Redefining The Center of Gravity

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Redefining the Center of Gravity

By D A l e C . e i K M e i e r

It does not matter what Carl von Clause- doctrine is putting planners in an unusual Mount Sinai, and the intent of JP 5–0 should
witz said about the center of gravity (COG) in position of not really knowing what something trump his widely confused and misinter-
the 19th century. What matters is how we want is, but agreeing that it has tremendous value. preted words.
to use the COG concept in the 21st century. This absurd situation can only be remedied Any revised definition that fulfills JP
Joint doctrine, specifically Joint Publication by changing joint doctrine’s definition of the 5–0’s intent should meet the following criteria:
(JP) 5–0, Joint Operation Planning, is clear on COG and its related critical factors.
the concept’s purpose and utility. However, its The problem is twofold. The first is ■■ clarity: answers the question “what is

explanation on how to achieve that intent is definitional; the second is methodological. it?” and is simple to understand with limited
handicapped because of a reliance on confus- Because the current doctrinal definition meaning
ing and outdated definitions. To meet its own of the center of gravity lacks precision, it ■■ based on logic: contains rules that

intent, joint doctrine needs to break from generates confusion and endless debates allow for a valid inference
Clausewitz and develop new definitions of the that are distractions from critical planning ■■ precision: narrowly focused to exclude

center of gravity and its critical factors based tasks. Second, doctrine offers no practical the extraneous
on the criteria of clarity, logic, precision, and method to identify the COG. It does suggest ■■ testable: can be objectively tested using

testability. New definitions would then allow a confusing system of systems (SoS) approach rules and logic.
for selection and validation methods based combined with a political, economic, military,
on logic and objectivity. What is not useful social, infrastructure, and information nodal Let’s test the current definition from
is a continued sentimental devotion to 19th- analysis. This SoS method may have utility as JP 5–0 against these criteria: “A COG can
century military theory. a targeting tool, but for COG identification, it be viewed as the set of characteristics, capa-
Joint doctrine’s intent for the COG just does not work in the real world. bilities, and sources of power from which a
concept is best stated in JP 5–0: Because of the complex and time-con- system derives its moral or physical strength,
suming SoS method, planners typically revert freedom of action, and will to act.”2
One of the most important tasks con- to an easier but terribly flawed definitional Clarity. If the definition generates
fronting the [joint force commander’s (JFC’s)] method. For any method to work, the defini- more questions than answers, it is not clear.
staff in the operational design process is the tion must be clear, based on logic, precise, and If we have to read and study a definition
identification of friendly and adversary COGs. lead to answers that can be objectively vali- multiple times, it is not clear. Or if we have to
. . . The COG construct is useful as an analyti- dated. Unfortunately, the current definition deconstruct the definition and analyze the
cal tool to help JFCs and staffs analyze friendly lacks these qualities, which is why it must be parts to gain understanding, it is not clear.
and adversary sources of strength as well as replaced. Otherwise, the lack of clarity, preci- If, after study, we lack certainty as to what is
weaknesses and vulnerabilities. This process sion, logic, and testability will prolong the and what is not a COG, it is not clear. If there
cannot be taken lightly, since a faulty conclu- current and wasteful “debating” state, where is a cottage industry in publishing articles on
sion resulting from a poor or hasty analysis can anything that can be argued to fit the defini- what the true meaning is, it is not clear. What
have very serious consequences, such as the tion can be made a center of gravity. is not clear from the definition is the fact that
inability to achieve strategic and operational we do not know if COG in this context is a
objectives at an acceptable cost.1 thing (noun) or a capability (verb). Does the
the lack of clarity, precision, COG provide strength to a system, or is it the
However, because definitions are not logic, and testability will strength? What characteristics (adjectives or
clear, logical, precise, or testable, and a doc- prolong the “debating” state, adverbs) distinguish a COG from something
trine does not provide a practical identifica- where anything that can be else? The definition lacks clarity because it has
tion method, planners lack the understanding no basis in logic.
argued to fit the definition can
and focus needed to meet the intent of the Logic. A good definition provides some
COG concept.
be made a center of gravity principles and criteria on which a valid infer-
Few debate the JP 5–0 description of ence can be made. For example, a cat is a
COG value to campaign planning, so the The solution to the first problem mammal because it meets the criteria in the
concept is not the issue—the issue is the requires a definition that fits the purpose
definition. I can think of no other term in and intent of JP 5–0, not a slavish devotion to Colonel Dale C. Eikmeier, USA (Ret.), is an Assistant
military circles that generates so much debate. Clausewitz’s On War. After all, the Prussian Professor at the U.S. Army Command and General
This debate alone is sufficient evidence that did not hand down the COG concept from Staff College.

156 JFQ / issue 59, 4 th quarter 2010 ndupres s

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definition of a mammal. Due to the joint defi- 12 characteristics that can be associated with of characteristics or descriptions separated
nition’s lack of logic, rather than using criteria, a COG: by commas. The words used in the proposed
it uses vague examples and nebulous charac- definition have limited meaning, unlike the
teristics that obfuscate and confuse rather than ■■ exists at each level of war phrase a source of power, which can have
clarify and enlighten. For example, JP 5–0 ■■ mostly physical at operational and several meanings. Clarity is achieved, which
lists 12 characteristics, but these are neither tactical levels then allows for logic.
required characteristics nor are they exclusive ■■ is a source of leverage Logic. This definition has two criteria
characteristics. So they are of marginal use for ■■ allows or enhances freedom of action built in that, if met, can lead to a valid infer-
making a logical inference. According to the ■■ may be where the enemy’s force is ence. First, the COG is the primary entity,
definition, a COG has capabilities, but what most densely concentrated the key word being primary. Second, it has
capabilities, or capabilities to do what? Again, ■■ can endanger one’s own COGs the capability to achieve the specified objec-
it is difficult to make a logical inference as ■■ may be transitory in nature tive or purpose. The logic is A (primary
to what capability would merit a COG to be ■■ linked to the objective(s) entity) + B (capability to achieve the objec-
defined as such. Moral or physical strength, ■■ often intangible in limited contingency tive) = COG. Using these simple criteria,
freedom of action, and will to act without operations we can easily infer what is and what is not
a connecting purpose are just actions. The ■■ can shift over time or between phases a COG. Note that the capability must be
ability to act must be connected to a purpose; ■■ often depends on factors of time and directly linked to what attains the objective.
otherwise, there is no logic to the action. space The COG is the primary possessor of that
Precision. When a definition lacks ■■ contains many intangible elements at capability or power.
clarity and logic, it is difficult to achieve preci- strategic level.4 The logic is further illustrated by asking
sion, and the joint definition has fallen into three questions: What is my objective? How
this trap. Clarity and logic allow for precision, Notice the use of the qualifying words: can I achieve it (the required capability)?
which is necessary for identifying a COG and may, can, often, and mostly. These word What do I need or have that can do it? The
turning it into the useful analytical tool that choices leave quite a bit of latitude. Any defi- answer to the last question is the center of
was intended in JP 5–0. So in place of preci- nition that cannot stand on its own but must gravity. This logic then excludes other con-
sion, joint doctrine can only offer examples: use Justice Potter Stewart’s “I know it when I tenders, allowing for greater precision.
see it” method needs to be redefined.5 Precision. The clarity and logic of the
At the strategic level, a CoG could be a definition allow for precision. Use of the word
military force, an alliance, political or military primary is meant to exclude the secondary,
the qualifying words may, can,
leaders, a set of critical capabilities or functions, supporting, or extraneous. If something is
or national will. At the operational level a CoG
often, and mostly leave quite a secondary or supporting or even essential, it is
often is associated with the adversary’s military bit of latitude a requirement, but it is not the COG. This will
capabilities—such as a powerful element of the be discussed in more detail later. The COG is
armed forces—but could include other capabili- Testable. Since the current definition the primary doer; it has the capability required
ties in the operational environment.3 lacks clarity, logic, and precision, it is impos- to achieve the objective. If an entity does not
sible to validate or test a COG selection. This have that capability, it is not the COG, and the
These examples suggest that at the strate- is why students and planners debate, guess, system needs to find or create one.
gic level, the COG can be just about anything, and argue, and eventually grow frustrated Testable. The logic in the definition pro-
and at the operational level, it is usually a mili- with what JP 5–0 wants to be: a useful analyti- vides for a validation method called the Doer
tary capability but still could be anything—not cal tool.6 and Used test.
a very precise definition. To achieve precision, Since the current definition fails the
we must exclude things based on logical crite- clarity, logic, precision, and testable criteria, it Doer
ria. However, the joint definition attempts to must be replaced with one that does not. Only ■■ Only the center of gravity is inherently

achieve precision by providing the examples then will the endless debates cease and will capable of achieving the purpose or objective.
above to illustrate what is not clear or logical. planners be able to focus on campaign plan- ■■ If something executes the primary

Not being able to logically exclude the extrane- ning assisted by the COG concept rather than action(s) (capability) that achieves the objec-
ous, the examples attempt to cover all of the being distracted by it. tive, it is the COG.
bases, just in case something might be left To fix the definitional problem, I ■■ The COG executes the action and uses

out. These examples even include the “just in propose this definition: The center of gravity or consumes resources to accomplish it.
case” catch-all phrases, such as “a set of criti- is the primary entity that possesses the inherent
cal capabilities or functions” and “but could capability to achieve the objective.7 Used
include other capabilities in the operational Let’s test this definition against the ■■ If something is used or consumed to

environment.” This attempt to include rather above criteria. execute the primary action (capability), it is a
than exclude obscures the identification of the Clarity. This proposed definition is a requirement.
real COG and devalues the overall concept. simple declarative statement of what a COG ■■ If something contributes to, but does

As mentioned above, due to a poor is. It is the entity that can achieve the objec- not actually perform, the action, it is a require-
definition lacking clarity and logic, JP 5–0 lists tive. Unlike the joint definition, it is not a list ment, not a COG.

ndupres s issue 59, 4 th quarter 2010 / JFQ 157

JOINT DOCTRINE | Redefining the Center of Gravity

In the proposed definition, intangibles critical capability, which emphasizes primary ■■ Step 4: Select the entity (noun) from

such as moral strength or public opinion abilities that cannot be confused with nouns the list of means that inherently possesses
cannot be COGs because they have no capa- and returns the focus to actions that accom- the critical capability to achieve the end. This
bility for action and require a tangible agent plish the objective. selection is the center of gravity. It is the doer
to perform an action. So how are intangibles Fixing the definitions of both the center of the action that achieves the ends.
accounted for? They are accounted for in the of gravity and critical capabilities is the first ■■ Step 5: From the remaining items on

COG critical factors. But like the doctrinal step toward achieving the intent of JP 5–0. the means list, select those that are critical for
definition of the COG, the definitions for the The second is to provide a useful method for execution of the critical capability. These are
critical factors also need to be revised. identifying the COG. the critical requirements.
JP 5–0 states that planners should ■■ Step 6: Complete the process by identi-

analyze COGs within a framework of three fying those critical requirements vulnerable to
for some bizarre reason, joint
critical factors: capabilities, requirements, and adversary actions.
vulnerabilities.8 This would be sound advice if
doctrine significantly changed
it were not for joint doctrine’s odd definition Dr. Strange’s definition of What this method provides is a simple
of critical capabilities. critical capability and clear process for the identification and
In 1996, Dr. Joe Strange of the Marine selection of a COG and the ability to differ-
Corps War College created the idea of critical SoS nodal analysis, while a useful tech- entiate between a true COG and other candi-
factors and defined them as follows: nique for providing insights into understand- dates that are actually critical requirements.
ing a system, is not a practical method for This method with its objective rationale
■■ Critical Capability: primary abilities, identifying the COG and should be replaced contributes to the intent of JP 5–0 by avoiding
which merit a Center of Gravity to be identi- with the easier to use “ends, ways, and means” wasteful and pointless debates.
fied as such in the context of a given scenario, method. Indeed, no method, no matter Joint doctrine is clear on the concept’s
situation, or mission how detailed, will produce truly scientific purpose and utility. However, it currently
■■ Critical Requirements: essential condi- solutions. However, a disciplined and easily lacks a sound basis for achieving its own
tions, resources, and means for a critical capa- understood process such as the ends, ways, intent. If adopted, the proposed definition
bility to be fully operative and means method can more efficiently meet herein, combined with the ends, ways, and
■■ Critical Vulnerabilities: critical require- the intent of JP 5–0. means COG identification method, would
ments or components thereof that are deficient The best way to determine a center provide campaign planners a real analytical
or vulnerable to neutralization, interdiction, or of gravity involves a holistic viewpoint and tool that fulfills the doctrinal intent. JFQ
attack in a manner achieving decisive results.9 systems theory. Without it, COG identifica-
tion is just guesswork. However, the systems NOTES
These factors and their definitions were theory covers a lot of ground, and it is easy
a tremendous step forward in COG analysis to get lost in a system’s networked forest of 1
Joint Publication (JP) 5–0, Joint Operation
because they created a logical hierarchy that nodes and links. Arthur Lykke’s strategic Planning (Washington, DC: The Joint Staff, Decem-
helped separate the true COG, the doer, from framework11 offers a simple solution. The ber 26, 2006), IV–8.
other contenders, which may be requirements. framework’s three simple questions—What is Ibid.
Ibid., emphases in original.
Additionally, the factors provide planners the desired endstate? How can it be achieved? 4
Ibid., IV–9, figure IV–2.
insight on how to attack or defend a COG by What resources are required?—are systems 5
Justice Potter Stewart made famous the
showing what a COG does, what it needs to do theory boiled down to its essential elements in phrase “I know it when I see it” when attempting
it, and what is vulnerable. However, for some support of COG analysis. to describe a threshold of obscenity in Jacobellis
bizarre reason, joint doctrine significantly This is how it works. There are six steps, v. Ohio (1964). It has since become a colloquial
changed Dr. Strange’s definition of critical four to identify the COG and two for critical expression used when something cannot easily
capability. Here is the joint definition: “Criti- and vulnerable requirements: be defined or is subjective. See Paul Gewirtz, “On
cal Capability—a means that is considered a ‘I Know It When I See It’,” Yale Law Journal 105
crucial enabler for a COG to function as such, ■■ Step 1: Identify the organization’s (1996), 1023–1047.
and is essential to the accomplishment of the desired ends or objectives. JP 5–0, IV–8.
specified or assumed objective(s).”10 ■■ Step 2: Identify the possible “ways”
The use of the word primary is attributed to
Joe Strange and Richard Iron, Centers of Gravity and
Dr. Strange, in his definition, refers to or actions that can achieve the desired ends.
Critical Vulnerabilities: Building on the Clausewitz-
abilities, which are verbs. The joint defini- Select the way(s) that the evidence suggests the
ian Foundation So That We Can All Speak the Same
tion refers to means and enablers, which can organization is most likely to use. Remember:
Language, Perspectives on Warfighting, no. 4, 2d ed.
be thought of as things that are nouns. This Ways are actions and should be expressed (Quantico, VA: Marine Corps Association, 1996), ix.
ambiguity between abilities or things leaves as verbs. Then select the most elemental or 8
JP 5–0, IV–12.
room for confusion. If we believe that means essential action—that selection is the critical 9
Strange and Iron.
and enablers are things, then the joint defini- capability. Ways = critical capabilities. 10
JP 5–0, IV–12.
tion can be considered synonymous with ■■ Step 3: List the organization’s means Arthur F. Lykke, Jr., ed., Military Strategy:
the definition of critical requirements. One available or needed to execute the way/critical Theory and Application (Carlisle, PA: U.S. Army
solution is to accept Dr. Strange’s wording for capability. War College, 1998).

158 JFQ / issue 59, 4 th quarter 2010 ndupres s

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