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Balsa Wood

Model Build

Architecture II (2023-24)
Team Member Names: Aubrey Rich, Elizabeth Pugh,
Trevor McCartney, Salvatore Amato
Team Members: Aubrey Rich, Elizabeth Pugh, Trevor McCartney, Salvatore Amato

Date: 12/19/23

Today we unboxed and sorted our sets. We began to construct wall 1A and get a
visual representation of what it should look like.
Team Members: Aubrey Rich, Elizabeth Pugh, Trevor McCartney, Salvatore Amato

Date: 01.04.24

Today we completed wall 1a and got started on wall 1b and wall 2.

Team Members: Aubrey Rich, Elizabeth Pugh, Trevor McCartney, Salvatore Amato

Date: 01.08.2024

we finished up wall (trevor)1a and wall 2(liz) and continued working on wall
1b(sal). while trevor was cutting all the wood. .
Team Members: Aubrey Rich, Elizabeth Pugh, Trevor McCartney, Salvatore Amato

Date: 01.10.2024

We continued wall 4 started wall 5 and also continued to work on wall 1b

Team Members: Aubrey Rich, Elizabeth Pugh, Trevor McCartney, Salvatore Amato

Date: 01.12.24

Insert a picture(s) in the grey box of your progress for the day, or what you worked on for the day. (Delete
these directions)

Today, my group and I worked on and completed walls 5 and 1b and we started
wall 9.
Team Members: Aubrey Rich, Elizabeth Pugh, Trevor McCartney, Salvatore Amato

Date: 01.25.2024

Today Aubrey cut all the pieces, Trevor and Liz built walls 6, 7, and 8, and Sal
continued on wall 9.
Team Members: Aubrey Rich, Elizabeth Pugh, Trevor McCartney, Salvatore Amato

Date: 01.29.2024

Today Aub finished wall 9 and completed wall 10 and 11. Liz completed wall 16
and 17. Sal and Trevor helped and cut wood.
Team Members: Aubrey Rich, Elizabeth Pugh, Trevor McCartney, Salvatore Amato

Date: 01.31.2024

Today we finished walls 12 and 13 and started wall 18. While we also began to cut
parts of the trusses.
Team Members: Aubrey Rich, Elizabeth Pugh, Trevor McCartney, Salvatore Amato

Date: 02.02.2024

Today we finished wall 18 and worked on wall 14.

Team Members: Aubrey Rich, Elizabeth Pugh, Trevor McCartney, Salvatore Amato

Date: 02.06.24

Today we finished cutting parts for the trusses and built both end gables. We also
began to start putting up walls.
Team Members: Aubrey Rich, Elizabeth Pugh, Trevor McCartney, Salvatore Amato

Date: 02.06.24

Today we continued cutting parts for the trusses and put togather 5. We also put
up some more walls.
Team Members: Aubrey Rich, Elizabeth Pugh, Trevor McCartney, Salvatore Amato

Date: 02.14.24

Today we put together 2 more trusses. We also put up some more walls.
Team Members: Aubrey Rich, Elizabeth Pugh, Trevor McCartney, Salvatore Amato

Date: 02.15.24

Today we built wall 15 and 3 and put ALL the walls together. We also built 5 more
trusses and started the revit model. :)
Team Members: Aubrey Rich, Elizabeth Pugh, Trevor McCartney, Salvatore Amato

Date: 02.21.24

Today we finished the revit model floor plan and elevations. As well as getting
ourselves laser cut. We also glued on braces for the trusses.
Team Members: Aubrey Rich, Elizabeth Pugh, Trevor McCartney, Salvatore Amato

Date: 02.27.24

Today we started putting up the trusses and continued building them.

Team Members: Aubrey Rich, Elizabeth Pugh, Trevor McCartney, Salvatore Amato

Date: 02.29.24

we finished putting up the trusses and nailed the house down to the board.

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