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OPINION Sepsis - What’s new in 2019?
Mark E. Nunnally and Arpit Patel

Purpose of review
Sepsis-3 guidelines have implications in a deeper understanding of the biopathology of the disease.
Further, the review focuses on timely topics and new literature on fluid resuscitation, the value of steroids in
sepsis, and new therapeutic options such as angiotensin II, vitamin C, and thiamine as well as the
emerging role of procalcitonin (PCT) in managing antibiotics.
Recent findings
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Traditional therapies such as type of crystalloid fluid administration and steroid therapy for sepsis are
currently under re-evaluation. Angiotensin II is investigated for reversing vasodilatory shock. The role of
capillary endothelium leak and cellular metabolism can be affected by vitamin C and thiamine levels.
Biomarker level trends, specifically PCT, can aid clinical suspicion of infection.
Sepsis-3 shifts the focus from a noninfectious inflammatory process and an emphasis on a dysregulated host
response to infection. Hyperchloremic crystalloid resuscitation is associated with poor clinical outcomes.
Steroid administration can reverse shock physiology; however, mortality benefits remain uncertain.
Angiotensin II, vitamin C, and thiamine are novel treatment options that need further validation. PCT assays
can help discern between infectious and noninfectious inflammation.
angiotensin II, chloride, sepsis, thiamine, vitamin C

INTRODUCTION for patients in an ICU and a quick SOFA (qSOFA)

There are 1.5 million sepsis cases in the United States score of two or more for patients outside of the ICU,

and it is responsible for one out of every three hospital when there is presumed or suspected infection [4 ].
deaths [1]. The economic impact is estimated at over Table 1 specifies the SOFA, qSOFA, and Systemic
$20 billion annually in the United States, and approx- Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) criteria.
imately $55 million each day [2]. Septic shock is These were the basis of a clinical diagnosis of sepsis
associated with mortality as high as 50% [3]. since the original ‘Sepsis-1’criteria were established
Although easy ‘cures’ are elusive, diagnosis and treat- in 1992 [6]. A subsequent revision established
ment for sepsis continue to advance. In this review, parameters to support a SIRS response, but retained
we will discuss the implications of the Sepsis-3 criteria SIRS, suggested restraint from using laboratory mea-
and epidemiologic importance of this concept. Fur- surement of various inflammatory markers (aside
ther, we will discuss recent data regarding intrave- from abnormalities of white blood cell count) to
nous (IV) fluid administration, the use of steroids, define sepsis, and introduced a framework for eval-
and new drug therapies including vitamin C, thia- uating sepsis based on predisposition, pathogen,
mine, and angiotensin 2. Although it is unclear host response, and organ dysfunction [7]. The
which of these will be practice changing, they raise evolution of these criteria and considerations
important concerns in the management of sepsis.
Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative Care, and Pain Medicine,
SEPSIS-3 NYU Langone Health, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, New
York, USA
Sepsis is a diagnosis based on clinical criteria. Correspondence to Mark E. Nunnally, MD, Department of Anesthesiol-
Defined as ‘life-threatening organ dysfunction ogy, Perioperative Care, and Pain Medicine, NYU Langone Health, NYU
caused by a dysregulated host response to infection,’ Langone Medical Center, 550 1st Ave, New York, NY 10016, USA.
[4 ] its objective identification is based on a change Tel: +1 (212) 263 5072; e-mail:
in the [sepsis-associated] Sequential Organ Failure Curr Opin Anesthesiol 2019, 32:163–168
Assessment (SOFA) score [5] of two points or more DOI:10.1097/ACO.0000000000000707

0952-7907 Copyright ß 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.


Efek lain dari trombin prokoagulan mampu dan peradangan, merupakan modulator (TNF-α, interleukin-1, dan interleukin-6)
merangsang jalur inflamasi multipel dan lebih penting koagulasi dan peradangan yang oleh monosit dan membatasi monosit dan
menekan sistem fibrinolitik endogen dengan terkait dengan sepsis.8 Kondisi tersebut neutrofil pada endothelium yang cedera
mengaktifkan inhibitor fibrinolisis thrombin- memberikan efek antitrombotik dengan dengan mengikat selectin.8,9
activatable (TAFI).9 menginaktivasi faktor Va dan VIIIa, membatasi
pembentukan trombin. Penurunan trombin Hasil akhir respons jaringan terhadap infeksi
Mekanisme kedua melalui aktivasi protein akan berdampak terhadap proses inflamasi, berupa pengembangan luka endovaskuler
aktif C yang berkaitan dengan respons prokoagulan, dan antifibrinolitik. Menurut difus, trombosis mikrovaskuler, iskemia organ,
sistemik terhadap infeksi. Protein C adalah data in vitro menunjukkan bahwa protein disfungsi multiorgan, dan kematian.8
protein endogen yang mempromosikan aktif C memberikan efek antiinflamasi dengan
fibrinolisis dan menghambat trombosis menghambat produksi sitokin inflamasi KRITERIA SEPSIS
Skrining awal dan cepat dapat dilakukan di
setiap unit gawat darurat. Kriteria baru sepsis
menggunakan Sequential Organ Failure
Assessment (SOFA).7 SOFA melakukan evaluasi
terhadap fungsi fisiologis, respirasi, koagulasi,
hepatik, sistem saraf pusat, dan ginjal.
Makin tinggi skor SOFA akan meningkatkan
morbiditas dan mortalitas sepsis.7,10

Kriteria simpel menggunakan qSOFA. qSOFA

dinyatakan positif apabila terdapat 2 dari 3
kriteria. Skoring tersebut cepat dan sederhana
serta tidak memerlukan pemeriksaan

Syok septik dapat diidentifikasi dengan adanya

klinis sepsis dengan hipotensi menetap.
Kondisi hipotensi membutuhkan tambahan
vasopressor untuk mempertahankan kadar
MAP >65 mmHg dan laktat serum >2 mmol/L
walaupun telah dilakukan resusitasi.7

Kriteria SOFA muncul setelah pembaharuan

definisi dan kriteria sepsis bertujuan untuk
mengurangi morbiditas dan mortalitas sepsis.
Kriteria tahun 1992 menggunakan istilah
Sindrom Respons Inflamasi Sistemik (SIRS).
SIRS terdiri dari kriteria umum yang meliputi
Gambar. Rantai koagulasi dengan dimulainya respons inflamasi, trombosis, dan fibrinolisis terhadap infeksi8
kondisi vital pasien, terdapat kriteria inflamasi,
Tabel 2. Kriteria Sepsis5 kriteria hemodinamik, dan kriteria gangguan
fungsi organ.5
Kriteria SIRS Suhu : <36°C atau >38°C
Nadi : 90 kali/menit
Laju napas : >20/menit atau PaCO2 <32 mmHg Tabel 4. Skor quick SOFA6,13
Leukosit <4000/mm3 atau > 12000/mm3
Kriteria qSOFA
Kriteria Hemodinamik Tekanan darah sistolik <90 mmHg, Tekanan arteri rerata <70 mmHg atau tekanan darah
Laju pernapasan >22x/menit
sistolik turun >40 mmHg
Saturasi darah vena <70% Perubahan status mental/kesadaran
Indeks kardiak >3,5L/menit/m Tekanan darah sistolik <100 mmHg
Kriteria Inflamasi Jumlah leukosit > 12000/mm3 atau < 4000/mm3 atau ditemukan sel leukosit muda >10%
Kadar protein C reaktif meningkat >2 kali nilai normal
Kadar procalcitonin meningkat >2 kali nilai normal Keterbatasan dan kelebihan dua kriteria
Kriteria Gangguan Fungsi PaO2/FIO2 < 300 mmHg tersebut dirangkum dalam tabel 5.
Organ Produksi urin <0,5 mg/kgBB
Gangguan pembekuan darah
Terdapat perubahan bermakna surviving
Kriteria Perfusi Jaringan Kadar laktat >3 mmol/L
sepsis campaign 2018 dari rangkaian 3 jam, 6
Pengisian kapiler melambat jam, menjadi rangkaian 1 jam awal.4 Tujuan

682 CDK-280/ vol. 46 no. 11 th. 2019


perubahan ini adalah diharapkan terdapat Kultur Darah (Pengalaman terbaik peneliti)4 Pemilihan antibitiotik disesuaikan dengan
perubahan manajemen resusitasi awal, Pengambilan kultur darah dilakukan segera, bakteri empirik yang ditemukan.4
terutama mencakup penanganan hipotensi hal tersebut berguna untuk meningkatkan
pada syok sepsis.4 optimalisasi pemberian antibiotik dan Cairan Intravena (Rekomendasi kuat, bukti
identifikasi patogen. Kultur darah sebaiknya penelitian Lemah)4
Pengukuran Kadar Laktat (Rekomendasi dalam 2 preparat terutama untuk kuman Pemberian cairan merupakan terapi awal
lemah, bukti penelitian lemah)4 aerobik dan anaerobik. Pengujian kultur resusitasi pasien sepsis, atau sepsis dengan
Peningkatan kadar laktat dapat menunjukkan juga dapat menyingkirkan penyebab sepsis, hipotensi dan peningkatan serum laktat.
beberapa kondisi di antaranya hipoksia apabila infeksi patogen tidak ditemukan maka Cairan resusitasi adalah 30 mg/kgBB cairan
jaringan, peningkatan glikolisis aerobik pemberian antibiotik dapat dihentikan.4 kristaloid; tidak ada perbedaan manfaat antara
yang disebabkan peningkatan stimulasi koloid dan kristaloid.4 Pada kondisi tertentu
beta adrenergik atau pada beberapa kasus Antibiotik Spektrum Luas (Rekomendasi seperti penyakit ginjal kronis, dekompensasi
lain. Peningkatan kadar laktat >2mmol/L kuat, bukti penelitian Sedang)4 kordis, harus diberikan lebih hati –hati.14
harus diukur pada kondisi 2-4 jam awal dan Pemberian antibiotik spektrum luas sangat
dilakukan tindakan resusitasi segera.4 direkomendasikan pada manajemen awal. Beberapa teknik untuk menilai respons cairan:

Tabel 3. Kriteria sepsis 1992-20165,11,12

Kriteria Sepsis 1 ( 1992) Sepsis 2 ( 2011) Sepsis 3 ( 2016 )

Sepsis Kriteria SIRS bila ditemukan 2 gejala atau lebih tanda Kriteria SIRS ditambah dengan fokal infeksi Skor SOFA ≥ 2
sebagai berikut : Disertai dengan kriteria hemodinamik, inflamasi, qSOFA ≥2
Suhu >38°C atau <36°C dan kriteria gangguan fungsi organ
Detak jantung >90 kali/menit
Frekuensi pernapasan >20 kali/menit atau
PaCO2<32 mmHg
Jumlah leukosit >12000 atau <4000/mm3 atau
ditemukan sel leukosit muda >10%
Disertai dengan fokal infeksi
Sepsis berat Kriteria sama Kriteria sama Definisi sepsis berat dihilangkan
Syok sepsis Kriteria sama Kriteria sama Sepsis dengan hipotensi
Kadar serum laktat ≥2 mmol/L yang menetap
walaupun telah diberikan terapi cairan sehingga
dibutuhkan pemberian vasopressor untuk
mempertahankan MAP > 65 mmHg

Tabel 3. Sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA)6,13

Sofa Score
No Sistem Organ
0 1 2 3 4
1 Respiratory PO/FiO2 mmHg ≥400 <400 <300 <200 dengan bantuan respirasi <100 dengan bantuan respirasi
2 Koagulasi Platelet,x 105/ ≥150 <150 <100 <50 <20
3 Hepar, bilirubin mg/dL <1,2 <1,2-1,9 2,0-5,9 6,0-11,9 >12,0
4 Kardiovaskuler MAP ≥70 mmHg MAP < 70 mmHg Dopamin <5 ug/kg/menit atau Dopamin 5,1-15 ug/kg/menit Dopamin >15 atau epinefrin >0,1
Dobutamin (dosis berapapun ) atau epinefrin ≤ 0,1 ug/kg/menit ug/kg/menit
atau norepinefrin ≤ 0,1 ug/kg/
5 Sistem saraf pusat, Glasgow 15 13-14 10-12 6-9 <6
Coma Scale (GCS)
6. Renal, kreatinin, mg/dL <1,2 1,2-19 2,0-3,4 3,5-4,9 >5.0
umol/L), urine output mL/ <500 <200

Ket : Dosis dobutamin dalam ug/kg/menit, FiO2 ; Fraksi Oksigen inspirasi, PO2; tekanan parsial oksigen, MAP; mean arterial pressure

Tabel 5. Keterbatasan dan kelebihan kriteria SIRS dan SOFA


Keterbatasan Kriteria SIRS tidak spesifik Assessment untuk identifikasi kegagalan organ tidak untuk mendefinisikan sepsis14
(ditemukan kasus SIRS namun tidak ada proses
infeksi melalui hasil kultur)6,9
Keunggulan „„ Lebih dari 75% pasien diduga infeksi dengan qSOFA score >2 dan skor SOFA positif mengindikasikan
disfungsi organ dan suspek sepsis4
„„ Kriteria qSOFA mudah digunakan dan membantu klinisi memberikan tatalaksana awal tanpa
menunggu hasil laboratorium10,14

CDK-280/ vol. 46 no. 11 th. 2019 683


1. Passive leg raising test. Diagram. Rekomendasi pemberian vasopresor dan steroid pada manajemen syok sepsis.17
Penilaian ini untuk menilai pasien sepsis
kategori responder atau non-responder, dengan Dosis Norepinefrin dimulai hingga 35-90 ug/min
sensitivitas 97% dan spesifisitas 94%.15 Bila untuk mencapai MAP 65 mmHg
pulse pressure bertambah > 10% dari baseline,
dianggap responder. Penilaian ini bertujuan
untuk menilai peningkatan cardiac output Target MAP tercapai Target tidak tercapai dan tidak
dengan penambahan volume.15 respin dengan pemberian NE

2. Fluid challenge test.

Ne dilanjutkan atau Vasopressin ditingkatkan
Mengukur kemaknaan perubahan isi sekuncup penambahan vasopresor menjadi 0.03 unit per menit*
jantung (stroke volume) atau tekanan sistolik 0.03 unit tiap menit untuk
mengantisipasi pengurangan
arterial, atau tekanan nadi (pulse pressure). dosis NEP
Pemberian cairan dapat mengembalikan Target MAP tercapai Target MAP tidak tercapai
distribusi oksigen dalam darah dan perfusi
ke organ vital untuk mencegah ganguan
Dosis NEP ditingkatkan 20-50ug per menit
kerusakan organ.15 untuk mencapai target MAP

3. Stroke Volume Variation (SVV).

Penilaian variasi isi sekuncup jantung akibat *Pemberian steroid dipertimbangkan Target MAP Tambahkan
tercapai fenilefrin 300-
perubahan tekanan intra-toraks saat pasien **Berikan pemberian IV Steroid 300 ug per menit
menggunakan ventilasi mekanik. Syarat untuk meningkatkan
***Pedoman SSC diam terhadap pemberian fenilefrin MAP
penilaian responsivitas cairan dengan metode
ini adalah:15
„„ Pasien dalam kontrol ventilasi mekanis Catatan :
penuh Pertimbangkan dopamin vasopressor alternatif jika terdapat sinus bradikardia
„„ Volume tidal 8-10 mL/kgBB (predicted Pertimbangkan pemberian fenilefrin apabila timbul takiaritmia berbahaya akibat pemberian norepinefrin atau
body weight), epinefrin
„„ Tidak ada aritmia. Pasien masuk kategori Berdasarkan penilitian seusai dengan EBM tidak ditemukan batasan pemberian norepinefrin , epinefrin dan
responder bila SVV ≥12%. fenilefrin. Rentang dosis yang dicantumkan pada alogritma ini berdasarkan pengalaman peneliti. Dosis
maksimal dievaluasi berdasarkan respons fisiologis.

Selain SVV, Pulse Pressure Variation (PPV) Dopamin sebagai vasopresor alternatif Laktat
juga dapat dipergunakan untuk menilai norepinefrin hanya direkomendasikan untuk Laktat sebagai penanda perfusi jaringan
responsivitas cairan.15 pasien tertentu, misalnya pada pasien berisiko dianggap lebih objektif dibandingkan
rendah takiaritmia dan bradikardi relatif.12,15 pemeriksaan fisik atau produksi urin.15
Pemberian Vasopressor (Rekomendasi kuat, Penggunaan dopamin dosis rendah untuk Keberhasilan resusitasi pasien sepsis dapat
bukti penelitian cukup) proteksi ginjal sudah tidak direkomendasikan dinilai dengan memantau penurunan kadar
Manajemen resusitasi awal bertujuan untuk lagi.15 Dobutamin disarankan diberikan pada laktat, terutama jika awalnya mengalami
mengembalikan perfusi jaringan, terutama hipoperfusi menetap meskipun sudah diberi peningkatan kadar laktat.15
perfusi organ vital. Jika tekanan darah cairan adekuat dan vasopresor.15 Steroid dapat
tidak meningkat setelah resusitasi cairan, digunakan apabila dengan norepinefrin target Tekanan Vena Sentral (CVP) dan Saturasi
pemberian vasopressor tidak boleh ditunda.4 MAP masih belum tercapai.12 Vena Sentral (SvO2)
Vasopressor harus diberikan dalam 1 jam Tekanan CVP normal adalah 8-12 mmHg.
pertama untuk mempertahankan MAP >65 INDIKATOR KEBERHASILAN RESUSITASI CVP sebagai parameter panduan tunggal
mmHg.4 Dalam review beberapa literatur AWAL resusitasi cairan tidak direkomendasikan lagi.15
ditemukan pemberian vasopressor/inotropik Evaluasi Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) Jika CVP dalam kisaran normal (8-12 mmHg),
sebagai penanganan awal dari sepsis.4 MAP merupakan driving pressure untuk perfusi kemampuan CVP untuk menilai responsivitas
jaringan atau organ terutama otak dan ginjal. cairan (setelah pemberian cairan atau fluid
Pemilihan Vasopressor Batas rekomendasinya adalah 65 mmHg.15 challenge) terbukti tidak akurat.15 Penggunaan
Norepinefrin direkomendasi sebagai Penetapan target MAP yang lebih tinggi target CVP secara absolut seharusnya
vasopresor lini pertama. Penambahan (85 mmHg dibandingkan 65 mmHg) justru dihindari, karena cenderung mengakibatkan
vasopressin (sampai 0,03 U/menit) atau meningkatkan risiko aritmia.15 Target MAP resusitasi cairan berlebihan.15
epinefrin untuk mencapai target MAP dapat lebih tinggi mungkin perlu dipertimbangkan
dilakukan.15,17 pada riwayat hipertensi kronis.12,15,18 CO2 gap (Perbedaan kadar karbondioksida
arteri dan vena (Pv-a CO2))
Peningkatan produksi CO2 merupakan salah

684 CDK-280/ vol. 46 no. 11 th. 2019

Marc G. Jeschke, David N. Herndon

Etiology of Burn Injury
Pathophysiology of Burn Injury
Basic Treatment of Burn Injury
Specific Treatment of Burns
Attenuation of the Hypermetabolic Response
Special Considerations: Electrical and Chemical Burns
Burn Units

More than 500,000 burn injuries occur annually in the United prevention strategies. Overall, no single group is immune to the
States.1 Although most of these burn injuries are minor, approxi- public health debt caused by burns.
mately 40,000 to 60,000 burn patients require admission to a Location plays a major role in the risk for and treatment of a
hospital or major burn center for appropriate treatment. The burn. The available resources in a given community greatly influ-
devastating consequences of burns have been recognized by the ence morbidity and mortality. A lack of adequate resources affects
medical community and significant amounts of resources and the education, rehabilitation, and survival rates for burn victims.
research have been dedicated, successfully improving these dismal An individual with a severe burn in a resource-rich environment
statistics.2 Specialized burn centers (Box 19-1) and advances in can receive care within minutes, whereas a burned person in an
therapy strategies, based on improved understanding of resuscita- austere environment may suffer for an extended time waiting for
tion, enhanced wound coverage, more appropriate infection care. Ideal treatment of burns requires the collaboration of sur-
control, improved treatment of inhalation injury, and better geons, anesthesiologists, occupational therapists and physiothera-
support of the hypermetabolic response to injury, have further pists, nurses, nutritionists, rehabilitation therapists, and social
improved the clinical outcome of this unique population of workers just to accommodate the very basic needs of a major burn
patients during the past years.3,4 However, severe burns remain a survivor.10 Any delay in reaching these resources compounds a
devastating injury affecting nearly every organ system and leading delay in resuscitation and thus adds to the mortality risk.11 For
to significant morbidity and mortality.5,6 those who have access to adequate burn care, survival from a
major burn is the rule, no longer the exception. In fact, the sur-
vival rate for all burns is 94.6%, but for at-risk populations, in
communities lacking medical, legal, and public health resources,
ETIOLOGY OF BURN INJURY survival can be nearly impossible.8
There is no greater trauma than major burn injury, which can be
classified according to different burn causes and different depths
(Box 19-2). Of all cases, nearly 4000 people die of complications PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF BURN INJURY
related to thermal injury.7 As in all trauma-related deaths, burn
deaths generally occur either immediately after the injury or weeks Local Changes
later as a result of multisystem organ failure. Sixty-six percent of Locally, thermal injury causes coagulative necrosis of the epider-
all burns occur at home, and fatalities are predominant in the mis and underlying tissues; the depth of injury depends on the
extremes of age—the very young and the elderly. The most temperature to which the skin is exposed, the specific heat of the
common causes of burn are flame and scald burns.8 Scald burns causative agent, and the duration of exposure. Burns are classified
are most common in children up to 5 years of age.8 There is a into five different causal categories and depths of injury. The
significant percentage of burns in children that are due to child causes include injury from flame (fire), hot liquids (scald), contact
abuse. A number of risk factors have been linked to burn injury, with hot or cold objects, chemical exposure, and conduction of
specifically age, location, demographics, and low economic status.9 electricity (Box 19-2). The first three induce cellular damage
These risk factors underscore the fact that most burn injuries by the transfer of energy, which induces coagulation necrosis.
and fatalities are preventable and mandate intervention and Chemical burns and electrical burns cause direct injury to cellular

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512 SECTION III Trauma and Critical Care

Burn wound

↑↑ Oxygen consumption ↑↑ 20-fold

Catecholamines Intestine

Heart Serum Alanine Ammonia

↑↑ Glucagon
↑↑ Cardiac output ↑↑ Heart rate ↑↑ Cortisol ↑↑ Insulin Glutamine

↑↑ Kidney

↓↓ Calcium Liver
Alanine Glutamine
↓↓ Magnesium Urea Ammonia
Glucose Glycogen
Fat stores Glucose
Glycolysis Lactate
↑ Fractures Glycolysis Lactate
↓ Bone mineral content
↓ Bone mineral density Pyruvate
Lipid complexes
↑↑ Fatty acids
↑↑ Glycerol ↑↑ Lactate
FIGURE 19-7 Effects of metabolic dysfunction after burn injury. (From Williams FN, Jeschke MG, Chinkes
DL, et al: Modulation of the hypermetabolic response to trauma: Temperature, nutrition, and drugs. J Am
Coll Surg 208:489–502, 2009.)

conditions are based on depressed cellular function in all parts of antibody responses to infection. As this polarization increases, so
the immune system, including activation and activity of neutro- does the mortality rate. Administration of interleukin-10 antibod-
phils, macrophages, T lymphocytes, and B lymphocytes. With ies and growth hormone has partially reversed this response and
burns of more than 20% TBSA, impairment of these immune improved mortality rate after burn injury in animals. Burn also
functions is proportional to burn size. impairs cytotoxic T-lymphocyte activity as a function of burn size,
Macrophage production after burn injury is diminished, which thus increasing the risk of infection, particularly from fungi and
is related to the spontaneous elaboration of negative regulators of viruses. Early burn wound excision improves cytotoxic T-cell
myeloid growth. This effect is enhanced by the presence of endo- activity.
toxin and can be partially reversed with granulocyte colony-
stimulating factor (G-CSF) treatment or inhibition of prostaglandin BASIC TREATMENT OF BURN INJURY
E2. Investigators have shown that G-CSF levels actually increase
after severe burn. However, bone marrow G-CSF receptor expres- Prehospital Management
sion is decreased, which may in part account for the immunode- Before undergoing any specific treatment, burned patients must
ficiency seen in burns. Total neutrophil counts are initially be removed from the source of injury and the burning process
increased after burn injury, a phenomenon that is related to a stopped. Inhalation injury should always be suspected, and 100%
decrease in cell death by apoptosis. However, neutrophils that are oxygen should be given by face mask. While the patient is being
present are dysfunctional in terms of diapedesis, chemotaxis, and removed from the source of injury, care must be taken so that the
phagocytosis. These effects are explained, in part, by a deficiency rescuer does not become another victim. All caregivers should be
in CD11b/CD18 expression after inflammatory stimuli, decreased aware that they might be injured by contact with the patient or
respiratory burst activity associated with a deficiency in p47phox the patient’s clothing. Universal precautions, including wearing of
activity, and impaired actin mechanics related to neutrophil gloves, gowns, mask, and protective eyewear, should be used
motile responses. After 48 to 72 hours, neutrophil counts decrease whenever there is likely to be contact with blood or body fluids.
somewhat, like macrophages, with similar causes. Burning clothing should be extinguished and removed as soon as
T-helper cell function is depressed after a severe burn that is possible to prevent further injury. All rings, watches, jewelry, and
associated with polarization from the interleukin-2 and interferon-γ belts should be removed because they retain heat and can produce
cytokine-based T-helper 1 (Th1) response toward the Th2 response. a tourniquet-like effect. Room temperature water can be poured
The Th2 response is characterized by the production of interleukin-4 on the wound within 15 minutes of injury to decrease the depth
and interleukin-10. The Th1 response is important in cell-mediated of the wound, but any subsequent measures to cool the wound
immune defense, whereas the Th2 response is important in should be avoided to prevent hypothermia during resuscitation.

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Chapter 92 ◆ Burn Injuries 615

Table 92.1 Burn Prophylaxis Table 92.2 Indications for Hospitalization for Burns
PREVENT FIRES Burns affecting >10% of BSA
Install and use smoke detectors. Burns >10–20% of BSA in adolescent/adult
Control the hot water thermostat; in public buildings, maximum 3rd-degree burns
water temperature should be 48.9°C (120°F). Electrical burns caused by high-tension wires or lightning
Keep fire, matches, and lighters out of the reach of children. Chemical burns
Avoid cigarette smoking, especially in bed. Inhalation injury, regardless of the amount of BSA burned
Do not leave lit candles unattended. Inadequate home or social environment
Use flame retardant–treated clothing. Suspected child abuse or neglect
Use caution when cooking, especially with oil. Burns to the face, hands, feet, perineum, genitals, or major joints
Keep cloth items off heaters. Burns in patients with preexisting medical conditions that may
complicate the acute recovery phase
PREVENT INJURY Associated injuries (fractures)
Roll, but do not run, if clothing catches fire; wrap in a blanket. Pregnancy
Practice escape procedures.
BSA, Body surface area.
Crawl beneath smoke if a fire occurs indoors.
Use educational materials.*
*National Fire Protection Association pamphlets and videos.
Table 92.3 Acute Treatment of Burns
First aid, including washing of wounds and removal of devitalized
burns of all sizes is 99%. Death is more likely in children with irreversible tissue
anoxic brain injury sustained at the time of the burn. It is well known Fluid resuscitation
that burns occur in predictable patterns. Sources of burns include, Provision of energy requirements
by season: Control of pain
Winter: Prevention of infection—early excision and grafting
◆ Glass front fireplaces/pellet stoves and radiators increase hand burns.
Prevention of excessive metabolic expenditures
Control of bacterial wound flora
◆ Treadmill injuries as more people exercise inside—child imitates
Use of biologic and synthetic dressings to close the wound
adults or young child touches belt.
◆ Fireworks, sparkler—temperatures reach 537.8°C (1,000°F).
◆ Burn contact with hot grill; hand/feet burn from hot embers. constriction and vascular compromise during the edema phase in
◆ Lawnmowers the first 24-72 hr after burn injury.
Spring/Fall: 3. In cases of chemical injury, brush off any remaining chemical, if
◆ Burning leaves powdered or solid; then use copious irrigation or wash the affected
◆ Gasoline burns area with water. Call the local poison control center for the neutralizing
◆ Tap water scalds are essentially preventable through a combination agent to treat a chemical ingestion.
of behavioral and environmental changes. 4. Cover the burned area with clean, dry sheeting and apply cold (not
Pediatricians can play a major role in preventing the most common iced) wet compresses to small injuries. Significant large-burn injury
burns by educating parents and healthcare providers. Simple, effective, (>15% of BSA) decreases body temperature control and contraindicates
efficient, and cost-effective preventive measures include the use of the use of cold compresses.
appropriate clothing and smoke detectors and the planning of routes 5. If the burn is caused by hot tar, use mineral oil to remove the tar.
for emergency exit from the home. The National Fire Protection Associa- 6. Administer analgesic medications.
tion (NFPA) recommends replacing smoke detector batteries annually
and the smoke detector alarm every 10 yr (or earlier, if indicated on Emergency Care
the device). Child neglect and abuse must be seriously considered when Supportive measures are as follows (Table 92.3 and Table 92.4)
the history of the injury and the distribution of the burn do not match. 1. Rapidly review the cardiovascular and pulmonary status and document
preexisting or physiologic lesions (asthma, congenital heart disease,
Indications for Admission 2. Ensure and maintain an adequate airway, and provide humidified
Burns covering >10% of total body surface area (BSA), burns associated oxygen by mask or endotracheal intubation (Fig. 92.1). The latter
with smoke inhalation, burns resulting from high-tension (voltage) may be needed in children who have facial burns or a burn sustained
electrical injuries, and burns associated with suspected child abuse or in an enclosed space, before facial or laryngeal edema becomes evident.
neglect should be treated as emergencies and the child hospitalized If hypoxia or CO poisoning is suspected, 100% oxygen should be
(Table 92.2). Small 1st- and 2nd-degree burns of the hands, feet, face, used (see Chapters 81 and 89).
perineum, and joint surfaces also require admission if close follow-up 3. Children with burns >15% of BSA require intravenous (IV) fluid
care is difficult to provide. Children who have been in enclosed-space resuscitation to maintain adequate perfusion. In an emergency situation
fires and those who have face and neck burns should be hospitalized if IV access is unattainable, an intraosseous line should be placed.
for at least 24 hr for observation for signs of central nervous system When inserting central lines to provide high-volume fluid, special
(CNS) effects of anoxia from carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning and attention should be paid to use a very-small-caliber catheter in small
pulmonary effects from smoke inhalation. children to avoid injury to the vascular lining, which may predispose
to formation of clots. All inhalation injuries, regardless of the extent
First Aid Measures of BSA burn, require venous access to control fluid intake. All high-
Acute care should include the following measures: tension and electrical injuries require venous access to ensure forced
1. Extinguish flames by rolling the child on the ground; cover the child alkaline diuresis in case of muscle injury to avoid myoglobinuric
with a blanket, coat, or carpet. renal damage. Lactated Ringer solution, 10-20 mL/kg/hr (normal
2. After determining that the airway is patent, remove smoldering saline may be used if lactated Ringer solution is not available), is
clothing or clothing saturated with hot liquid. Jewelry, particularly initially infused until proper fluid replacement can be calculated.
rings and bracelets, should be removed or cut away to prevent Consultation with a specialized burn unit should be made to coordinate

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Chapter 92 ◆ Burn Injuries 617

Table 92.5 Categories of Burn Depth

Surface appearance Dry, no blisters Moist blebs, blisters Dry, leathery eschar
Minimal or no edema Underlying tissue is mottled pink and Mixed white, waxy, khaki, mahogany,
Erythematous white, with fair capillary refill soot-stained
Blanches, bleeds Bleeds No blanching or bleeding
Pain Very painful Very painful Insensate
Histologic depth Epidermal layers only Epidermis, papillary, and reticular layers of Down to and may include fat,
dermis subcutaneous tissue, fascia, muscle,
May include domes of subcutaneous layers and bone
Healing time 2-5 days with no scarring Superficial: 5-21 days with no grafting Large areas require grafting, but small
Deep partial: 21-35 days with no infection; areas may heal from the edges after
if infected, converts to full-thickness burn weeks

Superficial Deep Full- viable. Fluid losses and metabolic effects of deep dermal (2nd-degree)
Superficial dermal dermal thickness burns are essentially the same as those of 3rd-degree burns.
Full-thickness, or 3rd-degree, burns involve destruction of the entire
Epidermis epidermis and dermis, leaving no residual epidermal cells to repopulate
the damaged area. The wound cannot epithelialize and can heal only by
wound contraction or skin grafting. The absence of painful sensation and
capillary filling demonstrates the loss of nerve and capillary elements.
Technologies are being used to help accurately determine the depth
Dermis of burns. Laser Doppler imaging can be used from 48 hr to 5 days after
the burn. It produces a color map of the affected tissue; yellow indicates
second-degree burns, reflecting the presence of capillaries, arterioles,
and venules, and blue reflects very low or absence of blood flow, which
indicates third-degree burns. Its accuracy is up to 95%, and with accurate
Sub- assessment, the proper treatment can be applied without delay. Doppler
cutaneous imaging can be used in both outpatients and inpatients.
Another technology called reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM),
Fig. 92.2 Diagram of different burn depths. (From Hettiaratchy S, can be combined with optical coherence tomography (OCT) to visualize
Papini R: Initial management of a major burn. II. Assessment and tissue morphology at the subcellular level. It determines if the cells are
resuscitation, BMJ 329:101–103, 2004.) damaged and enables detection of skin morphologic changes up to
1 mm in depth. It provides accurate determination of the depth of the
burn, allowing for the appropriate treatment.

7. All wounds should be wrapped with sterile dressings until it is decided Estimation of Body Surface Area for a Burn
whether to treat the patient on an outpatient basis or refer to an Appropriate burn charts for different childhood age-groups should be
appropriate facility. used to accurately estimate the extent of BSA burned. The volume of
8. A CO measurement (carboxyhemoglobin [HbCO]) should be obtained fluid needed in resuscitation is calculated from the estimation of the
for fire victims and 100% oxygen administered until the result is extent and depth of burn surface. Mortality and morbidity also depend
known. on the extent and depth of the burn. The variable growth rate of the
9. Review child immunization. Burns <10% BSA do not require tetanus head and extremities throughout childhood makes it necessary to use
prevention, whereas burns >10% need tetanus immunization. Use BSA charts, such as that modified by Lund and Brower or the chart
diphtheria, tetanus toxoids, and acellular pertussis (DTaP) for tetanus used at the Shriners Hospital for Children in Boston (Fig. 92.3). The
prophylaxis for children <11 yr old, and use tetanus, diphtheria, and rule of nines used in adults may be used only in children >14 yr old
pertussis (TdaP) for children >11 yr old (see Chapter 238). or as a rough estimate to institute therapy before transfer to a burn
center. In small burns, <10% of BSA, the rule of palm may be used,
Classification of Burns especially in outpatient settings; the area from the wrist crease to the
Proper triage and treatment of burn injury require assessment of the finger crease (the palm) in the child equals 1% of the child’s BSA.
extent and depth of the injury (Table 92.5 and Fig. 92.2). 1st-degree
burns involve only the epidermis and are characterized by swelling, TREATMENT
erythema, and pain (similar to mild sunburn). Tissue damage is usually Outpatient Management of Minor Burns
minimal, and there is no blistering. Pain resolves in 48-72 hr; in a small A patient with 1st- and 2nd-degree burns of <10% BSA may be treated
percentage of patients, the damaged epithelium peels off, leaving no on an outpatient basis unless family support is judged inadequate or
residual scars. there are issues of child neglect or abuse. These outpatients do not
A 2nd-degree burn involves injury to the entire epidermis and a require a tetanus booster (unless not fully immunized) or prophylactic
variable portion of the dermal layer (vesicle and blister formation are penicillin therapy. Blisters should be left intact and dressed with bacitracin
characteristic). A superficial 2nd-degree burn is extremely painful because or silver sulfadiazine cream (Silvadene). Dressings should be changed
many remaining viable nerve endings are exposed. Superficial 2nd-degree once daily, after the wound is washed with lukewarm water to remove
burns heal in 7-14 days as the epithelium regenerates in the absence of any cream left from the previous application. Very small wounds,
infection. Mid-level to deep 2nd-degree burns also heal spontaneously especially those on the face, may be treated with bacitracin ointment
if wounds are kept clean and infection free. Pain is less with these burns and left open. Debridement of the devitalized skin is indicated when
than in more superficial burns because fewer nerve endings remain the blisters rupture. A variety of wound dressings and wound membranes

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