Source Annotations

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Source Annotation Sheet

Title of Source:

Step A: Begin by reading the text assigned. While reading, record notes in the margins to remind
you what each paragraph is about. Also underline what seem to be important sentences or words
and circle any words for which you do not know the meaning.

Step B: Now that you have read the text, use your annotated notes to complete the following:

1. Write an overall 4-5 sentence summary of the text that accurately states the author’s overall
message. Use your notes from class to ensure you include each component of a summary and do
not include personal opinion. Type your summary below:

2. Now select 2 important quotations from the text that support the author’s overall message.
Record the quotations below. Use signal phrases to introduce the quotation and include in-text

3. Now paraphrase the 2 quotations in your own words without changing the author’s intended
meaning. Remember to use signal phrases and in-text citations for paraphrases:

4. Now respond to the author’s message. In 4-6 sentences explain whether or not you agree with
the author’s message, what interested you about the article, or what confused you about the
author’s message.

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