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Workplace safety is crucial,
regardless of a business, its size or its
industry. Without the proper
workplace safety measures in
place, a company puts its
employees, customers, brand
reputation, and revenues in danger.
Additionally, failure to teach
employees how to maintain a safe
work environment may lead to on-
the-job accidents, injuries and, worst
of all, death
Importance of Safety in UNSAFE ACTS
the Workplace Action or behavior that you or a co-
Workplace safety is very worker carries out that may be
important for each and every potentially harmful.
employee in the industry
because all the workers desire to UNSAFE CONDITIONS
work in a safe and protected
atmosphere. Safety is the key Anything you or co-worker finds
factor for all the industries in that is potentially harmful.
order to promote the wellness of
both employees and employers. SAFE WORKPLACE
It is a duty and moral
Control and elimination of
responsibility of the company to
look after the employee’s recognizable threat to minimize
protection. the risk.
Why Should Businesses
Prioritize Workplace
Create a safe, productive work environment.
Every business wants to provide
its employees with a safe place
to work. At the same time, every
business wants to help its workers
maximize their potential. By
prioritizing workplace safety, a
company can provide its workers
with a safe environment where
they can optimize their day-to-
day productivity.
Reduce employee absenteeism.
Employees who miss work due
to on-the-job accidents or
injuries are unable to
contribute to a company’s
success. Yet a company that
prioritizes workplace safety
can reduce the number of
on-the-job accidents and
injuries, as well as employee
absenteeism associated with
these issues.
Increase employee satisfaction.

A safe workplace is a happy

workplace, and research
shows that safety plays a vital
role in the development of a
positive work environment
that fosters employee
Employee insurance claims.
Workplace accidents and injuries
raise employee insurance claims,
and ultimately, may put a
significant dent in a company’s
bottom line. Comparatively, a
company-wide commitment to
workplace safety limits the risk of
on-the-job accidents and injuries,
along with employee insurance
claims related to these incidents.
Maintain a most valuable asset.
It enables a company to
maintain its employees
against a wide range of
workplace dangers and
ensures that workers get the
support they need to protect
themselves against these
Tips to Create a Safe
and Productive
Work Environment
1. Aware about 2. Reduce workplace
the surroundings: stress:
Most of the employees
There are many
are not fit and healthy
employees who don’t because of their busy
bother about their schedule, which
surrounding hazards. includes long working
But , it is important to hours, work-pressure
observe your co- and conflicts occur with
employees working co-workers or with the
circumstances. boss of the organization.
3. Use tools appropriately: 4. Keep crisis exits which
are easily accessible:
Take appropriate precautions In case there is an emergency,
while using machinery or any you will need quick access to
other tool, instead of taking the exits. It is also advised to
any shortcuts. Taking shortcuts keep clear usage of
is one of the biggest reasons equipment shutoffs which
behind workplace loss. It’s a might stop you from
biggest safety risk to use performing at emergency.
scaffolding as a ladder or one
tool instead of another for a
particular job.
5. Update Your Supervisor 6. Use mechanical
about the unsafe conditions: assistance:
It is important that you keep There are lot of risks involved, if
updating your supervisor about you try to lift something which is
the hazards or risks occur at heavier, it can affect your
workplace. They should be weighing capability and can
legally obligated to ensure lead to some muscle
that their employees are displacement. So, make sure
working a safe environment or that use the appropriate tools
not. for not harming yourself
7. Stay Alert: 8. Reduce Workplace
There are many employees Environment Stress:
who usually compromise or Stress to any employee or to
ignore the alerts of advance any co-worker, can lead into
warning and due to this, a depression and into
number of workplace injuries or concentration problems. And
fatalities occur. the main reason includes,
extended working hours, excess
of work, insecurity of job and
issues which occur at co-
workers or professionals.
9. Wear the right safety 10. Sit in a proper posture:
It is essential that you wear the right If have a sitting job, then it is
protection equipment tools during essential than keep your posture
your work. And the equipment’s correct, while working on a desk.
can be in any form like, earplugs, You need to keep your shoulders in
earmuffs, hard hats, gloves, full- line and straight back to avoid any
face masks, safety gloves and any spine problem. Try to ignore
other equipment which is required stooping and twisting regularly and
to wear while working. These tools if possible, then try to use the
will prevent the workers from the comfort designed furniture and the
incidents that occur at workplace. safety equipment’s, so that the
desired things will be in your reach.
“This is a quote. Words full
of wisdom that someone
important said and can
make the reader get

—Someone Famous

For things to go well at work, the
employer and the employee must
each respect certain legal obligations.
Every worker has the right to a safe
workplace, but they also have
responsibilities to keep their own
workplaces safe.
The working environment is safe
and providing appropriate
protective equipment if necessary.
Larana University | 2024

Workers are free from
discrimination and bullying.

3 Employee receives all entitlements

in terms of pay and conditions
4 Employers are providing an
appropriate training.
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5 Ensure equal opportunities.

Monitor the worker’s overall work
6 performance including demeanor,
competence and professionalism.


Understanding the conditions of your employment. This
includes knowing your working hours and entitlements to
breaks and leave.
Working in a way that is not harmful to the health and
safety of yourself or others knowing what to do if you
think your employer is not meeting their responsibilities.
Larana University | 2024
Know your rights in regards to
discrimination and bullying. Know
what to do if you experience or witness
this in your workplace
Know the health and safety
requirements of your workplace.
Know how to maintain a safe
environment for yourself and others.
Larana University | 2024
Have access to all of the appropriate
safety gear and equipment. Know what
to do in the event of an accident.
Know where to get help on workplace
health and safety issues relevant to
your state or territory.
Larana University | 2024
Equal Work Opportunities For All
It is provided in at the Philippine Constitution
that: the State shall protect labor,
promote full employment, and provide equal
work opportunity regardless of gender, race, or
creed; and regulate employer-employee
Work days and Work hours
Workday refers to any day which an employee is
regularly required to work. Hours of work refers to
the time an employee renders actual work or a
required to be on duty. The normal hours of work in a
day are 8 hours. This includes breaks or rest period
than one hour, but excludes meal periods, which shall
not be less than one hour.
Weekly Rest Day
A day-off of 24 consecutive hours after 6 days of
work should be scheduled by the employer
upon consultation with the workers.
Employment of Children
The minimum employment age is 15 years of age. Any
worker below 15 years of age should be directly under
the sole responsibility of parents or guardians
provided that work does not interfere with the child’s
schooling or development. Work permit from DOLE.
The minimum age of employment is 18 years for
hazardous jobs, and 15 years for nonhazardous jobs.
Safe Working Conditions
Employers must provide workers with every
kind of on-the-job protections against injury,
sickness or death through safe and healthful
working conditions. Job may be hazardous or
highly hazardous.
Hazardous jobs are those which expose the employee to
dangerous environment elements, including
contaminants, radiations, fire, poisonous
substances, biological agents and explosives, or dangerous
process or equipment
including construction, mining, quarrying, blasting,
stevedoring, mechanized farming and
operating heavy equipment.
Thank you!

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