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Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation

This chapter presents and interprets the data gathered from the responses of the
respondents through the questionnaires.
This study aimed to determine the relation of Reading comprehension skills of grade
six students in Lanna Elementary School.

Part I. Profile of the respondents

Table 1.1
Profile of the Respondents in terms of Age
Age Frequency Percentage
11 2 6.67%
12 28 93.33%

Finding reveals that out of respondents is 30,those who belong to age 11 has a
frequency of 2 and a percentage is 6.67% and those who belong to age 12 has
frequency of 28 and the percentage is 93.33%

Table 1.2
Distribution of Samples According to Gender
Sex Frequency Percentage
Male 10 33.33%
Female 20 66.67%

Table 1.2 shows that the number of female respondents (66.67%) is very far from the
number of male respondents (33.33%) with the total of 20 female and 10 for male
with the total of 100. Based on the figure , the dominated gender among the
respondents is female.

Part 2. Reading Comprehension skills of Grade 6 pupils

Table 2
Mean Distribution of the Respondents according to their Reading
Item Frequency midpoint fixi Description
26-30 12 27 324 Outstanding
21-25 6 23 138 Very Good
16-20 5 18 90 Good
11-15 5 13 65 Needs Improvement
6-10 2 8 16 Poor
1-5 0 3 0 Very poor
TOTAL 633/30
Grand Mean 21.1 Very Good

As Shown in Table of the majority respondents s are average in terms of

reading.Comprehension skills with a Frequency is 6 which is equivalent to 138% As a
has a grand mean score of 21.1%. total it This means that the students are very good
in reading comprehension

Presented in this study are the summary of findings obtained from the proceding
chapters, researchers’ conclusion and proposed a recommendation.


This study we conduct in Lanna Elementary School a public primary elementary
located Lanna Tumauini Isabela .This study conduct from june 19,2023 This study
used descriptive correlation research design to determine reading comprehension
skills of the respondents.This study determine the reading comprehension skills of
the respondents.

Based on the result gathered,the findings of the study are being summarized in the

Profile of the respondents in terms of age

The respondents profile according to age 11 has a frequency of 2 and the
percentage is (6.67%) and those who belong to age 12 has frequency of 28 and the
percentage is (93.33%).

Profile of the respondents in term of sex.

shows the percentage distribution of the respondents in terms of sex. As indicated
in the table, there are 20 respondents who appears to be female with a 66.67
percent. On the other hand, 10 out of 30 of the respondents are male with the
percentage of 33.33It is concluded that the number of female students is higher than
the number of male

Mean Distribution of the Respondents According to their Reading Comprehension

The mean distribution of the respondents in terms of the Reading Comprehension
skills Further analysis shows the respondents resulting a grand mean of 21.1 with a
description of very Good of the reading comprehension skills of the respondents.
Based on the summary of findings, the following conclusions were presented:
1.The researchers concluded that majority of the respondents were in the age of 12.
2.The findings mean that most of the respondents were female dominated.
3.Further analysis shows the respondents resulting a grand mean of 21.1 with a
description of very Good of the reading comprehension skills of the respondents.


1.The teachers should continue to give activities which can improve students' Reading
Comprehension skills. The parents should initiate the reinforcement at home so that
the continuity of the practice is ensured.
2.Teach students to identify and use the text’s organizational structure to comprehend,
learn, and remember content.
3.Teach students how to use reading comprehension strategies.

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