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Oliver Lozano and Evangeline Lozano-Endriano, Petitioners, - versus -

G.R. NO. 187883 For: Certiorari, etc.

House Speaker Prospero Nograles, Respondent. X------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------X Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr., Intervenor (Petitioner-Oppositor-in-Intervention), - versus G.R. NO. 187883 Atty. Oliver Lozano and Evangeline Lozano-Endriano, Respondents. X------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------X

Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno, and the MEMBERS, En Banc, SUPREME COURT, Padre Faura, Manila Verified Petition-Opposition-in-Intervention / Letter-Affidavit
- with Motions For LEAVE To Allow Payment of Docket Fees (Duly Reserved), To Intervene in this Case, For Consolidation and For Immediate Docketing / Resolution

Your Honors, COMES NOW, the undersigned petitioner-complainant-oppositor-inintervention/ intervenor Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr., most respectfully moves to be allowed to pay docket and legal fees (duly reserved), for intervention, for consolidation/early resolution, and under oath, most respectfully avers, that:
Florentino says he predicted Joseph "Erap" Estrada's presidential

downfall and prayed that present incumbent Gloria Macapagal Arroyo would survive her endless political battles. Looking ahead, he reckons Arroyo's power will end soon and the nation will suffer as a result.
***[Hong Kong journalist Sam Chambers interviewed Floro at the Hobbit Bar, Mabini, Malate, Manila, Philippines on September 02, 2006. The Standard published his twin articles on the 3 dwarfs: "Creature features of the Philippines"; "Florentino and the three dwarves"]

Massive Stroke of Justice Alfredo L. Benipayo on February 22, 2008 Benipayo's 1/2 body is DEAD - Benipayo return still uncertain
UST Varsitarian - By DANDAN Vol. LXXX, No. 10 April 15, 2009 IT MIGHT take a long while before Civil Law Dean Alfredo Benipayo return to UST despite reports that he is now on the way to recovery, acting Dean Roberto Abad said. We cannot say when and if he could still resume office, Abad told the Varsitarian. Last February 22, Benipayo collapsed while giving a lecture before the Integrated Bar of the Philippines-Iloilo Chapter and was immediately rushed to St. Pauls Hospital. Benipayo was airlifted from Iloilo to Manila last

month. He was admitted to St. Lukes Hospital in Quezon City and was eventually brought home to undergo therapy. While stressing the need for Benipayo to take a long-time rest, Abad however pointed out that the former solicitor-general is not leaving his post as Civil Law Dean. He is not yet contacting us personally and we likewise do not want to give him office stress. Temporarily taking the reins from Benipayo, Abad, an expert in Remedial Law, took office as the Facultys acting dean last February 27.

Locus Standi 1. Undersigned is a Filipino Citizen, a taxpayer, and a registered voter of 123 Dahlia, Alido, Malolos, Bulacan, his home and postal address, where he may be served with court processes, orders and judgments. As an ordinary citizen, taxpayer and registered voter, undersigned has LOCUS STANDI or legal standing to file this intervention case, is an interested / real party-in-interest and has direct, special and extra-ordinary interest in the subject matters of this landmark case. NATURE, SPECIAL PURPOSE AND TRANSCENDENTAL VALUE OF THE INTERVENTION-OPPOSITION; GENERAL, SPECIAL AND DIRECT INTERESTS OF INTERVENOR IN THIS CASE; IRREPARABLE INJURY TO THE NATION / OPPOSITOR/ JUDICIARY The matter is a delicate one, quite obviously, and must thus be dealt with utmost circumspection, to avoid any FURTHER ridicule, attacks and humiliation not only to ordinary Filipinos, to Magistrates but the Supreme Court itself. The issues posed by the instant intervention transcend the persons of undersigned, and the entire nation. The issues raised by undersigned affect some of our most deeply held values in democracy --- the protection of civil and judicial rights, from the tarnishing and perhaps total destruction of the judicial-legislative-executive departments/our temples of justice. The intervention and opposition at bar concern all these values. It is the people on the line. It is we. RIGHT TO INFORMATION: As a citizen, taxpayer and registered voter, undersigned has a constitutional right to information on all matters of public concern, not the least of which is the ORCHESTRATED attack by petitioners Lozanos upon the RULE OF LAW and our democratic system, since the essence of Filipino crab mentality evaporates upon the Lozano petitions, with all due respect, resulting into mockery of justice and pure hypocrisy.

EARLY RESOLUTION DEMANDED BY PUBLIC GOOD: Until this complaint-opposition-intervention, filed under Rule 19, Revised Rules of Court, inter alia, is finally resolved-granted, the entire legal profession, the judiciary and the nation, inter alia, remain in the dark.
This 22nd PUNO-QUISUMBING COURT must perforce leave us a 2009-2010 LEGACY - OF AN IRON HAND AGAINST merciless lawyers and powerful counselors who use the RULES and statutes to breed hatred and hypocrisy in POLITICS, to save not only the High Tribunal, but to protect and defend a nation who is now rendered HELPLESS, by the gang rape of democracy.

CRITICAL AND UNDISPUTED FACTS 2. Bill of Particulars: Undersigned begs leave of Court to take judicial NOTICE of the hereunder reproduced NEWS reports as detailed recital of the facts of this case:

Charter change resolution questioned at SC

MANILA, Philippines Two lawyers asked the Supreme Court on Wednesday to nullify House Resolution 1109, which seeks to convene lawmakers into a Constituent assembly, even without the approval of the Senate. In their four-page taxpayer suit, lawyer Oliver Lozano and his daughter, lawyer Evangeline Lozano, said HR 1109 was railroaded by the House of Representatives to extend the term of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo beyond 2010. The railroaded HR 1109 is unconstitutional or bogus for deviation from the prescribed procedures to amend the Constitution by excluding the Senate of the Philippines from the complete process of proposing amendments to the Constitution and for lack of thorough debates and consultations, the Lozanos said. The nullification of HR 1109 will refocus the nations attention to find alternative solutions to the economic crisis, poverty, hunger and rebellion Wherefore, it is respectfully prayed that HR 1109 be nullified in the interest of public welfare, they said. Speaker Prospero Nograles is the lone respondent in the petition. Arroyos allies in the House of Representatives passed HR 1109 in a marathon session on Tuesday night. By Tetch Torres 17:46:00 06/03/2009

Senate sets caucus on Lozanos' petition vs con-ass

MANILA, Philippines - The Senate is set to conduct an all-senators caucus Thursday afternoon to decide if it will intervene in the petition asking the Supreme Court to strike down the House of Representatives-approved resolution convening Congress into a constituent assembly to amend the 1987 Constitution. Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile told reporters that he asked for a caucus

after lawyers Oliver Lozano and Evangeline Lozano-Endriano questioned House Resolution 1109 before the high tribunal. [We want to avoid any situation where the position against the House resolution will not be handled properly. Because if this will happen, problems may arise.] He said he expects senators from both the majority and the minority blocs to attend the caucus, saying the issue at hand involves the welfare of the nation. But Enrile believed there was still no cause of action against the resolution, although he said that the Lozanos' petition is worth taking a look at. The Senate president said he has yet to read the petition, but if senators find that the chambers participation is needed to protect not just the welfare of the Senate but most importantly the people, they will submit their arguments to the SC. 'Premature' petition Senator Manuel Roxas II agreed that there is no justiciable controversy yet that would compel the Supreme Court to rule on how Congress should vote on the specific amendments. Still, the Lozanos' petition might might endanger the position of the Senate if the latter will not present its side, he said. "It is necessary for the Senate to present its defense as the arguments in the petition filed by Atty Lozano, I believe, is designed to help the proponents of Charter change," Roxas told reporters in Filipino. Even proponents of HR 1109 in the House believe that the Lozanos' petition was premature."As we have not proposed any amendments, his [Lozano's] case is premature," said Nueva Ecija Rep. Rodolfo Antonino in a text message to GMANews.TV. In another text message, Cavite Rep. Elpidio Barzaga Jr. said the situation would only be ripe for a high court ruling "when there are already proposed amendments supported by three-fourths votes in the voting made jointly by members of the House and the Senate." 'Unconstitutional' In their petition, Lozano and Lozano-Endriano asked the Supreme Court to strike down HR 1109, saying it was unconstitutional because it says the House by itself could convene into a constituent assembly by getting 225 votes or three-fourths of the combined members of the House and Senate. HR 1109, adopted by the House on Tuesday night, calls on Congress to convene into a constituent assembly for the purpose of amending the Constitution. Its more than 170 signatories claim that the resolution is only meant to trigger a justiciable controversy that will compel the Supreme Court to rule, once and for all, whether the two chambers of Congress should vote jointly or separately on specific amendments to the Constitution. Even though the resolution states that its co-authors are "resolved with finality" that term extensions in the Constitution will not be tinkered with and that the 2010 elections should push through as scheduled, critics of Charter change continue to protest that the approval of the measure will pave the way for President Arroyo's longer stay in power. A. LEGASPI and J. SISANTE, GMANews.TV 06/04/2009 | 01:52 PM

Nograles seeks meeting with senators

At the same time, Nograles said the case filed by lawyer Oliver Lozano and her daughter, lawyer Evangeline Lozano before the Supreme Court questioning House Resolution 1109 was still premature. He refused to explain however,

when asked if he believed the case was premature because the House has yet to convene into an assembly, saying he has yet to read the complaint. By Lira Dalangin-Fernandez 20:50:00 06/03/2009

Con-ass resolution questioned before High Court

Justiciable controversy Lawmakers backing Resolution 1109 have previously said the approval of the resolution is meant to trigger a justiciable controversy that would compel the high court to rule once and for all whether Congress in a constituent assembly should vote jointly or separately on specific amendments to the Constitution. But administration critics have earlier warned that elevating the matter to the high court could be risky because majority of the Tribunals magistrates were appointed by President Arroyo. Charter change is widely perceived as Mrs. Arroyos last card to term extension because once a constituent assembly is convened, proposals to amend term limits could be adopted. In an interview with reporters on Wednesday, SC spokesperson Jose Midas Marquez said the constitutional amendment had been a long-standing issue," which the magistrates have long prepared for." This is not something new for the court. The court is prepared for that. We will deal with that as it comes," Marquez said shortly before Lozano and Endriano filed their petition. SOPHIA DEDACE, GMANews.TV 06/03/2009 | 06:32 PM

Con-ass sparks outrage - Resolution is prelude to parliamentary elections

Resolution useless Fr. Joaquin Bernas, a key framer of the 1987 Constitution, said the hasty passage of HR 1109 was for naught as Congress was already considered a constituent assembly with or without it. Bernas, a member of the 1986 Constitutional Commission, also echoed observations made by legislators themselves that efforts to amend the Charter at this point would fail for lack of time and funds. In a morning interview with radio dzBB, Bernas, the dean emeritus of Ateneo de Manila Law School, chastised the House majority for toying with the Constitution and the people. In a later interview with ANC cable television, he accused the congressmen of dismissing the Senate as a coequal in a bicameral legislative body. You cannot exclude the Senate Congress consists of two Houses. The House cannot say we are Congress because Congress is the House and the Senate, Bernas said. With or without the resolution, Congress can propose amendments to the Constitution. That resolution is actually useless, he said. While Bernas initially said on dzBB that the public should react with outrage to the action of the House majority, he said in a later interview that a peaceful forum might make the lawmakers realize the folly of their deed. Lets just do it peacefully, I guess, but I think it is very important for us to explain where we [stand], Bernas told the Philippine Daily Inquirer (parent company of In the ANC interview, Bernas warned congressmen against using the Supreme Court for forum shopping. Since the hastily passed resolution does not change anything at this point, there is nothing to bring to the Supreme Court, he said, adding: The Supreme Court can only take up actual

controversies involving conflict of rights. Besides, if the House drags the Commission on Elections into the fray by asking it to schedule a plebiscite, there is simply no more time and money for this, he added. By Allison Lopez, Philippine Daily Inquirer 01:03:00 06/04/2009

Transcript of interview with Fr. Joaquin Bernas, SJ with anchor Mike Enriquez over Radio dzBB
In an interview with radio dzBB, Fr. Joaquin Bernas, who was a member of the 1986 Constitutional Commission, blasted House legislators allied with President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo who insisted on passing the measure allowing for a Senate-less constitutional assembly. Kasi pinaglalaruan nila ang Saligang-Batas at pinaglalaruan nila ang tao [They are toying with the Constitution. They have been fooling the people]," said Bernas, who is dean emeritus of the Ateneo de Manila Law School. Bernas also echoed Nueva Ecija Rep. Eduardo Nonato Josons opinion that the approval of the measure was like gang raping" the Constitution. Asked how the public should react, Bernas reply in Filipino was, Magalit (Be outraged)." After a viva voce or oral voting late Tuesday night, the majority succeeded in approving House Resolution 1109, which calls for constitutional amendments through a constituent assembly that does not involve any Senate participation. the Philippines' pre-eminent constitutionalist Joaquin Bernas S.J 06/03/2009 | 04:26 PM BERNAS: In my view, yung boto nila kagabi, di na yan kailangan because according to the Constitution, constituent assembly na sila. In the Constitution, Congress may propose amendments." This means that the Congress is already a constituent assembly. ENRIQUEZ: Pwede na silang magsagawa ng pagbabago? BERNAS: Anuman ang magagawa nila, dapat ipasa sa Senado. Hindi maliwanag kagabi eh.Tatlo yung proponents, sponsors. One of them said, na di na kailangan yung Senado. Two of them said, whatever we accomplish here, ipapasa natin sa Senado. Ano ba talaga gusto nila? Kung di nila ipapasa, balewala yan. ENRIQUEZ: Ipasa man nila o hindi sa Senado,... halos lahat ng senador iisa ang sinasabi, Ayaw namin diyan. Kung ayaw sumali ng mga senador, paano na ngayon, constituent assembly pa rin ba sila? BERNAS: Walang mangyayari. Di sila makakabuo ng proposal for amendment. Wala silang maibibigay sa plebisito. ENRIQUEZ: Halimbawa ngayong umaga, may isang kongresistang magpumilit na magsulong ng proposal sa kahit anong pagbabago ng Konstitusyon. Kunyari tinalakay yan dito sa Kamara, may paglabag na ba yon? BERNAS:Wala. Halimbawa, makabuo ng isang proposal. And then di nila ibinigay sa Senado, and then ibinigay nila sa Comelec. Oy, Comelec, maghanda kayo ng plebisito. ENRIQUEZ: Ibig sabihin, ihaharap niyo ito sa mga tao. BERNAS: Oo.

ENRIQEUZ: Ano ang dapat maging reaksiyon ng mga ordinaryong mamamayang Pilipino sa kaganapan sa Kamara? BERNAS: (Laughs) Magalit. ENRIQUEZ: Ano po? BERNAS: MagalitSabi nga ni Cong. Joson parang gang rape. ENRIQUEZ: Bakit dapat magalit? BERNAS: Kasi pinaglalaruan nila ang Saligang-Batas at tsaka pinaglalaruan nila ang tao. ENRIQUEZ: Kung hindi babaguhin ang Saligang Batas ngayon, na kahit mga katulad ninyo ay kinikilala na nangangailangan ng pagbabago sapagkat ang Saligang Batas ay nahuhuli na sa panahon, kailan dapat baguhin ang Konstitusyon, Father? BERNAS: After the election. ENRIQUEZ: May nakikita ba kayong di pangkaraniwang pagmamadali sa nangyari sa Kamara. BERNAS: Kung nagmamadali sila, di ko alam kung bakit. Gusto ba nilang ipasok ang term extension? ENRIQUEZ: Mayroon pong mga kongresista na iginigiit na iba ang pagbabago ng Konstitusyon o Charter change o Cha-cha (at) iba ang sa term extension. Naniniwala ba kayo sa nagsabi na ibang usapan yung term extension? May nagsasabing: Wag niyo pagsamahin yan!." BERNAS: You cannot extend the term without changing the Constitution. ENRIQUEZ: Yung mga nakaupo, panay ang pangako na hindi sila mananatili sa puwesto. BERNAS: Pero yung Whereas clause" sa 1109, nagsasabi na they are committed not to extend terms but not binding daw. Sabi nila kagabi eh. ENRIQUEZ: Nako naloko na. Mayroong nakalagay na no term extension, pero not binding." BERNAS: I think the ninth Whereas clause, they say this has nothing to do with term extension, and then they are saying last night that is not binding. ENRIQUEZ: Sabi niyo po dapat magalit ang tao. Ano naman ang dapat gawin pag ang tao nagalit? Definitely magkakaroon ng kilos protesta. BERNAS: Di ko sasabihin sayo. Baka inciting to sedition na. (Laughs)... Let me tell you this, Mike. There is nothing yet that they can bring to the Supreme Court. Halimbwa, makabuo sila ng amendment and then binibigay nila sa Comelec. Sabi nila sa Comelec, Maghanda kayo ng plebisito.' Sabi ng Comelec, 'Di puwede.'Then they can go to the Supreme Court. Yung ang justiciable cause. The Supreme Court does not answer theoretical questions. There has to be an actual controversy before the Supreme Court comes in. ENRIQUEZ: Tama bang sabihin partly lang ito, acoustic lang ito? BERNAS: Medyo. (Laughs)

ENRIQUEZ: Di pa full orchestra ito. BERNAS: Na sintunado. (Laughs).

Argument 3. The instant case filed by petitioners Lozanos should be dismissed outright on the following grounds: Unmasking the petitioners: A Nuisance Lawsuit, a Moral Farce
Atty. Oliver "Oli" Ocol Lozano - (born May 13, 1940), 66, was born in Ilocos Norte and currently married to Norma Junio, with daughter, Atty. Evangeline Lozano, and 3 other children.

Philippine general election, 2004 and 2007

Lozano was the first senatorial candidate to file his certificate of candidacy, under the Kilusang Bagong Lipunan, the ruling party during the Marcos regime. Lozano was later joined by radio announcer and KBL candidate Melchor Chavez. Both Lozano and Chavez lost in previous senatorial derbies. In the Philippine general election, 2004 and Philippine general election, 2007, (Independent) Lozano landed on the 36th and 32nd place, with measly 238,272 and 305,637 votes, respectively.

Impeachment complaints
Lozano filed an impeachment complaint against President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in June 2005 in connection with the Presidents supposedly wiretapped conversations with former COMELEC commissioner Virgilio Garcillano. He also filed the 2006, September 2007, February and August, 2008 impeachment complaints. The 2005 Lozano impeachment was defeated principally due to technical deficiency rather than on merit. All the other complaints were dismissed for insufficiency in substance. On October 13, 2008, Lozano, together with his daughter Atty. Evangeline Lozano and Atty. Elly Pamatong, attempted but failed to file their 4-pages mailed impeachment complaint against President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, due to tardiness, since the opposition and civil society groups led by Jose de Venecia III, filed ahead their own 97-page complaint. The House secretariat accepted the Lozano complaint at 10:02 a.m., while the duly verified and endorsed De Venecia complaints, inter alia were received at 7:40 a.m. Criminal lawsuits Nos. 86-49007 and 86-49008 were filed against Lozano, Benjamin Nuega and Annie Ferrer as accomplices to the July 27, 1986 murder of Stephen Salcedo, a known "Coryista." On December 16, 1988, the trial court acquitted Lozano for failure of the prosecution to prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt.

a. A microscopic and legal examination of Lozanos complaint reveals that it is just the same fairy tale, galactic wars and novel or fiction which he filed previously calling the lawsuits impeachment cases. The nation including the brightest ones in the judiciary, with bated breath watched and even stupidly raced with Lozano in filing pleadings in the previous landmark impeachment complaints.

History has judged undersigned PREDICTIONS about ERAP and PGMAs vis--vis Lozanos theatrical, weird and odd complaints appearing to naked eyes, to appear as intelligent legal pleadings, but Piercing not the veil of corporate fiction as we do in corporate law, but x-raying Lozanos actuations, demeanor and hidden agenda, for sure, undersigned just laughed and ridiculed the orchestrated or rather scripted use of law, called Lozanos RULE of LAW. LET US LEAVE IT AT THAT. Laws of Mathematics and Science b. How can the entire nation, including the Senate, the House and this Honorable Court entertain a pleading which is just too short to call, meaning therefore, it lacks not only substance but it must be dismissed for waste of time: too short but enough to be put not in the back burner but in the trash can of legal comedy. Fr. Joseph Galdon, SJ, our Chair in Pre-Divinity taught us the essentials of Greek tragedy and comedy (Fr. Galdon is suffering the last stages of Alzeimers disease last year), while Fr. Arcilla, SJ taught us Rizal, including his Noli and Fili but Lozanos 4 pages or rather 5 as other reports said, utterly fails my own measurement under the law of science and math. It is doomed to fail, even if Lozano gets better and better as he files more in these NICE cases. Bar Examination Grades c. Judicial Notice must be taken that respondent Prospero Nograles was 2nd placer to Atty. Henry R. Villarica, my former counsel, who topped the Bar exams in 1972, while undersigned not only graduated FULL SECOND HONORS Ateneo Law School and Ateneo de Manila University, and placed 12th in the hardest bar exam of 1983 with highest bar rating of 87.55%, but undersigned made the RECORD of 91% in Criminal Law Review under Dean Antonio L. Gregorio, unbroken by 10 Ateneo Valedictorians since 1976 to 1986. But respondent Lozano could not even equal these records, thus, putting to question the Lozanos instant case. Empty of Legal Explanation d. Even if the ponente should spend 10 days of reading Lozanos trick complaint, I will not be using gang rape borrowed by hot-headed lawyers, there is nothing in Lozano that the Court can comprehend with ease, regarding the legal niceties of the grey areas of NUMBERS in counting the votes of Congress. FOR SURE, since this Court was created in 1901, it has not yet ruled upon much less received this kind of legal animal. Therefore, this is a case of first impression. Nobody can legally say with certainty that the 1987 Constitution requires the votes of the Senate in order to CON-ASS. It is as simple as that. Fr.

Joaquin Bernas, SJ is utterly WRONG in using his deep emotions cocktailmixing them with the journals and ledgers of the Cory Constitutional Convention. I had seen the journals and ledgers at the Rockwell Ateneo Library, and there is no MAGIC, I cannot see anything in there, that says: Oh, if the Senate is not included, the House cannot CON-ASS. Legal stupidity. Lozano has the burden of proof in his dwarf-short petition to include the exact pages of the journal and ledgers of the Cory Constitutional Convention (which drafted the Cory Constitution tailor-made to persecute Marcos and her detractors, and our nation had faith and accepted our FATE amid the never ending political GREED of the Cory thirsty for vengeance administration, which left us the brownout legacy) which shows that it is legally crystal clear that the Constitution requires the participation and vote of the Senators. Of course, the final say is upon this Court amid the gaze of the protesters, street savants, road idiots and of course the lunatics who dream to clean by MORAL FARCE Philippine politics which is defined in a sole word: GREEDY. EPILOGUE I just submitted 4 novel arguments traversing Lozanos 4 pages or 5, but I will not give him 5, lest I be accused of grandstanding and making important his nuisance lawsuit.

Longest preventive suspension in history (July 20, 1999 - April 7, 2006) 20, 21, 22, 22
On July 18, 1999, at 12:00 midnight, Floro, in trance saw the visions of Plaridel (Marcelo del Pilar) and 73. Barely 6 months from his inaugural session on January 5, 1999, he was indefinitely suspended on --- July 20, 1999 (the longest judicial suspension in world history). Alfredo Benipayo signed Judge Floro's Memorandum of Suspension which contained the 13 administrative charges (the principal of which, is dwarf consultation in writing judgments). Justice Flerida Ruth Romero signed the cursed resolution, her last due to her retirement on July 30, 1999; but it was on Justice Pardo (44 Polk St. Greenhills 30 meters from ERAP's house) who became the ponente on August 1999. The main accusation is dwarf consultation and predicting the fall of ERAP on Good Friday 1998.


On the 1st anniversary of Floro's (July 20, 1999) Suspension (punishment)|suspension, the Malabon City Regional Trial Courts, Halls of Justice, Fiscals' offices and canteen were all burned ---- on July 22, 2000, except Floro's sala/court, Br. 73, which was fully preseved. Malabon fire.

UST Rector Fr. Rolando de La Rosa, O.P., wrote in the Manila Bulletin: "Benipayo had chronic cough that bothered him for years. At first the doctors thought the trouble was with his lungs. They found out later that it was his heart. He was suffering from CAD (coronary artery disease). His heart was clogged." ---- On February 21, 2001, Benipayo underwent angioplasty surgery 5 days after his appointment as Commission on Elections (Philippines) Chair.[page A2, Saturday, March 24, 2001, Philippine Daily Inquirer, and March 15, 2001 Manila Bulletin, Editorial]. Benipayo was never confirmed, since he was later appointed Solicitor General. On 2006, he resigned amid 7 JBC failed nominations (for Supreme Court Justice) since 2002. On July 20, 2002, 2003 and 2004, I predicted that Justice Benipayo etc. will die on February 2008 (the mathematical computation at that time of my spent suspension). I suffered 68.7 months suspension when I was disrobed on April 7, 2006. On February 21 2008 I had cursed the entire UST and Benipayo amid the attempts to block my account at cursed Wikipedia. At exactly 3 pm of Feb 22 2008, as I pleased, the prophecy came to pass with utter vengence, slow and painful death: for those who tasted the Ifugao pinic-pican, P 250 killing me softly chicken, you will know how Benipayo will pass his last days, before Dec 21, 2012, I prophecy this amid the MAYAN writings on the wall. ---- On February 22, 2008, 3 p.m., Benipayo (Dean of the faculty of civil law at the University of Santo Tomas) collapsed and was hospitalized in Iloilo City's Saint Paul's Hospital (while lecturing before the Integrated Bar of the Philippines). Massive Stroke of Justice Benipayo on Feb 22 2008 Benipayo's 1/2 body DEAD
11 Benipayo return still uncertain By DANIELLE CLARA P. DANDAN Vol. LXXX, No. 10 April 15, 2009 IT MIGHT take a long while before Civil Law Dean Alfredo Benipayo return to UST despite reports that he is now on the way to recovery, acting Dean Roberto Abad said. We cannot say when and if he could still resume office, Abad told the Varsitarian. Last February 22, Benipayo collapsed while giving a lecture before the Integrated Bar of the Philippines-Iloilo Chapter and was immediately rushed to St. Pauls Hospital. Benipayo was airlifted from Iloilo to Manila last month. He was admitted to St. Lukes Hospital in Quezon City and was eventually brought home to undergo therapy. While stressing the need for Benipayo to take a long-time rest, Abad however pointed out that the former solicitorgeneral is not leaving his post as Civil Law Dean. Dean Benipayo is fine and stable, except that he needs a lot of exercises before he fully recovers, Abad said. He is not yet contacting us personally and we likewise do not want to give him office stress. Temporarily taking the reins from Benipayo, Abad, an expert in Remedial Law, took office as the Facultys acting dean last February 27. I desire to reproduce hereunder 2 pages of my FILED Motion to Lift Suspension on December 7/Last First Friday, 2003

5th Christmas (Suspension) APPEAL

Respondent/complainant Judge FLORENTINO V. FLORO, JR. most respectfully states, that:


If God is for us, who can be against us? xxx Who will accuse Gods chosen people? xxx Who, then, will condemn them? [ROMANS 8: 31,33 & 34] SUPPLEMENTAL / CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM

[A Philosophical, Theological & Paranormal Thesis]

Vision of Pains --OMINOUS signs are afoot for JBC Member, Atty. TERESITA CRUZ-SISON/Loved Ones, Investigator

(Ret.) Justice P. A. RAMIREZ and Solicitor General A. L. BENIPAYO

VertigoGlaucomaCataractKidney troublesRenal failures / dialysis severe hypertension

advanced diabetes massive stroke clogging of main vessels... enlargement of the prostate carcinoma Metastasis IV of the organs cervical, ovarian and upper carcinoma nerve paralysis/disordergouts painful deathsincurable medical disorders leading to lingering illnesses terminal stages viral infections accidents which will be suffered by LOVED ones of the a) BRIBE-TAKERS in A. L. BENIPAYOs former/present offices and b) J. Benipayos co-conspirators in this suit[Vividly envisioned by undersigned on Good Friday, 2002]

1999 stroke in the OCAD metastasis IV, pancreas metastasis IV xxx abdominal pains of a private secretary leading to hospitalization severe gastritis/pains of a spouse of powerful officer death of a clerk in Malabon epilepsy of a daughter metastasis IV in xxx, inter alia. In the laconic message of REY LANGIT, Judge Floro, Jr.s legal and paranormal battle was suitably prophesied, to wit:

Sakit at kamalasan ang kanilang parusa sa kanilang mga

kaaway. xxx.

[Exhs. 39 & 44, VHS tape, KASANGGA MO ANG LANGIT,

August 30/Wednesday, 2000, RPN Ch. 9 replayed on May 16, 2001].

11:30 p.m.

Put differently, Judge Floro, Jr.s PSYCHIC message can be brusquely proclaimed, thusly: xxx. Malay mo balang araw, DUMATING din iyon! xxx. [PAGDATING NG PANAHON, by Ms. Aiza Seguera, multi-platinum awarded song].

Before I continue with this piece, I quote the prediction of prophet Isaiah (62: 1, 7 & 10): xxx. I will speak out to encourage Jerusalem; I will not be silent until she is saved, and her victory shines like a torch in the night. xxx. They must give him no rest until he restores Jerusalem. xxx. People of Jerusalem, go out of the city and build a road for your returning people! Prepare a highway; clear it of stones! xxx.

[Exodo 12: 24] LINKS:


I am Philippine Dwarf Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. I desire to share with all of you who are deeply concerned about the LIGHT of the LORD, Lux in Domino, my destiny: I had and will continuously ENDURE my sufferings since July 20, 1999 when Justice Alfredo L. Benipayo signed my 68.9 months preventive suspension, until I was separated from service, (under the MORAL FARCE and RULE OF LAW of Chief Justices Hilario G. Davide, Jr., Artemio Panganban, the Philippine Rule of Law of anger, hatred, bitterness, lust for money and wealth, vendetta, and greed) on April 7, 2006, Googled world famous/infamous, as jobless Judge in pretend world. The S.C. Resolution placing the final nail of my judicial coffin, was signed exactly on June 2, 2008, exactly 25 years when LUIS, Armand and Angel first appeared to my brother Robert V. Floro. On February 22, 2008, Justice Alfredo L. Benipayo suffered massive STROKE and stayed 3 days in the ICU's of St. Paul Hospital, Iloilo City and transferred to the St. Luke's Hospital's ICU, and until today he could not return as Dean of UST Law School, as the UST Varsitarian reported on March, 2009. Until my last breath, I will faithfully obey LUIS' mandate to recite the daily midnight IMPRECATION as I perpetually CURSE and put a STAIN in the bloods of my past, present and future detractors, enemies, nemesis and persecutors, Ateneo Law School classes '80 - '85, and others.

Biography of Judge Florentino Floro on Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia:

Judge Floro's 63 Philippine TV documentaries-Videos on YouTube Judge Floro' 12 Blogs on Blogger Judge Floro's 308, 326 & 115 photos on Photobucket, Friendster, and Flickr, respectively
14 Judge Floro's Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Friendster and other accounts accounts

Judge Floro's 404 pages 2006 Book - Pdf ISBN 9789716916195 - "World-famous Mystic Armand, LUIS and Angel, the Three Dwarves MEET THE JUDGE,Psychic and Healing Martyr or Filipino Justice". The Kingdom of LUIS, Armand and Angel at Osaka, Japan and Philippines (6-2 '82 to 5-10 '09):VIOLET lights From 1992 until May, 2009, I had faithfully recorded in my diary, my daily (midnights to the time before I would wake up) experiences regarding LUIS, Armand and Angel. I had uploaded some important parts of my second book (which I am still editing) and I desire to share it with you. I deeply understand that skeptics and agnostics or even atheists I do respect, would find the writing weird and quirky, if not tales, fictions, fantasy and Harry Potter-like novels. I leave it to your discretion to comprehend the deepest secrets of the entire universe with the VIOLET lights I was enveloped with. 89 & 76 Pages - The Kingdom of LUIS, Armand and Angel in Osaka, Japan and Philippines, June 2, 1983 to May, 2009: Quarter of a Century Violet Lights 5 pages Introduction to LUIS, Armand and Angel

26 pages University of the Philippines Anthropology Thesis on LUIS, Armand and Angel

RELIEF IN THE LIGHT OF THE FOREGOING, it is respectfully prayed that the instant Verified Petition-Opposition-in-Intervention / Letter-Affidavit - with Motions For LEAVE To Allow Payment of Docket Fees (Duly Reserved), To
Intervene in this Case, For Consolidation and For Immediate Docketing / Resolution

- be duly Noted, given Due Course and Granted.

Other relief and remedies are likewise prayed for.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I signed this pleading this First Friday, 5th day of June, 2007, at Malolos City, BULACAN.

[I.D. Number: RTCJ-317 / EDP Number: 38676300; ROLL OF ATTORNEYS NO. 32800, Pg. No. 60, Book No. XIV+)

Judge FLORENTINO V. FLORO, JR., Intervenor, 123 Dahlia, Alido, Malolos, 3000 BULACAN,

NOTICE & REQUEST TO: Atty. Ma. Luisa D. Villarama, Clerk of Court, En Banc, SUPREME COURT, MANILA c/o Atty. FELIPA ANAMA & Atty. LANI PAPA, Please DOCKET and AGENDUM the foregoing pleading for the deliberation and Resolution of the Honorable Court, immediately upon receipt hereof.



I, Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr., under oath, depose/say, that: I am the intervenor in this case. I caused the preparation, signed and read the initial pleading duly filed in this case, and all the contents/allegations thereof are true and correct of my own personal knowledge or based on authentic records.


I certify that: I have not theretofore commenced any action or filed any claim involving the same issues in any court, tribunal or quasi-judicial agency, and to the best of our knowledge, no such other action or claim is pending therein,, and if there is such other pending action or claim, a complete statement of the present status thereof will be made, but there is none; if I should thereafter learn that the same or similar action or claim has been filed or is pending, I shall report that fact within 5 days there from to the court wherein the aforesaid complaint or initiatory pleading has been filed. I CERTIFY that on June 5, 2009 I served copies of this pleading with all annexes in this case In Re: Atty. Oliver Lozano et al. vs. H.P Prospero Nograles G.R. No. 187883, upon respondent Prospero Nograles and petitioners Lozanos, via registered mail with return card at their offices / address as hereunder indicated, in accordance with Secs. 3, 5, 7, 13 and 12 of Rule 13, Rules of Court, by depositing said copies at the Malolos Post Office, as evidenced by reg. receipt hereto attached, hereunder, and indicated after the name of the addressee, and with instructions to the postmaster to return the mails to the sender after 10 days if undelivered.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, on this 5th day of June, 2009, hereat Malolos City, Bulacan, affiant exhibited to me his CTC NO. CC12005 # 21783592, issued at Malolos, Bulacan, on 2-27, 2009.

DOC. NO. _____, PAGE NO. ____. FAJARDO BOOK NO. , SERIES OF 2009. ,

BERNAR D. Notary Public, Until PTR NO. Atty.s Roll

No. 33633, IBP OR # Malolos, Bulacan.

COPY FURNISHED: Atty. Oliver Lozano and Evangeline Lozano-Endriano, No. 8 Everlasting St., Roxas District, Quezon City, Metro Manila Petitioners, and House Speaker Prospero Nograles, Batasang Pambansa, Constitution Hill, Quezon City, Metro Manila Respondent.


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