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Calculation reference Calculation carried out on

C6F12F1A3 10 January 2024

Total benefits entitlement £1226.47 / monthly

Our estimate is based on the information you have entered and does not guarantee entitlement. It
uses 2023/24 benefit and tax rates.
This amount is made up of the following benefits:

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Universal Credit £1122.47 / monthly
We estimate your monthly Universal Credit award will be £1,122.48.

You could also be affected by changes to the .

Use the Universal Credit Calendar to check your payment dates and amounts.

Help to Claim service More information

Council Tax Support £0.00 / monthly

On the basis of the data entered you are not entitled to Council Tax Support.

How to claim?
More information

Child Benefit £104.00 / monthly

How to claim?
More information

Your rent is more than the maximum benefit you are allowed

There is a shortfall between the rent that you pay and the maximum benefit you can receive under Local
Housing Allowance rules to help with that rent. You may want to apply for a Discretionary Housing

According to the details entered you are entitled to 2 bedrooms. This means your Local Housing Allowance
is £850.02 monthly.

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Your rent is higher than your Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rate. Our calculation is based on your LHA
rate, not your rent, as you can not claim for an amount higher than your LHA rate.

Postcode: CB25 0JE

Broad Rental Market Area: Cambridge

Shared room LHA rate: £421.49

1 bedroom LHA rate: £775.02

2 bedroom LHA rate: £850.02

3 bedroom LHA rate: £950.00

4 bedroom LHA rate: £1,300.01

Your bedroom entitlement: 2

Relevant LHA rate: £850.02

Current rent amount: £1,080.00 / Monthly

Excess of rent over LHA rate: £229.98

Immigration status may affect benefit entitlement

Immigration status selected EU Pre-settled Status

Partner Immigration status EU Pre-settled Status

The information entered into the calculator indicates that your immigration status may affect your
benefit entitlement. To confirm whether you are entitled to benefits please speak to an adviser or get
more information from our .

Other Entitlements

We have used the information you provided to search for other entitlements you may qualify for. Get
more information about:

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Extra help from your local council

Funeral Payment

NHS Low Income Scheme

Heating help for private tenants

Discretionary Housing Payment

Warm Homes Discount

Lower cost broadband

What cost of living support are you entitled to?

There are a range of ways you could qualify for help with the cost of living, including support from
the government, your local council or your utility providers. Government support is available for
people on means-tested benefits, people of pension age and people with disabilities.

The next payment from the government of £299 will be made to people claiming means-tested
benefits in February (as long as they qualified between 13 November and 12 December 2023).

Find out more about Cost of living support

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Information you provided

Calculation details

Do you have a partner who normally lives with you? Yes

How many children are in your household, including any 1


Does anyone else live in your home? No

Which best describes your current housing status? tenant - private sector

Your Postcode: CB25 0

Calculation Year: 2023/24

Are you and your partner both British or Irish citizens living No
in the UK?

Which best describes your immigration status? EU Pre-settled Status

Which best describes your partner's immigration status EU Pre-settled Status

Are you in hospital/residential care, a prisoner, on strike, No

living abroad or a full-time student?

Age and disability status

Age * 30

How many hours a week do you work? 15.00

Do you receive a disability or sickness benefit? No

Are you ill or disabled but not claiming benefit? No

Do you care for someone who is sick or disabled? No

Which best describes your employment status? Self-employed

Partner's age and disability status

Age * 28

How many hours a week does your partner usually work? 0.00

Does your partner receive a disability or sickness benefit? No

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Is your partner ill or disabled but not claiming benefit? No

Does your partner care for someone who is sick or No


Which best describes your partner's employment status? Employed - on statutory leave

About your children

Child's age * 0

Child's sex * Not set

Do you pay for their childcare? No

Does your child receive a disability benefit? No

Disability or sickness benefits your child receives

Mobility - low or standard rate No

Mobility - high or enhanced rate No

Care - low rate No

Care/Daily Living - middle or standard rate No

Care/Daily Living - high or enhanced rate No

Is your child certified as severely sight impaired or blind? No

Partner Disability Benefits Questions

Daily living activities No

Mobility activities No

Benefits you currently receive

Do you currently receive Universal Credit? No

Do you currently receive Housing Benefit? No

Do you currently receive Income Support, Jobseeker’s None

Allowance (income-based) or Employment and Support
Allowance (income-related) ?

Do you currently receive Child Tax Credit? No

Do you currently receive Working Tax Credit? No

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Was your partner working on average 30 hours per week No
before going on leave?

Have you received a managed migration notice? No

Which contributory benefit, if any, do you currently receive? None

Which contributory benefit, if any, does your partner None

currently receive?

Do you receive any other benefits? No

Does your partner receive any other benefits? Yes

Does your partner currently receive Guardians Allowance? no

Does your partner currently receive Maternity Allowance or statutory mat/pat/adoption pay
statutory maternity/paternity/adoption pay? £172.48

Does your partner currently receive Occupational no

Maternity/Paternity/Adoption pay?

Does your partner currently receive Bereavement no

Allowance, Bereavement Support Payment or Widowed
Parent's Allowance?

Does your partner currently receive War pension or war no

widow(er)'s pension?

Do you currently receive Armed Forces Compensation no

Scheme Payment

Does your partner currently receive Armed Forces no

Compensation Scheme Payment?

Contributory benefits

Did you spend at least 26 weeks in work between 6th April Yes
2020 and 5th April 2022?

Are you looking for work? No

Do you have an illness or disability that affects your ability No

to work?

Self-employed profit
Are you eligible to claim the self-employment income No
support scheme (SEISS)?

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Income received by you or your business this assessment £ 700.00

Expenses you or your business can claim this assessment Not set

Pension contributions paid £ 0.00

Income tax paid Not set

National Insurance Contributions paid £ 21.24

Housing costs
How much is your eligible rent? £ 1,080.00

Period Monthly

Is help with housing costs paid directly to your landlord by No

the DWP?

Do you live in a Sanctuary Scheme amended property? No

Would you like more information on when an extra bedroom No

may be included?

Net income

Income from spousal maintenance payments No

Income from charity or voluntary sources No

Income from sub-tenants No

How many sub-tenants are there? 0

Responsible for a student living with you No

Income from child maintenance payments No

Household savings or capital over £6,000 No

Do you own land or property other than your current home? No

Client Income from non-state pensions? No

Income from sources not already mentioned No

Benefits you (or your partner) receive

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Do you (or your partner) claim Employment and Support No
Allowance income-related?

Do you (or your partner) claim Housing Benefit? No

Do you (or your partner) claim Council Tax Benefit? No

Do you (or your partner) claim Carer's Allowance? No

Council Tax
Council Tax band for property B

Eligible for disability-related reduction? No

Discounts applicable 25%

Estimated Council Tax £1,250.27

Payment period Yearly

Is the amount shown for your Council Tax liability correct? Yes

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