Microenvironment and Macroenvironment - PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING

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1. Suppliers

Find/Information Argument Conclude

Unstable input material According to another Threat
quality survey conducted by
Decision Lab in 2021, 63%
of Vietnamese consumers
have experienced buying
counterfeit goods on
The difference between Number of Sellers: Threat
Shopee Mall, which offers Shopee Mall: Over 10,000
verified quality products, and sellers
Shopee Marketplace, where Shopee Marketplace: Over
anyone can register to sell 1 million sellers

2. Customer

Find/Information Argument Conclude

According to Shopee's Q4 Region: Increased by 25% Opportunitie
2022 report: Shopee has Vietnam: Increased by s
over 350 million monthly 50%.
active users (MAU) across → Increased demand
the region. In Vietnam,
Shopee has over 180 million
Spending habits Thrifty shopping, Shopping Threat
habit, Extensive
distribution network
Shopee Launches "Green Shifts in the perception of Opportunitie
Choice with Shopee" needs and wants: Shopee s
Customers Have a
Introduces a Collection of Growing Demand for
Nearly 100 Environmentally Environmentally Friendly
Friendly Products from
Reputable Sellers.


1. Demographic

Find/Information Argument Conclude

Age: Vietnam has a young This is a potential Opportunities
population, with over 60% customer group for
of the population under 35 Shopee, especially for
years old. fashion, cosmetics, and
electronics products.
Size: Hanoi: High demand Opportunities
Average population: 8.4
million people.
Ho Chi Minh City:
Average population: 9.6
million people.
Gender: Women - the Women over 24 years old Opportunities
future of e-commerce in contribute more to
Southeast Asia, "women customer retention and
contribute to 80% of loyalty on Shopee over
consumption, and spend time.
more than 40% of their
time and online shopping."
The fertility rate in Fewer children Threat
Vietnam is on a downward → Decreased demand
Generational marketing: TikTok is the "cradle" of Opportunities
Follow social media trends trends, with over 49.8
million users.
In 2023: Economically Opportunities
The female labor force in independent, women
Vietnam reached 24.5 spend more on beauty
million people, accounting and hobbies.
for 46.7% of the total labor
force in the country.
Social Media Usage in High exposure to Shopee Opportunities
Number of users: 76.95
million (accounting for
97.8% of the population
aged 13 and over).
Time spent: Average of 2
hours and 42 minutes per
Interest: According to Potential for growth in Opportunities
JWT Intelligence: 70% of clothing product
Vietnamese women say categories
they enjoy shopping for
clothes more than any
other item.

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