Grade 4 English Question Paper

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Grade 4 English Question Paper

Section A: Comprehension

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:


Tommy loved animals. He had a cat named Whiskers and a dog named Max. Every afternoon after
school, Tommy would rush home to play with them. Whiskers liked to curl up on Tommy's lap while he
read his books, and Max loved to fetch sticks in the backyard.

One day, Tommy noticed a stray kitten wandering around his neighborhood. It looked hungry and scared.
Tommy knew he had to help. He approached the kitten slowly, offering it some food from his lunchbox.
The kitten cautiously approached him and began to eat.

Tommy decided to take the kitten home. He named her Luna and introduced her to Whiskers and Max.
Luna quickly became a part of the family, playing with Whiskers and Max as if they had known each
other forever.

Tommy felt happy knowing that he had made a new friend and helped a stray animal find a loving home.


1. What are the names of Tommy's pets?

2. What did Tommy do every afternoon after school?

3. How did Tommy help the stray kitten?

4. What did Tommy name the stray kitten?

5. How did Luna react to meeting Whiskers and Max?

Section B: Cloze Passage

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words:

Once upon a time, there (1) a beautiful castle (2) a magical forest. The castle (3) owned by a kind king
and queen who (4) two brave knights to protect it. Every (5), the king and queen would walk (6) the
castle gardens, admiring the colorful flowers and singing birds.

Section C: Beginning and Ending Sentences

Complete each sentence by filling in the blank with an appropriate word or phrase:

1. The poor girl was _____________ when she lost her favorite toy.

2. _____________ went to bed early today.

Section E: Analogies

Complete the following analogies:

1. Cat is to kitten as dog is to _____________.

2. Teacher is to school as doctor is to _____________.

Section F: Alphabetical Order

Arrange the following words in alphabetical order:

1. Apple

2. Banana

3. Orange

4. Grape

5. Kiwi

Section G: Prepositions

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions:

1. The book is _____________ the table.

2. The cat jumped _____________ the fence.

3. She walked _____________ the park.

Section H: Autobiography

Write a short paragraph about yourself. Include your name, age, hobbies, and something interesting
about you.
Grade 4 English Question Paper

Section A: Comprehension

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:


Sarah loved to explore the forest near her house. One day, while walking through the woods, she
stumbled upon an old, abandoned cabin hidden behind a thicket of trees. Curious, Sarah pushed aside
the overgrown bushes and peeked inside. The cabin was dusty and cobweb-covered, but Sarah could see
traces of its former inhabitants – a worn-out armchair, a rusted kettle on the fireplace, and faded
photographs on the walls.

As Sarah explored further, she found a small wooden box tucked away in a corner. With trembling hands,
she opened it to reveal a collection of old letters tied with a ribbon. The letters were addressed to
someone named Emily and spoke of adventures in faraway lands and heartfelt emotions.

Sarah felt like she had uncovered a treasure trove of stories from the past, and she couldn't wait to learn
more about Emily and the secrets of the mysterious cabin.


1. What did Sarah stumble upon while walking through the forest?

2. Describe the condition of the abandoned cabin.

3. What did Sarah find inside the small wooden box?

4. Who were the letters addressed to?

5. How did Sarah feel about her discovery?

Section B: Cloze Passage

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words:

Every morning, Lucy (1) up early to go for a (2) in the park. She enjoyed listening to the (3) of birds and
feeling the cool breeze on her (4). After her walk, Lucy would (5) home feeling refreshed and ready to
start her day.

Section C: Beginning and Ending Sentences

Complete each sentence by filling in the blank with an appropriate word or phrase:

1. The sun was shining brightly _____________.

2. _____________ was excited to go on a picnic.

Section E: Analogies

Complete the following analogies:

1. Bird is to nest as spider is to _____________.

2. Pen is to write as brush is to _____________.

Section F: Alphabetical Order

Arrange the following words in alphabetical order:

1. Elephant

2. Giraffe

3. Lion

4. Tiger

5. Zebra

Section G: Prepositions

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions:

1. The ball rolled _____________ the hill.

2. The cat is hiding _____________ the bed.

3. She placed the book _____________ the shelf.

Section H: Autobiography

Write a short paragraph about yourself. Include your name, age, hobbies, and something interesting
about you.
Grade 4 English Question Paper

Section A: Comprehension

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:


In the heart of the enchanted forest, there stood a majestic castle, its towering spires reaching towards
the sky. This castle was home to the wise and gentle King Arthur and his courageous knights. Every year,
the kingdom celebrated the Festival of Lights, a grand event where people from far and wide gathered to
witness the magical displays and partake in joyful festivities.

One year, during the festival, a wicked sorcerer named Malachi cast a spell of darkness over the
kingdom, plunging it into eternal night. The once vibrant streets became shrouded in shadows, and the
castle itself seemed to lose its glow. Determined to restore light to the land, King Arthur called upon his
bravest knights to embark on a quest to find the legendary Crystal of Lumina, said to hold the power to
banish darkness.

The knights faced many challenges on their journey, from treacherous mountain passes to dark and
forbidding forests. But with courage and perseverance, they finally reached the Cave of Echoes, where
the Crystal of Lumina lay hidden. With a triumphant shout, they retrieved the crystal and raced back to
the kingdom.

As the knights approached the castle, they raised the crystal high, and its radiant light pierced through
the darkness, dispelling Malachi's spell and illuminating the kingdom once more. The people cheered,
and the Festival of Lights resumed, brighter and more joyous than ever before.


1. Describe the setting of the story.

2. Who was King Arthur, and what was his kingdom known for?

3. What happened during the Festival of Lights?

4. Why did King Arthur send his knights on a quest?

5. Where was the Crystal of Lumina hidden?

6. What challenges did the knights face on their journey?

7. How did the knights ultimately defeat Malachi?

Section B: Cloze Passage

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words:

The old (1) stood at the edge of the (2), its branches reaching towards the sky. It was a (3) tree, its trunk
gnarled and its leaves (4) in the breeze. Underneath its (5), children would gather to play and listen to
stories of days gone by.

Section C: Beginning and Ending Sentences

Complete each sentence by filling in the blank with an appropriate word or phrase:

1. The storm raged all night, _____________.

2. _____________ found the lost key under the sofa.

Section E: Analogies

Complete the following analogies:

1. River is to stream as ocean is to _____________.

2. Book is to read as movie is to _____________.

3. Spoon is to fork as knife is to _____________.

Section F: Alphabetical Order

Arrange the following words in alphabetical order:

1. Butterfly

2. Dragonfly

3. Ladybug

4. Mosquito

5. Bee

Section G: Prepositions

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions:

1. The treasure is buried _____________ the sand.

2. The cat jumped _____________ the fence.

3. She placed the vase _____________ the table.

Section H: Autobiography

Write a short paragraph about yourself. Include your name, age, hobbies, and something interesting
about you.
Grade 4 English Question Paper

Section A: Comprehension

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:


Amy and Ben were siblings who loved exploring the woods behind their house. One sunny afternoon,
they stumbled upon an old abandoned cabin nestled among the trees. Excited, they pushed open the
creaky door and stepped inside. The cabin was filled with dust and cobwebs, but amidst the clutter, they
found a treasure chest. With trembling hands, they opened it to reveal a map with strange markings.

Determined to uncover the mystery, Amy and Ben set out on an adventure, following the map's clues
deep into the heart of the forest. Along the way, they encountered wild animals, crossed rushing
streams, and climbed steep hills. Finally, they reached a clearing where an ancient oak tree stood tall.
Digging at its base, they unearthed a hidden chamber containing a chest filled with gold coins and
precious gems.

Exhausted but exhilarated, Amy and Ben returned home, their pockets heavy with treasure and their
hearts full of memories of their extraordinary adventure.


1. Who are the main characters in the story?

2. What did Amy and Ben find in the woods?

3. Describe the condition of the abandoned cabin.

4. What did Amy and Ben discover inside the treasure chest?
5. How did Amy and Ben feel after their adventure?

Section B: Cloze Passage

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words:

The (1) garden bloomed with colorful flowers of every (2). Bees buzzed from flower to flower, collecting
(3) for their hive. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the trees, and the scent of (4) filled the air.

Section C: Beginning and Ending Sentences

Complete each sentence by filling in the blank with an appropriate word or phrase:

1. The birthday cake was _____________ when the guests arrived.

2. _____________ couldn't wait to open his present.

Section E: Analogies

Complete the following analogies:

1. Bird is to nest as spider is to _____________.

2. Pen is to write as brush is to _____________.

3. Chair is to sit as bed is to _____________.

Section F: Alphabetical Order

Arrange the following words in alphabetical order:

1. Apple

2. Banana

3. Orange

4. Grape

5. Kiwi

6. Mango

Section G: Prepositions

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions:

1. The ball rolled _____________ the hill.

2. The cat is hiding _____________ the bed.

3. She placed the book _____________ the shelf.

Section H: Autobiography

Write a short paragraph about yourself. Include your name, age, hobbies, favorite subject in school, and
a goal you have for the future.

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