Computer Fundamentals (Word)

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Q-1 : Write steps for inserting a header and footer into Microsoft Word.

1. Select Insert > Header or Footer.

2. Select one of the built in designs.
3. Type the text you want in the header or footer.
4. Select Close Header and Footer when you're done.

Q-2 : What is the main difference between Save and Save As?
The difference between Save and Save As is that Save allows you to update a previously saved file
with new content, whereas Save As allows you to save a new file or an existing file to a new location
with the same or different name.
Q-3 : Why find & Replace is used in word?
Find and Replace is a function in Word that allows you to search for target text (whether it be a
particular word, type of formatting or string of wildcard characters) and replace it with something else.
For example To open the Find and Replace dialogue box, use Ctrl+H or go to Home > Editing >
Replace. This shortcut is used worldwide in all window computers.
Q-4 : Show six ways to secure sensitive information in a Microsoft Word document.
Always Open Read Only : One easy way to protect your Word document is to make it read-only.
Process : File -Info-Protect Document-Always Read Only-Save &Close.
Encrypt with Password : A more secure way to protect your Word document is to apply a password
to it.
Process : File-Info-Protect Document-Encrypt With Password -Save &Close.
Restrict editing : You can allow other people to view and read a Word document but limit the types
of edits they can make to it.
Process : File-Info-Protect Document-Restrict Editing -Save &Close.
Restrict Access : You can allow other people to view and read a Word document but limit the types
of edits they can make to it.
Process : File-Info-Protect Document-Restrict Access -Save &Close.
Add a Digital signature : A digital signature informs people who view your Word document that you
and no one else signed it.
Mark as Final : Another easy way to protect your Word document is to Mark as Final.
Process : File-Info-Protect Document- Mark as Final-Save &Close.
Q-5 : What is the default file extension of MS word, MS Excel, and MS Power Point files?
The default file extension is for MS word - .docx or .doc
MS Excel - .xlsx or .xls
MS Power Point - .pptx or .ppt
Q-6 : What is shortcut key to create a hyperlink?
Place the cursor where you want the link in your document. Press Ctrl+K to open the Insert Hyperlink
dialog box.
Q-7 : What is the shortcut key to insert a page break?
To insert a page break, use the shortcut Ctrl + Enter, or go to the Insert tab and select “Page Break”
from the Pages group.
Q-8 : In what ways you can see the difference between two similar documents?
1) Open a new document in Word.
2) In the upper ribbon, click Review.
3) Click Compare, and then click Compare Documents.
4) In the Compare Documents window that appears, update the following fields: Original
document: Choose the first document you want to use in your comparison. ...
5) Click OK.
Q-9 : How to Accept All Track Changes at Once in Microsoft Word?
1) Click on the Review tab above the text field.
2) Click the Show Markup tool button (in the Tracking group)
3) Clear all the ticked options except the Formatting option.
4) Click the arrow on the Accept icon (in the Changes group)
5) Choose to Accept All Changes Shown

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