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In any part of the world different people have different opinion, oftern this

opinion leads to different problem around world. Dispite the contransting opinion
between people progress is key element that is required for all people accross the
globe. Discussion among people with different opinion is very important for
progress of the society and well being of people. There are multiple situation
every person faces where they have to confront with different people, so discussion
is very important for progress.

In many situation people will have different opinion based on false assumption or
not thinking in others point of view. For example many people will not understand
or misunderstand based on false information or others misinformation. so,
discussion is very important for reduce misinformation and misundertanding. Mostly
in daily life we can reduce misinformation and misunderstanding with a simple
discussion it improves progress a lot.

In some situation people will have contrasting opinion they are correct based on
there point of view. Often this kind of difference in opinion lead major problems
which reduce progress. For example, two countries are having border issues and each
country may claim based their point of veiw is correct and almost all people in the
world support to one reason, this kind of situation are very tricky. The only
possible solution for this kind of problem is through disscusion because they might
be a chance of making understanding both point of views and coming to a common
ground then they can progress from that common ground.

Somtimes people with contrasting pionts of view may not come to solution because
they believe thier point of view is perfect and not willing to come to a common
ground. In this type of situation discussion with a third person view can be
helpful who have no idea of both point of veiws because they may find new solutions
or introduce a new point of view and lead to progress.

Some may believe that discussion is waste of time but without discussion there is
high chance of rise of problems due to contrasting points of view. So discussion
among people who have contrasting points of view is very important because it lead
progress of society and for individuals.

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