) = -5t 2 +20t+20
x = -(20) = 2 ~ this is the time when the rocket will reach its maximum height
2 -5
:. H(2) =_5(2)2 +20(2)+20
=40 metres
:. The maximum height the rocket reaches is 40 metres.

c) The x-intercepts of the graph represent when the rocket is on the ground:
0= -5t 2 + 20t + 20 ~ divide both sides by - 5
... 0 = t 2 - 4t - 4 ~ use the quadratic formula

-( -4)±~( -4)2 -4(1)( -4) -b±~b2 -4ac

:.t 2(1) --)X 2a

:. t = 4,83 or t = -0,83
but t *- -0,83 ~ time cannot be negative
:. t =5 seconds ~ the question said the answer must be correct to the nearest second
:. The rocket was in the air for 5 seconds.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 107

The average gradient (m) is the average rate of change between two points.
The average gradient between the points (~; YI) and (Xz; Y2) is given by:

average gradient =m
Yl = Y2 -
x 2 -xl
The average gradient between two points on a curve is the gradient of a straight
line which joins the two points together.
IDustrative Example:
Given the function f (x) = x 2 - 4, determine the average gradient of the function
between x =1 and x =3.
In order to determine the average gradient you need the y values where x = 1 and x = 3.
y •
5 •••••
j(1)=(1)2 -4= -3
j(3)=(3)2_4= 5
j( 3)- j(l } 5 -(-3)
~= 4 3 x
3- 1 2

owiet us exaJDlne the 2l'IUd'lent b etween the f1oOWlD2Pom

N II 'ts on theun
f1 ction:
Point A PointB Gradient
(1;-3) (3;5) m= 4
(1;-3) (2;0) m= =3
-1,75-( -3}
(1;-3) (1,5;-1,75) m= 2,5
(1;-3) (1,2;-2,56) m= 2,2
(1;-3) (1,1;-2,79) m= = 21
11-1 '
-2,8975-( -3}
(1;-3) (1,05;-2,8975) m= 2,05
(1,005;-2, 989975} -2,989975-( -3}
(1;-3) m= 2,005
From the table it can be seen that as you calculate the average gradient using points
closer to A, the gradient starts to approach 2.

As the points get closer together, the gradient of line starts to

approximate the gradient of the graph at a point. From this it can be seen
that the gradient at point A is equal to 2.

I ~ Complete Exercise 9 on pages 306 and 307,

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 108

y =sin x where x e [ -360· ; 360· ]


The of the standard sin is 360·.

The domain of the standard unrestricted sin graph is x e JR.
In the above graph the domain has been restricted to xe [ -360·; 360· ]

The range of a standard sin graph is: ye [-1; 1]

y =cos x where x e [ _360· ; 360· ]

The of the standard cos is 360·.

The domain of the standard unrestricted cos graph is x e JR.
In the above graph the domain has been restricted to x e [ - 360· ; 360· J.
The range of a standard cos graph is: ye [-1; 1]
y =tan x where xe [-360· ;360· ]

I; -225'
!:.: -.
T T of the standard tan is 80·.
The domain of the standard unrestricted tan graph is:
xe JR, x'" ±90· + 180· k where ke Z
In the above graph the domain has been restricted to xe [ -360·; 360· ]

but x '" ±90· and x '" ±270·

The range of a standard tan graph is: ye JR. -7 also written as y E ( --00; 00 )

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 109

If there is a change in amplitude the y-values of the standard graphs will be
multiplied by a. This causes a change in the amplitude by a factor of a. A change
in amplitude stretches or compresses the graphs vertically.
The graphs will be in the forms of:
y = a sin (x} y = a cos (x} y =a tan (x}

Example: On separate axes sketch the graphs of:

y = -3sin x, y = ! cos x and y = 2tan x where XE [-360· ;360· ]


y= -3 sin x

r The standard tan graph (where

a is equal to 1) has ay-value of
1 at 45 degrees. In this case, as
a is equal to 2, the y-value at 45
~ degrees is equal to 2.
The domain is restricted in the
question. Therefore, the graph
y= 2 tan x L is drawn from -360 to 360 degrees.


If q is added to the graph it will shift up by q units.
If q is subtracted from the graph it will shift down by q units.
The graphs will be in the forms of:
y= sin (x} ±q y= cos (x} ±q y= tan (x} ±q

Example 1: Sketch the graph of y = sin x + 2 where x E [-360·; 360· ]



-360· -270 _180· _90· 90· 180· 270· 360·
y= sin x +2

You can think of the line y = q as the new x-axis.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 110

Example 2: On separate axes sketch the graphs of:
y= sin x +1, y= cos x -2 and y= tan x +1 wherexE [0·;360·J


90· 180· 270· 360·

90· 180· 270· 360·

y= sin x +l y= cos x -2

3 r The standard tan graph (where

2 q is equal to 0) bas a y-value of
- I- --- 1 at 45 degrees. In this case, as
q is equal to 1, the y-value at 45
-1 degrees is equal to 2. This is
-2 because one is added to all of the
y= tan x +l L y-values.


In the case of a left shift, po will be added to the angle.
The graphs will be in the forms of:
y= sin (x+ p' ) y= cos (x+ p' ) y=tan (x+ p' )
Example 1: Sketch the graph of y = sin ( x+ 30' ) where XE [-30';330· ]
This is a shift of 30· left. To sketch the graph, take every key value (intercepts and
turning points) and subtract 30· from the x-coordinates.

Original Point Shift New point

(0· ;0) (0· - 30· ;0) (-30· ;0)
(90·;1) (90· _30· ;1) (60· ;1)
(180· ;0) (180· - 30· ;0) (150· ;0)
(270· ;-1) (270· - 30· ;-1) (240· ;-1)
(360· ;0) (360· _30· ;0) (330· ;0)


(-30' ;0) 0,5

-30.:.0,5 60' 240' 330' x


© copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 111

Example 2: On separate axes sketch the graphs of:
y =cos (X + 60' ) wherexE [-30';330° ] andy = tan (X+ 4S' ) where XE [ -45°;315° ]

As you did in the previous example draw up a table and subtract 60' and 45' from the
x-coordinates of the key values of the cos and tan graph respectively.

y = cos ( x+ 60') y= tan (x+45')

Original Original New
Shift New point Shift
Point Point point
(0';1 ) (0° _ 60' ;1) (-{jO' ;I) (0' ; 0) (0° _ 45' ;0) (-45° ;0)

(90';0) (90' - 60' ;0) (30' ;0) (45';l ) (45' - 45' ;1) (0' ;1 )
asymptote asymptote asymptote
(180' ;-1) (180' _ 60' ;-1) (120' ;-1) x=90' _ 45'
x=90' x= 45'
(270' ;0) (270' - 60' ;0) (210' ;0) (180';0) (180' _ 45' ;0) (135' ;0)
asymptote asymptote asymptote
(360';1) (360' _ 60' ;1) (300' ;1)
x=270' x=270' _ 45' x= 225'
(360' ;0) (360' - 45' ;0) (315' ;0)


y= cos (x+ 60' )



-1 r
········································ 1···

y= tan (x+ 45' )

© copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 112

In the case of a right shift, pO will be subtracted from the angle.
The graphs will be in the forms of:
y= sin (x- p' ) y= cos (x- p' ) y= tan (x- p' )

Example: Sketch the graph of y=cos (x- 90· ) where xe[-360·;360·]

This is a shift of 90· right. To sketch the graph, take every key value (intercepts and
turning points) and add 90· to the x-coordinates.

y=cos (x-90·)
Original Original New
Shift New point Shift
Point Point point
(-450·;0) (-450· +90· ;0) (-360· ;0) (0·;1) (0· +90· ;1) (90· ;1)

(-360·;1) (-360· +90· ;1) (-270· ;1) (90·;0) (90·+ 90· ;0) (180· ;0)
(-270·;0 ) (-270· +90· ;0) (-180· ;0) (180·;-1) (180· +90· ;-1) (270· ;-1)

(-180· ;-1) (-180·+ 90· ;-1) (-90· ;-1) (270· ;0) (270· +90· ;0) (360· ;0)

(-90·;0) (-90· +90· ;0) (0· ;0) (360· ;1) (360· + 90· ;1) (450· ;1)

You do not sketch the point (450°;1) as it is not within the domain that was given in the
question. ~

'i' Notice that a graph of cosO shifted 90' to the right is a graph of sinO .

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 113

A change in period stretches or compresses the graph horizontally.
In the case of a change in period the angle will be multiplied by a factor of k.
y = sin (kx ) y = cos (kx ) y = tan (kx )
H 0 <k < 1 the graph is stretched and the period increases.
H k > 1 the graph is compressed and the period decreases.

Period of a graph:
In order to calculate the period of a graph use the formula:
.od original period
newpen = k

Example 1: Sketch the graph of y = sin (2x) where XE [-360';360' ]

new period = 360' = 180' ~ one cycle is completed in 180' instead of 360'
In order to sketch the graph, take every key value (intercepts and turning points) and
divide the x-coordinates by 2.

Oriltinal Point New point Oriltinal Point New point

(±720' ;0) (±360' ;0 ) (±360';0 ) (±180' ;0 )

(±630' ;+1) (±315' ;+1) (±270' ;+1) (±135' ;+1)

(±540' ;0) (±270' ;0 ) (±180';0 ) (±90' ;0)

(±450';±1) (±225' ;±1) (±90' ;±1) (±45' ;±1)

Starting point stays at: (0' ; 0 )

The starting point of a graph does not change with a change in period. 'if

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 114

Example 2: Sketch the graph of y =cos (~x ) where x E [ -360·; 360· ]

new period = 3rz· = 720· -7 one cycle is completed in 720· instead of 360·

In order to sketch the graph, take every key value (intercepts and turning points) and
divide the x-coordinates by a ~ (this is the same as multiplying by 2).

Orieinal Point New point Orieinal Point New point

0 0 0 0
(-180 ;-1) (-360 ;-1) (90 ;0 ) (180 ;0)
0 0 0 0
(-90 ;0) (-180 ;0) (180 ;-1) (360 ;-1)

Starting point stays: ( 00 ; 1)

90· 360. x

Example 3: Sketch the graph of y =tan (2x) where x E [ 0·; 360 0


new period = 180· = 90· -7 one cycle is completed in 90· instead of 180·
In order to sketch the graph, take every key value (intercepts and turning points) and
divide the x-coordinates by 2 .

Original Point New point Original Point New point

0 0
(00;0) (00 ;0) (360 ;0) (180 ;0)
o asymptote asymptote
(4s ;1 ) (22,so ;1 ) o
x=4S0° x= 22S
asymptote asymptote 0
o (S40° ;0) (270 ;0 )
x=90° x= 4S
0 0 asymptote asymptote
(180 ;0) (90 ;0) o
x=630° x= 31S
asymptote asymptote 0 0
o (720 ;0) (360 ;0)
x=270° x= 13S


22,S" 145. 60·


© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 115

Example 1: The graphs of I(x)=asin(x) and g(x)=cos(kx) are sketched
below for x E [ 0° ;180° J:

1 r-::::-:::::: D

45' 90' 135' 158,53' 180' x


a) Determine the values of a and k.

b) Determine the length of line AB.
c) Determine the coordinates of point D correct to 2 decimal places.
d) For which values ofx is 1 (x) ~g(x).
e) For which values ofx is ~~:~ SO.
a) The standard sin graph starts at (0; 0) and has an amplitude of 1. The above graph
starts at (0; 0) and has an amplitude of 2.
The standard cos graph has a period of 360' . The above graph has a period of 180'.
:. 360' = 180'
b) AB= /(x) - g(x)
:. AB =3 units
c) In order to solve for the y-value of D substitute the given x-value into the equation
of either I(x) org(x).
1(158,53') = 2sin(158,53') ~ g(x) could also be used

= 2sin(158,53')
:. D is the point (158,53' ;0,73)

d) 1 lies above or on g from points C to D.

:.21,47° :'>x:'>158,53°

e) ~ ~:~ :'> 0 when one graph is postive and the other is negative.
:. 45' < x < 135' ~ x "* 45' or 135' as g (x) = 0 at these points (you can't divide by 0)

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 116

Example 2: The graphs of f (x) = tan (x - p) + q and g (x ) =acos x are sketched
below for x E [0° ;315° J:



a) Determine the equation of g (x) .

b) Determine the equation of f (x) •
c) For which values ofx is f (x) = g(x)?
d) For which values ofx is g( x) S f (x)?
e) Write down the equation of h (x) if h (x) is the graph of g (x)
shifted 30' to the left and 2 units up.

a) The standard cos graph starts at (0;1). It can be seen on the graph that this is a
standard cos graph which has been reflected about the x-axis.
:.a =-1

b) The standard tan graph has an asymptote at 90'. In the above graph the asymptote is
at 135' . This means the graph has been shifted right by 45' .
:. p =45'
It can also be seen that the graph has been shifted one unit down.
:. q =-1
:. f (x) = tan ( x-45')-1

c) This is where the graphs intersect each other.

:.x=90' or x=270'

d) This occurs where the graph of g is below or equal to the graph of f .

:.90' S x <135' or 270' S x < 315'
This can also be written as: XE [90' ;135') or XE [270' ;315')

e) h(x)=g(x+30')+2

Complete Exercise 10 on pages 307 and 308 and the

Mixed Exercise on pages 308 and 309.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 117


A. Grade 10 Revision
Derive and use the identities:
119 • Trigonometric Ratios sin 2 l:1+cos 2 1:1 = 1
119 • Special Angles
and lanl:1= sinl:1
120 • Trigonometric Ratios in cos 1:1
the Cartesian Plane
123 B. Identities • Derive the reduction fonnula.
123 • Proofs • Determine the general
124 • Application of Identities solution and/or the specific
127 C. Reduction Formulas solutions of trigonometric
128 • Negative Angles
129 • Co-Functions
130 • Using Reduction
Formulas, Co-functions
and Negative Angles with
133 D. Trigonometric Equations
133 • General Solutions
13S • Types of General Solutions
139 • Equations in a Specified
140 E. Restrictions in
Trigonometric Equations

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 118

In Grade 10 you learnt the following trigonometric ratios for a right-angled
• () Opposite Oh @.. Recap:
sm = ~-- Labelling sides of Triangles:
Hypotenuse Hell

cos () =

tan (}= Opposite ~ Of


P "'---'----'-'R
1 ~~R Side PR opposite ~ is labelled q
Adjacent Side QR opposite P is labelled p
Adjacent Algebra "'-
Side PQ opposite R is labelled r

It was also shown that the functions could also be defined as:
sin(}= Z cos (} =-=- tan (}= Z
r r x

The value of sin 8, cos(}and tan (}can be solved without the use of a calculator if ()
is one of the special angles shown in the fan diagram below

(v'D ;v'4)
90' (v'i ;v'3 )
(v'2 ;v'2 )
(v'3 ;v'i)
(-v'4 ;v'D) 0' (v'4 ;v'D )
180' r r 360'

(v'D ;-v'4 )
From the above diagram it can be seen that at:
(}=o· ~( x ; y )=( 2 ; 0 ) () = 90· ~ (x;y) = (0;2)
() = 30· ~( x ; y )=(v'3; l) (}=180· ~( x ; y )=( -2 ; 0 )

() = 45· ~ (x ;y) = (v'2;v'2 ) (}=270· ~( x ; y )=( 0 ; -2)

() = 60· ~(x ; y )=(l ; v'3) () = 360· ~( x ; y )=( 2 ; 0 )

'i' When dealing with special angles r is always equal to 2. I

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 119
In Grade 10 you learnt to deal with trigonometric functions in the different
quadrants of the Cartesian plane.
The Cartesian planes below show how angles are measured in the Cartesian plane and
where the relative quadrants lie. If an angle is measured anti-clockwise it is positive
and if measured clockwise it is negative.

y 90'

Quadrant Quadrant
180' 0'
-x x 360'
-(} Quadrant Quadrant

-y 270'

From the above diagrams it can be seen whicb trigonometric functions are positive
or negative in the relative quadrants.

OuadrantI OuadrantII Ouadrantm OuadrantIV

y - y -
sin (}= Z = + = + sin (}= Z = + = + sin (}=-=-= - sin (}=-=-= -
r + r + r + r +
cos (}=-=-= +
+ x -
cos (}=-=-= -
x -
cos (}=-=-= -
x +
cos (}=-=-= +
r + r + r + r +
y + tan (}= Z = + = - y - y -
tan (}=-=-= + tan (}=-=-= + tan (}=-=-= -
x + x x x +

Remember that r is a length and is always positive. The line drawn from
'lr the origin to a point is known as the terminal arm. In the diagram above
the terminal arm is drawn in the second quadrant.

There are two mnemonics that may be used to remember which functions are
positive in the different quadrants. These are also shown in the diagram below.
1. Moving anti-clockwise from the first quadrant: All Students Take Care
2. Moving anti-clockwise from the fourth quadrant the word: CAST

Sin is All functions
positive positive

180' 0'
Tan is Cos is
positive positive


© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 120

Example 1: If sine = % and ee [ 90 0
; 270
] determine the value of sin2e+cos2e,
without the use of a calculator.
With this type of question you have to draw a diagram in order to solve the problem. Cf
Step 1: Determine which quadrant e is in and draw a diagram:
You are given that sin (} = % .

% is positive, therefore e lies in quadrants I or II as sine is positive in these

Therefore place a tick in the 1st and 2nd quadrant. You now have to use the restriction in
the question. You are told that e is between 90° and 270°. This means that e is in the
2nd or 3rd quadrant. Therefore place a tick in the 2nd and 3rd quadrant. The quadrant with
two ticks is where both constraints are satisfied and this is the quadrant that the terminal
arm lies in.
sin e =% ~ Vr therefore the y-value is 2 and r is 3.
You can now draw the diagram as shown below:

The value of -.JS in red is calculated in step 2 and then added to the diagram. Cf
VV y V

2: ,,31o""""T,
V -$ x

Step 2: Calculate the value of the unknown side using the Theorem of Pythagoras:
r2 =x2 + y2
:.3 2 =x2 +22
:. x2 =5
:. x =-../5 or x =../5 ~ N/A as the terminal arm lies in the second quadrant
:.x= - ../5
Step 3: Now solve the problem using your diagram.

A common mistake is to write the above answer as:

~~ sin2(%)+cos (
=1 -v'%')
This is incorrect! The sides of your triangle can't be written as the angle.

In this question the terminal arm has a length of 3 units and lies in the 2nd
~ quadrant. Remember that the length of a line can never be negative.
No matter which quadrant the terminal arm lies in, r is always positive.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlnt Books CC Table of Contents 121

Example 2: H tan 0 =~ and cosO < 0 determine, without a calculator the value of:
a) - - b) cos 0 tan 0

Step 1: Determine which quadrant 0 is in and draw a diagram:

tanO is positive and cosO is negative. Therefore the terminal arm lies in quadrant III.
Remember as 0 is in the 3rd quadrant the values of x andy are negative.

tanO=± ~l. :.yis -4 and x is -3

3 x
You can now draw the diagram as shown below:
The value of 5 in red is calculated in step 2 and then added to the diagram. ~

Step 2: Calculate the value of the unknown side using the Theorem of Pythagoras:
r2 =x2 +y2
:. r2 = (_3)2 +( -4)2
:.r2 =25
:. r =5 ~ x '" -5, r is always positive as it is a length

Step 3: Now solve the problem using your diagram.

-4 -3
=--4 x -5 ~
,. d.
tip an times
5 -3

b) cos tan 0

= -3 ( -4 ) ~ x and y are negative in quadrant III

5 -3

I ~ Complete Exercise 1 on page 323.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 122

Identities are used in order to simplify trigonometric expressions.
In grade 11 there are two fundamental identities you are required to know:

2) tan 0 = sinO
Take note that tan 9 is undefined when cos 9 =O. This is the reason for the asymptotes
on the tan graph which you dealt with in Chapter 5 (pg. 109). This will be covered in
more detail later in the chapter when dealing with trigonometric equations.

To prove the identity sin20+ cos2 0=1 and tan 0 = sinO, draw the diagram with
point P (x; y) as shown below:

y P(x;y)

x x

Proof that sin2 0+ cos 20=1: Proof that tan 0 = - - :
cos O
Reading from the diagram: Reading from the diagram:
sin 2 O+cos 2 0 sinO
=-y +-x -7tipan
. d'times
r r
i x
r2 r2 , x
x + i
- - - 0'<- -7 r.1
t!J =1.
r2 x
Using Pythagoras and the diagram: =tan 0
x 2 +i=r2 -71l1
Sub III into ill :

The identity sin 20+ cos 20=1 can also be written as:
sin2 0=1- cos2 0 or cos 20=1- sin 20
This identity is known as the square identity

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 123

In most cases you will have to use identities to simplify expressions or to prove
that the left hand side of an identity is equal to the right hand side of the identity.
Tips when solving problems using identities:
. expreSSIOns
• W nte • (J and cos (J 0 nly. b
. .m tenns 0 f sm · tan (J = -
y usmg sin(J
• Note that: _1_= cos(J ~l+tanO=!+ sinO =!xcos(J = cosO .
tan(J sin(J 1 cosO 1 sinO sinO
• When dealing with fractions find a LCD and add.
• Factorise expressions where possible. (Usually do this after finding a LCD)

Example 1: Express tan (J + c.rn: (J as a single trigonometric ratio.

cos O
tan (J + .,-----,--...,.
l+ sin O
= sinO + cosO ~tanO= sinO
cosO l+sinO cosO
= sinO(l+sino( )+COSO)(COSO) ~ LCD =cosO(l+sinO)
cosO l+sinO
. '" . 2",
sml7+ sm I7+COS 2",
17 • 2", 2", 1
= ~ sm I7+COS 17 =
cosO (l+sinO)
E xampIe 2 : E xpress - . g1'
- as a sm •ratio.
e tngonometnc •
sin O
tan 0

=sinO+ sinO ~tanO= sinO

cosO cosO
. '" xcosO
= sml7 - - ~ ,.
tip ,
Example 3: Determine the value of (sin (J + cos 0)2 -2sin(Jcos(J.
(sinO+cosO)2 -2sinOcosO
= sin 2 0 + 2 sin Ocos 0 + cos 2 0 - 2sin 0 cos 0 ~ don't forget the middle tenn
= sin 2 0 + cos 2 0 ~ square identity

I~ Complete Exercise 2 number 1 on page 323.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 124

Example 4: Prove that tan29-sin29 = tan 29sin29
When proving identities, only work with one side at time. You then show that the left
hand side (LUS) is equal to the right hand side (RUS). ~

LHS = tan 2 9- sin 2 9

. 29
= sm 2 sin 2 9 ~ write the equation in tenns of sin 9 and cos9 and find a LCD
cos 9

sin 2 9 - sin 2 9.cos 2 9 .

= 2 ~ take out a common factor (factonse)
cos 9

= tan 2 8sin2 8 = RHS

2cos29+cos9-1 1+cos9
E xampIe 5 : P rove that
2sin 9 cos 9 -sin9 sin 9

2cos 2 8+cos8-1. .
LHS = ~ factonse the numerator and denommator

(2cos8-1)( cos8+ I)

sin 8
1-2sin9cos9 sin9-cos9
E xampIe 6 : P rove that =
sin29-cos 29 sin9+cos9

1-2sin8cos9 . 2 2 .
LHS = 2 2 ~ 1 = sm 9 + cos 8, difference of squares
sin 8-cos 8
sin 2 9+cos 2 9-2sin9cos8 .. . 2· 2
=( )( ) ~rewntem the order sm 8-2sm9cos9+cos 9
sin9-cos9 sin9+cos9

sin 2 8-2sin8cos8+cos 2 8 .. 2. 2. 2
=( . )( . ) ~factonse, sm 8-2sm8cos8+cos 8=(sm8-cos8)
sm8-cos8 sm8+cos8

(sin 8- cos 8) (sin 8+ cos 8)
= sin8+cos8 RHS

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 125

I-cos9 sin 9
Example 7: Prove that =----.:.=.::...
sin 9 I+cos9
In this example it is not possible to simplify eitber side. We are tberefore going to create a
difference of squares by multiplying by 1 in tbe form of - - -
LHS = l-cos9 l+cos9x ul' 1 b 1
~m tipy y
sin 9 l+cos9
(l-cos9)(1 +cos9)
-'-------;-'-'-----..,.--!.- ~ difference of squares
l-cos 2 9 2, 2
~1-cos 9=SIn 9
( )
sin.i 9
,Sin1i (1 + cos 9)
sin9 =RHS

I+cos9 is known as the conjugate of I-cos9. You can always obtain a

difference of squares by multiplying by the conjugate.

1+ 2sin 9 cos 9 I Han 9

8 Prove tha t
ExampIe: 2
I-2sin 9 I-tan9
, fraction
RHS = (l+tan9)+(I-tan9) ~ split apart a ,

= [1+(:~::)]+[1-(:~::)] ~find a LCD of cos9for each bracket

= [ Cos9+sin9] + [COS9-Sin9] ~ "tip and'times ,
cos 9 cos 9
cos9+sin9 ¢1f
¢1f cos9-sin9
cos9+ sin 9 ~ thi' ' 1ease
s is as Simp th RHS can be, now work Wi'ththe LHS

LHS = 1+2sin9cos9
1 ' 29
~ =SIn +cos 29
1-2sin 9
sin 9+cos 2 9+2sin9cos9
2 " 2, 2, 2
, 2 2 ,2 ~factonse, SIn 9+2sm9cos9+cos 9=(sIn9+cos9)
SIn 9+cos 9-2sm 9
2 2 ~ factorise, difference of squares
cos 9-sin 9
(sin 9 + cos 9)2 sin9+cos9 =RHS
(cos 9 + sin 9) (cos 9 - sin 9) cos9-sin9

Complete Exercise 2 number 2 on pages 323 and 324.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 126

Reduction formulas enable us to write a trigonometric ratio of any angle in terms
of an acute angle (an angle less than 90"). The quadrants are labelled according
to the CAST diagram. This diagram can be used to determine the sign of the
trigonometric ratio in the various quadrants as you have previously done.
Quadrant II Quadrant I
Sin is positive All functions positive
180'- 9
I~ ~
Quadrant III Quadrant IV 360'
Tan is positive Cos is positive
180'+ 9 360'-9

sin (180' -B) =+sin B You do not use reduction formulas on
angles less than 900 •
cos (180' - B) = - cos B
tan (180' -B) =- tan B
tan (180' +B) = + tan B cos (360' -B) = + oos B
sin (180' +B) = - sin B tan (360' -B) = - tan B

cos (180' +B) =- cos B sin (360'-B) =- sin B

cos (180' +B)sin(360' -B)

Example 1: Simplify ---;-----;------;-------;.-
cos(360' -B)sin(180' -B)
cos (180' +B)sin(360' -B)
cos (360' -B)sin(180' -B)
(- cos B)( - sin B)
(+cosB)(+ sinB)
Example 2: Simplify sin2 ( 360' - B) - cos (360' - B) cos (180' + B)

[sin (360' -B)r -oos(360' -B)oos(180' +B)

= (-sin B)2 -( cosB)( - cosB)

= sin 2 B+cos 2 B

Complete Exercise 3 number 1 on page 324.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 127

Earlier in this chapter (pg. 120) it was shown that angles measured clockwise are
negative. The same CAST diagram that was used for reduction formula can be
used for negative angles. For instance, if given the ratio sin ( -180· - 8) this is
equivalent to moving 180· clockwise and then moving another 8· clockwise.
This would take you into the second quadrant where sin is positive and cos and
tan are negative. The negative angles which you are required to know and
understand are shown in the table below.

~ -180· -8

-180· +8
.,. -8

Quadrant II 90'
Sin is positive 180' 0'
180' 0'
-180 e
360' Quadrant III
Tan is positive Quadrant IV
Cos is positive
270' 270'

sin (-180· -8) = +sin8 tan ( -180· +8) = +tan8 cos (-8) = +cos8
sin (-8) = - sin8
cos (-180· -8) = -cos8 sin ( -180· +8) = - sin8
tan (-8)= - tan 8
tan (_180· -8) = - tan8 cos (-180· +8) = - cos8

In all of the above expressioos, 8 has to be an acute angle. ~

G) It is important to note that adding or subtracting 360· does not change

l{ the value of a trigonometric expression.
sin ( 8±360·) = +sin8 cos (8± 360· ) = +cos8 tan ( 8±360·) = +tan8

Example: Simplify sin (-180· -8)cos( -180· +8)tan(-8)-I+cos 2 (8-360·).

sin (-180· - 8)cos( -180' +8)tan( -8) -I +[ cos( 8-360') r -7 use negative angles

= (sin 8)( - cos 8)( - tan8)-1 +( cos 8)2

=(Sin8)(-~)( - .::. )-I+cOS2 8

= sin 2 8 -1 +cos 2 8 -7 sin 2 8+cos 2 8=1
= 1-1

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 128

Co-functions allow us to write a ratio of sin in terms of cos and vice versa.
The co-functious you are required to know are shown below:

sin (90· -0) =cosO sin (90· +0) =cosO

cos (90· -0) =sinO cos (90· +0) =- sinO

If 0 is an acute angle, 90· -0 lies in the 1st quadrant and 90· +0 lies in the 2ad
quadrant. This is why all co-ratios are positive except for cos (90· + 0).
Example 1: Simplify sin (180· -0)cos(90· +0)-sin(90· -0)cos(360· -0).
sin (180· -0)cos(90· +0)-sin(90· -O)cos( 360· -0)
= (sin 0)( -sinO) -( cos 0)( cosO)
=-sin 2 0-cos 2 O-Hake out a HCF of -1
= -( sin 2 0+cos 2 0 ) ~ sin 2 0+cos 2 0=1

. . sin ( 0-180· )sin( 360· -0) -cos (180· -O)cos( 360· -0)
Example 2: Simplify () .
sin 90·-0

sin ( 0-180· )sin( 360· -0)-cos(180· -O)cos( 360· -0)

sin ( )
(-sin O)(-sin O)- (-cosO)(cosO) .
= ~ do not cancel over a ± Sign
. 2" 2"
= sm I7 + COS 17
. 2"

Example 3: Simplify cos2 ( 360· + 0) + cos2 (90· + 0)

[ cos ( 360· + 0 )] 2 + [ cos (90· + 0) ] 2 ~ adding 360· does not change the ratio
= (cos 0 )2 +(-sinO)2
=oos20+sin 2 0

Complete Exercise 3 number 2 on page 324.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 129

Up until now we have only dealt with the above principles using variables. We
will now work with actual angles. When dealing with angles always use reduction
formulas to write a ratio in terms of an acute angle. In most cases this angle will
be a special angle. H there are angles which are not special angles, len in the
numerator and denominator check if they sum to 90·. H they do, use co-

Example I: Simplify sin 330· cos 120· + tan 225· without a calcnlator.

3300 4Jcos [quadrant
0 2J [quadrant 3J
+ tan 225 0
=[sin ( 3600- 30· ) ] [cos ( 180 - 60· ) ] + tan ( 180 + 45· ) ~ you don't have to show this step
0 0

0 0 0
= (- sin 30 )( - cos 60 )+ tan 45 ~ use special angles

=(- ~)(-~)+~

cos150· tan225· sin270· .

Example 2: Evaluate () WIthout a calcnlator.
sin -60· cos480·
0 0
cos 150 tan 225 sin 270· ~
if the angIe 'IS greater than 360· , subtract 360·
sin (
-60) cos 480·
0 0
cos (180 _30· ) tan (180· +45 )(-1) 0 0
--'------'.--'------'.-- ~ sin 270 = -1, 270 is a special angle
- sin 60 cos 120·
(-cos300)tan(45°)(-I) 1
~ cos (1800 -60·) = -cos 60· =--
- sin 60· cos (180· - 60· ) 2


© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 130

. 3cos2 1S0'cos180'
Example 3: Deternune the value of 2 without a calculator.
-tan31S' -cos 240'

3(COS150' t cos I 80'

-tan 315' -( cos 240' t

3[COS(180' -30')Y[-I]
-------'''-------=------'--''---------;;-2 ~ cos 180' = -I, 180' is a special angle
-tan (360' -45')-[ oos(180' +60')J

-3(-cos 30' t
- - - - ' - - - - " - - - - ; ; - 2 ~ special angles
-( -tan 45' ) -( -cos 60' )

-3 (_J3121)2 fiaction -3
. (--f?{r
---"--~'--;:-2 ~ split apart a fiaction'
-(-1)-( -~) 1-(-~y
-9 3
4 4
-9 4 ,. d. ,
=- x-~tipan times
4 3

. sin 33' tanUS'

Example 4: Deternune the value of without a calculator.
cos 123'tan29S'
sin 33'. tan 115'
cos 123'. tan 295'

sin33[ tan (180' -65')J

cos (180' -57' )tan( 360' -65')

sin 33' (-tan65')

-cos 57' (-tan65')

sin 33' , .
....::....---=-'--- ~ the angles sum to 90 , use co-functions
-cos 57'
sin(90' - 57')

7'_ ~sm . (90' - 57') = cos 57'

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 131

· tan 210" sin240" sin20"
Example 5: Determme the value of without a calculator.
cos 225" sin 135" cos70"
tan 210" sin 240" sin 20"
cos 225" sin 135" cos 70"

tan (180" +30' )sin( 180" +60" ) sin 20"

= ( ) ( ) ~ not special angles, don't use a calculator
cos 180" +45" sin 180" -45" cos70'

(tan30')( -sin 60" )( sin 20' )

(-cos45")( sin 45" )( cos 70')

(y~)(-v'%)(Sin20') I I ~ ~
+---",=0-'-;;2-7--=--+--- ~ - = -x- =-
(_"'%')( "'%,)(COS70") ~ ~ ~ 3

(-Yz)( sin 20')

(-Yz)( cos 70' )
sin 20' " .
- - - ~ the angles sum to 90 , use co-functions
cos 70"

cos 70" ~ sin(90" _ 70") = cos 270"

cos 70"

Example 6: Given that oos72" =k ,express the following in terms of k:

a) sin 252" b) sin IS" c) tan 72"
Always draw a diagram for this type of question. Then use reduction formulas, negative
angles and co-functions to write all angles in terms of 72°, then use your diagram. if

cos 72' =-~-

k x x
i = r 2 ~ Pythagoras
I r
:. k +i = 1
2 2 (k;y)
It can be seen that the hypotenuse (r)
is equal to I and x is equal to k. :. i = l - k2
Pythagoras can now be used to
calculate the value of y in terms of k, :. y = ±~I _ k2
as shown in the diagram alongside. k x
:. y = +~I - k ~ 1st quad
:. y is positive

a) sin252' b) sinl8" c) tan72' ~tanO=Z

=sin(180'+72") = sin (90" -72")

=-sin72" = cos 72' ~ cosO = x

= k

I~ Complete Exercise 4 on pages 324 and 325.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 132

illustrative Example 1: Using the diagram below, solve for x if sin x =0,5 and
x e [-360·;540·J.

If we examine the above graph it can be seen that there are 6 solutions to the above
equation: x =-330' or x=-2l0' or x=30' or x=150' or x=390' or x=510· .
If a calculator was used to solve the problem, only 1 solution would be obtained
(x = 30') . This is known as the reference angle (RA). By adding and subtracting 360'
from the reference angle the solutions of x = -330' or x = 390' can be obtained. In
order to obtain the other solutions you take 180' - RA to obtain 150' . By adding and
subtracting 360' from ISO' the solutions of x = -210' or x = 510' can be obtained.
This is because the Sine graph has a period of 360' and therefore repeats itself every
360' .

By applying the above principles the general solutions shown below can be

if sinB =m and -1~m~l then:

B= RA +360' k or B =180' - RA + 360' k

if cos B =m and -l~m~l then:

B=±RA +360' k ke 'Z

if tan B =m and me lR then:

B= RA +180' k ke 'Z

In order to find the reference angle on the calculator:

sin Bltan B!cos B = m
The RA = IShiftl lsin BI~ tan Bl/lcos Bl l!!!I

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents l33

Example 1: Determine the general solution of sin 8 =..rJ{
sin8= ..rX ~use Ishift I Isin II ""X I to obtain the RA
... RA = 60°
... 8 = 60° +360° k or 8 = 180° _ 60° +360° k; k e Z ~ always write k e Z
= 120° + 360° k

Example 2: Determine the general solution of cos 8 = X

cos8= ~ ~use Ishiftllcosll~1 to obtain the RA
... RA = 60°
~ always
... 8= ±60° +360 k; ke Z write ke Z

Example 3: Determine the general solution of tan 8 = 1

tan 8 = 1 ~ use Ishift II tan 1111 to obtain the RA
... RA = 45°
~ always
... 8= 45° +180 k; ke Z write ke Z

Example 4: Determine the general solution of cos ( 8 + 10° ) = 0

cos ( 8+ 10°) = 0 ~use Ishiftllcosllol to obtain the RA

... RA = 90°
... 8+ 10° = 90° +360° k or 8+ 10° = _90° +360° k; k e Z ~ always write k e Z
... 8 = 80° +360° k or 8 = _100° +360° k

Example 5: Determine the general solution of cos 8 = sin 20°

cos 8 = sin 20° ~ use Ishift I cos ( sin 20°) to obtain the RA

... RA = 70°
~ always
... 8=±70° + 360 k ; ke Z write ke Z

Example 6: Determine the general solution of sin (2x -15°) = 0,8

sin ( 2x -15° ) = 0, 8 ~ use Ishift I ~ to obtain the RA

... RA = 53, 130 .... ~ only round off at the end

... 2x-15° = 53,130.... +360 k or 2x-15° =180° - 53,130.... +360° k; ke Z
~ divide
... 2x = 68,13 .... +360° k or 2x =141,86 .... +360 k both sides by 2
0 0
... x=34,07° +180 k or x=70,93° +180 k

Complete Exercise 5 number 1 on page 325.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 134
In most cases there will be 5 different types of trigonometric equations you will
have to solve in Grade 11. These involve equations:
1) Where sin 8 = cos8 2) Using co-functions
3) Requiring factorisation 4) Using the square identity
5) Using reduction formulas and negative angles

1) Equations where sin9=cos9:

Example 1: Solve for 8 if sin 8 = cos 8 •
sin 8 = cos 8 -7 divide both sides by cos 8
:. tan8=1
:. RA = 45°
:.8= 45° +180 k ; ke IE

Example 2: Solve for x, correct to 1 decimal place, if 2 cos x = 3 sin x.

2cos x = 3 sin x -7 divide both sides by cos x
:.2 = 3 tan x -7 divide both sides by 3
:.X = tan x
:. RA = 33,690 .... -7 only round off at the end
:. x = 33,7° +180° k; ke IE

2) Equations using co-functions:

Example 1: Solve for 8 if sin28 = cos 8 •
sin 28 = cos 8 -7 you can't divide by cos 8 as the angles are different, use co-functions
:. sin28= sin (90° -8) -7 cos8= sin (90° -8)

... RA = 90° - 8 -7 28 conld also be used as the reference angle

0 0
:.28= 90° -8 +360 k or 28=180° -(90° -8)+360 k; ke IE
0 0
:.38=90° + 360 k or 28=180° -90° +8+360 k
0 0 0 0
:.8=30 +120 k or 8=90 +360 k

Example 2: Solve for 8 if cos ( 8 + 10° ) = -sin ~ correct to 1 decimal place.

cos (8 + 10° ) = -sin % -7 angles are different, use co-functions

:.cos( 8+10°) = cos (90° +%) -7 cos (90° +%) =-sin(%)

... RA = 90° + % -7 8 + 10° could also be used as the reference angle
0 0
:.8+10° = 90° +% +360 k or 8+10" =-(90° +% )+360 k; ke IE

:. % = 80° +360' k or 8=_10° _90° -% +360° k

:.8=160° +720° k or 3% =_100° +360° k
:.8=160° +720° k or 8=-66,7° +240° k
© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 135
3) Equations requiring factorisation

Example 1: Determine the general solution of 2cos 26' + cos 6'-1 = O.

2cos 2 6' + cos 6' -I = 0 ~ this is in the form 2x2 + x -I and can be factorised

:. (2cos6'-I)( cos 6'+ I) = 0

:.cos8=- or cos8=-1

:. RA = 60° or RA = ISO°
:.8= ±600 +360ok or 8 = ±ISO° +360° k; ke Z

Example 2: Solve for x if 2sin x cos x = sin x •

2sinxcosx = sin x ~never divide both sides by sin x as it could be equal to 0
:. 2sinxcosx- sinx =0 ~factorise. take out a ReF of sinx
:. sinx(2cosx-l) = 0
:.sinx=O or cosx= ~
:. RA=O' or RA=60'
:.x= 0' +360'k or x=lS0'- 0' +360'k or x=±60' +360'k; keZ

You can only divide by sin x or cos x if you obtain tan x by doing so.
Otherwise division by 0 conld occur and solutions will be lost.

Example 3: Solve for x if 2sin 2x-sinxcosx-6sinx = -3 cos x

2sin2 x-sinxcosx-6sinx=-3cosx
.'. 2 sin 2 x - sin x cos x - 6 sin x + 3cos x = 0 ~ use grouping if there are more than 3 terms
:. 2sinx(sinx-3) -cosx(sinx-3) = 0
:. (2sinx-cosx)( sinx-3) = 0
:.2sinx-cosx=0 or sinx-3=0
:.2sinx=cosx :.sinx=3
2sinx cosx
:. No solution as -1:0; sin x:O; I
cosx cos x
RA = 26.565 .... ~ only round off at the end
:.x= 26.67° +ISO° k ; ke Z

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 136

4) Equations using the square identity

Example 1: Determine the general solution of 3cos 28 - Ssin 8 -1 =O.

3cos 2 8-5 sin 8-1=0

This is in the form of 3 x 2 - SY -1 = 0 and cannot be factorised. When this occurs

you change the square ratio to match the middle term using the square identity. In
this case you express cos 28 in terms of sin28 using cos 28 = 1- sin 28.

:. 3(I-sin 2 8 )-5sin8-1 = 0

:. 3-3sin2 8-5sin 8-1 = 0

:. - 3sin 2 8-5sin8+2 = 0 ~multiplyboth sides by -1

:.3sin 2 8+5sin8-2 = 0 ~ this is in the form 3x2 +5x+2 = 0 and can be factorised

:. (3sin8-1)(sin8+2) = 0

:. sin 8 =.!. or sin 8 = -2 ~ no solution, -1:S; sin 8:S; 1

:. RA = 19,471...'

:.8= 19,471...' +360'k or 8=180' -(19,471...' )+360'k; ke Z

:.8=19,47' + 360'k or 8=160,53' +360'k

You ouly have to write k e Z once. 'j>

Example 2: Determine the general solution of 2sin 28-cos8+1 =O.

2 sin2 B-cosB+l=O ~sin2 B = l-cos 2 B

:. 2(I-cos 2 B)-cosB+ 1 = 0

:. 2-2cos 2 B-cosB+l =0
:.-2cos 2 B-cosB+3 = 0
:. 2cos 2 B+cosB-3 = 0 ~this is in the form 2x2 +x-3 = 0 and can be factorised
:. (cosB-l)(2cosB+3) = 0
:. cos B = 1 or cos B = - Yz ~ no solution, -1:S; cos B:S; 1
:. RA=O'
:. B=±o' +360' k; ke Z
:. B=360'k

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 137

Example 3: Determine the general solution of 6sin29 -7sin9cos 9 - 2 = o.
6sin 2 9-7sin9cos9-2=0
This equation is in the form of 6 x 2 -7 xy - 2 = o. If the middle term contains a
sin9 and cos9 express the constant in terms of sin 29+cos 2 9.
:.6sin2 9-7sin9cos9-2(1) =0 -7 you can always multiply the constant by 1

:.6sin2 9-7sin9cos9-2( sin 2 9+cos 2 9) =0 -71 = sin 2 9+cos 2 9

:.6sin2 9-7sin9cos9-2sin 2 9-2cos 2 9=0

:.4sin 2 9-7sin9cos9-2cos 2 9=0 -7 this is in the fonn 4x2 -7xy-2i = 0

:. (sin9-2cos 9)( 4 sin 9+cos9) = 0

:.sin9=2cos9 or 4sin9=-cos8
:.tan8=2 or tan8=--

:. RA = 63,434 ...' or RA=-14,036 ...'

:.8= 63,43' + 180' k or 8 = -14,04' + 180' k; k e Z

5) Equations using the negative angles and reduction formulas

Example 1: Determine the general solution of sin 9 = -sin 40' .
sin 8 = -sin 40'
:. sin 8 = sin ( -40' ) -7 same trigonometric function on both sides, :. the RA is _40'

:. RA=-40'
:.8= -40' + 360'k or 8=180' -(-40' )+360'k, ke 7l

= 220' + 360' k

Example 2: Solve for 9 if cos ( 9 + 5' ) = -cos 29 correct to 1 decimal place.

cos( 8+5' ) =-cos28

:. cos ( 8+5' ) = cos (180' - 28) -7 cos( 180' -28) = -cos 28

:.RA= 180'-28
:. 8+5' = 180' -28 +360k or 8+5' =-(180' -28)+360'k

:. 38 =175' +360'k :. -8 = -185' +360'k

:. 8 = 58,3' + 120' k :. 8 =185'-360'k, ke 7l

Complete Exercise 5 number 2 on page 325.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 138

The general solution to a trigonometric equation consists of all the possible
solutions for a general domain. You will now work with solutions in a specified
In order to determine solutions in a specified domain you have to substitute
values for k into the general solution and determine all of the solutions which lie
within the specified domain.

Example 1: Solve for fJ if sinfJ =sin 40· and 8e [0·; 3601

sin 8 = sin 40·
:.8 = 40· +360· k or 8 =180· - 40· +360· k; ke Z
=140· +360· k
You can now draw up a table of the values of fJ for different values of k :

8=-320· l< 8=-220· l<

o 8=40· 8=140·
1 8=400· l< 8=500· l<

From the above table it can be seen that there are two solutions which lie in the given
:.8 = 40· or 8 = 140· -7 this is also written as 8e {40· ;140·}

The table method on your calculator can also be used to draw the above
table. No marks are awarded for the table, only for your answers.
Page 233 on calcnlator tips demonstrates this procedure.

Example 2: Solve for fJ if tanfJ = Y.J3 and 8e [-360·; 360·]

tan 8 = YJ3
:.8= 30· +l80·k; keZ

-3 8=-510· l< 0 8=30· ./

-2 8=-330· ./ 1 8=210· ./
-1 8=-150· ./ 2 8=390· l<

From the above table it can be seen that there are 4 solutions which lie in the given
:.8=-330· or 8=-150· or 8=30· or 8=210·
This is also written as 8e {-330· ;-150· ;30· ;21O·}

Complete Exercise 5 number 3 on page 325.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 139

An expression or equation will be undefined if division by 0 occurs. For this
reason it is important to note the following properties of the trig ratio tan:

sin 8 tan 8 is undefined when cos 8 = 0

tan 8 = - -
cos 8 :. when 8=±90·+360·k ; keZ

tan 28 = sin 28
cos 28
:. tan 28 is undefined when cos 28 = 0
:. 28 = ±90' +360'k; ke Z
:.8 = ±4S' + 180' k

Example 1: Solve for 8 if tan8sin8 = tan8

tan 8 sin 8 = tan 8
:. tan 8 sin 8 - tan 8 = 0
:. tan 8(sin 8 -1) = 0 -7 never divide by tan8 as you lose an answer (tan 8 = 0)
:. tan8=0 or sin8=1
:.8 = 180· k or :.8=90· + 360·k -7 N/A

The equation is undefined when cos8=O (tan8= sin8),

cos 8
:.cos8=0 when 8= 90· +360· k; ke Z

• 2 tanx
Example 2: For which values of x is the equation sm x = - - undefmed?
sin2x 2
For the equation to be undefined sin 2x = 0 or cos x = 0 -7 the equation contains tan x
sin2x=0 or cosx=O
:. RA=O· or RA=90·
:. 2x = O· +360· k or 2x=180· _ 0· +360· k or x=±90· +360· k
:. x =180· k or x =90· + 180· k or x=±90· +360· k

Complete Exercise 6 on page 325 and the

Mixed Exercise on pages 325-327.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 140


142 A. Surface Area and Volume Use and apply all of the
Formulas formulas for surface area and
volume which you learnt in
142 • Right Prisms
Grade 10.
142 • Scaling Factors of Prisms
143 • Cylinde~
143 • Pyramids
144 • Spheres
144 • Hemispheres
145 • Cones
146 • Mixed Examples

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 141

In general, the surface area is the sum of all the areas of all the shapes that cover
the exterior surface of the object.
The volume of a shape represents the amount of space that a shape can occupy.
In general, the volume of a shape is the area of the base shape multiplied by the
perpendicular height it is extended by.

G) Area and surface area are always eXf ressed in units2•

1f Volume is always expressed in units •

BI~ac~k:si~de:':==::::l!--_ _ .,£:::;:;- Top side
v g # - - right side
Left side ----> ~ i
•.~.::'···································'S· .......... .
_........ :I: ~t~~)

L - - - - - - Bottom side (Base)


Back Side

Side Base B Side


Front Side

Right Prisms
Surface Area: SA =2BH + 2LH + 2LB
Volume: V =LxBxH


AU 3 sides multiplied by a factor of k. Surface area increases by a factor of JC

Chan e Effect on Volume
1 side multiplied by a factor of k. Volume is increased by a factor of k
Any 2 sides multiplied by a factor of k. Volume is increased by a factor of k 2
AU 3 sides multiplied by a factor of k. Volume is increased by a factor of k 3

There is no general rule for the change in surface area if one or two
sides are multiplied by a factor of k. In these cases the new area has to be
worked out using all the formulas that you know.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 142

A cylinder is made up of two circles and a rectangle. The area of the rectangle is
the circumference of the circle multiplied by the height of the cylinder as shown
The formula for the surface area of a cylinder has to be adjusted depending on whether
it is closed or open on either end. 'iP

r circumference = 21I:r

ig c\tcumferellc
g @I6p
Area =1fr
2 Area = 21frH

Area = 1fr2

Right Cylinders
Surface Area: Volume:
SA = 2nrH + 2lrr2 -+ closed cylinder V= lrr 2 x H
SA = 2nrH + lrr2 -+ cylinder open on one end
SA = 2nrH -+ cylinder open on both ends

In Grade 10 you learnt to calculate the volume and surface area of 2 triangular
based pyramids as well as rectangular based pyramids.
The methods and formulas for calculating the areas of pyramids do not change for the
different types of pyramids.
Pythagoras will often have to be used to calculate the pyramid or slant height. 'iP

area of base x Height
Surface Area: V
SA = area base + area of triangular faces
= ~ (area of base x Height )
Area of triangular face =~baseX l.h. (slant)

Rectangular Pyramid Triangular Pyramid Equilateral based Pyramid

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 143

A sphere is a perfectly symmetrical ball with all points on the surface of the
sphere being equidistant from its centre.
The formulas for surface area and volume of a sphere are shown below:


Surface Area: SA = 41l'r2 Volume: V = 4 m- 3


A hemisphere is half a sphere. Therefore, the volume of a hemisphere is simply
half that of a sphere. However, if the hemisphere is closed (has a solid surface for a
base) or solid you have to take into account the area of the base of the hemisphere. If
the hemisphere is closed the area of the base (1l'r2) has to be added.

.... --------.,.... .... ,

Closed Hemispheres:
Surface Area:
SA = ~ (4m- ) + m-
2 2
=3m- 2
Open Hemispheres:
Surface Area: Volume:

~ ( 4m- 2) = 2m-2 = ~ ( : m- ) = ~ m-
3 3
SA = V

© copyright Kevin Smith I Berlut Books CC Table of Contents 144

The formulas for determining the volume and surface area for cones are shown
below. As with hemispheres it is important to take note of whether the cone is
closed (solid) or open (hollow). H the cone is closed, the area of the base has to be
taken into account when calculating the surface area of cones.
Pythagoras will often have to be used to calculate the cone heigbt or slant heigbt. Cf

Closed Cones:
Volume ="31r1'2H

Surface Area =.!.circumference of the base x slant height + area of the base

= (21r1')( h. ) + 1r1'2
=1r1'h. + 1r1'2
Open Cones:
1 2
Volume =-1r1' H

Surface Area = circumference of the base x slant height

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 145


Example 1: A glass paperweight is constructed from a triangular and rectangular

prism and is then filled with 144 em3 of red water. The paper weight
with its dimensions is shown alongside. Determine:
a) The value of x.
b) The surface area of the paperweight.
c) H all the dimensions are
multiplied by 3, what volume
of water will be required to
fill the paperweight?

a) You are given that the volume of the paperweight is 144 cm3• The first step in
calculating the volume is to determine the height of the triangular prism using
the Theorem of Pythagoras:
H2 =5 2 _ 42 -Hhe base of each right-angled triangle face is 4cm (~X8 J
... H = 3 cm ~ this is the perpendicular height of the face of the triangular prism
V total = V rectangulllr prism + V triangulllr prism
Vrectangulllr prism = 8 X 3 X X = 24x
Vtriangulllr prism = ~ (8){ 3){ X ) = l2x
:. 144 = 24x+12x ~the volume of the paper weight is 144cm3
:.144 = 36x

b) SA total = SA triangular prism + SArectangulllr prism

= 2[~ (8){3) ] + 2[ 5( 4) ] = 64cm

SArectangulllr prism = 2[(8)( 3) ] + 2[3 ( 4)] + 8 ( 4) = 104 cm . - -_ _ _---,
:.SA total =64+104
= 168cm2

c) For any shape, if all dimensions are multiplied by a factor of k, the volume is
increased by a factor of ~.
:. Vnew = 144x33
:. Vnew = 3888cm3

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 146

Example 2: An art student makes a clay bowl which is Scm high and has a radius
of 9 em at the top and 3 em at the base. In order to make the bowl he
follows the instructions below, given to him by a Grade 11
Mathematics learner:

1) Construct a hollow cone with a 2) At height y, cut the cone and
slant height of 15cm and radius of construct a solid base for the bowl
9cm. with a radius of 3cm.
a) Determine y, the height at which the cone has to be cut.
b) Hence, determine the volume of the bowl.
c) The art student wishes to coat the outside surface of the bowl with enamel. He
can purchase enamel in tins of 100 mI. H one tin covers an area of 90 cm2, how
many tins will he need to purchase?
a) Using the Theorem of Pythagoras: 152 =(y+8)2 +92
... 152 = +16y+64+9 2
:. i +16y-80=0
:. (y-4)(y+20) = 0
:. y = 4 or y = -20 ~ N/A as a height cannot be negative
:. y=4cm

b) Vbowl = Vcone - Vcutoff c) SATota! =SA cone -SAcutoff +SAbase

Vcone = X .1fr2H ~ H = y+8 SAcone = .1fr h,
= .1f(9)(15) = 135.1fcm2
= X .1f(9)2 (8+ 4) ~ Y
You need to calculate h s of the cut off:
= 324.1fcm3
h 2 =3 2 +42 ~h 2 =3 2 +y
, ,
Vcut off = X .1fr y :.hs =5cm
= X.1f(3)2( 4) ~ y SAcut off =.1fr h,

= 12.1fcm3 = .1f(3)(5) = 15.1fcm2

:. Vbowl = 324.1f -12.1f SAbase = .1fr2
= 312.1f = .1f(3)2 = 9.1fcm 2
= 980, 18 cm3 :. SA Totai = 135 .1f-15 .1f+9.1f
Note that volume is measured in cm . =405,27cm2
:. N umber 0 f tins = 405,27 45
:. 5 tins of enamel are needed.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Book, cc Table of Contents 147

Example 3: Determine the volume and surface area of the pyramid shown

It is important to understand that if the pyramid has a square base, the

surface area of its triangular faces will all be the same. However, in this
case the base is a rectangle and therefore only the opposite faces have the
same area.

The first step in calculating the surface area is to determine the slant height of the
triangular face using the Theorem of Pythagoras. You can then calculate the
surface area of the base and then the total surface area.

a face with 10m base a face with 8m base Base of pyramid

hs =4 2 +32
2 hs 2 =5 2 + 32 SA=lxb
=25 =34 =8xlO
:. hs =5m :. hs =.J34m =80m2
1 1
:. SA = -(base)( hs } :.SA=-(base)(hs }
2 2
2 ".SA=~(8}(.J34)
:.SA = 25m2 :. SA = 4.J34 m 2

SAlotaI = 2( 25} + 2( 4.J34) + 80 ~ there are 2 of each triangular face

=176, 65m 2
Volume of the pyramid:
V area of base x Height
80x 3
.'. V=80m3

I~ Complete Mixed Exercise on pages 340 and 341.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 148


150 A. Revision of Lines and Investigate and prove
Triangles theorems of the geometry of
150 • Straight Lines circles assuming results
150 • Parallel Lines from earlier grades, together
with one other result
150 • Triangles concerning tangents and
151 • Congruency radii of circles.
152 B. Circle Terminology
153 C. Circle Theorems • Solve circle geometry
problems, providing reasons
153 • Theorem 1:Line segment for statements when
through centre and required.
153 • Theorem 1: (Converse) • Prove riders.
154 • Theorem 2: Perpendicular
bisector of a chord
156 • Theorem 3: Angle at centre
is twice the angle at the
158 • Theorem 4: Angles in
same segment are equal
159 • Theorem 4: (Converse)
159 • Theorem 3 and 4:
161 • Theorem 5: Opposite
angles of a cyclic
161 • Theorem 5: (Converse)
162 • Theorem 5: (Corollary)
162 • Proving that a
Quadrilateral is Cyclic
164 • Theorem6: Tangents from
the same point are equal
166 • Theorem7: Tan-Chord
166 • Theorem7: (Converse)
167 • Determining which is the
angle in the alternate
169 D. Mixed Examples
173 • Tips for Solving Riders
173 • Summary of Theorems,
Converses and Corollaries

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 149

Adjacent angles on a straight Angles around a point Vertically opposite angles
Jine are supplementary. sum to 360·. are equal.

Corresponding angles are Alternate angles are equal Co-interior angles are
equal (F shape). (Z or N shape). supplementary (U shape).


A ---+---'-'~ B

The interior angles of a triangle are The exterior angle of a triangle is equal to
supplementary. the sum of the interior opposite angles.


In an equilateral triangle all sides are Angles opposite equal sides are equal.
equal and all angles are equal to 60·. Sides opposite equal angles are equal.

B L.l._ _ _ _~ C
B L...l.---1I-~C

,\ = :8 = (; =60· and AB = AC = BC

To prove that 2 lines are parallel you have to show 1 of the following:
• Alternate angles are equal
• Corresponding angles are equal
'i' •
Co-interior angles are supplementary

You should also take note of the following terminology:

• Supplementary angles add up to 180·
• Complementary angles add up to 90·

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 150

H triangles are congruent it means that they are exactly the same, i.e. all
corresponding angles and sides in each triangle are equal.
There are 4 conditions for triangles to be congruent.
If any of the conditions listed below are true then the triangles are congruent.
The symbol == is used for congruency.

Condition I Reason I Example I Explanation

If triangles have three

Side Side Side
66 corresponding sides that
are equal, the triangles
are congruent.

If triangles have two

corresponding sides and
Side Angle Side angle
~ an included angle that
are equal, the triangles
are congruent.

If triangles have two
Angle Angle Side corresponding angles
Side Angle Angle and a single
Angle Side Angle

corresponding side that
(AAS) / (SAA) / (ASA) are equal, the triangles
are congruent.

If the hypotenuse and

Right angle
Hypotenuse Side
GG one other corresponding
side are equal in right-
angled triangles, the
triangles are congruent.

Using AAS, the sides that are equal have to be the corresponding sides.
The triangles below are not congruent as the equal sides are not the same
relative to the equal angles.

It is important for you to know the properties of quadrilaterals on pg. 65.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 151


When dealing with circles and circle theorems it is important that you
understand the following terminology often used when dealing with circle
problems. The diagrams below show the various parts of a circle which you are
required to be familiar with.



Circle Centre

Minor Arc

Term Explanation
A line drawn from the centre of the circle to a point on the

A line joining two points on the circumference of the circle passing

through the circle centre.
A line drawn from a point outside the circle which touches the circle at
Tangent only one point, called the point of contact. The tangent is always
perpendicular to the radius at the point of contact.
A line joining two points on the circumference of the circle which does
not pass through the circle centre.

Secant A line which cuts through two points on the circumference of a circle.

Theorem A theorem is a proof of a statement.

A converse uses the conclusion of a theorem to prove what is given in a


Corollary A statement that follows a theorem which is true as a result of the theorem.

Axiom A general statement which is accepted to be true without a proof.

Rider The name given to a problem in geometry.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 152

The line drawn from the centre of a circle perpendicular to a chord bisects the

Given: 0 is the centre of the circle and :01 =:02 =90· . D lies on chord AB.
Required to prove (RTP): AD =DB .
Construction: Join OA and OD.

Statement ,, Reason
In .6.0AD and .6.0BD: ,,,
OA=OB ,,, Radii
OD=OD ,,, Common side
0 1 =0 2 =90· ,+, Given
... .6.0AD =.6.0BD: ,, RHS
... AD=DB ,, Congruent triangles, .6.0AD =.6.0BD:

When nsing this theorem to solve riders the reason used is:
Line from centre .1 to chord

The line drawn from the centre of a circle to the midpoint of a chord is
perpendicular to the chord.

Given: 0 is the centre of the circle and AD =DB. D lies on chord AB.

Statement Reason
A A • ,,,
DI =D 2 =90 , Line from centre to midpoint of chord

You will have to be able to apply the converse theorem in questions

when solving riders. However, you will not have to prove the converse

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 153

The perpendicular bisector of a chord passes through the centre of the circle.

Given: A circle has a chord AB and CDE is a perpendicular bisector of AB.

Required to prove (RTP): The centre of the circle lies on CDE.
Proof: This theorem will be proved by contradiction. A proof by contradiction is a
proof where we will make an assumption and then prove it to be incorrect.
Assume that the circle has centre 0 and its centre does not lie on CDE.
Construction: Draw OD from the centre to the midpoint of the chord.

Statement ,, Reason
,, Given (CD.l AB)
, Line from centre .1 to chord
- -,- , -
:.OJ +02 +03 =3(90°)=270° i
,, Adj. L's on a str.line are supplementary
:. The assumption that the circle centre 0 does not lie on CDE is incorrect.
:. By contradiction, the perpendicular bisector of a chord passes through the centre of
the circle.

Do not use proof by contradiction to solve geometry riders.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 154

Example 1: In the diagram below, QR = 24cm and PS = Scm. P is the centre of
circle. Determine the length of ST.

Statement Reason
QS=RS=12cm Line from centre .1 to chord
QP2 = PS2 + QS2 Pythag.
:. QP2 =52 +122 =169
QP=PT=13cm Radii

Example 2: In the diagram below 0 is the centre of the circle. AE = BE,

OE = 3cm and AB = Scm • If OF = 4cm, determine the length of
chord CD. B

Statement Reason
AE=EB=4cm Given AE = EB and AB = 8cm
A A 0

El =E 2 =90 Line from centre to midpoint of chord

:.OA2 =OE 2 +AE 2 Pythag.
:.OA2 =3 2 +42 Given OE=3cm

:.OA2 = 25
OA=OD=5cm Radii
FD2 = OD 2 - O?
:.FD2 =52 _42 =9 Given OF=4cm
CF=FD Line from centre .1 to chord

I~ Complete Exercise 1 on page 344.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 155

The angle subtended by an arc at tbe centre of a circle is double tbe size of tbe
angle subtended by tbe same arc on tbe circumference of a circle.
p p

Given: 0 is tbe centre of tbe circle, witb arc AB subtending ADB at tbe centre
and Ai'B at tbe circumference.
Required to prove (RTP): ADB = 2APB.
Construction: Draw PO and produce (extend) to Q

Statement - -,- - Reason
01 =PI +A and O2 =P2 +:8 Ext. L of a
OP=OA=OB Radii
PI =A and P2 =:8 Angles opp. = sides
:.01 =2PI and O2 =2P2
In diagrams 1 and 2:

01 +O2 =2PI +2P2

=2(PI +P2 )
In diagram 3:

O2 -01 =2P2 -2PI

=2(P2 -PI)

When using tbis tbeorem to solve riders tbe reason used is:
L at centre = 2L at circumference

The notation ADB refers to tbe angle formed between lines AO and OB.
The word subtending means creates. Note tbat for diagram 2, tbe angle at
tbe centre is always larger tban 180· ( a reflex angle).

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 156

Determining which angle is the angle at the circumference and the angle at the
p p

For the three cases shown above, to determine which is the angle at the centre
follow the radii from the centre to the two points where they touch the
circumference on the circle (points A and B). The angle between these lines is the
angle at the centre. Then follow the lines to the point where they meet each other
at the circumference (point P). This will form the angle at the circumference.

Example: In the diagrams below, determine the values of v, w, x,y, and z.

Remember tbat diagrams are not drawn to scale. Cf


Statement Reason
Diagram (i):
W= 2(150°) = 300° L at centre = 2L at circumference

v = 360° - 300° = 60° L's around a point

X= 60° +2 = 30° L at centre = 2L at circumference

Diagram (ii):
1>=27° Alt. L's(OAIIPB)

y=21>=2(27°)=54° L at centre = 2L at circumference

Z= y=54° Alt. L's(OAIIPB)

The converse to Theorem 3 is false. H an angle at the circumference of a

circle is half the size of an angle subtended by the same arc at a point
inside the circle, it does not mean that this is the circle centre.

I ~ Complete Exercise 2 on page 344.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 157

The angles subtended by a chord of the circle, on the same side of the chord, are

----__ 0 _--


Given: A, B, P and Q are points on the circumference of the circle with centre O.
Required to prove (RTP): PI =Ch .
Construction: Join AO and OB.

Statement Reason
61 =2PI L at centre = 2L at circumference
61 =2QI L at centre = 2L at circumference
:.2PI =2QI
:'PI =QI
When using this theorem to solve riders the reason used is:
L's in same segment

When solving riders this theorem can be seen by the characteristic bowtie
in the circle. It is important to note that every corner of the bowtie must
lie on the circumference of the circle. Do not confuse this with theorem 3.
In theorem 3 a corner of the bowtie will lie at the centre of the circle.

Theorem 4- Theorem 3-
angles in same segment L at centre = 2L at circumference

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 158

IT a line segment joining two points subtends two equal angles at two other points
on the same side of the line segment, then these four points are concyclic.

If 4 points are concyclic it means that the points lie on the circumference
G) of a circle. A cyclic quadrilateral is a quadrilateral whose vertices lie on the
1'" circumference of a circle, or a quadrilateral which can have a circle drawn
around it which passes through the vertices of the quadrilateral.

p ••

• ••
,• •

• ••
.... .. .. .. ........ •
Given: Ii =Q and both angles are subtended by chord AB.
Statement Reason
ABQP is a cyclic quadrilateral Line seg. subt. = L's on the same side


E uaI ch dsl bte d aI gI Angles subtended by chords/arcs of
q . or arcs su n .equ an es equal length on 2 different circles
on the CIrcumference of a CIrcle. with radii are equal.

R c
Given: AB=PQ :.C=R Given: AB=PQ :.C=R
Equal chords/arcs subtend equal angles Chords/arcs are equ~ if they subtend
• I equal angles at the circumference or
at the cent re 0 f a Clrc e. circI tr
e cen e.


Given: AB =PQ :. O. =O2 Given: O. =02 or C=R :.AB=PQ

The diameter of a circle subtends a
right angle on the cirClImference of
the circle.

Given: AB is a diameter :. C=90°

Reason: L in a semi - circle
© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 159
Example 1: In the diagram below, A, B and C are points on circle centre O.
B, C and D are points on the smaller circle passing through O. Prove
that AD=DC.

Statement Reason
61 =2x L at centre = 2L at circumference

61 =D1 =2x L's in same segment

D1 =A+(C1 +(2 ) Ext. L of a 1::.

:.2x=x+(C1 +(2 )
:.(C1 +(2 )=x
:. DAC = DCA = x
:.DA=DC L's 0pp. = sides

As you progress, you will have to apply previous theorems when solving
riders using the new theorems that you learn.

I~ Complete Exercise 3 on page 345.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 160

The opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary.

'. ••••• ~
~ -- •• --. C

Given: ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral

A A 0 A A 0
Required to prove(RTP): B + D = 180 and A + C = 180 •
Construction: Join AO and ~C.

Statement - -,- - Reason
61 =2B L at centre = 2L at circumference
6 2 =20 L at centre = 2L at circumference
6 1 +6 2 =360· L's around a point
:. 2B + 20 = 360·
:. B+O = 180·
:.A+(:=180· Int. L' s of quad. sum to 360·

When using this theorem to solve riders the reason used is:
Opp. L IS of a cyclic quad.

H the opposite angles of a quadrilateral are supplementary, then the
quadrilateral is cyclic.
. - - ...... B

,, c

Statement Reason
ABeD is a cyclic quadrilateral Opp. L'S supplementary

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 161

The exterior angle of a cyclic quadrilateral is equal to the interior opposite angle.

lliustrative Example: In the diagram below, QPRS is a cyclic quadrilateral. QP is

produced to point T. Determine the values of x and y.

Statement - -,- - Reason

x =110' i Ext. L of a cyclic quad.
- - - - - :-
y + 120' = 180' : Opp. L's of a cyclic quad.
- - - - - :-
:. y =60' ,,
- -,- -


When proving that a quadrilateral is cyclic, there are 3 properties to look for.
H you prove any 1 of the properties below, a quadrilateral is cyclic.

• Property Diagram
1. If one pair of opposite angles of a quadrilateral ._ D
are supplementary then the quadrilateral is ,,
cyclic. A c
In other words, in the diagram alongside, if: ,
x + y = 180' then ABeD is cyclic. B....... --

2. If the exterior angle of a quadrilateral is equal

to the interior opposite angle, the quadrilateral
is cyclic.
In other words, in the diagram alongside, if:
x = y then ABeD is cyclic.
3. If a line subtends equal angles at 2 different
points on the same side of the line, the four
points are concyclic (angles in same segment).
In other words, in the diagram alongside, if: ,
x = y then ABeD is cyclic. B' ....... __ '

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 162

Example 1: In the diagram below ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral and AOD is a
diameter of the circle. Determine the values of x and y if 6 1 is 120'.

Statement Reason
0 0 0
02 = 360 -120 = 240 L's around a point

:. y = ~ (240 0
) L at centre =2L at circumference
:. y =120
x=180° -y Opp. L's of a cyclic quad.
0 0 0
:. x = 180 -120 = 60

Example 2: Prove that ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral and then determine the
value of y in the diagram below.

Statement Reason
:81 =90 0
L in a semi circle

CI =90 0
L in a semi circle
:.:81 =CI
:. ABCD is a cyclic quad. AD subtends =L' s
:8 2 =cAn =10" L's in same segment
y=:81 +:8 2 Ext. L of a cyclic quad.
0 0
:. y =90 +10

I ~ Complete Exercise 4 on pages 345 and 346 •

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 163

IT two tangents are drawn from the same point outside a circle they are equal in

A tangent is a straight line which touches a circle at one point. A tangent is
always perpendicular to the radius at the point of contact.

Given: Circle with centre 0 and tangents PA and PH are drawn from point P
and touch the circle at points A and B.
Required to prove (RTP): PA =PB •
Construction: Join OA, OB and OP.
Statement ,, Reason
In aPAO and aPBO: ,,
A A ,
Al =BI =90 , Tan .L radius
- - - - - -:- ,,
PO=PO Common side
OA=OB Radii
:.PA=PB Congruent triangles, aPAO =aPBO

When using this theorem to solve riders the reason used is:
Tangents from same pt.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 164

Example I: In the diagram below 0 is the centre of the circle and points A and B
are points on the circle. Tangents AC and BC are drawn from point
a) Prove that AOBC is a cyclic quadrilateral.
b) Determine the size of angle 8 2 ,

OBC = ok = 90'

:. AOBC is a cyclic quad.

--'-'- -
Tan.l radius

Opp. L's supplementary

b) Statement Reason
AC=BC Tangents from same pt.
A2 +B2 =180' _40' =140' L'sina a
L's opp. = sides

Example 2: In the diagram below 0 is the centre of the circle with radius 4 em.
AC, CB and AB are tangents to the circle at points F, D and E
respectively. If AC is 12em in length determine the perimeter of
triangle ABC. BDOE is a square.

er-.:t....-I D


Statement Reason
EB = DB = 4 cm Opp. sides of a square are equal
CF = CD = y Tangents from same pt.
AF = AE = x Tangents from same pt.
AC= x + y =12 Given
Perimeter = AF + FC + AE + EB + BD + DC
:.P= x + y +x +4+4+ y
=2x +2y +8
=2( x + y )+8
= 2(12)+8
= 32cm

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 165

The angle between a tangent to a circle and a chord drawn from the point of
contact is equal to the angle in the alternate segment.

p c tangent Q

Given: PCQ is a tangent, CB is a chord and A is a point on the lIlI\ior arc.

Required to prove (RTP): BCQ = BAC.
Construction: Draw diameter CD and join AD.
Statement Reason
CI +C2 =90· Tan .1 radius
Al +A2 =90· L in a semi -circle
:.CI +C 2 =AI +A2
Al =CI : L' s in same segment
- - - - - - - :-
:.A2 =C 2 ,,,
:.BAc=BCQ ,,
- -,- -
When using this theorem to solve riders the reason used is:
L between tan. and chord

H the angle between a line and chord is equal to the angle subtended by the
chord in the alternate segment, then the line is a tangent to the circle.

Given: BCQ=BAC.
Statement Reason
PQ is a tangent to the circle L between line and chord

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 166


Place your fingers on either end of the chord. Follow the lines from either end of the
chord to the point where they meet on the circumference of the circle. This creates the
angle in the alternate segment. The angle from the tangent to the chord is equal to the
angle in the alternate segment. So in the diagrams above:
Al =:81 and A3 =CI
Example 1: Determine the values of x and y in the diagram below. 0 is the circle
centre and DE is a tangent to the circle at C.

Statement Reason
x=60° L at centre = 2L at circumference
OA=OC Radii
:. Al =CI =60 0
L's opp. = sides and L's in a /),.

y=15 +AI
o A
L between tan. and chord
0 0 0
:. y =15 +60 =75

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 167


A 50 30o
z w C

21 21
1 S 1 S
Q T 2 Q T 2
2 2

1 2 1 2

Table of Contents 168

Example 1: In the diagram below, 0 is the centre of the circle and EDF is a
tangent to the circle at D. Determine the values of x, y and z.

E E-----__~~~~~~____

Statement Reason
z =52' L between tan. and chord
y =104' L at centre = 2L at circumference
x + 52' =90' Tan .L radius

It is important to realise that there is often more than 1 method of solving

geometry riders. The solution below is an alternative method of solving
the above rider. From now, only 1 method will be shown. However, this
does not mean that it is the only way of solving a geometry rider.

Statement Reason
x=90'-52'=38' Tan .L radius
OD=OB Radii
A ,

:.x=B, =38 L 's 0pp. = sides

:. y = 180' -2(38') = 104' L's in a .6.

z=52' L at centre = 2L at circumference

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 169

Example 2: In the diagram below, AB = AC, AP/IBC and A2 = :81 , Prove that:
a) PAL is a tangent to the circle at A.
b) AB is a tangent to the circle ADP.

a) Statement Reason
A1 =C1 Alt. L's (PAIICH)
AC=AB Given
:,C1 =:81 +B2 L 's 0pp. = sides
:.A1 =:81 +B2
:. PAL is a tangent at A L between line and chord

In order to answer part b it is helpful to draw circle ADP:

P...... L

b) Statement Reason
P= B1 Alt. L's (PAIICH)
A2 =B1 Given
:.P= A2
:. PAL is a tangent at A L between line and chord

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 170

Example 3: In the diagram below, the circles intersect at F and D. BFH is a
tangent to the smaller circle at F. AFE is a straigbt line drawn such
that FD = FE. CDE is a straight line and chords AC and BF intersect
at G. Prove that:
a) BHlICE. b) BCEF is a parallelogram. c) AC = BF
a) H
A ___--~

a) Statement Reason
Fz =E L between tan. and chord
:02 =E=Fz L 's opp. = sides
.·. BH II CE Alt. L's =

b) H c)
A ___ -_~

b) Statement Reason
F4 =:02 L between tan. and chord
:02 =B Ext. L of a cyclic quad. BFDC
:. F4 =B
:.FElIBC Corr. L's are =
----------:,, -
:. BCEF is a pann. ,, Both pairs of opp. sides II

c) Statement Reason
B=E Opp. L' s ofa pann are =

B=A L's in same segment

:. A=E ---------------,,
:. AC =CE , sides opp. = L's
- - - - - - -:-
CE= BF ,, Opp. sides of a pann are =
:. AC = BF ,

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 171

Example 4: In the diagram below AB and CD are chords of the circle such that
AB/IDC. AG is a tangent to the circle at A and FD is a tangent to the
circle at D. CD is produced to G and AC and BD intersect at circle
centre E. If At = x and (;2 =Y , prove that:
b) AEDF is a cyclic quad.

a) Statement Reason
AF =FD Tangents from sante pt.
Al =62 = X L 's opp. = sides
6 2 = (;1 = X L between tan. and chord
- -,- -
~ =Al +6 2 = x +x =2x : Ext. L of a .6.
- - - - -:-
:.~ =2(;1 ,
- - - - - - - - - -,- -

b) Statement - -,- - Reason

Bl =2(;1 =2x :, L at centre = 2L at circumference
- - - - - - - -:-
:. B1 = ~ =2x ,, ~ = 2x (proved above)
:. AEDF is a cyclic quad. ,, Ext. L = opp. int. L

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 172

c) Statement Reason
~ + (:2 = X + Y (:1 = x (proved above)
A4 =(:2 = Y L between tan. and chord
<'i= A4 = y Carr. L's (ABIIGC)
:81 = (:1 = x L's in same segment
:. :81+(1= x + y
:. :81+ (1= (:1 + (:2


1) Fin in all the given information on the diagram.
2) Colour is a useful tool. Highlight what the question has asked you to find and
use the same colours to mark equal angles and sides.
3) Take note of what conditions you need to prove.
4) Always provide a reason for your statement unless the question tells you that it
is not required.

Complete the Mixed Exercise on pages 347-350.


Given: Conclusion: Given: Conclusion:

AC .l OB AB = BC AB = BC AC .l OB
Reason: Reason:
Line from centre .1 to chord Line from centre to midpoint of chord

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 173

Given: Conclusion: Given: Conclusion:
A, B, C, D and E
are points on the 61 =2E=2D
circle with centre 62 =2:8
Reason: Reason:
L at centre = 2L at circumference = chords subtend = L's
c c

1'-- - I - - ---'l B 1'-- - I - - ---'l B

Given: Conclusion: Given: Conclusion:

AB is a diameter (;=90° (;=90° AB is a diameter

Reason: Reason:
L in a semi - circle Chord subtends a 90° L


Given: Conclusion: Given: Conclusion:

A=:8 A=:8
ABCD is a cyclic ABCD is a cyclic
quadrilateral quadrilateral

L Reason:
L's in same segment
Line seg. subt. =L's on the same side

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 174

..... - .........
"-7 .... D

,,,l ..,,
·~-_ _..tL~i
'.• ·c
.......... "",.'"
Given: Conclusion: Given: Conclusion:
ABCD is a cyclic ABCD is a cyclic
_ quadrilateral _ quadrilateral
Reason: Reason:
Opp. L 's of a cyclic quad. Opp. L's supplementary

.......- ............
~ .... n

B" 2,'
'\.. "Ie
............... _........-'
Given: Conclusion: Conclusion:
ABCD is a cyclic ABCD is a cyclic
_ quadrilateral
A=CI _ quadrilateral
Reason: Reason:
Ext. L of a cyclic quad. Ext. L = opp. Interior L

Given: Conclusion: Given: Conclusion:

AP andBPare AB is a tangent at C OC .L AB
tangents OC .L AB AB is a tangent at C
Tangent.L to radius
Tangents from same pt.
Line to .L radius

Given: Conclusion: Conclusion:
ABC is a tangent HI =E ABC is a tangent

Reason: Reason:
L L between tan. and chord L between line and chord

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 175


III177 A. Revision
Establish and prove the
177 • Sides, angles and areas of area, sine and cosine rule.
triangles • Apply the area, sine and
177 • Angles of elevation and cosine rule in order to solve
depression problems in 2 dimensions.
178 B. The Area Rule
178 • Proof
179 C. The Sine Rule
180 • The Sine Rule Proof
181 • The Ambiguous Case
182 D. The Cosine Rule
182 • The Cosine Rule Proof
183 • Directions on a bearing
184 • Mixed Examples
187 E. Summary
187 • The Area Rule
187 • The Sine Rule
187 • The Cosine Rule

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 176

Example: In the diagram alongside, P = 40· , QS..lPR, PQ = 10em and
QR = 18cm. Determine, correct to 2 decimal places:
a) The length of QS. Q

b) The size of R .
c) The area of .6.PQR.
. 40. QS _ o--,p,-,p_o_si_te_ . RA 6,43 ----'
a) sm =- ~-:- b) sm =-- ~-:-
10 hypotenuse 18 hypotenuse
A •

:. QS = 10 sin 40· = 6,43cm :.R = 20,93

PS RS ~ _.c..adC:!
c) cos 40 0
=- ~ cos 20, 93 ° =-
10 hypotenuse 18 hypotenuse
:. PS = lOcos 40° =7,66cm :.RS=18cos20,93° =16,81cm
:. PR =7,66+16,81= 24,47

Area of .6.PQR = ! basex .1 height

:. Area of .6.PQR =!(24,47}(6,43) = 78, 67 cm2

@.. Recap (pg. 119):

. e =_.c..0""PP"-0.c..Sl.c..·te,,,--
Y adjacent
cos e = -"-=..::..:....-'-
x tane opposite Y
hypotenuse r hypotenuse r adjacent x


The angle of elevation is the angle between the
horizontal and the line of sight up to an object.
This is shown in figure 1 alongside.

The angle of depression is the angle between the

horizontal and the line of sight down to an object.
;..:------ -------
This is shown in figure 2 alongside. angle of

Figure 2: Angle of depression

Note that the angle of elevation is always equal to the angle of depression
due to alternate angles between parallel lines.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 177

The area rule is used to determine the area of triangles which are not right
angled triangles or triangles where the perpendicular height is not known. The
area rule is summarised in the diagrams below:

Angle A known Angle B known Angle C known

1 A 1 A 1 A

A"ABC = 2 bc sin A A"ABC = 2 ac sin B A"ABC = 2 ab sin C

Use the Area Rule when given two sides and an included angle.
An included angle is the angle between the two given sides.

The proof of the area rule is shown below for an acute triangle and an obtuse

Acute Angled Triangle Obtuse Angled Triangle

A D C o
•• ISoo-A ¥-'-_
L . __________ A _-;-_.....:::::...
b DAb C

Area of .6.ABC = .!.bxh ~ ill Area of .6.ABC = .!.bxh ~ ill

2 2
In .6.ADB: In .6.ADB: In

sinA=- sin(180-A) = h
c c
.". h = csinA ~1ll .". h = csinA ~1ll
Sub 2 into ill : Sub 2 into ill :
1 A 1 A

.". Area of .6.ABC=-b csinA .". Area of .6.ABC=-b csinA

2 2
Similarly it can be proved that: Similarly it can be proved that:
1 A 1 A

Area of .6.ABC = -acsinB Area of .6.ABC = - a c sin B

2 2
1 A 1 A

Area of .6.ABC=-absinC Area of .6.ABC =-absinC

2 2

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 178

Example 1: Determine the area of the triangles shown below correct to 1 decimal
place where necessary:
1) 2) 3)


A ~C
/X- 30mm C
1) 2) 3)
A=!(S)(6)sin 30' A =~(21)(25)Sin A A = ~ (30)(19)sin C
= 12units 2 A =IS0' -( 20' +23') =137' C =140' -7S' = 62'

.'. A =!( 21)(25)sin I37' .'. A = !(30)(19)sin 62'

2 2
.'.A = 179,Ocm 2 .'. A = 251,6 mm 2

Example 2: Determine the sizels of A B

if .6.ABC alongside has
an area of 50m2•
1 A

Area = 2 (AB )( AC)sin A

.'.50 =! (10)(20)sin A
2 A

.'.sin A =-
.'. A = 30' ~ this is an acute angle (less than 90' ) C

It is important to note that it is possible for A to be an obtuse angle. You have to

give both possible solutions to A .
.'. A = 30' or A = ISO' - 30' = ISO' ~ obtuse angle

I~ Complete Exercise 1 on page 358.


The Sine Rule is used to determine an unknown length or angle of a triangle
which is not right angled.

a b c sin A sinB sin C

--=--=-- or --=--=--
sin A sinB sin C a b c

Use the Sine Rule when given two sides and an angle that is not between
the given sides or if two angles and a side are given.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 179

The proof of the Sine rule is shown below for an acute triangle and an obtuse

Acute Angled Triangle Obtuse Angled Triangle


A Lh D

180 -A A
L, __________ ~--_:_.L.........;::

A b

In .6.ADB: In .6.ADB:
sin (180· -A) = h ~ sin (180· -A) = sin A
sin A =-
c c
:. h = c sin A ~ ill :. h = c sin A ~ ill
In .6.CDB: In .6.CDB:
sin C = h sin C =-
a a
:.h= a sin C ~1ll :.h= a sin C ~1ll
:.ill =III :.ill =III
:. c sin A =a sin C :. c sin A = a sin C
sin A sin C sin A sin C
.. - - = - - .. - - = - -
a c a c

Similarly it can be proved that: Similarly it can be proved that:

sin A sin C sinB sin A sin C sinB
a c b a c b

The Sine Rule can also be proved using the Area Rule as shown below:

Acute Angled Triangle Obtuse Angled Triangle

~ b e
1 1 1

From the area rule: -b c sin A =- absin C =- a c sinB

1 sin A sin C sinB
Now divide all sides by - abc : .. - - = - - = - -
2 a c b

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 180

Example: Solve lI.ABC in the diagram alongside:
When a question asks you to solve a triangle you have to solve for
ail unknown angles and sides. 'if
sin e
= sin A
:. AB = 26 sin 67° 26, 41 units
sin 65°
A<: = BC A ~ use the side that is given rather than a side you have calculated
sin B sin A
I' . I
:. AC = 26 sin 48° ~ B = 180° - 65° - 67° ~augesmatnauge

sin 65°
:. AC =21, 32 units


When solving for an angle in a triangle it is possible for there to be 2 possible
solutions for an angle.
This occurs when the angle you are solving for is opposite the longest given side.

Illustrative Example: Solve for P in the lI.PQR below:

sin P
sin R
R ~ 25°

RQ 60
sin P sin 25°
100 60
• pA
:. sm 100 sin 25° ~
. _1(IOOSin25 ] to so1ve fior the augIe
use shift sm
60 60
:. p = 44,78°

However, we know from trigonometric equations that it is possible to have another

solution to P. It is also possible for P =180° - 44, 78° = 135,22°. This is illustrated
in the triangle below. Q

~ Always give both possible answers when dealing with the ambiguous case.

I~ Complete Exercise 2 on page 358.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 181

The Cosine Rule is also used to determine the length of an unknown side or angle
in a triangle that is not a right angled triangle.

.ne a
Angle A known
.ne a
Angle C known

Only use the Cosine Rule if you have a triangle where you are given all
three sides or two sides and an included angle. If a side of a triangle has a
square root in it, the Cosine Rule is the most likely rule to use.


Acute Angled Triangle Obtuse Angled Triangle

Lh D



l80'-~ ~
L. __________

b C

In l!..BDC: In l!..BDC:
a 2 = BD2 + CD 2 -7 pythag a 2 = BD2 + CD 2 -7 pythag
=BD 2 +(b -AD)2 -7CD=b-AD =BD2+(b +AD)2 -7CD=b+AD
= BD2 + b 2 - 2bAD + AD2 -7 ill =BD2 + b 2 + 2bAD + AD2 -7 ill
But using pythag. in l!..ABD: But using pythag. in l!..ABD:
c 2 = AD2 + BD2 -7lll c 2 = AD2 + BD2 -7lll
Sub IIIinto ill Sub IIIinto ill
:. a 2 = b2 +c 2 - 2bAD -71l1 :. a 2 =b 2 +c 2 + 2bAD -71l1
• AD
Also in l!..ABD: cos A =- Also in l!..ABD: cos (180' -A) = AD
c c
:. AD =c cos A -7l±! :. - cos A = AD -7 cos (180' -A) = -cosA
Sub l±! into III c
AD = - c cos A -7l±!
:. a 2 = b2 +c 2 - 2bc cos A
Sub l±! into III
:. a 2 = b 2 + c 2 - 2bc cos A

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 182

Example 1: Determine the length of B
BC in triangle ABC

BC 2 = AB2 +AC2 -2(AB){AC)cosA

:. BC 2 = 302 + 20 2 -2(30){ 20)cos I40°
A 20cm c
:.BC2 = 2219,25 ... ~don't forget to square root this answer
:.BC= 47, 11 cm

Example 2: Determine the size of B

in l!.ABC alongside:

AC 2 = AB2 + BC2 -2(AB){BC)cosB

:. 59 2 = 502 + 302 -2(50){30)cos B
A c
:.81 = -2 (50){30)cos B
A 81
:.cos B = -2(50){30)

:. B =91,55°

Complete Exercise 3 on pages 358 and 359.

Bearing is a way of measuring the direction of one object from another. Bearing
is usually measured clockwise from north. Bearing can also be expressed in
terms of North, East, South and West.

lliustrative Example: In the diagram below, write down the bearing of:
a) A from O. b) OfromA.


a) The bearing of A from 0 is 65°. This can also be written as N 65°E. This means
move 65° east from north.

b) The bearing of 0 from A is 245°. This can also be written as W 25°S. This means
move 25° south from west.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 183


Example 1: Phindile and Michael are taking

part in a scavenger hunt. They
both leave from point P. Phindile
walks 3,5km on a bearing of 70°
to point Q and Michael walks
4km on a bearing of 118° to

a) How far are Phindile and Michael from each other at points Q and R?
b) At what bearing must Michael walk to reach Phindile?

a) b)
QR2 = PQ2 + PR 2 -2(PQ)(PR)cosQPR
A A "

P2 = RI = 28 -7 alternate angles
PI =90" _ 70" = 20" sinR2 sin (PI +P2 )
P2 = 118" _90" = 28" 3,5 3,08
QPR = 28" + 20" = 48" • A 3,5sin( 48")
:. sm R2 =----'--------'--
:. QR 2 = (3,5)2 +(4)2 -2(3,5)( 4) cos 48" 3,08
=9,51... :.R 2 =57,62
A "

:.QR=3,08km He must walk on a bearing of

270" + 28" + 57,62" = 355,62"

Example 2: In the diagram below, determine the length of CD.



sin 35" sin 74"

:. CD = AC sin 35" -7 now determine the value of AC in the right angled triangle
sin 74"
sin55"= AB = 34
:. AC = -7 do not round off
sin 55"
:.CD= 34 sin 35" -7AC= 34
sin 55" sin 74" sin 55"
:. CD = 24,77 units

Do not round off during calculations. However, you may round off in
your fmal answer.
© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 184
Example 3: A triangular advertising banner is erected between 2 poles and
secured to a point on tbe floor as shown in tbe diagram below. For
stability a steel wire is run tbrough tbe perimeter of tbe banner.

D B 14m E

a) IT one side of tbe banner is to be painted and one can of paint covers a
surface area of 35m2, how many cans are required?
b) Determine, to tbe nearest metre, tbe lengtb of steel wire required.

a) Area=.!. AB.BC sin B

sm. 440 =18-
. AB = 25,912...
.. sin 44°
cos 64° = 14
:. BC 31,936...
cos 64°
:. Area = ~ (25, 912... ).(31,936...) sin (180° _44° -64°) ~ adj. L's on a straight line

= ~ (25,912 ... ).(31,936 ... ) sin (72°)

= 393,52m2
Total area
Number of cans = ----'--'-'-----'--- 393,52 = 11 24
35 35 '
:.12 cans are required. ~ don't round down, 11 cans will not cover the entire banner

b) Perimeter= AB + BC + AC
:. AC 2 = AB2 + BC 2 -2( AB )( BC)cos B
=( 25,91)2 +(31,94)2 -2( 25,91)(31,94)cos72°
=1180,028 ...
:. AC = 34,35
:. Perimeter = 25,91 + 31,94 + 34,35 =92,2
.'. 93 m of steel wire is required ~ 92 m will not cover the entire perimeter

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 185

Example 4: Show that the length of BC in D
the diagram alongside is:
BC= xsin2asin6

Start solving in the triangle which has BC in it:

- AC
- =- - ~ use the SI'de that IS
' common to b0 th'
~6 ~P B
... BC= ACsin O
sin P
Now solve for AC in triangle ADC:
Ac:. = DC ~D=1800-A-C=1800-a-a=1800-2a
sin D sin a
x sin (180 -2a)
... AC= ~DC=x
sin a
... AC =x ,
sin2a ~sm '(180 - 2) '2a
a =sm 0

sm a
... BC= xsin2a sin O
sin a sin p

Example 5: In the diagram below, the angle of elevation of R from Q is a and the
angle of elevation of Q from S is (J. H PS = x and R= P, prove that
xsin(a+6) R
SR .
Start solving in the triangle which has SR in it:
01 = § = 0 ~ alternate angles
SR. = QS ~ use the side that is common to both triangles
sinQ sin P
-:--;-:-----,- =
.. sin(O+a ) sin p p x s
... SR= QSsin(O+ a )
sin p
Now solve for QS in triangle PQS:
L1 x
cos ,, =- ~
QS hypotenuse
... QS=-
cos O
x sin(O+ a ) QSsin(O+a) d x
... SR= ~SR= an QS=--
cosO sin P sinP cosO

Complete the Mixed Exercise on pages 359 and 360.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 186

The rules that you have learnt are summarised below. Remember to only use the
rules below for triangles which are not right angled triangles.



.nc .Dc .nc a

Angle A known
Angle B known
Angle C known
1 A 1 A 1 A

A"'ABC =-bc sin A A"'ABC =-ac sin B A"'ABC =-ab sin C

2 2 2

U!1 Use the Area Rule when given two sides and an included angle.
1( An included angle is the angle between the two given sides.


a b c sin A sin B sin e

or --=--=--
a b c

Use the Sine Rule when given two sides and an angle that is not between
the given sides or iftwo angles and a side are given.
~ Always look for the ambiguous case when you are solving for angles.
The ambiguous case occurs when solving for the angle opposite the
longest given side.



.nc .Dc .nc a

Angle A known
Angle B known
Angle C known

Only use the Cosine Rule if you have a triangle where you are given all
three sides or two sides and an included angle. IT a side of a triangle has a
square root in it, the Cosine Rule is the most likely rule to use.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 187


A. Simple and Compound
Use simple and compound
Growth and Decay decay formulae to solve
189 • Simple Growth and Decay problems (including straight
190 • Compound Growth and line depreciation and
depreciation on a reducing
192 B. The Effects of Different
Compounding Periods • Understand the effect of
195 C. Time Lines different periods of
195 • Interest Rate Changes compounding growth and
decay (including effective
196 • Additional Withdrawals or and nominal interest rates).
197 • Mixed Examples • Convert a nominal interest
198 • Nominal and Effective rate to an effective interest
rate and vice versa.
Interest Rates

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 188

In Grade 10 you dealt with the concepts of simple and compound interest. You
will now deal with simple and compound decay. After most items are purchased
they depreciate (lose value over time). The formulas for decay allow us to
determine the value of an item after a certain amount of time.


In simple interest or decay, the amount that an item or investment increases or
decreases by is calculated on the original amount and is the same in each period.
Another name for simple decay is straight line deprecation.

Simple Interest Simple Decay

A=P(I+in) A=P(I - in)
Where: A ~ Final Amount
P ~ Principal amount I starting value
i ~ Interest rate (written as a decimal, divide the given interest rate by 100)
n ~ Number of time periods

Example 1: Lerato purchases furniture for her apartment to the value of R20 000.
The furniture depreciates at 9% per annum on the straight line
method. What will her furniture be worth after 5 years?
A = P(l-in) ~ simple decay

= 20000[1-(0,09 )(5)J ~9% =~

= RllOoo
Example 2: Janet invested R18 000 into a high risk, short term unit trust account
for 3 years. After 3 years she finds her investment has decreased and
is only worth R13 680.
a) Using the straight line method, determine the rate per annum at
which her investment decreased.
b) Janet then invests the remainder of her money into an account
that guarantees an interest rate of 3,5% per annum, simple
interest. How much will she have in her account after 10 years?
a) A = P(l-in) ~ simple decay
:.13680= 18oo0 [1-(i)(3)J ~divide both sides by 18000
:. 0,76 = 1- 3i ~ never round off during calculations in financial maths
:. 3i = 1-0, 76 ~ divide both sides by 3

:. i = 0,24 =0,08 ~ 1-0,76 =0,24


b) A = P(l+in) ~simp1e interest

= 13680[1 +0,035(1O)J

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 189

When dealing with compound interest and decay, interest or depreciation is
calculated on the value of an investment or item at the end of each period.
Another name for compound decay is depreciation on a reducing balance.

Compound Interest Compound Decay

A=P(l+it A=P(l - i t
Where: A ~ Final Amount
P ~ Principal amount / starting value
i ~ Interest rate (written as a decimal, divide the given interest rate by 100)
n ~ Number of time periods

Example 1: Tebogo purchases a car for R80000 that depreciates at a compound

rate of 11 % per annum.
a) Calculate the book value of the car after 5 years.
b) If the price of a new car increases at 8 % per annum compounded
annually, determine the price of a new car after 5 years.
The book value of an item is the value of the item after it has depreciated. ~

a) A=p(l-ir ~compounddecay

= 80000(1-0,llf

b) A = P (1 + i r ~ compound interest
= 80000(1 +0,08)5
= R117 546,25

Example 2: A car dealer, in error, uses the straight line method to calculate a
car's value. The car was originally purchased for R120000. The
dealer calculates the car to be worth R93 442,56 as it is 3 years old.
What rate of depreciation would have to be used to give the same
result using the reducing balance method?

A = P (1- i r ~ compound decay

:.93442,56 = 120 OOO[I-if

:. 93442,56 = [1 - I.]3 ~ cube root b oth SI'des

:. ~O, 778. .. = 1- i ~ do not round off during financial maths calculations
:. i = 0,08
:. i =8%

@ In financial maths, you may only round otT answers in the final step.
~ Inflation is always compound interest, unless otherwise stated.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlut Books CC Table of Contents 190

Example 3: The graphs below represent an item which depreciates at 10% per
annum. One graph represents straight line depreciation and the other
reducing balance depreciation.

"-< 60000


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time in years

a) Which graph represents straight line depreciation? Give a reason

for your answer.
b) Explain the reason for the differences between the two graphs.
c) Determine the initial cost of the item.
d) Hence, determine the equation of each graph in the form A = .••
a) The green graph. The amount the item decreases by each year is the same. This
represents straight line depreciation.
b) In straight line depreciation the item depreciates by the same amount based on the
original cost price. In reducing balance (compound) depreciation, the depreciation
amount is based on the value of the item in the previous period (in this case the
previous year). After one year both items depreciate by the same amount, after
which the amount that the item depreciates on the reducing balance becomes
increasingly less, while the amount that the item depreciates by using the straight
line method remains the same.
c) The y-intercept of the graph represents the initial cost of the item. Therefore, the
initial cost of the item was RI00 000.
d) Straight line: A = P (1- in)
:. A = 1000OO(I-0,ln)

Reducing balance: A = P (1- it

:.A =1000OO(I-0,lt

Example 4: The volume of water in a steam iron decreases by 18,5% per minute
that it is in use. H the iron has been nsed for 6 minutes and there is
29,31 ml of water remaining in the iron, determine, correct to the
nearest millilitre, how many millilitres of water the iron initially had?

A = P (1- i r -7 compound decay

29,31 = P(I-0,185)6 -729,31 is the volume left after 6 minutes
.P 29,31
.. (1-0,185)6

I ~ Complete Exercise 1 on page 365.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 191

Up to this point you have only dealt with compound interest and decay that is
compounded annually. In most real world applications interest is compounded
more often than once a year. When this is the case, you have to adjust the
formulas and use an interest rate and value for n which matches the
compounding period. In other words, if compounding is performed monthly, the
interest rate must be divided by 12 to obtain a monthly interest rate and n must
be in months.
Illustrative Example: Determine the value Rl00 will grow to in 5 years, if interest
is calculated at 12% per annum compounded:
a) Monthly. b) Quarterly. c) Semi-annually. d) Daily.

a) As interest is compounded monthly, you have to divide the given interest rate by 12
to obtain the monthly interest rate. It is important to note that as interest is
compounded monthly, the number of periods (n) in the formula must also be in
= 100 ( 1+ ""i2 -7 compounded monthly, n is the number of months


b) As interest is compounded quarterly, divide the given interest rate by 4. The number
of periods (n) must be in quarters. Remember that there are 4 quarters in a year and
1 quarter is 3 months.

012)4><5 -7 compounded quarterly, n is the number of quarters

= 100 ( 1+ ~


c) As interest is compounded semi-annually, divide the given interest rate by 2. The

number of periods (n) must be in half years. Semi-annually means half yearly.

=100(1+ 0'~2)2><5 -7 compounded semi-annually, n is the number of half years

= R179,08

d) As interest is compounded daily, divide the given interest rate by 365. The number
of periods (n) must be in days.
= 100 ( 1+ - ' - -7 compounded daily, n is the number of days

The more often interest is compounded, the greater the value of an

investment at the end of a period.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 192

Example 1: Rose invested R7 000 into a savings account for 4 years. If the
savings account offers an interest rate of 7% per annum compounded
monthly, determine how much she will have after 4 years.

A=? P=7OO0 i= 0,07 n=4x12

A = P (1 + ir ~ compound interest
= 7000 ( 1+ -tz-
~ compounded monthly, n is the number of months

= R9 254,38 ~ only round off at the end

Example 2: Lindi takes out a loan of R5 000 from a micro-lender at an interest

rate of 27% p.a compounded monthly. If the loan has to be paid back
after 9 months how much will Lindi have to pay back to the micro-

A =? P = 5000 i = 0,27 n = 9 ~ do not mnltiply by 12, n is the number of months

A = P (1 + i r ~ compound interest
=5000(1+ 0~~7 J ~compoundedmonthly, n is the number of months
= R61 08,57 ~ only round off at the end

Example 3: Ravaash invests R2 500 into a savings account that offers an interest
rate of 6,25% p.a. compounded quarterly. How much will Ravaash
have after 8,5 years?

A =.? P = 2500 i 0,0625 n= 8, 5 x 4 ~ thereare 4 quartersmayear

A = P (1 + i r ~ compound interest
0 0625 )4><8.5
= 2500 ( 1+ ' 4 ~ compounded quarterly, n is the number of quarters

= R4235,21 ~ only round off at the end

Example 4: George invests R6 000 into an account which offers an interest rate of
11 % p.a. compounded semi-annually. How much will he have after
3,5 years?

A =? P = 6000 i = 0,11 n = 3,5x 2 ~ there are two 6 month periods in a year

A = P (1 +it ~ compound interest
011)2><3.5 ~ compounded semi-annually, n is the number of half years
= 6000 (1+ -t-

= R8 728,07 ~ only round off at the end

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 193

Example 5: Thandi's car which was bought 5 years ago is now worth R80 434,88.
What was tbe original purchase price of tbe car if it depreciated at
8% p.a. compounded daily?

A=80434,88 P=? i= 0,08 n=5x 365

A = P (1- i r -7 compound decay
:.80434,88= P(I- 0,08)5x365 -7 compounded daily, n is the number of days
. P= 80434,88
.. ( 0 , 08 ) 5x365
:. P = R120000

Example 6: An investment grows from R6 700 to R8 510,59 in 3 years. Determine

tbe interest rate received if interest was compounded montbly.
A=851O,59 P=6700 i=-· n=3x12
A = P (1 + ir -7 compound interest
. )3><12
:.8510,59 = 6700 ( 1+ 1~ -7 compounded monthly, n is the number of months

8510,59 . ) 36
6700 ( 1+ 1~ -7 take the 3~ of both sides

:.1+~= 3 8510,59
12 6700

8510,59 -1 -7do not round off


i = 12(3 8510,59 IJ
:. i = 0,08
:. i = 8% -7 per annum compounded monthly

Remember that in fmancial matbs you must never round off until you
reach your fmal answer. However, you may round off between questions.
It is important to remember tbat inflation is always compound interest.
H tbe compounding period is not given assume it to be aunually.

I~ Complete Exercise 2 on page 365.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 194

It is useful to draw a timeline for problems where there is a change to the interest
rate as well as problems where there are additional withdrawals and/or deposits.


Example 1: Nawaaz invests R3 000 into a savings account at an interest rate of
5,5% p.a compounded monthly. After 3 years the interest rate drops
to 3,25% p.a. compounded monthly. How much will he have after 5
I 5,5% c.m I 3,25% c.m I
•E )i I E )i I
• lyear 2~ 3~: 4years 5~:
ITo Tl T~ T 3• T4 T~
I I I I I oj
+3000 ?
The investment earns interest at 5,5% for the first 3 years and then at 3,25% for the last
2 years.

:.A=3000(1+ 0,~~5)3x12 (1+ 0,~~25)2x12


Example 2: R2 850 is invested at 8% p.a. compounded quarterly for 15 years.

After 9 years the interest rate changes to 10,5% p.a. compounded
monthly. How much is the investment worth after 15 years?
________-+~ ~________~1~0,~5°~Yo~c=.m~____~~,
I"\'- - , .< >.

:To Tl T 2••• T,: TlO Tn .•• ':C15

~~ ?

0 08)9x4 ( 0 105)6><12
:.A=2850 ( 1+~ 1+~ ---)10,5% c.mis earned for 6 years


Example 3: In 1 year an investment grows to an amount of R3 606,02. For the

first 6 months the interest rate is 9% p.a. compounded monthly. After
this the interest rate changes to 12% p.a. compounded quarterly. How
much was initially invested?
9% C.m 12% c.q
:E )i ·E It DO! )Ii
I : 1 quarter 2 quarter I

: :~~:
:T. Tl Tz T3 T4 Ts IT, T7 T, T, Tto Tn Tn:

:.3606,02 = p ( 1+ 0~~9 J (1 + 0,~2 r- ) 6 months is 2 quarters of a year = ~X4


:.p= 36~6,02 2 R3250

(1+ 0~~9) (1+ 0'~2)

~ With changes in interest rates you multiply the brackets together.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 195

Illustrative Example: R20 000 is deposited into an account which offers an interest
rate of 9% p.a. compounded monthly. 2 years later RS 000 is
withdrawn from the account. How much will be in the
account after 8 years?
:E iI:
20000 -5000 ?
First determine the amount that would be in the account after 8 years if the
additional deposit did not occur:

A = 20000(1+ 0~~9 )002

This amount includes the RSOOO withdrawal as well as the interest that it earned
for the 6 years that is wasn't in the account for. Therefore, you have to remove the
RSOOO with its interest for 6 years.

A=20000(1+ 0~~9)8x12 -5000(1+ 0~~9)6x12


Example 1: Ted invests RIO 000 into an account that offers an interest rate of
3,25% p.a. compounded quarterly. After 2 years he deposits an
additional R2 500 into the account and 3 years later withdraws
RS 000. How much will he have in his account after 10 years?
:E iI :
:To T, T, T, T. T, T, T, T, T, Tl~
10000 +2500 -5000 ?

A=I0000 1+ 0,0:25 IOX4 +2500 (1+ 0,0:25 )8x4-5000 (1+ 0,0:25 )5X4
( )
Example 2: Romy takes out a loan of RSO 000 at an interest rate of 11,5%
compounded quarterly. 9 months after taking out the loan she repays
R8 000 and 15 months later repays a further RIO 000. 3 years after
taking out the loan she pays off the loan. What is the value of the final
11,5% c.q
:E iI :
:To T t ••• T,••• T,.... T,,:
50000 -11000 -10000 ?
36 27 12

A=50000(1+ 0'~15y -8000(1+ 0'~15y -10000(1+ 0'~15y


There are 3 months in a quarter of a year. To convert months to quarters

you have to divide by 3. When dealing with deposits or withdrawals, n is
always the amount of time left in the account from the time that the
deposit or withdrawal is made, not the time it has been in the account.
© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 196
Example 1: x Rand is invested into an account offering an interest rate of 12%
p.a. compounded monthly. 3 years later 2x Rand is deposited into the
account. After 7 years there is R27 655,87 in the account. Determine
the value of x.
:E ~'I
:To T, T, T, T. T, T, T'
I I I I I I I i
x +2>: 27655,87

0 12J7Xl2 ( 0 12J4Xl2
27655,87= x ( 1+12 +2x 1+12 -Hake out a HCFofx

:.27655,87= X[(I+ 0~~2JXl2 +2(1+ 0~~2J4Xl2]

:. x = [( 0 12J;!~655,(87 0 12JI2><4] R5000

1+-'- +2 1+-'-
12 12

Example 2: R12 000 is invested at 6% p.a. compounded monthly. After 5 years the
interest rate changes to 7% p.a. compounded quarterly. After 3 years
an additional Rl 275 is deposited. What will the value of the
investment be after 8 years?
6%c.m 7%c.g
T, T, T.
T' T, T,
~ ,

•I I I
12000 +1275 ?

A=12000 (1+ 0~~6J5Xl2 (1+ 0'~7r4 + 1275(1+ 0~~6J2x12 (1+ 0'~7r4

:. A = R21702,06

Example 3: R17 000 is invested at 8% p.a. compounded quarterly for the first 3
and a half years and 10% p.a. compounded quarterly for the
remaining period. After 75 months R8 250 is withdrawn. What is the
total amount in the account after 10 years?
You have to choose whether to work in months or years on your timeline. It is generally
easiest to work in years if there are interest rate changes and additional deposits or
withdrawals. To convert months to years, divide by 12. if(

':E 10% c.g ,:
:T, T, T, T, ,]!,. T, T, T, T", T, T, T, Tto :
17000 -8250 ?

3.5x4 ( J 6,5X4 ( J3.75x4

A = 17000 1+ 0,~8 1+ O,~O - 8250 1+ O,~O

Complete Exercise 3 on pages 365 and 366.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 197

The nominal interest rate is the rate that is quoted in the question. The effective
interest rate is the equivalent annual interest rate that you would receive once
compounding has been taken into account. In order to compare interest rates
with different compounding periods, it is often useful to convert nominal rates
into effective rates.

Illustrative Example: Suppose x Rand is invested for a period of 1 year at an

interest rate of 12% p.a. compounded monthly. What
interest rate compounded yearly (the effective interest rate)
would yield the same result.
First determine the f"mal amount that would be obtained after one year:
:.A=x ( 1+ ~2 -7l!1

Now determine the f"mal amount that would be obtained using the effective interest

:. A = x(l+ieff )1 -7 III
l!I must be equal to III
:. x (l+ieff )1 = X(I+ 0~~2r -7 divide both sides by x
:.(I+ieff)= ( 1+ ~2

:.ieff =(1+ 0~~2r-l

:. ieff = 0,1268250301
:. ieff =12, 68%

This means that if you compound annually at a rate of 12,68% p.a. you will obtain
the same result if you compounded at a rate of 12 % p.a. monthly.
From the above example it should be clear that the formula for converting a
nominal rate to an effective rate is:

Nominal to Effective:

.o1 =(1+ i:m

Where: ieff -7 Effective interest rate
inom -7 Nominal interest rate
m -7 The number of times a year the nominal interest rate is compounded

qr The effective interest rate is always higher than the nominal interest rate.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 198

Example 1: Convert an interest rate of 15% p.a. compounded monthly to an
effective interest rate.

(1 + i eff )1 = ( 1+ I:m )m

0 15)12
:.I+ieff = ( 1+ ~2

:.ieff = ( 1+ ~2 -1=0,1608

:. ieff = 16,08%

Example 2: Convert an interest rate of 8,25% p.a. compounded quarterly to an

effective interest rate.

1 (
(1 + ieff ) = 1+ I:m )m

.1 . - (1 0,0825)4
•. +leff- + 4

:.ieff =(1+ 0,0:25J -1=0,08508761943

:. ieff = 8,51 %

Example 3: Convert an effective interest rate of 17% p.a. to a nominal rate

compounded daily.

. ) 365
:.1 + 0, 17 = 1+ lnom
( 365
~ take the 36~ of both sides

:. 365'1 +017 =1+ inom

'1/ , 365

:. inom = 365'1 +017-1

365 V '
:. i,."m = 0,157037521
:. ieff = 15,70%

When using the effective interest rate to fmd the value of an investment,
you cannot use a rounded off value. Always use the exact rate.

Complete Exercise 4 on page 366 and the

Mixed Exercise on pages 366 and 367.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 199


A. Grade 10 Revision
Understand and work with I
201 • Probability of an Event dependent and independent
Occurring and Sample events, in addition to all the
Space probability which you learnt
in Grade 10.
201 • Theoretical and
Experimental Probability • Use Venn diagrams or
201 • Notation contingency tables, as well as
201 • Mutually Exclusive Events tree diagrams as aids to
202 solving probability problems.
• The Addition Rule
202 • Complementary Events
204 B. Dependent and Independent
204 • The Product Rule
206 C. Venn Diagrams
210 D. Tree Diagrams
212 E. Contingency Tables

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 200

In Grade 10 you learnt that a sample space consists of all the possible outcomes
for an event to occur. For example, if a fair dice is thrown the possible outcomes
are obtaining a 1 through to a 6. The sample space would be: S = {1;2;3;4;5;6} .
Event E is a possible outcome from the sample space. For example, the event E
could be obtaining a 1. Event E would be denoted as: E={I}

The probability ofevent E occurring is: P(E ) = n((E)) = !

n S 6
In general, E is the total number of ways a specific event can occur. S is the total
number of possible outcomes for the event.


In most cases, it takes a large number of trials before experimental and
theoretical probabilities approach the same value.
Consider the situation of tossing a fair coin. The theoretical probability of obtaining a
head is 50% and the theoretical probability of obtaining a tail is 50%. However, this
does not mean that if a coin is tossed 10 times you will obtain 5 heads and 5 tails (this
is experimental probability). There would have to be a large number of tosses before
half the outcomes are heads and the other half are tails.

The probability of an event occurring will always lie between 0 and 1, where 0 is
an impossible event and 1 is a certain event. It is essential that you are familiar
with the notations below which are used in most probability questions:
• P (A) ~ The probability of event A occurring
• P ( A') ~ The probability of event A not occurring (this is also called the
complement of A)
• P (A or B) = P (A u B) ~ The probability of A or B occurring. u is the
symbol for or, it is also known as union.
• P (A and B) = P (A n B) ~ The probability of A and B occurring. n is the
symbol for and, it is also known as intersection.
• P (A I B) ~ The probability of A occurring given that B has occurred.


If two events are mutually exclusive it means that they cannot occur in the same
trial. For example, if a trial is the tossing of a dice and event A is obtaining a 6
while event B is obtaining a 2, it is impossible to obtain events A and B together.
If a trial is picking a card and event A is selecting a queen and event B is
selecting a heart, it is possible to obtain events A and B together. This is an
example of events which are not mutually exclusive.
For mutually exclusive events: P (A and B) = o.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 201

The addition rule states: P(Aor B) = P(A)+P(B) -P(AandB) .
If events A and B are mutually exclusive P (A and B) = 0 and the addition rule
simplifies to: P(AorB) = P(A)+P(B).

The addition rule can also be written as:

P(AuB) =P(A)+P(B)-P(AnB).

If two events are complementary:
P(not A) =P(A')=I-P(A)
There are 2 conditions that have to be true for events to be complementary:
1) The events have to be mutually exclusive
2) P(A)+P(B)= 1

Example 1: If a fair dice is rolled what is the probability of getting a multiple of 3?

The only multiples of 3 in the sample space are 3 and 6.
P(3 or 6) = P(3)+P(6) -P(3 and 6)
= 7(;+ 7(;- O~Mutuallyexclusive, :.P(3 and6)=0

Example 2: A card is selected at random from a fair pack of playing cards:
a) Determine the probability of selecting a jack.
b) Determine the probability of selecting a heart.
c) Determine the probability of selecting a jack or a heart.

a) P(jack) = %2

c) P(jack or heart) = P(jack) + P(heart) - P(jack and heart)

_4/ +13/ _1/
- /52 /52 /52


In a fair pack of playing cards there are 52 cards and no jokers. Unless
otherwise stated always assume that a deck of cards is fair.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 202

Example 3: Given sample space s ={6;7;8;9;10} determine whether or not the
following events are complementary:
a) Selecting an even number and a multiple of 5.
b) Selecting a multiple of 3 and a prime number.
c) Selecting an odd number and a multiple of 2.

a) The set of even numbers can be given by A ={6;8; 1O} and the set of multiples of
5 can be given by B ={1O} . As the events share a common element (10) they are
not mutually exclusive. Therefore they are not complementary events.

b) The set of multiples of 3 can be given by A = {6; 9} and the set of prime numbers
can be given by B = {7} . Therefore the events are mutually exclusive.

P(A)=~ andP(B)=~
:.P(A)+ P(B) =~+~ =~

:.P(A)+P(B) *1
:. the events are not complementary.

c) The set of odd numbers can be given by A ={7;9} and the set of multiples of 2
can be given by B ={6;8;1O}. Therefore the events are mutually exclusive.

P(A)=~ andP(B)=~
:.P(A)+P(B) =~+~=~

:.P(A)+P(B) =1
:. the events are complementary.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 203

Two events are said to be independent if the outcome of one event does not affect
the probability of another event occurring. IT the outcome of one event changes
the probability that another event occurs, the events are said to be dependent.
For example, if a card is selected from a deck of cards and then placed back in the
deck and another card is drawn, the drawing of the first card will not affect the
outcome of drawing the second card. These would be independent events.
If the first card was not placed back in the deck, drawing the fIrst card would affect
the outcome of drawing the second card. These would be dependent events.
In most cases, events that take place with replacement are independent events
and those without replacement are dependent events. 'if


1) The product rule for independent events:
P(AandB) = P(A)xP(B)

2) The product rule for dependent events:

P(AandB) = P(A)xP(B IA)

Remember that P (A and B) can also be written as P (A n B) •

~ P(B IA) means the probability ofB occurring given that A has occurred.

Example 1: In a game, a player has to roll a dice and toss a coin. In order to win,
the player has to get a 6 and a head. IT a player gets a 6 and a tail he
is allowed another turn.
a) What is the probability of winning?
b) What is the probability of winning or getting another turn?
a) As tossing a coin has no effect on the outcome of rolling a dice the events are
Independent events: P(A and B) =P(A)xP(B)
P(6)=}(; and P(head)=/i and P(tail)=/i
:. p( 6 and head) = p( 6)xP(head)

= }(;X/i = l~ =0,0833 = 8,33%

b) In this case the events are still independent. However, there are 2 options that you
are looking for:
p( 6 and head ) or p( 6 and tail) = p( 6)xP (head) + p( 6)xP( tail)

= (}(; X /i) + (}(; X /i)

= 71'2 =0,1667 =16,67%

In order to prove that events are independent you have to show that:
P(AandB) = P(A)xP(B) l
© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 204
Example 2: H 3 blue balls and 7 red balls are placed in a bag and 2 balls are
randomly chosen without replacement, determine the probability of
a) A blue ball and then a red ball.
b) A red ball and then a blue ball.
c) A red ball and a blue ball in an any order.
d) 2 blue balls.

As the balls are chosen without replacement, the probability of the second event is
dependent on the colour of the fust ball. Therefore, the events are dependent.
a) Dependent events: P(A and B) = P(A)xP(BIA)
P( blue) = Ko ~ probability of a blue first
P (redlblue ) = ~ ~ probability of a red given that a blue has been chosen
:. P(blue and red) =P(blue )xP(redlblue)

= KoX
~ = %0 = 0,2333 = 23,33%
It is important to remember tbat once a ball bas been chosen tbere is 1 less ball in tbe
bag wben tbe second ball is cbosen. ~

b) Dependent events: P(A and B) = P(A)xP(BIA)

P (red ) = Ko ~ probability of a red first
P( bluelred) = %~ probability of a blue given tbat a red has been chosen
:. p(red and blue) = P(red)xP(bluelred)

=Ko X% =%0=0,2333=23,33%

c) Dependent events: P(A and B) orP(B and A) = P(A)xP(BIA) or P(B)xP(AIB)

P( blue and red) orP(red and blue) = %0+ %0 = 1%0 = 0,4666 =46,67%

d) Dependent events: P(A and B) =P(A)xP(BIA)

P( blue) = Ko ~ probability of a blue first
P( bluelblue) = %~probability of a blue given that a blue has been chosen
:. P(blue and blue) = P(blue)xP(bluelblue)

= KoX%= Xs =0,0666 = 6,67%

In probability the word ' and' usually means multiply and the word 'or'
means add.

I~ Complete Exercise 1 on page 373.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 20S

Venn diagrams are a graphical way of representing a sample space and its
events. Venn diagrams were covered in Grade 10 and we will now expand on
them. The illustrative examples below revise Venn diagrams from Grade 10.

Illustrative Example 1: In the Venn diagram below, the sample space represents
the first 9 natural numbers. Set A contains the natural
numbers less than 5 and set B contains the natural
numbers greater than 5.

From the above diagram it can be seen that events A and B are mutually exclusive (no
overlap) but not complementary as there is an event which lies neither in A or B (the
number 5). The entire sample space is represented in the diagram as shown above.
Probability can easily be determined from the diagram by counting the number of
outcomes in each event as shown below:
P{A)= ~ andP{B)= ~ and P{A or B)=P{A u B)=P{ A)+P{B)= 4 + ~ =~
9 9 9 9 9
4 1 5
P{ not A) =P{A') =-+-=-
9 9 9

'It For mutually exclusive events: P{A or B)=P{A u B)=P{ A)+P{B) . l

Illustrative Example 2: In the Venn diagram below, the sample space represents
the first 18 natural numbers. Set A contains the odd
numbers and set B contains the multiples of 3.

14 16
2 4810
Set A and B are not mutually exclusive as there are events which are common to both
sets. This is the intersection of the sets and is written as: A and B= A n B ={3;9;15}.

The P{ A or B) can be read by counting directly from the diagram: P{ A or B) = 12 or

or and 9 6 3 12
by using the formula: P{A u B) = P{A)+P{B)- P{ A n B) = 18 + 18 - 18 = 18

For events that are not mutually exclusive

or and
P{ A u B)=P{ A)+P{B)- P{A n B) . l
© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 206
Example 1: Thabo polled 250 people to determine if they liked shampoo A, B or
C. His results are shown in the Venn diagram below:

C 22

a) How many people like all of the shampoos?

b) Determine the probability of randomly picking a person that likes shampoos A
c) Determine the probability of randomly picking a person that likes shampoo C
and doesn't like shampoo B.
d) Determine the probability of randomly picking a person that only likes
shampoos A and B.
e) Determine the probability of randomly picking a person that doesn't like
shampoos C or B.
f) What is the probability of randomly picking a person who doesn't like any of
the shampoos?

a) x = 250-(65+40+33+15+25+20+ 22) ~ don'tforget the 22 who don't like any


b) P(A:;B) = 33 + 65 + 40 + 15 + 25 +30 208 =0 832=83 2%

250 250"

c) P(C~B')= 20 +~= 35 =0.14=14%

250 250 250

and 40 4
d) P(AnBonly) = 250 = 25 =0.16=16%

e) P(C'~B')= ~ + 22 = 55 =.!!.=0.22=22%
250 250 250 50

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 207

Example 2: In a study 160 Grade 11 learners were asked if they take Biology,
Accounting or Science. The results of the study are shown below:
• 80 people said they take Biology
• 70 people said they take Accounting
• 80 people said they take Science
• 42 people said they take Biology and Science
• 36 people said they take Accounting and Science
• 136 people said they take at least one of the subjects
• 14 said they take all 3 subjects.

a) Record the above information in a Venn diagram.

b) How many people take none of the subjects?
c) How many people take Biology and Accounting but not Science?
d) What is the probability that a person chosen at random takes at least two of the

x =16

Science 24 Science 24
Step 1: Determine the number of people that take none of the subjects. There are 160
people in the sample space and 136 people who take at least one of the
:. the number of people who take none of the subjects = 160-136 = 24
Step 2: It is given that 14 people take all of the subjects. Write this down in the
intersection of all the subjects.
Step 3: It is given that 42 people take Biology and Science. However, this
includes the 14 people that take all of the subjects. The 14 has to be deducted
from the 42 people who take Biology and Science. The same must be
applied to Accounting and Science.
:. Biology and Science = 42-14 = 28 Accounting and Science = 36-14 = 22
Step 4: You can now work out the number of people who take only Science.
Number of people who take only Science=80-28-14-22 = 16
Step 5: As you don't know the number of people who take Biology and Accounting let
that be x.
You can now work out the number of people that take only Biology and only
:. Biology only=80-28-14-x Accounting =70-14-22-x
=38-x =34-x
Step 6: You can now calcnlate the value of x. There were a total of 160 people:
:. 38- x + x+ 34- x + 28+ 14+ 22+ 16 + 24 = 160

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 208


b) 24
c) 16
d) At least 2 subjects means 2 or more subjects (all intersections):
(Biology and Accounting) or (Biology and Science) or (Accounting and Science)
or (Biology and Accounting and Science)
. 16 28 22 14
:.P(at least two subJects)= 160 + 160 + 160 + 160
80 1

Example 3: 50 Grade 11 learners were asked if their school lunch consisted of a

sweet (W), chocolate (C) or fruit (F). The probabilities of each are
shown in the Venn diagram below.

Determine the probability that a learner selected at random will have:

a) A sweet and a chocolate and a fruit. b) None of the above foods.
c) A sweet and a chocolate but not a fruit. d) Only fruit.
e) A fruit or a sweet.

a) P(W nCnF) =0,01 =1 % -Hhe intersection of all 3 sets

b) p(W'uC'uF') = 1- (0,15+0,18+0,3+0,01 +0,08+0,1 +0,15)

c) P(W nCnF') =0,18 =18% ~ the intersection ofsweets and chocolate

d) P(Fonly)= 0,15 = 15%~onlyfruit

e) P(FuW) =1-P(C only or none of the foods)

This question could also have been solved by adding all the elements in the sets
excluding the choice of chocolate only. 'ir'

Complete Exercise 2 on pages 373 and 374.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 209

When there are 2 or more consecutive events taking place, it is often useful to
represent the possible solutions on a tree diagram. Tree diagrams are
constructed by showing all possible events. They can be used for dependent or
independent events. When dealing with tree diagrams always multiply along
branches and add probabilities moving down branches at the end. This is shown
in the examples below.

Example 1: In a game, a four sided die with the numbers 1 to 4 is rolled and a fair
coin is tossed.
a) Draw a tree diagram to represent the above situation.
b) Determine the probability of rolling a 3 and getting a head.
c) Determine the probability of rolling an even number.
d) Determine the probability of rolling a 1 or a head.

a) row 1 (1 H)
I < ! :H
D,S T row2 (1 T)
row3 (2 H)
2 < ! :H
D,S T row4 (2 T)
rowS (3 H)
3< H
, T row6 (3 T)
row7 (4H)
4 < ! :H
0,5 T rowS (4 T)

b) P(3 and a head) = 0,25xO,5 = 0,125 = 12,5% ~ row 5

c) P(even) = 0,25xO,5 + 0,25xO,5 + 0,25xO,5 + 0,25xO,5 ~ rows 3,4,7 and 8


d) P(1 or ahead) = 5(O,25xO,5) =0,625 = 62,5% ~ rows 1,2,3,5 and 7

When dealing with tree diagrams multiply across branches and add when
moving down. Write the probability of an event occurring at the top of the
branches and the event at the end of the branch.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 210

Example 2: 5 blue balls, 3 purple balls and 7 orange balls are placed in a bag. H 2
balls are then selected without replacement:
a) Draw a tree diagram to represent the above scenario.
b) Determine the probability of selecting a purple or blue ball.
c) Determine the probability of the 2nd ball being purple.
d) Determine the probability of selecting 2 orange balls.

row 1 (BB)

B P K4 row 2 (BP)

0 ~ row 3 (BO)

B K4 row 4 (PB)

P rowS (PP)

0 Ko row 6 (PO)

row 7 (OB)

row 8 (OP)

o X row 9 (00)

b) P(B or p )= -+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ~ all rows other than 9
21 14 6 14 35 10 6 10

c) P(2nd ball being P)=~+~+~ ~rows 2,5 and 8

14 35 10
d) p( O and O)=5 ~row9

I~ Complete Exercise 3 on pages 374 and 375 .

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 211

Contingency tables are statistical tables that show the relationships between two
or more variables. They are often used to determine whether or not events are
Example 1: A group of 540 people with green or blue eyes were randomly selected
in order to determine whether or not green or blue eyes are dependent
on gender. The results are tabulated below:

a) If a person is selected at random determine the probability that she is a female

with green eyes.
b) If a person is selected at random and they have green eyes, determine the
probability that she is female.
c) After analysing the results, a Grade 11 learner concludes that the probability
of having green eyes is independent of gender. Is he correct? Substantiate your
answer with relevant calculations. Give all answers correct to 2 decimal places.

a) P(femalengreen eyes) = 147 -7147 females with green eyes out of 540 people

b) P(femalel green eyes) = 147 -7 there are 330 people with green eyes
= 110

c) For events to be independent: P(female n green eyes) = p(green eyes) x P (female)

330 240 22
p(green eyes)xP(female) = 540 x 540 =81 =0,27
147 49
P(femalengreen eyes) = - = - = 0,27
540 180
:.P(femalengreen eyes) = p(green eyes) xP (female)
:. the events are independent and the learner is correct.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 212

Example 2: A study was conducted between two airports in order to determine
whether or not planes departing late was independent of the airports.
Based on the results the contingency table below was drawn.

a) Fill in the missing values in the table.

b) Determine the probability of a plane departing late.
c) Determine the probability of a plane departing late from Airport A.
d) Determine the probability of a plane departing late from Airport B.
e) A manager at Airport A claims that the probability of a plane departing late is
independent of the airport that it departs from. Is the manager correct?
f) Based on your fmdings, if any, which airport should a traveller choose to
depart from?

b) P(late) = 1000 ~ 550 late out of 1000 planes

c) P(late IAirport A) = 450 ~ 450 late out of 600 planes at Airport A
d) P(late IAirport B) = 100 ~ 100 late out of 400 planes at Airport B
e) For events to be independent: p(Airport Anlate) =P(AirportA)xP(late)
. 600 550 33
p(Airport A)xP(late) = 1000 X 1000 = 100 =0,33

P(AirportAnlate) = I : = :0 =0,45

:. p(Airport A nlate) '* p(Airport A)xP(late)

:. The manager is incorrect.
f) Travellers should choose to depart from airport B as they are 3 times more likely to
depart late from airport A than from airport B.

Complete Exercise 4 on page 375 and

the Mixed Exercise on pages 376 and 377.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 213


A. Revision of Tenninology
Represent measures of central
215 • Measures of Central tendency and dispersion in
Tendency univariate numerical data by:
215 • Five Number Summary using ogives and calculating the
variance and standard deviation
215 • Measures of Dispersion of sets of data manually (for
215 • Calculation of the Mean small sets of data) and using
215 • Calculation of quartiles calculators (for larger sets of
and percentiles data) and representing results
216 B. Histograms and Frequency graphically.
Polygons • Represent skewed data in box
217 • Frequency Polygons and whisker diagrams, and
220 C. Ogives frequency polygons.
224 D. Variance and Standard
• Identify Outliers.
226 • Standard Deviation with
Grouped Data
227 E. Symmetrical and Skewed
228 • Identification of Outliers

© copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 214

Mode: The most common value in a data set.
Median (Q2): The median is the middle value in an ordered data set.
Mean (x): The average of a data set.


Minimum Value in the set: The lowest value in a data set.
Lower Quartile (Ql): The median of the lower half of an ordered data set.
Median (Q2): The median is the middle value in an ordered data set.
Upper Quartile (Q3): The median of the upper half of an ordered data set.
Maximum Value in the set: The highest value in a data set.
The Five Number Summary is represented visually on a box and wbisker diagram. Cf(

Range: The difference between the largest value and smallest value in a data set.
Range = largest value - smallest value.
Inter-quartile range (lQR): The difference between the upper and lower quartiles.


The mean is the most commonly used measure of central tendency. It is
commonly known as the average. The mean is the sum of the data values in the data
set, divided by the number of data points in the data set.


LXi sum of the values in the data set

mean=x= ;=1
n number of elements in the data set


Median (Q2)
The median is the middle value of an ordered data set. When determining the
median of a data set the data must always be ordered.
Use the formula below to determine the position of the median.

Position of median = n +
where n is the number of elements in the data set.
Lower (Ql) and Upper Quartiles (Q3)
The lower and upper quartiles are the median of the lower and upper half of the
ordered data set respectively. You can therefore calculate the upper and lower
quartile by determining the median of the lower and upper halves.
A percentile is the value below which a specific percentage of data elements lie.

percentile •
Position of percentile x number of elements In the data set
© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 215

Histograms are a graphical representation of grouped data. They are similar to

bar graphs but are usually used to represent continuous data that has been
sorted into groups (frequencies). There are no gaps between the bars and each
bar is usually the same width. The width of the bar represents the group

Example 1: In a Biology experiment, a Grade 11 pupil was required to measure

the lengths of 40 different leaves. The frequency table below shows the
results of the experiment. Draw a histogram for the data below.

Length (L) in millimetres Frequency

20<L:S;40 6
40<L:S;60 8
60<L:S;SO 9
SO<L:S;100 12
100 < L:S; 120 5

Lengths ofleaves measured by a Grade llieamer






o 20 40 60 80 100 120
Length (mm)

In a histogram the height of the bars represent the frequency in each

category. This is only true if the bars are equal in width. In Grade 11 you
will only have to work with histograms that have bars of equal length.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 216

Example 2: The frequency table below represents the amount of money
(in Rands) that a group of Grade 11 learners spend on their cellular
phones in 1 week. Draw a histogram for the data below.
Amount Spent 1Q<R<20 20<R<30 30<R<40 40<R<50
Number of learners 5 25 60 15

Amount spent per week by Grade 11 learners

..=g. 35


0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Amount Spent

Just as a histogram shows frequency distribution using bars, a frequency
polygon shows frequency distribution using a line graph. A frequency polygon is
coustructed by joining the midpoints of a histogram with straight lines. A
polygon is a closed shape. Therefore, it has to start and end on an axis. There are
two ways to construct a frequency polygon:
1. Using a histogram.
2. Using the midpoints of a frequency table.

Steps to drawing a frequency polygon using a histogram:

1. Join the midpoints of the histogram (from left to right) with straight lines.
2. The polygon has to be closed. Therefore, you have to have an interval on either
side of the histogram. These intervals will have a frequency of O. Join the
midpoints of the 0 frequency intervals to the line graph.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 217

Example: Use the histogram in example 1 on page 216 to draw a frequency
polygon for the data set. The histogram is shown below.

Lengths ofleaves measured by a Grade 11 learner

12 -r- ---~----- ----"T-----
,, ----"T-----
,, ----T----
,, ----T----
,, ----T----
,, , , ,
____ .1 ____ _ ____ .1 ____ _ ____ .1 ___ _
____ 1. ___ _
____ .1 ___ _
11 -r----t-----
,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
10 -r----i-----
, -----r-----
,, -----r-----
,, ----T---- ----T----
,, ----T----
,, , , , ,
____ .1 ____ _ ____ .1 ____ _ ____ .1 ___ _ ____ .1 ___ _
9 -I- ---t-----
,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
,, ,, ,, ,,
8 -I- ---i-----
, ----,----- ----,----- ----T---- ----T----
,, ,,, ,,, ,,,
____ .1 ____ _ ____ .1 ___ _
7 -I- ---t----- ,, ----.1.----,, ,,
,, ,, ,, ,,
6 -r----+-----
,, ----,----- ----T---- ,, ----T---- ,,
, , ,
5 -f- ---t-----
----+---- ----+---- ,,
4 -r----+-----,, ----T---- ,,
, ,
3 -1- ----:------
,, ----+---- ,,
2 -1- ---+-----,, ----f---- ,,
1 -I- ---~----- , ----+---- ,
,i ,i ,i i ,i ,i ,i
o 20 40 60 ' 80 100 120 140
Length (mm)

To construct the frequency polygon below, join the midpoints of each

interval. The midpoints of the 0 frequency intervals are joined in
order to close the polygon. H the 0 frequency interval falls on the
negative x-axis only draw the line up to the y-axis. Note that the area of a
L frequency polygon is always equal to the total area of the histogram.

Lengths ofleaves measured by a Grade 11 learner

12 ---T-----
, ----"T-----
,, ----"T-----
,, ----"T----
,, ----T----
,, ----"T----
,, , , , ,
___ .1 ____ _ ____ .1 ____ _ ____ .1 ____ _ ____ .1 ___ _ ____ 1. ___ _ ____ .1,___ _
11 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
10 ---,.-----
,, -----r-----
,, ----,.-----
,, -----r---
,, ----T----
,, ----T----,,
___ .1 ____ _
, , , , ,
9 ,, ---- ,----- ---- ,-----

,, ,,
---- ,----

,, , , ,
8 ---T-----
,, ----"T-----
,, ----T----
,, ----"T----,,
== 7
___ .1 ____ _

---- ....,----
- --.1.----
---- ,----

e 6 ---T----- ,,
,, ----T----
5 ---4----- ,, ---- ,----

,, ,
4 ---1----- ,, ----1---- ,,
, ,
3 ----+---- ,, -----+---- ,,
, ,
2 ---f--- ,, - ---f---- ,,
, ,
1 ----+- ,, --+---- ,,

o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Length (mm)

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 218

Steps to drawing a frequency polygon using the midpoints of a
frequency table:
1. Determine the midpoint of each interval. This is also known as the class mark.
2. Plot the midpoints against the frequency of each interval and join the points
with straight lines.
3. Once again the intervals with zero frequencies have to be added on either side
of the bars in order to close the polygon.
Example: Use the Frequency table in example 1 on page 216 to draw a frequency
polygon for the data set.
You have to add a column showing the midpoint of each class. It is also useful to show the
zero frequency classes in the frequency table. Ci(
Len (L) in millimetres Mid oint of interval Fr uen
0<L<;:;20 0+20 = 10 0
20< L <;:; 40 = 30 6
40< L <;:; 60 = 50 8
60< L <;:;80 70 9
80< L <;:;100 90 12
100 < L<;:;120 110 5
120+ 140
120 < L<;:;140 130 0

Lengths ofleaves measured by a Grade llieamer

12 ---T-----
, ----T-----
, ----T-----
, ----"T----
, ----T----
, ----T----
,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
___ .1 ____ _ ____ .1 _________ .1 ____ _ ____ .1 ___ _ ____ 1. ___ _ ____ .1 ___ _
11 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
10 ---,.-----
,, -----r-----
,, -----r-----
,, -----r--,, ----T----
,, ----T----
___ .1 ____ _
, ,
____ .1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .1 ____ _
, ,
____ J. ___ _
____ .1. ___ _
9 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
,, ,, , , ,, ,,

;;.. 8 ---,.-----
,, ----,.-----
,, ---- , ---- ----T---- ,, ----T---- ,, ----,.----,,
___ .1 ____ _
, ,, , , ,
____ .1. ___ _
7 ,, ,,
____ .1____
_ ___ .1 ____ _
__ J. ___ _

... ,, , ,, ,, , , ,,
C' ---- ---- ----,.-----
6 ---,.-----,, ,, ----T---- ,, -- T----
,, ----T---- ,,
~ , ,
_ _ _ .1 _________ .1 ____ _ , , ,
5 ---4----- ,, ,, ,, -----1----- ,, ,, -----1----- ,,
,, ,, ,, ,, , ,,
4 ---,.----- --,.----- ----,.----- ----T---- ----T- -- ----T----
,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,
3 ---.j.---- ,, ----.j.----- ,, ----.j.----- ,, -----1----- ,, -----1---- ,, -----1----- ,,
, , , , , ,
2 ---t--- ,, - ----t----- ,, ----t----- ,, ----+---- ,, ----+---- ,, ---+---- ,,
, --- , , , , ,
1 ----+- ,, ----.j.----- ,, ----.j.----- ,, ----+---- ,, ----+---- ,, -+---- ,,

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140

Length (mm)

I~ Complete Exercise 1 on page 384.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 219

An ogive is a graph which represents the cumulative frequency of a set of data.
The graph usually has an s-shape and is a smooth curve not joined by straight
lines. Points are plotted using the upper limit of each interval while the graph is
connected to the x-axis at the lower limit of the first class. In other words the x-
intercept is not necessarily always at the origin. Another name for an ogive is a
cumulative frequency plot.

Example 1: The following table shows the amount of time (in minutes) children
aged between 6 and 10 spend watching television (TV) each day.
Daily time (T) spent watching TV (minutes) Number of children
0~T<20 21
20~T<40 48
40~T<60 56
60~T<80 32
80~T<100 10
100~T<120 5

a) Draw a histogram to represent the data given in the table above.

b) Draw an ogive to represent the above data.
c) Using the ogive, estimate the number of children that watch TV for an hour
and half or less each day, as well as the number of children that watch TV for
over an hour and a half each day.
d) Using your graph, determine the lower quartile, median and upper quartile.
e) Determine the estimated daily mean (average) amount of time that these
children spend watching TV •

a) Daily time spent by children watching TV


:aU 35
c5 25

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Daily time spent watching TV (min)
© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 220
b) To draw an ogive you have to add a cumulative frequency colunm to the table:
Time Frequency Cumulative Frequency
0~T<20 21 21
20~T<40 48 69 -721+48
40~T<60 56 125 -769+56
60~T <80 32 157 -7125+32
80~T<100 10 167 -7157 + 10
100~T<120 5 172 -7167+5

Now plot the cumulative frequency on the y-axis and the class intervals on the x-
axis. The x-intercept is at the lowest value of the smallest class (in this case 0) and you
plot the cumulative frequency against the upper limits of the class intervals.
Upper Quartile
130 ~------~--~--------~


.~ 110
! 100
.. 90 Median
~ ~------~~~------;

50 Lower Quartile

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time spent watching TV in minutes

c) In order to estimate the number of children that watch TV for under an hour and a
half, draw a dotted line at 90 minutes on the x-axis and read off the number of
children on the y-axis. The nwnber of children that watch for over an hour and a
half will be the total number of children minus the nwnber who watch for under an
hour and a half.
:. No. of children that watch for under an hour and a half '" 163
:. No. of children that watch for over an hour and a half '" 172 -163 = 9

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 221

d) The person who has the lower quartile time will be in the position which is a
quarter of the cumulative frequency (total number of people). The median position
will lie at half of the cumulative frequency and upper quartile will lie at three
quarters of the cumulative frequency. Once these values have been found draw a
line from the y-axis to the graph and then read the x-values at these points.
The x-values are the actual lower quartile, median, and upper quartile times•

.'. Calculate the y-value of the lower quartile, median and upper quartile

Lower quartile position: 172x..!. = 43

.'. lower quartile = 30 (read off the graph)

Median position: 172X..!. = 86

.'. median = 46 (read off the graph)

Upper quartile position: 172x ~ = 129

:. upper quartile = 62 (read off the graph)

e) In order to determine the estimated mean, calculate the midpoint of each interval
and multiply it by the number of students in that interval (frequency). The sum of
these values is then divided by the total of the cumulative frequency to obtain the
estimated mean.

Time Frequency (f) Midpoint (x) Frequency x midpoint (f. x )

0:5T<20 21 10 210
20:5T<40 48 30 1440
40:5T<60 56 50 2800
60:5T<80 32 70 2240
80:5 T <100 10 90 900
100:5 T < 120 5 110 550
Sum Lf=l72 Lf. x =8140
. 8140 Lf. x
:. Estimated mean =- - ~ "
172 L..J
:. x = 47 minutes

Do not get confused between the MEAN and the MEDIAN. The mean is
the average value of a data set, while the median is the middle value in an
ordered set of data.

In order to determine the exact position of the median the formula shown
below should be used. However, when working with ogives it is considered
accurate enough to divide the cumulative frequency by 2.
P OSI·tionof m ed·lan=--

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 222

Example 2: The frequency table below shows the distances (d) in kilometres that a
person training for a race runs in 6 months. Plot an ogive for the data
and use it to determine the median and inter-quartile range.
Distance (d) Frequency Cumulative Frequency
2<f,d<3 5 5
3<f,d<4 10 15 -4 5+10
4<f,d<5 35 50 -415+35
5<f,d<6 40 90 -450+40
6<f,d<7 20 110 -490+20
7<f,d<8 10 120 -4110+10

Upper Quartile
". 80

~ 60

~ 50
u 40
Lower Quartile

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x
Distance run (d)

Lower quartile position: 120X..!. = 30

.'. lower quartile = 4,5 kIn (read off the graph)

Median position: 120 x..!. = 60

... median = 5,2 kIn (read off the graph)

Upper quartile position: 120x ~ = 90

.'. upper quartile =6 kIn (read off the graph)
You can now calculate the inter-quartile range:
Inter-quartile range = Q3 - Qj = 6 - 4,5 = 1, 5 kIn

I~ Complete Exercise 2 on page 384.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 223

Variance is a useful measure which is used to determine the standard deviation.
The standard deviation is a representation of how much variation or dispersion
there is around the mean. A low standard deviation shows that the data points lie
close to the mean and the data set is generally consistent. A high standard
deviation shows that the values are spread out over a large range and the data is
not consistent.
You will be expected to calculate the variance and standard deviation manually as
well as using a calculator.

Standard deviation: _= ~~Jxn-X)2

u -

Where: x ~ Data value given to you

x~ Mean
n ~ Sample size (number of data points in the sample)

Example 1: The table below shows the results of a Xhosa test of a Grade 11 class.

Mark obtained (%) (x-x) (X_X)2


a) Calculate the mean mark for the class.

b) Complete the table and use it to calculate the standard deviation of the marks.
a) Mean: x 56,8
Mark obtained (%) (x-x) (x-x)'
52 -4,8 23,04
44 -12,8 163,84
62 5,2 27,04
66 9,2 84,64
60 3,2 10,24

:.a=~L.(Xn-X)2 =lO;,8 =7.86%

The symbol L. means sum.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 224

Example 2: The table below shows the results of a Grade 11 class's Maths test.

52 44 62 66 60
57 95 78 71 62
100 69 62 72 73
55 32 83 78 80

a) Determine the mean mark for the class and the standard deviation.
b) Determine the percentage of learners whose marks lie within one standard
deviation of the mean.
If you are not given a table to IiII out as in the previous example use your calculator to
determine the mean and standard deviation. 'il

a) The table below shows how to calculate the standard deviation on a Casio
Ix 82ES or 82ZA. If you are using a different model follow the same table but
press the buttons that correspond to the word next to the number shown.

Button to press/method Calculator display

1 Mode A list of various modes
A list of options in STAT
2 2 (STAT)
3 1 (I-VAR) A table to input values
4 Input each data value one at a time, pressing the =button after each entry.
5 Once all the data is entered press AC 0
6 Shift 1 (STAT) A list of options to choose
l:n 2:x
7 4 (Var)
3:ux 4:sx
Pressing 1 will display the number of data entries. Pressing 2 will display the
8 mean and pressing 3 will display the standard deviation. (option 4 will not be
9 2 (x ) and then = 67,55
To determine the standard deviation repeat steps 6,7 and 8 pressing 3 instead of
11 3 (ux ) and then = 15,75

:. The mean is 67,55 and the standard deviation is 15,75

b) One standard deviation lies between x -15, 75 and x + 15, 75.

:. one standard deviation lies between 51,8 and 83,3. By counting the number of
marks that lie within this interval it can be seen that there are 16 marks within one
standard deviation of the mean.
:. 16 learners lie within one standard deviation of the mean.
:.80% oflearners lie within one standard deviation.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 225

In Grade 11 you will also be required to determine tbe standard deviation of
grouped data. In most cases tbis will be performed using your calculator. In
order to determine tbe standard deviation and mean of grouped data you have to
add a frequency column to your calculator.
To add a frequency column follow tbe steps below:
1. Press setup (press shift and then mode)
2. Using the middle arrow keys scroll down to and press the number corresponding to
3. Press 1 (on).
You can now follow the same steps on the previous page except you will now have a
frequency column in which you can enter the frequency of each data point.
You can leave your frequency column on for all your calculations. ~

Example: For tbe grouped data shown below, determine tbe mean and standard
Data point Frequency
1 8
2 22
3 5
4 8
5 15
6 25
7 10

Using your calculator follow tbe steps on tbe previous page, entering tbe frequency
of each point into tbe frequency column.
The mean of tbe above data set is: 4,24
The standard deviation of tbe above data set is: 1,98

Important notes on mean and standard deviation:

• Adding or subtracting tbe same value to or from each point will not
affect or change tbe value of tbe standard deviation of a data set.
<i' • Adding or subtracting tbe same value to or from each point will
increase or decrease the value of tbe mean by tbe amount added or
L subtracted.

I~ Complete Exercise 3 on page 385.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 226

It is important for you to be able to identify symmetrical and skewed data. H
there are items with very large or very small values compared to the rest of the
data set, they will cause the data set to be skewed.
There are three general rules that can be used to test if a data set is skewed:
• If the mean is the same as the median the data is normally distributed.
• If the mean is larger than the median the data is skewed to the right.
• If the mean is smaller than the median the data is skewed to the left.
If the data is normally distributed it means that the data is symmetrical. 'f(
The diagrams below show symmetrical and skewed data. H the data has a tail
from the median to the endpoint it is said to be skewed in the direction of the tail:

Symmetrical Data (normally distributed):

Symmetrical Data Symmetrical Data
• •

Min Q, Q, Q, Max
mean = median

Right skew (positively skewed):

Right Skew (positively skewed) Right skewed

rl l I
Min Q, Q, Q, Max ,
I I,
mean > median

Left skew (negatively skewed):

Left Skew (negatively skewed) Left skewed

I· I:
Min Q,
·· ... ..•
Q, Q,Max Al
mean < median

H a data set is normally distributed:

• Approximately 68% of the data falls within 1 standard deviation of the
~ mean.
• Approximately 95% of the data falls within 2 standard deviations of
the mean.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 227

An outlier is a data value which is much larger or smaller than the rest of the
values in the data set. This value will not follow the general trend of the data.
A value is defined to be an outlier if it fulf'Ils one of the conditions below:
• The value is less than Ql -(1,5xIQR)
• The value is greater than Q3 +(1,5xIQR)

Outliers can also be seen from scatter plots of bivariate data (data which involves two
variables). In a scatter plot a general trend can be seen from the plotted points. Points
which do not follow the general trend are most likely outliers in the data set. The scatter
plot below shows the amount of time that a Grade 11 class spent studying for a test and
the marks they obtained out of 50.
"ll 40
. ~ 35
.. 30
.g 25
~ 15
20 .. •
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time spent studying (min)

In the scatter plot it can be seen that the marks follow a linear pattern except for the
point (140; 15) . This point clearly lies outside the trend of the general data and is an
outlier. In Grade 12 you will deal with scatter plots in more detail. In Grade 11 you
have to be able to identify outliers from scatter plots.

Example 1: The table below shows the Prime Interest rate in South Africa from
2006 up until 2012.

a) Determine the five number summary for the data in the table.
b) Draw a box and whisker plot for the data.
c) Comment on whether or not the data is skewed.
d) Are there outliers in the data?

a) You always have to write the data in order when dealing with a 5 number summary.
I 8,5 9 10 11 13 14 15

Minimum Value: 8,5

·· = -
Median: POSItion n+l
- = 4 :. 11 IS
' themedi an
2 2
Lower Quarti'le: POSItion
.. = -n+l
- = 2 :. 9 IS
' the 1ower quartile
2 2
Upper Quartile: Position = median positions + 2 = 6 :. 14 is the upper quartile
Maximum Value: 15

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 228

b) ~r
: -----r,------------~I--~I
IIIII i IIII I III1111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIII1111111 1111111111111111
8 8,5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Q, Q, Q,
e) It can be seen from the box and whisker plot that the data is skewed to the right.
d) IQR= 14 - 9 =5
(2J -(1,5xIQR) = 9 -(1,5x5} = 1,5 and Q3 +(1,5xIQR) = 14 +(1,5x5} = 21,5
There are no values less than 1,5 or greater than 21,5. Therefore, there are no
outliers in the data set. Although the data is slightly skewed to the right there are no
values that are high enough or low enough to be considered outliers.
Example 2: The table below shows the percentage distribution of the South
African population by province in 2010.

a) Determine the five number summary for the data in the table.
b) Draw a box and whisker plot for the data.
e) Are there any outliers in the data?
a) You always have to write the data in order when dealing with a 5 number summary.
I 2 6 6 7 11 11 14 21 22
Minimum Value: 2
·. n+l 9+1 5 11 is
Median: P oSltion=--=--=:. · themedi an
2 2
.. n+l 4+1 25
Lower Quartile: PoSltion=--=--= 6+6
, :. - - = 6 is
· the 1owerquartile
22 2
Upper Quartile: Position = median position +2,5 = 5+2,5 = 7,5
.. - - - 17,5 is the upper quartile
Maximum Value: 22

b) I , , ! I
2 4 6 8 10 11 12 14 16 17,5 18 19 20 21 22
Q, Q, Q,
e) IQR = 17,5 - 6 = 11,5
(2J -(1,5xIQR) = 6 -(1,5x11,5) =-11,25
Q3 +(1,5xIQR) = 17,5 +(1,5x11,5} = 34,75
There are no values less than -11,5 or greater than 34,75. Therefore, there are no
outliers in the data set.

Complete Exercise 4 on page 385 and 386

the Mixed Exercise on pages 386 and 387.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 229


A. Number Patterns
Use your calculator effectively I
232 B. Sketching Graphs to check solutions and save
233 C. Trigonometric Equations time in tests and exams.
234 D. Determining Roots of an

© copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 230

In grade 12 you will learn that your calculator can determine a line of best fit for
bivariate data. For now it is sufficient for you to understand tbat if you enter
points on a line for a linear, exponential or quadratic function, your calculator
can determine tbe equation of tbe function that best fits tbe trend of tbe points.

Example 1: Determine the nth term of tbe linear sequence 5 ; 8 ; 11 ;...

As the sequence is linear, the equation has the form Tn = bn + a ---) y = mx + c
This is the form of a straight line graph, where the term is a y-value and the term
number (n) is the x-value.
In order to obtain the equation press:
Mode ---) STAT ---) A + BX.
In this form X is the same as n in the equation and A is the same as a and B is the same
as b.
Now enter the points of the sequence into the calculator. Remember that when
n=l ; Tn =8---)x=l; y=8

x---)n y ---) Tn
1 5
2 8
3 11
Now press: AC ---) Shift ---) STAT ---) REG ---) B ---)=
:. B = 3
Now press: Shift ---) STAT ---) REG ---) A ---)=
:. A = 2
:.Tn = 3n+ 2

Example 2: Determine tbe nth term of tbe quadratic sequence 6 ; 13 ; 24 ; •••

As the sequence is quadratic Tn =an2 +bn+c
In order to obtain the equation press:
Mode ---)STAT ---) _ + CX2.
In the calculator the equation is in the form y = cx 2 + bx + a . This means that the
answer for a in the calculator is the answer for c in the equation Tn = an2 + bn + c and
the answer for c in the calculator is the answer for a in the above formula
x---)n y ---) Tn
1 6
2 13
3 24
Now press: AC ---) Shift ---) STAT ---) REG ---) C ---) =
:. a = 2 ---) this is a in the equation Tn =an2 +bn+ c
Now press: Shift ---) STAT ---) REG ---) B ---)=
:. b = 1
Now press: Shift ---) STAT ---) REG ---) A ---)=
:. c = 3 ---) this is c in the equation Tn =an 2 +bn +c
:.Tn = 2n2 +1n+ 3

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 231

It is possible to sketch any graph using the table method. Your calculator has a
table mode which can draw up a table of points in order to sketch a graph. This
is especially useful when drawing trigonometric functions.
Example 1: Use a calculator to draw a table of points that can be used to sketch
the graph of y = sin ( x + 30· ) where x E [ -30';330' ]
In order to obtain a table press: Mode ~ TABLE.
Now type in the equation. You can obtain an x by pressing: ALPHA ~ x.
• The calculator will now ask you where on the x-axis to start. Choose _300 •
• The calculator will now ask you where on the x-axis to end. Choose 3300 •
• You now have to choose the steps to increase in. Provided that there is no change in
period choose steps of 900 for graphs of sinx and cosx. For graphs of tanx choose
steps of 450 •
From the calculator:

Example 2: Use a calculator to draw a table of points that can be used to sketch
the graph of y = sin (2x) where XE [-360';225' ]
In order to obtain a table press: Mode ~ TABLE.
Now type in the equation. You can obtain an x by pressing: ALPHA ~ x.
• The calculator will now ask you where on the x-axis to start. Choose -3600 •
• The calculator will now ask you where on the x-axis to end. Choose 2250 •
• You now have to choose the steps to increase in. In this case k = 2 , this means that

the period of the graph is 360· = 180· . You would usually increase in steps of 900 •
As k = 2 , increase in steps of 90· = 90· = 45· .
k 2
From the calculator:

. a change m
If there IS . pen·od, mcrease
. . steps 0 f -90· "th
m .or e graph s 0 f
sinx and cosx. For the graph of tanx increase in steps of

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 232


When solving trigonometric equations in a specified domain it was seen that you
had to substitute values for k in order to solve for the specific solution. Your
calculator can draw up a table for various values of k.

Example: Solve for fJ if sinfJ = sin 40· and fJE [-360"; 7201
sin 8 = sin 40·
:.8= 40· + 360·k or 8=180· _ 40· +360·k; kE Z
= 140· + 360· k
You can now use your calculator to draw up a table of the values of fJ for
different values of k as shown below:
In order to obtain a table press: Mode ~ TABLE.
Now type in the equation f (x) = 40· + 360· x ~ use an x instead of k.
• The calculator will now ask you where to start. A value of -3 is usually sufficient.
However, if the value of 8 lies within the specified domain when k = ±3 you have
to test k=±4.
• The calculator will now ask you where to end. A value of 3 is usually sufficient.
• You now have to choose the steps to increase in. Always choose 1.

Now repeat the process with the equation: f (x) = 140· + 360· x

-3 -1040· x -940· x
-2 --680· x -580· x
-1 -320· ~ -220· ~

0 40· ~ 140· ~

1 400· ~ 500· ~

2 760· x 860· x
3 1120· x 1220· x
Now select the values of 8 which lie in the given interval of [-360"; 720"] . Remember
that in the calculator the value of 8 is f (x).
:.8=-320· or 8=40· or 8=400· or 8=-220· or 8=140· or 8=500·
this is also written as 8 E { -320· ; - 220· ; 40· ; 140·; 400·; 500· }

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 233


Your calculator can also determine the roots of a quadratic equation. This
functionality is only available on the Casio 991.fx-ESPlus.

Example 1: Solve for x if 2x2 +7x+ 3 = o.

Press: Mode -tEQN -t aX2 + bX+ c =0.

Now enter the values of a, b and c pressing the =button after each entry. Once all
coefficients have been entered press the = button to obtain the first root and then
press the = button again to obtain the second root.
:.X=-- or x=-3
Note that you cannot simply write down the answer. You must work backwards
from the answer as you did on page 41 to determine the factors showing all steps.
This is shown below:
2x2+ 7x+ 3=O
:. (2x+l)(x+3) = 0
... x=--
2 or x=-3

Example 2: Solve for x if 2x2 - 2x - 4 = 0 .

If you can, always take out a HCF before using a calculator.

:.2(lx2 - lx - 2)=O

:. lx2 - 1x- 2 =O
Now Press: Mode -tEQN -t aX2 + bX+ c =0.

Now enter the values of a, b and c pressing the =button after each entry. Once all
coefficients have been entered press the = button to obtain the first root and then
press the = button again to obtain the second root.
:.x=-l or x=2
Now write down the full solution:

:.2(lx2 - 1x- 2)=O

:. lx2 - 1x- 2 =O
:.x=-l or x=2

The functions of your calculator are not limited to what has been
demonstrated in this section. Your calculator manual will show you all the
functions that your calculator is capable of. Read through the manual and
make sure you are familiar with your calculator.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 234


A. Maths in the Classroom
the most out of I
236 B. Exam Study Techniques mathematics in your classroom.
236 C. The Morning of the Exam
237 D. Exam Writing Techniques • Study with confidence and use
your time effectively.

• Relax and walk into your exam

with confidence.

• Write your exam neatly and use

your time efficiently.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 235

• Up to 80% of learning should be achieved in the classroom. Try to sit as close
as possible to the front of the classroom where you can see and hear properly.

• Concentrate and avoid the temptation to talk to your friends. Missing an

explanation could result in a misunderstanding of an entire section.

• Do not be shy! If you don't understand an explanation that your teacher has
given, put your hand up and say so. Ask your teacher to explain it again until
you do understand. If you did not understand a concept, it is likely that the
majority of your class is in the same position.


• Practising past exam papers is the most helpful and practical form of revision.
Past papers expose you to the required level of work, exam format and the
necessary time limitations imposed on you.

• Make sure you start studying early. You should start with past papers at least
two weeks before the exam. Make sure that as you do each question you check
your answer. If you check your answers after you have completed the whole
paper, you cannot remember what each question was about. This means that you
do not learn from your mistakes. It is important that you revise each section
before starting past papers.

• In order to achieve the correct pace, while timing yourself, do an entire past
paper and only check your answers at the end of the paper. This should be done
two to three days before your exam.

• Ensure the room that you are studying in is brightly lit and properly ventilated.

• Cellular phones can be your worst enemy whilst studying. Turn your phone otT
and check your messages only when you have finished studying.


• Make sure that everything you need for your exam is packed the night before
and ready to take in the morning. Ensure your calculator is in the correct mode
with charged batteries. It is a good idea to take a spare calculator into your exam.

• Sleep is very important. Avoid going to bed too late or waking up very early to
study. A maths test or exam requires a fresh brain.

• Eat Breakfast! Hunger affects concentration.

• Avoid discussing work before the exam. This is likely to cause confusion.

• You've worked hard and are prepared - now relax and enjoy the exam.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 236

• Read through the entire question paper before you start. You can answer
the questions in any order you like. Answer the questions that you are most
confident in first. However, you must answer an entire question in the same
section, don't answer parts of a question in different places in your answer book.
If you are unsure of a certain part of the question, leave it out and come back to

• H you leave out part of a question, make sure you leave enough space to
answer it. Always leave at least half a page open if the question is worth more
than two marks. If you are not sure how much space will be needed, be safe and
leave a full page.

• Mark questions that you have left out on the question paper, so that you
remember to come back to them.

• Neatness is crucial. Keeping your solutions neat and legible during an exam
may result in up to a 5% increase in your results compared to an untidy and
illegible answer book. Neat workings also assist you, as it is easier to check
answers and find mistakes. In addition, neatness helps to avoid silly mistakes.
Do not start a new question at the end of a page.

• Do not attempt to save space in your exams! Cramped work is messy and
difficult to mark. Leave at least one line between answers. Similarly, do not
write complicated fractions on a single line.

• Never cross out an answer, unless you have already written another answer to
replace it. Once you have what you feel is the correct answer, only then cross
out the incorrect workings. If you leave two solutions without crossing one out
only the first solution will be marked.

• Do not use any type of correction fluid (eg. tippex) in a test or exam.
Rather neatly cross out your answer and carry on. Erasable pens should not be
be used.

• Follow the layout shown in this handbook. Keep to the top to bottom layout and
the exam will be a pleasure to write and mark.

• An answer book that has the fmal answer of each question underlined with an
arrow is very pleasant for a teacher to mark. However, this can be very costly in
terms of time. H you are a slow or untidy worker, use a ruler and neatly
underline your answers with arrows, only once you are finished your test or
exam and have checked through your solutions. Make sure that you don't cross
out your answer when doing this.

• Finally, relax and be positive. It is important that you don't panic at any stage
during the exam.

Good luck - You have earned it!

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 237

Term Explanation ~'"
A perpendicular line
drawn from one side of a
figure to the vertex of the
other side.

The length of maximum
deviation from the zero
amplitude line.

Amplitude = Ymax-Ymin 1
2 ~~~~~~+
90 180 270 360 x

The angle between the

horizontal and the line of
angle of depression
sight when looking down
at an obiect.

I Object I
The angle between the
horizontal and the line of
angle of elevation
sight when looking up at
Angle of
an obiect.
A ..L __ .l!.wi?!lntal

The angle measured

anticlockwise from the
angle of inclination positive side of the x axis.
It is always between 0'
and 180'.

A sequence where the In the sequence:

diHerence between any 2,4,6...
arithmetic sequence
two sequential terms is The constant diHerence d
constant. is Tn-T..... l=2.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 238

Term Explanation ~

An Imaginary line that a

graph can never touch. 1______ _
--.l _~ _ _--,x,+

A line drawn so that the Y Axis of symmetry

graphs or parts of the
axis of symmetry graph on either side of
the line are mirror
images of each other. x

Data that is given in The time a student

ordered pairs, an x and y spends studying and the
bivariate data coordinate. It is usually mark that he or she
represented using a obtains is an example of
scalier plot. bivariate data.

A visual representation of
the median (QJ, lower
quartlle(Q,), upper whisker box whisker
box and quartile (Q.), as _II as
whisker plots the highest and lowest :-low~'es-t 25 50
75 highest

value Ql Q, Q3 value
values In a set of data, to
show the spread around
the median.

Quadrant Quadrant
Four quadrants that are n I
Cartesian Plane separated by an x and y x
axis Quadrant Quadrant
I ---<

The physical distance

circumference around a circle. Formula:
C=2trr or C=1rd

I ----I

In the expression
The number in front of a
variable. 2x2 + 4 the coefficient of
~is 2.

1 L

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 239

Term Explanation ~

When 3 points lie on the

collinear points same line they are


The term in an expression In the expression

constant term that does not contain any 2x2 + bx + 4 the constant
variables. term is 4.

I ,

The vertices of a cyclic

cyclic quadrilateral quadrilateral lie on the
circumference of the same

The number at the bottom In the fraction - , x is the
denominator x
of a fraction.

I ,

A line throug h the centre

of the circle that touches diameter
diameter the circumference of the
eircle at two points.

t y

The domain of a function

domain is the possible x values -1
that the function can have.
In the above graph
the domain is x ~ -1

The equivalent annual If the Interest rate

Interest rate that would received is 10% p.a.
be received due to the compounded monthly, the
effective Interest rate effects of compounding effective rate Is:
i eff = (1+ 0X2)12 -1
l+ ieff =(1+ ~om r

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 240

Term Explanation ~

In the term xa, a is the

exponent The power that a number
(and base) or variable is raised tao exponent and x is the

The area within a linear

programming graph
o Feasible Region
feasible region
where all the constraints
are satisfied.

______ ____ ____ f.l~~~~
An equation or graph
function where there are multiple
(many-to-one) x values for a single y
value. x

An equation or graph
function where there Is a single y
(one-to-one) value for a single x value.

A sequence where the ratio In the sequence:

of any two sequential tenns
geometric sequence 4, a, 16, •••
is conslant.
the constant ratio is 2

The average gradient
The role of change of Y with
between the points (5;2)
respect x.
gradient (m) and (10;5) is:
m= y, -y, 5-2 3
Xl -Xl m=--=-
10-5 5

to 2.
A graph without gaps that ~ 15
histogram uses reclangles to represent
...r 1.
freq~ •
0-1 SJ 20-38 40-59 x

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlnt Books CC Table of Contents 241

Term Explanation ~

The point where a line

cuts the X-axis (x-Intercept)
(r or y) x-intercept
and y-axis (y-Intercept).

II ~

A line that Is perpendicular

normal to a tangent at the point
of contact.

t ~ 2

The number or expression x+5 is the numerator

numerator at the top of a fraction. and 2 is the

A graph where the data
range (x) Is plotted ]t-
against the cumulative .;~
ogive s'"
frequency (y). aE
..l....- Data Range •

A value In a set of data

that is much higher or 2,100,125,126,130
lower than any of the In the above set of data
(of a data set)
other values in the data points 2, is an outlier.

A value in a set of data

parallel lines that Is much higher or
(II) lower than any of the
other values in the data

The number of degrees It Graphs of sine and

takes for a trigonometric cosine have a period of
function to complete one 360· whilst tan has a
cycle. period of 180·

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 242

Term Explanation _

In a 90· triangle the

Pythagoras (hypotenuse)'= sum of the
(Theorem of Pythagoras) square of the opposite two
sides. a


The possible y-values that

range a graph or function can x
In the above graph
I I the range Is y ~-1

The reciprocal of a number

is one divided by the
The recipracal of
reciprocal number. A number 1
multiplied by lis reciprocal x 15-
Is 1.

root The value of a variable

(of an equation) that satisfies an equation. The raot of x-5 =0 is 5

An irrational number that

surd form
is written with a root ,J5ii written in simplest
symbol (usually in its surd form is 5../2
simplest form).

A straight line that tauches

a graph at a single point.
tangent The gradient f:I the tangent
is equal to the gradient of
the graph at the point of

trend line
(line of best fit)
A line that shows the
general shape of a scatter 1
(regression line)
plot, thus showing the
overall trend of the data.
Independent variable x

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 243

Term Explanation ~
tuming point
A point on a curve where
the gradient at the point
turning point is equal to zero. At the
TP the derivative of the
function equals zero.

The roots of
a~?+bx+c = 0 are:
Used to solve for the roots
quadratic formula
of any quadratic equation. -b±~b2-4ac
x = ----'-:---

Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning

F square root E
(of a set)

rq n'h root 01- not equal to

N natural numbers ... approximately equal


No whole numbers A>B A Is greater than B

Z Integers A<B A Is less than B

A Is greater than or
Q rational numbers A~B equal to B

• irrational numbers ASB

A is less than or equal
Q toB

lR real numbers .. therefore

intersection Union
n (and) u (or)

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 244



The exercises contained in this section are designed for reinforcement of the
material covered in each chapter of the book. At the end of the exercises for each
relevant chapter, learners will find a mixed exercise. The mixed exercises are
designed to test all of the work in the relevant chapters and are of the same
standard that learners would expect to fmd in a test or exam. Learners are
strongly encouraged to make sure that they fully understand all questions within
the mixed exercises.

The exercises in this section contain worked through solutions. These are merely
suggested solutions and are not necessarily the only methods that can be used to
arrive at a correct answer. If there is any doubt in the method which learners
have used, they are encouraged to check their methodology with their teachers.

Worked through solutions are provided in order for learners to check their
answers and understand errors which they have made. Very little will be gained
from viewing solutions before an attempt has been made by the learner to solve
the problems themselves. Learners should only look at solutions after a true
attempt of the problem has been made.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 245

Exercises Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - The Number System, Exponents and Surds ..................................................................................... 247

Chapter 1 - The Number System, Exponents and Surds (Memo) ....................................................................... 250

Chapter 2 - Equations and Inequalities ............................................................................................................... 258

Chapter 2 - Equations and Inequalities (Memo) ................................................................................................. 264

Chapter 3 - Number Patterns ............................................................................................................................... 285

Chapter 3 - Number Patterns (Memo) ................................................................................................................. 287

Chapter 4 - Analytical Geometry ........................................................................................................................ 292

Chapter 4 - Analytical Geometry (Memo) .......................................................................................................... 296

Chapter 5 - Functions .......................................................................................................................................... 303

Chapter 5 - Functions (Memo) ............................................................................................................................ 310

Chapter 6 - Trigonometry ................................................................................................................................... 323

Chapter 6 - Trigonometry (Memo) ..................................................................................................................... 328

Chapter 7 - Measurement.. .................................................................................................................................. 340

Chapter 7 - Measurement (Memo) ...................................................................................................................... 342

Chapter 8 - Euclidean Geometry ......................................................................................................................... 344

Chapter 8 - Euclidean Geometry (Memo) ........................................................................................................... 351

Chapter 9 - Area, Sine and Cosine Rules ............................................................................................................ 358

Chapter 9 - Area, Sine and Cosine Rules (Memo) .............................................................................................. 361

Chapter 10 - Financial Mathematics ................................................................................................................... 365

Chapter 10 - Financial Mathematics (Memo) ..................................................................................................... 368

Chapter 11 - Probability ...................................................................................................................................... 373

Chapter 11 - Probability (Memo) ........................................................................................................................ 378

Chapter 12 - Statistics ......................................................................................................................................... 384

Chapter 12 - Statistics (Memo) ........................................................................................................................... 388

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 246

Chapter 1- The Number System, Exponents and Surds
The Number System
Exercise 1: Back to Theory Exercise 1 solutions are on page 250
1) Complete the table below. The fIrSt row bas been completed for you.

Number I N I No I z I IQl I 1Ql' I NonReaI

5 ~ ~ ~ ~ x x

-5 + 2.J3

2) State wbether the foUowing numbers are real or non-real.

4-~(4)(2)-12 c) .J3x.J2

b) (.J3-.J-16)2

Grade 10 Revision
Exercise 2: Back to Theory Exercise 2 solutions are on pages 250 251 and 252

1) Simplify the following without a calculator. Leave your answers with positive exponents:
3 3

a) (::y c) (2;P

b) d) (O,OOSf3

2) Simplify the following without a calculator. Leave your answers with positive exponents:
631-0.7o-I.SI-1 1(),,+2.S'.25,-1 .J3. ~ . .J8
a) c) e)
40+2.36-0- 1 16,+1.2.125,+1 ifij

3) Simplify the following without a calculator. Leave your answers with positive exponents:
a) 2'+2,+1 b) 2.3,+1+ 9.3,-3 c) m'+2- 3m'+1
2' _2,+2 4.3' I-S1.3' 4 3m' 2 -m' I

Simplification of Surds
Exercise 3: Back to Theory Exercise 3 solutions are on pages 252 and 253
1) Simplify the following fuDy without the use of a calculator:

a) .J8x.J6 b) (3v"7f c) (2.J2-.J3)2

© copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 247

d) .J16+9 10+.J50
j) n) ~+~+7a
5 16 9 12
e) .J16 +../9
.J45+.JUs 0) (3+.J3 +.J5)( 3-.J3 -.J5)
f) Rx.fii k)
g) .fii +.J48
h) (.J8x" - .J12x )( .J8x" + .J12x )
2+50 m) (.J45 +50)2

2) Rationalise the denominators in each of the foUowing surd expressions:

) 12 1-.J5 8
a .J3 b) .J5 c) .J2+2

3) The area of a rectangle is 20m'. If it has a breadth of 5 +.J5 m, determine its length. Write your
answer in the form a + b..Jc .
Exercise 3 solutions are on pages 252 and 253
Simple Surd Equations
Exercise 4: Back to Theory Exercise 4 solutions are on pages 254
1) Solve for x in the foUowing equations:
a) .Jx+3=10 c) .J8-x=-2
e) 2~~+3+4=12
f) 3N~+3=9
a) A rectangular fence has a perimeter of 35 metres. It has a width of 5 metres and a length of
.J2x + 3 metres. Determine the value of x.

b) A circular garden has a radius of .J x + 5 m. In order to cover the entire garden with fertilizer
35l1" m' offertilizer is required. Determine the value ofx.

Equations with Rational Exponents Back to Theory

Exercise 5: Solve for x in the foUowiDg equations Exercise 5 solutions are on pages 254 and 255

a) (Xl' =4 g) 52x+3 = 125x+5 1 5 =8

m)-x Ys

b) 42x+1 = Ys h) 22x+2 = (0,5)2<-4 n) 2x+1 + 2x+2 = 96

c) 2x- 1 =64 i) 25.2x =4.5x 0) 9x Yz -3=0

d) 5x- 2 = X 5x
j) 7 x- 2 =2x- 2 p) 3~=24

e) 9x81 x =27 k) 3x X =27 q) (X~-5)(XX-4)=0

f) 7x9 x =7 I) p2x. p -x+3 =~ r) x~ =1%1

© copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 248

Mixed Exercise: Back to Theory Mixed Exercise solutions are on pages 255 256 and 257

1) Classify the foUowing numbers as rational, irrational or non real.

a) 1,452..... c) 1r+,,[4 e) ~-27

b) 1,23232323 ... d) 22
2) Simplify the foUowing expressions without a calculator, leaving all answers with positive exponents:

a) (3x- 1 r 3 x
e) 8 .4x+1
i) ~xu
21 11
x- /3 y72
(2~- ~J( ~+ ~J
5 j)
g) 4+.Ji2
(l+ v'3f
h) Fs
3) Solve for x in the foUowing equations:

a) .Jx+2 =4 b) ~7+..Jx =3 c) 2.J8-x = 2

4) H p+.!.=q, express p2+ 2 +-\- in terms ofq.

p p

5) Hx andy are rational numbers and ..Jx +.JY = ~7 +../48 ,determine a possible value of:
a) x+y b) xy

6) Hthe area oCa circle is l00cm', determine:

a) The length of the radius in simplest surd form.
b) The circumference of the circle.

7) H an equation is in the form ax 2 + bx + c = 0 then x or x

the information above, solve for x in the foUowing equations. Leave answers in simplest surd form.

8) Determine the value of ;~

1(f011 _ 1(fOO7
without the use of a calcolator.

9) Evaluate the foUowing expressions and leave denominators rational where applicable:

22020 + 2 2019 3120 +3121

a) b)
22019 _ 22017 3122 _3121

10) The triangle below has an area of 20 cm' and a base of Determine the height (h) of the
triangle in simplest surd form. Write your answer with a rational denominator.


© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 249

Chapter 1- The Number System, Exponents and Surds (Memo)
The Number System
Exercise 1: Exercise 1 is on page 247

Number N No Z IQl 1Ql' NonReaI

5 .t' .t' .t' .t' It It
0 It .t' .t' .t' It It
-7 It It .t' .t' It It
(_3)2 .t' .t' .t' .t' It It

..J-4 It It It It It .t'
7r It It It It .t' It

-5+2../3 It It It It .t' It
- .t' .t' .t' .t' It It
~ It It .t' .t' It It

a) NonreaI c) Real
b) NonreaI d) Real

Grade 10 Revision
2: Exercise 2 is on nage 247
3 3

C:Y 3
c) (2:p

=(::y =(~~r
23 5-3
=x-3 =2-3
=8x 3
(;7P d) (0,008f"3

=(~:r =(I!Or
16 2-2

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 250

631-n.7n-I.81-1 920+1.620-3
a) d)
4n+2.36-n- 1 2.350-2.30.40-2

2 1
.7 n- l . 34 (32 t"+1.(2.3)20-3
( 2 2r .3.2
( 2 2r- 21.350- 2.30. 22
( r
32-2n.71-n.7,-I.3-4 340+2.220-3.320-3
22n+4.3-2n-2.2-2n-2 21.350-2.30.220-4
= 32-2n-4+2n+2.71-n+n-l.2-2n-4+2n+2 = 34a+2+2a-3-5a+2-a.22a-3-1-2a+4

=3°.7°.2-2 = 31.2°
1 =3

.J3A/U .../8
b) ~
5n.(5.2)2n-I. 24n+1
3li.( 22.3)~ .( 23 )li
( 5.22 t
5n.52n-I.22o-1.24n+1 3li .2li.3~ .2%
53n .26n 3%
= Sn+2n-1-3n.22n-l+4n+1-6n
= 3li+~-%.2li+%
=- =4

1Ox+2.8x.25x-1 ~.~a4b2 .a-~

c) f)
16x+I.2.125x+1 a-%
(5.2)x+2.(23 )x.(52 )X-I
(ab)~.(a4b2)~ .a-~
(24 t l .2.5
I( 3 t a-%
5>+2.2x+2.23x.52x-2 a~b~.a~b%.a-~
= Sx+2+2x-2-3x-3. x+2+3x-4x-4-1
=S-3.T 3
1 =a 2b
= 3 3
5 .2
= --

Exercise 2 is on page 247

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 251

2X +2x+1 mx+2 -3mx+1
a) c)
2.l" _2x+2 3m x-2_ m x-l
2 x +2x.21 mX .m2 .m1
2X _2x.22 3.m x.m-2 _mx.m- 1

/(1+2) /(m 2 -3m)
/ (1-22) /(3m-2 -m-l )
=-1 m(m-3)
2.3x+1+9.3x- 3
b) ..::c.:.-,-c..:.:::.----,.
4.3x- I _81.3 x- 4
(1m Ym)

m(m-3) .3-m
2.3 x.31+ 9.3 x.3-3
4.3 x.3- 1 -81.3 x.3-4
m,H X m2
7' (2.31+9T3) 1 -,H
7'(4T I-81.3-4)
%_ 8Ysl
=19 Exercise 2 is on page 247

Simplification of Surds
Eserrl s3: Exercise 3 is on pages 247 and 248
a) ..J8x..J6 g) ...fi7 +../48
=../48 =3.J3 +4../3
= .J16x3 =7.J3
h) (~-.J12x)(~+.J12x)
b) (3.J7f =8x-l2x

=9x7 =-4x

=63 2+ v'20
i) D.J
c) (2..[i _.J3)2 2+2./5
d) .J16+9
=5 1O+.J50
j) '::':"-'--
e) .J16 +./9 5

f) Rx...fi7

4> Copyrisbt Kevin Smith I Berlut Boob CC Table of Contents 252

k) .J45+.JUs
2.fiiJ +.J80 0) {?=f2
a2 7a
9 12
J.../5 +5,{5 9a2+16a2 +_ 7a
W+W •/--=-=--c..::=:=--
144 12
=s,f5 =~2sa2 + 7a
144 12
=1 Sa 7a
12 12
.J28+.J63 12a
.J63+.Jlli 12 =a
5)7 0) (3+.f3+,{5)(3-.f3-,{5)
8)7 = [3 + (.f3 +,{5) J[3 - (.f3 +,{5) J
=- =9-(.f3+,{5)2
=9-(3+2.fi5 +S)
m) (.J45 +.fiiJ)2 =1-2.fi5
= (3,{5 +2,{5)2

= (5,{5)2

12 b) 1-,{5 8
.f3 ,{5 c) ,/2+2
12 .f3 1-,{5 ,{5 8 ,/2-2
=-x- =--x--
.f3.f3 = ,{5 X,{5 ,/2+2 ,/2-2
12.f3 ,{5-5 8,/2-16
3 =-- -2
=W 8(,/2-2)

:. 20 =1(5+,{5)

..' l=~
20 5-,{5
5+,{5 5-,{5
100- 20,[5
= 5 -,{5 metres

Exercise 3 is on pages 247 and 248

4> Copyrisbt Kevin Smith I Berlut Boob CC Table of Contents 253

Simple Surd Equations
Ex'n:t ... 4: Exemjse 4 is on page 248
8) "/x+3=10
... x+3=100
e) 2~~+3+4=12
... x=97
... 2~~+3=8
b) ../x+2 =../fi
... x+2=17
... x=15 ... ~+3=16
... ~=13
c) "/8-x =-2 2
... No Solution as ../8 - x ~ 0 ... x=26

d) "/3x-5+8=9 I) 'J./..Jx+3=9
... ../3x-5 =1 ... 9(..Jx+3) =81
... 3x-5 = 1
... ..Jx+3=9
... 3x=6
... ..Jx=6
... x=2
... x=36
8) 2../2x+3 +2(5) = 35 b) Ao =7rr2
... 4(2x+3) = 625
... 357r = 7r( ../x+5)2
... 2x+3=- ... 357r= 7r(x+5)
... 35=x+5
... 2x= 613
4 ... x=30
... x=76,63

Equations with Rational Exponents

Exerd"S: El£ernjse 5 is on page 248

8) (Xl' =4 b) 42x+1 = Ys c) 2x - 1 =64

... 24x+2 =2-3 ... 2x- 1 =26

... 2- x =22
... 4x+2=-3 ... x-l=6
... x=-2
... x=7
... x=-%4
d) 5,-2 = Is 5'
e) 9x81 x = 27 I) 7x9 =7

... 5x- 2 =S-x ... 34x =31 ... 32x =1

...4x=1 ... 32x =30
... x-2=-x
... x=1 ... x=~ ... x=O

4> Copyrisbt Kevin Smith I Berlut Boob CC Table of Contents 254

g) 5 2,+3 = 125,+5 h) 22>+2 = (0,5)2,--4 i) 25.2' = 4.5'
:.52>+3 = 53,+15 :.5 2.2' = 22.5'
:.22,+2 = (2- 1 )2>--4
:. 2x+3=3x+15
:.x=-12 :.22,+2 = 2-2>+4 :.(Ys)x = (2)2
:.2x+2=-2.<+4 :.x=2
:. x= li
j) 7,-2 = 2,-2
k) 3x%' =27 I) p2x. p -x+3 =ifl
:.x%' =9 :. p2x-x+3 = p%'
:. X=(32l~
:. x=±33 =±27
m) .!.XYs = 8 n) 2>+1 + 2>+2 = 96
0) 9xli -3=0
:.2'.21 +2'.2 2 =96
:.xYs =24
:.9xli =3
:.2' (21 +22) = 96
:.X=(24~ :.2' =16
:. xli
:. X= ±25 = ±32 :.2' =24
p) ~=24
q) (X~-5J(X%'-4J=0 r) x~ =%'1
:.xl3' = 23 'x~=24
:. x~ =5 or x%' =22 .. 3 4
:.X=(23 )3

:.x=29 =512
:.x=54 or X=±(22)%
:.x=625 or x=±8
EX<jC(jise 5 is on page 248 :.x=±%7

Mlxa, E!ll!JiIS: The Mixed Exercise is on page 249

a) Irrational c) Non real e) Rational
b) Rational d) Rational f) Irrational


a) (3x-'r
c) (~rq(~:rp
y2q-2 p
(;::r x~
x x
lp+2q ..zq-2p Z-3
= x2p+2q-2q+2p .y2q-2p-2~2q =8x6 xx3
~ = x4p .y--4 p =8~
x -%2 x 4p

4> Copyrisbt Kevin Smith I Berlut Boob CC Table of Contents 255

8X .4X+1
4+.Ji2 ~X.p
2 5x+3
(1+.J3f x-%yl~
23X X (22r+1
4+2.J3 xX),~
25x+3 1+2.J3+3
23x.22x+2 x-%y~
25x+3 =xX+%.y.%-~
= 23x+2x+2-5x-3 =1 =xy
-2-1 - 1/
- -72
.J5 j) (2.J3- ~)(.fj+ ~)
(6+.J5)(6-.J5) 1
5+2../50 =6+2-1--
f) .J5 3
5 =--
36-5 20
5+10../2 =
.J5 3
5 --
31 k) (a 2b+ ab2 t
t =1

a) .Jx+2 =4 b) ~7+..Ix =3 c) 2.J8-x = 2
:.x+2=16 :. 7+..Ix =9 : . .J8-x =1
:. x = 14 :.8-x=1
: . ..Ix =2
Check:.J14 + 2 = 4 :.x=4 :.x=7
Check: 2.J8 -7 = 2
Check: ~7+.J4 = 3

4) (p+ ~r =l
P2 +2+-=q
1 2


a) (..Ix +.JY)2 = (~7 +.J4st b) x+ Y+z.JxY = 7 +.J4xI2

:.x+y+2,JxY =7+2.Ji2
:. x+z.JxY + y =7+.J4s :. xy = 12
:.x+y+2,JxY =7+.J4s
a) Ao = 1I:r2 b) Circumference = 21I:r

:.100 = 1I:r2
2 100
= 211:( 1r)
:.r = - 2011:
11: =-cm
10 lo-Jii .JK
... r = JH em --7 ----;- ==2o-Jiicm

The Mixed Exercise is on page 249

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 256

a) x2+3x-6 = 0
. _ -3 + ~r-(
3 )-::-2--4-(1)-(--6) -3-J(3f -4(1)(-6)
.. x- 2(1) or x
-3+.J33 -3-.J33
:.X= or x
2 2

b) _2x2-3x+6=0
_( -3) + ~r-(
4 (--2-)(-6) -(-3)-J(-3)2 -4(-2)(6)
:.x= 2(-2) or x

-3+.J5'i or x
4 4

22020 + 2 2019 3120 +3121
a) b)
22019 _2 2017 3122 _3121
2 2017 (23 +22) 3 (1+3)

2 2017 (22 -1) 3120 (32 _31)

=N =~
=2 2 2 .J3 2.J3
.J3 .J3.J3 3
10) A ..=-b. .l h

:. 20 =~(if2 -2.J3)(h)

:.40 = (4'-'2-2.J3)(h)
:. h = '-'2 .J3 -+ rationalise the denonrinalor
4 2-2 3
. h= 40 x4'-'2+2.J3
.. 4'-'2-2.J3 4'-'2+2.J3
40( 4'-'2 +2.J3)
:.h= 20
The Mixed Exercise is on page 249

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 257

Chapter 2- Equations and Inequalities
Grade 10 Revision
Exercise 1: Back to Theory Exercise 1 solutions are on pages 264 and 265
1) Factorise the fonowing expressions:
a) x2-2x-IS e) 4x2 -16x+16 i) 6x 2 +Sx-4
b) x 2 +x-12 f) x2+lOx+2S j) a3 _a 2b+b3 _ab2

c) x 2 -Sx+12 g) 2x2 -Sx-12 k) x 2 _a 2 -2ab-b 2

d) x 2 -6x+9 b) 6x 2 +13x-S I) 2~-3~-Sx+12

2) Simplify the fonowing expressions: Back to Theory

4 S 2 2 S 2 3-Sx
a) - + - - d) x +Sx+6 x -4 ---+-
x+l x-2 x 2 -9 . x 2 -Sx+6 x+3 3-x x -9

b) _1_+ 2 1 123
e) - - + - - - -
x-2 (x_l)2 x-I x-3 x+l 3-x

x 2 +x-6 . ~ +Sx+6 xiS

f) - - - + - -
c) 2 • ---=-2- - - x-2 x+2 4_x2
x -6x+S x -3x-IO
Quadratic Equations
Exerdse2: Back to Theory Exercise 2 solutions are on page 265
1) Solve for x in the fonowing equations:
a) x 2 -Sx+6=O c) (x-S}(x+12)=0 e) 4x2-12x+1O=1
b) x 2 +3x = 0 d) (x-S}(x+12) = -70 f) -~ -Sx2 -ISx = 0

2) Solve for the unknown variable in the fonowing equations:

a) (y+3)2=l+6y+9 b) ~+16=0

Equations with Fractions

Exerdse3: Back to Theory Exercise 3 solutions are on pages 266 and 267
1) Solve for x in the fonowing equations:
a) x+-=ll f) x-l+--=S
x x+2
b) 2x+4=-- g) 3x-24 +_9_=0
2x-l 9 3x-6
2 6
c) - - - - = - -
b) _3_+~=1 Sx+lO
x+l 2-x x+l x+3 2-x x2+x-6
4x-14 2x-4 S 2y-6 10
d) - - - - - = 0 i) - - +
x+4 x+2 y+l l+3y+2 4-y 2

e) 2x +_1_=1
x-I x+l

2) Solve for the unknown variable in each of the fonowing equations:

3a-l 3a 2 -0 6p2 -S3p+1O 3p Sp
2 +-+---
a -2a-3 a+l 3-a
p2 -3p-1O 5-p p+2

5y+4 2y+3 2l-17

b) - - +- - = -==------='---
y+2 l-y l+y-2

© copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 258

Equations w1th Substitution
Exercise 4: Solve for the unknown variable In each of the foUowlng equations: Back to Theory

d) (q2+2qt -2(q2+ 2q )-3=0

e) p2 +5p +5 = 12
2 p2+5p

2 4
c) x -3x+4=---- f) (x2-xt -8x2+8x+12=0
x 2 -3x
Exercise 4 solutions are on pages 267 and 268
Quadratic Surd Equations Back to Theory
Exercise 5: Solve for the x in each of the following equations: Exercise 5 solutions are on pages 268 and 269

a) -Fx+x=O f) x-7=·hx+l 3
j) .J2x-l -2
b) x=.Jx+6 .J2x-l
g) .J22-7x-x=-4
c) 2x-.J32-8x =0 k) .J12+x =-Fx+3
b) 4.Jx-3 -3= 2x-9
d) x+ 2 = .J9x+ 18 I) 2.J4-x=2-Fx-4
i) .Jx-5-1=_6-
e) x-4=.J56-5x .Jx-5
Exponential Equations
Exercise 6: Solve for the unknown variable in each of the foUowlng equations: Back to Theory
d) _ _ =34
b) 23m.Tm=T2m b) 9'_3' =6
e) 52,-4 =1

c) S-3'.5' =.!:.
f) 32,-4 = U
Exercise 6 solutions are on page 269
Simultaneous Equations
Exercise 7: Back to Theory Exercise 7 solutions are on pages 270 and 271
1) Solve for x and y in each of the following equations:
a) y+6x = 4 and f) y-x=-6 and
2y = 5x2 -22x+8 2x2 +5xy=-2i
b) 2x-y=8 and g) y-x=5 and

y =x2 +4x-23 xy-3y = 8x-20

c) y+x=6 and b) 2'+Y = 256 and
x2+i=36 xy+3x+2y = 36
d) 2x-3y = 2 and i) 5,-2y-1 = 1 and

x2-2i=8 ~+2xy-2x-4y=0

e) y-2=2(x-l)2 and j) (x+5)2 +(y_3)2 =49 and

y-x=2 y+x=-9

2) Given the diagram below solve the simultaneous equations of y = - 8x - 24 and y = 2x2 - 2x - 24.

y =-8x-24

© copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 259

Completing the Square
Exercise 8: Back to Theory Exercise 8 solutions are on pages 272 aod 273
1) Complete the square on the foUowing quadratic expressions:
a) y =x2 +6x-S d) y=x2 -Sx g) y=-2x2 -3x+S

b) y =x2 -4x+9 e) y=2x2_4x+6 h) y=3x2 +10x-2

c) y=x2 -12x+2 f) y = -3x2 -6x+ 12

2) Solve for x by completing the square on the foUowing quadratic equations: Back to Theory
a) x2-6x-S=0 d) -Sx2+1Sx+l=0 g) ~+2x+3=0

b) x 2 +2x-7=0 e) x2+2hx+3c=O
h) ax +3bx-1S=O

c) 2~+3x-S=O f) x 2 -2x-3c = 0

Applications of Completing the Square

Exercise 9: Complete the square to determine the maximum or mioimum value of: Back to Theory
a) x 2 -2x-1O c) ~-12x+40

b) _x2 -Sx+3
Exercise 9 solutions are on page 274
The Quadratic Formula and Nature of Roots
Exercise 10: Back to Theory Exercise 10 solutions are on page 274
1) Solve for x in the foUowing equations correct to 1 decimal place:
a) 4~+Sx-3=O c) -3x2 -4x+S=O

b) 7~-3x-2=O d) 2~-6x-12=O

2) Given that (x -2,5)( x -vCl)(x +2)( x -Ji)( x +.,/3) = 0, solve for x if: Back to Theory
a) x E Z c) X E Q'
b) x E R d) is non-real

3) Given that 2x2 (x-2)+5x(x-2)-5(x-2) = 0, solve for x if:

a) x E /Ii b) x E Q'

4) Determine the nature of roots of the equations below without solving the equations: Back to Theory
a) 14x2-6x+S=O c) SO~+40x+S=O

b) 9x2 +1Sx+3=0 d) -2Sx2 -lOx-l=0

Exercise 11: Back to Theory Exercise 11 solutions are on pages 274. 275 and 276
1) Solve for x in the foUowing inequalities:
a) x2-4~O g) (x-3)+IS0 (x-l)2(X-S)
x+2 k) >0
b) x 2 -x-6>O x+S
x2+Sx+ll +1~O
h) (x+l)(x-3) >1
c) x 2 -3x-1O:S;O x-S
d) x 2 +9x+1S:S;0 i) (x-2)(x+l) no
e) _x 2 +2x+1S < 0 x-4

(x-3)(x+2) :s; 0 ( x-2)2(X+S)

f) j) <0
x-S x+l

© copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 260

2) Solve the foDowing inequalities: Back to Theory
a) (x-25)2 SO c) (p+5)2 ~ 0

b) (a+3)2>0 d) (q+3)2+5<0

3) Solve for x in the foDowing inequalities (all answers should be in simplest surd form where applicable):
a) x2-3x-5~0 c) 3x2 +6x-7S0

b) 2~-2x+8S0

~X2 -4x-12
4) For what values of x is the expression -'-'-'----'"'--
a) Undefined? b) Non-Real? c) Real?
Exercise 11 solutions are on pages 274 275 aod 276
Mathematical Modelling
Exercise 12: Back to Theory Exercise 12 solutions are 00 pages 276 aod 277
1) Thabo purchased two types of cable, type A and B. He purchased 3 metres more of type A then he did of
type B and spent a total of RI50 on type A and RI44 on type B. How many metres of each type did he
purchase if type B is R2 more per metre than type A?
2) Mrs. Mottiar runs a day-care centre and pays R60 for milk powder at Rx per kilogram. The next time she
orders milk powder she finds the price has increased by R5 per kilogram. She stiD pays R60 for her order
but this time receives 2 kilograms less than she did on her previous order. What was the original price per
kilogram and how much did she originally purchase?
3) Joanne and Lerato sell homemade chocolate chip muffins at a school fun day. They spend R250 making the
muffins and sell each muffin for R8 more than it cost them to make. If they were left with 2 muffins at the
end of the fun day and they made a total profit of R374, how much did each muffin cost them to make?
4) Mrs. Modise is hosting a party. She uses blue and gold ribbon for decorations. Blue ribbon costs Riless per
metre than gold ribbon and she buys 10 metres more blue ribbon than gold. Determine the number of
metres of each type of ribbon bought and the cost per metre of each ribbon if she spent a total of R80 on
blue ribbon and R90 on gold ribbon.

Exercise 13: Back to Theory Exercise 13 solutions are 00 pages 278 aod 279
1) A cyclist competes in a 100km race. He is unhappy with his time and calculates that he can improve his
time by I hour if he can increase his average cycling speed by 5km/h in the next race. What was his average
speed in the race?
2) A paramedic travels 30km from a hospital to an emergency. On the way back he travels 30km/h slower and
the journey takes him 5 minutes longer. What was his speed to the emergency?
3) A mountain bike trail consists of two parts. Part one consists of a 20km stretch on a good sand road. Part
two consists of 12km of off-road terraio. A novice mountain biker takes 5 hours to complete the trail. If his
speed on part one is 2,5 times greater than his speed on part two, how long did each part take him?
4) Jerry drives from his house to drop his children off at school in traffic. On his retorn journey there is no
traffic and Jerry can travel faster. If he travels to the school at 40 km/h and he retorns at 60 km/h what was
his average speed for the entire journey?(Hint: Average speed is total distance divided by total time.)

Exercise 14: Back to Theory Exercise 14 solutions are on page 279

1) A rectangle has a perimeter of 10 cm and an area of 6 cm • Determine the dimensions of the rectangle.

2) A rectangular garden has an area of 40 m2 • If its length is increased by 3 m and the width is increased by 2 m
the area of the garden will double. Determine the dimensions of the original garden.

3) A 5 cm X 3 cm picture that is to be framed is first placed on a cardboard backing. The backing gives the
pictore a border of x cm all round. If the area of borderis 48 cm2, determine the width of the border.

x x

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 261

Exercise 15: Back to Theory Exercise 15 solutions are on page 280
1) Joshua can paint a 50m2 room in eight hours on his own. Ridwaan is a more experienced painter and can
complete the job in half the time. How long would it take for them to paint a 50m2 room working together?

2) Two elements heat an oven to 8500 C. The larger element can heat the oven on its own in 3 hours and the
smaller element can heat the oven in 6 hours. How long would they take to heat the oven operating
3) A cargo ship uses two engines. If the ship runs both motors it can complete its journey in 40 days. If ouly
the main engine was used, the ship would complete its journey in 60 days less than if the smaller engine
was used on its own. How long would the ship take to complete its journey if ouly the smaller engine was
4) Two machines are used to pack large containers. Working together they can pack a container in 6 hours and
40 minutes. Working on its own, one machine will take 3 hours longer than the other to pack the container.
How long would the faster machine take packing on its own?

Mixed EIerclse: Back to Theory The Mixed Exercise solutions are on pages 280, 281, 282, 283 and 284
1) Simplify the foDowing:
l6(x+ 2)-x2 (x+2) x 2 +xy. x 2 - l e)
2x+2 4-8x
a) c)
(x+2)(x+4) x-y y-x l-x-2~ . 4~ -4x+l

a 12 6 p2- 5p + 6 p2+ 2p _ 3
b) _5_+ 2x+l +_1_ d) - - + - -2 - - - f) 2 X 2
3x-3 l_x2 2x+2 a-I l-a a+l I-p 9-p

2) Solve the foDowing equations and inequalities:

a) 2(x2 +6)+l1x=0 x 1 2
f) - - = - - - - -
x-2 x-3 2-x

b) (x-2)(x2-5)(x2+9)=0 g) (x2+4)(x-l)~0
6 3x 2x
c) - - - - - = - - h) x2-2x+7~0
x+l l_x2 x-I
d) (x 2 -5x+2t -(x2 -5x)=8 i) SO
e) x 2 +6x
2 j) 2x +3x-2<0
x 2 +6x 3x
3) Solve the foDowing surd equations:
a) 1-2x+,J5x-1 =0 b) x+5 = ,J3-3x

4) Detennine the value of x and y in the foDowing simultaneous equations:

a) x-2y=-land b) 2,-3, =}{6 and
x 2 -xy+l =7

5) Solve for x correct to one decimal place:

a) -3x2-7x+12=0 c) 4~+7x+2=0

b) 3x2+5x+l=0 d) 8x2 +3x-2=0

6) By completing the square in the foDowing expressions determine:

0) The minimum value of x 2 - 2x c) The maximum value of ~ 2


b) The maximum value of - 2x2 + 12x -17 d) The minimum value of 2 6

-x +8x-13

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 262

7) For which values of x is the expression 2x •
(x+3)(x-2) •

a) Real? b) Non·real? c) Undefined?

8) Determine the valuels of k if x 2 + 2kx + 5k + 6 is a perfect square.

9) H the current price of fIltered tap water increases by 5c per litre, one litre less of water can be
purchased for R52,80. What is the present price of filtered tap water?
10) Jane and Sipho are training for a cycling race. Jane lives in Pretoria and Sipho lives in Johannesburg
66km apart. During their training they cycle towards each other and meet exactly halfway. Jane
cycles lkm1h slower than Sipho and has to leave 18 minutes earlier in order to meet halfway. At what
speed does Sipho cycle?
Back to Theory
The Mixed Exercise solutions are on pages 280. 281. 282. 283 and 284

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 263

Chapter 2- Equations and Inequalities (Memo)
Grade 10 Revision
Exerci!Hl1: Exercise 1 is on page 258
a) x -2x-15 f) x 2 +lOx+25 k) x 2 _a 2 -2ab-b 2
= (x-5)(x+3) =(x+5)2 =x2 _(a 2 +2ab+b2 )
b) x +x-12 g) 2x2 -5x-12 =x2_(a+b)2
= (x+4)(x-3) = (2x+3)(x-4) =(x-a-b)(x+a+b)
c) x 2 -8x+12 h) 6x 2 +13x-5 I) 2~ -3x2 -8x+12
=(x-6)(x-2) = (3x-1)(2x+5)
= x 2 (2x-3)-4(2x-3)
d) ~-6x+9 i) 6x 2 +5x-4
=(2x-3)(x2 -4)
= (x_3)2 = (3x+4)(2x-1)
= (2x-3)(x-2)(x+2)
e) 4x2 -16x+16 j) a3 _a 2b+b3 _ab 2

=4(x2 -4x+4) = a2 (a-b)-b 2 (a-b)

=4(x-2)2 =(a-b)(a2 -b2 )

= (a-b)(a-b)(a+b)

4 8
a) -+-
x+1 x-2
(x+1)(x-2) x-2

b) _1_+ 2 1 x2+5x+6 ~-4

d) 2 .,
x-2 (x_1)2 x-1 x -9 Jr-5x+6
x +5x+6 ~ -5x+6
1(x-1)2 +2(x-2)-(x-1)(x-2)
~-9 x x2_4
x 2 -2x+1+2x-4-(x2 -3x+2)
~~ ~J0}
(x-2)(x-1)2 =1
x 2 -3-x2 +3x-2
(x-2)(x-1)2 1 2 3
e) -+---
x-3 x+1 3-x
(x-2)(x-1)2 =-+-+-
x-3 x+1 x-3
1(x+ 1) + 2(x-3)+3(x+ 1)

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 264

x 1 8 2
5 3-5x
f) - - - - - + - - ----+-
x-2 x+2 4-x2
2 -
x+3 3-x x -9
x 1 8 5 2 3-5x
= - - - - - -2- - =-+-+
x-2 x+2 x -4 x+3 x-3 (x-3)(x+3)
x 1 8 5(x-3)+ 2(x+ 3)+ 3-5x
x-2 x+2 (x-2)(x+2) (x-3)(x+3)
x(x+2)-I(x-2)-8 5x-15+2x+6+3-5x
(x-2)(x+2) (x-3)(x+3)
x 2 +2x-x+2-8 2x-6
(x-2)(x+2) (x-3)(x+3)
x 2 +x-6 2~
(x-2)(x+2) ~(x+3)
(X+3)~ 2
= =
~(X+2) x+3
Exercise 1 is on page 258

Exerdse2: Exercise 2 is on page 258

a) x 2 -5x+6=0 d) (x-5)(x+12) = -70 f) -~-8x2-15x=0
:. (x-3)(x-2) =0 :.x2 +7x-6O+70=0 :.~ +8x2 +15x=0
:.x=3 or x=2 :.x2 +7x+l0=0 :.x(x2 +8x+15)
:. (x+5)(x+2) = 0
b) x2+3x=0 :.x=-5 or x=-2
:.x=O or x=-5 or x=-3
:.X=O or x=-3 e) 4,,2-12x+1O=1
:. 4x2 -12x+9 = 0
c) (x-5)(x+12)=0
:.(2x-3)2 =0
:.x=5 or x=-12

a) (y+3)2 = l +6y+9 b) x 2 +16=0

:.l +6y+9 = l +6y+9 :.x2 =-16

:.0=0 :.x=±.J-16
:. yE IR :. No real solution

C Copyright Kevin Smith I Bedat Books CC Table of Contents 265

Equations with Fractions
Exercise 3: Exercise 3 is on page 258
IS 15
a) x+-=ll t) x-l+--=5, x"-2
x x+2
2 :. (x-l)(x+2)+15 =5(x+2)
:.X +IS=llx, x,.O

:.x2 -11x+lS=0 :. x 2 +x-2+15-5x-1O =0

:. (x-2)(x-9) =0 :.x2 -4x+3=0
:.x=2 or x=9 :.(x-3)(x-l) =0
6 :.x=3 or x=1
b) 2x+4=--
g) 3x-24+_9_=0, x,.2
1 9 3x-6
:.(2x+4)(2x-l)=6, x,.-
2 :. (3x-24)(3x-6)+SI = 0
:.4x2 +6x-4=6
:.4x2 +6x-1O=0
:. x 2 -lOx+25 =0
:.2x2 +3x-5=0
:.(x_5)2 =0
:.X=-- or x=1
2 b) _3_+~=1
x+3 2-x
x +x-6
' x,. -3 and x,. 2
2 6 2x+4
c) - - - = - - :._3__ ~=1 5x+1O
x+l 2-x x+l
x+3 x-2 (x+3)(x-2)
2 6 2x+4
: . - + - - = - - , x,.-landx,.2 :. 3(x-2) -2x(x+3) = l(x+3)(x-2) -(5x+ lO)
x+l x-2 x+l
:. 2(x-2) + 6(x+ 1) = (2x+4)(x-2) :. 3x-6-2x2 -6x= x 2 +x-6-5x-l0
:. 2x-4+6x+6= 2x2-S :.-2~ -3x-6=x2 -4x-16
:.2x2 -Sx-l0=0 :.3~-x-1O=0
:.x2 -4x-5=0 :. (3x+5)(x-2) = 0
:.(x-5)(x+l)=0 5
:.x=-- (x,.2)
:.x=5 (x,.-I) 3

4x-14 2x-4 ,' ) -S+ 2y-6 102 ' y,.- 1

--- and y,. ±2
d) -----=O,x,.-4 and x"-2 y+l l+3y+2 4-y
x+4 x+2
:. (4x-14)(x+2)-(2x-4)(x+4) = 0 . _S_+ 2y-6 lO
.. y+l (y+2)(y+l) l-4
:. 4x2 -6x-2S-(2x2 +4x-16) = 0
:. _S_ +c--=2""y--,-:-6----c 10
:.2x2 -lOx-12=0 y+l (y+2)(y+l) (y-2)(y+2)
:.x2 -5x-6=0 :. S(y + 2)(y-2) + (2y -6)(y -2) = lO(y + 1)
:.(x-6)(x+l) =0 :. S(l-4)+2l-lOy+12=lOy+lO
:.x=6 or x=-1
:. Sl-32+2l-lOy+12-lOy-l0 = 0
e) 2x +_1_=1 :.lOl-20y-30=0
x-I x+l
:. 2x(x+ 1)+ l(x-l) = l(x+ l)(x-l), x,. ±1 :.l-2y-3=0
:.2~ +2x+x-l=x2-1
:.y=3 (y"-I)
:.x2 +3x=0
:.x=O or x=-3

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 266

a) 3a-l +~+_2_=0 3p Sp =0
a2 -2a-3 a+l 3-a S-p p+2
. 3a-l +~ __2_=O, a*3anda*-1
.. (a-3)(a+l) a+l a-3 . 6p2-S3P+IO+~_~=O, p*Sandp*-2
.. (p-S)(p+2) p-5 p+2
:. 3a-l+3a(a-3)-2(a+l) =0
:. 6p2 -53p+IO+3p(p+2)-Sp(p-5) = 0
:. 3a-l+3a2 -9a-2a-2=0
:. 6p2 -S3p+IO+ 3p2 +6p-Sp2 +40p = 0
:.3a2 -Sa-3=0
:.p2_ 7p + IO =0
:.a=-"3 (a*3) :.p=2 (p*5)

Sy+4 2y+3 2i -17 d) 2- t+3 + 21+6 0

b) - - + - - 2
2-t t 2 +t-6
y+2 l-y y +y-2
t+3 21+6 0, t*-3andt*2
Sy+4 2y+3 2i-17 0, y*-2andy*1 :.2+ t-2 + (t+3)(t-2)
:. y+2 - y-l (y+2)(y-l)
:. 2(t +3)(t-2)+(t +3)2 + 21 + 6 = 0
:. (Sy+4)(y-l)-(2y+3)(y+2)-(2i -17) = 0
:. 2t2 +2t-12+t 2 +6t+9+2t+6 =0
:. si - y-4-(2i +7y+6)-2i +17 = 0 :.3t 2 +lOt+3=0
:.3i-y+13-2i -7y-6=0 :.(3t+l)(t+3)=0
:.i-Sy+7=0 :.t=-~ (t*-3)
:.y=7 (y*l)
Exercise 3 is on page 258
Exerclse 4: Exercise 4 is on page 259

2 4
a) (x2-xt -IS(x -x)+72=0 c) x2-3x+4=---
x 2 -3x
Letk=x2 -x let k=x 2 -3x
:.k 2 -1Sk+72=0 ... k+4=_i
k' k*0(x*Oandx*3)
:. (k-12)(k-6) =0
:. k = 12 or k = 6
:.(k+2)2 =0
:. x 2 -x=12 or x 2 -x = 6
:.k =-2
:.x2 -x-12=0 or x 2 -x-6=0
:.x2 -3x=-2
:.(x-4)(x+3)=0 or (x-3)(x+2)=0
. x=4 or x=-3 or x=3 or x=-2 :.x2 -3x+2=0
:.(x-2)(x-l) =0
:.x=2 or x=1
b) (x2+3xt -S(~+3x)-20=0
d) (l+2qt -2(l+2q)-3=0
Let k=x2+3x
Let k=l+2q
:.k 2 -Sk-20=0
:.k 2 -2k-3=0
:. (k-lO)(k+2) =0
:. k = 10 or k =-2
:.k=3 or k=-1
:.x2 +3x=10 or x 2 +3x=-2
:.l+2q=3 or q2+ 2q =-1
:.x2 +3x-IO=0 or x2+3x+2=0
:.l+2q-3=0 or l+2q+l=0
:.(x+5)(x-2) =0 or (x+2)(x+l)=0
:.(q+3)(q-l)=0 or (q+l)(q+l)=O
:.x=-5 or x=2 or x=-2 or x=-1
:.q=-3 or q=1 or q=-1

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 267

e) p2 +5p +5 = 12 f) (x2-xt -Sx2+Sx+12=0
2 p2+5p
let k=p2+5p :.(x2 -xt -s(2 -x)+12=0
k 12 let k=2-x
:.-+5=--, k .. 0(p .. Oandp .. -5)
2 k
2 :.k 2 -Sk+12=0
:.k +lOk+24=0
:. (k+4)(k+6) =0
:.k=6 or k=2
:.k=-4 or k=-{j
:.x2 -x=6 or x2-x=2
:.p2+ 5p =-4 or p2+ 5p =-6
:.x2 -x-6=0 or x 2 -x-2=0
:.p2+ 5p +4 =0 or p2+ 5p +6 =0
:. (x-3)(x+2) = 0 or (x-2)(x+l) =0
:.(p+l)(p+4)=0 or (p+2)(p+3)=0
:.x=3 or x=-2 or x=2 or x=-1
:.p=-l or p=-4 or p=-2 or p=-3
Exercise 4 is on page 259
Quadratic Surd Equations
5: Exercise 5 is on page 259

0) ..Ix+x=O e) x-4=.J56-5x
: . ..Ix =-x :. x 2 -Sx+16 =56-5x
:.x=x2 :.x2 -3x-40=0
:.x2 -x=O :. (x-S)(x+5) =0
:.x(x-l)=O :.x=S (x .. -5)
:.x=O (x .. 1)
f) x-7=.J2x+l
b) x = .Jx+6 :. x 2 -14x+49 = 2x+l
:.x2 =x+6 :.x2 -16x+4S=0
:.x2 -x-6=0 :. (x-12)(x-4) = 0
:.(x-3)(x+2)=0 :.x=12 (x .. 4)
:.x=3 (x .. -2)
g) .J22-7x-x=-4
c) 2x-.J32-Sx =0 : . .J22-7x=x-4
:. 2x = .J32-Sx :. 22-7x= x 2 -Sx+16
:.4x2 = 32-Sx :.x2 -x-6=0
:. 4x2 +Sx-32= 0 :. (x-3)(x+2) = 0
:. x 2 +2x-S = 0 :. No solution on checking
:. (x-2)(x+4) =0
:.x=2 (x .. -4) b) ~-3=2x-9
d) x+ 2 = .J9x+ IS :.16(x-3) = 42 -24x+36
:.x2 +4x+4=9x+1S :.16x-4S=42 -24x+36
:.x2 -5x-14=0 :.4x2 -40x+S4=0
:. (x-7)(x+2) =0 :. x 2 -lOx+ 21 = 0
:.x=7 or x=-2 :.(x-7)(x-3)=0
:.x=7 orx=3

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 268

I) "x-5 _1=_6_ k) "12+x =...Ix +3
"x-5 :.12+x=x+6.../x+9
Let k = "x-5
:. 3=6.../x
:. k-l=i (k>0) :. !..=...Ix
:. k 2 -k-6=0 1
:. X=-
:. (k-3)(k+2) =0 4
:. k = 3 or k =-2
:."x-5 =3 or "x-5 =-2--7 no solution I) 2"4-x = 2...1x-4
:. x-5 =9 :.4(4-x) = 4x-I6.../x+16
:. x=14
:.16-4x-4x-16 =-I6.../x
: . -8x = -16.../x
j) "2x - l ~ -2
2x-l :.64~ =256x
Letk ="2x-l :.64~-256x=0
:. k-i= - 2, (k>0) :.x2 -4x=0
:. x(x-4)=0
:. k 2 +2k-3=0
:. x=4 (x .. O)
:. (k-l)(k+3)=0
:. k=1 or k=-3
:."2x-l=1 or "2x-l=-3--7N/A
: . 2x-I=1
Exercise:; is OD page 259

Exponential Equations
Eurdse6: Ex~i~ f! i~ Q!! RI&!i 252
a) T20. = 72- 3<1 e) 52>-4 = 1 b) 9"'-3'=6
:. -2a=2 - 3a :. 52, -4 =SJ :.32, _3' -6=0
:. a=2 :. 2x-4=0 Let k =3'
2m :. 2.< = 4
b) 23m.2-m = 2- :.k2 - k-6=0
: . .<=2
:. 23m- m = 2-2m :. (k-3)(k+2)=0
:. 3m-m = -2m f) 32>-4 = X :.k = 3 or k=-2
:. m=O :.32, -4 = 3- 2 :.3' =31 or 3' =-2
:. 2x-4= - 2 :.x=1 (3, .. -2)
c) r 3'.5' =!..
5 :. 2x=2
: . r 2, =r1 : . .<=1 i) 32'+1_ 28.3' =-9
:. -2x=-1 : .3.32, -28.3' +9 = 0
g) 4' _2x+2 = 0
:. x= li :. 22, - 2'.22 = 0 Let k =3'

81 3y+2 :.3k 2 -28k+9=0

4 Letk=2'
d) - - = y 3 :. (3k-l)(k-9) =0
243- :. k 2 -4k = 0
(3 4 t +2 :. k(k-4) = 0 :. k=- or k=9
.. 34 : . k=O or k=4 , 1
(35 ) y : .3 =- or 3' =9
:.2' =0 or 2' =2 2 3
:.312y+8+5y = 34 :.3'=r1 or 3'=32
:.x=2 (2' .. 0)
:. 17y+8=4 :.x=-1 or x=2
:· y=-X7

C Copyright Kevin Smith I Bedat Books CC Table of Contents 269

Simultaneous Equations
Exercise 7: Exercise 7 is on page 259
a) y+6x = 4 --7 ill d) 2x-3y = 2 --7 ill
2y = 5x -22x+8--7l11 x 2 -2l =8--7l11
from ill: y = --{)x+4--71] from 11I: x = 3y+2 --71]
I] into 11I:
I] into ill:
:. 2( --{)x+4) = 5x2 -22x+8
:. -12x+8 = 5x2 -22x+8 :.(3Y
;2r -2l=8
:.5x2 -IOx=O
.. 9l+12y+4 2l=8
:.5x(x-2)=O 4
:.x=O or x=2--71i1 :.9l +12y+4-8l-32=O
iii into 1]: :.l+12y-28=O
:.y=4 or y=-8 :.(y-2)(y+14)=O
:. x= 0 andy = 4 or x= 2 andy =-8
:.y=2 or y=-14--71i1

b) 2x-y=8--7ill
iii into 1]:
:.x=4 or x=-20
y = x 2 +4x-23--7l11 :.x=4andy=2 or x=-20andy=-14
from ill: y = 2x-8--71]
I] into 11I: e) y-2=2(x-l)2--7ill
:. 2x-8 = x 2 +4x-23 y-x=2--7l11
:.x2 +2x-15=O from ill: y = x+2--71]
:. (x-3)(x+5) = 0 I] into 11I:
:.x=3 or x=-5--71i1 :. (x+2)-2= 2(x-I)2
iii into 1]: :. x+2-2 = 2(~ -2x+l)
:.y=-2 or y=-18
:.x=3andy=-2 or x=-5andy=-18 :.x=2x2_4x+2
:.2x2 -5x+2=O
c) y+x=6--7ill :. (x-2)(2x-l) = 0
x + l = 36--7l11 :.x=2 or x= ~--71i1
from ill:x= 6- Y--7I] iii into 1]:
I] into 11I: :.y=4 or y=%
:.(6-y)2+l =36
:.x=2andy=4 or x= ~ andy=%
:.y=O or y=6--71i1
iii into 1]:
:.x=6 or x=O
:.x=6andy=O or x=Oandy=6

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 270

f) y-x = -6--7ill i) 5x - 2y- 1 = 1--7ill
22 +5xy = -2l--71l1 x 2 +2xy-2x-4y = 0--71l1
from ill: y= x-6 --7 rn from ill : 5x- 2y- 1 = 5°
rn into Ill: :.x-2y-1=0
:. 2x2 +5x(x-6) = -2(x-6)2 :.x=2y+1--7rn

:. 2x2 +52 -30x = _2(x2 -12x+36) rn into Ill:

:. (2y+1)2 +2(2y+1) y-2(2y+1)-4y = 0
:. 7x 2 -30x = _2x2 + 24x-72
:. 4l +4y+1+4l +2y-4y-2-4y = 0
:.9x2 -54x+72=0
:. x 2 -6x+S = 0
:. (2y-1)(4y+ 1) = 0
:. (x-4)(x-2) = 0
:.x=4 or x=2--71i1
:. y =.x or y = - y.;: --7 iii
iii into rn: iii into rn:
:.y=-2 or y=-4 :.x=2 or x=.x
:.x=4 andy =-2 or x=2 andy =-4 :.x=2andy= Yz or X= Yz andy=-y.;:
g) y-x=5--7ill
j) (x+5)2 +(y_3)2 = 49--7ill
xy-3y = Sx-20--71l1
y+x =-9--71l1
from ill: y = x+5--7rn
rn into Ill: from Ill: y = -x-9 --7 rn
:. x(x+5)-3(x+5) = Sx-20
rn into ill:
:. (x+5)2 +(-x-9-3)2 = 49
:. x 2 +5x-3x-15 =Sx-20
:. x 2 -6x+5 = 0 :. (x+5)2 +(-x-12)2 = 49
:.(x-5)(x-1)=0 :. x 2 +10x+25+2 +24x+144-49 = 0
:.x=5 or x=1--71i1 :.2x2 +34x+120=0
iii into rn: :.x2 +17x+60=0
:.y=10 or y=6 :. (x+5)(x+12) =0
:.x=5 andy =10 or x=1 andy =6 :.x=-5 or x=-12--71i1

h) 2x +y = 256 --7 ill

iii into rn:
:.y=-4 or y=3
xy+3x+2y = 36--71l1 :. x= -5 andy =-4 or x = -12 andy = 3
from ill: 2x + y = 256
:.2x+y =28
rn into Ill:
:. x(S-x)+3x+2(S-x) = 36
:.Sx-x2 +3x+16-2x=36
:. x 2 -9x+20 = 0
:. (x-5)(x-4) = 0
:.x=5 or x=4--71i1
iii into rn:
:.y=3 or y=4
:.x=5andy=3 or x=4andy=4

Exercise 7 is on page 259

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 271

2) The solutions to simultaneous equations represents the points of intersections of the two graphs. Therefore,
the solution to the equations are the x and y-values of intersection.
:.x=-3 and y=O or x=O and y=-24.
:. Points of intersection are (-3;0) and (0;-24)
Exercise 7 is on nage 252
Completing the square
Exercise 8: Ex~i§~ 8 iii Qn 12a~ 260
a) y=x2 +6x-8 f) y=-3x2 -6x+12
:. y =[ x 2 +6x+(3)2]_(3)2_ 8 :. Y=-3[ x 2 +2x-4]

:.y=(x+3)2_ 17 :. y = -3[ (x 2 + 2x+(1)2 )_(1)2 -4]

:. y =_3[(X+I)2 -5]
b) y=x2-4x+9
:. y =_3(x+I)2 +15
:. y =[ x 2 -4x+(-2)2]_( _2)2 +9

:. y = (x_2)2 +5
g) y=-2~-3x+5

c) y=x2-12x+2
:. y =-2[ ~ +%x-%J
:. y = [x2 -12x+( --<i)2 ]-(--<i)2 + 2

:. y = (x_6)2 -34
:. y =-2[( x
+%x+(~rJ-(~r -%]
d) y=x2-8x
:.Y=-2[(X+~r -::J
:. y =[ x 2 _8x+(_4)2]_(_4)2
:.Y=-2(X+~r +~
:.y=(x-4)2_ 16
h) y=3x +lOx-2
e) y=2x2 -4x+6
:.Y=2[x -2X+3]
:. y =3[ x + I~ x-~J
:. y = 2[( x 2 -2x+ (_1)2 )_(_1)2 +3] :.Y=3[(x2+1~x+e~rJ-e~r -~]
:.y=2[(x-I)2+ 2]

:.y=3[(x+l~r _~IJ
:.y=3(x+l~r _331
a) x 2 -6x-5 =0 b) x 2 +2x-7 =0
:.x2 -6x=5 :.x2 +2x=7
:. x 2 -6x+(-3)2 =5+(_3)2 :.x2 +2x+(1)2 =7+(1)2
:. (x_3)2 =14 :.(x+I)2 =8
:.x-3=±.J14 :.x+I=±v'8
:.x=3±.J14 :.x=-1±2..[2

© copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 272

c) 2x2 +3x-8=0
:. 2x2 +3x = 8


:.X2+~X+(~r =4+(~r
3 .J'i3
4 - 4

d) -5x2+15x+l=0
:. -5x2 +15x =-1
2 1
:.x -3x=-

:.X2-3X+(-~r =~+(-~r
·+-~r =~~
:.X-~=± Jw
3 7

e) x2+2bx+3c=0
:.x2 +2bx = -3c
:.x2 + 2bx+ (b)2 = _3c+(b)2
:.(x+b)2 =-3c+b 2 2a

:.x+b=rJb 2 -3c 3(-b±J8a+b2 )

... x = --"----,----'-
:.x=-b±Jb2 -3c
Exercise 8 is on page 260
Applications of Completing the Square
Exercise 9: Exercise 9 is on page 260

a) x 2 -2x-1O c) x2-12x+40

= [x2 -2x+(-1)2J-(-1)2_ 1O = [x2 -12x+( -{j)2 J-(-{j)2 +40

=(x-l)2_ 11 = (x_6)2 +4
:. Mllrimum value of -11 :. Minimum value of 4

b) _x 2 -8x+3 d) _2x2_12x+1O
= -[ x +8x-3 ] =-2[~+6x-5J
= _[(x2 +8x+(4)2)_(4)2 -3] =-2[(x2 +6X+(3)2)_(3)2 -5]
=-(x+4)2+19 =-2(x+3)2 +28
:. Maxlinum value of 19 :. Maximum value of 28

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 273

The Quadratic Formula and Nature of Roots
Exercise 10: Exercise 10 is on page 260

_5±~(5)2 -4(4)( -3) -5±.J'i3 -(-4)±k4 -4(-3)(5) 2±.J19

a) x c) x
2(4) 8 2(-3) 3
:.x=0,4 or x=-1,7 :.x=0,8 or x=-2,1

-(-3)±~(-3)2 -4(7)(-2) 3±F65 -H)±~H)2 -4(2)(-12) 3±.J33

b) x 2(7) 14 d) x 2(2) 2
:.x=0,8 or x=-{),4 :.x=4,4 or x=-1,4

2) x=2,5 or x=~ or x=-2 or x=2 or x=-../3

8) x=2 or x=-2 c) x=-../3
b) x=2,5 or x=-2 or x=2 or x=-.J3 d) x=~

3) 2x2 (x-2)+5x(x-2)-5(x-2) = 0

:. (x-2)(2x 2 +5x-5) =0
-5 ± ~r:52-_-4(-2)-(--5) -5±F65
:.x=2 or x= 2(2) 4

8) x=2 -5±F65
b) x=---'--

a) A=(-6)2_ 4(14)(8)=-412 c) A=(40)2_ 4(50)(8)=0
:. Roots are non-real. :. Roots are real and equal.

b) A = (15)2 -4(9)(3) = 117 d) A=(-1O)2_ 4 (-25)(-I)=0

:. Roots real, unequal and rational. :. Roots are real and equal.

Exercise 11: Exercise 11 is on page 260 and 261
8) x2-4:1:0 c) x2 -3x-IOS0
:. (x-2)(x+2):1: 0 :. (x+2)(x-5) S 0
:.CV: x=±2
E + ,
• .
, + )
:.CV: x=-2 or x=5

E + •,
+ )

:.xS-2 or x:1:2 :.-2SxS5

also written asXE (-=;-2] or [2;00) also written as XE [-2;5]

b) x 2 -x-6>0 d) x 2 +9x+18 S 0
:. (x+2)(x-3) > 0 :. (x+6)(x+3) S 0
:.CV: x=-2 or x=3 :.CV: x=-6 or x=-3
E I) o .. • •I
E + , , + ) E + I + )
-2 3 -{j -3
:.x<-2 or x>3 :. -{j S x S-3
also written asXE (-=;-2) or (3;00) also written as x E [-{j; - 3]

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 274

e) -x2+2x+1S<0 i) (x-2)(x+1) no
... ~-2x-1S>0 x-4
... (x+3)(x-S) > 0 >0
... CV: x=-3 or x=S 2
E 0 0 ) .. x -3x+6 >0
( + I I + ) x-4
-3 S
:.CV: x=4
... x<-3 or x>S
also written asXE (~;-3) or (S;~) ( + )
(x-3)(x+2) :.x>4
f) <0
x-8 also written as XE (4;~)
... CV: x=3 or x=-2 or x=8
E ,+,.1---00, +) j)
(x_2)2 (x+S)
-2 3 8
:.CV: x=-S or x=-1 or x=2
:.xS-2 or 3Sx<8
1)00- - - 0 0 0
alsowrittenasxE(~;-2] or [3;8) (+11+1+)
-s -1 2
g) (x-3) +IS0 :.-s < x<-1
x+2 also written as XE (-S;-I)
:. x-3+x+2<0
x+2 (x-l)2(X-S)
k) >0
:.2x- 1 S0 x+S
x+2 :.CV: x=±5 or x=1
... CV: x=-2 or x= li E
( +
, -
, -
o 1
-s 1 s
( + , , + )
-2 O.s :.x<-s or x>S
:.-2<xS li also written asXE (-~;-S) or (S;~)

also written as XE (-2; liJ I)

x +Sx+ll+ 1 ;:o:O
h) (x+l)(x-3) >1
.. x2+Sx+ll+x-2 >0
x-S x-2
.. x -2x-3 1;:0:0 2
.. x +6x+9;:o:O
x-S x-2
x -2x-3-x+S
•. -=---....::::.--=:-....::...:-=.;:o: 0 (x+3)2
x-S :. >0
.. x -3x+2 >0 :.CV: x=-3 or x=2
(x-2)(x-l) (
•I o
, + )

... >0 -3 2
:.CV: x=1 or x=2 or x=S
• • CI )I
also written as XE (2;~) or x=-3
(- , + , - , +)
1 2 S
:.ISxS2 or x>S
also written as XE [1;2] or (S;~)

a) x=2S c) pE Ii
b) aE Ii, a,.-3 d) No Solution

Exercise 11 is on page 260 and 261

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 275

+ – + + – +

+ + – +
–10 –2 6
+ – +
–2 6

Exercise 11 is on page 260 and 261

Exercise 12 is on page 261

Table of Contents 276

Price I Number of kilogram bought I Price per kilogram I Total Cost
Original - x 60

After increase -60- x+S 60


60 _~ = 2 -7 2 kilograms less were bought for the same price

x x+S
:. 6O(x+S)-60x = 2x(x+S)
:. 6Ox+300-60x = 2~ + lOx
:. 2x2 +lOx-300 = 0
:.x2 +Sx-ISO=0
:. (x-lO)(x+IS) =0
:.x=1O or x=-IS-7N/A
:. She purchased 6 kilograms at RIO per kilogram.

Situation I Number of muffins I Price per muflin I Total Cost
Baked x - 2S0
Sold x-2 -- 624

--- = S -7 Sellin·
2S0 .
gpnce-costpnce= S
x-2 x
:. 624x-2S0(x-2) =Sx(x-2)
:. 624x-2S0x+SOO= Sx2 -16x
:. Sx2 -390x-SOO = 0
:. 4x2 -19Sx-2S0 = 0
:. (x-SO)(4x+S) =0
:.x=SO or x=-% -7N/A
:. The cost to make each muffin was SO = RS per muffin.

Type of Ribbon Number of metres Cost per metre Total Cost
Blue - x SO
Gold - x+l 90

SO _...2Q... = 10 -710 metres more of blue ribbon is bought than of gold

x x+l
:. SO(x+l)-90x =IOx(x+I)
:. SOx+SO-90x=lOx2 + lOx
:.lOx2 + 20x-SO = 0
:.x2 +2x-S=0
:. (x-2)(x+4) =0
:.x=2 or x=-4-7N/A
:. 40m of blue ribbon was bought at a cost of R2Im and 30m of gold ribbon was bought at a cost ofR3/m.

Exercise 12 is on page 261

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 277

Exercise 13: Exercise 13 is on page 261
Situation I Speed I Distance I Time

Original Speed x 100 -100


Increased Speed x+5 100 -100

- - -100
- = 1 --7 Longertime-
. shortertime=timesav
. . ed
x x+5
:.100(x+5)-100x = x(x+5)
:.100x+500-100x =,? +5x
:.x2 +5x-500=0
:. (x-W)(x+25) =0
:.x=20 or x=-25--7N/A
:. He cycled at 20 kmIh in the race.

Situation I Speed I Distance I Time
To emergency x 30 -

Return Journey x-30 30 -30-


-30 - - 30
- ; ; ; -5 --+ tIme
. sayedhas to he'In hours as speed'1S m
. kilometres per h our
x-30 x 60
:. 30( 60)x-30( 6O)(x-30) = 5x(x-30)
:.1800x-1800x+ 54000 = 5x2 -150x
:. 5x2 -150x-54000=0
:. x 2 -30x-10800 = 0
:. (x-1W)(x+90) = 0
:.x=120 or x=-90--7N/A
.'. He drove to the emergency at 1W kmIh.

Situation I Speed I Distance I Time
Part One 2,5x 20 --
Part Two x 12 -

~ + 12 = 5 --7 total time taken was 5 hours

2,5x x
:.20+ 12(2,5) = 5(2,5x)
:.50 = 12,5x

:. Part 1 took 2 hours (~)

and Part 2 took 3 hours (12).

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 278

Situation I Speed I Distance I Time
To School 40 x -
Return Journey 60 x -
x+x total distance
Average speed --+ c:.::..:::=-::==-=-
x x total time
40 60
= 2x+ ( 6O~Ox )
Exercise 13 is on page 261

Exercise 14: Exercise 14 is on page 261

1) 2x+2y=IO--+ill 3) Areaborder = Areaboard - Areapicture
xy=6--+~ :. (S+2x)(3+2x)-(S)(3) =48
From ill: x=S-y--+rn :.IS+16x+4x2 -IS = 48
rn into ~ :. 4x2 +16x-48 = 0
:.(S-y)y=6 :.x2 +4x-12=0
:.Sy-l=6 :. (x-2)(x+6) =0
:.l-Sy+6=0 :.x=2 or x=-6--+N/A
:.(y-3)(y-2)=0 :. The horder is 2cm in width.

:.y=3 or y=2--+~
~ into rn:
:.x=2 or x=3 ~ 3cm t+
:. The dimensions are 3cmx2cm ~x

2) xy=40--+ill
(x+3)(y+2) =80 --+ ~
From ill: x=~--+rn

rn into ~
:.(~ +3)(y+2)=80
:.40+8~ +3y+6=80
:.40y+80+3l +6y=80y
:. (y-8)(3y-IO) = 0
:.y=8 or y=I%--+~
~ into rn:
:.x=S or x=12
:. The dimensions are 8mxSm or 1% mxl2m

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 279

Exercise 15: Exercise 15 is on page 262
1) -+-=- 4) - + - = -
8 4 x x x+3 20
:.x+2x=8 3
:.3x=8 I I 3
:. x = %hours working together. x x+3 20
:. 2O(x+3)+20x = 3x(x+3)
2) -+-=-
I I :. 2Ox+60+20x = 3x2 +9x
3 6 x
:.3x2 -3Ix-60=0
:. (x-12)(3x+5) =0
:. x = 2 hours operating together.
:.x=12 or x=--~N/A
I I I :. The faster machine takes 12 hours on its own.
3) - + - - = -
x x-60 40
:. 40(x-60)+40x = x(x-60)
:. 40x-2400+40x = x 2 -60x
:. x 2 -140x+2400 =0
:. (x-120)(x-20) = 0
:.x=120 or x=20~N/A
:. It would take 120 days using the smaller engine only.

Mixed Exercise: The Mixed Exercise is on pages 262 and 263

16(x+ 2)_x2 (x+2)
(x+2)(x+4) x-y y-x

= '--:--:7:---:-'-
_(4-x)~ =
- ~

a 12 6
d) - + - - - -
a-I l-a 2 a+1
b) _5_+2x+I+_I_ a 12 6
3x-3 l-x 2 2x+2
a-I (a-l)(a+l) a+1
= 5 2x+1 +~~
a(a+ I) -12-6(a-l)
3(x-l) (x-l)(x+l) 2(x+l)
5(2)(x+ I) -6(2x+ I) + 3(x-l)
a +a-12-6a+6
6(x-l)(x+l) =
IOx+1O-12x-6+3x-3 (a-l)(a+l)
6(x-l)(x+l) a2 -5a-6
x+1 (a-l)(a+l)
= -=-6('-x"'::-I'"'")7-(x-+-:7
I (a-I)~

© copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 280

2x+2 4-8x
e) 2' 2
l-x-2x 4r -4x+l
2(x+l) (2x-l)(2x-l)
= x
-(2X2 +x-l) 4(1-2x)

2~ x ~~
-~~ --4~ p+l

a) 2(x2+6)+llx=0 2 35
e) r+6x 2
x +6x
:. 2x2 + llx+ 12 = 0
Letk =,?- +6x, x;tO andx;t-6
:. (2x+3)(x+4) = 0
:. k- 3 %= 2
:.x=-% or x=--4
:.k2 -2k-35=0
b) (x-2)('?--5)(x +9)=0
:.k=7 or k=-5
:.x=2 or '?-=5 or x 2 =-9-+N/A :.x2 +6x-7=0 or x2+6x+5=0
:.x=2 or x=±.J5 :.(x-l)(x+7)=0 or (x+l)(x+5)=0
:.x=1 or x=-7 or x=-1 or x=-5
6 3x 2x
c) ----=--+x;t±1
x+l l_x2 x-I x 1 2
f) --=-----+x;t2andx;t3
. _6_+ 3x 2x =0 x-2 x-3 2-x
.. x+l (x-l)(x+l) x-I x 1 2
x-2 x-3 x-2
:. 6(x-l)+3x-2x(x+l) =0
x 1 2
:. 6x-6+3x-2x 2 -2x=0 x-2 x-3 x-2
:.2x2 -7x+6=0 :. x(x-3)-I(x-2)-2(x-3) =0
:. (2x-3)(x-2) = 0 :.'?- -3x-x+2-2x+6= 0
:.x=% or x=2 :.x2 -6x+8=0
2 2 :.x=4 (x;t2)
d) (x -5x+2j' -(x -5x)=8

Letk=x2 -5x
g) (x2+4)(x-l);;>:0
:.(k+2)2- k - 8 =0
:.CV: x=1
:.k 2 +4k+4-k-8=0 • +
:.k 2 +3k-4=0 E

:.(k+4)(k-l)=0 :. x;;>: 1
:.k=--4 or k=1 also written as XE [1;~)

:.x2 -5x+4=0 or x 2 -5x-l=0

5±.fi9 b) '?--2x+nO
:.(x-4)(x-l) =0 or x 2
:. [,?- -2x+( _1)2 J-(-1)2 + 7;;>: 0
:.x=4 or x=1 or x :.(x-l)2+ 6 ;;>:0
:. XE IR

The Mixed Exercise is on pages 262 and 263

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 281

2 2
( x +1)(3-2x) j) 2x +3x-2,;; 0
i) <0 3x
:.CV: x= % or x=-X :.
,;; 0

E o
:.CV: x= X
or x=-2 or x=O
.E-_o -_0
-.% E ,+,
, +)

:.x<-.% or x~ % -2 0 X
also written as x E ( --; - X) or [%; 00 )
:.x';;-2 or O<x';; ~

also written asXE (--;-2] or (O;~J

a) 1-2x+'/5x-1 =0 b) x+5 = '/3-3x
:.1-2x=-J5x-1 :. x 2 +lOx+25 =3-3x
:.1-4x+4x2 =5x-1 :.x2 +13x+22=0
:.4x2-9x+2=0 :.(x+2)(x+ll) =0
:.(x-2)(4x-1) =0 :.x=-2 (x;t-ll)

:.x=2 (x;t~)

a) x-2y=-1-7ill b) 2 y - 3x = )(6 -7 ill
x 2 -xy+l=7-71l1 x2 +xy=24-71l1
fromill: x= 2y-1-7 m from ill: 2 y - 3x = 2-4
minto Ill: :.y-3x=-4
(2y-1)2_(2y-1)y+l =7 :.y=3x-4-7m
:.4l-4y+1-2l + y+ l =7 minto Ill:
:.3l-3y-6=0 x2 +x(3x-4) = 24
:.(y-2)(y+1)=0 :.x2 +3x2 -4x=24
:.y=2 or y=-1-7~ :. 4x2 -4x-24 = 0
~ into m: :.(x+2)(x-3)=0
:.x=3 or x=-3 :.x=-2 or x=3-7~
:.x=3andy=2 or x=-3andy=-1
~ into m:
:.y=-l0 or y=5
:.x=-2andy=-10 or x=3andy=5

a) -3x2_7x+12=0 c) 4x2+7x+2=0
_( -7) ± ~r(_-7)-::-2--4-(--3)-(1-2) -7 ± ~r(7--::-)2--4-(4-)(-2)
:.X 2(-3) :.X 2(4)
:.x=1,1 or x=-3,5 :.x=-1,4 or x=-{),4

b) 3x2+5x+1=0 d) 8x2 +3x-2=0

-5 ± J'(5--::-)2--4-(3-)(-1) -3 ±~'(3-;;)2-_-4(-8)-(--2)
:. x 2(3) :. x 2(8)
:.x=-0,2 or x=-1,4 :.x=0,3 or x=-0,7
The Mixed Exercise is on pages 262 and 263
© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 282
a} x 2 -2x C) 2
2 ~ max when denormnator
. . .
IS a mm
x -6x+1O
=[ x 2 -2x+(-1)2J-(-1)2
.'. complete the square on: x 2 - 6x +10
=(x-l)2_ 1
= [x2 -6x+( -3)2J-(-3)2 +10
.'. minimum value of -1.
=(x_3)2+ 1
b) -2x2 +12x-17
.'. maximum value of ~ = 2.
=-2[ x -6x+ 1 Yz] I

=-2[ x 2 -6x+(-3)2 _(_3)2 +IYzJ d) 2 6 . when denOmInator

-7 mm . . a max
-x +8x-13
=-2[(x-3)2 - XJ .'. complete the square on: - x 2 + 8x-13

=-2(x-3)2 +1 =-[x2 -8x+13]

.'. maximum value of 1.
=-[ x2 -8x+(-4)2 _(-4)2 +13J
=_[(X_4)2 -3 J
=_(x_4)2 +3

.'. minimum value of ~ = 2.

a} 2x >0 b} 2x <0
(x+3)(x-2) (x+3)(x-2)
CV:x=-3 or x=O or x=2 CV:x=-3 or x=O or x=2
o • D )i ~E'----oo C)o--oo
, + , I +) E ,+, , +)
-3 0 2 -3 0 2
.'.-3<xSO or x>2 .'.x<-3 or 0<x<2
alsowrittenasxE (-3;0] or (2;00) also written aSXE (-00;-3) or (0;2)

c) x=-3 or x=2

8} To be a perfect square (25-6Y = 5k + 6

.'. k 2 -5k-6 = 0
.'.(k-6)(k+l) =0
The Mixed Exercise is on pages 262 and 263
Situation I Price per litre I Number of Iitres I Total Cost (in cents)
Before increase x -- 5280
After increase x+5 -- 5280
5280 5280 .
- - - - - = 1 -71 litre less can be purchased
x x+5
.'. 5280(x+5)-5280x = x(x+5)
.'. x 2 +5x-26400=0
.'. (x-I60)(x+165) =0
.'.x=160 or x=-165-7N/A
.'. The current price is Rl,60 per litre.

The Mixed Exercise is on pages 262 and 263

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 283

Cyclist I Speed I Distance I TIme
Sipho x 33 -
Jane x-I 33 -
33 33 1 8 .
he'm hours
x-I x 60
:. 33( 6O}(x)-33( 60)(x-l) = 18x(x-l)
:.1980x-1980x+ 1980 = 18x2 -18x
:.18x2 -18x-1980=0
:.x2 -x-llO=0
:. (x-ll}(x+ 10) = 0
:.x=ll or x=-IO--+N/A
:. Sipho cycles at IlkmIh.

The Mixed Exercise is on pageS 262 and 263

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 284

Chapter 3- Number Patterns
Arithmetic (Linear) Number Patterns
Exercise 1: For each of the sequences below: Back to Theory Exercise 1 solutions are on page 287
a) Write down the next 3 terms in the sequence.
b) Determine a formula for the n'" term of the sequence.
c) Hence, determine the 50'" term in each sequence.

1) -4;-2;0; ... 3) 29 ;21;13; ... .19.9.

5) 5'4'2""
2.4 . . 32.34. .
2) 2;5;8; ... 4) "3'3",2, ... 6) 3'3,12, ...

Exercise 2: Back to Theory Exercise 2 solutions are on page 287

1) Given the number pattern 12; 6; 0; ... determine:
a) A formula for the nO. term in the sequence. b) Which term of the sequence will he -72.
2) Angie is planning a party and ealculates that it will cost her R440 for decorations. She also works out
that in order to cater for her guests it will cost R15 per person. You may assume that at least one
person will attend the party.
a) Determine a general formula that Angie can use to calculate the cost of having n people at her party.
b) How much would Angie have to spend to have 35 people at her party?
c) If Angie can afford to spend R1180, how many people can she have at her party?
3) A Supermarket makes a display of tinned peas by stacking the tins in rows on top of each other.
There are 22 tins in the 14'" row from the bottom and 49 tins in the 5'" row from the bottom. The
number of tins in each row form an arithmetic sequence.
a) Determine a formula for the number of tins in any row of the display.
b) Which row will have 10 tins of peas in it?

Quadratic Number Patterns

Exercise 3: For each of the quadratic sequences below: Back to Theory Exercise 2 solutions are on page 288
a) Determine a formula for the n'" term of the sequence.
b) Hence, determine the 25'" term in each sequence.

1) 7;16;29;46; ... 3) 4;10;18;28; ... 5) -3 ;13; 53; 117; ...

5 67
2) 1;18;41;70; ... 4) 2;14;2";61; ...

Mixed Exercise: Back to Theory The Mixed Exercise solutions are 00 pages 289, 290 aod 291

1) The following pattern is formed using matebsticks. Determine the number of matehsticks that will
be in the 30'" pattern of the sequence.

3 7 11 15
2) A pattern is formed from black and grey tiles as shown below. Determine the tiles that will be
required for the IS'" figure of the sequence.

•••••• ••
• ••• •••
•Figure 1
• Figure 2 Figure 3

Figure 4

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 285

3) A triangular pattern is formed from a single dot by adding a row of dots to each subsequent triangle
as sbown below. Determine which figure would contain 28 dots. •

• ••
• •• •••

Figure 1
Figure 2
••• Figure 3
•••• Figure 4

4) Determine tbe 12" term of tbe foDowing sequences: (hint: the sequence may not b.linear or quadratic)
a) 1;4;9;16;25... b) 1;8;27;64;125 ...

5) Determine tbe sum of tbe 20th row in tbe figure below.

6) Given tbe sequence 575; 528 ; 483; 440;... determine:

a) A formula for the nth term of the sequence.
b) Which terrn/s of the sequence would have a value of zero?
c) The term that has the lowest value in the sequence.

7) Given that tbe sequence x; 16 ; 32; 54 ; Y ; 116; 156 ; Z; ... is quadratic, determine:
a) The values of x , y and z. b) A formula for the nth term of the sequence.

8) Htbe 81b, 9" and 10th terms ofa quadratic sequence are -15;-8;1, find a formula for tbe nib term.

9) Anne decides to build honeycombs out of stacks of glued ice-cream sticks for a biology project. The
pattern sbows tbe formation of tbe honeycombs. Each waD contains 10 ice-cream sticks glued
togetber. Complete tbe table below and determine a formula for tbe number of ice-cream sticks
required for tbe nth step 8S weD 8S tbe number of honeycombs in tbe nth step.

Step I Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

• 1 2 3 4 5
~ ______~I------t_-----------+------------_r-----I7.0~----t_----------_+
. ._____6~__~__________L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ L_ _ _ _4~2~__~__________"
10) The diagrams below sbows tbe formation of a card tower.

8) Determine the values of x and y in the table above.

b) A deck of playing cards contains 54 cards, how many storeys can be built with a single deck?
c) If each playing card is 9cm in length and the tower forms equilateral triangles, determine the maximum
height of a tower formed by a single deck of cards.
The Mixed EXercise solutions are on pages 289 290 and 291 Back to Theory

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlut Books CC Table of Contents 286

Chapter 3- Number Patterns (Memo)
Arithmetic (Linear) Number Patterns
Exercise 1: Exercise 1 is on page 285
ta) 2;4;6 Sa) 1;%;4; 1%
b) T. =-4+{n-l)(2)
b) T,. =5+{n-l)(-.x)
c) T,o =-4+(49)(2) =94

2a) 11; 14 ;17

c) Tso =5+(49)(-.x) =_2%
b) T. =2+{n-l)(3)
00) 3%;~; 14
c) Tso = 2+(49)(3) =149
b) T,. =3% +(n-I)(%)
30) 5;-3;-11
b) T. = 29+{n-l)(-8) c) T,o =3% +(49)(%) =13%

c) T,o = 29+(49){-8) =-363

44) %;1%;4

b) T. = %+(n-l)(%)
c) Tso=%+(49)(%)=I0%

Exercise 2: Exercise 2 is on page 285

0) Tn = 12 + (n-I)(--<i) b) -72=12+{n-I)(--<i)
=12-6n+6 :.-84=--<i{n-l)
= --<in + 18 :.14=n-1
0) Tn = 455+{n-I)(15) c) 1180=455+{n-I)(15)
b) T3S = 455 + (34)(15)
:.48,33 = n-I
:. n= 49,33
:. Sbe can bave 49 people at ber party.
a) 1i4 =22 and Ts =49 b) Tn =10
:.22=a+I3d ~1!! and 49=a+4d ~11I :.10 = 61 + (n-I){ -3)

11I-1!! : :.-51 = (n-I)(-3)

27=-9d :.17=n-1
:.d=-3 ~@] :. n= 18
@] into I!! :. There will be 10 tins in !be 18th row.
22 = a +13{ -3)
:.a =61
:.Tn = 61+{n-I)(-3)

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 287

Quadratic Number Patterns
Exercise 3: Exercise 2 is on page 285
la) 7'\,,/ 1~,/29'\,,,A6 4a) %'\,,/ 14 '\,,/ 6%'\,,/ 61
4 4
a=2--7(2a=4) 8 8
:. Tn = 2n2 +bn+c
:. Tn = 4n2 +bn+c
1J: 5=b+c--7ill
T2: 8=2b+c--7lZ1
-.% =b+c--7ill
lZI-ill : -2 = 2b+c --7 1ZI

3=b--7@j lZI-ill:
@jintoill: -,X=b--7@j
:.c=2 @jintoill:
:.Tn =2n2+3n+2 :.c=-1
:.Tn =4n2 _ ,Xn-l
b) T25 =2(25)2+ 3(25)+2=1327
2a) 1'\,,/18'\,,/41'\,,/70 b) T25 =4(25)2 -0,5(25)-1=2486,5

17'\,,/2~,/29 Sa) -3'\,,/13'\,,/53'\,,/117

6 6 16 '\,,/ ~,/ 64
a = 3 --7 (2a = 6) 24 24
:.Tn =3n2+bn+c a =12--7 (2a = 24)
1J: -2=b+c--7ill :.Tn =12n2+bn+c
T2: 6=2b+c--7lZ1 -15=b+c--7ill
lZI-ill: -35 = 2b+c --7 1ZI
8=b--7@j lZI-ill:
@jintoill: -20=b--7@j
:.c=-lO @jintoill:
:.T =3n 2 +8n-l0
:.Tn =12n2-20n+5
b) T25 =3(25)2 +8(25)-lO = 2065
b) T25 =(25)2_ 20 (25)+5=7005
3a) 4'\,,/10...,,,/18'\,,/28 6a) _9/ _7/ 7/ 33/
12'\,,/ /2'\,,/ 12'\,,/ 12
6 '\,,/ 8'\,,/ lO
1 '\,,/ 7 '\,,/ 13
2 2
6 6
a = 3 --7 (2a = 6)
:.Tn =n2+bn+c
:. Tn = 3n2 +bn+c
1J: 3=b+c--7ill
T2: 6=2b+c--7lZ1
_3,X =2b+c--7lZ1
3=b--7@j lZI-ill:
@jintoill: -8=b--7@j
:.c=O @jintoill:
:.Tn =n +3n :.C= ,X

:. Tn = 3n2 -8n+ ,X
b) T25 =3(25)2 -8(25)+0,5 =1675,5

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 288

Mixed Exercise: The Mixed Exercise is on pages 285 and 286

1) 3;7; 11; 15; ... -Hrithmetic (d = 4)

:.Tn =3+(n-l)(4)
:.T30 =3+29(4)
:. T30 = 119 matchsticks

2) Black tile pattern: 10 ;14; 18; 22; ... -Hrithmetic (d = 4)

Grey tile pattern: 2; 6 ; 12 ; 20; ... ~ Quadratic (second difference = 2)
Black tiles: Tn =1O+(n-l)(4) Grey tiles: Tn =an2 +bn+c
:.1is =10+17(4) a=I~(2a=2)
= 78 tiles :. Tn = n2 +bn+c
Ill-ill :
rn into ill:
:.Tn =n2 +n
:.1is = (18)2 + 18 = 342 tiles
:. Total tiles: 78+342=420 tiles

3) 1 ; 3 ; 6 ; 10; ... ~ Quadratic (second difference = 1)

a= ,%~(2a=I)

:.Tn =.!.n2 +bn+c

Ill-ill :
rn into ill:
:.Tn = ~n2 +,%n
:.28= ,%n + ~n
:.56=n 2 +n
:. n2 +n-56 = 0
:.(n-7)(n+8) =0
:. n =7 or n = -8 ~ N/A as you cannot have a negative number of terms
:. The 7 lh figure would contain 28 dots

a) 1;4;9;16;25 ... b) 1;8;27;64;125 ...
This is a pattern of perfect squares: This is a pattern of perfect cubes:
- n2
• T.n-
.. . T.n-n
.• -

.0.1i2 =144 .0.1i2 =1728

© Copyright Kevin Smilh I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 289

5) Sum of row 1=1; Sumofrow2=8; Sumofrow2=27; Sumofrow4=64
Sequence: 1;8; 27; 64; ...
This is a pattern of perfect cubes:
:.Tn =n3
:.T20 =8000

6) 575; 528; 483 ;440; ... --+ Quadratic (second difference = 2)

a) a=I--+(2a=2) b) n2 -50n+624=0 c) As the 24th and 26th

:.Tn =n2+bn+c :. (n-24}(n-26) = 0 term of the sequence

is 0 the 25th term has
574=b+c--+ill :.n=24 or n=26
to be negative. This
524=2b+c--+~ :.T24 =O and T26 =0 will be the only
negative term in the
sequence. Therefore
the 25th term will have
I] into ill: the lowest value.
:. c = 624
:.Tn =n2-50n+624

The Mixed Exercise is on pages 285 and 286

1) In this sequence it can be seen that the second difference is 6. The Id dift'erence between each term can then be determined.

a) x-.""" 1&."""32'>.""54'>.,,,, Y"\."" 116'>.""156'>.",, z b) a = 3 --+ (2a = 6)

:.Tn =3n2 +bn+c
6 6 6 6 6 6 3=b+c--+ill
x=16-10 and y=54+28 and z=156+46 4=2b+c --+~
=6 =82 =202 ~-ill :
I] into ill:
:.Tn =3n2 +n+2

8) ... ; -15 '>."" -8 '>."" 1 ; ...

7'>. "" 9
:.Tn =n2+bn+c
-lO=b --+1]
I] into ill:
:.Tn =n2-10n+l

The Mixed Exercise is on pages 285 and 286

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 290

Honeycombs: 1;3; 6; 10; 15; ... ---+ Quadratic (second difference = 1)
Walls: 6 ;15; 27; 42; 60; ... ---+ Quadratic (second difference = 3)
Honeycombs:l;3; 6; 10; 15; ... Walls: 6 ;15; 27; 42; 60; ...
Sequence is quadratic (second difference = 1) Sequence is quadratic (second difference = 3)

a= ~ ---+(2a=2) a=.% ---+(2a=3)

:.Tn = ~n2+bn+c 2
:.Tn = .%n +bn+c

li=b+c---+ill %=b+c---+ill
l=2b+c---+~ 9=2b+c---+~
~-ill: ~-ill:
li =b ---+ I] %=b---+I]
I] into ill: I] into ill:
:.c=O :.c=O
:.Tn = ~n2+ lin---+numberofhoneycombs :. Tn = .% n + %n ---+ number of walls

but each wall contains 10 ice-cream sticks

:. the nth tenn for the number of ice-cream sticks is:
Tn = 15n2 + 45n

10) Determine the general equation for the nth term of the sequence:
2'\,,/7'\,,/15'\,,/2~"..-4~,/57 a) x = T5 = 40 cards
5'\,,/8 '\,,/11'\,,/14'\,,/17 y:
3 3 3 3 155= .%n + ~n
a=.%---+(2a=3) :.3n 2 +n-31O=0
:.Tn = %n 2 +bn+c :. (n-1O)(3n+31) = 0

li=b+c---+ill :. n = 10 or n = -3K ---+ N/A

:. y = 10 stories
1 = 2b+c ---+ ~
~-ill: b) From the above pattern 5 stories is the most
li =b ---+ I] that can be built from a single deck. (T6 = 57)
I] into ill:
:.c=O c)
:.Tn=%n +li n

22.5cm 22.5cm

H2 =(45)2_(22,5)2

The Mixed Exercise is on pages 285 and 286

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 291

Chapter 4- Analytical Geometry
Grade 10 Revision
Exercise 1: Back to Theory Exercise 1 solutions are on pages 296 and 297
1) Determine the lengths of the line segments joining the following points:
a) A(2;-5) and B(-I;-8) c) S(1O;-6) and R(-3;2)
b) P(5;5) and Q( -2;3) d) M(-I;-5) and N(I;-10)

2) Determine the midpoints of the line segments joining the following points:
a) A(2;-5) and B(-I;-8) c) S(1O;-6) and R(-3;2)
b) P(5;5) and Q(-2;3) d) M(-I;-5) and N(I;-1O)

3) Determine the gradients of the line segments joining the following points:
a) A(2;-5) and B(-I;-8) b) P(5;5) and Q(-2;3)

4) lntriangleABC,withA(4;6), B(x;y) and C(-4;-6), P(5;1) isthemidpointofAB.Determine:

a) The coordinates of b) The perimeter of the c) If the triangle is right-
point B. triangle. angled.

5) Determine two possible values of x if AB is .J185 units and A is the point (4; 6) and B is the point

6) Determine if AB and CD are parallel, perpendicular or neither given the points:

a) A(-8;-4) and B(2;4) and C(-4;O) and 0(-20;20)
b) A(5;6) and B(4;2) and C(8;24) and 0(4;8)

7) Determine whether or not the points A(-5;-7) and B(4;11) and C(28;59) are collinear.

8) If A is the point A (x; 3) and B is the point B (-2; y) determine the valueJs of :
a) x if AD is perpendicular to the line y=-3x+6 and 0 is the point 0(4;2).
b) x andy if the midpoint ofABis (1;6).

Finding the equation of a straight line

Exercise 2: Back to Theory Exercise 2 solutions are on pages 297 and 298

1) Determine the equation of the line which has the gradient given below and passes through the given

a) m = -2 and point (3;8) b) m=4 and point (-5;3) c) m=-.!. and point (3;1)

2) Determine the equation of the line which:

a) Passes through the points (-2;5) and (-8;12).
b) Is parallel to 3y -12x = -9 and passes through the point (2;2).
c) Is perpendicular to 4y-x-8 = 0 and passes through the point (-2;6).
d) Is a vertical line through the point (3;5).
e) Is a horizontal line through the point (-8;-12).

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 292

Angle of Inclination
Exercise 3: Back to Theory Exercise 3 solutions are on page 299

1) Correct to 1 decimal place, determine the angle of inclination of the straight lines whicb pass through
the points:
a) (1;1) and (4;7) c) (6;4) and (-8;-3) e) (-2;3) and (-3;6)

b) (5;4) and (1;8) d) (-1;5) and (1;-3) f) (7;-7) and (8;7)

2) Determine the gradient of a straight line with an angle of inclination of:

a) 30· e) 60· e) o·
b) 45· d) 150· f) 180·

3) Determine the magnitude (size) of angle a in each of the following diagrams. Give your answer
correct to 1 decimal place. You may assume that all dotted lines are parallel to the x·axis. Back to Theory

y b) Y c)


x A x

d) e) A f)

x x

b) i) Y

C x

y =-2%+4

Mhed ExercIse: Back to Theory The Mixed Exercise solutions are on pages 299. 300. 301 and 302

1) 1f a quadrilateral bas vertices A(-2;2), B(-3;-2), C(3;-1) and 0(4;3), prove that:
a) ABCD is parallelogram.
b) ABCD is not a rhombus or a square.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 293

2) The diagram below shows triangle PQR with vertices P(-2;8),Q(4;4) andR(l;--{j). Determine
the foUowing, leaving your solutions in simplest surd form where necessary.
P(-2;8) y


a) The perimeter of triangle PQR correct to I decimal place.
b) The gradients ofPR and QR.
c) The angle of inclination of PR and QR
d) Hence determine angle PRQ.

3) Points P(a;10), Q(2;b) and R(c;S)of triangle PQR are shown below. PQ is produced its own
length to point S (-3; 0) • It is given that PQ = PRo The diagram is not drawn to scale.

Q(2;b)I;L-_ _~R(c;5)

a) Determine the values of a and b.
b) Hence, determine the value/s of c.
c) Determine the equation of PS.

4) In the diagram below, M is the midpoint of line segment OP. The diagram is not drawn to scale.
y B

o A C x

a) Determine the coordinates of M.

b) Determine the gradient of OP.
c) Determine the value of P. the angle of inclination ofOP.
d) Determine the gradient of AB correct to one decimal place.
e) What is the area of triangle POC?

5) Given that P(-2;6), Q(14;2) and R(x;4) are points in the Cartesian plane, calculate the valuests
of x, if:
a) QR is perpendicular to the x-axis.
b) R is the ntidpoint ofPQ.
c) The gradient of QR is equal to 2.
d) The length of QR is 2.J2 units.

Back to Theory The Mixed Exercise solutions are on pages 299 300 301 and 302

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 294

6) In the diagram below QS is a straigbt line with equation 2y -41' =4 and SQR =20'. Determine,
correct to one decimal place where applicable:

a) The angle of inclination of QS.
b) The gradient ofline PQ.

7) P(-4;-2), Q(8;3) and R(4;10) are the vertices of triangle PQR. QN is perpendicular to PR and
M is the midpnint of PRo The diagram is not drawn to scale.
Y R(4;IO)



a) Determine the length of PRo

b) Determine the coordinates of M the midpoint of PRo
c) Calculate the gradient of PRo
d) Hence, determine the equation of QN.
e) Calculate the area of triangle PQR ifN is the point (2;7).
f) Determine the size of angle p correct to one decimal place.

8) A(-3;-I), B(-1;9) and C(3;7) are the vertices of triangle ABC. AB.lPQ and BR is
perpendicular to the x-axis.



a) Determine the coordinates of Q, the midpoint of AC.

b) Determine the equation of AB.
c) Hence, deterroine the equation of PQ.
d) Determine 8AB , the angle of inclination of AB.
e) Hence, deterroine the value of P if P = ABR.
9) The equation ofa line can be written as (S-2p)x+(p+2)y =10.
a) Rewrite the above equation in the form of y = mx + C.
b) Determine the equation of the line if the line is parallel to y = 3x + 2.
c) Determine the value ofp if the line passes through the point (-4;8).
d) Determine the value of P if the line is parallel to the y-axis.
e) Determine the value of p if the line is parallel to the x-axis.

Back to Theory The Mixed Exercise solutions are on pageS 299. 300. 301 and 302
© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlut Books CC Table of Contents 295
Chapter 4- Analytical Geometry (Memo)
Grade 10 Revision
Exercise 1: Exercise 1 is on page 292

a) AB =~(Xz -xd +(Y2 - Yi)2 c) SR =~(Xz -xd +(Y2 -yd

:. AB = ~( _1_2)2 +(_8+5)2 :.SR = ~(_3_1O)2 +(2+6)2

:. AB = .Jl8 = 3,fi units :. SR = .fij3 units

b) PQ=~(x2-xd2+(Y2-Yi)2 d) MN=~(Xz-xd+(Y2-yd
:. PQ = ~( _2_5)2 +(3_5)2 :.MN =~(1+1)2 +(_10+5)2

:. PQ = .J53 units :. MN =..fi9 units


a) M(Xz+Xl.Y2+YlJ b) M(Xz+Xl.Y2+Yi J c) M( Xz +xl. Y2 +Yl J d) M( Xz +xl. Y2 + Yl J

2 ' 2 2 ' 2 2 ' 2 2 ' 2

=M (-1+2
- _ .-8-5J
_- =M(-2+5.3+5J =M(-3+10.2-6J 1
= M --1O-5J
2 ' 2 2 ' 2 2 ' 2 2' 2

2' 2 =M(%;4J =MG;-2J =M( 0; -~5J

Y2 -Yi
a) mAS = - - b) T1TQ = Y2 -Yl
Xz -Xl Xz -Xl
-8+5 3-5
:.mAS= -1-2 :.T1TQ = -2-5
:.mAS =1 2
:.T1TQ =7
a) P is the midpoint of AB
:. xA +xB 5 and YA +YB 1
2 2
:.4+xB =10 and 6+YB =2
:.xB =6 and YB =-4
:.Bisthepoint (6;-4)

b) Perimeter = AB + BC + AC

AB =~(Xz -xd +(Y2 - Yi)2 Be =~(Xz -xd +(Y2 - Yi)2 AC = ~(Xz -xd +(Y2 - Yd
2 2 2 2

:. AB = ~(6_4)2 + {-4-6)2 :. BC =~(6+4)2 +(-4+6)2 :.AC=~{-4-4)2 +(_6_6)2

:.AB =2,fi6 :.BC=2,fi6 :.AC=4.Jf3
:. Perimeter = 2,fi6 +2,fi6 +4.Jf3 =34,82 units

c) For the triangle to be right angled: AC2 = AB2 + BC2 -+ Pythagoras

AC 2 = 208 units
AB2 +BC 2 =104+104= 208 units
:.Ll.ABC is right angled at B
The properties of perpendicular lines could also have been used to prove that B is a right angle.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BorlDt Books CC Table of Contents 296

5) AB = ~(X2 -xtl2 +(Y2 - Yl)2

:. AB2 = (x_4)2 +(_5_6)2

:.185 = x 2 -8x+16+121
:.x2 -8x-48=0
:. (x-12)(x+4) = 0
:.x=12 or x=-4
Y2 -Yl
a) mAB = - - b) m = Y2 - YI Y2-Yl
AB "'co=--
"2 - xI "2 - xI "2 -xI
4+4 2-6 8-24
:.mAB = - -
2+8 :.mAB = 4-5 ... "'co=--
4 :.mAB =4 :. "'co = 4
.• mAB -5
:. mAB = "'co
:. mAB X "'co =-1 :.ABIICD

Y2 -Yl
a) mAB = - - b) ","C = - -
"2 -xI "2 - xI
11+7 59-11
:.mAB =-- :. ","C = 28-4
:.mAB =2 :. ","C = 2
:. the points are collinear as mAD = ","C

b) x-2=1 and 3+y =6
2 2
:.x-2=2 and 3+y=12
.. -=--
3 x-4 :.x=4 and y=9

Finding the equation of a straight line

Exerdse2: Exercise 2 is on page 292

1) or
a) y=mx+c a) Y-YI =m(x-xtl
:.y=-2x+c :.Y-YI =-2(x-xtl
sub (3;8) sub (3;8)
:.8 = -2(3) +c :.y-8=-2(x-3)
:.c =14 :.y-8=-2x+6
:.y=-2x+14 :. Y =-2x+14

b) y=mx+c b) Y-Yl =m(x-xtl

:.y=4x+c :. Y- Yl =4(x-xJl
sub (-5;3) sub (-5;3)
:.3=4(-5)+c :. y-3 = 4(x+5)
:.c =23 :. y-3 = 4x+20
:.y=4x+23 :.y=4x+23

© copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 297

c) y=mx+c c) Y-YI=m(x-xd
1 1
:.y=--x+c :'Y-YI =--(x-xd
3 3
sub (3;1) sub (3;1)
1 1
:.1=-"3(3)+c :.y-1=-"3(x-3)
:.c=2 1
1 3
3 1

~ oc
a) y=mx+c a) Y- YI =m(x-xd
12-5 7 12-5 7
m=--=-- m=--=--
-8+2 6 -8+2 6
7 7
:.y=--x+c :'Y-YI =-"6(x-xd
sub (-2;5) --7 (-8;12) could also be used sub (-2;5)--7(-8;12) could also be used

:.5=-~(-2)+C :.y-5=_2(x+2)
8 7 7
:.c=- :.y-5=-"6-"3
7 8 7 8
:.y=--x+- :.y=--x+-
6 3 6 3

b) 3y-12x=-9 b) 3y-12x=--9
:.y=4x-3 :.y=4x-3
:.mline=4 :. mline= 4
:.y=4x+c :. Y- YI = 4(x-xd
sub (2;2) sub (2;2)
:.2=4(2)+c :. y-2=4(x-2)
:.c=--{) :. y-2=4x-8
:.y=4x-6 :. Y =4x-6

c) 4y-x-8=O c) 4y-x-8=O
1 1
:.y=-x+2 :.y=-x+2
4 4
:.mline =-4 :. mline =-4
:.y=-4x+c :. Y- YI = -4(x-xd
sub (-2;6) sub (-2;6)
:.6=-4(-2)+c :.y-6=-4(x+2)
:.c=-2 :.y-6=-4x-8
:.y=-4x-2 :.y=-4x-2

d) A vertical line has the equation of x = constant


e) A horizontal line has the equation of y = constant

:. y =-12

Exercise 2 is on page 292

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 298

Angle of Inclination
Exercise 3: Exercise 3 is on page 293
a) m= 7-1=2 8-4 _ -3-4 _ 1/
b) m=-=-I c) m- -8-6- 72
4-1 1-5
:. tan 8 =-1
0 0 0
:.tanli= Yz
:.8 = 63,4 :. li = -45 +180 = 135,0 0
:.8= 26,6

-3-5 6-3 f) m= 7+7 =14

d) m=--=-4 e) m=--=-3
1+1 -3+2 8-7
:. tanli =-4 :. tanli=-3 :. tanli = 14
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
:.8=-75,96 +180 =104,0 :.8= -71,57 +180 = 108,4 :.8=85,9


a) tan 30 = 0
J3 b) tan4S'=1 c) tan60° = J3
e) tanO = 0 e) tan180° = 0
d) tan150° = _ J3

3-2 1 5+4
0) :.m"=8_6=2: b) tana=0,5 c) :.m =--=3
AD 2+1
tana=mAB :. a=26,6° tana=3
1 :.a=71,6°
:. tana=-
1 -4-1
d) :.tana=-2 e) :. tan a =-- f) :.m.. =--=-1
2 3+2
:. a = -63,43 0
:. a = -26,57 + 180
0 0
0 0

:. a= 63,4
:. a = 153,4
:. a = -45 + 180
:. a= 135

g) a = liAB - liCD h) a = liCD -liAB i) a = liAB + liCD

tanliAB = 2 tanliCD =-2 tanliAB = 3
0 0 0 0
:. liAB = 63,43 :. liCD = -63,43 + 180 :. liAB = 71,57
1 :. liCD = 16,57
0 tanliCD =-3
tanliCD =-
2 tanliAB = 2 :. liCD = -71,57

:. liCD = 26,57 0 0 0
:. liAB = 63,43 :. a = 71,57 +71,57
0 0
:. a = 63,43 -26,57 0 0
:. a =116,57 -63,43 :.a=143,t
:. a =36,9
:. a =53,t

Mixed Exercise: The Mixed Exercise is on pages 293, 294 and 295


a) MAC=(3;2;-1;2) (-3+4 -2+3)

~B;.~ -2-;-2- A ( - 2 ; 2 D D(4;3)
=(~;~) (2'2) C(3;-I)
:. Midpoint of AC = Midpoint of BD B(-3;-2)
:. ABCD is a parm (diags bisect each other)

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 299

b) Diagonals of a rhombus and square intersect at 90"
-1-2 3 3+2 5
mAC = - - = - - and mBO =--=-
3+2 5 4+3 7
mAcxfflao =--x-=--
:.mACXmBO ,,-1
:. ABeD is not a rhombus or a square as diagonals do not intersect at 90".

a) Perimeter = PQ +QR + PR

PQ = J{4-8)2 +{4+2)2 QR = JH-4)2 +{1_4)2 PR =JH-8)2 +(1+2)2

:. PQ = 2.J13 units :. QR =.JW9 units :. PR = ../205 units
:. Perimeter = 2.J13 +../109 +../205 = 32,0 units

-6-8 14 Yr -Yq --6-4 10

1+2 3 xr -Xq 1-4 3

14 10
c) tani9pR = - - tan8QR = -
3 3
:.~ =-77,91" +180" =102,09" :.~ =73,3"

d) PRQ=~ -8QR
= 102,09" - 73, 3"

3) In tbis question it is important to note tbat it is given tbat PQ = PR = QS.

a) a-3 =2 and 10-0 =b
2 2
:.a=7 :.b=5
b) PQ2 ={7_2)2 +{1O_5)2 b) QR is a vertical line as the y-values
=50 of Q and R are the same.
:.PR 2 =50 :. The x-value of the midpoint of QR is 7

:.50 = {c_7)2 +{5 _10)2 . 2+c =7

.. 2
:.50=c 2 -14c+49+25 :.c=12
:.c2 -14c+24=0
:. (c-12){c- 2) = 0
:.c=12 or c=2~N/A
10-0 10-0
c) mps =1 c) fflps =1
7+3 7+3
:.y=lx+c :.Y-YI =l{x-xd
sub {-3;0) ~points P or Q could be used sub {-3;0) ~ points P or Q could be used
:.0=-3+c :. y-0=x+3
:.c=3 :.y=x+3

The Mixed EXercise is on pages 293 294 and 295

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 300


a) M=C2;0; 8;0)=(6;4) d) BAB = P+30° -7 ext. augle ofa triangle

:. BAB = 33,69° +30° = 63,69°
Yp -Yo 8-0 2 mAB =tanBAB
b) mop xp -xo
12-0 3 :. mAB = tau 63,69° = 2,0

c) tanp=% e) AI. = ~ X base>< -L height

:·P=33,69° :.AI. = 'x(12)(8)

:. AI. = 48 units
a) x=14 d) QR 2 =(x_14)2+(4_2)2

:.8 = x 2 -28x+196+4

b) x=--
14-2 :.x2 -28x+192=0
2 :. (x-16)(x-12) = 0
:.x=16 or x=12
c) "'QR =
:. x = 15

a) 2y=4x+4 b) 200=~-~
:.y=2x+2 :.~ =63,4° _20°
tan~s =2
:.~ =43,4°
:. BQs = 63,4°
:.fflpQ =tan/lpQ = tan 43,4° =0,9

a) PR =J(10+2f +(4+4)2 e) QN=J(8-2)2+(3-7)2 =2v'i3units

:. AB = 4v'i3 units APQR = ,XXPRXQN

:. APQR = ~ ( 4v'i3)( 2v'i3)

:. APQR = 52 units2

3+2 5
I) fflPQ = 8+4 = 12

d) "'QN = -'32 -7 QN -L PR 5
tan~ = 12 aud
tan/ipR =-
:.y=--x+c :.~ =22,62° aud ~ =56,31°
Sub Q(8;3) :.P=/ipR -~
:. P = 56,3!" -22,62° = 33,7°
:.3 = -~(8)+C
2 25
3 3

The Mixed Exercise is on pages 293 294 and 295

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 301

d) tan0AB =5
a) Q=(3;3;7;1)=(0;3)
:.OAB = 78,69'
b) mAB=--=5
e) P = 90' -OAB --7 angels in a triangle
:.y=5x+c :. p = 90' -78,69'
Sub A( -3;-1) --7 B( -1;9) can also be used :·P=11,31'
:. c = 14

c) "'PQ = -51 --7 PQ 1- AB

Sub Q(0;3)

:.3 = -~(O)+c

a) (p+2)y=-(5-2p)x+1O
c) y=[2P-5Jx+~
p+2 p+2
:.y=[2P-5Jx+~ Sub (-4;8)
p+2 p+2

b) 2p-5=3 p+2 p+2
p+2 :.8(p+2) = -8p+20+10
:.2p-5=3(p+2) :.8p+16=-8p+30
:.2p-5=3p+6 :.16p =14
:.p=-l1 14 7
-11+2 -11+2
d) gradient is undefined
:.y=3x-- :.p+2=0

e) gradient = 0
... p=51

The Mixed Exercise is on pages 293. 294 and 295

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 302

Chapter 5- Functions
Sketching the Parabola
Exercise 1: Back to Theory Exercise I solutions are on pages 310 and 311
1) Sketch the graphs of the following parabolas showing the turning point and intercepts with the mres:
a) y = 2(x-3)2 -2 c) h(x) = _(x_3)2 +5 e) m(x) = -(x+2)2_1

b) J(x)=-(x+2)2+ 4 d) p(x)= Yz(x+2)2+ 2 I) J:x--7(x+3)2_4

2) Sketch the graphs of the following parabolas showing the turning point and intercepts with the mres:
a) y=x2 +4x+3 c) J(x)=-2~+6x e) y=--x 9 2 +27x+- 27
2 2
b) J(x)=-x 2 +2x+3 I 2
I) y=--x +2x+2
Back to Theory 2
Determining the Equation of a Parabola
Exercise 2: Back to Theory Exercise 2 solutions are on page 312
1) Determine the equations of the parabolas below. In each of the graphs, A is the turning point and B
is a point on the curve.

a) b) c)
y y y




d) e) I)
y y y

A(-I;-3) B(7;-I)

2) Determine the equations of the parabolas below. In each of the graphs, A and B are the x-intercepts
and C is a point on the curve. Back to Theory

b) c)

© copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 303

3) Determine the equations of the parabolas below. In each of the graphs A and B are points on the
curve and C is the y·intercept. Back to Theory
a) b) c)
y y

AH;6) B(2;6) B(3;9)

A(-5; 13) B(2;13)

x C(O;3)

C(O;-6) A(-I;-7) C(O;3)

Exercise 2 solutions are on page 312

Sketching and Finding the Equation of the Hyperbola

Exercise 3: Back to Theory Exercise 3 solutions are on pages 313 aod 314
1) Draw a neat sketcb of the grapbs below sbowing all intercepts with the axes, asymptotes, and both
axes of symmetry.
a) g(x)=--2 c) f(x)= e) y=-+3
x+2 x-I
I 6 -4
b) f:x~---2 d) y=--3 f) y=---I
x+1 x-I x-2

2) For each of the graphs in question 1, determine the coordinates of the points of intersections of the
axes of symmetry and the graphs.

Exercise 4: Determine the equations of the hyperbolas shown below: Exercise 4 solutions are on page 314

a).y~~ _~ j~
c) Y e)

••• •. .
., (-3;5). •.........
....... :
y=l •

(-2;0) x

b) Y f) Y

(5;-4) ·y-;:"i··· _. -,-, _..
- - - e - - - - --
: (4;-6)

Back to Theory

Sketching and Finding the Equation of the Exponential Function

Exercise 5: Sketcb tbe graphs below sbowing all Intercepts with the axes and asymptotes.
a) y=2x+I +2 c) f:x~Z-x+I+2 e) f(x)=GT+ -2
d) f(x)=-Gf +4
Back to Theory Exercise 5 solutions are on page 315

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 304

Exercise 6: Back to Theory Exercise 6 solutions are on page 316

In each of the graphs below, solve for the values of b, p or q and write down the equation of the graph.
a) y b) y c) y
.. j ... _----_.

x x
- --- - --- - --- - --- - ---- -~~~~-------------
,=3X - P +q x-2
h:x-+-2 (b ) +q

Translations and Reflections of Graphs

Exercise 7: Back to Theory Exercise 7 solutions are on page 316
1) The graph of / (x) = x 2 + 2x + 5 is given. Write down the new equation of h (x) and describe the
translation of / (x) if:
a) h(x)=f(x-2) c) h(x)=-f(x)
b) h(x) = f(x)-2 d) h(x)=f(-x)
2) The graph of /(x) =~+1 is given. Write down the new equation of the graph if:
a) The graph is shifted 2 units down. e) The graph is shifted 2 units right and I
b) The graph is shifted 2 units left. unit down.
c) The graph is reflected about the y-axis. f) The graph is shifted 2 units left and I unit
d) The graph is reflected about the x-axis. up.

3) The parabola f{x) has turning point A{-3;2) and point B{-I;-6) Jies on the graph.

a) Determine the equation of the parabola in the form / (x) = a ( x _ p)2 + q .

b) If the parabola is shifted 2 units to the right and I unit down, determine the new turning point.
c) If g(x)=f(x-l),whatisthey-interceptof g(x)?
d) If g(x)=-/(x)+l ,whatis the turning point of g(x)?

Graph Interpretation
Exercise 8: Back to Theory Exercise 8 solutions are on pages 317 and 318
1) Draw a rough sketeh of the graph of / (x) =ax 2 +bx+c if:
a) a < O;b>O and c >0 b) a<O;b<Oandc>O c) a >O;b > 0 and c <0

2) The parabola alongside has the equation ,= 2x2 + x - 3 and the

straight line DB is parallel to the line ,= -x. Points A and B are
the x-intercepts of the parabola and C is the ,-intercept. The
graphs intersect at points D and B. Determine the:
a) Coordinates of A, B and C.
b) Equation of line DB.
c) Coordinates of D.
d) Length of EF if 00 is I unit.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 305

3) The graphs of f(x)=x 2 -x-12and g(x)=-3x-4 are
sketched alongside. The graphs intersect at C and L.
a) The length of JK.
b) The coordinates of C and L.
c) The coordinates of A and B.
d) The length of III if the x-coordinate of His 3.
e) The length of AM if FG = 5 units.

4) The graphs of f(x)=axand g(x)=-,x .. O are sketched
The grapbs intersect at the point (1;2) . Determine:

a) The values of a and k.

b) The length of AB if DC = 2 units.
c) The equation of the reflection of y = f (x) in the y-axis.
d) The equation of the reflection of y = g (x) in the x-axis.

5) The graphs of f(x)=-x 2 +2x+3and g(x)=-~x+3 are

sketched alongside. Determine: y
a) The coordinates of A, B and C.
b) The length ofDA.
c) The coordinates ofE and F. x
d) The values ofx for which f(x).g(x)SO.

e) The turning point of f(x).

f) The values of kfor which -~ +2x+3 = k will have two positive roots.
Back to Theory Exercise 8 solutions are on pages 317 and 318
Real World Applications and Average Gradient
Exercise 9: Back to Theory Exercise 9 solutions are on page 319

1) The graph below represents the take orr distance of a commercial plane. The graph van be
represented by the equation y = ax • y
Determine the value of a.
What distance has the plane covered
after 30 seconds?
I 3000
2000 /
c) How long, to the nearest second, does it
j /'

take the plane to cover a distance of
1000 ./'
2500 metres? ,./
d) What is the average speed of the plane
during the take off? Give your answer 10 20 30 40 ...
50 x
in metres per second (mls). time (seconds)

distance .
Hint: speed . . This means that
speed is the gradient of a distance-time

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 306

2) The equation h(t) = -S,I(x-2)2 +21 represents the height ofa cricket baIl after it has been hit.
a) Sketch the graph of height of the cricket baIl (io metre.) agaio.t time (in seconds) in the air.
b) How high above the ground was the cricket baIl when it was hit?
c) How long was the baIl in the air for?
d) What was the maximum height above the ground that the baIl reached?
e) How long after the baIl was hit did it reach its maximum height?
Back to Theory Exercise 9 solutions are on gage 319
Trigonomebic Functions
Exercise 10: Back to Theory Exercise 10 solutions are on pages 319 and 320
1) On separate axes, sketeh the graphs of the foUowing functions if xe [-ISO" ;360"].

a) /(x)=O.5co.x+l d) Y=2tan(x+4S")-1 g) y=-2cos(x+30")

h) /(x) = 2tanx-2 e) h(x) = 3sin(2x)+1 h),Sx)

c) h(x)=2sio(x-30")+1 1
f) y=-co.(2x)+1

2) The equations of 6 trigonometric functions are given below. Mateh the equations to graph shown.

a) y=-tan(x+4S") c) y=~CO'(X-60") e) y=-sin(2x)

b) y =-co.(3x) d) y = -2tan(x-4S") f) y=sio(x+90')

Graph 1 Graph 2

if'--. i", ./ ~
45" ~O"x
'\ r
-45 -1 3
-2 5"

Graph 3 Graph 4

1----- '1 -----I ~
-90' 90" x


GraphS Graph 6
0,5 y

--{),5 '" 30~'

~ 120' 150-X
...... "

:--.90' 150'~

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 307

3) The graphs of I(x) = sin(kx) and h(x) =cos(x+ p) are sketched below where xe [-360' ;360' J:

a) What is the period of/?

b) Determine the values of k and p.
c) If g(x)=/(x)+1 what is the range of g(x)?

4) If x e [ -90' ; 360' ] ' on the same set of axes sketch the graphs of 1 (x) = 2sin (x) and
g(x)= .
a) What is the amplitude of f (x) ?
b) What is the period of g (x)?
c) Using your graph, determine for which values ofx: f(x).g(x) < o.
Back to Theory Exercise 10 solutions are on pages 319 and 320

Mixed EIerclse: Back to Theory The Mixed Exercise solutions are 00 pages 321 and 322
1) The point (-1;2) lies on the graph of l(x)=3 x- P +Q and the point (2;-7) lies on its asymptote.
a) Determine the equation off.
b) Determine the value of k correct to 2 decimal places if (k; 6) is a point on the graph off.
c) Determine the equation of g (x) if g is a reflection ofl about the y·axis.

d) Describe in words how the graph of h(x) could be obtained from I(x) if h(x) = _3,+3 +7 .
2) The equation of a hyperbola is 1 (x) = ~. Write down the equation of g (x) if g (x) is obtained by
transforming 1 (x) according to the following conditions:
a) A shift of 2 units vertically up.
b) A shift of 5 units right.
c) The horizontal asymptote is y = -2 and the vertical asymptote is x =-\.
d) The asymptotes intersect at the point (5; - 4).
3) The graphs of 1 (x) = 2x2 - 4x - 6 and g (x) = 4x - 6 are sketched below:

a) Determine the coordinates of A and B, the x·intercepts off.

b) Determine the coordinates of C, a point of intersection of the graphs.
c) Determine the lengtb of line AB.
d) Determine the coordinates of F and G if FG is 8 units in lengtb.
e) Determine the coordinates of D, the turning point off.
f) Determine the values of k for which k = 2x2 - 4x - 6 bas non·real roots.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 308

1 2 3
4) Tbegraphsof f(x)=-"2x +"2x+2 and g(x)=x-4 are sketched below:

a) Determine the coordinates of A and B, the x-intercepts off.

h) Determine the length of CD.
c) If EF is 9 units in length and is parallel to the y-axis, determine the length of OP.
d) Determine the coordinates of G, a point of intersection of the graphs.
e) For which values ofx is f(x) ~ g(x)?

f) For which values of x is ;~:~ ~ O?

5) Tbegraphsof f(x)=acos(x-p) and g(x)=sin(kx)+q for xe [-180';180']-



------------------ - . .. - --
- -------------------------r---- :'Z----------------_. ........ -~

a) Determine the values of a, p, k and q.

b) If the graph of h is obtained by shifting the graph off 30' to the right, determine the equation of h.
c) If xe[-180';0'] determine the values ofxforwhich f(x)<g(x)?

6) 1f xe [-180';180'], sketch the graphs of f(x) = tan (x) and g(x) =-ros(x) on thesarne axes.
a) What is the period ofjand g.
b) What is the domain off and the range of g.
c) If xe[0';180'] for which valuels of xis f(x);:'g(x)?

Back to Theory The Mixed Exercise solutions are 00 pages 321 and 322

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 309

Chapter 5- Functions (Memo)
Sketching the Parabola
Exercise I, Exercise 1 is on page 303
a) y = 2(x-3)2_2 c) h(x) = _(x_3)2 +5
a > 0 --+ happy face a < 0 --+ sad face a < 0 --+ sad face
TP: (3;-2) TP: (-2;4) TP: (3;5)
y-int: y = 2(0-3)2 -2 = 16 y-int: y = _(0+2)2 +4 =0 y-int: y =_(0_3)2 +5 =-4
:. y-int: (0;16) :. y-int: (0;0) :. y-int:(0;-4)
x-int: 0=2(x2 -6x+9)-2 x-int: 0=-(x+2)2+4 x-int: O=-(~ -6x+9)+5

:.2x2 -12x+16=0 :._x2 -4x=0 :.0=-x2 +6x-4

:. x 2 -6x+8 = 0 :. -x(x+4) = 0 -{j ± ~r-( 4-(--1)-(-4-)
:. (x-2)(x-4) = 0 :.x=O or x=-4 :.x 2(-1)
:.x=2 or x=4 :. x-int: (0;0) or (-4;0)
:.x=3-../5 or x=3+../5
:. x-int: (2;0) or (4;0)
:. x-int: (3-../5;0) or (3+../5;0)


(0 ;-4)

d) p(x) =~(X+2)2 +2 e) m(x) =-(x+2)2_1 f) f: x --+ (x+3)2_4

a < 0 --+ sad face a > 0 --+ happy face
a > 0 --+ happy face
TP: (-2;-1) TP: (-3;-4)
TP: (-2;2)
y-int: y = _(0+2)2 -1=-5 y-int: Y = (0+3)2 -4 = 5
y-int:y= Yz(0+2)2 +2=4
:. y-int:(0;-5) :. y-int:(0;5)
:. y-int:(0;4)
x-int: none (a < 0 andq < 0) x-int: 0=(x+3)2_4
x-int: none (a> 0 and q > 0)
x :.x=-1 or x=-5
:.x-int:(-I;O) or (-5;0)

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 310

a) y=x +4x+3 b) f(x)=-x 2 +2x+3 c) f(x)=-2~+6x
a > 0 --+ happy face a < 0 --+ sad face a < 0 --+ sad face
4 2
2(-1) TP:x=- 2(~2) = %
:. y = (_2)2 +4(-2)+3 =-1
f (1) = _(1)2 + 2(1) +3 = 4 f(%)=-2(%t +6(%)=%
:. TP: (-2;-1)
:. TP: (1;4)
y-int: (0;3) :.TP: (%;%)
y-int: (0;3)
x-int:O = x 2 +4x+3 x-int:O= _x 2 +2x+3
y-int: (0;0)
:.(x+1)(x+3)=0 x-into 0 = _2x2 + 6x
:.x2 -2x-3=0
:.x=-l or x=-3 :. -2x(x-3)
:. (x+1)(x-3) = 0
:. x-int: (-1;0) or (-3;0) :.x=O or x=3
:.x=-l or x=3
:.x-int:(O;O) or (3;0)
:. x-int: (-1;0) or (3;0)

y (~.2.)

(-1;0) (3;0)
x x

Exercise 1 is on page 303

9 27 1 2
d) h(x)=-2x2 +8x+24
e) y=--r+27x+- f) y=--x +2x+2
2 2 2
a < 0 --+ sad face a < 0 --+ sad face a < 0 --+ sad face
8 27 2 2
TP:x=---=2 TP:x
2(-2) TP:x= 2(-%) 3
:. y = _2(2)2 +8(2)+24 = 32
:.y=_%(3)2+ 27 (3)+2; =54 :. y = -Ji (2)2 +2(2)+2 =4
:. TP: (2;32)
:. TP: (2;4)
:. TP: (3;54)
y-int: (0;24)
y-int: (0;2)
x-int:O = -2~ +8x+24 y-int: (0;2Yz)
x-int:0=-Jix2 +2x+2
:. 0=-2(x2 -4x-12) x-int:O=-%~ +27x+ 2Yz
:.(x+2)(x-6)=0 :.0=-9x2 +54x+27
:.x=-2 or x=6 -54 ± ~r-(5-4)2=-_-4-( 27-)
-(-4)±~(-4 -4(1)( -4)
:.X= 2(1)
:. x-into (-2;0) or (6;0) :.x 2(-9) or
:.x=3-2.J3 or x=3+2.J3
y (2;32) :. x-int: (2- ;O)or(;0)
:. x-int:( 3-2,[3;0 )or(3+2.J3 ;0)

(O;24) (3;S4)

(-2;0) (6;0)
(3-2-'3;0) (3+2-'3;0)

Exercise 1 is on page 303

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 311

Determining the Equation of a Parabola
Exercise 2: Exercise 2 is on pages 303 and 304
a) y=a(x+2)2_2 b) y =a(x-3)2 +1 c) y = a(x-6)2 +S
SubB(-4;6) Sub B( 4;-2) Sub B(7;1)
:.6=a(-4+2)2_ 2 :.-2=a(4-3)2 +1 :.I=a(7-6)2+ S
:.8=4a :.-3=a :.-4=a
:.a=2 :. y =-3(x-3)2 +1 :. y =-4(x-6)2 +S
:. y = 2(x+2)2_2
:. y =-3(~ -6x+9)+1 :. y =-4(~ -12x+36)+S
:. y = 2(x2 +4x+4)-2
:. y =-3x2 +18x-26 :. y =-4x2 +48x-139
:. y = 2x2 +8x+6
d) y=a(X+l)2-3 e) y =a(x+3)2 +2 f) y=a(x-6)2_ S
Sub B(O;-2) Sub B( -2;4) Sub B(7;-I)
:.-2=a(O+I)2 -3 :.4=a(-2+3)2+ 2 :.-I=a(7-6)2 -S
:.a =1 :.2=a :.4=a
:.y=l(x+l)2_ 3 :.y=2(x+3)2+ 2 :. y =4(x-6)2_ S

:.y=x2 +2x-2 :. y =2(x2 +6x+9)+2 :. y =4(~ -12x+36)-S

:. y = 2x2 +12x+20 :. y = 4x
2 -48x+ 139

a) y=a(x+2)(x-S) b) Y =a(x+3)(x-2) c) y=a(x+S)(x-6)
Sub C(4;-3) Sub C(I;-4) Sub (4;9)
:. -3 = a(4+2)(4-S) :. -4 = a(1 +3)(1-2) :.9=a(4+S)(4-6)
:. -3 = a(-6) :. -4 = a (-4) :.9 = a( -18)
:.a= Yz :.a=1 :.a=- Yz
:. y =1(x+3)(x-2)
:. y = Yz(x+2)(x-S) :. y = - Yz(x+S)(x-6)
:.y=x2 +x-6
:.y= Yzx -%x-s :. y = - Yz x 2 + Yz x+ IS
a) y=ax2 +bx-6 b) y=ax2 +bx+3 c) y=ax +bx+3
SubA(-{i;6) SubA(-I;-7) Sub A(-S;13)
:.6=a(-{i)2 +b(-6)-6 :. -7 =a(_1)2 +b(-I)+3 :.13 = a(_S)2 +b( -S)+3
:.b=6a-2~m :.b=a+lO~m :.b=Sa-2~m
Sub B(2;6) Sub B(3;9) Sub B(2;13)
:.6 = a(2)2 +b(2)-6 :.9 = a(3)2 +b(3)+3 :.13 = a(2)2 +b(2) +3
:.12=4a+2b~~ :.6=9a+3b~~ :.1O=4a+2b~~
Sub minto~: Sub minto~: Sub minto~:
12=4a+2(6a-2) :.6=9a+3(a+1O) :.1O=4a+2(Sa-2)
:.16=16a :.6=12a+30 :.14=14a
a=l~rn a=-2~rn a=l~rn
Sub into ill: rn
Sub into ill: rn
Sub into ill:
b = 6(1)-3 = 4 b=-2+10=8 b=S(I)-2=3
:. y = x +4x-6 :.y=-2~+8x+3 :.y=x2 +3x+3

© copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 312

Sketching and Finding the Equation of the Hyperbola
Exercise 3: Exercise 3 is on page 304
-4 I 9
a) g(x)=--2 b) f:x--7---2 c) f(x)=--1
x+2 x+l x+3
a < 0 --7 2'" and 4" quadrants a < 0 --7 2'" and 4" quadrants a> 0 --71" and 3" quadrants
asymptotes: x = -2 and y =-2 asymptotes: x = -1 and y = -2 asymptotes: x = -3 and y =-1
. -4 . -I x-int: 0=_9__ 1
x-mt: 0=---2 x-mt: 0=---2
x+2 x+1 x+3
. 2=-=i..
.. x+2 :.2=2 '1=_9_
.. x+3
:.2x+4=-4 :.2x+2=-1 :.x+3=9
:. x = -4 --7 (-4;0) :.x=-Yz --7(-'%;0) :.x=6--7(6;0)
-4 -I y-int:y=_9_- 1 =2
0+2 y-int:y=--2=-3 0+3
:. y-int: (0;-4) :. y-int: (0;2)
:. y-int: (0;-3)
AS: y=xandy=-x-4 AS: y=x+2andy=-x-4
AS: y=x-Iandy=-x-3

x =,-2 y y


6 -6 -4
d) y=--3 e) y=-+3 f) y=---1
x-I x-I x-2
a > 0 --71" and 3" quadrants a < 0 --7 2'" and 4" quadrants a < 0 --7 2'" and 4" quadrants
asymptotes: x = 1 and y = - 3 asymptotes: x = 1 and y = 3 asymptotes: x = 2 and y = -1

x-int: 0=~-3 x-int: 0= -6 +3 x-int: 0= -4 -I

x-I x-I x-2
:.3=_6_ :.-3=~ :.1= -4
x-I x-I x-2
:.3x-3=6 :.-3x+3=-6 :.x-2=-4
:. x = 3 --7 (3;0) :.x=3--7(3;0) :.x=-2--7(-2;0)
y-int:y=~-3=-9 y-int:y= -6 +3=9 y-int:y=---I=1
0-1 0-1 0-2
:. y-int: (0;-9) :. y-int: (0;9) :. y-int: (0;1)
AS: y=x-4andy=-x-2 AS: y=x+2andy=-x+4 AS: y=x-3andy=-x+l

y =-x-2

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 313

a) a<O; p=-2andq=-2 d) a>O; p =1 andq=-3
Points of intersection: Points of intersection:
=(-J4-2;v'4-2) and (v'4-2;-v'4-2) (-16+1;-16-3) and (-.16+1;--16-3)
= (-4;0) and (0;-4)
b) a<O; p=-1andq=-2 e) a<O; p=1 andq=3
Points of intersection: Points of intersection:
(-v'i-1;.Ji-2) and (.Ji-1;-.Ji-2) (-.16+1;-16+3) and (-16+1;--16+3)
=(-2;-1) and (0;-3)
c) a>0;p=-3andq=-1 f) a<O; p=2andq=-1
Points of intersection: Points of intersection:
(.J9-3;.J9-1) and (-.J9-3;-.J9-1) (-J4+2;v'4-1) and (v'4+2;-v'4-1)
= (0;2) and (-6;-4) =(0;1) and (4;-3)

Exercise 3 is on page 304

Exercise 4: Exercise 4 is on Rage 304

a a a
0) y=--+4 b) y=--6 c) y=-+5
x-2 x-4 x+3
Sub (0;0) Sub (5;--4) Sub (-5;4)
a a a
:.0=--+4 :.--4=--6 :.4=--+5
0-2 5-4 -5+3
:.--4=~ :.2=~ :.-1=~
-2 1 -2
:.a=8 :.a=2 :.a=2
8 2 2
:.y=--+4 :.y=---6 :.y=--+5
x-2 x-4 x+3

a a a
d) y=--+q e) y=--+1 f) y=---1
x-2 x-p x-p
Sub (5;0) Sub (0;2) Sub (-5;0)
a :.0=_a__ 1
:.O=-+q :.2=_a_+ 1
5-2 O-p -5-p
... -q=-
3 '1=~ '1=_a_
-p -5-p
:.a=-p-+I!I :. a = -5- p-+I!I
Sub (3;-2)
Sub (-2;0) Sub (1;-2)
3-2 0=_a_+ 1 -2=~-1
-2-p 1-p
'_1=_a_ . _1=_a_
Sub 00 into ~ : -2-p 1-p
:.a=p+2-+~ :.a=p-1-+~
:. q = 1-+@j
Sub 00 into ~: Sub 00 into ~:
Sub @j into 00: :.p+2=-p :.-5-p=p-1
:.a =-3
:.p=-1-+@j :.p =-2-+@j
:.y=--+1 Sub @j into 00 : Sub @j into 00 :
:.a=1 :.a =-3
1 -3
:.y=-+1 :.y=---1
x+1 x+2

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 314

ExerciseS: Exercise 5 is on page 304

a) y=2x+I +2 b) f(x) =_(2)x+I_2 c) f:x--+2- x+I +2

a > 0 --+ above the asymptote a < 0 --+ below the asymptote
a > 0 and b > 0 --+ increasing
:.f:x--+(U-I +2
a < 0 and b > 0 --+ decreasing
y-int: letx=O y-int:letx=O a > 0 --+ above the asymptote
:. y = 20+1 + 2 = 4 :. f(x) = _(2)0+1_ 2 =-4 a > 0 and 0 < b < 1 --+ decreasing
:. y-int: (0;4) :. y-int: (0;-4) y-int: letx=O
horizontal asymptote: y = 2 horizontal asymptote: y =-2
x-into none --+ a > 0 and q > 0 :.y=Gt +2
x-into none --+ a < 0 and q < 0
additional point: Sub x = -1 additional point: Sub x = -I :. y-int: (0;4)
:. y=2 +2=3 :. f(x) = _(2)0 -2 =-3 horizontal asymptote: y = 2
:. additional point: (-1;3) x-into none --+ a > 0 and q > 0
:. additional point: (-1;-3)
additional point: Sub x = 1

y y
:.y=Gr +2=3
:. additional point: (1;3)


X 2

f(x)=_m + +4 e) f(x) =m X


a < 0 --+ below the asymptote a > 0 --+ above the asymptote a > 0 --+ above the asymptote
a < 0 and 0 < b < 1 --+ increasing a > 0 and 0 < b < 1 --+ decreasing a > 0 and b > 0 --+ increasing
y-int: letx=O y-int:letx=O y-int: letx=O
2 0-2
:.f(x)=-(Yzt +4=1% :.f(x)=(X)0+1_ 2 :.y=42 ( ) +1=2
:. y-int: (0;2)
:. y-int: (0;1%) :. y-int: (0;-.%)
horizontal asymptote: y = 1
horizontal asymptote: y = 4 horizontal asymptote: y = -2 x-int: none --+ a > 0 and q > 0
x-into let y = 0 x-into let y = 0 additional point: Sub x = 2
:.0=-(Yzt +4 :.o=(Xr -2 l
:.y=4(2)2-2+ 1
2 :.21 = 2-x - 1 :. additional point: (2;5)
:.(Yzt =4
:.1 = -x-l
:.Tx - 2 =22 :. x=-2
:.-x-2=2 :. x-int:(-2;0)
:. x-int: (-4;0)
y;"-4- - - -- - - -- - -. - - - --- x


© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 315

Exercise 6 is on page 305

Exercise 7 is on page 305

Table of Contents 316

Graph Interpretation
ExerciseS: Exercise 8 is on pages 305 and 306

a) AS:x=~--7 -(+)--7+ b) AS:x=~--7 -(-)--7- c) AS:x=~--7 -(+)--7-

2a 2a 2a +
:. x value of the TP is positive :. x value of the TP is negative :. x value of the TP is negative
c > 0 --7 y-int is positive c > 0 --7 y-int is positive c < 0 --7 y-int is negative
a < 0 --7 sad face a < 0 --7 sad face a > 0 --7 happy face
y y y


a) C is the point (0;-3) c) 2x2 +x-3=-x+1
x-int: let y = 0 :.2x2 +2x-4=0
:.2x2 +x-3=0 :.x2 +x-2=0
:.(2x+3)(x-l) =0 :.(x+2)(x-I)=0
... x=-Yz2 or x=1 :.x =-2 or x = 1--7 N/A
:.x-int's:A(-,%;O) aodB(I;O) Sub x=-2 into y = -x+1
:. D is the point (-2;3)

b) y=mx+c d) EF=-x+I-(2~+x-3)
:. y =-x+c --7DBlly =-x
Sub B(I;O) =-x+I-2x2-x+3
:.O=-I+c =-2x2_2x+4
:.c =1 Subx=-I
:. y =-x+1 :. EF =_2(_1)2 -2(-1)+4
:.EF=4 units

a) JK = Ytop - Ybot = YI - YK c) x 2 -x-12=0
:. JK = -4-(-12) :. (x+3)(x-4) =0
:. JK = 8 units :.x=-3 or x=4
:. A is the point (-3;0) aod B is (4;0)

b) x 2 -x-12=-3x-4
:.x2 +2x-8=0
:. (x+4)(x-2) =0
:.x=-4 or x=2
Sub these points into g (x)
g{-4) =8 aodg(2) =-10
:.Cisthepoint (-4;8) aodLis (2;-10)

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 317

d) m=x2 -x-12-(-3x-4) e) FG=-3x-4-(x 2 -x-12)
=x2+2x-8 :.5 = _x 2 -2x+8
:. x 2 +2x-3 = 0
:.m=32+2(3)-8= :. (x-1){x+3) = 0
:.m=? units :.x=10r x=-3-+N/A
:. AM = xright - x1eft = xM - xA
:. AM = 4 units
a) Sub (1;2) intof(x) andg(x) b) AB=f(x)-g(x)

:.2=a1 and 2=~ = 2x_3.

1 x
:.a=2 and k=2 Subx=2
:.AB =22-%
:. AB = 3 units
c) Y=TX-+y=(U d) y=--; x;tO

a) C is the point (0;3) c) E:g(x)=f(x)
x-int: let Y = 0 :.-%x+3=-x2 +2x+3
:.0 = _x 2 +2x+3
:.x=-l or x=3 :.X= X or x=O-+N/A
Thepointsare:A(-l;O) andB(3;0)
g(X) = - %(X)+3 =-%

b) DA=-%x+3-(-x +2x+3)
2 :. E is the point (X;- %)
F: g(x)=O
=-%x+3+x2 -2x-3
Sub x=-l
:. DA = (_1)2 - ~(-1) :.Fisthepoint (2;0)
=4,5 units
d) xS-1 or 2SxS3
Also written as:
xe (-~;-1] or [2;3]

-b -2
e) x=-=--=l
2a 2(-1)

f(l) = -W +2(1)+3 =4
:. TP is (1;4)

f) -~ +2x+3-k = 0
:.3 <k < 4 -+ also written as ke (3;4)
EXercise 8 is on pages 305 and 306

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 318

Real World Applications and Average Gradient
Exercise 9: Exercise 9 is on pages 306 and 307

a) Sub the point (50; 4 (00) c) Suby = 2500

:.4000 = a(50)2 :. 2500 = 1,6x2

:.a=I,6 :. ~ =1562,5
:. x = 39,53 or x;t -39,53
:. x=40 seconds

b) Sub x = 30 into Y = 1,6x2 d) m

:. y = 1,6(30)2
:. Average take off speed is 80mls.
:. y = 1440 metres


a) h(t) = -5,I(x-2)2 +21 y

a < 0 -Had face
TP: (2;21) ~
y·int: y = -5,1(0-2)2 +21 =0,6
x-int: 0 = -5,I(x-2)2 +21
:.5,I(x-2)2 = 21 time (s) (4,03;0) x
:. (x_2)2 = 79{7

... X-2=+rx
- 17
:.x=4,03 or x=-0,03-+N/A

b) The ball is hit when t = 0 d) The TP represents the maximum height

h(O) = 0,6 metres :. Max height is 21 metres.

c) 4,03 seconds e) The TP represents the maximum height

:. Max height is reached after 2 seconds.

Trigonometric Functions
Exercise 10: Exercise lOis on pages 307 and 308
a) Y b)
••.••••.• :;
. -r"......, x

90· 180· 270· 360·

·············· 3
y d) l+ ...... \l!:
••• ;.••••••• -1- .
2 : :

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 319

e) f)

90' 180' 270' 360



........... ~2 ........~
.. _---0:-.
a) Graph4 c) Graph6 e) Graph2
b) Graph 5 d) Graph 1 f) Graph 3

a) f (x) completes half a cycle in 360 0
c) The range of f(x) isye [-1;1]
:.Theperiodof f(x) is2x360° =720 0 :. Therangeofg(x) isye [0;2]

b) 360 = 7200
:.k= Yz
The graph of h(x) is a cos graph shifted 45 left.

:. p=45°

······················ 1·+--~..,..,
························ .................................................,

a) 2
b) 360

c) This occurs where one graph is positive and Ihe olher is negative
0 0 0
:._90 <x<Oo or 90 <x<180° or 270 <x<360°
0 0 0 0 0 0
This is also written as x e (-90 0 ; ) or (90 180 ; ) or (270 360 ; )

Exercise lOis on pages 307 and 308

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 320

Mixed Exercise: The Mixed Exercise is on pages 308 and 309
a) J(x)=3 x- P -7 b) Sub iu the point (k;6)
Sub the point (-1;2) :.6 = 3k +3 _7
:.2=3- I - p -7 :.13=3k +3
:.9 = TI-p use trial and error on the calculator
:.32 =TI-p
:. k = -{),66
:.J(x)=3x +3 -7
c) All the x-values change sign: d) It can be seen that the y-value of J (x) has changed sign.
:.g(x)=Tx+3_ 7 :.h(x) is a reflection of J(x) aboutthex-axis.


a) g(x) =~+2 c) g(x) =_3__ 2

x x+l
3 d) g(x)=_3__ 4
b) g(x)=-
x-5 x-5

a) x-iut: let y = 0 d) FG = g(x)- J(x)
:.0=2x2 -4x-6 :.8 = 4x-6-(2x2 -4x-6)
:.0=x2 -2x-3
:. 2x2 -8x+8 = 0
:.x=-I or x=3
:.A(-I;O) andB(3;0) :. x 2 -4x+4 = 0
:.(x_2)2 =0
b) At C:J(x) = g(x) :.x=2
:.2x2 -4x-6=4x-6 J(2)=-6andg(2)=2
:.2x2 -8x=0 F(2;2) and G(2;-6)
:.x=4 or x=O--+N/A e) x= -b = -(-4) =1
2a 2(2)
4( 4)-6 = 10 --+ J (4)
:. g (4) = can also be used
:.Cisthepoiut (4;10) J(I)=2W -4(1)-6=-8
D is the poiut (1;-8)
c) AE=J(x)-g(x)
= 2x2 -4x-6-(4x-6) f) 0 = 2x2 -4x-6-k
the graph has to be shifted up by more than 8 units
=2x2 -8x
:.k <-8
At A the x coordinate is -1
:. AE = 2( _1)2 -8( -1) = 10 units

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 321

a) x-in!: let y = 0 d) Atg:f(x)=g(x)
:.0=_.!.x2+~x+2 :.x-4=-Ji~ +,%X+2
2 2
:.0=x2 -3x-4 :. 2x-S = _x 2 +3x+4
:.0 = (x+I)(x-4) :.x2 -x-12=0
:.x=-I or x=4 :. (x+3)(x-4) = 0
:.A(-I;O) andB(4;0) :.x=-3 or x=4-+N/A
:. g(-3) = -3-4 = -7 -+ f(4) can also be used
b) CD= Ytop - Ybot = Yc - Yn :.Gisthepoint (-3;-7)
:. CD = 2-(-4) = 6 uuits
e) x';;-3or x;='4
c) EF = g(x)- f(x) This can also be written as:
:.9=x-4-(-Jix + ,%x+2) XE (-=;-3] or [4;=)

:.9=x-4+ Ji~-,%x-2 f) This occurs where one graph is positive and the other negative:
:.IS=2x-S+~-3x-4 :. x;=' -I but x ;t 4 as g(x) is 0 whenx=4

:.0 = x 2 -x-30 This can also be written as: x E [I; =) but x ;t 4

:.0 = (x-6)(x+S)
:.x=6 or x=-S-+N/A
:. OP = 6 uuits

a) p =_30' b) h(x)=2cos(x+30'-30')
a=2 = 2cosx
k= Ji
q=1 c) -ISO' ';;x<-9O'

This can also be written as: XE [-ISO' ;-90')



.................. .......
......................... , .... :.Z·················· ~---

a) f: ISO' b) f:XE [-ISO';ISO'J butx;t±90' c) 0' :S;x<90'

g: 360' g:YE [-1;1] This is also written as XE [0';90')

The Mixed Exercise is on pages 308 and 309

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 322

Chapter 6- Trigonometry
Grade 10 Revision
Exercise 1: Back to Theory Exercise I solutions are on page 328
1) Determine which quadrant the terminal arm would lie in for each of the foUowing cases:
a) coslhOandtanO<O d) tanO<OandOE[180·;360·]

b) sinO < 0 and OE [90· ;270·] e) sin x > 0 and 90· :s; x:s; 360·

c) tan x > 0 and sin x > 0 f) sinp<Oand cosP<O

2) Using the diagrams below determine the value of:

y y
P(-3;4) Q(3;4)
L _, ,-1
o x o x

a) sinO c) cosO e) tanO

b) sinp d) cosp f) tanp

3) If 3 sinO = 2 and cosO < 0 , with the aid oC a diagram determine the value oC:

a) tanO b) sinO c)
4) Without the use of a calculator, determine the value oC:

Back to Theory


Exercise 2: Back to Theory Exercise 2 solutions are on pages 329, 330 aod 331
1) Simplify the CoUowing expressions as far as possible:
8in 2 x+sin2 xcosx e)
(sinO-cosOl + 2cos OsinO
I 2
f) - - - t a n y+1
cos Y

4sin 2 x+4cos 2 x g) tan 2 0 _ _I_

_2sin2 x-2cos2 x cos2 0

d) tanxcosxsinx-I
b) (_I cos 2 0
sin 2 0
2) Prove the foUowing identities: Back to Theory
1+ 2cos x(l+ cos x) I+cosx
a) (I + tan 2 x)cos 2 x=1 e)
8in x I-cosx
2 sinxcosx 1-2sinOcosO sinO-cosO
b) 8in x+ I f)
tan x sin 2 0-cos 2 0 sinO+cosO

I I 2 tan x 2cos2 O+cosO-1 2cosO-1
I-sinx I+sinx cosx sin 2 0 I-cosO
tan 2 a 2cos2 p+5cosp-3
d) sin 2 a h)
l+tan 2 a 2sinpcosp-sinP sinp

© Copyright Kevin Smilh I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 323

cos 2 0-cosO-sin 2 0 cosO-1 m)
1-cosx sin x
2sinOco.0+sinO .inO sin x l+cosx
l-sinx cos x 1 1 2
j) n)
cosx l+sinx sinx-1 .inx+1 cos 2 x
Scos 0-co.OsinO-3 cosO+sinO
k) cos x ~l-SinX
2cos 2 0-3cosOsinO cosO 0)
l+sinx l+sinx
2sin2 x+sinx-1 2sinx-1
cos x 2 l-sinx p) (tanx+ ~J1-co.2x)=tanx

Back to Theory Exercise 2 solutions are 00 pages 329. 330 aod 331
Reduction Formula
Exercise 3: Exercise 3 solutions are on pages 331 and 332
1) Simplify the following expressions as far as possible:
2sin(180' -x)cos(360' -x) cos(180' + x) sin (360' -x)tan(180' -x)
a) c)
3sin(180' +x)cos(180' -x) sin (180' + x) sin (360' -x)
cos2 (180' + 0)sin(180' -0)tan(180' +0)
sin (360' -0)sin(180' +0)

2) Simplify the following expressions as far as possible: Back to Theory

a) [sin (-x) + cos (_x)]2 +2sinxsin(90' -x) e)
tan (360' -0)sin(9O' -0)
b) sin (90' +B ) cosB+ ( ) 2
tan 360'-B
[ tan 0-cos (90' + 0) J[ tan2 (:0' -0) + 1]
tan 2 (180' +0)
I-cos (90' +0)
cos 2 (180' -0)
cos (90' +0)
cos (360' -0)tan(360' -0)

Exercise 4: Back to Theory Exercise 4 solutions arc on pages 332 333 and 334
1) Evaluate the following expressions without the use of a calcnlator:
a) tan 240' c) cos 420' e) tan 240' -co.( -30')

b) sin 300' d) sin 210' -cos 300' f) sin(-lS0')+cos(120')

2) Determine the value of the following expressions without the use of a calcalator:
a) co.300' -sinlS0' sin2S' cos13S' tan67S'
sin 300' .in31S' co.6S'
tan 240' sin120' sin 202' tan 68'
sin (--(j()' )tan( 210') sin ( _68' ) tan 420'
co. 2 13S'
d) h tan ISO' co. 22S' .in240' .in 2 (22S') -tan( -0) + cos (90' -0)
co. 240' +sin 2 (-4S' )co.lS0' sin (-0) +cos( -120' )+tan( -180' -0)
-.in300' +tan( -13S')

© copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 324

Back to Theory Exercise 4 solutions are on pages 332, 333 and 334

Back to Theory Exercise 5 solutions are on pages 334, 335 and 336

Back to Theory

Back to Theory

Back to Theory Exercise 6 solutions are on page 336

Back to Theory The Mixed Exercise solutions are on pages 336, 337, 338 and 339

Table of Contents 325

e) 3sin2150' + 2sin 2 225' -cos36O' -2cos2 330'
tan (-311' )sin( -143')
cos 307' tan 229'
sin (-8) sin (360' + 8) +cos (90' +8)
-sin (360' - 8) - tan (315' )

2) Prove the foUowing identities without the use of a calculator

2 sin x sinx 2
a) _1__ cos X I-cosx b)
( sinx sinx ) I+cosx l-cosx l+cosx tan x

3) Given the identity sin2 8+ cos 2 8+tan2 8 = ~:

cos 8
a) Prove that tbe identity above is true.
b) Hence, witbout using a calculator determine tbe value of sin 2 240' +cos 2 240' + tan 2 240' .

c) Witb reason say whetber or not ~sin2 240' +cos 2 240' +tan 2 240' = 1 is a valid statement.
cos 240°

4) Given the identity C':8 + tan 8 )C':8 -tan8) =1:

a) Prove that tbe identity above is true.

b) Hence, determine tbe value of _1_ + tan 8 if _1_ - tan 8 = 2 .
cos8 cos 8

5) Determine the solutionis to the foUowing equations correct to 1 decimal place.

a) cos (76: +15') = tan 12' andxE[-270';540'] b) 7cos 2 8+sin8cos8-6=0

. • sin8cos8tan8
6) GIven the expressIOn 2
I-cos 8
a) Simplify tbe above expression as far as possible.
b) Hence, solve tbe equation tanA sin8cos8tan8 if AE [0';360'
l-cos 2 8
7) For wbicb values of x is the expression 2 3 is undef"med?
cos x-2cosx

8) If 8E [-180' ;180'], determine the value of 8 if tan 58 = tan8.

9) If 6cos8 = 5 and sin8 < 0, without a calcalator and with aid of a diagram determine the value of:
a) sin8 b) tan 2 8cos8 c) cosaif a+8=90'

10) If 3cos8+k = 0 and k < 0 and itisalso given that sin(l80' +8) > 0 determine wbich quadrant 8
lies in.

The Mixed Exercise solutions are on pages 336 337 338 and 339 Back to Theory

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 326

11) H 8e [0';270'], draw thefunctioDS of f(8)=cos28 and g(8)=sin(8-4S") on the same set of
axes showing all intercepts with the axes.

a) For which values of 8 is f (8) = g (8) c) For which values of 8 is ~ ~ :~ ,., 0 .

b) For which values of 8 is f (8),., g (8). d) For which values of 0 is g (0) - f (0) = 1.

12) Using your knowledge of trigonometry, determine the value of:

a) cosO' +cost + cos 2' + ... +cosI78' + cos 179' +cosI80'
b) sin 2 t +sin 2 2' +sin 2 3' + ... +sin 2 88' +sin 2 89' +sin 2 90'

The Mixed Exercise solutions are on pages 336. 337. 338 and 339 Back to Theory

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 327

Chapter 6- Trigonometry (Memo)
Grade 10 Revision
Exercise 1: Exercise 1 is on page 323
a) 4th quadrant c) I" quadrant e) 2nd quadrant
b) 3'" quadrant d) 4th quadrant o 3'" quadrant

2) The first step in this problem is to use Pythagoras to solve for the lengths of OP and OQ.
Op2 =(_3)2+(4)2 OQ2 = (3)2 +(4)2
=25 =25
:. OP = 5 units :. OQ = 5 units
a) sinll=~ -+l'. c) cosll=- -+-
e) tan II =.i. -+ 1'.
5 r 5 r -3 x

b) sinP=~ -+l'. 3 x
d) cosP=- -+- o tanP=~ -+l'.
5 r 5 r 3 x

3) sinll = ~ -+ 1'. y
3 r
x 2 =32 _22 •
:. x = -.J5 -+ 2nd quadrant 1··;

a) tanll sinll
2 cosll
-.J5 = %
= -.J5 -.rS;; 4 5
2 2 2.J5 9 9
=--+-=-- =1
-.J5 -.J5 5

a) sin 2 30' c) cos 2 30' e) tan 60'

=(~)2 =(~%r ="X

=~ =%

sin 60'
b) ~1-cos230' d) ~1-sin230' 0
cos 60'

=~I-("%r =~1_(~)2 -~%


=~I-% =~I-~
=M=~ -J%-../3
- 4- 2
- 2

="% x~ =../3

© copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 328

Exercise 2: Exercise 2 is on pages 323 and 324
2 2 1 2
a) sin X+8in XC08X f) ---tan y+l
l+co8x C082 Y
8in2x~ 2
=_1__ 8in Y +1
J;eUsX C08 2 Y C08 2 Y
= sin x
2 1-8in2 y+C08 2 y
= .::.......:::=---<.,.:-:"----'-
C08 2 y
2 2
b) (1-8in 9)(I+tan 9) C08 2 y+C08 2 y
= ---'----;;------'--
2 C08 2 y
= (1-8in2 9)(1 + 8in 2 9)
cos 9 2C08 2 Y
= 2
cos2 Y
= (~)( cos::;;2 9 J
g) tan 2 9 __1_
co8 2 9
8in 2 9 1
2 2
c) 48in X+4C08 x
-28in 2 X-2C08 2 x
4(sin 2 x+cos2 x) c08 2 9

-2 (8in 2 X+C08 2 x) -(1-8in 2 9)

d) tanxc08x8inx-l

=(~ };:e6)(sinX)-1 h) ( _ 1 _1)(_1 -1)

c08 2 9 8in 2 9
=sin 2 x-I
=-(I-sin 2 x)
= -008 x
l-sin 2 9-co8 2 9+c08 2 98in2 9
C08 2 98in 2 9
e) (sin9-co89)2 +2co898in9
1-( 8in 2 9+co8 2 9)+co82 98in 2 9
= 8in 2 9-2co898in9+c08 2 9+2co898in9 =~----~~~---­
C08 2 98in 2 9
= 8in 2 9+co8 2 9 2
=1-I+co8 98in 9
=1 C08 2 98in 2 9


a) lJ-IS=(I+ sin: X)(C08

cos x
x) b) lJ-IS = 8in2 X+(8inXC08X+ 8inX]
cos x

(C08~2 x J(~) x+(JHt'f C08XX:';)

= = 8in
= sin x+cos 2 x

© copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 329

c) LHS l+sinx-(I-sinx) 2
h) LHS 2cos P+5cosP-3
(l-sinx)(1 + sin x) 2sinpcosp-sinp
2sinx ~(cosP+3)

cos2 x cosP+3 RHS
2sinx sinP
= -;-----;--;-----;-
(cos x)(cos x)
cos 2 0-cosO-(I-cos2 0)
=2tanx=RHS i) LHS=
2cos 2 0-cosO-l
sinO(2cosO+ 1)

j) LHS=I-sinx x l+sinx
= sin a cos x l+sinx
~ 1 l-sin 2 x
=sin2 a=RHS cosx(1 +sin x)
cos2 x
e) LHS=I+ 2cos x(l+ cos x) cosx(l+sinx)
l-cos 2 x cos x
2cosx(l+cosx) RHS
=1+ l+sinx
(l-cosx)(1 + cos x)
=1+ 2cosx 5cos 2 0-cosOsinO-3(sin 2 0+cos2 0)
l-cosx k) LHS -
= 2cos 2 0-cosOsinO-3sin2 0
l+cosx cosO(2cosO-3sinO)
l-cosx (2cos 0 - 3sin 0)( cos 0+ sin 0)
2 2
f) LHS sin 0-2sinOcosO+cos 0 cosO+sinO RHS
sin2 0-cos2 0 cosO
= -;-:--::-'------::~---=---=­ I) LHS (2sinx-l)(sinx+l)
(sin 0 - cos 0) (sin 0+ cos 0)
sinO-cosO l-sin 2 x
sinO+cosO (2sinx-l)~
g) LHS (2cos 0-I)(cos 0+1) 2sinx-l
l-cos 2 0 RHS
_ (2cosO-l)~
- (l-cosO)~ m) LHS=I-cosxxl+cosx
sin x l+cosx
= RHS l-cos 2 x
sinx(1 +cosx)
sin x
Exercise 2 is on pages 323 and 324 l+cosx

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 330

2 l+sinx
n) RHS cos x-2sinx-2 0)
cos 2 x(sinx+l) l+sinx

l-sin 2 x-2sinx-2 l-sin 2 x

cos 2 x(sinx+l) (l+sinx)2

-sin 2 x-2sinx-l ~cos2 x

cos 2 x(sinx+l) l+sinx
cos x
-(sin 2 x+2sinx+l) = LHS
cos 2 x(sinx+l)
-(sinx+l)2 p) LHS=(sinx + cosxJ(1_COS 2 x)
cosx sinx
cos 2 x(sinx+1) 2
= sin. x+cos2 XJ(1 -cos 2)
-(sinx+1) [ smxcosx
1-sin2 x
-~ = 1
( sinxcosx
J( . 2 x )

(l-sinx)~ sin x
-1 1 cos x
l-sinx sinx-l

Exercise 2 is on pages 323 and 324

Reduction Formula
Exerdse3: Exercise 3 is on page 324
2sin(180' -x) cos (360' -x) b) 1+
2sin2 (360-0) 1
a) 2 2
3sin(180' +x)cos(180' -x) cos (180'+0) tan (180'-0)
2 (Jir(f)(
.s:e6) =1+ 2sin 0 x __1__
cos 2 0 tan 2 0
3 (-Jir(f) (-.s:e6)
2sin 2 0 cos2 0
2 =1+ x----
cos 2 0 sin2 0

cos(180' +x)sin(36O' -x)tan(180' -x)

c) cos2 (180' +0)sin(180' -0)tan(180' +0)
sin (180' + x) sin (360' -x) d)
sin(360' -0)sin(180' +0)
~(-sinx) =
(-Jln1}j( -sinO)
(.s:e6)(~) _ (cost O)(~)
- ~
= cosO
a) [sin ( -x) +cos( -x)J2 + 2 sin xsin(90' -x) b) sin (90' +B ) cosB+ ( )
tan 360'-B
= (-sinx+cosx)2 +2sinxcosx
= 8in x-2sinxcosx+cosx2 +2sinxcosx =cosBcosB+ ~

=sin 2 x+cos 2 x=1

= cos2 B+sin 2 B = 1

© copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 331

I-cos (90" +9)
cos 2 (180" -9)
cos2 9
l-sin 2 9
(l-sin9)(1 +sin 9)

cos (90" +9)

cos (360" -9)tan(360" -9)
- sin 2 9
oos9(-tan9) oos29

-~ ~(I-oos29) ~
= x----
~(-~) ~(oos29)
sin 9

=1 = sin 9 =tan2 9
e) oospsin(90" -p)
tan (360" -9) sin (90" -9)
-sin 9
oos2 P

=1-cos 2 p=sin 2 P
Exercise 3 is on page 324

Exerdse4: Exercise 4 is on pages 324 and 325

a) tan 240" c) cos 420" e) tan 240" -cos (-30")
= tan (180" +60") = cos ( 420" - 360" )
= tan (180" +60" )-oos(30")
= tan 60" = cos 60" = tan 60" -cos 30"
=--13 =./3-..(%

b) sin 300" d) sin 210" -cos 300" f) sin(-150")+oos(120")

= sin (360" -60") = sin (I 80" + 30" )-cos(360" -60") = -sin( 180" -30") +cos(180" -60")
; ; ; -sin 6ft ; ; ; -sin30° -cos60°
= - sin 30" - cos 60"
=- Yz-Yz =- Yz-Yz
=-1 =-1

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 332

a) cos (300· ) - sin (150· )

(sin25·)( -cos45·)( tan315·)

=Yz-Yz (-sin45·)( cos 65· )

sin 300· J~~~(-tan45·)
tan 240·
-sin6(t - ~~
tan 60· =-1
-..[3- 2 sin 120· sin 202· tan 6S·
g) -----,--------.----
sin ( --{)S· ) tan 420·
sin (-60· ) tan (210· )
cos 2 135·
( sin 60· )( - sin 22· ) ( sin 6S:
( - sin 60· )( tan 30· ) - (-sin6S· )(tan60·)

(-cos 45· t J4Jt-~t::J

(_.J;;;)(~J - (-~)(fi)
(-.J%'r =
d) ,J2 tan 150· cos 225· sin 240·
=,J2 (-tan30·)( -cos 45· )( -sin 60· )

= -,J2(fi J( ~)(1J -sin8-cos60· -tan8

2 1

4 2 _(.J%'r +tan8+sin8
- -sin8- Yz-tan8
cos 240· +sin2 (-45· )cos150·
e) Yz + tan 8 +sin 8
-sin 300· + tan (-135· ) = ---7-"'-------:-;--,
-(sin8+ Yz + tan 8)
(-cos60· )+(-sin45· t (-cos30·) =-1
-( -sin 60· ) -( -tan 45· )

- Yz +(-.J%'n-.J;;;)
-Yz(l+ .J;;;) 1

.J;;; +1 2

Exercise 4 is on pages 324 and 325

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 333

3) The first step in this type of question is always to draw a diagram as shown below:
Calculation of x: sin 56' =! -+ l'
1 ,
x 2 +l=,2
:.x2 =,2-l
" :. x = ~1_12

a) sin 236' c) tan 124' e) sin 34'

= sin (lS0' +56') = tan (lS0' -56') = sin (90' -56')

= -sin 56' = -tan 56' =c0856'

1 =~1_12
- ~1_12
b) cos 304' d) sin 776' f) cos 146'
= cos (360' -56') = sin( 56' + 720') = cos (90' +56')

= sin 56' =-sin56'

=1 =-1

Exercise 4 is on pages 324 and 325

Trigonometric Equations
ExerciseS: Exercise 5 is on page 325
a) sin 9 = 0,35 c) cos(29+10')=O,S66
:. RA = 2O,4S7 .. .'
:. RA = 30,002.. .'
:.9 = 20,5' +360' k
:.29+10' =±(30,002.. .' )+360'k; kE Z
or 9 =159,5' +360' k; kE Z
:. 29 = 20,002.. .' + 360' k or 29 = -40,002 .. .' + 360' k
b) tan29=5 :.9=lO'+lS0'k or 9=-2O'+lS0'k
:. RA = 7S, 690 .. .'
:.29 = 7S,690 .. .' + lS0' k ; k E Z d) cos(x+2O')=sin70'

:.9 = 39,4' +90' k :. RA = 20'

:. x+20' = ±20' +360' k; kE Z
:. x = 0' +360'k or x = -40' +360' k

a) sin 2 x-sinxcosx=O b) 2sinxtanx-tanx= 0

:. sinx(sinX-C08X) = 0 :. tanx(2sinx-l) = 0
:.sinx=O or sinx=cosx :.tanx=O or 8inx= ~
:.sinx=O or tanx=l :.RA=O' or RA=30'
:.RA=O' or RA=45' :. x = lS0' k
:.x=lS0'+360'k or x=45'+lS0'k;kEZ or
x=30'+36O'k or x=150'+36O'k;kEZ

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 334

c) 8cos211=--
2 g) cos 2 11-sinll-l=0
cos 211
:.I-sin 2 II-sinll-I = 0
:. cos 2 211 = y,; :. sin2 11+ sin II = 0
:. cos 211 = ± ~ :. sin II( sin 11+ 1) = 0
:. RA = 60° or RA = 120° :.sinll=O or sinll=-1
:.211 = ±60° +360° k :.RA=O° or RA=-90°
:. II = ±30° + 180° k or :. II = 360° k or II = 180° +360 k; kE Z
or or
211 = ±120° + 360° k II = _90° + 360° k or II = 270° + 360° k
:. II = ±60° +180° k; kE Z
b) 3sin2 11-sinllcosll-l=0
d) smxcosx-3cosx = 0 :.3 sm 2 11- sin II cos 11- (sin 2 II + cos 2 II) = 0
:. cosx(sinx-3) = 0
:. 2sin2 II-sin IIcos lI-cos 2 II = 0
:. cos x = 0 or sin x = 3 --7 No solution
:. (sm II-cos 1I)(2sin II + cos II) = 0
:. RA =90°
:.sinll=cosll or 2sinll=-cosll
:.x=±90° + 360° k ; kE Z
:. tan II =1 or tanll=- ~

e) sin(II-20o)=cosll :.RA=45° or RA=-26,565 ..:

:.11=45°+180 k
:. sin ( II-20°) = sin(W -II)
or 11=-26,6° +180° k; kE Z
:.11_20° =90° -1I+360 k;kE Z i) sin211-7sinllcosll+2=0
:.211 = 110° + 360° k :. sin2 11-7sinllcosll+2( sin 2 lI+cos 2 II) = 0
:.11=55° +180 k
:. 3sm 2 11-7 sin llcos II + 2cos2 11=0
:. (3 sin II-cos lI)(sinll- 2cosll) = 0
II_20° = 180-(90° -11)+360° k :.3sinll=cosll or sinll=2cosll
:.11_20° =90+11+360 k
:. tan II = X or tan II = 2
:. 0 = 110° + 360° k --7 no solution :. RA = 18,434.. : or RA = 63,434 .. :
:. II = 18,4° + 180° k
I) 3sin2 x-5sinx = 2
or 11= 63,4° +180 k; kE Z
:. 3sm 2 x-5sinx-2 =0
:. (3sinx+ 1)(sinx-2) = 0
j) -cos II = sin(II-lOo)
.". sin x ; ; ; - X or sin x ; ; ; 2 --+ no solution :. cos II = -sin( II-10°)
:. RA =-19,471..:
:. cos II = sin ( -11+ 10°)
:. x = -19S +360° k
or :. cos II = cos (90° -[-11+10°])
x=180° +19,471..: +360° k
:. cos II = cos (80° +11)
:. x = 199,5° +360° k ;kE Z
:. RA = 80° +11
:.II=±(800+1I)+3600k;kE Z
0 0
:.11=_80° -11+360 k or 11=80° +11+360 k
0 0
:.211=-80° +360 k or 0 =80° +360 k
:. II = -40° + 180° k or no solution
Exercise 5 is on page 325

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 335

k) cos2x = -cosx I) cosx=tan(-x)
:. cos2x = cos (180° -x) ,'.cosx=-tanx
sin x
:. RA = 1800-x ,',cosx=---
cos x
:. 2x = ±(180° -x)+360° k; kE Z 2
:. cos x = -sinx
:. 2x = 180° -x+3600k or 2x= -180° +x+360° k :.1-sin 2 x=-sinx
:.3x = 180° +360° k or X= -180° +360° k :.sin 2 x-sinx-l=O
:. X= 60° +120° k or x =-180° +360° k . 1---15 . 1+--15 1 .
:.Slnx=-- or smx=--~nosoution
2 2
:. RA =-38,172 ...
:. x = -38,2° + 360 k orx =180° +38,17 .... +360° k; kE Z
= -218,2° + 360° k


a) XE {-135° ;45° ;1800} e) 8E {-305° ;-125° ;55°} i) 8E {-161,6° ;-116,6° ;18,4° ; 63, 4°}

b) XE { 0° ;180°; 30° ;1500} f) 8E {-19,5° ;199,5°} j) XE {-220° ;_40° ;1400}

c) 8E {22,5° ;67,5° ;112,5°} g) XE {0° ;180° ; 270; 360°} k) 8E{-3000;-1800;-600}

d) x=90° h) XE {-135°;-26,5° ;45°} I) 8E { 38,2° ;141,8°;398,1"}

EXercise 5 is on page 325

Exercise 6: Exercise 6 is on page 325

3 2
a)2sin 8+2sin8cos 8 2tan8 2 2
b) (tan 8-Sin 8)(I+
cos 8 sm 8
is undefined when cos 8 = O.
is undefined when sin 2 8 = 0 or when cos 2 8 = O.
:.RA =90° :. sin 8 = 0 or cos 8 = 0
:.8= ±90° +360° k+360° k; kEZ :.RA=O° or RA=90°
:.8=0° +360° k or 8=180° +360 k;kE Z
:. 8=±90° +360 k

Mixed Exercise: The Mixed Exercise is on pages 325, 326 and 327
a) J(1-cosx)(I+cosx) cos (360° -x)sin(180° + x) cos (90° -x)
=Jl-cos 2 x sin(180° -x)tan(180° -x)

=~sin2 x (cosx)(-sinx)~
= sin x
= (cosx)(sin x) + tan x

= ( cos x) (.si<fx) X; ; ;

=008 x

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 336

tanI50'cosI35'cosI00' e) 3sin2150' + 2sin2 225' -cos360' -2cos 2 330'
sin 585' cos 150' sin 170' = 3sin 2 30' +2sin2 45' -1-2cos 2 30'
(-tan30')( -cos45')( cosloo')

(sin225')( -cos 30' )(sinlO')

=3(Yz)2 +2( "%'r "?iT-1-2(

(- y~)(-"%,)(COSloo') = %+1-1-% =-~

(-sin45')(-"Yz)(sinlO') tan (-311' )sin( -143')

(- y~)(;o/z')(-~) 2
cos 307' tan 229'
(-tan311')( -sin 143' )

(-%)(-~Yz)(~) 3
cos 53' tan49'

COS (180'-X)] cos53'~
d) tan(x-180')cos(900'+x) sin(-x) ( ') -cos53'
cos x-90 1
cos 53'

= (tan x)(-cos X{-Sin x) (t:)]]

cos - 90 -x g)
sin (-8) sin (360' +8)+cos(90' +8)

-sin (360' - 8) - tan (315' )

=(tanx)(-cosx) [ , cos x]
(-smx)--,- ( -sin8)(sin8)-sin8
sin 8 + tan 45'
=(~)(_~)[ -Sin2~COS2 x) -sin 2 8-sin8
=sin x+cos x=l 2
= -sin8

2 sinx(1 +cosx)-sinx(l-cosx)
a) LHS=I-2cosx+cos x b) LHS=--~~~~~~--~
sin x (l-cosx)(1 +cosx)
(cosx-l)2 sinx+sinxcosx-sinx+sinxcosx
(l-cosx)(l + cos x) l-cos2 x
2 sin xcos x
sin 2 x
-( cosx-l)(l + cos x)
= 2cosx =_2_=RHS
cosx-l l-cosx sin x tan x
-(l+cosx) l+cosx

, 28 b) sin 2 240' +cos 2 240' +tan 2 240'
a) LHS=I+~
2 cos 8 1
cos 8+sin 2 8
1 =RHS
cos2 8 cos 2 8 4

c) It is not valid as - - - 2 and the root of any number cannot be negative in the real
cos 240' -cos 60'
number system,

The Mixed Exercise is on pages 325 326 and 327

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 337

a) UIS-(_I_+ SinO)(_I__ SinO) b) (_1 + tan 0)(_1 -tanO)=1
cosO cosO cosO cosO cosO cosO
2 2
l-sin 0 cos 0 =1=RHS ... (_I_+ tanO)2=1
cos 0 cos 2 0 cosO
... _I_+ tanO ='!
cosO 2
a) cos (~ + 15 b) 7cos 2 0+sinOcosO-6=0
0 0 0 0
) = tan 12 and x E [ -270 ;540 ]

... RA = n, 727 ...

0 ... 7cos 2 0+sinOcosO-6(sin 2 0+cos 2 0) =0

... ~ +15 = ±(n,727 ... )+360 k;kE Z ... cos 2 0+sinOcosO-6sin2 0= 0

0 0 0

... (cosO+3sinO)( cos 0-2sinO) = 0

... ~=62,727 ...0+360ok or ~=--92,727 ...0+3600k
0 0 0
... x=125,5°+720 k or x =-185,5 + 720 k
... tanO=-X' or tan 0 = X
0 0
... RA = -18,434 ... or RA = 26,565 ...
... XE {-185,5° ;125,so;534,5° }
0 0
... 0=-18,4°+180 k or 0=26,6°+180 k;kEZ
sin Ocos otan 0 b) tanA=1
... RA =45
0 0
... A = 45 +180 k;kE Z
... AE {45° ;225°}


7) cos 2 x-2cosx = 0 8) tan 50 = tan 0

... RA=O
... cosx(cosx-2)=0
... cos x = 0 or cosx = 2 --7 N/A ... 50=0+180 k;kE Z
... RA=90° ... 40=180 k

... x= ±90° +360 k ; kE Z

... 0=45°k
0 0 0 0 0 0
... OE {-180° ;_135 ; _45 ;0 ;45 ;135 ;180 }

0 0
Note that: x <I' _90 and x <1'90 as these are asymptotes

9) l=r2-x 2 5
LJ x
... l=62-5 2
... y=-Jli

c) cosa=cos(90°
a) sinO= -.Jli 2
b) tan 0COSO=(
6 = sinO

11 -Jli
30 6
10) cosO = -% and k < 0
... cosO>O and sin (180 +0) >0
... cosO>O and -sinO>O
... cosO>O and sinO<O
... 0 lies in quadrant 4.

The Mixed Exercise is on pages 325. 326 and 327

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 338


a) f(O) = g(O) b) You are looking for where g(O) is abovef(O)

:. cos 20 = sin (0-45°) :.45° ";0";165°

This is also written as 0 E [45°; 165° ]
:. cos 20 = cos [90° -( 0-45°)]

:. cos 20 = cos (135° -0) c) You are looking for where g( 0) is positive andf (0)

RA=135°-0 is negative or where g( 0) is negative andf (0) is positive.

Note thatf (O);t 0
:.20= ±(135° -0)+360° k;kE Z
:.0° ,,; 0 <135° and O;t 45°
:.30 = 135° +360° k or 0= _135° +360° k
This is also written as 0 E [0°; 135°) and O;t 45°
:.0=45° +120 k or 0=-135°+3Wk
:.0=45° or 0=165° or 0=225°
d) 0=135°


a) cosOo +cos1' +cos2° + ... +cos178° + cos 179° +cosI80°

= cos 0° +cos1' + cos 2° + ... +cos( 180° _2° )+cos( 180° - 1') + cos 180°
=l+cost + cos 2° + ... -cos2° _cosiO +0

b) sin 2 1° +sin 2 2° +sin 2 3° + ... +sin 2 88° +sin 2 89° +sin 2 90°

= sin 2 l' +sin 2 2° +sin 2 3° + ... +sin 2 (90° _2° )+sin 2 (90° - 1') +sin 2 90°
= sin 2 t +sin 2 2° +sin 2 3° + ... +cos 2 2° +cos2 t +1
= sin 2 t +sin 2 2° +sin 2 3° + ... +sin 2 44° +sin 2 45° +cos 2 44° + ... +cos 2 2° +C08 2 t + 1

=45+[ ~r

The Mixed Exercise is on pages 325. 326 and 327

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 339

Chapter 7- Measurement
Mixed EIerclse: Back to Theory The Mixed Exercise solutions are on pages 342 and 343
1) Determine the surface area of the shapes shown below correct to 1 decimal place:
a) b) c) ~--......

2) Determine the volume of all the shapes in Question 1 above.

E 10m ,
3) The closed cylinder alongside has a volume of 282,74m3 and a height of 10m.
Determine the radius of the cylinder correct to 1 decimal place.
Hence, determine the surface area of the cylinder correct to I decimal place.
By wbat factor must the radius and height of the cylinder be multiplied by, in order to increase the
volume to 35342,92 m 3 ?

4) Given the square right prism (cube) alongside: ,,

a) Determine the volume in terras of x. ,,
b) Determine the volume of the prism if x = 2cm. , L. ________ I
,: x

c) If the prism has a volume of 512m3 determine the value ofx. " x x\
d) If the prism bas a volume of 100 m 3 , by wbat factor must the sides of the cube be multiplied by to

increase the volume to 900m3 ?

e) If the surface area of the cube is 600 m 2 , by what factor must the sides of the cube be multiplied by to

increase the surface area to 1200m2 ?

5) The diagram alongside represents a 30cm long solar powered light designed to
illuminate pathways. The head of the light is a hemisphere with a diameter of Scm.
The body of the light is a cylinder with a diameter of 6cm. The peg section, which is 6
designed to be inserted into the ground, is a cone with a height of 4cm. Determine
the surface area of the light. Assume the figure is made from 1 piece and there is no
overlapping of any of the surfaces.

6) A garden water featore is constructed from a rectangular prism and sphere as

shown in the diagram below. A cylindrical hole is bored through the centre of the
featore to allow water to flow through it.
a) If the water pump can maintain a volume of 0, 22m3 , determine the diameter of the hole through the

b) Hence, cnrrect to I decimal place, determine the

surface area of the water feature. Remember that
a hole is bored through both sides of the sphere
and prism. !~".".-
,.----_ .. ---------
.' .' ..••
## ••

Sm ## 3m
... .-

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 340

7) Star Cups Coffee seDs its coffee beans in a cylindrical container. The open container (witbout a lid)
bas a surface area of 400n em'. It launcbes a new coffee powder in a rectangular sbaped container
witb tbe foDowing dimensions:
• The height is kept tbe same as tbeir current cylindrical containers
• The breadtb of tbe new container is equal to tbe radius of tbe cylindrical container
• The length of tbe rectangular base is twice its hreadtb

/! /
H •••··/~·- ...... ---...... i
I r


a) Show that the height of the container can be written as: H = 200 -!. .
r 2
b) Hence, write an expression for the volume of the new container in terms of its breadth (r).
c) Hence, determine the volume of the new container if the radius of the original container is 8cm.

The Mixed Exercise solutions are on pages 342 aod 343 Back to Theory

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 341

Chapter 7- Measurement (Memo)

Mixed Exercise: The Mixed Exercise is on pages 340 and 341

a) SA = 411"r2 b) SA = Afaces + Abase c) SA = Abase + ACYl + Aopen HS

= 411"(8)2 Atace = ! i base X x Aface = 1I"r2 + 21I"rH + 211"r2

=804,2cm2 ~ =122 +5 2 ~Pythag = 11"(8)2 + 211"(8)( 20) + 211"(8)2

:.x=13cm =1608,5m2
:. Aface = !i(24)(13) = 156cm
SA =4(156)+(24)(24)
= 1200cm

a) V=~1I"r3 b) V= X'(AbaseXH) c) V=VHS+Vcyl

= ~1I"(8f = X' (24)(24)(5) = %1I"r3 + 1I"r2H

= 2144,7cm3 = 96Ocm3 =%1I"(8f +11"(8)2(20)


a) V = 1I"r2H b) SA = 211"r2 + 211"rH c) If all lengths are multiplied by a
factor of k the volume increases by
:.282,74 = 1I"r2 (10) = 211"(3)2 +211"(3)(10) a factor of k'.
2 282,74
:.r ;;;;;;-- = 245,Om2 k3 = Vnew
1011" Void
282,74 =3m 35342,92
1011" 282,74
:.k 3 =125

a) V=lxBxH b) V=x3 c) V =x3
=23 :.512=~
=8cm3 :.x=8m

d) If all lengths are multiplied by a factor of k the e) If all lengths are multiplied by a factor of k the
volume increases by a factor of k'. area increases by a factor of k?'.
k3= Vnew k2 = Anew
Void Aold
900 1200
= =
100 600
=9 =2
:.k 3 =9 :. k 2 = 2
:.k =V9 :.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 342

5) Note that the cylinder and cone are hoth open and that the hemisphere is closed except where it joins
the cylinder.
SAloW = A HS + Acyl + Aeone
HS cyI ACYl = 21<rH Acone =Hrhs
A HS = 31<r2 -1<r2
= 21<rH _4 2 +32
h ,-
= 31« 4)2 -1«3f = 21«3)(30-4-4) =25
:.hs =5cm
:. Acone = 1«3)(5)
= 151<
:.SA IoW =391<+1321<+151<
= 584, 34 cm2
a) V=lrr2H
:.0,22 = lrr2 (5 + 2)
2 0,22
:.r = - -

b) Note that the area of the top and base of the cylinder has to be removed twice from the sphere and
twice from the prism.
Sp~ cyl 199
SAsp~=41<r2-(21<r2)=41«1)2_21«0,1)2= 5011' m 2
Sides Sides Bases
SAprism = 2(2X5)+2(3X5)+2(2X3)-21«0,1)2 = 61,937 ... m 2
:.SAlow =50+ 61,937 ...

= 74,4m2
a) SAcyl = lrr2 + 21frH
:. 4oo1<-1<r = 21<rH

:. H = 4001< _ 1<r2
21fr 2lrr
. H= 200_.:.
.. r 2

b) Vprism = LxBxH

=2r2(2~ _~)

c) V=4OO(8)-(8)3


The Mixed Exercise is on pages 340 and 341

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 343

Chapter 8- Euclidean Geometry
Theorems 1 and 2
Exercise 1: Back to Theory Exercise 1 solutions are on page 351
1) In the diagram alongside, 0 is the centre of the circle. p
OR=12cm and chord PQ=10cm. H OS.lPQ, determine
the length of OS.

2) In the diagram alongside, A is the centre of the circle. AS bisects

chord PQ. Determine the length of the radius if PQ = 48cm
and AR=7cm.

3) In the circle alongside, AC is a diameter of the circle and

BE.l DF. HB is the centre of the circle, determine the length of
the diameter if DF = 16cmand BE = 15cm.

4) In the diagram alongside, 0 is the centre of a circle and OB is

39m in length. HAC is 160m in length, determine the length of

5) In the diagram alongside, AC.l OB. Show that AD = DC

Theorem 3
Exercise 2: In each diagram below, 0 is the circle centre. Determine the value of JC,y and z. Back to Theory


Exercise 2 solutions are on page 351

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 344

Theorem 4
Exercise 3: Back to Theory Exercise 3 solutions are on page 352
1) Determine the value of the uoknown variables in each of the diagrams below:
~ ~

2) Determine the value of the uoknown angles or sides labelled as x or y in each of the diagrams below:
~ ~

3) In the dingram below, D2 = 60° aod Fi = 30°. Determine the value of x aody.

Exercise 4: Back to Theory Exercise 4 solutions are on pages 352 aod 353
1) The vertices of the quadrilaterals below lie on the circumference of the circle. Determine the values of
the unknown variables.
a) b)

P L-.+---{-;;;\

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 345

c) d)

2) Prove that ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral in each of the figures below. Back to Theory
~ ~


c) d)

A."""---"'''--_ _ _~ A,""'--_ _ _~~.

Theorems 6 and 7
Exercise S: Back to Theory Exercise 5 solutions are on page 353
1) Determine the value of the unknown variables in each of the foUowiog diagrams. In diagrams a and
b, AC is a tangent at B. In diagram c, AB and AC are tangents at B and C respectively. In diagram d,
the sides of triangle PQR are all tangents to the circle at A, B and C.

a) b) c

c) d)


© copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 346

Mixed Exercise: (Remember that diagrams are not drawn to scale.) Back to Theory

1) In the diagram alongside, A, B and C are on the circle

with centre S. Chords BA and CD are produced to meet
at E. AC and BD intersect at F. :8 2 = x and Al = Y.
a) Express F:z in terms ob and y.
b) Prove thatSl = F:z + E

2) In the diagram alongside, ABCD is a cyclic
quadrilateral. AD = DB and BAD = x. AB and DC are
produeed to interseet at P.
a) Give 3 other angles that are equal to x.
b) If CDA=65°andx=85°, determine the value of
c) Prove that AD is a tangent to circle ACP.

3) In the diagram below, two circles have a common tangent TAB. PT is a tangent to the smaller circle
at P. PAQ, QRT and NAR are straight lines and Q = x.
a) Give 3 other angles that are equal to x.
b) Prove that APTR is a cyclic quadrilateral.

The Mixed Exercise solutions are on pages 354. 355. 356 and 357

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 347

4) In the diagram alongside, two circles intersect at B and D. ABC is E
a straight line forming chords in both circles. Chords AF and BD
are produced to meet CE at E. H DWIGC, prove that:
a) FDGE is a cyclic quadrilateral
b) He is a tangent to circle BCE
c) f) =~

S) Two concentric circles centred at 0 have radU of lOcm and 17cm.

QR = 12cm • H OT.LQR, determine the length of PS.

6) In the diagram below, KF/ILM and K, L, M and D are points on

the circle. ME.iKD and HJ is a tangent at D.
H EMlIKL and HJ/IKM prove that:
a) DENF is a cyclic quadrilateral
b) MGED is a cyclic quadrilateral
c) DK=DM

K~~:-------~~~ ______21F

The Mixed Exercise solutions are on pages 354 355 356 and 357 Back to Theory

4> Copyrisbt Kevin Smith I Berlut Boob CC Table of Contents 348

7) The diagram alongside shows a clock face. Straight line AB joins 12
the 8 and 4 together and straight line CD joins the 1 and 6
together. 0 is the centre of the clock face. Determine the value of:
a) AOD (no reason is required)
h) COB (no reason is required)
9 3
c) HI'

8) In the diagram below two circles intersect one another at D and B. AB is a straight line such that it
intersects circle BCD at point E. BC is a straight line such that it intersects the circle ABD at F. DE,
DB and DF are joined. It is given that FC = FD and D4 = y.
a) Determine the value of ~ in terms of y.
b) Determine the value of A in terms ofy.
c) Hence, prove that ED/IBe.

9) In the diagram alongside, 0 is the centre of circle MEK such that

OM is the diameter of circle MNO. Chord EM of the larger circle
cuts the smaller circle at N. EM has a length of 4m 2 - 4 units and
ON has a length of 4m units. M /E---..!.i
a) Determine the length of the radius of the larger circle in terms of m.
b) If OMN = 30° , determine the value of K.

10) In the diagram alongside, TD is a tangent to the circle at D. RS and

DP are produced to meet at W and KST is a straight line. If
84 =82 and DR/IPS, prove that:
a) SWTD is a cyclic quadrilateral.
b) TK is a tangent to the circle at S.

The Mixed Exercise solutions are on pages 354. 355. 356 and 357 Back to Theory

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 349

11) In the diagram alongside, HC is a tangent to the circle at C and
HDE is a straight line. DB cuts EC at F and AC at G. EDIIAC and
AB = ED. Prove that: E
a) FC is a tangent to circle GCB.
b) ])1 =°
c) HDFC is a cyclic quadrilateral.


12) In the diagram alongside 0 is the centre of the circle. Al = A z and

CD = CF. AC and ED are produced to meet at F and 0 1 = 120·.
a) Determine the value of ])3'
b) Determine the value of ABD.
c) Hence, with reasons, state whether or not OBFD
is a cyclic quadrilateral.

13) In the diagram below, 0 is the centre of the semi-circle. Oc//AB and OB and AC intersect at D.
Hz =Oz.
a) If Al = 30· detennine the values of ])1,13 2 , CI .
b) Prove that ABCO is a rhombus.

The Mixed Exercise solutions are on pages 354. 355. 356 and 357 Back to Theory

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 350

Chapter 8- Euclidean Geometry (Memo)
Theorem 1 and 2
Exercise 1: Exercise 1 is on page 344

1) 2)
Statement Reason Statement Reason
RQ=RP=5cm line from centre Line from centre to
.1 chord midpoint of chord
OP2 =OR 2 +RP2 Pythag. AQ2 =AR2+RQ2 Pythag.
·.Op2 =122 +5 2 = 169 :.AQ2 =7 2 +24 2 =625
·.OP=13cm :.AQ=25cm
Note that AQ and AP are radii of the circle
·.OP=OS=13cm Radii :.AP=25cm

3) 4)
Statement Reason Statement Reason
DE=EF=8cm line from centre AB=BC=80m Line from centre
.1 chord .1 chord
BF2 =BE2+EF2 Pythag. OC2 = OB 2 + BC2 Pythag.
:.OC2 =392 +802 =7921
'. B? =15 2 +82 = 289

OD=OC=89m Radii
'. AC = 2BC = 34cm Diameter = 2 X radius

Statement Reason
In aADB and aCDB:
AB=BC line from centre.l chord.
DB=DB Common side.
·.B3 =B4 =90° Given

Theorem 3
Exerdse2: Exercise 2 is on page 344

1) 2)
Statement Reason Statement Reason
L at centre =2L at L at centre =2L at
= 2P =120° x=y= Yz(500)=25°
circumference circumference
OQ-OR Radii
'. y-z L's opp. = sides
·.y=z=30° L's in a a

Statement Reason
L at centre =2L at
L at centre =2L at
y= Yzx=22°

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 351

Theorem 4
Exercise 3: Exercise 3 is on page 345
a) b)
Statement Reason Statement Reason
x=28· L's in same segment x=90· L in a semi-circle
y = 180· - 28· _18· = 134· L's in a LI. y=180·-30·-9Q· L's in a LI.
y = z =134· L's in same segment :. y =60·

a) b)
Statement Reason Statement Reason
x=20· = chordssubtend =L's ST=PQ=y=15cm chords subtendedby =L's

Statement Reason
fl. =C4 =30· L's in same segment
C4 =CI =30· Vert. Opp. L's
CI =x=30· L's in same segment
O2 =C3 =60· L's in same segment
C2 = 180· -CI -C3 Adj. L's on a sir. line

= 180· - 30· - 60· = 90·

C2 =y=90· L's in same segment

Exerdse4: Exercise 4 is on pages 345 and 346
a) b)
Statement Reason Statement Reason
w = 180· -160· = 20· Opp. L'. of a cyclic quad. x+3x=180· Opp. L'. of a cyclic quad.
x = 180· - 60· = 120· Opp. L'. of a cyclic quad. :. x = 45·
y = 180· - 28· = 152· Opp. L'. of a cyclic quad. y+y=180· Opp. L' s of a cyclic quad.

z = 180· - 50· = 130· Opp. L'. of a cyclic quad. :.y=90·

c) d)
Statement Reason Statement Reason
x=B=72· Ext. L of a cyclic quad. x=llO· Ext. L of a cyclic quad.
y = 180· _55· = 125· Opp. L'. of a cyclic quad. z=90· L in a .emi-circle
0 1 = 180-110· = 70· Opp. L' s of a cyclic quad.
:. y =125·

y=180·-01 -z L'. in a LI.

:. y = 180· _70· _90·
:. y=20·

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 352

a) b)
Statement Reason Statement Reason
A=C Alt. L's (ABIICD) £z = 180' -130' = SO' Adj. L's on a sir. line

B=O Alt. L's (ABIICD) £z =O=SO' L's opp. = sides

O=C L's opp. = sides C=180' -£z-O L's in a.l\.
:.A=B :.C=180' -100' =80'
:.A=O :.C=B
line seg. subt. = L's line seg. subt. = L's
:. ABCD is a cyclic quad. .'. ABCD is a cyclic quad.
on the same side on the same side

c) d)
Statement Reason Statement Reason
BI = 180' -70' = 110' Adj. L' s on a sir. line A=180'-0-£ L's in a.l\.
CI =180' -B I -£ L's in a.l\. :. A = 180' -120' -40'
:,CI =180' -110' -40' :.A=20'
:,CI =30' =A :.A=CI
:. ABCD is a cyclic quad. Ext. L = int. opp. L :. ABCD is a cyclic quad. Ext. L = into opp. L

Exercise 4 is on pages 345 and 346

Theorems 6 and 7
ExerciseS: Exercise 5 is on page 346
a) b)
Statement Reason Statement Reason
x=60' L between tan. and chord x=6S' L between tan. and chord
y=2S' L between tan. and chord y=70' L between tan. and chord

c) d)
Statement Reason Statement Reason
y+2S' =90' Tan -L radius x=SS' L between tan. and chord
:. y =6S' AP=CP Tangents from same pt.
AB=AC Tangents from same pt. :,CI =SS' L's opp.;;;;;; sides

:. y=u =6S' L's opp. = sides y=180' -2(SS') L's in a.l\.

x = 180' -2( 6S') L's in a L:. :. y =70'

:. x = SO' BI =180' -x-6S' Adj. L's on a sir. line

z =u = y = 6S' L between tan. and chord :.B I =180'-SS'-6S'
BI =20' Given :.B I =60'
v=20' L between tan. and chord QA=QB Tangents from same pt.
w=180' -u-v Adj. L's on a str.line :.B I =AI =60' L's opp. = sides

:. w= 180' -6S' -20' z=180'-2(60') L's in a.l\.

:. w=9S' :.z=60'

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 353

Mixed Exercise: The Mixed Exercise is on pages 347 348 349 and 350
a) b)
Statement Reason Statement Reason
Bz =AI +H2 Ext. L of.6. Al =(;2 +E Ext. L of .6.
:.Bz =x+y (;2 =H 2 =x L's in same segment
:.AI =x+E
~=2AI L at centre = 2L at circumference
Al +x=Bz Ext. L of .6.
a) b)
Statement Reason Statement Reason
H3 =x L's opp. = sides HI =COA=65· Ext. L of a cyclic quad.
C;, =x L 's in same segment p=180·-PAn-COA L's in a.6.
(;3 =X Ext. L of a cyclic quad. :. I' = 180· _85· _65·
H2 =180· -H3 -HI Adj. L's on a str.line
:. H2 = 180· _85· _65·
:.H 2 =30·
:. H2 =A 2 = 30· LiS in same segment
Statement Reason
Proved above
:. AD is a tangent L between line and chord

a) b)
Statement Reason Statement Reason
A2 =Q=x L between tan and chord PT=TA Tangents from same pt.
As =A2 =X Vert.opp. L's :·1'1 =A3 L's opp. = sides
1'2 =As =x L between tan and chord A3 =A6 Vert. opp. L's
L between tan. and chord
A6 =R 2

:·1'1 =R 2
:. APTR is a cyclic quad.
Ext L = int. opp L

a) b)
Statement Reason Statement Reason
Bz+F.J=HI Ext. L of a cyclic quad. (;1 =03 L's in same segment
HI =03 Ext. L of a cyclic quad. :03 =E2 Corr. L's (DHIICO)
:·Bz +F.J =03 :'(;1 =E 2
:. FDGE is a cyclic quad Ext L = int. opp L :. HC is a tangent L between line and chord

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 354

Statement Reason
~=Os L's in same segment
Os =(;2 Ext. L of a cyclic quad.
(;2 =82 Corr. L's (DHIICG)
:.82 =~

Statement Reason
QT - TR-6cm Line from centre.L chord
OT 2 =OQ2 _QT 2 = lO2 _6 2 =64 Pythag.
TS2 = OS2 _OT 2 = 172 -64 = 225 Pythag.
:. TS=15cm
TS - TP-15cm Line from centre.L chord

a) h)
Statement Reason Statement Reason
~=FML Corr. L's(KFIIlM) E2 =90" piven ME.L KD

E2=EKL Corr. L's (EMIIKL) ~ +E2 =180"

pw. L's of a cyclic
FML+EKL = 180" Opp. L' s of a cyclic quad ... ~ =E2 =90"
~ +E2 =180" ~=FML Forr. L's (KFIIlM)
:. DENF is a cyclic quad Opp. L' s supplementary FML=OI +0 2 L between tan. and chord
0 1 +0 2 =°1 =90" Alt. L's (lUIIKM)

:.E 2 =°1 =90"

:. MGED is a cyclic quad L's in same segment
Statement Reason
MI +M2 =04 Alt. L's(lUIIKM)
0 4 =:1(2+:1(3 L between tan. and chord
:.M I +M2 =:1(2 +:1(3
:.MD=KD L's opp. = sides

a) h)
Statement Reason Statement Reason
360" +12 = 30" COB = 3x30" =90"
AOD= 2x30" =60"

Statement Reason
COB = Yz COB = 45" L at centre = 2L at circumference

Aim = Yz ACm = 30" L at centre = 2L at circumference

E I =ABD+COB Ext. L of e.
EI = 30" +45"
EI =75"

The Mixed Exercise is on pages 347. 348. 349 and 350

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 355

a) b)
Statement Reason Statement Reason
DF=FC Given A=Fz Ext. L of a cyclic quad.
:.1\ =C= y L's opp. = sides Fz =180· -D4- C L's in a .0.
1\ =180· -C = 180· - y Opp. L' s of a cyclic quad. :. A = 180· -2y
Statement Reason
1\ =0, +A Ext. L of .0.
0, =E,-A
. .
:.D,=180 -y-180 -2y =y(. )
C=y Proved above
:.0, =C
:.DEIICB Corr. L's are =

a) b)
Statement Reason Statement Reason
N, =90· L in a semi-circle MON=180· -90" _30· L's in a .0.
MN=NE=2m2-2 Line from centre.l chord :. MON = 60·
:.OM2 = ON 2 + MN 2 Pythag. In aMON and aEON:

:.OM2 = (4m)2 +(2m2 -2t N, =N 2 =90· Proved above

:.OM2 =16m2+4m4 -8m 2 +4 OM=OE Radii

:.OM2 =4m4 + 8m2 +4 ON=ON Common side
2 :.aMON "aEON RHS
:.OM = (2m2 +2t
:. OM = 2m2 + 2 units :.0, =0 2 =60·

:. MOE =120·
L at centre = 2L
:. K=60·
at circumference

a) b)
Statement Reason Statement Reason
8 4 =8 2 Given 0, =8 2 Alt. L's (DR liPS)
0 3 =82 L between tan and chord 8 4 =8 2 Given
:.03 =84 8 4 =86 Vert. opp L's

:. SWTD is a cyclic quad. line seg. subt. ; ; ; Lis on :.0, =86

the same side :. TK is a tangent L between line and chord
Statement Reason
8 3 =02 L between tan and chord
1'2=02 LiS in same segment

:.~ =1'2
:.PSIITW Alt. L's are =

The Mixed Exercise is on pages 347. 348. 349 and 350

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Ber'Dt Books CC Table of Contents 356

a) b)
Statement Reason Statement Reason
C 2 =£ Alt. L's (ED II AC) 1\ =£+C3 Ext. L of £.
£=131 L's in same segment G 3 =B1 +C1 Ext. L of £.
:,C2 =13 1 £=131 Proved above
:. FC is a tangent L between line and chord C1 =C3 L's subtended by = chords
Statement Reason
131 =C4 L between tan and chord
C1 =C3 Proved above
:. C 4 +C3 = 131 +C1
G 3 =131 H\ Proved above
0 3 =G3 COlT. L's (ACIIED)
:.03 = C4 +C3
:. HDFC is a cyclic quad. Ext. L = into opp. L

a) b)
Statement Reason Statement Reason
A1 +A2 =60" L at centre = 2L at circumference In £.CDF:

A1 =A2 Given F=03 =30" L's opp. = sides

:.A1 =A2 =30" In £.AEF:

0 3 =A 2 =30" Ext. L of a cyclic quad. AEF=180" -A 2 -F L'sina£.

AEF = 180" - 30" - 30" = 120"
Opp. L's of a
:. ABD = 180" -120" = 60"
cyclic quad.
Statement Reason
B1 "'A1 AC is not a diameter

:.13 2 "'30" "'F

:. OBFD is not a cyclic quad. line seg. does not subt. = L's on the same side

a) b)
Statement Reason Statement Reason
C 2 =A1 =30" Alt. L's (ABIIOC) 6 1 =2C1 L at centre = 2L at circumference
L at centre = 2L at
6 2 =60"
:.<\ =60"
:.13 2 =6 2 =60" Given :.63 =60" Adj. L's on a str.line

:,C1 =30" L'sina£. 6 3 =2A2 L at centre = 2L at circumference

:.01 = 90" L'sina£. :.A2 =30"
:.A2 =C1
:.BCIIAO Alt. L's are =
0 1 = O2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 90" L'sina.6..
Diagonals intersect at right angles
:. ABCO is a rhombus
and opp. sides are parallel

The Mixed Exercise is on pages 347 348 349 and 350

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 357

Chapter 9- Area, Sine and Cosine Rules
Area Rule
Exercise 1: Back to Theory Exercise 1 solutions are on page 361
1) Determine the area of the triangles shown below:
a) b) c)


2) Given the area of eacb of the triangles below, determine the value of x.
a) Area=8,4Scm2 b) Area=16m2 c) Area = 99units2

A L-"""-L."""'S:------>. C

3) The area of AABC is75m2 .a = 10m and c = 30m. Determine the sizels of B.
4) The area of APQR is46,67cm2 .r = 6cm and q = 22cm. Determine the size of P if P is obtuse.
Sine and Area Rule
Exercise 2: Back to Theory Exercise 2 solutions are on page 361
1) Determine the possible valuels of x in eacb of the triangles below:
~ ~ ~

p ..c...--=-=--_--=.::......1
x A L..:.=--_ _L.:::......l.C
d) e) f)

R ~ x 36° T R..c;....----,;;-;;-;:,......-JL...::....lT

2) 10 the diagram alongside, determine: Q~----.,....;.:;.

a) The length of TR.
b) The length of QT.
c) The area of triangle QTR. 8,3m
P L.L-----l.~T;;.--
Cos Rule
Exercise 3: Back to Theory Exercise 3 solutions are on page 362
1) Determine the value of x in each of the triangles below:
a) b) c)
p. B s

2Smm R A x C
~ 44m R

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 358

2) Solve for x in each of the triangles below:
a) b) c)
B ______
~ ~ ____ ~T

Exercise 3 solutions are on page 362
Mixed EIerclse: Back to Theory The Mixed Exercise solutions are 00 pages 362. 363 aod 364
1) Two ships are sailing towards a barbour at point A,
from points C and B respectively. B is 10km due
south of C. From B, the barbour at A is on a bearing
of 299° and from C the barbour is on a bearing of
214°. How far is ship B from the barbour?
A 10km

2) PQRS is a quadrilateral. PQ = 20m, QR = 16m and p

RS =30m. If Q =150° and S =30° , determine:
a) The length of PRo 20
b) The size of RI .
Q 16

3) In the diagram alongside, P = 64° , QR = 14cm, R

PT = 4cm and QT = Scm. Determine:
a) The size of Q.
b) The length ofRT.
4 T 8

4) In the diagram alongside, ABC is a straight line. The D

distance between A and C is 114 units. A and C are
3So and 50° respectively. Determine:
a) The distance from A to D.
b) The distance from B to D if B and C are 49 units 38"50"
apart. ABC
c) The area of triangle DAC.

5) In the diagram alongside, PS//QR and PS = 32m.

Q=4So, S=110° and Rl =35°. Determine the

length QR.

6) In the diagram alongside, A = 75" , :81 = 61° ,
AB = 21m and BC = 33m. Determine the area of
triangle BCD.

...:::J.--=----::3:::-3- - - -..... ,C

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 359

7) In the diagram alongside, show that A
BC _ xsinacos8 •

D x

8) In the diagram alongside, P and Q are two points in s

the same horizontal plane. R is a point y metres
vertieaIIy above Q and S is a point vertieaIIy above P.
From S, the angles of depression of points Q and R
are a and 8 respectively.
a) Show that: PS ycos8sina.
b) Hence, determine the length of PS if Y = 2000 m ,
8=23' and a=40'.

9) In the diagram alongside, the angle of elevation of A A

from B is 8 and AD = AC • From D, the angle of
elevation of A is a and from E, a point vertieaIIy
above D, the angle of elevation of A is p.
a) Determine the values of: C2 ,E and A3.
b) Prove that AC xcospsina x

10) In the diagram alongside, AD=AD=x. D

AilD = a and BDC = 8. If BDl.BC, show that:
BC = xtan8J2(I+cos2a). A

"""'"'-_ _ _-'" C

11) A lake is divided into 2 sections. ABC is reserved for

motorised water sports whilst ADC is used for A
swimming and non-motorised water sports, as shown
in the diagram alongside. i1. = 8, A2 = 28 and
D = 90° - 8 • If CD = m units, show that:
a) AB ~c....::...----DB
sin 28
.. . . m2 cos 2 8
b) The area of the sWlUlDling section IS: .::c....:..:..:---,-

p x Q
12) In the diagram alongside, Q = 90° , PQ = PS = x and
PI =1'2 =8. Show that SR = x tan 8 •

~R S
The Mixed Exercise solutions are 00 pages 362, 363 and 364 Back to Theory

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 360

Chapter 9- Area, Sine and Cosine Rules (Memo)
Area Rule
Exercise I, Exercise 1 is on page 358

a) A = .!(23)(30)sin50" b) P=180"-80"-70" =30" c) A=.!(5)(5)sin60"

2 2
A = .!(15)(12)sin30"
= 264, 29m2 2 = 10,83 units

= 45m2
A A "

a) 8,45 =.!( 5)( x) sin 25" b) Q=R=40 c) 99=.!(x)(22)sin30"

2 2
:.x=8cm 16= .!(x)(lO)sin40" :. x = 18 units

75 =.!(30)(IO)sinB

3~ 3~
:.B=30" or B=180"-30"
=150" 10m 10m
46,67 =.!(6)(22)sinP
:. sinP = 0,707 ...
:.P=45" or P=180" _45" =135" P

But P is obtuse (greater than 90" )

Sine and Area Rule

Exercise 2, Exercise 2 is on page 358
x 8 x 12 sinx sin 22°
a) - - = - - b) - , - - - - - - - - , 0 c) - = - -
sin 46" sin 62" sin (180" - 24" - 86" ) sin 24 38 64
8 sin 46" :.sinx=0,222...
:.X 12sin(70")
:.x= :. x= 12,85"
:.x=6,52m sin 24
:. x= 27, 72 units
sinx sin 36 sinx sin SO sinx
d) - = - - e) - = - - f) - = - -
34 24 43 23 27 28,5
:. sin x = 0,832... :. sin x = 0, 260 ... :.sinx=0,473...
:.x=56,38" or x=180" -56,38" :.x=15,08" or x=180"-15,08" :.x=28,27"
=123,62" =164,92"


a)~=~ " 8,3

b) cos 24 = - c) A =.!(9,09)(6,09) sin 44"
sin 37" sin 87" QT 2
:.QT=~ = 19,23m2
cos 24°

© copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 361

Cos Rule
Exercise 3: Exercise 3 is on pages 358 and 359
2 2 2
a) x = 26 +25 -2(26}(25)cosI35° c) x2=322+442_2(32}(44)cos35°
=2220,23 ... =653,267 ...
... x=47,12mm ...x=25,56m
b) x 2 = 362 +29 2 -2(36)(29)coslOO°
=2499,57 ...
... x=50m
a) 422 =332 +25 2 -2(33}(25)cosx c) 222 =302 +452 -2(30}(45)cosx
1 2441
".cosx=- 33 :.cosx=--
... x=91, 74° ... x = 25,30°

b) 342 = 28 2 +422 -2(28}(42)cosx

... x=53,7t

Mixed Exercise: The Mixed Exercise is on pages 359 and 360

1) B = 360° _299° = 6t
C= 214° -180° = 34°
A =180° -6t _34° = 85°
AB 10
sin 34° sin 85°
... AB = 10sin34° 5,6km
sin 85°

a) PR 2 = 202 +162 -2(20)(16)cosI50° sin PI sin 30°
b) - = - -
= 1210,256... SR PR
... PR=34,79m • p' 30 sin 30° 1=
... PI = 25,541..:
... RI =180° -25,541..: _30° =124,46°
sinR sin 64
a) - - = - - b) RT2 =82 +142 -2(8)(14)cos(65,6t)
12 14
... sinR = 0,770 ... =167,5
... RT = 12, 94cm
... R = 50,389 .. :
... Q= 180° -50,389.. : _64° = 65,6t

a) 0=180°-38°-50° =92° b) AB =114-49 = 65 units c) A = .!.(87,38}(114)sin38°
AD 114 BD2 = 87,382 +652 -2(87,38}(65)cos38° 2
sin 50° sin 92° = 2908,935 ... =3066,4units 2
... AD = 87, 38 units ... BD = 53, 93 units

© copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 362

5) RI + R2 = 70° --+ co-int L's, PSIIPR BC
7) cosO=-
:. R2 =70° _35° = 35°
PR 32
(:1 =IS00-0
sin 110° sin 35°
:. Al =IS0° -(IS0° -o)-a
:. PR 32 sin 110° 52,425 ...
sin 35° :.AI =O-a
P2 = IS0° -4So _35° =97° AC x
QR 52,425... sina sin(O-a)
sin 97° sin 4So xsina
:.QR=70,02m sin(O-a)
21 :.BC
6) BD sin(O-a)
sin 75° sin (IS0° _75° -6t)
:.BD 21 sin 75° 29 20
sin (44°) , ...

A =%(29,20 ... )(33)Sin(90° -6t)

a) Ch =a--+altL's b) PS = ycosOsina
. PS sin(a-O)
SQ 2ooocos23° sin 40°
:.PS=SQsina sin( 40° - 23°)
Q2 =900-a =4047,51m
:. R=IS0° -(90-a)-(a-0)
= 90° + 0 --+ alt. L's can also be used
QS y
sin(90° +0) sin(a-O)

ysin(90° +0) ycosO

:.QS sin ( a-O ) sin(a-O)
a) (:1 =0 AC AD
:'(:2 =IS00-0 sin a - sin (IS0° -0)
E=90° +P :.AC ADsina
A3 =a-p AD ED
sin (90 + P) sin (a- P)
:.AD= xcosp
sin (a- P)
sin (a- P)sinO

The Mixed Exercise is on pages 359 and 360

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 363

10) tan 0 = BC
:. BC = BD tan 0
.4.=180' -2a-+BI =a
BD2 = x2 +x2 -2(x)(x)cos(180' -2a)

= 2x2 + 2x2 cos 2a

:. BD = ~2x2 (l+eos2a)
:. BD = x~2(I+cos2a)
:. BC = xtan 0~2(1 +cos2a)

. 0=
a ) sm AB
- b) (;2 =180'-(90'-0)-20=90-0
1 A
:.AB=ACsinO A =-(DC)(AC)sinC2
AC m
sin(90' -0) sin20 =.!.(m)(m.cosO)Sin(90'
2 sm20
2 2
msin(90' -0) mcosO m eos 0
--.,....,---:-::_ units 2
:.AC 2 sin 20
sin 20 sin 20
:. AB = meos o sin 0
sin 20

12) eosO=~

SR2=x2 +(_x_)2 -2(X)(-x-)(eoso)

cosO cosO
=x2+ ___ 2x2
eos2 0
cos 2 0

=x2 tan 2 0
:.SR =Jx2 tan 2 0 = x tan 0

The Mixed Exercise is on pages 359 and 360

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 364

Chapter 10- Financial Mathematics
Simple and Compound Interest and Decay
ExercIse 1: Back to Theory Exercise 1 solutions are on page 368

1) If an investment of R8000 earns 12% simple interest per annum, determine the value of the investment after
5 years.

2) If an investment of R75000 earns 8,5% compounded annually, determine the value of the investment after 9

3) Determine the simple interest rate if an investment of R20000 is worth R30800 after 3 years.

4) How long would it take an investment to halve in value if it depreciates at a rate of 12,5% per annum on a
straight line method?

5) If an investment of R95000 depreciates at 6,5% per annum using the reducing balance method, determine
the value of the investment after 3 years.

6) Determine how long it would take an investment of RI3250 to depreciate to R6625 if the rate of
depreciation is 5% per annum and the straight line method is used.

7) Determine the rate of depreciation that would be used if a car depreciates from R120 000 to R63 327,80 in a
period of 5 years on a reducing balance.

The Effects of Different Compounding Periods

Exercise 2: Back to Theory Exercise 2 solutions are on pages 368 and 369

1) If Jane wishes to have R120000 in 5 years time, how much must she invest if she is guaranteed a return of
8,5% p.a. compounded monthly on her investment?

2) Thabo purchases a car for R250000. How much will the car be worth in 5 years, if it depreciates at a rate
12,5% p.a. compounded quarterly?

3) If Tazneen invests R20000 into a bank account, what interest rate would be required in order for her money
to double in 3 years if interest is compounded monthly?

4) Tebogo wishes to have R25000 in his bank account in 5 years. If interest is compounded monthly and he
invests R13 760, what interest rate will he require to fuIfil his wish?

5) Thandi invests R65000 and sees that her investment doubled over a period of 5 years. Calculate the annual
interest rate (correct to one decimal place) if interest is compounded quarterly.

6) IfRSOOO is invested for 10 years at 7,25% p.a. compounded quarterly, what simple interest rate would have
to be used to obtain the same result (give your answer correct to two decimal places)?

7) If a car costing R85000 depreciates at rate of 12% p.a. for 3 years using the straight line method, what
would the depreciation rate be using a reducing balance method?

Time Lines
ExercIse 3: Draw a timeUne for each question. Back to Theory Exercise 3 solutions are on pages 369 and 370

1) Naledi invests R90000 into a savings account that offers an interest rate of 6,5% p.a. compounded monthly.
After 3 years the interest rate changes to 7% p.a. compounded quarterly. Calculate how much she will have
in her account after 7 years.

2) Peter takes out a loan of RI000000 to start a new business. After 4 years his business grows and he
borrows a further R200000 to build a storage warehouse. The bank offers him an interest rate of 11,2% p.a.
compounded monthly and it is agreed that he will pay back Rlooo000 after 7 years and settle the remainder
of the loan 3 years later. What will his final payment be to settle the loan?

3) For tax purposes Sipho depreciates his car using a reducing balance at a rate of 8,5% p.a. compounded
quarterly. After 9 months he realises the rate he used was incorrect and changes it to 10% p.a. compounded
monthly in order to account for his mistake. What will the book value of his car be at the end of the tax year
if it was worth R80000 at the start of the tax year?

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 365

4) Sally invested RI0000 into a savings account. The interest rate for the first two years was 8% p.a.
compounded monthly. Thereafter, it changed to 11,5% p.a. compounded semi-annually. After the first year
she also deposited an additional R500 into the account and another Rl 000 after 5 years. How much did she
have in her account after 6 years?

5) During school holidays Nadine worked as a waitress. She deposited all her earnings into unit trusts that
earned a return of 10% per annum compounded monthly. After 6 years she makes an additional deposit of
R5000. If Nadine has R20000 after 10 years, determine the amount that she originally invested.

6) Joseph picked 4 correct numbers in the National Lottery and deposited his winnings into a savings account
offering an interest rate of 12% p.a. compounded monthly. After 2 years he deposited an additional R8000
into the account. Joseph then withdrew Rl000 two years later for a family holiday. If Joseph had R30000
eight years after opening the account, how much did he win in the Lottery?

Exercise 3 solutions are on pages 369 and 370 Back to Theory

Nominal and Effective Interest rates

Exerdse4: Back to Theory Exercise 4 solutions are on page 370

1) Harry takes out a loan and the bank quotes him an interest rate of 20% p.a. compounded monthly. Calculate
the effective interest rate that he will pay.

2) If a bank offers an interest rate of 10,2% p.a. compounded monthly determine the effective interest rate
correct to one decirnal place.

3) Calculate the effective interest rate if a savings account offers an interest rate of 12,5% p.a. compounded

4) Jamie has the choice of investing his money into one of two savings accounts. One offers an interest rate of
7,79% p.a. compounded daily and the other offers a rate of 8,1 % p.a. compounded annually. Which account
should Jamie choose?

5) Convert an effective interest rate of 8% per annum to a nominal rate, compounded quarterly.

6) Convert a nominal interest rate of 25,5% p.a. compounded daily to a nominal rate that is compounded

Mixed Exercise: Back to Theory The Mixed Exercise solutions arc on pages 370 371 and 372

1) Albert deposits R18000 for 7 years at 14,5% per annum compounded monthly for the first 3 years
and 16% compounded quarterly for the next 4 years. How much will Alhert receive in total after 7

2) Justin invests RS500 into a savings account and is quoted a nominal interest rate of 12,29% p.a.
compounded monthly.
a) Determine the effective annual interest rate.
h) Use the effective rate (without rounding) to calculate the value of Justin's investment after 4 years.

3) Steven makes a bad investment in the stock market. He purchases shares and finds that after 3 years
his shares are worth one third of their original value.
a) Determine the rate of depreciation if depreciation is calculated on a straight line basis.
h) Determine the rate of depreciation if depreciation is calculated on a reducing balance basis.

4) Mike invests his money into a savings account for 7 years. For the first three years he receives an
interest rate of 11 % p.a. compounded monthly and 12,5 % p.a. compounded semi-annually for the
remainder of the investment. After 7 years he has a total of R90 000 in his account.
a) Determine the effective rate that Mike received on his investment. Do not round off your answer.
h) Using the effective rate, determine Mike's initial investment?

5) After a rainstorm a puddle in the sun begins to evaporate. If 2 % of the water evaporates every
minute how long to the nearest minute will it take for half of the water in the puddle to evaporate?
(Hint: Use the formula for reducing balance depreciation and trial and error to solve for the exponent)

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 366

6) How long will it take for an investment to quadruple in value at a simple interest rate of 22 % p.a.
Give your answer correct to the nearest year and month.

7) On the day that Bob turned 8 his father invested a sum of money into a med deposit savings account
to buy a car for him on his 18th birthday. The account promised an interest rate of 13% per annum
compounded monthly. On Bob's 13th birthday his father deposited twice the initial amount into the
account. If Bob had RSOOOO on his 18th birthday, how much money was initially invested?

8) In order for an economy to be considered to be in a stage of hyperinflation the inflation rate of the
country has to be greater than or equal to 50% per month. In February 2007 the inflation rate in
Zimbabwe exceeded 50% per month. Determine what the effective yearly inflation rate was in
Zimbabwe during February 2007.

9) One of the primary causes of ozone depletion is the release of Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) into the
atmosphere by human beings. Since the late 1970's it has been observed that the rate of decline in the
volume of the earth's ozone has been steady at a rate of approximately 4% per decade from the time
of initial observation. At this rate of decline how many years and months will it take for the ozone
layer to deplete to a third of its original size?

10) Mr Deeb invested RJOOOO into unit trusts for 10 years. During the rll'St 3 years the stock market
crashed and his investment depreciated at a rate of 12 % p.a. using straight line depreciation.
Thereafter, his investment increased at a rate of 9,8% p.a. compounded quarterly. How much will
Mr Deeb's investment be worth after 10 years?

11) On Jimmy's 8th birthday his grandfather set up a fund for him. The rules of the fund stated that
Jimmy will be allowed to withdraw R20000 on his 18th birthday and a further R25000 on his 21"
birthday. If the fund offers an interest rate of 10% per annum compounded quarterly for the first 4
years and thereafter 8,5% per annum compounded monthly, how much did Jimmy's grandfather
initially invest?

12) Lindiwe purchases a car for R160 000 which depreciates at 20% p.a.
a) Determine what the car will be worth after 5 years if it depreciates on a reducing balance.
b) If a new car of the same model costs R280 000 after 5 years, determine the rate of inflation.
c) Lindiwe starts saving to buy the new model in 5 years time. She deposits x into a savings account that
offers an interest rate of 9,2% p.a. compounded semi-annually. Two years later she deposits an
additional4x into the account. Determine the value of x.
13) R16 725 is deposited into a savings account at interest rate of 11,25% p.a. compounded monthly for
the first 2 and a half years and 12% p.a. compounded quarterly thereafter. After 51 months
RS 700 was withdrawn from the account. How much will be in the account after 7 years?

14) A bank account offers an interest rate of 7,9% p.a. compounded every 2 months.
a) Determine the effective interest rate correct to 9 decimal places.
b) Use your effective interest to determine how much must be invested in order to receive
R421 180,15 after 6 years.
c) Verify that your answer in b, is correct using the nominal interest rate.

The Mixed Exercise solutions are on pages 370 371 and 372 Back to Theory

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 367

Chapter 10- Financial Mathematics (Memo)
Simple and Compound Interest and Decay
Exercise 1: Exercise 1 is on page 365

1) A=P(I+in) 5) A =P(I-i)"
= 8000[1 +0,12(5)J
= 95000(1-0,065)3
= R12800
2) A =P(I+i)" 6) A =P(I-in)
= 75000(1 +0,085l :.6625 =13250(1-0,05n)
= R156289,18 :..x =1-0,05n
3) A =P(I+in) :. -.x = -{),05n
:.30800 = 20000(1 +3i) :. n = 10 years
7) A = P(I-i)"
:. i = 0,18
=18% :.63327,8 = 120ooo(l-i)5

4) A = P(I-in) :.0,5277... = (l_i)5

:.~ =x(I-0,I25n) :.?l0,5277 =1-i

:..x =1-0,125n

:. -.x = -{),125n

:.n = 4 years

The Effects of Different Compounding Periods

Exercise 2: Exercise 2 is on page 365

1) A=P(I+i)" 4) A = P(1 +i)"

:.120ooo=P(I+ 0,~:5r2 il )5Xl2

:.25000=13760 (1+ lI2

. 6251 _ (1+ il )60

. P= 120000 R78569,99 " 7344- 712
" ( 1+-'-
0 085)5x12
:.&{j62%44 =1+ X2
:. X2 = 6~62%44 -1
2) A =P(I-i)"
= 250000(1- 0'~25rxS =12%

= R132487,32 5) A=P(I+i)"

3) A=P(I+i)" :.130000=65000(1+ }{t xS

:.40000=20000(1+ Xzt<12 :.2=(1+ }{t

:.2=(1+ X2t ... ~=1+ }{

:.3~=1+ X2 :.}{ = 2.\Y2-1

. il - 36/;;:2-1 :.i=0,141
"712- v.!.

© copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 368

6) A=P(I+i)" 7) A =P(I-in)
= 85000[1-(0,12)(3)]
=5000(1+ 0,~25J()X4
=10256,85 ... A=P(I+i)"
A=P(I+in) :.54400 = 85000(I-i)3
:.10256,85 ... = 5000(1 + 10i)
:. i =0,1051 :.~0,64 =1-i
=10,51% :.i=I-~0,64
Exercise 2 is on page 365

Exercise 3: Exercise 3 is on pages 365 and 366

6,5%c.m 7%c.q
1) A =90000(1+ 0,~;5r2(1+ 0'~7r4 )'

T, T, T,
= RI44 295, 27 +90000 ?

2) :E ~,
T, T. T, T"
+1000000 +200000 -1000000 ?

A = 1000000 ( 1+ 0,:;2 ) 10x12 + 200000 ( 1+ 0,:;2 )6X12 -1000000 ( 1+ 0,:;2 )3X12

= R2042226,65

8,5%c.q 10010 C.m ., ,

T, T, Tn
80000 ?

8%c.m 11,5% s.a

4) :E ':E :!III,
T, T, T, T, T.
+10000 +500 +1000 ?

A =10000(1+ 0~~8)2x12(1+ 0'~15rx2 +500(1+ 0~~8rI2(1+ 0'~15rx2 +1000(1+ 0'~15)2x1


1W/O c.m

:.X ( 1+ ~; )
=20000-5000 1+ ~;
()4x12 "
T, T, T,
4x12 x +5000 20000
20000-5000 ( 1+ ~; )
... X
( 1+-'-

:. X = R4637,25

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 369


I I "
T, T, T. T,
+x +8000 -1000 30000
:.X ( 1+ 0~~2 ) 002 =30000-8000 ()6x12
1+ 0~~2 +1000 1+ 0~~2
( )4x12

6x12 ( )4x12
30000-8000 ( I+~) +1000 I+~
( 1+-'-
:. x = R5861,42

Exercise 3 is on pages 365 and 366

Nominal and Effective Interest rates

Exercise 4: Exercise 4 is on page 366

1) I+i<!ff = ( I+'tz

:. i<!ff = 0,2194
5) 1+0,08=(1+ ~m r
... ~1+0,08 =1+
:. i<!ff = 21,94% 4
:. =~1+0,08-1
2) I +'<!ff
. -(I- +0,I02J2
-- :. = 0,0777
:. = 7,77%
:. i<!ff = 0,1069
:. i<!ff = 10,7%
6) I ' (I 0,255)365

r +'ejJ = + 365
:.i<!ff =0,29 ...

3) I +'ejJ
. -- (I +0,- -
:. i<!ff = 0,1310
:. i<!ff = 13,10%
l+iejJ ++7
:.~1+0,29 .. =1+ inom
4) I +'ejJ
. - ( I 0,0779 )365
- +-- :. =~1+0,29 .. -1
365 4
:. i<!ff = 0,0810 =0,2632
:. i<!ff = 8,10% :. = 26,32%
:. They are the same rate.

Mixed Exercise: The Mixed Exercise is on pages 366 and 367

14,5%c.m 16%c.q
1) A =18000(1+ 0,:;5f2(1+ 0,~6r4 "
T, T, T,
=R51950,74 +18000 ?

b) A=P{I+i)"
a) I .
+'ejJ - +---u-
- (I 0,1229)12
= 8500{1 +0,1300647296)4
:. i<!ff = 0,1300647296
:. i<!ff = 13,01 %

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 370

a) A =P(1-in) b) A=P(1-i)"
... ~ =x(1-3i) :.~ =x(1-i)3
:. X' =1-3i :. X' = (l-i)3
:.~ =1-i
:. i =0,2222
:.i =0,3066
:.i =30,66%


)7 =(1+Wr2(1+~)4x2
b) A=P(1+i)'
a) (1 + ieff
:.90000 = P(1 +0,1232355217f
. --
:. 1+'eff (1 +0'1l)3Xl2
- (1 +--
0,125)4><2 :.P = 90000
12 2 (1 + 0,1232355217f
:. ieff = 0,1232355217 =R39897,59
:. ieff = 12,32355217%

5) A =P(1-i)" 6) A =P(1+in)

:.Yz =x(1-0,02)" :.4x=x(1+0,22n)

:.4 = 1+ 0, 22n
. . Ii =(1-0,02)" :.n=13,64
:. n = 34 minutes :. n = 13 years and 8 months

7) 50ooo=X(1+ 0~~3)'1b<l2 +2X(1+ 0~~3fx12 :E 13%c.m


:.50000=X[(1+ 0~~3)'1b<l2 +2(1+ 0~~3r2] To

:. x=---=:;;::-:::.::..:c-----..=
o 13)11b<l2 +2 ( 1+-'-
0 13)5x12
12 12

8) 1+i'ff =(1+ ~'~r 9) A=P(1-in)

:.~ =x(1-0,04n)
:. ieff = 0,6321
:. ieff = 63,21 % :. X' =1-0,04n
:. n = 16,66.. decades
:. n = 166 years and 8 months
10) A =P(1-in)
A =P(1+i)"

=19200(1+ 0,~8)7X4


The Mixed Exercise is on pages 366 and 367

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 371

100/0 c.q 8.5%c.m
:E :1I:E ~ I
T, T. Tn T"
-Ix -20000 25000

a) A =P{I-i)" b) 280000 = 160000{1 +i)"
= 160000{1-0,2)5 :.1,75={I+i)5
=R52428,80 :. i = 0,1184 = 11,84%

c) 280000=X(I+ 0,~92JX2 +4X(I+ 0,~92fx2 :E

~ I
0,~92r2 +4(1+ 0'~92r2]
T, T, T,
:.280000=X[(I+ +. +4. R280000

:. x = ( 0 092)5X2 ( 0 092)3X2
1+-'- +4 1+-'-
2 2
:. x = R41134,64

1l,25%c.m 12%c.q
13) :E ~:E ~ I
T, T" T.." T,
+16725 -5700 ?

A =16725(1+ 0'~~25r5xl2(1+ 0'~2r5x4 -5700(1+ 0'~2r75X4



a) l+iqr =(1+ 0'~79r b) A=P{I+i)"

:.421180,15 = P{1 +0,08164652162)6
:. iqr = 0,08164652162
:. P = R263 000
:. iqr = 8,164652162%

c) A=P{I+i)"

:. 421180,15 =P(I+ 0'~79)6x6

:. P = R263000

The Mixed Exercise is on pages 366 and 367

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 372

Chapter 11- Probability
Grade 10 Revision and Dependent and Independent Events
Exercise 1: Back to Theory Exercise I solutions are on page 378
1) If a fair coin is tossed and a fair die is roUed, delermine the probability of obtaining:
a) A head and a 3. b) A tail and a prime number.
c) A tail and not a 5. d) A head and not a 6.

2) Rouletle is a popular gambling game played in casinos worldwide. The game consists of a wheel with
36 slots numbered 1 to 36. Each number is randomly placed on the wheel, with an equal amount of
red and black numbers. The 37th slot on the wheel is a green zero. In the game the wheel is spun and a
while baD is dropped on the spinning wheel. Determine the probability that the baD will land on:
a) A black number b) An even number
c) A number less than 13 d) The number 0

3) What is the probability of roUing at least one 6 in four roDs of a fair die?

4) With reason, say whether or not the foUowing events are complementary:
a) Obtainiog a head and obtainiog a tail when b) Drawing a 2 and drawing a red card from a
a coin is tossed. deck of cards.
S) With reason, say whether or not the foUowing events are independent:
a) Drawing 2 cards from a deck with b) Drawing a card from a deck and rolling a die.

6) The foUowing probabilities are given: P(A)=O,4S;P(B)=O,3 and P(AorB)=O,61S:

a) Determine if events A and B are mutually exclusive.
b) Hence, determine P (A and B) .
c) Are events A and B independent?

7) Tbabo likes red sweets. In a jar there are 5 red sweets and 8 yeUow sweets. If Tbabo randomly selects
a sweet and eats it and then seleets another sweet and eats it, delermine the probability that:
a) He selects 2 sweets that he likes. b) He likes the first sweet but not the second.
c) He likes the first or second sweet. d) He likes the second sweet but not the first.

Venn Diagrams
Exercise 2: Back to Theory Exercise 2 solutions are on pages 379 aod 380
1) In a survey, a group of Grade 11 learners were asked if they play rugby or soccer. The Venn diagram
below shows the results of the survey.


Determine the probability that a learner chosen at random from the group:
a) Plays rugby, but not soccer.
b) Does not play either sport.
c) Plays soccer.
d) Plays both sports.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 373

2) In a survey a group of 100 Grade 11 learners were asked if they listen to Rock or Classical music.
• 48 listened to Rock • 52 listened to Classical • 10 listened to neither
a) Draw a Venn diagram to represent the above information and determine the number of leamers that
listen to both rock and classical music.
b) Determine the probability of selectiug a learner that listens to classical music.
c) Determine the probability of selectiug a learner that listens to rock or classical music.

3) At a school, 500 learners were asked bow they travel to school. The options were by car, bus or taxi.

• 280 travel by bus • 100 travel by car and bus

• 205 travel by car • 45 travel by car and taxi
• 185 travel by taxi • 80 travel by taxi and bus
• 35 don't travel by car, bus or taxi • x travel by car, bus and taxi
a) Draw a Venn diagram to represent the above information and determine the number oftearners that use
all 3 modes of transport.
b) Determine the probability that a learner travels by car only.
c) Determine the probability that a learner travels by car and bus.
d) Determine the probability that a learner does not travel by car.

4) At a school, 110 learners were asked if they take Geograpby, History or Science.

• 43 take History • 12 take History and Science but not


• 46 take Geograpby • 5 take all 3 subjects

• 67 take Science • 20 take Geograpby and Science but not


• 7 don't take any of the subjects • x take Geograpby and History but not
a) Draw a Venn diagram to represent the above information and determine the value of x.
b) Determine the probability that a learner doesn't take Geography or Science.
c) Determine the probability that a learner takes History or Geography but not Science.
d) Determine the probability that a learner taking Science and Geography does not take History.
e) Determine the probability that a learner taking History does not take Geography.

Exercise 2 solutions are on pages 379 and 380 Back to Theory

Tree Diagrams
Exercise 3: Back to Theory Exercise 3 solutions are on pages 380 and 381
1) The table below represents the probability of a soccer team's outcome for two matches.
First Match I Probability I Second Matcb I Probability
Win 80%
Win(y{) 50% Draw 5%
Lose 15%
Win 40%
Draw (D) 10% Draw 30%
Lose 30%
Win 20%
Lose (L) 40% Draw 10%
Lose 70%

a) Draw a Tree Diagram to represent the information in the above table.

b) Determine the probability that the team will lose their first match and win their second.
c) Determine the probability that the team will win 1 of their matches.
d) Determine the probability that the team will lose at least 1 match.
e) Determine the probability that the team will draw 1 match.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 374

2) A bag contains 12 blue baIls, 10 red baIls and 18 green baIls. 2 baIls are then drawn without
replacement. Draw a Tree Diagram to represent the above information and use it to determine the
probability that:
a) Both balls are green.
b) One blue and one red ball is chosen.
c) A green ball is chosen given that the 1" ball was blue.
d) A green ball is chosen second but not flrst.

3) At a company dinner there are 2 choices for starters, 3 choices for mains and 2 choices for desserts,
as shown in the table below.
Starters I Mains I Desserts
• Meat (M) • Ice-eream and chocolate
• Salad (S)
• Chicken (C) sauce (1)
• Soup (R)
• Fish (F) • Cake (K)

1f all choices are made randomly and have an equal chance of being chosen, determine the
probability of:
a) Having salad and cake. b) Having soup or chicken.
c) Not having cake or fish. d) Not having cake and fish.
EXercise 3 solutions are on pages 380 and 381 Back to Theory
Contingency Tables
Exercise 4: Back to Theory Exercise 4 solutions arc on page 381
1) 1n a survey, 800 Grade 11 and 12 learners were poDed to see which brands of son drink they prefer.
The results are tabulated in the contingency table below. Fill in the missing values in the table and
answer the questions that foDow:

a) Determine the probability of selecting a grade 12.

b) Determine the probability of selecting a learner that likes brand A.
c) Determine the probability of selecting a learner in Grade 12 that likes brand A.
d) Is a learner's preference for brand independent of Grade? Sbow all relevant calculations.

2) Orlando Towers is a power station in Soweto which was constructed in 1939 and was in operation
unti11998. Since then it has been converted into a tourist attraction offering extreme sports. Among
other sports, it boasts the world's first bungee jump between 2 cooling towers and the first suspended
catch air device (SCAD) freefaII inside a cooling tower. A group of people visiting the towers was
surveyed on whether they have done a SCAD freefaII or bungee jump. The contingency table below
shows the probabilities of these events. Fill in the missing values in the table and answer the questions

a) Determine the probability of selecting a person who has performed a SCAD freefall and bungee jump.
b) Determine the probability of selecting a person who has performed a SCAD freefall.
c) Determine the probability of selecting a person who has performed a bungee jump.
d) Are performing a SCAD freefall and bungee jump independent events? Sbow all relevant calculations.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 375

Mixed Exercise: Back to Theory The Mixed Exercise solutions are on pages 382 aod 383
1) State whether the foDowing events are mutually exclusive, complementary or neither:
a) Rolling an even number on a die and rolling a prime number.
b) Rolling a number less than 6 and rolling a 6 on a die.
c) Rolling an odd number on a die and rolling a 4.
d) Rolling an even number and rolling an odd number.

2) Two cards are drawn from a fair pack of playing cards without replacement. Draw a Tree Diagram
to show the probabilities of drawing a specific suit In the first draw and a red or black card In the
second draw. Giving answers as a percentage, use your diagram to determine the probability of:
a) Drawing 2 black cards. b) Drawing a spade and a red card.
c) Drawing a spade and a black card. d) Not drawing a spade or a red card.
3) Given the foDowing probabilities say whether the foDowing events are mutually exclusive,
Independent or neither.

a) PtA) =0,2 b) PtA) = 0,235

P(B) = 0,35 P(B) =0,565
P(AorB)=0,55 P(AorB)=0,7

c) PtA) =0,2 d) PtA) = 0,35

P(B) = 0,5 P(B)=0,55
P(AorB)=0,6 P(A orB) = 0,7075

4) In a recent survey, 125 people were asked if they went on holiday In the summer, winter or spring
In the past year. The results of the survey are shown below. Draw a Venn diagram and use it to
answer the questions that foDow:
• 39 went on holiday In summer • 43 went on holiday In spring
• 65 went on holiday In winter • 105 went on holiday In one of the seasons
• 5 went on holiday In aU 3 seasons • 17 went on summer and winter holidays
• 23 went on holiday In winter and • x went on holiday In summer and spring
spring but not in winter

a) Determine the probability that a person selected went on holiday in one of the seasons?
b) Determine the probability that a person selected went on holiday in summer or winter but not spring.
c) Determine the probability that a person selected went on holiday in winter and summer.
d) Determine the probability that a person selected went on holiday in spring and winter but not summer.

5) A study was performed on 800 patients over a 2 year period to determine the numher of patients that
have side elJects from 3 different drugs. AU patients were given Drugs A, B and C throughout the
study at separate times to ensure that there was no Interaction hetween the drugs. Draw a Venn
diagram to represent the information below and use it to answer the questions which foDow.

• 400 reported side effects from drug A • 180 reported side elJects from drugs B
• 350 reported side effects from drug B • 680 reported side effects from at least 1
of the drugs
• 400 reported side effects from drug C • 70 reported side elJects from aU 3 drugs
• 210 reported side effects from drugs A • x reported side effects from drugs A and
andC B but not C

a) Determine the probability that a person had no side effects.

h) Determine the probability that a person in the trial had side effects.
c) Determine the probability that a person had side effects from drug A.
d) Determine the probability that a person had side effects from Drug B or C.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 376

6) In order to detennine if side effects on drugs A are related to gender, another study was conducted.
The results are tabulated in the contingency table below. Complete the table below and use it to
answer the questions below:

a) Determine the probability that a person chosen at random will not have side effects and be male.
b) Determine the probability that a person that had side effects will be female.
c) Show that being female and not having side effects are independent events.

The Mixed Exercise solutions are on pages 382 and 383 Back to Theory

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 377

Chapter 11- Probability (Memo)
Grade 10 Revision and Dependent and Independent Events
Exercise I, Exercise 1 is on page 373
a) P(H and 3) = YzX}(; b) P(T andP)= Yzx,% c) P(T and 5')= Yzx% d) P(Hand6')= Yzx%
= X2 =~ =7i2 =7i2
=0,0833 =0,25 =0,4167 =0,4167
a) P(B) = 1.%7 b) PtE) = 1.%7 c) p(Less than 13) = 1%7 d) p(o) = X'7
=0,4865 =0,4865 = 0,3514 = 0,027

3) P(atleastone6)=I-P(n06's)


1 1296
a) P(H) + P(T) = 1 b) P(2andR)=%2"'0
Events are mutually exclusive. :. Events are not mutually exclusive.
:. Events are complementary. :. Events are not complementary.

a) l't event doesn't affect the outcome of the 2M. Therefore, events are independent.
b) I" event doesn't affect the outcome of the 2M. Therefore, events are independent.

a) P(A)+P(B)=0,45+0,3 b) :.P(AorB)=P(A)+P(B)-P(AandB)
=0,75 :.0,615 =0,45+0,3-P(A and B)
P(AorB)=0,615 :. P(Aand B) =0,135
:. P(AorB) '" P(A)+P(B)
:. Events are not mutnally exclusive.

c) P(A)xP(B) = 0,45xO,3
ptA and B) = P(A)xP(B)
:. Events are independent.

a) P(RandR)=7i3xX2 b) P(R and Y) = 7i3 X X2

=%9 =1%9
= 0,1282 =0,2564

c) P[(R and Y) or (Y andR)]= (7i3xX2HX3x7i2) d) P(YandR)=X3x7i2

=2%9 =1%9
=0,5128 =0,2564

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 378

Venn Diagrams
Exerclse2: Exercise 2 is on pages 373 and 374
lS0 9
a) P(R and S') = l()() =.!. = 0 2 b) P(No Sport) = 500 = 25 = 0,36
500 5 '
150+70 11 044 70 7
c) p(S) d) p(S andR)=-=-=O 14
500 25 ' 500 50 '


4S-x+x+52-x+1O =100

c) P(R or C) = 99{00 = 0,9


35 35

Car and Bus: 100-x

Car and Taxi: 45-x
Taxi and Bus: SO - x
Car: 205-(loo-x+x+45-x)=60+x
Bus: 2S0-(100-x+x+SO-x) =100+x
Taxi: lS5-(45-x+x+SO-x) = 60+x
:.500 = 6O+x+ 100+ x+ 60+ x+ lOO-x+45 - x+SO-x+ x+ 35

b) P(Couly)= 5:


c) p(C and B) = SO+20


d) P(C')

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 379


7 7

S: 67-(20+5+12)=30
G: 46-(20+5+x)=21-x
H: 43-(x+5+12)=26-x
:.110 = 21-x+x+26-x+20+5+12+30+7

b) P(GorS)'= 15+7 c) P(HorGandS') 10+11+15

110 110
=0,2 =0,32

d) P(SandGandH')= 20 e) P(HandG')= 15+12

110 110
=0,18 =0,25
Tree Diagrams Exercise 2 is on pages 373 and 374
Exerdse3: Exercise 3 is on pages 374 and 375
a) ~W" (WW) b) P(LossandWin)=0,08
W 0;5 D 0,025 (WD)
/s L 0,075 (WL) c) P(one win) =0,025+0,075+0,04+0,08 = 0,22

(DW) d) P(at least 1 Loss) = 0,075+0,03+0,08+0,04+0,28
D 03 D 0,03 (DD) =0,505
°3 e) P(1 Draw) =0,025+0,04+0,03+0,04 =0,135
L 0,03 (DL)


L 01 D O,~ (LD)
L 0,28 (LL)

B 130
2) 51
1 a) P(GandG)= 260 =0,1962
B R 13 (HR)

G~ (HO)
b) p(BandR)=~+~=0,1538
39 65
13 13
1 c) P(BlueandthenGreen)=-=0,1385

13 (BB)
9 3
3 d) p(G' and then G) = 65 + 26 =0,2538
R 39 R - (BR)
18 G ~ (RO)
39 26
9 (OB)

39 10
R 26 (OR)

17 51
39 G- (00)

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Ber10t Books CC Table of Contents 380

3) liz 1 712 (SMI) a) p(S andK)=3(1~)=0'25
M < i K 712 (SMK)
b) P(R or C) = 8(1~) = 0,6667
liz 1 712 (SCI)
S c<i
c) P(K' orF') =4(1~) = 0,3333
K 712 (SCK)

<{I liz

K 712

d) p(KandF)'=1O(1~)=0,8333

<{I 12
712 (RMI)

K 712 (RMK)

liz 1 712 (RCI)

R c<i
K 712 (RCK)

<{I liz
712 (RFI)

K 712 (RFK)

Exercise 3 is on pages 374 and 375

Contingency Tables
Exercise 4: Exercise 4 is on ;rulge 315

a) P(GR12) = 360 =0,45 b) P(A) = 364 = 0,455

800 800
360 364
c) P(GR12 and A) = 164 =0,205 d) P(GR12)xP(A)=-x-=0,20475 ... ~0,205
800 800 800
:. p( GR12 and A) = p( GR12)xP(A)
:. Events are independent.


a) P(S and B) = 0,39 b) P(S) = 0,65

c) P(B) = 0,6 d) p(S)xP(B) = 0,65xO,6 =0,39

:. P(S and B) = p(S)xP(B)
:. Events are independent.

© copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 381

Mixed Exercise: The Mixed Exercise is on pages 376 and 377
a) Neither b) Complementary c) Mutually Exclusive d) Complementary

2) 25 a) P(2Black)=2(!J=24,51%

o/sl R204
H 2 51 13 b) p(Spade and Red) =-=12,75%
B 102
c) p(Spade and Black) = 204 =12,25%

51. R~
751 204

D 2 51 13 d) P(S'orR')= 25 =12,25%
B 102 204

S~ 25
B 204

<rr o/s1


B 204

a) P(A)+P(B) = 0,2+0,35 =0,55 b) P(A)+P(B)=0,235+0,565=0,8

P(AorB)=0,55 P(AorB)=0,7
:. P(Aor B) = P(A)+P(B) :. ptA or B) '" P(A)+P(B)
:. A and B are mutually exclusive. :. A and B are not mutually exclusive.
P(AorB) = P(A)+P(B)-P(A and B)
:.0,7 = 0,235+0,565-P(Aand B)
:. ptA and B) = 0,1
P(A)xP(B) = 0, 235xO,565 = 0,132
:. A and B are not mutually exclusive or independent.

c) P(A)+P(B)=0,2+0,5=0,7 d) P(A)+P(B)=0,35+0,55=0,9
P(AorB)=0,6 P(AorB) =0,7075
:. P(AorB) '" P(A)+P(B) :. ptA or B) '" P(A)+P(B)
:. A and B are not mutually exclusive. :. A and B are not mutually exclusive.
ptA orB) = P(A)+P(B)-P(A and B) P(Aor B) = P(A)+P(B)-P(A and B)
:.0,6 = 0,2+0,5-P(A and B) :.0,7075 = 0,35+0,55-P(A and B)
:.P(AandB)=O,1 :. ptA and B) = 0,1925
P(A)xP(B) = 0,2xO,5 =0,1 P(A)xP(B) = 0,35xO,55 = 0,1925
:. A and B are independent. :. A and B are independent.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Ber10t Books CC Table of Contents 382


20 20+12+30
a) p(at least I) = 1- P(none) = 1- 125 = 0,84 b) p(Su or Wi and Sp') 0,496

. 5+12 18
c) P(W13ndSu)=--=0,136 d) p(Sp and W but Su') = 125 = 0,144


120 120
Band C: 180-70 = 110 A and C: 210-70=140 AandB: x

C: 400-140-70-110=80 A: 400-14O-70-x=190-x B: 350-70-110-x=170-x

:.800 = 190-x+ x+ 170-x+ 140+ 70+ 110+80+ 120
a) P(AorBorC)'= 800 =0,15 b) P(AorB orC)=I-P(AorB orC)'=I-O,15=0,85

110+80+70+140 80+90+ 70+ 110+ 140+80

c) P(A) 0,5 d) P(B or C) 0,7125
800 800


a) P(NS andM) = 1000 =.!.=O 2 b) P(SIF) = 1500 =.!. = 0 5

5000 5 ' 3000 2 '

c) P(FandNS)= ~: =~=0,2
P(F)= 2500 =.!.=O 5
5000 2 '
2000 2
P(NS) = 5000 =5=0,4

:. P(F)xP(NS) = 0,5xO,4 = 0.2

:. P(F and NS) = P(F)xP(NS)
:. Side effects are independent of gender. The Mixed Exercise is on pages 376 and 377

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 383

Chapter 12- Statistics
Histogram and Frequency Polygons
Exercise 1: Back to Theory Exercise 1 solutions are on page 388
1) A survey was conducted on the amount of time that a group of Grade 11 learners spend on their
homework. The results of the survey are show below.

a) Draw a histogram for the b) Draw a frequency polygon on c) Use the histogram to
above data. the histogram. determine the modal class.
2) The weights (in kg) of 39 newborn babies in a hospital are recorded in the frequency table below:
Weight I Frequency I Cumulative frequency
O<w~1 0 0
l<w~2 3 3
2<w~3 28 31
3<wS4 8 39
4<w~5 0 39
a) Draw a histogram for the b) Draw a frequency polygon on c) Determine the value of the
above data. the histogram. median.
3) The histogram below represents the distances that a salesman travels in 1 month on each trip. Draw
a frequency table this data and use it to draw a frequency polygoo.
::: ~:
___ 1 ::C:::1:
___ ::i::: L:::::i:::
L __ 1 ___ 1 __ J ___ L:::'--
1___ L __ _ :::1::
__1 ___:i::: L:::::i:::
1 __ .,L __ J
1___ j

15 ---i--+--+---:---+--i---~---
-- -, - --r - - r- --1- - - r- - , - -- r - - -
- --T- - -1- - - T - - , - - - ,

:::E::E::E::::::E:j::: ~
10 ----{---[---+---:---+--+--
:::- :::t::j:::l
r- ---+--+--1
t::r ---,---r--r---I---r---,--- ---r--..,---,
___ -1 ___ 1- __ -1- ___ 1___ ..... __ -1___
_ __ ..... __ -I ___ l

_ _ __ .l ___ L __ l. ___ I___ l. __ .J___ _ __ l. __ ...l ___ J
5 ___ l ___ L __ 1. ___ I___ 1. ___L__ _ __ 1. __ ...I ___ J

---i--+--+---:---+--~ r
-- n1:---1
= ---1
___ -I ___ I- __ "!" ___ !___ -I-___ -
_- - il

o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Distance (km)
Exercise 2: Back to Theory Exercise 2 solutions are on pages 388. 389 and 390
1) Use the foUowing data sets to construct an ogive. In addition, label the median, upper and lower
quartiles on the ogive with Qb Q. and Q3.
a) b)
Fre oen 1 • '! Fre oen
40':;x<50 15 20':;x<40 5
50':;x<60 27 40':;x<60 10
60':;x<70 18 6O':;x<80 20
70Sx<80 10 80Sx<100 5

2) A traffic officer records the foUowing speeds of cars on a highway while manning a speed trap:
Speed (s) Frequency Cumulative frequency
60< s ~70 5
70< s ,:;80 10
80<s,:;90 15
9O<sS100 30
100< s ~110 40
110< s ':;120 32
120< s S130 11
130< s SI40 7
140< s <150 5
150< s ':;160 2
a) Complete the table and draw an ogive for the above data.
b) Using the ogive, determine the inter-quarti1e range.
c) Construct a new table and use it to determine the estimated mean speed.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 384

Standard Deviation and Variance
Exercise 3: Back to Theory Exercise 3 solutions are on pages 390 and 391
1) Given the following data set:
28 32 35 52 25 70
a) Determine the variance and standard deviation for the above data.
b) If 15 were added to each value in the data set, what would be the new mean?
c) If 15 were added to each value in the data set, what would be the new standard deviation?

2) The table below shows the amount of time that 8 Grade llieamers took to complete a race.

a) Complete the table and determine the standard deviation.

b) How many learners lie within one standard deviation of the


3) The table below shows the monthly salaries of employees at a manufacturing company.

a) Determine the standard deviation

b) Determine the modal salary.
e) Determine the median salary.
d) What percentage of employees earn amounts within 1 standard deviation of the mean?

4) If the standard deviation ofa data set is: a = ../385

a) Determine the variance.
b) Determine the number of elements in the data set.

Symmetrical and Skewed Data

Exercise 4: Back to Theory Exercise 4 solutions are on page 391
1) The consumer price index is a measure of the inflation rate in South Africa. The table below shows
the CPI inflation rate according to STATS SA from 2001 through to 2009.

a) Determine the five number summary for the above data.

b) Draw a box and whisker plot for the above data.
e) Determine if there are any outliers in the above data.

2) Given the box and whisker diagrams below, comment on the symmetry of the data. In addition,
determine if there are any outliers in the data set.

I, t--:,
b) :---1~:::r==r---::,
0 10 20 30 40 50 o 10 20 30 40 50

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 385

3) The following box and wbisker diagrams summarise the final end of year exams for two Grade 11
Mathematics classes.

Class A

o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
a) What is !be median mark for class A and B?
b) What is !be minimum mark for class A?
c) What percentage of !be class marks lie between !be maximum and median marks?
d) Are !bere any outliers in class A?
Exercise 4 solutions are on page 391
Mixed Exercise: Back to Theory The Mixed Exercise solutions are on pages 391. 392 and 393
1) The frequency polygon below sbows the time that it took the learners in a Grade 11 class to complete
a test.
Time for Grade 11 learners to complete a class test


o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (ruin)

a) How many learners wrote !be test?

b) Draw an ogive for!bis information and show where !be median, upper and lower quartiles lie.

2) The table below shows !be distribution of !be heights of 200 plants.
Height(cm) I Frequency I Cumulative frequency
O<x~1O 20
10<x~20 40
20<x~30 60
30<x~40 50
4O<x~50 20
50<x~60 10
a) Complete !be table and use it to draw an ogive of !be data.
h) Show !be median height on !be ogive (Q2)'
c) The tallest 20% of !be plants are to be sold. Determine !be cut off height of !be plants to be sold.

3) The ages of 24 people who watched a play are sbown below:

a) Determine !be 5 number summary for !be data.

b) Represent !be above data on a box and whisker diagram.
c) Describe !be distribution of data and determine if !bere are any outliers in !be data.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 386

4) The box and whisker diagrams below represent the waiting times (in minutes) for 3 different call

I , ,
10 15 20 25
° 5

a) Which of the 3 call centres has the largest inter-quartile range.

b) Which of the 3 call centres has the largest range?
c) Call centre B has very long whiskers, what does this tell you about the data?
d) What percentage of the waiting times lies between the maximum waiting time and the median?

5) Three different data sets are sbown by the normal distributions below:

a) Which data set has the greatest mean?

b) Which two data sets have the same mean?
c) Which data sets have the same variance?
d) Data set A has a mean of 12 and a standard
deviation of 6. Determine the interval of
scores that lie within I standard deviation.

6) Given the data in the table below:

__---=lo;.65 _ _-+__--=-14:----_
21 8
26::--_ _t-_---'3"'2=---_---1
_t-_---=2:;:0'---_--t_ _--7
18 4
a) Determine the mean of the data.
b) Determine the standard deviation of the data.
c) If x was added to every data point, what would the new standard deviation be?
d) If x was added to every data point, what would the new mean be in terms of x?

7) The standard deviation of the 5 data sets is given below:

DataSet Standard Deviation
2 ; 5 ; 8 ; 11 ; 14
10 ; 14 ; 18 ; 22 ; 26
5 ; 10 ; 15 ; 20 ; 25

a) Using the table above determine the standard deviation of: a; a + d; a + 2d; a + 3d; a + 4d.
b) Prove that your answer in a above is correct.

8) The data set 9; 13 ; 15 ; a ; b has a standard deviation of 4 and a mean of 15. Determine the vaIueJs of
a andb.

The Mixed Exercise solutions are on pages 391 392 and 393 Back to Theory

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 387

Chapter 12- Statistics (Memo)
Histogram and Frequency Polygons
Exercise I, Exercise 1 is on page 384
, ,
10 -------------
---,----T---- ----r---,----,----I
b) 10 -------- ,
, ,
____ L ___ ____ ____ I
i6- 5 ----~---~-----t----
____ L ___ ____ ___ _
, , ,

----r---,----,----I ---r---,----,----
& 5 ===J====
___ ~ ___ ~ _ _ _ _ _t _ _ _ _

J: ' I I I
____ I

, J: ~~~~1----1----

o 10 20 30 40 o 20 30 40 50
Time (minutes) Time (minuteS)

c) It can be seen from the histogram that the modal class is 30:S; t < 40 .

a) 30 I I I I I b) . . . . .
:::::::t:::::-_--------,-::::::r:::::::~ ~ 30 -------t------ 1------- I-------j-------~
5 20
- -
I 23450
j i 1: l m !1 --,
: ~
-------- ---
t- -:::::~

Weight (kg) Weight (kg)

c) . th d e d i " n+1 39+1
There are 39 eIem.ents In e ala set. :. m an posItion;;;;;; - - = - - = . 20
2 2
Therefore, the median lies in the interval 2 < w S 3 and the median weight is 2,5 kg.

Interval I Frequency I Midpoint .:::;::::C:::r::J:::I::J:::r:::J:-_
__ .1 ___ L __ .1 __ --' ___ L __ ...l ___ L __ .l __ :c:::r:::i:::I::J:::i
L __ .1 ___ I___ l. __ ...l ___ l

6OSD<70 4 65 15 --i--+--i---:---}---:---}---- -- --i---:---i---:---l I

(10 -~~m~mm~~mm~m~~~~~~~:~;~:=mm~~w
70SD<SO 12 75
SO:S;D<90 IS 8S
9O:S; D < 100 10 95 e .::l:::t::t::j:::t::j:::- "::l:::t::t::_ .::t::j:::l
~ - - .... ---1----1.---1--- ..... ---1-- 1- __ -1 ___ 1- __ -1. ___ 1 __ .1- __ -1 ___ 1
lOOSD<11O 13 105 ---t--+--f---:---t--+ -r--'---,--T---I-
5 ---,---r--T--,---r---,- t---t--+--f---: ---+--+--1
1l0:S; D <120 3 115 ---r---r--T--..,---r---, --r--,---r--T---I-- "-r-
--;---1---+---1---+---- ---+---;---1---+---1---+--- ---I
~ ---1

- - .... ---1----1.---1--- ..... - .

___ I_ __ _I _ _ _ I_ __ _I. _ _ _ I___ .j. __ _1 __ I

120:S;D<130 4 , , , ,

o 20 40 60 SO 100 120 140

Distance (km)
Ex~rcise 2, Exercise 2 is on page 384

~ , ' , , , , ' , , , , , , " , """ , ,
5 50
~ 40
. 30

] 20 , I I I I

0 10 20 30 40 50Q, Q,60 Q, 70

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 388



1;> 30
•••••••••• J II'"

~ 20


o 10 20 30 40 50Q, 60 Q, 70 Q, 80 90 100
Speed (s) I Frequency I Cumulative frequency
60< 8 :5:70 5 5
70< 8 :5:80 10 15
80<8:5:90 15 30
9O<s:5:100 30 60
100< 8 :5:110 40 100
110< 8 :5:120 32 132
120< 8 :5:130 11 143
130< 8 :5:140 7 150
140< 8 :5:150 5 155
150< 8 :5:160 2 157









0 20 40 60 80 Q,100 Q,120 140 Hio
Speed (km/h)

b) As shown on the ogive, QI = 94 and Q3 = 114

:.IQR = 114-94 = 20kmlh

Exercise 2 is on page 384

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 389

Speed (s) I Frequency I Midpoint I Midpoint X Frequency
60<s~70 5 65 325
70<s~80 10 75 750
80<s~90 15 85 1275
9O<s~100 30 95 2850
100< s ~110 40 105 4200
110< s ~120 32 115 3680
120< s ~130 11 125 1375
130< s ~140 7 135 945
140< s ~150 5 145 725
150< s ~160 2 155 310
Sum 157 16435
. 16435
:. Estimated mean = - - = 104,68 kmIh
Exercise 2 is on page 384
Standard Deviation and Variance
Exercise 3: Exercise 3 is on page 385

x x-x (x_x)2
15 -21,11 445,63
23 -13,11 171,87
45 8,89 79,03
28 --8,11 65,77
32 -4,11 16,89
35 -1,11 1,23
52 15,89 252,49
25 -11,11 123,43
70 -33,89 1148,53
Sum 2304,87
:. uz = 2304,87 256,10
:.0'= .J1256,1O = 16

b) 51,11 c) 16 (standard deviation remains the same)

a) x 12+19+40+33+25+24+15+38 25,75
Time (x-x) (x_x)2
12 -13,75 189,06
19 -4:J,75 45,56
40 14,25 203,06
33 7,25 52,56
25 -0,75 0,56
24 -1,75 3,06
15 -10,75 115,56
38 12,25 150,06
Sum 759,48

:. 0'=~75i48 =9,74

b) One standard deviation lies between 16,01 and 35,49. Therefore, there are 4 learners that lie within 1
standard deviation of the mean.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 390

a) Using a calculator: :. U = R5 842, 99 . b) R7500.

c) There are 60 elements in the data set. d) One standard deviation lies between 3 823,68 and
.. = - 60+1 305 15509,66.
median posItion -= ,
2 :.51 salaries lie within 1 standard deviation.
:. median = R7500 :.85% lie within 1 standard deviation.

a) .,2 = [ ~~85 r = 3;: = 15,4 b) 25

Exercise 3 is on page 385

Symmetrical and Skewed Data
Exercise 4: Exercise 4 is on pages 385 and 386
1) Write the data in order:
I 1,4 3,4 4,7 5,7 5,8 7,1 7,1 9,2 11,5

a) Minimum value = 1,4 b) 1,4 4,05 58 8,15 11,5

I I 1 I I
Lowerquartile= 3,4+4,
' I I I I I I I
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Median =5,8

U pper quarti'1e
7,1+9,2 815
Maximum value = 11,5
c) IQR = 8,15 -4,05 = 4,1
4,05-(1,5x4,1) = -2,1--7 QI -1,5xIQR
8,15+(1,5x4,1) = 14,3 --7 Q3 +1,5xIQR
:. There are no outliers in the data set
a) It can be seen from the diagram that the data is b) It can be seen from the diagram that the data is
skewed to the left. skewed to the right.
IQR=42-26=16 IQR = 24-8 = 16
26-(1,5xI6) = 2 --7 QI -1,5XIQR 8-(1,5xI6) = -16 --7 QI -1,5XIQR
42+(1,5xI6) = 66 --7 Q3 +1,5xIQR 24+(1,5xI6) = 48 --7 Q3 +1,5xIQR
:. There are no outliers in the data set. :. There are outliers in the data set.
a) 80 b) 30
c) 50% d) IQR = 85-60 = 25
6O-(1,5x25) = 22,5 --7QI-l,5xIQR
85+(1,5x25) = 122,5 --7 Q3 +1,5xIQR
:. There are no outliers in class A.
MbrM Exercise: The Mixed Exercise is on pages 386 and 387
a) Determine the sum of the frequencies on the b)
frequency polygon:
:. 37 learners wrote the test.

o 10 20

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 391

Height (cm) I Frequency I Cumulative frequency
O<x:S:1O 20 20
10< x:S: 20 40 60
20< x:'>30 60 120
30<x:S:4O 50 170
4O<x:S:50 20 190
50<x<60 10 200

~ 160
! 140
J: 120
.~os 100
1u 60


o 10 20 Q, 30 37,5 40 50 60
Height (cm)

b) Shown on the diagram above. c) You need to calculate the 80th percentile:
2OOxO,8 = 160
:. The cut off height lies at the 160th position.
:. Plauts with a height above 37,5cm will be sold.
3) Write the data in order:

a) Minimum value = 25
Q 2 posItion
.. = -24+1
- = 125
2 I • I I I
:.Q2 = 69+70 =69,5 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95
Q 1 POSItion
.. = -12+1 65 c) From the diagram it can be seen the data is
-= ,
2 skewed to the left.
IQR =77,5-57 = 20,5
. Q _ 54+60 -57
.. 1- 2 - 57 -(1,5x20,5) = 26,25 --+ QI -1,5xIQR
Q3 position = 12+6,5 =18,5 77,5 +(1,5x20,5) = 108,25 --+ Q3 + 1,5x1QR
:.Q3 = 77+78 =77,5 :. There are no outliers in the data set
Maximum value = 97
a) C b) B
c) It most likely has an outlier in the data set d) 50%

a) C b) AandB
c) BandC d) 6 to 18

6) Using a calculator:
a) 20,18 b) 6,06
c) There would be no change. d) newmean=20,18+x

The Mixed Exercise is on pages 386 and 387

© Copyright Kevin Smith I BerlDt Books CC Table of Contents 392

a) d..{i
_ a+a+d+a+2d+a+3d+a+4d. 5a+lOd 5(a+2d)
b) x=----------~--------- a+2d
5 5 5
x x-x (x-xl
a -2d 4d 2
a+d d d2
a+2d 0 0
a+3d d d2
a+4d 2d 4d 2
Sum 10d 2

8) x = 15
.• .::....:...::.::...:.~'-=-'c..::. 15
Now determine tbe standard deviation in terms of a and b:
x x-x (x_x)2
9 -6 36
13 -2 4
15 0 0
a a-15 (a-15)2
b b-15 (b-15)2

Sum 40+(a _15)2 +(b_15)2

4O+(a-15)2 +(b-15)2
:. 4 = ,I-----'----':----'---~'--
4O+(a-15)2 +(b-15)2
:.4O=(a-15)2+(b-15)2 ~~
Sub ill into~:
40 = (38-b-15)2 +(b-15)2
:. 40 = 529-46b+b2 +b 2 -30b+225
:.2b2 -76b+714=0
:.b2 -38b+357 =0
:. (b-21}(b-17) = 0
:.b=21 or b=17 ~rn
Sub into ill :
:. a = 17 or a = 21
:.a=17 and b=21 or a=21 and b=17

The Mixed Exercise is on pages 386 and 387

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlot Books CC Table of Contents 393

CAPS - The tables below show the curriculum as prescribed by the National
Department of Education for examination purposes.
I I ChapterS
Extend Grade 10 work 00 the relatiooships betweoo variables in tenns of numerical, graphical, verbal and symbolic
representations of functioos and coovert flexibly betweoo these represootations (tables, grapha, words and formulae). Include
lioear and quadratic polyoomial functioos, exponootial functioos, some rational functions and trigonometric functioos.
Gooerate as many grapha as necessary, ioitially by means of point-by-point plotting, supported by available technology, to make
and test conjectures and hooce gooeralise the effects of the parameter which results in a horizontal shift and that which results in
a horizontal stretch and / or reflection about the y axis.
Problem solving and graph work involving the prescribed functions. Average gradioot betweeo two points.

2. Number Patterns, Sequences and Series I!' .

Investigate number patterns leading to those where there is a constant second differeoce betweoo consecutive terms, and the
gooeral tenn is therefore quadratic.

I: I • I ,I I •• : Chapter 10
Use simple and compound decay formulaeA= P(1 + in) audA= P(1-I)" to solve problems (including straight line depreciation
and depreciation 00 a reducing balance). Link to work 00 functions.
The effect of different periods of compoundiog growth and decay (including effective aud nominal interest rates).

4. Algebra I ~ I : I I

(a) Apply the laws of expoooots to expressions involving ratiooa1 exponeots.

(b) Add, subtract, multiply and divide simple surds.

Take note that there exist numbers other than those 00 the real number lioe, the so-called nonreal numbers. It is possible to
square certain nonrea1 numbers and obtain negative real numbers as answers.
Nature afroots.
Revise factorisation.
quadratic equatioos;
quadratic inequalities in ooe variable and interpret the solution graphically; and
equatioos in two uokoowos, one of which is linear the other quadratic, algebraically or graphically.

, I I ! , Chapter 11
<a) Work with depoodeot and indepeodent evoots.
(b) Use Venn diagrams or cootingency tables and tree diagrams as aids to solving probability problems (where events are not
necessarily indepeodent).

7. Euclidean Geometry Measurement Chapter 8

(a) Investigate aud prove theorems of the geometry of circles assuming results from earlier grades, together with ooe other result
cooceming tangents and radii of circles.
(b) Solve circle geometry problems, providing reasons fur statemoots when required.
(c) Prove riders.
Revise Grade 10 work.

I I I I I' Chapters 6 and 9

2 2
(a) Derive and use the identities: sin 8 = tan 8 and sin 8 + cos 8 = I
cos 8
(b) Derive the reductioo formulae.
(c) Determine the gooeral solutioo and/ or specific solutions of trigonometric equations.
(d) Establish the sine, cosine and area rules.

Solve problems in 2-dimoosions.

© copyright Kevin Smith I Berlut Books CC Table of Contents 394

CAPS - The tables below show the curriculum as prescribed by the National
Department of Education for examination purposes.
I .!: . I II . €lhspter 4
Use a Cartesian co-ordinate system to derive and apply:
the equation of a line through two given points;
the equation of a line through one point and paxallel or perpendicular to a given line; and
the inclination of a line.

(a) Represent measures of central tendency and dispersion in univeriate numerical data by:
using ogives; and
calculating the variance and standard deviation of sets of data manually (for small sets of data) and using calculators
(for huger sets of data) and representing results graphically.

(b) Represent Skewed data in box and whisker diagrams, and frequency polygons. Identify outliers.

© Copyright Kevin Smith I Berlut Book' cc Table of Contents 395

Recommended Teaching Plan by the National Department of Education
i 1 TERM 1
g.~ Weeks Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 WeekS Week 6 Week 7 WeekS Week 9 Week 10 Week 11
'" I I I I
~ Topics Exponents and Surds Equations and Inequalities Number Patterns Analytical Geometry gj
Assessment Investigation or Project Test ?l
!!. ~
Completed ~
2 TERM 2
iR '"
Weeks Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 WeekS Week 6 Week 7 WeekS Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 ~
I I I I >-,j
Topics Functions Trigonometry (reduction formulae, graphs, equations)
Assessment Assigument / Test MID-YEAR EXAMINATION
Date o
3 TERM 3 ~
Weeks Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 WeekS Week 6 Week 7 WeekS Week 9 Week 10 6

Table of Contents
Topics Measurement Euclidean Geometry Trigonometry (sine, cosine and Finance, Growth and Decay Probability
area rules) ~
Assessment Test I Test g
Completed :;e'"
Weeks Week I Week I Week Week I Week I Week Week I Week I Week Week Algebraic Expressions 45 Euclidean Geometry 40
1 2 3 4 S 6 7 S 9 10 and Equations (and and Measurement ~
Topics Statistics Revision FINAL EXAMINATION Admin Inequalities) Aoalytical Geometry 30
Number Patterns 25 Trigonometry 60 ~
Assessment Test Fnnctions and Graphs 45 Statistics 20
Finance, Growth and Decay IS
Probability 20
W Date
'.c> Total Marks ISO Total Marks ISO
@ Summary - Grade 11
i Subject Time Chapter/s Paper
'" Exponents and Surds 3 Weeks 1 1
~ Equations and Inequalities 3 Weeks 2 1
Number Patterns 2 Weeks 3 1
iR AnalyUcal geometry 3 Weeks 4 2

Functions 4 Weeks S 1
Trigonometric (reduction formulas, graphs and equations) 4 Week Sand6 1/2
Mid-year examinations 3 Weeks

Table of Contents
Measurement 1 Weeks 7 2
Euclidean geometry 3 Weeks 8 2 e:
Trigonometry (area, sine and cosine rules) 2 Weeks 9 2
Financial mathematics 2 Weeks 10 1
Probability 2 Weeks 11 1

Statistics 3 Weeks 12 2
Revision 3 Weeks
-...l End of year examinations 3 Weeks

The teaching plan above is recommended by the National Department of Education from the CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS)
• 'A teacher in a book'.
• Colour-coded, user-friendly and practical.
• Step-by-step examples, explaining the methods used to solve problems.
• Progresses from simple examples to realistic exam-level questions.
• Assists you in understanding and applying the concepts you have learnt.
• May be used in the classroom or for independent home study.
• A concise yet comprehensive guide that will assist you in realising your full
potential in mathematics.

• Will provide your students with a comprehensive set of notes - eliminates
the need to compile and photocopy notes.
• An invaluable teaching tool - you teach from it while your students follow
without laborious and often incorrect note-taking.
• Simple, visual and logical presentation - assists you in teaching and
your students in understanding.
• Ensures that your students are working at the required level.
• Provides the Content, LO's and Assessments in each chapter.
• Covers the FET Curriculum and complies with latest CAPS documentation
for Paper 1 and Paper 2.
• Provides the Content and CAPS in each chapter.


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