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Project Title: Online Shopping Using HTML and CSS

Project Manager: BLESSING CHIZANA M225655

Date: 2023-10-20

Introduction to Online Shopping

Online shopping is the process of buying goods and services over the Internet. It is the process whereby
consumers directly buy goods or services from a seller in real-time, without an intermediary service,
over the Internet. It is a form of electronic commerce. It is a rapidly growing industry, with billions of
dollars being spent online each year. Online shopping has become increasingly popular in recent years,
as it offers a number of advantages over traditional brick-and-mortar shopping. Consumers can shop
from the comfort of their own homes, browse a wider selection of products, and often find better

Online shopping platforms have emerged, offering convenience, variety, and discounts to customers.
According to Singh and Jang, online shopping appeals to customers because it is more convenient and
comfortable for them. According to Chiu et al, online shopping can be defined as the process of
researching, browsing, and purchasing products or services through the Internet (Zekavica, 2022).
Online shopping offers several advantages that make it a popular choice for consumers.

Background analysis

According to a report by Statistics, global online retail sales are expected to reach $6.5 trillion by 2025.
This growth is being driven by a number of factors, including the increasing availability of smartphones
and the Internet in developing countries. The online shopping market in our country is still in its early
stages of development, but it is growing rapidly. In 2022, the online shopping market in Zimbabwe was
valued at $100 million and it is expected to grow to $200 million by 2025.

There are a number of factors driving the growth of online shopping. The country has a young and
growing population. According to the World Bank, 55% of the Zimbabwean population is under the age
of 25. This population is more tech-savvy and comfortable with online shopping. The government is
supportive of e-commerce. The government has introduced a number of policies to promote e-

commerce, such as reducing taxes on e-commerce transactions and investing in broadband

However, there are also a number of challenges facing the online shopping market in Zimbabwe. The
country has a relatively low internet penetration rate. According to the World Bank, only 40% of
Zimbabweans have access to the internet. This limits the number of people who can shop online. There
is also a relatively low credit card penetration rate. According to the World Bank, only 10% of the
country’s population has access to a credit card. This limits the payment options available to online
shoppers. Zimbabwe has a relatively high cash-on-delivery rate, 70% of shoppers prefer to pay for their
purchases upon delivery. This can be a problem for online retailers, as it can increase the risk of fraud
and chargebacks.


HTML and CSS are two of the core technologies used to build websites. HTML is used to define the
structure of a web page, while CSS is used to style the appearance of a web page.

HTML and CSS are relatively easy to learn, and there are a number of resources available online and in
libraries to help developers get started.

Benefits of Using HTML and CSS to Develop an Online Shopping Website

Cost-effectiveness: HTML and CSS are free to use, so there are no licensing costs associated with
developing a website using these technologies.

Flexibility: HTML and CSS can be used to create a wide range of website designs, from simple to complex.

Portability: Websites developed using HTML and CSS can be accessed on any device that has a web

Problem statement
As online shopping has become a trend nowadays regular shops are losing their customers to online
brands. Customers have an effortless shopping experience and save time through shopping online. To
compete with those online brands, if shops provide an online portal where their customers can shop
through the internet and get the products at their doors it will increase the number of customers. One of
these challenges is the complexity of developing and maintaining an online shopping website. This can
be especially difficult for small businesses and individuals who do not have the resources to hire a
professional web developer.

Another challenge is the security of online shopping. Consumers need to be confident that their personal
information and financial data is safe when they shop online.

Limited access to the internet: Not everyone has access to the internet. This is a major barrier to online

Lack of trust in online retailers: Many consumers are hesitant to shop online because they are concerned
about fraud and scams.

High shipping costs: The cost of shipping products from international retailers to can be prohibitive.

Limited payment options: Many Zimbabweans do not have access to international payment methods,
such as credit cards and PayPal.


The aim of this project proposal is to develop an online shopping website using HTML and CSS that is
tailored to the needs of the Zimbabwean market.

The website will allow consumers to browse and purchase products from a variety of local and
international retailers.

The website will be designed to be user-friendly and accessible to all, regardless of their income level or
technical expertise.

The website will also be designed to be secure and reliable, so that consumers can shop online with

Designing a simple and intuitive navigation system, implementing efficient search and filtering features.

To make it easy for users to add items to their shopping cart and checkout.

To ensure that the website is secure and reliable

To create jobs in the e-commerce sector


 Develop a fully functional online shopping website using HTML and CSS.
 Create a user-friendly and visually appealing website design.
 Customer can login and get various information about products and can purchase the
suitable product with price and quality comparison.

 Implement features such as product search, filtering, and sorting.
 Allow users to add items to their shopping cart and checkout using a variety of payment methods.
 Ensure the website is secure and reliable.
 Customer can pay online, so security is must therefore e-shopping provide secure
 transactions
 Optimize the website for search engines, so that potential customers can easily find it.
 Integrate the website with social media platforms, so that users can share products and promotions
with their friends and followers.
 Make the website scalable, so that it can handle increased traffic and product volume as the
business grows.
 Data security is maintained to relatively high level by implementing it at Database level,
so as to ensure that only authorized users have access to confidential client information.

Tools used

HTML editors: There are many different HTML editors available, both free and paid. Some popular
options include Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, and Atom.

CSS editors: There are also many different CSS editors available. Some popular options include Sublime
Text, Visual Studio Code, and Atom.

Web development frameworks: Web development frameworks can provide a lot of useful features for
developing websites, such as code completion, syntax highlighting, and debugging tools. Some popular
frameworks include Laravel, Symfony, and Django.

Version control systems: Version control systems can help you to track changes to your code and to
revert to previous versions if necessary. Some popular version control systems include Git and SVN.

Web hosting services: Once you have developed your website, you will need to host it on a web server.
Some popular web hosting services include Godaddy, Hostgator, and Bluehost.

Payment processors: need to choose a payment processor to allow customers to pay for their purchases
online. Some popular payment processors in Zimbabwe include Paynow, Zimswitch, and EcoCash.

Shipping providers: You will need to choose a shipping provider to deliver products to customers. Some
popular shipping providers in Zimbabwe include Zimbabwe Post, DHL, and FedEx.

Customer support tools: You may want to consider using customer support tools to provide support to
your customers. Some popular customer support tools include LiveChat, Zendesk, and Freshdesk.

It is important to note that some of these tools may not be available or affordable in Zimbabwe. You may
need to do some research to find tools that are appropriate for your needs and budget.


1. Preparation

Requirements gathering: The first step is to gather requirements from the stakeholders. This includes
identifying the target audience, the features that the website should have, and the budget for the

Conduct research on the online shopping landscape in the country.

Identify the target audience and their needs.

Develop a detailed project plan, including a timeline and budget.

Gather all the necessary resources, such as web hosting, domain name, and development tools.

2. Design

Create wireframes or mockups of the website design.

Choose a color scheme and typography that is consistent with the brand.

Design the user interface to be easy to use and navigate.

3. Development

Develop the website using HTML and CSS.

Implement features such as product search, filtering, and sorting.

Allow users to add items to their shopping cart and checkout using a variety of payment methods.

Ensure the website is secure and reliable.

4. Testing

Test the website thoroughly to ensure that it is working properly.

Fix any bugs that are found.

Conduct user testing to get feedback on the website design and usability.

5. Deployment

Once the website has been tested and is working properly, it can be deployed to a web server. This
makes the website accessible to the public.

There are a few specific considerations that need to be taken into account when developing an online
shopping website in Zimbabwe. The payment methods that will be accepted, there are a number of
mobile money platforms, such as EcoCash and OneMoney, which are widely used by the population. It is
therefore important to integrate these payment methods into the website. The internet connectivity,
Internet speeds can be slow and unreliable, so it is important to design the website in a way that is
optimized for low bandwidth. This can be done by using images and videos that are small in size, and by
avoiding complex animations and scripts.

All this to be done considering the local culture and customs when developing the website. For example,
the website should be translated into the local language, and the design should be culturally


This project proposal outlines the development of an online shopping website using HTML and CSS. The
website will be developed using a template-based approach, which will make it easy for businesses to
create and maintain their own online shopping websites without the need for any coding experience.
The website will also be integrated with popular payment methods in Zimbabwe, such as EcoCash and
OneMoney. This will make it easy for consumers to shop online and pay for their purchases using their
preferred payment method.

It also presents a significant opportunity for businesses to reach a large and growing customer base
through online shopping. However, there are a number of challenges that businesses face when
developing and operating online shopping websites. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of skilled
web developers.

The development of this online shopping website will help to address the challenges that businesses in
Zimbabwe face when developing and operating online shopping websites. It will also help to promote
the growth of the e-commerce sector in Zimbabwe.

The proposed online shopping website will address these challenges by:

Using HTML and CSS to create a lightweight and responsive website that can be accessed on a variety of
devices, including mobile phones and tablets.

Partnering with local internet service providers to offer affordable data plans.

Offering a variety of payment methods, including mobile money and cash on delivery.

The proposed website will also benefit the Zimbabwean economy by creating jobs and stimulating
economic growth. The website will provide a platform for businesses to sell their products to a wider
audience. In conclusion, the proposed online shopping website will be a valuable asset to the economy
and its citizens. The website will make online shopping more accessible and affordable for the people,
and it will provide a platform for businesses to grow.




3. JavaScript Enlightenment,Cody Lindley-First Edition, based on JavaScript 1.5, ECMA-262, Edition

4. Mc GrawHill’s, Java: The complete reference 7thEdition, Herbert Schildit

5. Project Proposal for Online Shopping System Research Proposal. (2016, Nov 25). Retrieved from


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