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The Arab people were invited by Muhammad to accept Islam. Some responded
favorably, but most of them rejected Islam. They also turned against him. In 622 A.D.
Muhammad migrated to Medina. It was in the 12th year of his prophet hood. In Medina he
was accepted as a leader of an Islamic state. There he established the foundations of the
relation among Moslem people and between Moslem and non-Moslem people in general.

The Islamic calendar begins from the time of migration. Migration in Arabic is
"Hijrah". In Mecca he tried to establish belief in One God among Arabic people. In Medina
he tried to establish a social life among many different people. Muhammad continued to
preach Islam in Medina. He worked with unmatched patience and great wisdom.

A short time after his death the message of Islam spread to most parts of the world.
Islam contributes to world history. It also contributes to civilization and scientific
development. Today, about 1,000 million Muslims all over the world accept Islam.

Answer the following questions!

1. Who invited the Arab people to accept Islam?

2. Did all of the people reject Islam?
3. When did Muhammad migrate to Medina?
4. What did he do in Medina?
5. What was he in Medina?
6. What did Muhammad do in Mecca?
7. How did Muhammad work in preaching Islam in Medina?
8. Did Islam spread to all over the world after Muhammad’s death?
9. What are the contributions of Islam to the world?
10. How large is the Moslems population today?

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